City Council Minutes 01-14-1985MINUTES
January 14, 1985 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair,
Jack Maxwell, Dan Blonigen.
1. Call to Order.
2. Oath of Office for Newly Elected Officials.
City Administrator, Tom Eidem, issued the oath of office to
the newly elected officials, Council members William Fair and
Dan Blonigen, along with the Mayor, Arve Grimsmo.
3. Approval of Minutes.
Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Maxwell, to approve
the minutes of the regular meeting held December 10, 1984, and
the special meeting held December 27, 1984, as presented. Voting
in favor was Blonigen, Grimsmo, Bill Fair, with Maxwell and
Fran Fair abstaining due to absence at the special meeting.
5. Public Hearing - Petition for Vacation of 6th Street - Applicant,
Construction 5, Inc.
In November, 1984, Construction 5, Inc., petitioned the Council
to.consider vacating 6th Street lying adjacent to Block 41 in
Lower Monticello to facilitate the development of the property
for future apartment buildings. In light of the request, the
City recommended that the developer consider replatting all
of their property in Lower Monticello to create new lots; and
the City could then consider vacating not only 6th Street adjacent
to Block 41, but also other dead end portions of undeveloped
Washington and Hennepin Streets in the same vicinity.
A preliminary sketch plan was presented after a meeting was
held with the developer, along with the City Planner and City
Engineer, that shows an extension of Lauring Lane that ties
in with Copeland Road near the Malone property. The Malones
have indicated they would be willing to sell to the City a portion
of their property that would enable the Lauring Lane road to
extend through for future development into Maurice Hoglund's
property and eventually connect to County Road 118.
Based on the preliminary sketch, the City would be vacating
approximately 106,447 square feet of platted road area to
Construction 5, Inc., while Construction 5 would be dedicating
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approximately 84,000 square feet of new road area. Although
the exact figures have not been yet worked out, there would
be a difference in square footage given up versus new street
area dedicated, which would be determined at a later date as
to whether any compensation would be required from the developer
for the additional land he is acquiring.
Hearing no public comments regarding the vacation of the above
streets, Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Blonigen,
and unanimously carried to give preliminary approval to the
concept of replatting and directing the developer to proceed
with his preliminary plat as proposed with the final compensation
(if any) to be determined during the final platting process.
6. Variance Request Appeal - Applicant, Security Federal Savings
& Loan Association.
Security Federal has requested that this item be delayed to
a later date; and by consensus of the Council, this item was
tabled for the present time.
7. Opening and Review of Bids and Consideration of a Resolution
Awarding the Sale of $860,000.00 General Obligation Improvement
Bonds for Fire Hall Construction.
Mr. Ron Langness of Springsted, Inc., the City's Bonding Consultant,
was present at the Council meeting with six bids received on
the sale of $860,000.00 G.O. Bonds. The bids received were
as follows:
Net Interest Net Interest
Syndicate Head Dollar Dost Rate
Juran Moody $6382677.50 9.0721 %
Allison Williams Co. $616,075.00 8.7510 %
1st Minneapolis $619,385.00 8.7980 %
Norwest $618,487.50 8.7853 %
Cronin - Marcotte $615,470.00 8.7424 %
Merrill Lynch $610,295.00 8.6689 %
It was recommended by Mr. Langness that the low bid from Merrill
Lynch at a net interest rate of 8.6689 be accepted.
Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously
carried to adopt the resolution awarding the sale of $860,000.00
in General Obligation Bonds to Merrill Lynch, Inc., at a net
interest rate of 8.6689. See Resolution 1985 #1.
8. Consideration of Change Order No. 2 for Project 84-1, County
State Aid Highway #75.
The initial contract with Buffalo Bituminous for repaving County
Road 75 called for a completion date of October 15, 1984.
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Since it was apparent that the work would not be completed by
this date, a stop order was issued to the contractor delaying
paving of Broadway until spring of 1985.
In order to amend the contract, a Change Order was prepared
that provides for a completion date of June 15, 1985.
Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Bill Fair, and unanimously
carried to approve Change Order No. 2 with Buffalo Bituminous,
Inc., on the 1984-1 Improvement Project.
9. Consideration of a Conditional Use Request to Allow an Apartment
Building to be Built in Excess of 12 Units - Applicant, Joseph G.
Poehler & Associates.
On December 10, 1984, the City Council unanimously adopted a
motion granting preliminary approval for a proposed 24 -unit
apartment house complex which would be financed by the Farmers
Home Administration and would be available for families with
low and moderate incomes. The proposed location discussed at
that time was property owned by Marvin George near Country Club
Manor. At the January 8, 1985, Planning Commission meeting,
the specific request for a conditional use to allow more than
12 units was presented by the developer, Joe Poehler. Several
property owners in the Country Club Manor Addition expressed
opposition to the proposal; and as a result, the Planning Commission
recommended denial of the conditional use permit and passed
it on to the Council.
Prior to the Council meeting, the developer, Mr. Poehler, requested
that his conditional use request be tabled until a future date
to allow the owner of the property, Marvin George, to prepare
his preliminary plat for replatting the Outlot A of Country
Club Manor. After the platting is presented to the Planning
Commission for review, Mr. Poehler would then like to present
his proposal after an exact lot is determined. It was the consensus
of the Council that this conditional use request, along with
the preliminary replatting, should again be brought before the
Planning Commission for additional public hearings.
A brief discussion was held by the Council concerning this matter
in regards to conditional use requests in general. It was discussed
that conditional uses are normally considered permitted uses
within a zoning district, but conditions can be attached that
may lessen the impact of a development with the surrounding
areas. Normally, if a developer meets all of the conditions
that are reasonable, a conditional use permit has to be granted
if the proper zoning has been met, etc.
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10. Consideration of Conditional Use Request to Allow an Addition
to be Built onto a Non -Conforming Building in a B-3 Zone - Applicant,
Danner Trucking.
Mr. Bob Danner of Danner Trucking applied for a conditional
use permit to build an addition to his present building along
Highway 25 South. The addition was intended to be used to provide
storage for items that were currently stored in his present
building, thus freeing up space so that he could house his tractor
trailers inside. It was noted by the Building Inspector that
Mr. Danner started construction of the leanto addition without
a building permit or without a conditional use permit. It was
also noted that since his current business is a non -conforming
use in a B-3 Zone, alterations which enlarge this non -conforming
use are not technically allowed under our current zoning ordinance.
It was pointed out that one of the advantages of allowing this
leanto storage addition would be that Mr. Danner could possibly
clean up his property and eliminate items that are currently
stored in the open.
After further discussion, motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded
by Blonigen, and unanimously carried to grant the conditional
use permit for the addition contingent upon Mr. Danner agree
to clean up his property and remove all miscellaneous items
stored outside other than trailers for his trucking business.
If Mr. Danner was not agreeable to this compromise, the item
would again be considered by the Council for possibly legal
action to stop the building addition.
11. Consideration of Making Annual Appointments.
Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously
carried to adopt the following schedule of annual appointments
as follows:
Official Depositories: Wright County State Bank
1st National Bank of Monticello
Security Federal Savings & Loan
1st Bank of Minneapolis
Official Newspaper: Monticello Times
Planning Commission: Jim Ridgeway
Ed Schaffer
Richard Carlson
Joyce Dowling
Richard Martie
HRA: Ken Maus (to fill remainder of
Cochran's term)
Bud Schrupp
Library Board:
Parking Committee:
Other Jurisdictions:
Acting Mayor:
Consulting Planner:
Health Officer:
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Joel Erickson
Warren Smith
Dennis Seitz
Marn Flicker
Bud Schrupp
Community Education - Bill Fair
Fire Board - Rick Wolfsteller
OAA - Arve Grimsmo
Fran Fair
Howard Dahlgren & Associates
Gruys Johnson & Associates
Dr. Maus
12. Consideration of Renewing the Contract for Services with OSM.
Mr. John Badalich, of the City's Consulting Engineering Firm
of OSM, submitted to the Council the proposed adjustments their
firm plans to make to the annual contract for engineering services
with the City. The only change being proposed is in the hourly
rates for general engineering services. The schedule of changes
results in an approximate increase of 5% over 1984's schedule.
Councilman Blonigen felt that in the past too many change orders
have occurred on projects engineered by OSM and felt that this
related to the services being provided by the engineer. Mr.
Badalich, of OSM, explained that change orders are a natural
part of contracting and such items will always occur.
After further discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded
by Maxwell, to approve renewing the contract with OSM for engineering
services for the City of Monticello for 1985. Voting in favor
was Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Jack Maxwell, Arve Grimsmo. Voting
in the opposition: Dan Blonigen.
13. Consideration of Maintenance Agreement with Wright County for
County State Aid Highways in Monticello.
For many years now, the City of Monticello has each year entered
into an agreement with Wright County to maintain certain County
State Aid Highways within the City limits. The County reimburses
the City each year an amount based on the types of maintenance
the City does and based on the number of road miles calculated
by the County's actual cost per mile for the previous year.
Total County State Aid Highways within the City limits that
are maintained by Monticello is 4.759 miles. The amount of
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revenue received for this maintenance is approximately $4,000.00 -
$5,000.00 annually.
Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously
carried to approve entering into a maintenance agreement with
Wright County for County State Aid Highways for 1985 as presented.
14. Consideration of Supporting the School's Request of Wright County
for Traffic Control at the High School.
Monticello School Board recently passed a resolution requesting
that Wright County make three changes in the speed limits and
signing along County Road 75 in front of the High School. In
addition, they requested that the County install an overhead,
double blinking amber light east of the Junior High School parking
lot. The School District has requested City support in their
efforts to make these changes and requested a letter from the
City approving their request.
Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Bill Fair, and unanimously
carried to offer a letter of support for the School District's
request to Wright County for traffic sign changes, but noting
that the City does not endorse any specific sign layout and
design but would rather leave this up to traffic professionals
for proper design.
15. Consideration of 1985 Sewer Rate Increase.
Public Works Director, John Simola, reviewed with the Council
the proposed budget for 1985 for operating the WWTP. Mr. Simola
noted that the City will need to raise $255,250.00 for the operation
and maintenance of the WWTP, with $234,800.00 needed from revenue
of users. To arrive at this figure, Mr. Simola recommended
a 3.2% increase in the sewer rates be adopted. This recommended
rate increase would result in the residential users' rate going
from $1.25 per hundred cubic feet to $1.29 per hundred cubic feet.
Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously
carried to adopt the following rate schedule for sanitary sewer
usage effective January 1, 1985, as follows:
Combined Rate
Com.) & Inst.)
$0.688/100 cu.ft. ($8 minimum billing for
1st 500 cu.ft.)
$1.29/100 cu.ft.
($8 minimum billing for
1st 500 cu.ft.)
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16. Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Agreement
with Control Data Corporation and Other Minnesota Coalition
of Outstate Cities on a Joint Comparable Worth Study.
As required by recently passed legislation, the City of Monticello
will have to implement and establish an equitable compensation
system for all its employees. In order for the City to comply
with the new State Statutes, the City must perform in-depth
evaluations of every position within the City and must submit
a report to the Commissioner of Employee Relations by October 1,
1985. Basically, this means that the City must establish a
numerical rating system that reflects on every task that an
employee performs under the general guideline of their job description.
Positions with similar total points by State Law should be receiving
similar compensation within the City.
The Coalition of Outstate Cities Organization, along with the
Metropolitan Area Managers Association, felt that it would be
more cost effective to engage an outside consultant to work
with the group to prepare evaluations since so many city positions
are similar from community to community. These groups have
selected as their consultant the Control Data Corporation Business
Advisors to perform the individual job evaluations. The cost
to the City of Monticello would be a $3,000.00 base fee plus
$25.00 per employee, resulting in approximately a $3,625.00
to the City. In light of the fact that the Comparable Worth
Legislation is highly technical and extremely delicate with
respect to avoiding potential litigation, it was recommended
that the City join in with Control Data Corporation to perform
these evaluations.
Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Fran Fair, and unanimously
carried to adopt a resolution authorizing execution of an agreement
with Control Data Corporation on a joint comparable worth study.
See Resolution 1985 #2.
17. Consideration of Bills for the Month of December.
Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously
carried to approve the bills for the month of December and January,
1985, as presented.
Rick Wolfstell
Assistant Administrator