City Council Minutes 04-22-1985MINUTES
April 22, 1985 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair,
Jack Maxwell, Dan Blonigen.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of Minutes.
Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously
carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held April 8,
3. Citizens Comments/Petitions, Requests and Complaints.
Les Harstad of 106 East 3rd Street complained to the Council
that he has frequently had problems with air being in the water
line to his home. In addition, the burst of air that occurs
when he turns on his faucets results in dirty water from iron
deposits, etc., being stirred up in the water lines.
Mr. Gary Schaben, representing the Monticello Baseball Association,
requested that the Council consider adding a baseball field
to the planned softball complex on the NSP property.
The Council noted that both of these items in regards to the
water study being presented by the City Consulting Engineer
and a possible grant for softball field construction will be
discussed later, and these items will be taken up at that time.
4. Public Hearing - Plaza Partners Subdivision.
5. Consideration of Granting Final Approval to Plaza Partners Subdivision.
Mr. Jim Powers appeared before the Council seeking approval
of a replatting of the I-94 Plaza that was formally granted
approval as a Planned Unit Development in December, 1984. The
PUD originally proposed the construction of a health club, motel,
and restaurant in addition to the existing Wendy's franchise.
Mr. Powers now planned to locate the health club further south
within the PUD, and the plans for the restaurant and motel have
been eliminated. As a result, Mr. Powers proposed to redesign
Outlot D into additional standard lots as a normal subdivision.
The park dedication fee for this subdivision has been requested
to be deferred for a period of one year or until the next building
permit is issued, at which time it would be payable in full.
Council Minutes - 4/22/85
Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Fran Fair, and unanimously
carried to approve the final Plaza Partners Subdivision as revised
and to defer the park dedication fee payment for a period of
one year or until the next building permit is issued, whichever
comes first.
6. Consideration of Adopting a Resolution of Approving Plans and
Specifications for Fire Hall Construction and Authorizing Advertisement
for Bids.
Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Fran Fair, and unanimously
carried to adopt Resolution 1985 #8 approving plans and specifications
for construction of Fire Hall and ordering advertisement for
bids receivable May 16 at 3:00 P.M.
7. Consideration of Authorizing the Acquisition of Ancillary Equipment
for the Fire Department Van.
Mr. Doug Pitt, representing the Fire Department, presented a
list of equipment items they would like to purchase for the
new used step van recently purchased from the City of North
Branch. In addition, estimates were presented for painting
the truck to match the existing fire trucks along with relettering,
etc. In addition to the paint job, such items as a 2 -way radio,
lights, sirens, portable generators, and additional air tanks,
etc., were estimated to cost approximately $8,000.00.
Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Fran Fair, and unanimously
carried to approve the acquisition of the additional equipment
requested not to exceed $8,000.00 as listed.
8. Consideration of Granting a Conditional Use Request to Allow
a Self Service Gas Station and a Convenience Store in a B-3
(Highway -Business) Zone - Applicant, Curt Hoglund.
Curt and Anna Mae Hoglund presented a proposal to build a convenience
store and self service gas center on the corner of County Road 39
and County Road 75. The plan as presented met all conditions
of the City Ordinance except for a request by the Hoglunds to
eliminate a small portion of curbing on the west side of the
property near the driveway entrance off of County Road 75.
The reason for the request was to provide access to the abutting
lot in the future from one common driveway.
Public Works Director, John Simola, noted that the Wright County
Highway Engineer reviewed the plan and had concerns with the
proposed curbing being located 5 feet from the property line
along County Road 39, as the County is considering upgrading
County Road 39 within the next few years and may require additional
right of way. If the County should need an additional 13 feet
of right of way, the existing curbing, if placed at 5 feet from
the property line, would be required to be moved, as it would
be in the property acquired by the County.
Council Agenda - 4/22/85
Anna Mae Hoglund noted that the County recently approved their
site plan and made no mention of the possibility of acquiring
additional right of way from them. It was noted that the County
doesn't have jurisdiction over the City's Ordinances at the
present time, but the City would try to work with the County
and the developer on this problem. A suggestion was made that
possibly the City should require the curbing to be placed 12
feet from the property line along County Road 39 rather than
the required 5 feet so that if the County did acquire the additional
right of way, the curbing would then end up exactly on the property
line and would not have to be moved.
Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Blonigen, to approve
the conditional use request for convenience store and gas station
with the condition that the curbing be located 12 feet from
the existing property line on the east side of the property
to allow for possible acquisition of additional right of way
by the County. After additional discussion on the motion, all
members voted in opposition.
A new motion was then made by Bill Fair, seconded by Fran Fair,
and unanimously carried to grant the conditional use request
and to defer the installation of the curbing along County Road 39
until occupancy of the building to allow Wright County Highway
Department and the property owner time to iron out whether County
Road 39 will actually need extra right of way. This would allow
the developer time to establish whether the setback should be
at the City's required 5 feet or whether the setback will have
to be 12 feet should the County need additional right of way.
9. Consideration of Granting Final Approval of a Replat of Existing
Lots in an R-3 (Residential/Multi-Family) Zone - Applicant,
Daryl and Donald Heikes.
Daryl and Donald Heikes recently purchased all of the remaining
undeveloped lots and blocks in the Macarlund Plaza Townhouse
Addition. They requested to replat all of Blocks 3, 4, 5, and
6, consisting of 30 individual lots for garages into three new
blocks consisting of 35 detached garage unit lots. The main
purpose of the replatting is to align the garage units with
the proposed townhouse units.
The Council also discussed whether some sort of landscaping
should be required behind the garages to shield the structures
from County Road 75. The developers indicated no problem with
installing shrubbery to provide a screening of the garage units
from the abutting roads.
Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously
carried to approve the replatting of Blocks 3-6 resulting in
a total of 29 garage lots.
Council Minutes - 4/22/85
10. Consideration of an Appeal to Overturn a Planning Commission
Decision Denying a Request for a Variance to Allow a Garage
to be Built Within the Front Setback Requirements - Applicant,
Doug Stokes.
Mr. Doug Stokes originally applied for and was denied a variance
to allow for the construction of a garage building within 10 feet
of the front yard property line along East County Road 39.
In addition to the 10 -foot setback requested, Mr. Stokes proposed
to build a garage in excess of the 1000 sq. ft. limit set by
City Ordinances. Also, City Ordinances do not allow for accessory
buildings to be located in the front yard of any property.
Mr. Doug Stokes noted that in August of 1982, he had received
approval of a similar variance request allowing the garage to
be built within 10 feet of the front yard property line, but
this approval was no longer valid since it wasn't built within
the one year requirement. In addition, he noted that the City
has approved other accessory buildings over 1000 sq. ft. in
other residential zoned property, and also other garages were
allowed to be built closer than 10 feet to the property line,
even on the lot line. He noted that in his opinion, since his
property is on the Mississippi River, he considers the area
abutting County Road 39 as his back yard and not the front yard
as the City noted.
After further discussion of the actual variances required, a
motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Bill Fair, and unanimously
carried to support the Planning Commission's denial of the variances.
It was noted that if Mr. Stokes wished to revise his request
and alter his proposals, he would have to reapply to the Planning
11. Presentation by OSM of Water Study and Upgrading Well #1.
The Consulting City Engineers recently prepared a preliminary
water system analysis for the Council's review. Mr. Chuck Lepak
of OSM reviewed with the Council some of the existing fire flow
conditions throughout the City and noted that fire flows in
the downtown area and the west end of the City are presently
adequate, but the industrial park area south of I-94 and residential
areas on the east end of the City are lacking in water pressure
and gallons of flow. Mr. Lepak noted that by installing some
12 -inch water main along Cedar Street from the existing 2 wells
to connect to a 12 -inch water main that goes to the reservoir
in the industrial park, and with the construction of a new elevated
tank either in the industrial park area or on Monte Club Hill
would provide adequate pressure and fire flow demands for the
industrial park and the east end of the City. An elevated tank
on the Monte Club Hill may even provide too much pressure for
some areas of the City, but they didn't feel that would be a
problem in that pressure relief valves could be installed in
Council Minutes - 4/22/85
certain individual homes or on certain main lines throughout
the City to reduce pressure where needed.
The Consulting Engineer recommended that an above -ground storage
tank be considered on Monte Club Hill which would require acquiring
land outside of the City limits and the necessary easements
to get the water to this site. This alternative would be cheaper
than constructing an elevated tank in the industrial park at
a lower elevation. It was noted that along with an elevated
tank, the City should consider constructing a new well near
the present water reservoir in the industrial park and make
some modifications to the existing wells to provide for more
pumping capacity.
The total estimated construction cost of a new well and pump
house in the industrial park along with a half -million gallon
above -ground storage tank on Monte Hill with trunk water main
improvements was estimated at approximately $1 million. In
addition to this cost, approximately $25,000.00-$30,000.00 would
have to be spent on pump improvements at the existing wells
to make them compatible within the new system.
Public Works Director, John Simola, noted that he has had discussions
with Bruce Gagnelius, owner of the Monte Club property, who
seems receptive to the idea of the City placing its storage
tank on his property.
After further discussion on the water study recommendations,
motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously
carried to authorize the City staff to proceed with negotiations
for acquiring land and necessary easements at the Monte Hill
site and to investigate the possible annexation of this land
into the City since it is now requiring City improvements.
The City Engineer will be presenting a final water study report
to the Council in the near future incorporating the ideas of
the staff and Council.
12. Confirmation of Closing Details for the Acquisition of the North
Half of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 50.
On March 25, 1985, the City Council authorized the City Attorney
to perform a title search and pending clear title opinion, authorize
the staff to make an offer for the acquisition of the north
half of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 50, for the sum of $45,000.00
consisting of $30,000.00 acquisition price and $15,000.00 relocation
price. City Attorney, Gary Pringle, has recently reviewed the
abstract on the property and has provided a clear title opinion
on the land. A purchase agreement had been prepared in the
amount of $45,000.00 and accepted by the property owners, Lorrel
and Ruby Hass.
Council Minutes - 4/22/85
The property in question currently lies within a Tax Increment
Financing District established by the City for rehabilitation
purposes, and the Monticello HRA will be assisting the City
in actively marketing for redevelopment.
Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously
carried to reconfirm the offer of $45,000.00 to purchase the
north half of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 50.
13. Consideration of Award of Bid on Project 85-1 Interceptor Sewer.
On Wednesday, April 17, 1985, the City received two bids for
Project 85-1 consisting of installation of interceptor sewer
line under Highway 25. The bids received were from LaTour Construction
of Maple Lake in the amount of $65,813.00, and from ACG, Inc.,
of St. Paul, Minnesota, in the amount of $92,960.00.
It was noted by the Public Works Director that although the
low bid was approximately $15,000.00 higher than estimated,
it didn't appear that the City would receive a lower bid in
the future by rebidding the project with other work that may
be needed and as a result recommended the low bid be accepted.
Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Fran Fair, and unanimously
carried to award Project 85-1 to the low bidder, LaTour Construction
of Maple Lake, in the amount of $65,813.00.
14. Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Submittal of a
Preliminary Application for Legislative Commission on Minnesota's
Resources Grant Funds.
Recently, the City received notice that the State of Minnesota
has initiated a new grant program exclusively for the development
of athletic fields, including softball fields. The grant formula
is a 50/50 matching program whereby the City contributes 50%
of the development cost and 50% from a state grant up to $40,000.00
in grant funds.
Since the City Council had recently approved upgrading the existing
two ballfields on the NSP property and building a third field,
it was the staff's recommendation that the City Council authorize
submitting an application for matching grant funds to help defray
the cost of the proposed improvements. In the process of reviewing
the entire proposed project, the staff came across a new site
that would accommodate a full four field development, including
parking and amenities. Likewise, the site would not require
well work and would not require the removal of a large number
of trees. The site in question is the old Dick Brooks farm
just adjacent to the NSP Training Center owned by NSP. NSP
has indicated a willingness to lease the required 15 acres of
this property for the development of an entire new complex consisting
of the four ballfields.
Council Minutes - 4/22/85
It was recommended by the City staff that even without state
grant funds, the Council should consider relocating to this
new site and eventually abandon the present softball fields
near Montissippi Park.
In regards to the Baseball Association's request for a baseball
field, the Council directed the staff to consider designing
one of the four proposed new ballfields to accommodate baseball
After further discussion, motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded
by Fran Fair, and unanimously carried to authorize the City
Administrator to submit a grant application for Lawcon/LCMR
Athletic Field Facility Grant in the amount of $40,000.00, this
being half of the estimated construction cost of $80,000.00.
See Resolution 1985 V.
15. Consideration of Granting a Seasonal 3.2 Beer License to the
Monticello Softball Association.
The Softball Association has again requested a 3.2 Beer License
to sell at the softball fields. Motion was made by Fran Fair,
seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to approve the
issuance of a seasonal 3.2 Beer License contingent upon receipt
of all necessary documents, fees, and insurance requirements.
16. Consideration of Ratifying Election Returns of Monticello Volunteer
Fire Department Re-electing Willard Farnick as Fire Chief.
Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Fran Fair, and unanimously
carried to ratify the election of the Monticello Volunteer Fire
Department reappointing Mr. Willard Farnick as Fire Chief.
17. Consideration of Approving the Bills for the Month of April.
Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Bill Fair, and unanimously
carried to approve the bills for the month of April as presented.
Rick Wolfstel r
Assistant Administrator