City Council Minutes 07-22-1985MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MINTICELLO CITY COUNCIL July 22, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve A. Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Dan Blonigen. Members Absent: Jack Maxwell 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Bill Fair, secconded by Blonigen, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the special meeting held July 8 and the regular meeting held July 8, 1985. 4. Consideration of a Proposal to do an Annexation Study. After a recent joint meeting of City Officials along with the township or Chairman and County Zoning Administrator to discuss the future of the Orderly Annexation area, City requested its consulting planning firm to present a proposal on the cost and requirements to prepare a study and review of the Orderly Annexation area as to whether the City should in the future pursue annexation of a portion or all of this area. The Council briefly reviewed a proposal submitted by Dahlgren, Shardlow, and Uban, Inc. which outlined 13 points that they felt the City should review in order to successfully analyze the pros and cons of annexation. The planners felt that these 13 areas will be required by the Minnesota Municipal Board if annexation issues are ever brought before them. The initial estimated cost of the planner and consulting engineer to prepare a report on orderly annexation was estimated at between $22-26,000.00 for the planner and $20-23,000.00 for the engineering services. Additional expenses above these estimates would be incurred to publish copies of the report and for attendance at meetings that would be required as part of the study. It was the general consensus of the Council to have a special meeting on Monday, July 29, at 6:30 P.M. to review with the City Planner and City Engineer the proposal submitted and to review the 13 items listed in the proposal before actually authorizing the study to be commenced. 50 Council Minutes - July 22, 1985 5. Development Plan for a Planned Unit Development - John Kornovich Mr. Lionel Kull and Mr. Steve Upgren, partners in the proposed PUD development to be called Westcello apartments presented to the Council their development stage and final stage of their planned unit development consisting of four, twelve unit apartment buildings to be located on West County Road 39. The City Staff along with the Planning Commission have been reviewing this proposal for a number of months and the developers have made changes as required and recommended by the City Staff. City Engineer, John Badalich, noted two concerns in regards to the final plat that he recommended be initiated prior to final recording. First item suggested was that the easement shown on the plat for a portion of County Road 39 be dedicated as a public street to clear up the actual property line descriptions. In addition, Mr. Badalich noted that there was a conflict in surveys of this parcel which abuts property owned by the City of Monticello Maintenance Garage and Northern States Power's facility. Due to an adjustment made by the County Surveyor a few years ago where a section line starting point was relocated, there becomes a small sliver of land on the East side of their property approximately 13 ft. wide at the North end and 4 ft. wide at the South end which overlaps a survey the City had on its property in 1978. It was recommended by the Engineer that the small sliver of land noted, be deeded over to the City as part of a platting process to eliminate the discrepancy and the City in turn would deed over a portion of this sliver to Northern States Power Company. The developers were aware of the discrepancy and agreed to amend their final plat to initiate the corrections noted. The motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Fran Fair, and asked to be carried approve the development stage of the Planned Unit Development as presented contingent upon the two corrections being made regarding County Road 39 dedication and through deeding of the small sliver of land on the East end to the City of Monticello. 6. Consideration of Furnace Replacement at the Monticello Library. During the past several winters, the new Public Library has numerous problems with its air to air heat pump system which have failed to operate at very low temperatures. It has been recommended by the Public Works Director and the Building Inspector that a new gas furnace be installed to supplement the existing air to air heat pump systems at an estimated cost of approximately $4,000.00. The present system will continue to be used for cooling but the high maintenance and operating deficiencies in the winter make the air to air system impractical for heating purposes. -2- Council Minutes - July 22, 1985 Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Fran Fair and asked to be carried to authorize the City Staff to obtain quotes from at least two suppliers and installers of gas furnaces and to make a changeover in the furnace system not to exceed $4,000.00. 7. Consideration of Approving Cable Communications Budget. Recently the SWC4 Cable Communications Commission approved its 1986 operating budget of $37,250.00. The budget is financed from initial contributions of the Cities involved in the commission and the three percent franchise fees that will be received from Wright Cable. The joint powers agreement for the commission requires each City to approve the budget annually. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Fran Fair and asked to be carried to approve the 1986 budget for the Sherburne/Wright County Cable Commission as submitted. 8. Consideration of Bills for the Month of July. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Blonigen and asked to be carried to approve the bills for the month of July as presented. 9. Adjourn. � , T Rick Wolfste ler Assistant Administrator 1XIM