City Council Minutes 02-25-2019 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, February 25, 2019 — 5 p.m.
Academy Room
City Hall - Monticello Community Center
Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart
Absent: Bill Fair
Others: City staff Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Jim
Thares, Matt Leonard
Other: Wright County Commissioner Darek Vetsch
1. Call to Order
Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m.
2. 5 p.m. Ellison House Update
Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator, gave a brief overview on the Ellison house located at
707 West Broadway and the Request For Proposal (RFP) process and requirements. Ten
parties walked through the house, most stating that the home had challenges. Two offers
were received, one for $20,000 and one for $500. In staff's opinion the city should
receive at least the value of the land. The property consists of two city lots and one
service line.
Mr. O'Neill stated options for the site which include selling as is or demolishing the
house and selling the lots. Discussion ensued among City Council which included options
of gaining the maximum amount of revenue possible. Lot prices, lot size, the historical
character of the home, and cost of demolition were all debated. There was a concern that
the existing home won't be brought to the standard that the city sets and it may be a better
option to sell the lots for something new.
Bob Crane addressed the City Council and stated the house should be saved and brought
back to its original character. In his opinion the home will need $100,000 - $110,000
worth of work at a minimum. The concern in the RFP was the stipulation of living in the
home for five years.
Emma and Patrick Gordon commented on the house and feel that it is an asset to the city.
They would be willing to submit a plan.
Mayor Stumpf is not in favor of selling on the open market as he feels it is too risky.
Councilmember Hilgart agreed. The City Council discussed once again conducting a RFP
process. The RFP will include setting a minimum price, taking out the five year
requirement, and setting the standard that the home to be completed by 12-31-2020.
Mayor Stumpf expressed that the sale is not about the money but about recouping city
costs and reinvesting in the community or memorial to Ellison Family.
Councilmember Gabler moved approval of releasing the RFP with changes noted
above and a minimum price set at $30,000 and submittal of a plan. Mayor Stumpf
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
City Council Special Meeting Minutes — February 25, 2019
3. 5:30 p.m. Highway 25 Coalition Discussion
Jeff O'Neill introduced a resolution for adoption by the City Council supporting the
economic development analysis of TH 25 transportation improvements connecting I-94
to US 10.
Mr. O'Neill provided a history of the city's growth and transportation issues and how the
Highway 25 Coalition was established. He then presented the current issue and
disagreement among the group around options for a future river crossing. Monticello and
Wright County expressed opposition to Option E moving forward because it would be
detrimental to Monticello, however any of the other options were viable. A letter from
Sherburne County, City of Big Lake, City of Becker, Becker Township, and Big Lake
Township was distributed to the City Council. The letter spoke of the importance of the
Highway 25 Coalition for transportation purposes and development potential. Given the
development potential, Monticello would like the coalition to agree to a complementary
study that looks at the broader impact that includes economic development opportunities
of all options, including Option E.
Council and staff discussed the issues facing Monticello including local and regional
transportation, development, and infrastructure. A development study would provide
additional data that will guide the decision making process of all communities within the
Highway 25 Coalition. Commissioner Vetsch stated that it is important to look at
development on both sides of the river.
Mayor Stumpf asked about the cost of the study. Mr. O'Neill responded the cost is
unknown until a final scope is determined, however, the Coalition has adequate funds to
fund the study. In addition, the Mayor noted that there may be grants available to assist
with funding.
The resolution will be brought forward for consideration at the regular meeting. Mayor
Stumpf requested that this resolution, if approved, be provided to the Coalition prior to
their meeting February 28, 2019.
4. Adjournment
By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 6:09 p.m.
Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber
City Council Special Meeting Minutes — February 25, 2019