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City Council Agenda Packet 02-25-2019
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 25, 2019 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Academy Room 5 p.m. 5 P.M. Ellison House Update 5:30 p.m. Highway 25 Coalition Discussion Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from February 11, 2019 • Regular Meeting Minutes from February 11, 2019 D. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, with the exception of referral to staff for future report. E. Public Service Announcements/Updates • Spring Tree Sale F. Council Liaison Updates • EDA • MOAA • I-94 Coalition G. Department Updates • City Administrator Update 2. Consent Agenda — All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item by removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of approving a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Wright County Ducks Unlimited, Chapter 39, in conjunction with their annual banquet on May 6, 2019 E. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 713 approving amendment to Title 3, Chapter 20 — Mobile Food Units, to increase allowable length of food unit F. Consideration of renewing membership in the I-94 West Corridor Coalition for 2019 in the amount of $6,799.50 G. Consideration of approving a donation from Advanced First Aid Inc. of a Phillips Heartstart Defibrillator with a value of $1,952 for the Fire Department and a donation from the Monticello Lions of $2,000 for Music on the Mississippi H. Consideration of approving the Finance/Payroll Clerk to attend 2019 SNUG (Springbrook National User Group) User Conference Training in Portland, OR on June 12 — 14, 2019 at an estimated cost of $2,075 I. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-17 approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement of bids for the Fallon Avenue Landscaping Project, City Project No. 16C006 J. Consideration of authorizing Bolton and Menk, Inc. to provide engineering services at a cost not to exceed $11,725 for the 2019 Pedestrian Improvements project K. Consideration of approving final plat for Clear Creek 2nd Addition. Applicant: Clear Creek Land Company, LLC L. Consideration of approving purchase of a new air compressor/fill station for the new fire station from Alex Air Apparatus in the amount of $53,039 M. Consideration of adopting a Frozen Water Pipe Policy 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of an appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of a Variance to Chapter 4.5 Signs for a forty (40) foot pylon sign. Applicant: Twin City Staffing i. Additional items attached as presented at the meeting. 5. Added Items 6. Adjournment AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 25 — 5 p.m. Academy Room, MCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 5 p.m. Ellison House Update 3. 5:30 p.m. Highway 25 Coalition Discussion 4. Adjournment e0* Twin City Staffing PO Box 120474 New Brighton. MN 55112 Phone: 651-994-4298 Fax: 651-646-8374 February 8, 2019 Jacob Thunander Community and Economic Development Coordinator City of Monticello Jacob, We would like to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission acting as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals to the City Council. Thank you Mike Miner Twin City Staffing Date 4 M, A N- ------------ EROMOM CONTROL NOTES I Ah. 0evic"i necevsory to control erosion and sedimont (t.E wimpler silt fence, foo construction entrances, s*vits, ponds. tierms. ETC.) s"0 be instosted prior to 077Y other construction operations. 2. Mier compieVon of firtat groding, expo -;ed soits must be pefmorzen9y stobif;zrd within 7 Boys. Stobifirai;or, shaft convist of disc-o"clbowed seed & mu;ch, HECP wAh fiber reinforced matrix, #-osion Wo4et with seed, of sod, 3. The site must be kept in o weft drained condition at oli tirn*s_ The contractor shoff, be respons;b4 for temporary d;tctirs, or other "Wargs, necessary to ensure prow dro;ryoge, The Wilding Pod must be provided with c positive ovlflaw. This work She% be inCidental to the grading contract. 4 Entering/ex;6N of the aite shad occur onty at. n--,ck prynstruCtiOn entrance to reduce tracking of dirt onto pored Weels. Sedi"nl tracked onto streets during work ng hours must be rvOoimed vio street scraping and svoep;N at the end Of each working day. 5. Stormwater dischorgIt pipe Outiet *nw-qy dsfll,;W;on sho$3 be P",Widedl by rip -top with site. quantity, and Vfocrrr*nt in occorttonce with City stondlorift. Rip -rap instoitc6on shaft be within 24 hours of pipe insto4ation. 5. ;nXtaA x1h. fence ormnd #34 temporary inactive storkpilez which are not Poce within evisling sift fence orea or other perimeter erosion confrofs. 7 Slobilitation of tiomporary or , . ,, , .. I drc;noge ditches that drain water from Me constatction site must be inAicted within 74 hours of connecting the &uwxW titch to any storm water comb yonce system and must be comptetwd using erosion b;*"kxt, S. Suffic;*rt pwmonetf, equipment. and moleriots sho;l be mobilized within 24 hot" of written onlor (i*. #Mfoif) by the owner of owners to conduct corrective work. and ;nstor, temporary erosion contrvi war* in the coze of an err"nPlicy. EROWON CONTROL INSTAMATION SCHEDULE t. SM fence sholt be inst;V*d or mst.txvd anon to arra construction. Sift fence shc8 be toc"ted as shown to intorrept runoff. The oreo ;ocoled beyond the perimeter sat ftnc* 0h04 not be dstarbed during construction. 2 Rock Constr4ci;on Enf.v ce st+ott be ;nsto;led prior to grading operations bed 3. AV storm sewer intrts shaft have ;stet. pmtect;ov, inserts instal , t"serts sho tl blr. *P00d fa;n-TOP Or "Road Dfl0;M-C4UYb & GUltef' inset pro4,el_-t;0" dew;c" 09 manufactured t>y WWCO (or appra-Aed equot) and insto4ir.d per manufacture's reeammendtit;ans_ 4. Ai erosion controf 9*108 mrnoim in Ooce and be rnointc;n&d in good condit;on by the contractor inlif the site has teen re-vrgetof.ed. at which time R. Shaft be removed try the contractor, For rmpoerd paved 3vrfoor areas, the controclor nivy remove necessary sift fencing to construct roodwqy. wh3e maintaining odequate erosion cmtrv, ;r) adjacent oreas 5. Sufficient topsoil shot; be stmkpited to o8ow for the repfocemont of 6' tDpso;t for disturbed orvo"4 to be m-V-090tated. S. The contractor sboZ vc,edu4 site grading, ut;lity instaflofion and road" construck;on so that the 9*rterot site can be mufcfutd and re-seedtd soon after disiurborKie. Arem that waft not he vob#ck to construction traffic for 14 days *holt be seeded and mulched or sodded within 7 days of llno% 9rod;ng. X V V. EROSION 150 Zow rAN`W "o SEEDING 8' WOOD FIBER LOG ALONG CURB j; a wow nos LOG, CONSTRUCT)ON ENTRANCE CU Eft 4z J 10 CY a-3 . . . ....... RIP RAP W/ FA. 2 CY CL3 _r.7 f ;P, RAP W/ FABRIC EROSION P94L.MANKET M"DOT CAT, 6 350 SY AT FWAL �FRlST0#;MT*N AND SEMM cow .x 3 CY CL.3 7. EROS)ON BLAN MNDOT CAI 15 SY AT n RESTORAMW � SEED 1� \ , su FEwE a Twin City Staffing PO Box 120474 New Brighton, MN 55112 Phone: 651-994-4298 Fax: 651-646-8374 LIST OF SIGNS 1. Mills Fleet Farm 2. Burger King 3. Days Inn 4. Holiday 5. Super America 6. Home Depot Mall Sign 7. American Hotel MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 11, 2019 — 5 p.m. Academy Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: City staff. Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Tom Pawelk, Jim Thares, Matt Leonard, Angela Schumann, and Ryan Melhouse 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m. 2. 5 p.m. Road Reconstruction Policy Matt Leonard, City Engineer/Public Works Director, gave a presentation on the recommended road reconstruction policy. The presentation described the history of the city's road reconstruction charge for the improvement of adjacent roadways associated with development, reviewed the Harstad vs. City of Woodbury MN Supreme Court decision that found cities do not have authority to impose an infrastructure fee for future road improvements as part of approving residential development, and looked at options for improving roadways adjacent to the development in light of the recent court ruling. There was minimal discussion of council. There was consensus of council that staff continue to make required safety improvements as required by traffic impact analysis on adjacent roadway, improve roadways to urban standards when the improvements are warranted, and continue to obtain right-of-way for urban roadway improvements. 3. 5:45 p.m. Stormwater Policy Ryan Melhouse, Engineering Technician, presented the proposed Stormwater policy/Stormwater utility. As part of the presentation Mr. Melhouse reviewed Stormwater utility background, Stormwater maintenance items and activities, expenses, area cities' fees, and the proposed fee for Monticello. The fee proposed would help cover the costs for complying with the city's federal Stormwater permit and the costs for street sweeping, Stormwater pond and pipe maintenance, and other requirements per the city's MS4 stormwater permit. Staff proposed a $1 fee per month per drainage unit. This fee would generate approximately $123,000 annually. Residential property is proposed to be billed at one drainage unit per residence and non-residential will be billed at 7 drainage units per acre of impervious surface with a minimum of 7 drainage unity. It was a consensus of the City Council that staff continue with the development of an ordinance for the creation of this utility fee. 4. Adjournment City Council Special Meeting Minutes — February 11, 2019 By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes — February 11, 2019 REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 11, 2019 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Mayor Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, and Charlotte Gabler Absent: Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the agenda. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting Minutes from January 28. 2019 Councilmember Fair moved approval of the meeting minutes from January 28, 2019. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments • None. E. Public Service Annol}ncements • Presidents Day Hours — hours of city facilities were noted. • Spring Tree Sale — residents can purchase up to 3 trees per household. There are five varieties. The cost is $35 per tree and forms are due by March 15. F. Council Liaison Updates • IEDC — Mayor Stumpf commented that the IEDC met on February 5 and they reviewed the Economic Development marketing budget for 2019. The group also discussed the downtown facade improvement grant program. Two students that may be members were introduced to the group. • Planning Commission — Councilmember Gabler noted that the Planning Commission discussed the following: Twin City Staffing sign height variance which was denied; a public hearing on use standards and definitions for event centers which was tabled until March; and discussion on 2040 Comprehensive Plan update. G. Department Updates • Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator, gave an update on the following: City Council Minutes — February 11, 2019 Page 1 14 1. Center for Energy & Environment and the Coalition of Utility Cities are invited to present at an Xcel IRP Stakeholder meeting on February 12. 2. Flaherty & Hood is working on developing standards for providing adequate notice to counties and cities regarding changes in assessed value resulting from negotiated settlements. 3. The Highway 25 Coalition meeting was cancelled due to weather conditions. 4. Council workshops on February 25 will include updates on the Ellison House and Highway 25 Coalition. 5. The City Council goal setting workshop date is being determined. It may be postponed until March. 6. Wright County is holding a meeting on their long range transportation plan on February 19. 7. The Transportation & Finance Policy division is holding a field hearing on February 22 in St. Cloud. 8. The Becker Energy Transition Advisory Group is holding meeting on Wednesday, February 27. Monticello is invited to attend. FiberNet/Arvig Quarterly Update — Mark Birkholz, Arvig, provided the quarterly update which was included in the agenda packet. 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Fair moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,768,127.87. B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved the hires for MCC and terminations for MCC. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of approving Resolution 2019-12 accepting donations of $250 from Smith, Paulson, O'Donnell & Erickson for Power of Produce Kids Club, $250 from Uptown Eye Care for Power of Produce Kids Club, $850 from Mills Fleet Farm for Movie in the Park/Power of Produce, and $950 from anonymous for Ballfields/Power of Produce Kids Club/Color Me Fall event. Recommendation: Adopted the resolution accepting the donations. E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-13 accepting a grant from the Initiative Foundation of $10,000 to assist the Coalition of Utility Cities with an economic impact study. Recommendation: Adopted the resolution accepting the grant from the Central Minnesota Initiative Foundation. F. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a quilt raffle to be conducted by the Church of St. Henry on March 31, 2019. Recommendation: Approved the temporary charitable gambling permit for Church of St. Henry. City Council Minutes — February 11, 2019 Page 2 14 G. Consideration of approving a Cooperative Fire Protection Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Recommendation: Approved the agreement with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. H. Consideration of approving purchase of a backup generator for the new fire station from Zieglar Power Systems in the amount of $37,874. Recommendation: Approved the purchase. I. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 711 titled Cable Ordinance and Ordinance 712 granting a 15 year franchise agreement to CC VIII Operating LLC L/K/A Charter Communications to construct, operate, and maintain a cable system and provide cable service in the City of Monticello and Summary Ordinances 711A and 712 A for publication. Recommendation: Adopted Ordinances 711 and 712 and Summary Ordinances 711A and 712A for publication. J. Consideration of approving addition to rules and regulations for Riverside Cemetery. Recommendation: Approved the changes as presented. K. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding a contract to New Look Contracting, Inc. for Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Park Phase I Improvements for the base bid plus alternates 1, 2, and 3, for a total amount of $1,554,345. Recommendation: Accepted bids and awarded contract to New Look Contracting. L. Consideration of approving the purchase agreement with 2nd Wind for cardio equipment at the Monticello Community Center in the amount of $59,479.61. Recommendation: Approved the purchase agreement. M. Consideration of approving a fire station construction contract with Kue Construction Inc. Recommendation: Approved the contract with Kue Construction Inc. N. Consideration of authorizing request for exemption from sales tax for expenses associated with construction of the fire station. Recommendation: Authorized staff to work with local representatives in seeking legislation for exemption from sales tax for expenses associated with construction of the new fire station. 4A. Consideration to review for approval and distribution a Request for Proposal for the Monticello 2040 Communitv Vision & Comprehensive Plan Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, presented the item. The council is asked to consider a draft request for proposal for updating the Monticello Comprehensive Plan and authorize posting and distribution. There are two phases to the plan. The first component, Phase 1, is the visioning process, and the second component, Phase 2, is the Comprehensive Plan document. Both components are included in the RFP and the proposal requests specific scope and cost identification for each phase. The RFP would be release on February 15, 2019 and due April 1, 2019. Councilmember Davidson moved to approve the Request for Proposal for the Monticello 2040 Community Vision & Comprehensive Plan for distribution. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes — February 11, 2019 Page 3 14 5. Adiournment: By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 7:13 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes — February 11, 2019 Page 4 14 City Council Agenda: 2/25/2019 2A. Consideration of avvrovin2 vavment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $753,278.16. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Bill registers and Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 02/14/2019 - 2:21PM Batch: 00201.02.2019 - 201.02.2019 US Bank Invoice No Description Vendor: 4263 CAYAN 928412 (12,262) Jan. 2019 Transactions 928412 Jan. 2019 (3) Genius Service Fee - CC machine i Check Total: Vendor: 3241 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP 02/1/2019 February 2019 Check Total: Vendor: 4174 MN PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY 2/12/2019 MPFA-15-0004-R-FY16 - Semi Annual Repaym Check Total Vendor: 1426 CITY OF MONTICELLO UB Dec. 2018 5026 - Ellison Park UB Dec. 2018 5250- Bridge Park W. UB Dec. 2018 5637- Meadow Oak Dog Park UB Dec. 2018 7224- WWTP UB Dec. 2018 7256-003 - 349 Broadway -Arts Innitiative UB Dec. 2018 7256-005 - 255 Broadway E (EDA) UB Dec. 2018 7885 - Help Center UB Dec. 2018 8086- 4th St. Warming House UB Dec. 2018 8114- Hi -Way Lliquor UB Dec. 2018 8117 -MCC UB Dec. 2018 8119 - Fire Station UB Dec. 2018 8120 - Building Inspec. Garage UB Dec. 2018 8177 - Library UB Dec. 2018 8528 -NSP Softball Field UB Dec. 2018 8622 -Pioneer Park bathroom UB Dec. 2018 8631 -Animal Shelter UB Dec. 2018 8903 - PW Shop/Clerical Amount Payment Date Acct Number 858.34 89.85 948.19 2,565.75 2,565.75 10,114.45 10,114.45 14.38 18.07 5.45 2,139.35 14.38 14.38 23.63 14.38 110.21 954.69 23.63 14.38 113.85 14.38 14.38 18.07 70.84 Check Sequence: 1 02/15/2019 609-49754-443980 02/15/2019 609-49754-424100 Check Sequence: 2 02/15/2019 101-00000-217066 Check Sequence: 3 02/15/2019 602-49480-461100 Moiiii6effo Y Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 12/31/2018 101-45201-438200 12/31/2018 101-45201-438200 12/31/2018 101-45201-438200 12/31/2018 602-49480-438200 12/31/2018 101-45204-438200 12/31/2018 101-45204-438200 12/31/2018 217-41990-438200 12/31/2018 101-45201-438200 12/31/2018 609-49754-438200 12/31/2018 226-45126-438200 12/31/2018 101-42200-438200 12/31/2018 101-41940-438200 12/31/2018 101-45501-438200 12/31/2018 101-45203-438200 12/31/2018 101-45201-438200 12/31/2018 101-42700-438200 12/31/2018 101-43127-438200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/14/2019 - 2:21 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number UB Dec. 2018 8904 - PW Vehicle Storage 15.19 12/31/2018 101-43127-438200 UB Dec. 2018 8905 - PW Office 14.38 12/31/2018 101-43127-438200 UB Dec. 2018 10128 - 118 6th St. W- 14.88 12/31/2018 101-41941-438200 UB Dec. 2018 14476 - Ellison House 22.06 12/31/2018 101-45201-438200 Check Total: 3,644.96 Vendor: 2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 5 02/06/2019 Monti Printing - (100) Incident Reports 84.50 12/31/2018 101-42200-421990 02/06/2019 Spectrum Supply - (3) 4/1 gal. Neutralfilm Free; 152.83 12/31/2018 101-45201-421650 02/06/2019 Ameripride - Dec. 2018 uniforms - Parks 127.56 12/31/2018 101-45201-441700 02/06/2019 Ameripride - Dec. 2018 uniforms - Sewer 84.44 12/31/2018 602-49490-441700 02/06/2019 Ameripride - Dec. 2018 uniforms - Water 84.44 12/31/2018 601-49440-441700 02/06/2019 Ameripride - Dec. 2018 uniforms - Streets 143.08 12/31/2018 101-43120-441700 02/06/2019 Ameripride - Dec. 2018 towels- Shop 220.68 12/31/2018 101-43120-421990 02/06/2019 WHCE - Sunset Ponds - Dec 2018 998 kWh 136.71 12/31/2018 602-49490-438100 02/06/2019 WHCE - 1645 & 1675 CR 39 Dec 2018 998 kV 40.38 12/31/2018 602-49490-438100 02/06/2019 WHCE - DMV 19.95 12/31/2018 217-41990-431900 02/06/2019 WHCE - 2171 W. River St 36.45 12/31/2018 101-45201-431900 02/06/2019 WHCE - 5980 Jason Ave NE 19.95 12/31/2018 601-49440-431900 02/06/2019 WHCE - MCC 27.95 12/31/2018 226-45126-431900 02/06/2019 WHCE - 207 Chelsea Rd. 32.95 12/31/2018 601-49440-431900 02/06/2019 WHCE - 209 Cedar St 29.95 12/31/2018 601-49440-431900 02/06/2019 WHCE - 132 E Broadway 29.95 12/31/2018 601-49440-431900 02/06/2019 WHCE - 107 River St. W. 19.95 12/31/2018 101-45201-431900 02/06/2019 WHCE - Hi -Way Liquors Feb. 2019 monitoring 21.42 12/31/2018 609-49754-431900 02/06/2019 WHCE - MCC Feb. 2019 monitoring service 19.95 12/31/2018 226-45126-431900 02/06/2019 WHCE - 200 Dundas Rd. Feb. 2019 monitoring 29.95 12/31/2018 601-49440-431900 02/06/2019 WHCE - 909 Golf Crs. Rd. Feb. 2019 monitorin; 19.95 12/31/2018 101-43110-431900 02/06/2019 WHCE - General Street Lighting 1,328.56 12/31/2018 101-43160-438100 02/06/2019 Verizon - Dec 4 - Jan 3 20.75 12/31/2018 601-49440-432100 02/06/2019 Verizon - Dec 4 - Jan 3 20.76 12/31/2018 602-49490-432100 02/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - Dec 2018 38,572.88 12/31/2018 101-43230-438400 02/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - Dec 2018 - Recycling 13,236.65 12/31/2018 101-43230-438400 02/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - Dec 2018 35.80 12/31/2018 101-43127-438400 02/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - Dec 2018 47.74 12/31/2018 101-45201-438400 02/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - Dec 2018 23.87 12/31/2018 101-45201-438400 02/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - Dec 2018 113.38 12/31/2018 602-49480-438400 02/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - Dec 2018 208.87 12/31/2018 226-45126-438400 02/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - Dec 2018 23.87 12/31/2018 609-49754-438400 02/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - Dec 2018 23.87 12/31/2018 101-45201-438400 02/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - Dec 2018 11.93 12/31/2018 101-45501-431990 02/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - Dec 2018 - GFEE 1,271.07 12/31/2018 101-00000-208120 Reference ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/14/2019 - 2:21 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 02/06/2019 Verizon - Nov 21 - Dec 20 35.01 12/31/2018 101-43115-432100 02/06/2019 Verizon - Nov 21 - Dec 20 26.02 12/31/2018 101-43120-432100 02/06/2019 Verizon - Nov 21 - Dec 20 140.04 12/31/2018 101-42200-432100 02/06/2019 Verizon - Dec 11 - Jan 10 25.02 12/31/2018 101-43115-432100 02/06/2019 Sherwin Williams - Sand Block 3.31 02/15/2019 226-45126-422990 02/06/2019 Runnings - Scale 4.82 02/15/2019 101-43115-421990 02/06/2019 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 8.968 gals @ $2.049 18.38 02/15/2019 217-41990-421200 02/06/2019 Monti Napa - Dust Mask, Wire 18.45 02/15/2019 226-45126-422990 02/06/2019 Target - Snacks for Downtown Round Meeting 20.92 02/15/2019 213-46301-443990 02/06/2019 Home Depot - Anchors, Hose for Chemical Rooi 24.34 02/15/2019 226-45126-422990 02/06/2019 Home Depot - 811 Bulbs 2 pk for Food Shelf (2) 29.94 02/15/2019 217-41990-421990 02/06/2019 Monti Napa - Battery for ATM 30.51 02/15/2019 226-45126-422990 02/06/2019 Target - Snacks for EDA Meeting 32.97 02/15/2019 213-46301-443990 02/06/2019 Home Depot - Roller Pads; Extension Pole for P 39.86 02/15/2019 226-45126-422990 02/06/2019 Monti Vacuum - Vacuum Bags (4) 40.00 02/15/2019 226-45126-422990 02/06/2019 Home Depot - Hanger Wire, Scews, Cross Tee ft 42.77 02/15/2019 226-45126-422990 02/06/2019 Monti Napa - Lift Support 45.99 02/15/2019 226-45126-422990 02/06/2019 Sherwin Williams - Paint & Roller Pad for Acadi 46.15 02/15/2019 226-45126-422990 02/06/2019 Home Depot - Cleaning Products for Pool Play c 46.58 02/15/2019 226-45126-422990 02/06/2019 Hobby Lobby - Frame & Mat for Yoga Poster 49.99 02/15/2019 226-45127-421720 02/06/2019 Monti Printing - Return Address Stamps (2) 67.80 02/15/2019 101-41310-421990 02/06/2019 Target - Bananas, Protein Bars for Concession 53.29 02/15/2019 226-45125-425410 02/06/2019 Target - Cleaning Supplies 32.45 02/15/2019 226-45125-421990 02/06/2019 Target - Binder, Heater 24.28 02/15/2019 226-45123-421990 02/06/2019 Amazon - Tape, Pens 12.23 02/15/2019 226-45122-421990 02/06/2019 Amazon - Security Camera System, Mounting B 112.98 02/15/2019 226-45123-421990 02/06/2019 NBP - Refund for Charge in Error (CC Program -1.00 02/15/2019 226-00000-115030 02/06/2019 Monti Chamber - January Chamber Lunch (RL) 15.00 02/15/2019 101-41310-443990 02/06/2019 Randys - Monthly Shredding Service - Jan (DM 21.28 02/15/2019 217-41990-431990 02/06/2019 Randys - Monthly Shredding Service - Jan (CH) 21.28 02/15/2019 101-41310-431990 02/06/2019 NBP - Paper 33.50 02/15/2019 226-45122-421990 02/06/2019 123 SIgn Up - Northstar APA Payroll Chapter M 35.00 02/15/2019 101-41520-433100 02/06/2019 Amazon - Stop Watches (4) 35.88 02/15/2019 226-45127-421720 02/06/2019 Amazon - Batteries, Coffee 36.51 02/15/2019 101-41310-421990 02/06/2019 MNGFOA- 2019 Membership (JC) 50.00 02/15/2019 101-41520-443300 02/06/2019 NBP - Laminating Pouches, Pushpins, Post It FIE 55.29 02/15/2019 101-41310-421990 02/06/2019 Amazon - Projector Screen for Prairie Center 56.99 02/15/2019 226-45123-421990 02/06/2019 Franklin Graphics - Advertising Banner for Gym 75.00 02/15/2019 226-45122-431990 02/06/2019 Vistaprint - Retractable Banner for Advertising 97.15 02/15/2019 226-45122-434990 02/06/2019 Vistaprint - Banner for Advertising - Sales Tax R -6.68 02/15/2019 226-45122-434990 02/06/2019 Amazon - File Folders. Post It Notes 109.48 02/15/2019 226-45122-421990 02/06/2019 NBP - Magnets, Post Its, Legal Pads, Stapler, En 112.94 02/15/2019 101-41310-421990 02/06/2019 Salsbury Industries - Locks for Cell Phone Locki 113.56 02/15/2019 226-45126-422990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/14/2019 - 2:21 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 02/06/2019 Penalty Box Fit - 12 Pk Penalty Boxes (Workout 189.00 02/15/2019 226-45127-421720 02/06/2019 American Red Cross - 2019 Authorized Provide] 975.00 02/15/2019 226-45124-431990 02/06/2019 Neogov -Insight Enterprise Software Lic Renew 3,525.90 02/15/2019 101-41800-431900 02/06/2019 USPS - mail flouride samples to state 3.75 02/15/2019 601-49440-432200 02/06/2019 Runnings - #109 - fitting; galv. nipple 4.28 02/15/2019 101-43120-422110 02/06/2019 Runnings -(4) Hillman bulk bin products 4.76 02/15/2019 601-49440-422100 02/06/2019 Runnings -galv. elbow; galb. nipple 5.08 02/15/2019 101-43127-421990 02/06/2019 Runnings -blade cleaner - hedge trimmer 8.49 02/15/2019 101-45201-421650 02/06/2019 Red's - gas can fuel - Parks 8.80 02/15/2019 101-45201-421200 02/06/2019 Home Depot -(2) 8pk. Tapcon hex head; (2) 2pc. 9.62 02/15/2019 601-49440-421990 02/06/2019 Runnings - (4) asst. corner brace 10.96 02/15/2019 101-45201-421650 02/06/2019 Plaza Ramp - parking C.H. 11.00 02/15/2019 101-43120-433100 02/06/2019 Runnings - - (28) Hilman bulk bin; paper twl. ho 13.09 02/15/2019 601-49440-422100 02/06/2019 Home Depot - ribbed anchor; tubing hangers; cal 14.29 02/15/2019 601-49440-421990 02/06/2019 Amazon - zip ties for fire extenguishers 15.95 02/15/2019 101-42200-421990 02/06/2019 Monti Napa - #111 - mirror 15.99 02/15/2019 101-43120-422110 02/06/2019 Monti Napa - #105 - mirror 15.99 02/15/2019 101-43120-422110 02/06/2019 Amazon - (2) pks. Dry Erase markers 16.78 02/15/2019 101-42200-421990 02/06/2019 Cub - (20) limes; (6) lemons 17.74 02/15/2019 609-49750-425500 02/06/2019 Runnings - 3 pk. grease gun coupler; (3) grease f 18.96 02/15/2019 101-43127-421990 02/06/2019 Von Hanson- propane cyliner refill 19.32 02/15/2019 602-49490-421990 02/06/2019 Office Max- (2) calendars 22.74 02/15/2019 609-49754-421990 02/06/2019 Auto Value - organic vapor masks 25.99 02/15/2019 101-45201-420650 02/06/2019 Fastenal - 2"x4' eye -eye sling- Shop 26.84 02/15/2019 101-43127-421990 02/06/2019 Runnings - gal. Simple Green; (2) WD40; lime r 28.57 02/15/2019 601-49440-421990 02/06/2019 Fastenal -diag. plier; (100) cablt ties- Christmas 28.77 02/15/2019 101-43120-421990 02/06/2019 Runnings - (2) asst. sz. hole saw 29.38 02/15/2019 101-43127-421990 02/06/2019 Runnings - (3) fuse 20A time delay -25th St. Cmc 33.87 02/15/2019 101-43160-421530 02/06/2019 Home Depot - 15 pk. sleeve anchor; (6) 2x4 stud 34.36 02/15/2019 101-45201-421650 02/06/2019 Runnings - Engine 4- (7) asst. poly tarps 35.13 02/15/2019 101-42200-421990 02/06/2019 Runnings - (3) Stihl - parts only- Mask 35.85 02/15/2019 101-45201-421650 02/06/2019 Monti Napa - Respirator; Nitrile goves 36.64 02/15/2019 101-45201-420650 02/06/2019 USPS - shipping gear to be cleaned 36.65 02/15/2019 101-42200-432200 02/06/2019 Monti Printing - (65) thank you notes - PW 38.55 02/15/2019 101-43110-421990 02/06/2019 Cub - (110) limes 42.00 02/15/2019 609-49750-425500 02/06/2019 O'Reilly - floor mat; runner- ML vehicle 44.98 02/15/2019 101-43120-422110 02/06/2019 Home Depot - (12) 8' common board; (4) whitev 44.92 02/15/2019 101-45201-421650 02/06/2019 Ping's Szechuan - (4) lunch buffet- Green Expo. 48.52 02/15/2019 101-45201-433100 02/06/2019 Allina Health - random urine sample TG 50.00 02/15/2019 101-45201-431990 02/06/2019 NBP - cs. suckers; (6) coffee; (6) hot cups; crean 287.11 02/15/2019 609-49754-421990 02/06/2019 Fastenal - (2) Eye -Eye Sling 62.98 02/15/2019 101-43127-421990 02/06/2019 Royal Tire - Vehicle Alignment- 2008 Ford Focu 66.75 02/15/2019 101-43120-422110 02/06/2019 Crysteel Truck - #145 - (2) trip/return spring 70.30 02/15/2019 101-43125-422100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/14/2019 - 2:21 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 02/06/2019 Auto Value - (3) organic vapor mask 77.97 02/15/2019 101-45201-420650 02/06/2019 Lanair - oil burner- Diaphram Asem. Fi/hi/mx; q 88.51 02/15/2019 101-43127-422300 02/06/2019 Chet's - Red Wing Shoes- boots L.S. 90.00 02/15/2019 101-45201-420650 02/06/2019 McMaster - asst. polyethylene tubing - chem. fee 91.20 02/15/2019 601-49440-421990 02/06/2019 Amazon - (3) Pulse Oximeter monitor 92.67 02/15/2019 101-42200-421990 02/06/2019 McMaster - Well 3 & 4- chemical feed repair sul 106.96 02/15/2019 601-49440-422100 02/06/2019 Cintas - mat srvc. inv. 4014497410; 4014814814 117.26 02/15/2019 609-49754-431990 02/06/2019 CWP Enterprises- #110 & pres. washer(10)ft. p,, 117.49 02/15/2019 101-43120-422110 02/06/2019 McMaster - Well House chemical feed- (2) valve 119.21 02/15/2019 601-49440-421990 02/06/2019 Hach - asst. flouride testing reagents for lab 122.44 02/15/2019 601-49440-421990 02/06/2019 Home Depot - (30) 80 lb. concrete mix 129.00 02/15/2019 101-45201-421650 02/06/2019 Monti Napa - #105 - Tailgate Air Cylinder 129.39 02/15/2019 101-43120-422110 02/06/2019 NBP - cs. cleaning foam; gal. cleaning agent; cs. 147.22 02/15/2019 609-49754-421990 02/06/2019 Titan Mach.- mirror; (2) wiper blade 164.00 02/15/2019 101-43120-422100 02/06/2019 Arctic Glacier - resale - inv. #1956900407; 1956 213.66 02/15/2019 609-49750-425500 02/06/2019 Cardinal Pump & Parts- injec. valve; (2) suc. val 216.00 02/15/2019 601-49440-421990 02/06/2019 U of M Reuse - (3) table; (6) folding table 225.00 02/15/2019 101-45204-421990 02/06/2019 Dyna - (100) cable ties; (90) asst. thermapod cic� 254.45 02/15/2019 101-43127-421990 02/06/2019 Hosty- hose reel fixed base 272.08 02/15/2019 101-43127-422100 02/06/2019 ElsenpeterAuc.- 12' Rolling Stairs 354.63 02/15/2019 101-43127-421990 02/06/2019 TRS - (24) asst. boxes. shelf labels 368.00 02/15/2019 609-49754-421990 02/06/2019 Tifco - drill set; (2) CS indust.chemical; gasket n 445.10 02/15/2019 101-45201-421650 02/06/2019 Ziegler - #120 - (2) mirror; muffler; (2) pin 446.97 02/15/2019 101-43120-422100 02/06/2019 Metering Pumps - Well Chem. Feed pump replac 501.90 02/15/2019 601-49440-421990 02/06/2019 U of M CCE- Shade Tree Crs- J.B.; T.G.; T.P; L 860.00 02/15/2019 101-45201-433100 02/06/2019 Central Luthem- parking conference 10.00 02/15/2019 101-45201-433100 02/06/2019 Nighthawk - Feb 2019 Security monitor/cellular 49.95 02/15/2019 101-42200-431900 02/06/2019 Zee Medical - (2) 25pk. lg. patch; See strips; paij 69.94 02/15/2019 609-49754-421990 02/06/2019 FS Solutions- (2) Random Drug Screen- T.G. 104.40 02/15/2019 101-45201-431990 02/06/2019 Cintas - mat srvc. inv. 4015493599; 401516993C 115.91 02/15/2019 609-49754-431990 02/06/2019 EZ Kut - Tree Pruning hand saws - Parks 450.00 02/15/2019 101-45201-421650 02/06/2019 Amazon - Utility Scoop - Ice Machine 14.99 02/15/2019 101-42200-421990 02/06/2019 Titan Mach.- #103 - clamp 24.00 02/15/2019 101-43120-422100 02/06/2019 Monti Napa - #230 - (2) oil filter 21.44 02/15/2019 101-45201-422100 02/06/2019 Hirshfields - (7) asst. masking tape 39.23 02/15/2019 101-45201-421650 02/06/2019 Mimbach Fleet Supply- #109 - brine valve 249.99 02/15/2019 101-43120-422100 02/06/2019 BigMouth.com- resale - glasses; drink koolers 266.63 02/15/2019 609-49750-425400 02/06/2019 Midway Iron - 16GA - stainless steel truck box 276.40 02/15/2019 101-43120-422110 02/06/2019 John's Welding- Liefert Memorial bench 980.00 02/15/2019 101-45201-421650 02/06/2019 Home Depot - PVC40 PE Pipe 4.63 02/15/2019 601-49440-422990 02/06/2019 Runnings - 2 pk roller cover 4.79 02/15/2019 601-49440-422300 02/06/2019 Kwik Trip - (2) gal. washer fluid 6.38 02/15/2019 101-45201-421650 02/06/2019 Kwik Trip - sales tax refunded by cash- rcvd.1/31 0.47 02/15/2019 101-00000-115030 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/14/2019 - 2:21 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 02/06/2019 Monti Napa - #555 - brake line BK 813-5615- B 8.59 02/15/2019 101-42400-421990 02/06/2019 Monti Napa - #555 - brake fitting; 4 Nice 813-5( 11.67 02/15/2019 101-42400-421990 02/06/2019 Monti Napa - #555 - brake fitting; coupling; etc.] 28.25 02/15/2019 101-42400-421990 02/06/2019 Home Depot - 10' PVC40 PE Pipe; (2) 40 pipe; ( 12.39 02/15/2019 601-49440-422990 02/06/2019 Amazon -otterbox ipad; therm.; brush roller - PV 63.94 02/15/2019 101-43110-421990 02/06/2019 Dyna - crimper; (100) cable ties; (25) grease fitti 153.58 02/15/2019 101-43127-421990 02/06/2019 Titan Mach.- #117 - water pump kit; tensioner be 222.00 02/15/2019 101-43120-422100 02/06/2019 Clareys Safety Equip- Aselh- 30 degree elbow; ( 312.00 02/15/2019 101-42200-422100 02/06/2019 Auto Value - #230 - (2) mini lamp- tool cat 17.98 02/15/2019 101-45201-422100 02/06/2019 Office Max- (2) mouse pads 21.28 02/15/2019 101-42200-421990 02/06/2019 PayPal - stainless steel mop 24.95 02/15/2019 101-45201-421650 02/06/2019 Runnings - (2) trouble light; 2 pk halogen- 1/2 V1 13.49 02/15/2019 601-49440-421990 02/06/2019 Runnings - (2) trouble light; 2 pk halogen- 1/2 Si13.48 02/15/2019 602-49490-421990 02/06/2019 Home Depot - 4x8; (2) 8' Doug. Fir; (2) commor 29.40 02/15/2019 101-45204-421990 02/06/2019 Red's - gas can fuel - Streets 29.50 02/15/2019 101-43120-421200 02/06/2019 Kwik Trip - 9225 (11.367) gal. D2 Bio @2.639 30.00 02/15/2019 101-45201-421200 02/06/2019 Monti Napa - 5 gal. Prem. Hyd. fluid 51.89 02/15/2019 601-49440-421300 02/06/2019 Holiday - #215 (20.083 gal diesel @ $2.639 53.00 02/15/2019 101-45201-421200 02/06/2019 Red's - gas can fuel - Streets 75.00 02/15/2019 101-43120-421200 02/06/2019 DISH - Feb. 2019 service 76.99 02/15/2019 609-49754-432500 02/06/2019 Titan Mach.- #103 - thermostat; (4) light bulb 138.00 02/15/2019 101-43120-422100 02/06/2019 Martie's - (6) shovels 186.01 02/15/2019 101-45201-421650 02/06/2019 Walmart - camera; Dirt Devil hand vac; salt; pep 192.25 02/15/2019 609-49754-421990 02/06/2019 Morrie's Ford- Utility 8 -floor mats 192.27 02/15/2019 101-42200-422110 02/06/2019 Boyer Trucks - #110 Switch Turn 280.93 02/15/2019 101-43120-422110 02/06/2019 Home Depot - (2) insulation; (45) asst. prime we 299.92 02/15/2019 101-45204-421990 02/06/2019 MNDNR - Permit 1964-1059 & 1964-0152 (201 8,410.51 02/15/2019 601-49440-443700 02/06/2019 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 8.338 gals @ $2.029 16.92 02/15/2019 217-41990-421200 02/06/2019 Monti Printing - Name Plates for Chamber Meet 62.00 02/15/2019 101-41110-443990 02/06/2019 Runnings - Level, Shims 12.07 02/15/2019 226-45126-422990 02/06/2019 Moon Donuts - Snacks for Meeting 12.75 02/15/2019 101-42400-443990 02/06/2019 Walmart - Dish Soap for Childcare 3.74 02/15/2019 226-45126-421990 02/06/2019 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 4.630 gals @ $2.639 -1 12.22 02/15/2019 101-45201-421200 02/06/2019 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 5.679 gals @ $2.639 -1 14.99 02/15/2019 101-45201-421200 02/06/2019 Martie's Farm - Softner Salt (63 Bags) 371.70 02/15/2019 226-45126-422990 02/06/2019 Home Depot - Lanyards for Keys 7.96 02/15/2019 226-45122-421990 02/06/2019 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 8.090 gals @ $2.039 16.50 02/15/2019 217-41990-421200 02/06/2019 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 9.488 gals @ $2.029 19.25 02/15/2019 217-41990-421200 02/06/2019 Target - Bananas, Apples, Protein Bars for Conci 87.45 02/15/2019 226-45125-425410 02/06/2019 Upholstery Industries - ReUpholster Weightliftin 525.00 02/15/2019 226-45126-431990 02/06/2019 Caribou - Safety Activity Prizes (3 Gift Cards) 30.00 02/15/2019 101-41800-421990 02/06/2019 Monti Napa - O Rings for Pool Filter (7) 4.13 02/15/2019 226-45126-422990 02/06/2019 Amazon - Kleenex 49.99 02/15/2019 101-41310-421990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/14/2019 - 2:21 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 02/06/2019 Amazon - Coffee Filters 14.02 02/15/2019 101-41310-421990 02/06/2019 NBP - Labels, Paper, Post Its, Page Flags, 302.98 02/15/2019 101-41310-421990 02/06/2019 NBP - Paper 28.74 02/15/2019 226-45122-421990 02/06/2019 NBP - File Folders 26.69 02/15/2019 226-45122-421990 02/06/2019 Amazon - Coffee Decanter, Knife Set 24.75 02/15/2019 101-41310-421990 02/06/2019 Amazon - Plastic Forks 26.84 02/15/2019 101-42200-421990 02/06/2019 NBP - Pens, Forks, Air Freshner 16.68 02/15/2019 217-41990-421990 02/06/2019 NBP - Paper 33.50 02/15/2019 217-41990-421990 02/06/2019 NBP - Paper, Staple Remover 34.26 02/15/2019 217-41990-421990 02/06/2019 Amazon - Calculator Ribbon, Trash Can, Vacuur 126.77 02/15/2019 217-41990-421990 02/06/2019 Trusted Employees - Background Check (1) 23.00 02/15/2019 101-41410-431990 02/06/2019 Trusted Employees - Background Check (1) 23.00 02/15/2019 226-45122-431990 02/06/2019 Recreation Supply - Rescue Tubes (2) 142.00 02/15/2019 226-45124-421990 02/06/2019 Koehler & Dramm - Votive Candles for Weddin€ 915.75 02/15/2019 226-45123-421990 02/06/2019 Monti Printing - Guest Passes (400), Renewal C� 151.70 02/15/2019 226-45122-421990 02/06/2019 Vaon Hanson Snacks - Pretzels for Concession (: 34.86 02/15/2019 226-45125-425410 02/06/2019 Amazon - Batteries 13.99 02/15/2019 226-45122-421990 02/06/2019 Paypal - Replacement Belts for Jacobs Ladder (2 41.00 02/15/2019 226-45127-421720 02/06/2019 MN State College - Registration for 2019 MCFC 275.00 02/15/2019 101-41410-433100 02/06/2019 Dacotah Paper - Cleaning Supplies 161.17 02/15/2019 101-45501-421990 02/06/2019 Dacotah Paper - Food Services Gloves 124.43 02/15/2019 226-45125-421990 02/06/2019 Dacotah Paper - Bathroom/Locker room Supplie 1,342.31 02/15/2019 226-45126-421990 02/06/2019 Cintas - Mat Service Inv# 4013406439, 4014161 39.20 02/15/2019 101-45501-431990 02/06/2019 Cintas - Inv# 4013199013 49.01 02/15/2019 226-45126-431990 02/06/2019 Cintas - Inv# 4014497374, 4014814791, 401516 195.48 02/15/2019 226-45126-431990 02/06/2019 Cintas - Inv# 4015169390 29.92 02/15/2019 217-41990-431990 02/06/2019 Cintas - Inv# 4014814719, 4015493570 39.20 02/15/2019 101-45501-431990 02/06/2019 Runnings - Utility 8 - (4) bulk bin 3.80 02/15/2019 101-42200-422110 02/06/2019 Amazon - 8 pk. C batteries 9.24 02/15/2019 101-43110-421990 02/06/2019 Auto Value - (4) wiper blades; 35.96 02/15/2019 101-45201-421650 02/06/2019 Monti Napa -(4) cir. breaker 18.20 02/15/2019 101-43127-421990 02/06/2019 Auto Value - #143 - (2) wiper blades; miniature 1 26.97 02/15/2019 101-43120-422110 02/06/2019 Monti Napa - #109 - (2) hose end fittings; (4.67) 49.36 02/15/2019 101-43120-422110 02/06/2019 NBP - (2) cs. pap. towels; (2) soap 78.25 02/15/2019 609-49754-421990 02/06/2019 Monti Napa - (14) weathershield; (4) hose end 109.16 02/15/2019 101-43125-422100 02/06/2019 NBP - Rubber Bands, Post Its, File Storage Boxt 49.59 02/15/2019 217-41990-421990 02/06/2019 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 3.821 gals @ $2.639 -1 10.08 02/15/2019 101-45201-421200 02/06/2019 Amazon - Chair Mat 36.07 02/15/2019 217-41990-421990 02/06/2019 Amazon - Black Toner 35.90 02/15/2019 217-41990-421990 02/06/2019 Economic Dev Assoc MN - Conference Registra 315.00 02/15/2019 213-46301-433100 02/06/2019 Wall Street Journal - Monthly Subscription (WO 38.99 02/15/2019 101-41520-443300 02/06/2019 Amazon -24pk AA; 12pk 9v; envelopes 52.17 02/15/2019 101-43110-421990 02/06/2019 BigMouth.com- resale - (48) drink coolers 216.00 02/15/2019 609-49750-425400 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/14/2019 - 2:21 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 02/06/2019 Runnings - (3) teflon tape 4.47 02/15/2019 601-49440-421990 02/06/2019 Auto Value - (2) organic vapor mask 51.98 02/15/2019 101-45201-420650 02/06/2019 Monti Napa -snowplow lights; (2) Gorilla tape 146.98 02/15/2019 101-43127-422110 Check Total: 90,404.54 Vendor: 2438 VANCO SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 00009428502 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - Jan 2019 0.28 02/15/2019 656-00000-202099 00009428502 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - Jan 2019 52.73 02/15/2019 601-49440-443980 00009428502 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - Jan 2019 52.73 02/15/2019 602-49490-443980 Check Total: 105.74 Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 107,783.63 6 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 2/25/19 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/14/2019 - 2:21 PM) Page 8 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 02/20/2019 - 1:30PM Batch: 00205.02.2019 - 205.02.2019 AP Invoice No Description Vendor: 2925 1 ST LINE/LEEWES VENTURES LLC 132002 Flavored Syrups for Concession (4) Check Total: Vendor: 5186 ACE RAIL & FENCE, INC. 200439 Boat Light- aluminum light bar Check Total: Vendor: 5184 ADVANCED GRAPHIX INC. 201145 2019 F-150 - travel charge for application - Fire Check Total: Vendor: 2407 ALL ELEMENTS 6158 Cleaned & Patched PRV Vent w/EPDM at Senio Check Total: Vendor: 1020 ALMCO HYDRAULICS INC 17306 (2) bale twine Check Total: Vendor: 5185 TAYLOR ANDRES 2/14/2019 02/26/2019 Planning Commission Meeting Recording 2/5/15 2/14/2019 EDA Meeting Recording 2/13/19 Check Total: Vendor: 1036 APEC AQUISITIONS INC 122921 Filters - 20 x 32 Masterlink Blue Filter (6) Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Sequence: 1 395.75 02/26/2019 226-45125-425410 395.75 Check Sequence: 2 325.00 02/26/2019 101-42200-422110 325.00 Check Sequence: 3 50.00 02/26/2019 101-42200-440500 50.00 Check Sequence: 4 120.75 02/26/2019 226-45126-440100 120.75 Check Sequence: 5 229.57 02/26/2019 609-49754-421990 229.57 Check Sequence: 6 67.50 02/26/2019 101-41910-431990 67.50 02/26/2019 213-46301-431990 135.00 Check Sequence: 7 71.75 02/26/2019 226-45126-422990 Moiiii6effo Y Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 2 Check Total: 71.75 Vendor: 1039 AQUA LOGIC INC Check Sequence: 8 48493 Spider Gasket, O Ring Diverter (4) 113.27 02/26/2019 226-45126-422990 48509 Seal Kit, Coupler, Impeller, Gasket 354.07 02/26/2019 226-45126-422990 48514 Purex Whisperflo Seal Kit (2) 74.50 02/26/2019 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 541.84 Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 9 3325581 resale - beer 103.80 02/26/2019 609-49750-425200 447250 resale - beer credit inv. # 3315589 -8.52 02/12/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 95.28 Vendor: 4502 ARVIG Check Sequence: 10 2/8/2019 IT Services - Feb 2019 73.00 02/26/2019 702-00000-431990 Check Total: 73.00 Vendor: 2808 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO Check Sequence: 11 331605 Water Booster Sta.- reload memory module 444.20 02/26/2019 601-49440-440100 33171S (5.4) hr. repair water sys. contrl. failure; 86 ml.tr 756.70 02/26/2019 601-49440-440100 Check Total: 1,200.90 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 12 68280900 resale- wine 425.52 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 68280900 resale -liquor 92.28 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 68280900 freight 12.47 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 68306000 resale - wine credit inv. # 68280900 -180.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 68306000 freight credit inv. # 68280900 -1.80 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 68320800 freight credit 19.80 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 68320800 resale - liquor 895.99 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 68320800 resale - wine 176.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 68374100 resale - wine 42.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 68374100 freight 1.35 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 99011900 freight 1.39 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 99011900 asst. bags 225.00 02/26/2019 609-49754-421990 99011900 resale- mix 77.10 02/26/2019 609-49750-425400 99042300 freight 0.26 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 99042300 qt. bags 57.20 02/26/2019 609-49754-421990 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 3 Check Total: 1,844.56 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 101319 resale - pop, Gatorade, Milk 431.37 02/26/2019 226-45125-425410 101320 resale - soda pop 175.30 02/26/2019 609-49750-425400 101320 resale -juice 32.80 02/26/2019 609-49750-425500 101321 resale - beer 422.10 02/26/2019 609-49750-425200 104547 resale - pop, Gatorade, water, 199.69 02/26/2019 226-45125-425410 104548 resale - soda pop 219.50 02/26/2019 609-49750-425400 104548 resale -juice 32.80 02/26/2019 609-49750-425500 104549 resale - beer 1,720.30 02/26/2019 609-49750-425200 342510 resale - coffee 174.72 02/26/2019 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 3,408.58 Vendor: 4618 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 83105656 (4) megamover transport unit - Fire 118.96 02/26/2019 101-42200-421990 83113334 (2) OB kits - Fire 48.48 02/26/2019 101-42200-421990 Check Total: 167.44 Vendor: 1080 BRAEMAR MAILING SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 59582 Print Back Page on Perferated Paper (500) for U 32.50 02/26/2019 601-49440-431800 59582 Print Back Page on Perferated Paper (500) for U 32.50 02/26/2019 602-49490-431800 59620 UB Feb 2018 Invoices - (3726) Print, Fold, Stuff 576.59 02/26/2019 601-49440-431800 59620 UB Feb 2018 Invoices - (3726) Print, Fold, Stuff 576.59 02/26/2019 602-49490-431800 59620 UB Feb 2018 Invoices - (3726) Parks Insert 427.26 02/26/2019 101-45201-434990 59620 UB Feb 2018 Invoices - (3726) DMV Insert 162.26 02/26/2019 217-41990-434990 Check Total: 1,807.70 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPH Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 1080926705 resale - wine 274.46 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 1080926705 resale -liquor 998.72 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 1080926705 freight 15.27 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1080929705 resale- wine 874.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 1080929705 resale -liquor 2,978.88 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 1080929705 freight 66.83 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1080929706 resale - beer 130.50 02/26/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 5,338.66 Vendor: 1084 C/O CSG BROCK WHITE COMPANY LLC Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description 13053708-00 Stamps; Blue, Yellow, Red (2 of ea) Check Total: Vendor: 1095 CARLOS CREEK WINERY INC 16834 resale - wine Check Total: Vendor: 4929 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHENSION 2/13/2019 Background Check (1) 8152921 Check Total: Vendor: 1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA 2348-000G 198 Planning & Zoning - Jan 2019 2348-000G 198 General Legal - Jan 2019 2348-000G 198 Inspections Contract - Jan 2019 2348-148G 18 16C006 - Fallon Ave Condemnation - Jan 2019 2348-156G 3 201851 - Featherstone 4th Addition -Jan 2019 2348-157G 1 201847 - Groveland 5th Addition- Jan 2019 Check Sequence: 18 Check Total: Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. 2221981 resale - beer Check Total: Vendor: 1095 CARLOS CREEK WINERY INC 16834 resale - wine Amount Check Total: Vendor: 4089 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC 8152920 resale - beer 8152921 resale - beer credit 101-43120-421990 Check Total: Vendor: 4315 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 2/1/2019 Digital Receiver Check Total: Vendor: 4694 CUNINGHAM GROUP ARCHITECTURE INC 52108 Facade Improvements - January 2019 Check Total: Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1,033.00 02/26/2019 101-43120-421990 1,033.00 Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False 32.00 02/26/2019 217-41990-431990 32.00 Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 1,688.00 02/26/2019 101-41910-430400 2,579.10 02/26/2019 101-41610-430400 48.00 02/26/2019 101-42400-430400 139.50 02/26/2019 400-43300-459018 90.00 02/26/2019 101-00000-220110 607.80 02/26/2019 101-00000-220110 5,152.40 Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: True 4,175.60 02/26/2019 609-49750-425200 4,175.60 Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 324.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 324.00 Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 385.60 02/26/2019 609-49750-425200 -20.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425200 365.60 Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 7.97 02/26/2019 101-41110-431990 7.97 Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False 4,000.00 02/26/2019 213-46301-431990 4,000.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: True 1394180 resale - beer 3,627.25 02/26/2019 609-49750-425200 1399429 resale - beer 6,770.80 02/26/2019 609-49750-425200 199373 resale - beer 22,045.06 02/26/2019 609-49750-425200 199373 resale - beer n/a 27.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425400 199767 resale - beer 16,755.87 02/26/2019 609-49750-425200 199767 resale - beer n/a 92.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425400 199979 resale - beer credit -113.30 02/26/2019 609-49750-425200 200078 resale - beer credit -204.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 49,000.68 Vendor: 2050 DEMVI LLC Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 2/9/2019 March - Parking Lot Easement Maint Agreement 121.60 02/26/2019 213-46301-443990 Check Total: 121.60 Vendor: 4010 MARILYN DIRKSWAGER Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False 150 Jan - March Programs (9) 315.00 02/26/2019 101-00000-220150 Check Total: 315.00 Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: True 667682 Animal Control Bids - Ad# 902191 110.76 02/26/2019 101-41310-435100 669764 Ordinance #705 - Ad# 904356 119.99 02/26/2019 101-41910-435100 669765 201838 - Ordinance #706 - Ad# 904376 156.91 02/26/2019 101-41910-435100 Check Total: 387.66 Vendor: 1170 FASTENAL COMPANY Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False MNMON112652 (20) Brown Sorbent- floor dry 113.08 02/26/2019 101-42200-421990 Check Total: 113.08 Vendor: 2561 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 316163 (325) R900 V4 Wall MIU - Radio Read replacen 35,587.50 02/26/2019 601-49440-422701 Check Total: 35,587.50 Vendor: 2273 FIBERNET MONTICELLO - ACH Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: True 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Phone - City Hall 619.38 02/26/2019 702-00000-432100 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Phone - MCC 550.69 02/26/2019 702-00000-432100 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Phone - Ballfields 19.56 02/26/2019 702-00000-432100 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Phone - DMV 261.54 02/26/2019 702-00000-432100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Phone - Hi Way Liquor 345.23 02/26/2019 702-00000-432100 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Phone - Fire Hall 229.54 02/26/2019 702-00000-432100 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Phone - Public Works 262.49 02/26/2019 702-00000-432100 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Phone - Parks 114.12 02/26/2019 702-00000-432100 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Phone - Prairie Center 14.22 02/26/2019 702-00000-432100 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Phone - Sheriff 69.86 02/26/2019 702-00000-432100 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Internet - City Hall 134.95 02/26/2019 702-00000-432300 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Internet - MCC 10.00 02/26/2019 702-00000-432300 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Internet - Ballfields 10.00 02/26/2019 702-00000-432300 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Internet - DMV 41.95 02/26/2019 702-00000-432300 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Internet - Hi Way Liquor 41.95 02/26/2019 702-00000-432300 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Internet - Fire Hall 41.95 02/26/2019 702-00000-432300 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Internet - Animal Shelter 29.95 02/26/2019 702-00000-432300 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Internet - Public Works 69.95 02/26/2019 702-00000-432300 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Internet - Sheriff 41.95 02/26/2019 702-00000-432300 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Internet - Prairie Center 126.53 02/26/2019 702-00000-432300 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Cable - Fire Hall 5.11 02/26/2019 101-42200-431990 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Cable - City Hall 12.95 02/26/2019 101-41310-431990 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Cable - MCC 329.81 02/26/2019 226-45127-432500 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Data Hosting - City Hall 500.00 02/26/2019 702-00000-431900 2/8/2019 Feb 2019 - Service Contract - City Hall 250.00 02/26/2019 702-00000-431900 Check Total: 4,133.68 Vendor: 5086 FLATOUT TIRE SERVICE LLC Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False 15894 #103 - loader Tire 158.05 02/26/2019 101-43120-422200 Check Total: 158.05 Vendor: 1205 GRAINGER INC Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 9092385039 Replacement Bumper (10) 23.10 02/26/2019 226-45126-422990 9092627810 Adjustable Air Sensing Switch 10.72 02/26/2019 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 33.82 Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: True 4441221 (10) #150 Cyl. Chlorine;(616) ga. Hyd. Acid 8,088.71 02/26/2019 601-49440-421600 4443979 Pool Chemicials 878.64 02/26/2019 226-45124-421600 Check Total: 8,967.35 Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False 2932267 resale - beer 3,131.45 02/26/2019 609-49750-425200 2932267 resale - beer n/a 99.95 02/26/2019 609-49750-425400 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 2932267 freight 3.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 3,234.40 Vendor: 4922 JOHN NAGENGAST DOORS LLC Check Sequence: 36 6735 Install Conference Rcoom Door @ Library 1,188.00 02/26/2019 101-45501-440100 Check Total: 1,188.00 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 37 1212652 resale - liquor 4,941.63 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 1212652 freight 63.98 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1212653 freight 29.80 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1212653 resale - wine n/a 118.70 02/26/2019 609-49750-425400 1212653 resale- wine 856.95 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 1213932 freight 7.93 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1213932 resale -liquor 743.45 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 1213933 resale - wine 1,225.05 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 1213933 resale - wine n/a 88.55 02/26/2019 609-49750-425400 1213933 freight 28.31 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1214411 freight 7.45 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1214411 resale - liquor 430.50 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 1214412 resale- wine 252.60 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 1214412 freight 7.45 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1216217 freight 17.14 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1216217 resale - liquor 1,546.23 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 1216218 resale - wine 580.30 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 1216218 freight 17.88 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1216791 resale - liquor 9,097.58 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 1216791 freight 100.07 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1216792 freight 1.49 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1216792 resale - mix 29.60 02/26/2019 609-49750-425400 1217651 resale - liquor 3,777.17 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 1217651 freight 50.91 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1217652 freight 56.62 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1217652 resale - wine 1,929.15 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 1218775 freight 53.65 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1218775 resale - liquor 2,460.50 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 1218776 resale - wine 1,043.20 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 1218776 freight 25.33 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1221257 freight 29.80 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1221257 resale - liquor 1,963.54 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 1221258 resale - wine 531.40 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1221258 freight 17.88 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 526438 freight credit inv. # 1207821 -1.49 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 526438 resale - wine credit inv. # 1207821 -52.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 526706 resale - wine credit inv. #1197116 -41.37 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 526707 resale - wine credit inv. #1202861 -48.25 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 526707 freight credit inv. #1202861 -1.49 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 526708 resale - wine credit inv. #1209635 -55.15 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 526976 resale - liquor credit inv. # 1208625 -296.99 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 526976 freight credit inv. # 1208625 -1.74 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 526977 resale - liquor credit inv. # 1208626 -80.99 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 526977 freight credit inv. # 1208626 -0.99 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 31,551.33 Vendor: 1290 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False 287309 annual MN Cities Stormwater Coalition Contrib. 783.00 02/26/2019 101-43130-443300 288300 Greater GARE Registrations 1,000.00 02/26/2019 101-41310-433100 Check Total: 1,783.00 Vendor: 1296 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False 353921 loader buffer; buffer inner assy.; (2) clevis bolt; ( 1,146.49 02/26/2019 101-43120-422100 Check Total: 1,146.49 Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: True 18750 resale - beer 432.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425200 18885 resale - beer 378.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 810.00 Vendor: 1300 DOUGLAS WILLIAM LYSENG Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: True 1380 Swan Camera, Pole Mount, Microphone, 2,000.00 02/26/2019 101-41310-431990 1380 Mounted Camera. Configured Internet, 2019 Ma 1,000.00 02/26/2019 101-41310-431990 1381 On Site IT Services - January 2019 - Fire 255.00 02/26/2019 101-42200-431990 1381 On Site IT Services - January 2019 - MCC 170.00 02/26/2019 226-45126-431990 1381 On Site IT Services January 2019 1,572.50 02/26/2019 702-00000-431990 1381 Microsoft Office 2019 for Toughbook 499.98 02/26/2019 101-42200-421990 1381 Montiors (3), Upgrade StorageCraft ShadowProt 1,014.36 02/26/2019 702-00000-421990 1381 USB NIC for MCC 25.00 02/26/2019 226-45122-421990 Check Total: 6,536.84 Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 274382 resale -tobacco; barware 138.86 02/26/2019 609-49750-425400 274382 resale - cigarettes; juice 1,149.67 02/26/2019 609-49750-425500 Check Total: 1,288.53 Vendor: 2819 MADDEN GALANTER 14ANSEN LLP Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False Jan 2019 Labor Relations Services - Jan 2019 82.46 02/26/2019 101-41800-430400 Check Total: 82.46 Vendor: 3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: True 21173864 (977) gal. diesel @ $2.43 2,378.65 02/26/2019 101-43120-421200 21173874 (449) gal. unleaded @ $1.94 870.76 02/26/2019 101-43120-421200 21178612 (960) gal. diesel @ $2.41 2,309.47 02/26/2019 101-43120-421200 21178620 (100) gal. unleaded @ $1.95 195.08 02/26/2019 101-43120-421200 Check Total: 5,753.96 Vendor: 1726 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False INV6015248 2/10/19 - 3/9/19 Contract Payment 935.58 02/26/2019 702-00000-441500 INV6015248 Supply Freight Fee 46.00 02/26/2019 702-00000-441500 INV6015249 2/10/19 - 3/9/19 Contract Payment 214.29 02/26/2019 702-00000-441500 Check Total: 1,195.87 Vendor: 2108 MN CITY/COUNTY MGMT ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: False 2/19/2019 2019 Winter Professional Development Worksh 100.00 02/26/2019 101-41310-443300 Check Total: 100.00 Vendor: 1349 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False P00010069 16C006 - MNDOT Progress & Final Est Reports 1,642.66 02/26/2019 400-43300-459018 Check Total: 1,642.66 Vendor: 5147 MN PEIP Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: True 814975 March - Health Insurance 35,919.30 02/26/2019 101-00000-217061 Check Total: 35,919.30 Vendor: 2512 MONTICELLO PLBG HTG AC LLC Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 19054 Labor - Drinking Fountain Service & Replace El 115.00 02/26/2019 226-45126-440100 19054 Parts - Electric Eye Sensor for Bottle Fill Station 177.86 02/26/2019 226-45126-440100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 292.86 Vendor: 1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: True Feb 2019 Monthly Allocation - Feb 2019 5,150.00 02/26/2019 101-45175-444310 Check Total: 5,150.00 Vendor: 1390 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: True 1201113-00 LH Glass ASM 596.22 02/26/2019 226-45126-422990 1201113-01 Door Hinges (2), Door Spring Gas 113.73 02/26/2019 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 709.95 Vendor: 4838 NORTH RISK PARTNERS - APOLLO DIVISI( Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 3128399 Work Comp Final Audit 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 8,543.00 02/26/2019 101-00000-202010 3128399 Work Comp Final Audit 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 55.00 02/26/2019 213-00000-202010 3128399 Work Comp Final Audit 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 169.00 02/26/2019 217-00000-202010 3128399 Work Comp Final Audit 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 2,532.00 02/26/2019 226-00000-202010 3128399 Work Comp Final Audit 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 876.00 02/26/2019 601-00000-202010 3128399 Work Comp Final Audit 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 896.00 02/26/2019 602-00000-202010 3128399 Work Comp Final Audit 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 1,155.00 02/26/2019 609-00000-202010 Check Total: 14,226.00 Vendor: 1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: True 24054 Jan 2019 - Technical Assistance - City Projects 5,549.97 02/26/2019 101-41910-431990 24055 201838 - Headwaters Senior Housing - Jan 2019 657.40 02/26/2019 101-00000-220110 24055 201847 - Lake Region RG Center - Jan 2019 173.00 02/26/2019 101-00000-220110 24055 201901 - PREDESIGN - Spirit Hills South - Jan 242.20 02/26/2019 101-41910-431990 24055 201901 - PREDESIGN Leininger Subdivision - 224.90 02/26/2019 101-41910-431990 24055 201853 - TC Staffing Sign Variance - Jan 2019 1,505.10 02/26/2019 101-00000-220110 24056 Jan 2019 - Technical Assistance - Meetings 300.00 02/26/2019 101-41910-431990 Check Total: 8,652.57 Vendor: 1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: True 18904 electrical cord built 12/3 cord w/5-15 plug; conn 26.46 02/26/2019 101-42200-422300 57952 Parts - 7th St. btwn. Elm/39- Pole knocked over 128.46 02/26/2019 101-43160-431990 57952 labor- 7th St. btwn. Elm/39- Pole knocked over 577.50 02/26/2019 101-43160-431990 57974 labor- 449 W. Broadway- pole knocked over 190.00 02/26/2019 101-43160-431990 58004 labor- 7th St./Wash.- pole knocked over 142.50 02/26/2019 101-43160-431990 58004 material - 7th St./Wash.- pole knocked over 3.88 02/26/2019 101-43160-431990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 11 Check Total: 1,068.80 Vendor: 1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False 40420 resale- wine 300.27 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 40420 freight 7.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 307.27 Vendor: 4633 PERFORMANCE FOOD GROUP INC Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: True 54149376 Cheese Sauce for Concession 176.70 02/26/2019 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 176.70 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 2499478 resale - liquor 786.15 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 2499478 freight 7.57 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 2500386 resale - liquor 2,221.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 2500386 freight 27.07 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 2500387 freight 32.78 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 2500387 resale - wine 1,107.25 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 2502103 resale -liquor 681.72 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 2502103 freight 4.62 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 2502463 resale - liquor 4,396.20 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 2502463 freight 78.97 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 2503082 freight 31.22 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 2503082 resale - liquor 3,079.19 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 2503083 resale- wine 447.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 2503083 freight 7.45 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 2503929 resale - liquor 1,170.34 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 2503929 freight 14.04 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 2503930 freight 13.41 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 2503930 resale - mix 64.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425400 2503930 resale- wine 461.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 2505793 resale - liquor 1,394.31 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 2505793 freight 22.98 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 320244 resale - liquor credit inv. #2496666 -95.90 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 320244 freight credit inv. 42496666 -1.49 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 320892 freight credit inv. # 2496666 -0.25 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 320892 resale - liquor credit inv. # 2496666 -32.60 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 320893 freight credit inv. 2496667 -0.37 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 320893 resale - wine credit inv. 2496667 -31.80 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 15,885.86 428.40 310.80 739.20 657.98 657.98 654.74 654.74 62.15 62.15 612.57 612.57 166.25 568.25 734.50 159.00 1,666.67 1,825.67 20.00 20.00 Check Sequence: 58 02/26/2019 609-49754-434990 02/26/2019 101-41310-435100 Check Sequence: 59 02/26/2019 101-43120-421200 Check Sequence: 60 02/26/2019 226-45125-425410 Check Sequence: 61 02/26/2019 101-42200-421990 Check Sequence: 62 02/26/2019 609-49754-421990 Check Sequence: 63 02/26/2019 226-45126-440100 02/26/2019 226-45126-440100 Check Sequence: 64 02/26/2019 101-00000-202010 02/26/2019 101-42700-431200 Check Sequence: 65 02/26/2019 217-41990-431990 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False Page 12 Check Total: Vendor: 1428 PINNACLE PUBLISHING, LLC 278498 Acct. # 7632955222- annua Directory advertisin, 7632952711 Annual Telephone Directory - City Hall Check Total: Vendor: 1455 RED'S MARATHON Jan. 2019 Jan. 2019 fuel slips snow removal - Streets Check Total: Vendor: 4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC 611187 Food for Concession Resale Check Total: Vendor: 4962 RENGEL PRINTING COMPANY, INC 108092 (40) By -Law booklets Check Total: Vendor: 2987 RETAIL RESOURCE LLC 371252 (2) 4 shelf unit - Hi -Way Liquor Check Total: Vendor: 1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC A34187 Drill & Install Thumb Turn on Coat Closet Dead A34197 Top Latch & Dogging Assembly Installed Check Total: Vendor: 1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Dayton City of Dayton -Animal Control Feb 2nd Semi Monthly Contract Payment Check Total: Vendor: 4695 SHERBURNE COUNTY RECORDER 2/13/2019 Recording of Notary Commission (KB) Check Total: AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number 15,885.86 428.40 310.80 739.20 657.98 657.98 654.74 654.74 62.15 62.15 612.57 612.57 166.25 568.25 734.50 159.00 1,666.67 1,825.67 20.00 20.00 Check Sequence: 58 02/26/2019 609-49754-434990 02/26/2019 101-41310-435100 Check Sequence: 59 02/26/2019 101-43120-421200 Check Sequence: 60 02/26/2019 226-45125-425410 Check Sequence: 61 02/26/2019 101-42200-421990 Check Sequence: 62 02/26/2019 609-49754-421990 Check Sequence: 63 02/26/2019 226-45126-440100 02/26/2019 226-45126-440100 Check Sequence: 64 02/26/2019 101-00000-202010 02/26/2019 101-42700-431200 Check Sequence: 65 02/26/2019 217-41990-431990 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS, Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False 1783211 resale - liquor 1,653.46 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 1783211 freight 19.24 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1783212 freight 15.63 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1783212 resale- wine 765.71 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 1785641 freight 14.94 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1785641 resale - liquor 1,384.35 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 1785642 freight 17.27 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 1785642 resale - wine 889.23 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 4,759.83 Vendor: 1507 STREICHERS INC Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False I1351306 extrication gloves 35.00 02/26/2019 101-42200-421990 Check Total: 35.00 Vendor: 1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: True 763-271-3257 TDS 99.68 02/26/2019 702-00000-432100 763-295-2005 TDS 20.16 02/26/2019 702-00000-432100 763-295-3714 TDS 345.51 02/26/2019 702-00000-432100 Check Total: 465.35 Vendor: 1537 UHL COMPANY INC Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: True 11329 WO# 11329 - Replace 24V 3 Way Reheat Valve 985.00 02/26/2019 101-45501-440100 12101 WO# 12101 - Replaced Crankcase Heater 497.58 02/26/2019 656-00000-202099 12102 WO# 12102 - Replace 3 Way Mixing Valve Actu 685.00 02/26/2019 226-45126-440100 12149 WO# 12149 - Boiler Issues - Adjusted Controlle 444.50 02/26/2019 226-45126-440100 9479 WO# 9479 - Troubleshoot Ethernet Connection i 425.00 02/26/2019 226-45126-440100 Check Total: 3,037.08 Vendor: 5177 CLAREY'S SAFETY EQUIPMENT ULTIMATI Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 181287 Engine 4 -3' pike pole w/d-handle 67.92 02/26/2019 101-42200-421990 Check Total: 67.92 Vendor: 1544 US POSTAL SERVICE Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 2/7/2019 PI 42 - UB Feb Billing (3,726 pcs) (1/2) 855.12 02/26/2019 601-49440-432200 2/7/2019 PI 42 - UB Feb Billing (3,726 pcs) (1/2) 855.11 02/26/2019 602-49490-432200 Check Total: 1,710.23 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Vendor: 1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV L. 90183627 574.30 March 2019 WWTP Operations & Maintenance 609-49750-425400 Check Total: Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO 2296436 resale - soda pop 2296554 resale - soda pop Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: True Check Total: Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA 226266 02/26/2019 resale - liquor 226266 7.50 resale - wine 226266 freight 226752 609-49750-425100 resale - liquor 226752 02/26/2019 resale - wine 226752 7.50 freight 609-49750-433300 Check Total: Vendor: 1561 WATER LABORATORIES INC 7268 January 2019 Water Testing ACH Enabled: False 288.00 Check Total: Vendor: 5187 WELLS CONCRETE 2/20/2019 TIF Grant Progress Payment - Underground Part Check Total: Vendor: 4008 SANDRA WELTON 151 Jan - March Programs (25) Check Total: Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC 9006 875.00 Labor - Replace Ballast at Food Shelf 9006 Parts - Ballast; Misc Hardware to Replace Balla Check Total: Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC 7222110 80.00 resale - wine 7222110 freight Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: True 60,125.00 02/26/2019 602-49480-430800 60,125.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 14 Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: True 574.30 02/26/2019 609-49750-425400 345.70 02/26/2019 609-49750-425400 920.00 Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: True 410.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 80.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 7.50 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 90.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425100 216.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 7.50 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 811.00 Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False 288.00 02/26/2019 601-49440-422740 288.00 Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 170,865.35 02/26/2019 213-46519-443990 170,865.35 Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False 875.00 02/26/2019 101-00000-220150 875.00 Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 80.00 02/26/2019 217-41990-440100 33.08 02/26/2019 217-41990-440100 113.08 Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 1,176.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 20.86 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 2/25/19 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 15 Check Total: 1,196.86 Vendor: 1206 WINEBOW INC. Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: True 53529 resale- wine 612.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-425300 53529 freight 9.00 02/26/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 621.00 Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: True 2/13/2019 Court Fines & Fees - Jan 2019 5,033.02 02/26/2019 101-42100-430410 February February 2019 - Deputies Contract 117,834.17 02/26/2019 101-42100-430500 Check Total: 122,867.19 Vendor: 1579 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMEN Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 1274 16C001-PHASEI- Briarweed Study - Bertram 2,504.25 02/26/2019 229-45202-453011 1274 (6) Kleen Break surface; 1 bx Anchor bolts 507.96 02/26/2019 101-43125-421990 Check Total: 3,012.21 Total for Check Run: 645,494.53 Total of Number of Checks: 82 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 2/25/19 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/20/2019 - 1:30 PM) Page 15 City Council Agenda 2/25/2019 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Citv departments (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. By ratifying departures, the council also approves the expenditure for final amounts due to terminated and otherwise departing employees. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I . Motion to ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. City staff recommends Alternative #l, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • List of new/terminated employees Myles Root Name Name Ellie Anselment NEW EMPLOYEES Title Lifeguard Department Hire Date Class MCC TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason Voluntary Department MCC New Hire and Terms City Council 2019.xlsx: 2/19/2019 2/15/2019 PT Last Day 1/27/19 PT Class City Council Agenda: 2/25/2019 2C. Consideration of approving sale or disposal of surplus vroverty (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to declare certain items as surplus property and authorize the sale or disposal of those items. The Fire Department is disposing of approximately 30 sets of used/expired Wildland firefighting gear. The items are expired — both AED and gear and cannot be sold. The current value is an estimate. The items are intended to be donated to the MN Interagency Fire Center. Al. Budget Impact: Varies by the value of the property. A2. Staff Work Load Impact: Minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the sale or disposal of surplus property as identified on the attached lists. 2. Motion to deny the sale or disposal of surplus property as recommended. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends Option 1 to approve the sale or disposal of surplus property as identified. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Surplus List B. Photo Equipment/Supplies Surplus List Department: Fire 1. $100,000 + A. B. 2. $50,000 - $100,000 A. B. 3. $25,000.00 - $50,000.00 A. B. 4. $10,000 - $25,000 A. B. C. 5. $2,500 - $10,000 A. B. C. 6. $1,000 - $2,500 A. B. C. Date: 2/25/2019 7. $100 - $1,000 A. 2 out of service life AED's. B. C. 8. $0-$100 A. 30 Sets of used/expired wildland firefighting gear (pants, coats, boots, helmets) B. C. City Council Agenda: 02/25/2019 2D. Consideration of approving an application for a temvorary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Wright Countv Ducks Unlimited, Chapter 39, in conjunction with their Annual Banquet on Mav 6, 2019 (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Ducks Unlimited has applied for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be held on May 6, 2019 in conjunction with their Annual Membership Banquet. The event is being held at the River City Extreme. To receive a permit from the State, the City must approve the application. In the past the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the application for a charitable gambling permit for a raffle conducted by the Wright County Ducks Unlimited Chapter 39 on May 6, 2019 for their annual membership banquet at River City Extreme, 3875 School Blvd. 2. Motion to not approve the application for a charitable gambling permit. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports Alternative #1 and requests Council to approve the application which will be submitted to the State Gambling Control Board. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Copy of Application for Exempt Gambling Permit MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING LG220 Application for Exempt Permit An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit organization that: • conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days, and • awards less than $50,000 in prizes during a calendar year. If total raffle prize value for the calendar year will be $1,500 or less, contact the Licensing Specialist assigned to your county by calling 651-539-1900. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION 11/17 Page 1 of 2 Application Fee (non-refundable) Applications are processed in the order received. If the application is postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Due to the high volume of exempt applications, payment of additional fees prior to 30 days before your event will not expedite service, nor are telephone requests for expedited service accepted. Organization �revious Gambl:ing Nam041[,,kj/,3ermit Number Minnesota Tax ID J c Federal Employer ID Number, if any: Number (FEIN), if any: Mailing Address: c( U`�{� Ve C', C� (� V City: �� l� Tu l State: / 'c r� Zip: t County: Name of Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Y " { �'�^�e i K (ci In L�,e c -- CEO Daytime Phone: �r ��CEO Email: l "J e C ��' "fit (' �- C/ I-ZI (permit will be emailed to this email address unless otherwise indicated below) Email permit to (if other than the CEO): NONPROFIT STATUS Type of Nonprofit Organization (check one): = Fraternal = Religious Veterans cs�_ Other Nonprofit Organization Attach a copy of one of the following showing proof of nonprofit status: (DO NOT attach a sales tax exempt status or federal employer ID number, as they are not proof of nonprofit status.) F-1 A current calendar year Certificate of Good Standing Don't have a copy? Obtain this certificate from: MN Secretary of State, Business Services Division Secretary of State website, phone numbers: 60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 www.sos.state.mn.us St. Paul, MN 55103 651-296-2803, or toll free 1-877-551-6767 F-1 IRS income tax exemption (501(c)) letter in your organization's name Don't have a copy? To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter, have an organization officer contact the IRS toll free at 1-877-829-5500. IRS - Affiliate of national, statewide, or international parent nonprofit organization (charter) If your organization falls under a parent organization, attach copies of both of the following: 1. IRS letter showing your parent organization is a nonprofit 501(c) organization with a group ruling; and 2. the charter or letter from your parent organization recognizing your organization as a subordinate. GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION Name of premises where the gambling event will be conducted (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place): Physical Address (do not use P.O. box): -3 45 Check one: F�-Cit : u! y ❑ Township: Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing): 25� 1k -r it LY Zip: County: J Zi/p�:� County: j 0 �^ �� M S V b ��( / i Check each type of gambling activity that your organization will conduct: = Bingo = Paddlewheels = Pull -Tabs = Tipboards Raffle Gambling equipment for bingo paper, bingo boards, raffle boards, paddlewheels, pull -tabs, and tipboards must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board. EXCEPTION: Bingo hard cards and bingo ball selection devices may be borrowed from another organization authorized to conduct bingo. To find a licensed distributor, go to www.mn.gov/gcb and click on Distributors under the List of Licensees tab, or call 651-539-1900. LG220 Application for Exempt Permit 11/17 Page 2 of 2 LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT (required before submitting application to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board) CITY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located within city limits COUNTY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located in a township The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting -The application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after (60 days for a 1st class city). 30 days. The application is denied. Dhe application is denied. Print City Name: Signature of City Personnel: Title Date: The city or county must sign before submitting application to the Gambling Control Board. Print County Name: Signature of County Personnel: Title: Date: TOWNSHIP (if required by the county) On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying for exempted gambling activity within the township limits. (A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application, per Minn. Statutes, section 349.213.) Print Township Name: Signature of Township Officer: Title: Date: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE (required) The information provided in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge thafinancial report will be completed and returned t e Board within 30 da of a eve t date. 17(1 Chief Executive Officer's Signature: 1 Date: Signatufe must be CEO's signature; designee may not sign) Print Name: V " REQUIREMENTS MAIL APPLICATION AND ATTACHMENTS Complete a separate application for: Mail application with: • all gambling conducted on two or more consecutive days; or a copy of your proof of nonprofit status; and • all gambling conducted on one day. application fee (non-refundable). If the application is Only one application is required if one or more raffle drawings are postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, conducted on the same day. the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Financial report to be completed within 30 days after the Make check payable to State of Minnesota. gambling activity is done: To: Minnesota Gambling Control Board A financial report form will be mailed with your permit. Complete 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South and return the financial report form to the Gambling Control Roseville, MN 55113 Board. Questions? Your organization must keep all exempt records and reports for Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at 3-1/2 years (Minn. Statutes, section 349.166, subd. 2(f)). 651-539-1900. Data privacy notice: The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your organization's qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. Your organization has the right to refuse to supply the information; however, if your organization refuses to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your organization's qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit. If your organization supplies the information requested, the Board will be able to process the application. Your organization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All other information provided will be private data about your organization until the Board issues the permit. When the Board issues the permit, all information provided will become public. If the Board does not issue a permit, all information provided remains private, with the exception of your organization's name and address which will remain public. Private data about your organization are available to Board members, Board staff whose work requires access to the information; Minnesota's Depart- ment of Public Safety; Attorney General; Commissioners of Administration, Minnesota Management & Budget, and Revenue; Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this notice was given; and anyone with your written consent. This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. An equal opportunity employer City Council Agenda: 02/25/2019 2E. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 713 amending Title 3, Chapter 20 (Mobile Food Units), Section 4 of the Monticello Citv Code to increase allowable length of food unit QS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On May 8, 2017 the City Council approved the Mobile Food Unit Ordinance. As part of the ordinance, there was a length limit set for food trucks of 30 feet. This was in part because this is the average length of a food truck. In addition, we were sensitive to the parking spaces that a food truck would require. We recently received a request from a food truck vendor to amend the ordinance to allow for a 40 -foot food truck unit. The unit is a renovated bus and is licensed by the State. The back of the bus has limited seating available. Staff doesn't see an issue with 40 feet as long as all ordinance conditions are met, such as location of unit and distance from local restaurants. Staff will monitor and provide an update to Council should concerns arise regarding the food truck with seating use. Al. Budget Impact: None. A2. Staff Workload Impact: None. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Ordinance 713 amending Title 3, Chapter 20 (Mobile Food Units), Section 4 of the Monticello City Code to increase allowable length of food unit. 2. Motion to deny Ordinance change. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #I above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Draft Ordinance 713 ORDINANCE 713 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 3, CHAPTER 20, SECTION 4, CONDITIONS OF LICENSING, PERFORMANCE STANDARDS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS.- Chapter RDAINS. Chapter 20, Section B (9), is hereby amended as following: A mobile food unit may have a maximum bumper to bumper length of no more than thiFt(30) fortv (40) feet. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: Brian Stumpf, Mayor City Council Agenda: 02/25/2019 2F. Consideration of renewing membership in the I-94 West Corridor Coalition for 2019 in the amount of $6,799.50. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is being asked to consider making a financial contribution to the I-94 West Corridor Coalition in the amount of $6,799.50 for 2019. The City Council has previously approved this membership contribution for the purpose of raising awareness of the need for the development of expansion lanes to I-94 and for soliciting state and federal funds necessary for the lane expansion. The attached documentation from the Minnesota Department of Transportation highlights some of recent successes of the I-94 West Corridor Coalition. The efforts of the Coalition have helped secure the funding necessary to add a third lane on I-94 in both directions from Maple Grove to Albertville as well as from Clearwater to Monticello. These projects have been funded from the Corridors of Commerce Program as well as other state funds. The Coalition has laid out a clear vision for legislative focus in 2019 which primarily focuses on ensuring that the funding received for the upcoming projects remain in place. Efforts by the Coalition and other key stakeholders have been instrumental in raising the awareness of this corridor and securing the funding for these projects. The Coalition recognizes that they need to continue this momentum and is seeking the city's continued support for the expansion of I-94 from Albertville to Monticello and then from Clearwater to St Cloud. The Coalition, through continuing to advocate for additional lanes east and west will provide direct benefit to Monticello by: • Encouraging and supporting existing and future commercial, industrial and residential development. • Supporting local, regional, and statewide recreational and hospitality industries. • Allowing the city to have a voice and vote within the coalition. • Better allowing the city to be part of multi -agency effort to secure external funding for transportation projects by demonstrating increased regional benefits, which typically results in higher project rankings that are used to award funding. Al. Budget Impact: The membership dues total $6,799.50 based on Monticello's 2010 census population of 12,759. The funds have been budgeted for 2019 under the General Fund PW/Engineering budget under the membership line item. A2. Staff Workload Impact: City staff will continue to represent the city by attending all regularly -scheduled coalition meetings, plus other meetings as deemed necessary. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion approving a contribution of $6,799.50 to the I-94 West Corridor Coalition to renew the city's membership for 2019. 2. Motion to deny said request for funding. City Council Agenda: 02/25/2019 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The residents and businesses that reside within Monticello have much to gain from the expansion of I-94 to six lanes. As noted by the IEDC and Transportation Advisory Committee in the past, the economic health and viability of our community depends on a free flowing I-94. Therefore, it would make sense that the City should be part of the I-94 team that is engaged in this proven successful effort and provide financial support accordingly. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. I-94 Maple Grove to Clearwater project factsheet B. Invoice for 2019 and Information 2 1-94: Maple Grove to Clearwater Project description: The Minnesota Department of Transportation in 2019-2021 will make improvements along a 39 -mile -stretch of 1-94 between Maple Grove and Clearwater that will reduce congestion, improve access, improve safety, enhance freight traffic and economic vitality and provide a smoother ride. 1 _OA . KA --I— a.. P'I,.., ,....,a... For more information and to sign up for project email updates, visit: mndot.gov/i94-mg-clearwater/ Albertville to St. Michael 2019-2021 Reconstruct six miles of 1-94, adds a new third eastbound lane from Wright County Road 19 to Highway 241, add a third westbound lane from Highway 241 to Wright County Road 37, construct new access road along eastbound 1-94 between County Roads 19 and 37, replace 1-94 bridges over County Road 19, replace Highway 241 bridge over 1-94, add loop from westbound 1-94 to southbound Highway 241. Cost: $65 million Contact: Claudia Dumont 320-223-6530 or claudia.dumont@state.mn.us Maple Grove to Rogers 2020-2021 (temporary lanes built in summer 2019) Reconstruct nine miles of concrete between 1-494 in Maple Grove and Highway 101 in Rogers. Add a lane between Highways 610 and the Dayton interchange. Extending the lane to Highway 101 is under consideration. Cost: $125 million to $140 million. Contacts: Jerome Adams 651-234-7611 or jerome.adams@state.mn.us Dayton Parkway interchange 2020-21 Builds new interchange, trails and sidewalks south of Brockton Lane near Dayton. Cost: $28 million Contact: Tina Goodroad, Dayton city administrator, 763-421-3487 Monticello to Clearwater 2019-2021 Reconstruct 14 miles of 1-94 from Monticello to Clearwater, expand to six lanes (three lanes in each direction), install new raised -concrete median barrier, install commercial vehicle weigh -in -motion sensors, install a noise barrier wall along the north side of westbound 1-94, west of Monticello. Cost: $75 million to $85 million. Contact: Claudia Dumont 320-223-6530 or claudia.dumont@state.mn.us Traffic Impacts • Lane and road closures, delays, reduced speeds, detours Check www.511mn.org for real-time updates. Project website: mndot.gov/i94-mg-clearwater/ I-4 West Corridor Coalition 1370 John I Ul"s Drive Po Box 423 Rogers, MIS 55374 City of Monticello Ms, Charlotte Gabler-Murtti"110 City Hal1 505 Walnut Street Mmlimllo, Mfr 55362 De 2019 Annual Membembip Ducs /0/ I1.3111 vy.33ao Invoice Date frn+olce # I tZM 19 1045 � Qty ' Rate Amourd 13,599 0.50 6.799.50 Total $6,7".50 January 1, 2019 1-94 West Corridor Coalition P.O. Box 95 Rogers, MN 55.374 f C 0 R R I D R Local businesses, units of government and organizations like yours are the lifeblood of Minnesota's economy, providing jobs and susta inirkg families in cities, towns and neighborhoods like the ones in which we work and live. The vitality of aur local businesses depends greatly on the health of our infrastructure. It is because of this need that the 1-94 West Coalition was formed and why we are asking that you renew your membership. The 1-94 west Corridor Coalition is a partnership of businesses and local governments, formed to provide a strong, united voice to advocate for and address transportation concerns along the 1-94 corridor, from the Fish Lake Interchange to St. Cloud_ Our growing communities require foresight, planning, and relentless advocacy to ensure our region's transportation needs are not lost at the Capitol. We experienced major succe55 over the past years with the opening of additional lanes between Highway 101 in Rogers and Highway 241 in St_ Michael, which have resulted Irl a 55% reduction in total travel delay and the completion of nearly 3 million square feet of new Industria I development in the region. Phase I I has received 1.4 million in Corridors of Commerce funding for initial design and engineering for expansion from St, Michael to Albertville. The Coalition had an exciting 2018. In May of 2018, MnDOT announced that the 1-94 lane capacity expansion project form 51, Michael to Albertville would be included in the Corridors of Commerce project and received $56 million toward completion of the highway capacity expansion_ During the last hour of the 2018 Legislative Session, Governor Dayton signed a $825 m6 ion public works construction bonding bill that included $13.5 million for the Brockton Interchange updates. At the Coalition's groundbreaking ceremony in October 12, 2018, Mn DOT Commissioner Zelle announced that the third lane of 1-94 between Monticello and Clearwater would be made a perma nent lane when resurfacing of the highway occurs in 2020. We are looking forwa rd to a successfu 12019! It is beta use of the involvement of organizations like yours, that the 1-94 West Corridor Coalition experiences remarkable support and success. 1-94 Coalition Members demonstrated their commitment to our region though billboard sponsorships, interviews, legislative testimonies, and much more. The support of your organization and many others bas been phenomena I, and we look forward to working together in 2017 with the renewal of your membership. Please find enclosed an invoice to renew your membership. Membership benefits include; recognition on the new coalition website (greenlight94.com); email updates about coalition activities and transportation news; invitations to coalition events; and alerts about ways to get involved to further our efforts_ Please contact info@greenlight94.com or call the Coalition at 612-594.7557 for more information. Sincerely, 1-94 West Corridor Coalition Board City Council Agenda: 2/25/2019 2G. Consideration of approving Resolution 2019-14 accepting a donation from Advanced First Aid Inc. of a Phillips Heartstart Defibrillator with a value of $1,952 for the Fire Department and a donation from the Monticello Lions of $2,000 for Music on the Mississippi (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is being asked to approve a donation of a defibrillator from Advanced First Aid for the Fire Department and a donation of $2,000 from Monticello lions for Music on the Mississippi. As required by state statute, if the city accepts a donation, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. Al. Budget Impact: The donations will be used toward the mentioned events. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the Resolution 2019-14 accepting the contributions and authorizing use of funds as specified. 2. Motion to not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2019-14 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2019-14 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Advanced First Aid Defibrillator $1,952 Monticello Lions Cash $2,000 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY PURPOSE/AMOUNT Advanced First Aid Fire Department Defibrillator/$1,952 Monticello Lions Music on the Mississippi/$2,000 Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 25th day of February, 2019. Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 2/25/2019 2H. Consideration of approving the Finance/Pavroll Clerk to attend 2019 SNUG (Springbrook National User Group) User Conference Training in Portland, OR on 6/12/19 through 6/14/19 at an estimated cost of $2,075. (SR) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider approving the Finance/Payroll Clerk's attendance at the upcoming 2019 SNUG User Conference Training in Portland, OR on June 12th, 13th & 14th. The current City policy allows for out-of-state training upon approval of the City Council. The Personnel Committee has not met to discuss this request. Al. Budget Impact: The estimated cost of attendance is $2,075 including roundtrip airfare ($500), hotel for 3 nights ($675), conference fee ($800), meals for 3 dinners ($75), and ground transportation in Portland ($25). This training was not specifically budgeted for in 2019, but there are funds available in the Finance department's travel and training budget for this conference. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the Finance/Payroll Clerk to attend the 2019 SNUG User Conference Training in Portland, OR on 6/12/19 through 6/14/19 at an estimated cost of $2,075. 2. Motion to deny the Finance/Payroll Clerk from attending the 2019 SNUG User Conference Training in Portland, OR on 6/12/19 through 6/14/19 at an estimated cost of $2,075. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. According to policy, non -director outstate training requires review by the personnel committee. However, the personnel committee has not reviewed this item because the February meeting was a storm cancelation. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. 2019 SNUG User Conference Training Agenda B. Personnel Policy Relating to Out -of -State Training Springbrook User Conference June 13-14, 2019 Hilton Hotel Portland Oregon al 2019 SNUG User Conference Tentative List of Courses Module Mod Prerequisites 1 Accounts Payable AP Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One 2 Accounts Receivable AR Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One 3 Bank Reconciliation BR Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One 4 Clearing House CH Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One 5 Cash Receipts for Managers CR Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One 6 Cash Receipts CR Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One 7 Fixed Assets FA Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One 8 Migrations - What to Expect GEN Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit N/A 9 HELP! GEN Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: N/A: 10 Accessing your Data: Report GEN Program Level: Basic Writing vs Query Manager Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: N/A 11 Finance Track - Finance GL101 Program Level: Basic Administration Topics Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One 12 FinanceTrack—Automating GL102 Journal Entries Topics 13 Finance Track - Basic Budgeting GL103 14 FinanceTrack-Advanced GL104 Budgeting 1 Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: Knowledge of SB Basic Budgeting CPE Credit: One Description Accounts Payable Overview: Accounts Payable prepares and processes payments from other modules such as Purchase Orders and Utility Billing as well as manually entered transactions. Learn how to create 1099's and recurring payments, send electronic payments, manage backup documentation and much more in this general overview of this module. Accounts Receivable Overview: The Accounts Receivable module provides a comprehensive system for creating and maintaining all information pertinent to recording and tracking customer data, invoices and balances. Overview and setup on the bank reconciliation module. This module allows you to track and clear checks written through the Accounts Payable module. Overview: The Direct Debits process is used to generate direct debits on UB customer accounts that have been processed in a UB New Billing or UB Final Billing batch. Credit card direct debits and bank account direct debits are processed in separate Direct Debit batches because they require unique export files. If you manage staff that receives cash, you have special concerns. Security and control are paramount. But so are processes, reports — even hardware concerns like receipt printers and cash drawers. This session covers CR managerial topics without getting bogged down in the processing details. You'll learn how to set things up to be safe, secure and efficient. So you'll be able to sleep at night and your staff will thank you. Learn how to configure and use Cash Receipts to keep your staff efficient, reporting easy, and balancing a dream. Learn to setup and track your fixed assets. Track your assests from purchase to final disposal, calculate depreciation and salvage value. This is a comprehensive class designed to prepare you for your organization's migration to Springbrook's newest version. This class will cover a broad range of topics including how to prepare for your migration, what to expect during your migration and cleaning up your data before a migration. We will cover all the milestone events that occur during the life of a migration project. We love talking with you. We really do. But sometimes you just want your problem resolved, without the personal touch. That's why Springbrook has added a suite of online tools to help you without the traditional support call. In this session you will learn how to use Support Portal and Springbrook Knowledge Base, as well as training videos. This class will also cover how calls are ranked and anticipated response times. In this class you will learn the different methods for accessing your data and exporting out of Springbrook. Overview of changing reports (Crystal) versus using Query Manager. Finance Administration Topics include simple year end processes, creating new fiscal year process, refreshing beg balances, lock -out periods, copying general ledger accounts, rolling over PO's to next year and aligning batch dates to transaction dates to keep day-to-day operations running smoothly. Automating Journal Entry Topics include importing large journal entries, recurring journal entries, reversing journal entries and automatic interest allocation journal entries. This session covers setup and usage of these journal entry processes. We will also discuss how to use automated processes to correct journal entries committed to incorrect periods. Springbrook offers two different methods of performing the budget process, standard budgeting and extended budgeting. This session focuses on standard budgeting. Attendees will learn how to set up and manage a simplified budgeting process, how to post the adopted budget, and how to enter and post budget adjustments. Are you ready for a more advanced approach to budgeting? This class will provide an overview of the advanced features available in extended budgeting. Attendees will learn about creating years, budget types, document types, unlimited revisions, unlimited entries and using prior year budget information to create current year budget. 15 Finance Track - Advanced Budgeting 2 16 Finance Track: Extended Budgeting 17 Finance Track - Answering Finance Questions for Non - Finance Managers 18 Project Management 19 Purchase Orders GL105 Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: Advanced Budgeting 1 CPE Credit: One GL106 Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: Advanced Budgeting 1 CPE Credit: One GL107 Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None, CPE Credit: One PM Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One PO Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One 20 Payroll Track - Computer Checks PR101 21 Payroll Track -Advanced Payroll PR102 22 User Security and Systems SW Security 23 Internal Controls SW 24 Utility Billing Track - New UB101 Features to UB 25 Utility Billing Track- UB102 Maintenance and Tips and Tricks 26 Utility Billing Track - Meter UB103 Reading & Service Requests 27 Utility Billing Track - Billing UB104 28 Utility Billing Track— UB105 Adjustments, Past Dues, Liens & Collections 29 Utility Billing Track - Refunds & UB106 Transfers 30 Utility Billing Track: Utility Billing UB107 New Account Processing Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One Program Level: Basic Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One Are you ready for even more information on Advanced Budgeting? This class will provide a more in-depth view of the advanced features available in extended budgeting. Attendees will learn about budget administration/selection, creating roles to limit user views, editing GL account budgets, export and import options, committing the budget and utilities such as copying revisions, copying entries, generating trend analysis and online budget display. Extended Budgeting provides a way to track and use all the details that go into your budget. It may seem complicated, but it's actually quite simple. This class will break it down into bite -sized chunks so you can see how and why this module is used. Along the way, Springbrook will walk you through the setups and entry, so you can do it yourself next budget season. Answering questions from other departments is part of your job. Answering the same questions over and over, well maybe not. In this session you'll learn how to provide clear, understandable information quickly and easily. We'll focus on tricks and tips for using GL display, published reports, desktop shortcuts, dashboards and job viewer to help you help others, and to allow Non -Finance Managers to help themselves. This class will provide an overview of the Project Management module and compare/contrast with the use of Work Orders. The Program Management collects transactions from a number of modules and provides summary reports and transactional information. This class will summarize the Purchase Order process from creating a vendor, creating a purchase order, changing the purchase orders and receiving. The primaryfocus of this class will be generating and processing a PR Computer Checks batch. This class will also discuss the supporting documents and reports necessary to supplement this pay period processing. Minor topics discussed will include processing off period or special checks for events like terminations, bonuses and accrual cash outs. This class will cover the more advanced processes involved with the PR cycle. Attendees will learn about advanced PR functions such as using the Retro -pay process, Configurable Checks and PR Report Publishing. This advanced class covers the various details and considerations every Springbrook Administrator should evaluate before setting up security privileges for their organization. This class discusses Menu Security vs. Database Security, Roles and Workflows, Report Access, Module Specific Access, User Groups, Batch Numbering with an eye toward business practices and security requirements. Developing and following strong internal controls can be difficult. How much control is necessary? How much is too much? This session will cover the current best practices for internal controls with a focus on how to implement them in Springbrook. This class will cover new features added to the UB module. This class will address general short cuts and tips to help users navigate the system faster. Attendees will learn: how to import, export and audit meter reads; how to set up and process service requests; and how service requests interface with UB billing processes. These classes will cover the billing processes in the UB module. To start, attendees will learn the ins and outs of the New Billing process, including setting up rate structures, averaging and prorating, and processing New Billing batches. Then we will focus on the Final Billing process, covering topics such as the Final Account Wizard, processing Final Billing batches and receiving payments on Final Billing. This class will cover the Liens and Collections process in the UB module. Attendees will learn the differences between processing collections in the Past Due process vs. the Collections process, how to process collections for transfer to tax roll, and how to write-off collections to the AR module. This class will provide attendees with all the tools they need to process Refunds and Transfers through the UB module. Class topics will include transferring balances, credits, and deposits, refunding deposits, and processing refunds in the AP module. Adding a new utility account is more than just keying the account information into the system. There are a lot of details and considerations, like identity verification and credit checks. 31 Online-bills.com -New Features WEB Program Level: Basic and Technology Roadmap Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One 32 Work Orders/Inventory/Fixed WO Program Level: Basic Assets Track Prerequisite: None CPE Credit: One 33 Work Orders Track: Work WO Program Level: Basic Orders and Project Prerequisite: None Management CPE Credit: One 34 GL Round Table GL 35 UB Round Table UB 36 Payroll Round Table HR Already use Online-bills.com or CivicPay? This class walks you through the enhancements and improvements of the last year and shows you what's coming. Take a tour of the Work Orders Module New to the W0, IC and FA modules? Don't worry, we've got you covered. Learn how these modules can track almost any kind of project. We'll even take a look at basic processing and GL effects. This session is a great way to get geared up for the rest of track. Embrace total information awareness. Learn how you can use WO and PM to get true costs. Join Tustin's Finance Director Pamela Arends-King and Administrative Services Manager Sean Tran as they show you the business logic and processes they use to track costs down to the minutest detail — without a lot of extra spreadsheets and data entry. Carol Almer, Springbrook guru, is on hand to show you how to set it all up. H. Expenditures for educational reimbursement serve a public purpose when the coursework is directly related to the job duties or performance needs of the employee and therefore improve the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to provide effective and efficient services to the residents. Financial Considerations Funding for any expenditure must be approved by the appropriate supervisory staff or City Administrator in accordance with established procedures and must be included in the approved City budget. 19. EMPLOYEE EDUCATION AND TRAINING The City promotes staff development as an essential, ongoing function needed to maintain and improve cost effective quality service to residents. The purposes for staff development are to ensure that employees develop and maintain the knowledge and skills necessary for effective job performance and employees are provided with an opportunity for job enrichment. General Policies A. The City shall encourage training sessions involving employees of the same department or of similar job classifications where necessary to aid in work performance. B. Supervisors shall provide an orientation program for new employees. C. The immediate supervisor shall ensure training is provided for the operation of new equipment as required. D. The City encourages contact with personnel from other municipalities and public agencies in order to learn more efficient job procedures. E. The City encourages the use of in-house talents and skills in training as well as the expertise of local citizens, companies and agencies. F. Training that costs the City money must be approved in advance by the employee's supervisor. G. Upon completion of the training the supervisor may request a certificate of completion or a short summary by the employee. General Guidelines General guidelines for training where the City provides financial support and/or time off work are as follows: Work interference shall be minimal. 2. Training shall not duplicate recent training. Page 149 3. Training costs shall be within budgetary limits. 4. Preference shall be given to training that provides the most benefit to the City at the least cost. 5. The department head shall ensure that there is adequate coverage of departmental responsibilities before approving training applications. 6. Training shall relate to an employee's job or health/safety. 7. Efforts shall be made to distribute training equitably within a department. 8. Training shall be structured to provide information that will aid in an employee's growth or maintenance of professional standards. 9. Temporary, seasonal, casual part-time and intermittent employees shall be excluded unless approved by their department head. Safety training shall be provided to all employees. 10. If attendance is required at a seminar, the City will pay tuition/registration fees and hourly wages for all required hours of attendance. Expenses will be paid in accordance with standard practices. This applies to regular full-time and part-time employees. 11. Employees should be aware at all times that they are representing the City while attending any conference, meeting, class or outside training. Employees should conduct themselves as if they were at work. Improper conduct at any City authorized or sponsored event reflects poorly on the City and will be subject to disciplinary action as if it occurred during regular working hours. National and Regional Training To be approved for national or regional training sessions, the employees must meet the following requirements: 1. Be employed as a regular full-time or benefit -earning part-time employee for a minimum of six (6) months with the City. 2. Training must be approved in advance by the City Council. 3. Training sessions will normally not exceed five (5) workdays. 4. Council may require an employee reimburse the City for airfare, hotel, and registration fees for an approved national or regional training event if the employee voluntarily terminates employment within six (6) months of completion of the training. The classes of employees eligible for national training sessions (out of the region) are the City Administrator and Department Heads. Exceptions may be approved by the City Administrator. Page 150 All management and supervisory staff are eligible for regional training sessions in Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, and South Dakota, assuming general guidelines of this policy are met. On an exception basis, non -supervisory staff may be approved for regional training by the City Administrator. Training Sessions Within Minnesota Professional and technical employees are eligible for training sessions held anywhere within the State of Minnesota assuming general guidelines of this policy are met. All employees are eligible for local training (Monticello, St. Cloud or the Twin Cities metro -area) under the same assumptions. Employees are expected to attend training sessions in the closest proximity to their work or home. Pavment or Reimbursement for Training Whenever possible employees should use their City Purchasing Card to pay for approved training and follow applicable procedures for substantiation of payment. If not possible, the City will pre -pay tuition or registration costs directly to the organization sponsoring the training. A copy of the conference or meeting agenda listing registration fees, meals included therein, and official starting and ending dates must be provided to the finance department with prepayment requests. Requests for reimbursement of training costs must include a copy of the conference or meeting agenda listing registration fees; meals included therein, official start and ending dates and proof of payment. Tuition Reimbursement Full-time and part-time benefited employees are eligible for tuition reimbursement for courses taken for credit at an approved post -high school educational institution subject to the following criteria: A. Courses must be directly related to the employee's present position (whether required for a degree program or not); or B. Courses must be directly related to a reasonable promotional opportunity in the same field of work as present position (whether part of a degree program or not). C. Courses must be approved in advance of the first day of class by the Department head and City Administrator in accordance with established procedures and the cost must be included in the approved City budget. The employee education request should cover any adjustment in the work schedule that may be necessary. D. Any costs other than tuition and course materials will not be reimbursed by the City. E. Employees are required to take courses outside of their work schedule whenever possible. All work schedule adjustments must be approved by the supervisor. The City will pay 50% of the cost of tuition and course materials upon successful completion (C grade), 75% reimbursement upon completion with a "B" or "A" grade. Courses taken "pass/fail" Page 151 will be reimbursed at the same percentage as a C grade (if passed). All reimbursements will be prorated for benefit -earning part-time employees. The maximum reimbursement will be $1500 per year per employee, subject to budget limitations. Employees must reimburse the City if they voluntarily leave employment within twelve (12) months of reimbursement. Memberships and Dues The purpose of memberships to various professional organizations must be directly related to the betterment of the services of the City. Normally one City membership per agency, as determined by the City Administrator is allowed, providing funds are available. Upon separation of employment, when allowed by the professional organization, individual memberships paid for by the City will remain with the City and will be transferred to other employees by the department head. *For additional information regarding training and reimbursement procedures contact the Human Resources Manager or Finance Department. 20. TRAVEL AND REIMBURSEMENT POLICY Purpose The purpose of the travel and reimbursement policy is to establish uniform and consistent guidelines for the reimbursement of money spent on official city business. The guidelines were developed using City practices, State regulations, and State Auditor recommendations. The policy and procedures relative to such travel are contained in the following statement. Travel by City officials and employees to attend a professional or municipal association meeting is beneficial to progressive local government. A person engaged in such travel for the benefit of the City has a responsibility to keep accurate, substantiated records and to submit a request for reimbursement in accordance with this policy. Training Training must be approved in advance by the department head. All out-of-state training must be approved by the City Council. Whenever possible the City will prepay tuition or registration costs directly to the organization sponsoring the training. A copy of the conference or meeting agenda listing registration fees, meals included therein, and official starting and ending dates must be provided to the finance department with prepayment requests. If it is not possible to prepay tuition or registration cost the employee will be reimbursed the cost. Requests for reimbursement of training costs must include a copy of the conference or meeting agenda listing registration fees; meals included therein, official start and ending dates and proof of payment. Travel Mileage will be reimbursed at the current IRS mileage reimbursement rate. Reimbursable mileage will be the lesser of actual miles driven from normal work location to training/meeting/conference location or the actual miles traveled from departure location to Page 152 destination less the mileage of commute to normal work location. If this results in the employee traveling less miles, the City will not reimburse the employee for mileage. When more than one City employee uses the same personal car for travel, reimbursement shall be based upon the IRS mileage reimbursement rate, payable to the owner of the vehicle. Out -Of -State Travel: All out-of-state travel must be approved by the City Council. A copy of the conference or meeting agenda listing registration fees, meals included therein, and official starting and ending dates must be provided. Airfare or train fare for out-of-state travel in coach or economy class or the lowest available fare shall be the preferred mode of transportation. When authorized, an employee may choose to drive their personal vehicle and will be reimbursed the current mileage rate or the cost of coach or economy class fare, priced at least 14 days in advance of the travel, whichever is less. If the employee travels by some other mode than by air, the additional time required over the time the air would require will be taken as vacation or compensatory time for full and part-time employees. Fire department personnel will not be reimbursed (paid) for extra time required for driving. Reimbursement for vehicular travel (meals, mileage, and lodging) shall not exceed what the total cost of what airline travel would have been. Local transportation such as taxicab and bus fares to and from airport, train station, lodging and conference, seminar or meeting is reimbursable only if circumstances require such travel. Receipts must be submitted for reimbursement. Costs for local transportation not pertaining directly to City business will not be reimbursed. Rental Vehicles: Reimbursement for the costs of renting a vehicle shall be made only when the necessity of such rental is for City purposes. Travel Credits: Whenever public funds are used to pay for travel or vehicle rental by an elected official or City employee, any credits or other benefits issued by the provider must accrue to the benefit of the City of Monticello. Request for reimbursement must include receipts or statements clearly stating dates and cost of travel fares paid and/or cost of the transportation paid. Reimbursement for rental vehicles must include dates of rental, vehicle type and fees paid. Meals The City will reimburse the elected official or City employee up to a maximum allowance of, $12.00 for breakfast, $20.00 for lunch and $25.00 for dinner, including sales tax and gratuities/tips, whichever is less, while on City business. The reimbursement for gratuity/tip should not exceed 15% of the total costs of reimbursable costs. Alcoholic beverages are not eligible for reimbursement. The limits do not apply when meal expense is included in the cost of the training, conference, or seminar. Additionally, the City does not reimburse cost on a per diem basis but for actual cost incurred. Page 153 Itemized receipts must be submitted to qualify for reimbursement and must clearly state the date, name of the establishment (pre-printed form), itemized list of purchased items, total, and gratuity (if appropriate) of no more than 15%. Reimbursement request without a receipt or non -itemized credit card receipts will not be reimbursed. Elected officials or employees may occasionally be in the position of having to provide a meal for other persons who have official business with the City. In addition receipts for these meals must include the name of each person attending the meal along with a description of the public purpose/benefit of the meeting. The actual cost of the meals will be reimbursed in these instances however the cost of any alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed. Lodging Hotel, motel or other authorized accommodations will be reimbursed at actual cost not to exceed the base occupancy rate and should be chosen based on reasonableness of cost and proximity to conference, meeting or training site. Each employee shall be allowed a base room. Unless previously approved by the City Administrator, overnight stays within 60 miles of the City will not be reimbursed. Detail lodging receipts must be submitted for reimbursement. The receipts must include the dates of the stay, nightly room rate and any incidental expenses charged. Only incidental costs related to the room charges will be reimbursed. Lodging costs, unless previously approved by the City Administrator, shall be reimbursable only from the night preceding a conference, seminar, or training through the night immediately following such event. Miscellaneous Expenses Hourly employees may receive overtime pay if the training/seminar/meeting hours including travel to/from exceed normal work hours. The employee's supervisor will approve all overtime prior to registering for the training/seminar/meeting. If the training/seminar/meeting hours including travel to/from are less than the normal work hours employees will use vacation or compensatory time to achieve normal work hours. Employees will be paid eight (8) hours of paid for training/seminar/meeting, which require overnight stays. Telephone expenses incurred will be reimbursed only when their necessity for City purpose is fully accounted for. Reimbursable parking is limited to daily parking at destination business (meeting, conference, training, etc.) site and/or hotel site (when applicable). Valet parking and all other parking are not allowable. Detail receipts including date, times and costs of parking should be provided when requesting reimbursement. Gratuities/tips for service providers may be reimbursed as long as reasonable and serve the public purpose of the trip. Page 154 Non -Reimbursable Expenses The City shall not pay for any expenses, of which the costs are included in the registration fees. Costs for alcoholic beverages shall not be reimbursed. The City shall pay no expenses for a spouse/guest who accompanies the city official/employee to a conference, seminar, or meeting including the incremental lodging expenses of occupancy rates over base occupancy rates. The City will not reimburse for personal telephone calls, rental of luxury vehicles, or recreational expenses such as golf or tennis unless included as part of the registration fees or previously approved by the City Administrator. Reimbursement Process To apply for reimbursement, an elected official/City employee must complete an "Employee Reimbursement Voucher" form. The completed form with expenditures totaled, detailed original receipts attached, and signed should be submitted to the Department Head, who shall review and approve (by signing) such request. The Department Head shall forward the request to the Finance Department for reimbursement. The Finance Department will review the report and supporting documentation for completeness and accuracy. If complete the reimbursement check will be processed during the next regular accounts payable processing. If the request is not complete or supporting data does not meet policy guidelines, the request will be returned to the employee. Any exceptions to this policy must receive approval from the City Administrator whenever practicable prior to the conference, seminar or training. 21. CONFIDENTIALITY/DATA PRACTICES Emplovee Data Practices Advisory During the course of employment, the City of Monticello will require employees to provide data that is classified by State law as either private or confidential. Private data is information that generally cannot be given to the public but can be given to the subject of the data. Confidential data is information that generally cannot be given to the public or the subject of the data. The City requests this information for various reasons pertaining to employment with the City. The information provided may be used to process pay and benefits, evaluate performance, determine pay increases, evaluate suitability for an employee's position or other positions, and determine whether disciplinary action will be imposed and other personnel actions which involve review of the employee's current and past performance. Employees who provide false, incomplete, or misleading information may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment. Other persons or entities, as authorized by law, may receive the requested information. Depending on the data requested, these persons or entities may be: Page 155 City Council Agenda: 02/25/2019 2I. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-17 approving clans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement of bids for Fallon Avenue Landscaping Proiect. Citv Proiect No.16CO06 (ML) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Fallon Avenue Overpass project included developing a separate plan set for landscaping and irrigation improvements to be bid separately from the roadway and bridge design plans that were constructed in 2018. The project includes landscaping and irrigating the three roundabouts along with boulevard tree plantings in select areas throughout the project corridor. WSB developed the plans working with City staff to finalize the landscaping and irrigation improvements to suit the City's operations and maintenance needs. The Council reviewed conceptual landscape layouts at Council work sessions in 2017. The landscape and irrigation plans in general follow the concepts presented and include the following: • Mix of deciduous trees and shrubs, grasses and perennials in the center roundabout areas with cedar mulch and river rock material in select areas. Boulevard trees located along Washington Avenue, 7t' Street, Fallon Avenue bridge approaches, Chelsea Road and Fallon Avenue south of Chelsea Road within the Fallon Avenue Overpass project limits. Alternating tree species are proposed to be placed along these corridors with relatively consistent spacing. The actual boulevard tree locations will be determined in the field in coordination with the Parks Superintendent with the intent to not place trees near signs or other impediments that would create a sight line issue. A ring of cedar mulch is proposed to be placed around each tree. • Drip irrigation system for boulevard tree areas. • Irrigation system with sprinkler heads, etc. for landscaping within the roundabouts. Public Works will furnish and install landscape planters on the concrete splitter islands at each roundabout. Once installed it is estimated that it will take approximately 10 hours a week to maintain the additional landscaping for this project. It is planned to open bids on March 21, 2019 and present the bids to the City Council on April 8, 2019 for contract award. Construction is anticipated to start in May 1, 2019 (weather permitting) with a June 30, 2019 completion date. Al. Budget Impact: The estimated construction cost of the landscaping and irrigation improvements total $250,000 and includes a 10% contingency. The Capital Improvement Plan included this portion of the project with the Fallon Avenue Overpass project for design, construction and financing in 2017, 2018 and 2019. Funding for this portion of the project is to come from the tax abatement levy. City Council Agenda: 02/25/2019 A2. Staff Workload Impact: WSB will administer the bidding process and coordinate with City staff. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-17 approving plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement of bids for the Fallon Avenue Landscaping Project, City Project No. 16C006 2. Motion to deny at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2019-17 B. Draft Landscaping Plans 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-17 APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR FALLON AVENUE LANDSCAPING PROJECT, CITY PROJECT NO.16CO06 WHEREAS, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for landscaping and irrigation improvement for the Fallon Avenue Landscaping Project, City Project No. 16CO06 as described as follows: • Mix of deciduous trees and shrubs, grasses and perennials in the center roundabout areas with cedar mulch and river rock material. • Boulevard trees located along Washington Ave., 71h St., Fallon Ave. bridge approaches, Chelsea Rd., and Fallon Ave. south of Chelsea Rd. within the Fallon Avenue Overpass project limits. • Drip irrigation system for boulevard tree areas. • Irrigation system with sprinkler heads for landscaping within the roundabouts. WHEREAS, the City Engineer has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk, are hereby approved. 2. The designated authority shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper and in the Star Tribune and/or Construction Bulletin or Finance & Commerce paper an advertisement for bid upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 25th day of February, 2019. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator FALCON AVENUE LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Monticello, Minnesota WSB & Associates, Inc. Project No........ 02596-400 Issue Date ................................................ 02/20/2019 s4; 52 F9. QMonticello Country Club n,...�,:.:...,.. �, Courcy Rd 39 NE Coady Rd 391* Golf Cw— Rd CP n DLO PROJECT LOCATION MAP SCALE: NOT TO SCALE NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS 0 14 Monticello 1 1 .i — —I— 0 PROJECT LOCATION: FALLON AVENUE AND E 7TH ST I Design By: a 43 we�� c DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LO TITLE SHEET B Plan By: JG Checked By. L2 0 PROJECT LOCATION: FALLON AVENUE AND E 7TH ST I Design By: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY I SHEET TITLE JG DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LO TITLE SHEET FALLON AVENUE Plan By: JG Checked By. L2 LANDSCAPE PLAN l CITY OF Monticello LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS JF Approved By: JEFFREY FEULINER V\/ V Jb —� CITY OF M O N T I C E L L O JF 02/20/2019 42976 DATE: LCENSE N0. LANDSCAPE PLAN L8 LANDSCAPE PLAN Sheet List Table SHEET I SHEET TITLE NUMBER LO TITLE SHEET L1 OVERALL PLAN L2 LANDSCAPE PLAN L3 LANDSCAPE PLAN L4 LANDSCAPE PLAN L5 LANDSCAPE PLAN L6 LANDSCAPE PLAN L7 LANDSCAPE PLAN L8 LANDSCAPE PLAN L9 LANDSCAPE PLAN L10 LANDSCAPE PLAN L11 LANDSCAPE DETAILS L12 LANDSCAPE DETAILS L13 LANDSCAPE DETAILS L14 LANDSCAPE DETAILS L15 LANDSCAPE DETAILS L16 IRRIGATION PLAN L17 IRRIGATION PLAN L18 IRRIGATION PLAN L19 IRRIGATION PLAN L20 IRRIGATION PLAN L21 IRRIGATION PLAN L22 IRRIGATION PLAN CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN TITLE SHEET SHEET LO OF L15 SHEETS NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS FALLON AVE LANDSCAPE QUANTITIES ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION Estimated Qty. Unit 2021.501 MOBILIZATION 1 LS 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1 LS 2573.503 SILT FENCE, TYPE MS 1,000 LF 2571.524 DECIDUOUS TREE 2.5" CAL B&B 57 EA 2571.524 DECIDUOUS TREE 1.5" CAL. B&B 24 EA 2571.525 DECIDUOUS SHRUB NO 5 CONTAINER 102 EA 2571.527 PERENNIAL NO 1 CONT 799 EA 2575.607 LANDSCAPE ROCK (4"-6" RIVER ROCK) 65 CU YD 2511.602 LANDSCAPE BOULDERS (1' - 3' DIA.) 58 EA 2571.507 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE 6 (CEDAR) 113 CU YD 2575.508 SEED MIX 25-131 (NO MOW FESCUE) 4 LB 2575.508 SEED MIX 25-151(TURF) 100 LB 2575.508 SEED MIX 35-241(MESIC PRAIRIE MIX) 3 LB 2540.603 LANDSCAPE EDGER 665 LF 2105.504 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE 5 170 SY 2504.601 IRRIGATION SYSTEM 1 LS PLANT SCHEDULE TREES BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME CONT QTY 0 Acer x freemanii 'Bailston' / Matador Maple 2.5' Cal B&B 13 0���'^^'`''^^''�,, Acer x freemanii 'Sienna'/ Sienna Glen Maple 2.5' Cal B&B 12 0 Amelanchier x grandiflora'Autumn Brilliance' /'Autumn Brilliance' Serviceberry 1.5' Cal B&B 7 Betula platyphylla'Fargo' TM / Dakota Pinnacle White Birch 1.5' Cal B&B 11 0 Celtis occidentalis / Common Hackberry 2.5' Cal B&B 12 0 Gymnocladus dioica'Espresso' / Espresso Kentucky Coffeetree 2.5' Cal B&B 12 Syringe reticulate 'Ivory Silk' / Ivory Silk Tree Lilac (tree form) 1.5' Cal B&B 6 UTilia americana'Boulevard' / Boulevard Linden 2.5' Cal B&B 8 SHRUBS BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY Cornus sericea 'Farrow' / Arctic Fire Dogwood NO 5 CONT 102 GRASSES BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY Schizachyrium scoparium 'Blue Heaven' / B.H. Little Bluestem NO 1 CONT 185 Sporobolus heterolepis / Prairie Dropseed NO 1 CONT 108 PERENNIALS BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY Hemerocallis x'Ruby Stella' / Ruby Stella Daylily NO 1 CONT 62 OHemerocallis x'Stella de Oro' / Stella de Oro Daylily NO 1 CONT 101 0 Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Rocketman' / R. Russian Sage NO 1 CONT 98 Rudbeckia I / Black-eyed Susan NO 1 CONT 152 Sedum x'Autumn Joy'/ Autumn Joy Sedum NO 1 CONT 93 1 \ 1I NO -MOW FESCUE GRASS SO YD 505 O ¢ �............. V LL • • • • • • MNDOT SEED MIX 35-241 (MESIO PRAIRIE MIX) SQ YD 294 0 150 FT 300 FT Design By: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN SHEET JG DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE FAL LO N AVENUE L 1 Plan By: ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. C'. ITY OF Checked ByG _ - Monticello LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS OVERALL LAYOUT PLAN of JIF �` Approved By: JEFFREY FEULNER ��—�CITY OF MONTICELLO L15 JF DATE: 02/20/2019 LICENSE NO. 42976 SHEETS Matador M 2.5" Cal 4' DIA. CEDAR ML RING UNLESS OTHERI NOTED( ROW (TYP) NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY JG DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE Plan By: ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. JG Checked By: JF JEFFREY FEULNER Approved By: F 02/20/2019 42976 DATE: LICENSE NO. CCITY Or WS b Monticello FALLON AVENUE LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MONTICELLO i fl SITE LOCATOR MAP - NTS =DULE SHEET L2 BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME CONT QTY Acer x freemanii 'Ballston' / Matador Maple 2.5" Cal B&B 3 Gymnocladus dioica'Espresso' / Espresso Kentucky Coffeetree 2.5" Cal B&B 1 i BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY Hemerocallis x'Ruby Stella' / Ruby Stella Daylily NO 1 CONT 29 Hemerocallis x'Stella de Oro' / Stella de Oro Daylily NO 1 CONT 49 X 0 50 FT 25 FT CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN SHEET L2 LANDSCAPE PLAN OF L15 SHEETS �FC R. Russian Same 15 �SF NO 1 CONT q LjO B.H. Little Bluestem 12 T NO 1 CONTI Autumn Joy Sedum 121 NO 1 CONT Black-eyed Susan 9 NO 1 CONT 4_11 R Arctic Fire Do wood 30 \� NO 5 CONT B.H. Little Bluestem 20 NO 1CONT 9� Dakota Pinnacle White Birch 13 � � \ 1.5" Cal B&B EXISTING MANHOLE ♦ 4" - 6" RIVER ROCK DRY CREEK BED, SEE DETAIL 3 L11 R. Russian Sa e0 1 NO 1 CONT B.H. Little Bluestem 15 \NO 1 CONT 4" DEPTH 1 CEDAR MULCH 1 1 EXISTING MANHOLE 1 1 r 1 w I; Iz 0 1 �I Lji (16) 1 ' - 3' FIELDSTONE BOULDER (TYP), SEE DETAIL e L11 EXISTING MANHOLE 11 Arctic Fire Dogwood NO 5 CONT 281 Black-eved Susan 9 R. Russian Sage NO 1 CONT NO MOW FESCUE GRASS (203 SQ YD) POLY LANDSCAPE EDGER 24 Prairie Dropseed INO 1 CONT 33 Black -e ed Susan NO 1 CONT Je 1 A 1 I � 1 I o \ o'00 1 I SITE LOCATOR MAP - NTS 1 1 I PLANT SCHEDULE SHEET L3 ITREES BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME CONT QTY IQ{ Betula platyphylla'Fargo' TM / Dakota Pinnacle White Birch 1.5" Cal B&B 3 ISHRUBS BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY � I Cornus sericea 'Farrow'/ Arctic Fire Dogwood NO 5 CONT 41 GRASSES BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY Schizachyrium scoparium 'Blue Heaven' / B.H. Little Bluestem NO 1 CONT 79 Sporobolus heterolepis / Prairie Dropseed NO 1 CONT 39 PERENNIALS BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY QPerovskia atriplicifolia'Rocketman' / R. Russian Sage NO 1 CONT 34 5� Rudbeckia hirta / Black-eyed Susan NO 1 CONT 70 0 Sedum x'Autumn Joy' / Autumn Joy Sedum NO 1 CONT 21 NO - MOW FESCUE GRASS SQ YD 203 C*4 NOTES: 1. PLANTING PREPARATION: SPRAY ALL �QO PLANTING AREAS WITH HERBICIDE (ROUND -UP OR EQUIVALENT) TO REMOVE EXISTING VEGETATION PRIOR TO PLANTING OPERATIONS. DO NOT PLANT IN AREA DURING THE PERIOD OF TIME AS NOTED BY THE HERBICIDE LABEL. PROVIDE EROSION CONTROL DURING THE TIME OF NO PLANTING. PREP SOIL AND PLANT PER MN/DOT STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS. 0 10 FT 20 FT NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: JG I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN SHEET Plan By: ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. % (\. C'. ITY OF FAL LO N AVENUE L3 JG Checked By: '�, Monticello LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS LANDSCAPE PLAN OF JF WS _ Approved By: JEFFREY FEULNER 02/20/2019 �_ CITY OF MONTICELLO F DATE: LICENSE NO. 42976 SHEETS PLANT SCHEDULE SHEET L4 TREES BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME CONT QTY % 0 Acer x freemanii 'Ballston' / Matador Maple 2.5" Cal B&B 3 ���,,,ff j jAcer x freemanii 'Sienna' / Sienna Glen Maple 2.5" Cal B&B 1 0 Amelanchier x grandiflora'Autumn Brilliance' /'Autumn Brilliance' Serviceberry 1.5" Cal B&B 7 0 Celtis occidentalis / Common Hackberry 2.5" Cal B&B 1 0 Gymnocladus dioica'Espresso' / Espresso Kentucky Coffeetree 2.5" Cal B&B 3 Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk' / Ivory Silk Tree Lilac (tree form) 1.5" Cal B&B 3 UTilia americana 'Boulevard'/ Boulevard Linden 2.5" Cal B&B 1 PERENNIALS BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY 0 Hemerocallis x'Ruby Stella' / Ruby Stella Daylily NO 1 CONT 33 OHemerocallis x'Stella de Oro' / Stella de Oro Daylily NO 1 CONT 52 MN DOT SEED MIX 35-241 (MESIC PRAIRIE MIX) SQ YD 124 CONSTRUCTION LIMITS (TYP) zz ROW tTYPI . Espresso CONSTRUCTION ' LIMITS (TYP) Autumn Brilliance' Serviceber��yy 7 1.5" Cal B&B Mq TC j 112.5' Cal &B Hackberry i i LIGHT POLE (TYP) 1 Esp�resso Kentucky Coffeetree 2.5" Cal B&B 4' DIA. CEDAR MULCH RING AROUND ALL TREES / OTSS OTHERWISE NOTED (TYP) Ivory Silk Tree Lilac (trlee 1.5" Cal I III ROW (TYP) NOTES: 1. PLANTING PREPARATION: SPRAY ALL PLANTING AREAS WITH HERBICIDE (ROUND -UP OR EQUIVALENT) TO REMOVE EXISTING VEGETATION PRIOR TO PLANTING OPERATIONS. DO NOT PLANT IN AREA DURING THE PERIOD OF TIME AS NOTED BY THE HERBICIDE LABEL. PROVIDE EROSION CONTROL DURING THE TIME OF NO PLANTING. PREP SOIL AND PLANT PER MN/DOT STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS. NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY JG DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE FAL LO N AV E N U E Plan By: ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. ^ C'. I T I I I f JG Checked By: W S Montice o LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS JF Approved By: JEFFREY FEULNER —� CITY OF MONTICELLO JF 02/20/2019 DATE: LICENSE NO. 42976 I I �yrr��•zN�r•�:a•r_�arrr,� MNDOT SEED MIX 35-241 (MESIC PRAIRIE MIX) EXISTING CHAIN LINK \� FENCE (TYP) i/ I I� i Duuievara unuen 2.5" Cal B&B 4' DIA. CEDAR MULCH RING UNLESS ` OTHERWISE NOTED (TYP) 1 Sienna Glen Maple l 2.5" Cal B&B / X 0 25 FT 50 FT CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN SHEET L4 LANDSCAPE PLAN of L15 SHEETS 1 n 1'94 NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS ss,\ / r E) LIGHT POLE (TYP) ROW (TYP) \ � LA.�w \ 4' . CEDAR MULCH RING AROUND EACH TREE UNLESS Sienna Glen I pJe 1 OTHERWISE NOTED (TYP) 2.5" Cal B8B T� 0 Boulevard Linden I1 \ 2.5" Cal B&B CONSTRUCTION / LIMITS (TYP) Sienna Glen Maple I1 2.5" Cal B&B MNDOT SEED MIX 35-241 ROW (TYP) (MESIC PRAIRIE MIX) EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE 5' �X 2 Kentucky Coffeetree SITE LOCATOR MAP - NTS PLANT SCHEDULE SHEET L5 ;ommon Hackberry TREES BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME CONTQTY 2.5" Cal B&B _ 0 Acer x freemanii 'Bailston' / Matador Maple 2.5" Cal B&B 2 • Acer x freemanii 'Sienna'/ Sienna Glen Maple 2.5" Cal B&B 4 0 Celtis occidentalis / Common Hackberry 2.5" Cal B&B 3 0 Gymnocladus dioica'Espresso' / Espresso Kentucky Coffeetree 2.5" Cal B&B 3 1 I 1 Sienna Glen Maple Tilia americana 'Boulevard' / Boulevard Linden 2.5" Cal B&B 5 I2.5" Cal B&B CEDAR MULCH - SQUARE IN BOULEVARDS MN DOT SEED MIX 35-241 (MESIC PRAIRIE MIX) SQ YD 170 LESS THAN 6' IN WIDTH (TYP) POLY LANDSCAPE EDGER (TYP) 1lBoulevard Linden 2.5" Cal B&B 2l Boulevard Linden Boulevard al B&B l l \ 2.5" Cal B&B — Sienna Glen Me I1 \ 2.5" Cal B B 1.94 Design By: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY JG DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE % �) FAL LO N AV E N U E Plan By: JG ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. (\. l C'. I T Y O f Checked By: MontiCe o LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS JF JEFFREY FEULNER wS Approved By: F CITY OF MONTICELLO 02/20/2019 �� DATE: LICENSE NO. 42976 NOTES: 1. PLANTING PREPARATION: SPRAY ALL PLANTING AREAS WITH HERBICIDE (ROUND -UP OR EQUIVALENT) TO REMOVE EXISTING VEGETATION PRIOR TO PLANTING OPERATIONS. DO NOT PLANT IN AREA DURING THE PERIOD OF TIME AS NOTED BY THE HERBICIDE LABEL. PROVIDE EROSION CONTROL DURING THE TIME OF NO PLANTING. PREP SOIL AND PLANT PER MN/DOT STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS. S' 0 25 FT 50 FT CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN I L5 m Espresso Kentucky Coffeetree I1 2.5" Cal B&B OF L15 Matador Maple 12 2.5" Cal ��33&B \Common Hackberry I1 \ 2.5" Cal B&8 1 n 1'94 NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS ss,\ / r E) LIGHT POLE (TYP) ROW (TYP) \ � LA.�w \ 4' . CEDAR MULCH RING AROUND EACH TREE UNLESS Sienna Glen I pJe 1 OTHERWISE NOTED (TYP) 2.5" Cal B8B T� 0 Boulevard Linden I1 \ 2.5" Cal B&B CONSTRUCTION / LIMITS (TYP) Sienna Glen Maple I1 2.5" Cal B&B MNDOT SEED MIX 35-241 ROW (TYP) (MESIC PRAIRIE MIX) EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE 5' �X 2 Kentucky Coffeetree SITE LOCATOR MAP - NTS PLANT SCHEDULE SHEET L5 ;ommon Hackberry TREES BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME CONTQTY 2.5" Cal B&B _ 0 Acer x freemanii 'Bailston' / Matador Maple 2.5" Cal B&B 2 • Acer x freemanii 'Sienna'/ Sienna Glen Maple 2.5" Cal B&B 4 0 Celtis occidentalis / Common Hackberry 2.5" Cal B&B 3 0 Gymnocladus dioica'Espresso' / Espresso Kentucky Coffeetree 2.5" Cal B&B 3 1 I 1 Sienna Glen Maple Tilia americana 'Boulevard' / Boulevard Linden 2.5" Cal B&B 5 I2.5" Cal B&B CEDAR MULCH - SQUARE IN BOULEVARDS MN DOT SEED MIX 35-241 (MESIC PRAIRIE MIX) SQ YD 170 LESS THAN 6' IN WIDTH (TYP) POLY LANDSCAPE EDGER (TYP) 1lBoulevard Linden 2.5" Cal B&B 2l Boulevard Linden Boulevard al B&B l l \ 2.5" Cal B&B — Sienna Glen Me I1 \ 2.5" Cal B B 1.94 Design By: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY JG DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE % �) FAL LO N AV E N U E Plan By: JG ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. (\. l C'. I T Y O f Checked By: MontiCe o LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS JF JEFFREY FEULNER wS Approved By: F CITY OF MONTICELLO 02/20/2019 �� DATE: LICENSE NO. 42976 NOTES: 1. PLANTING PREPARATION: SPRAY ALL PLANTING AREAS WITH HERBICIDE (ROUND -UP OR EQUIVALENT) TO REMOVE EXISTING VEGETATION PRIOR TO PLANTING OPERATIONS. DO NOT PLANT IN AREA DURING THE PERIOD OF TIME AS NOTED BY THE HERBICIDE LABEL. PROVIDE EROSION CONTROL DURING THE TIME OF NO PLANTING. PREP SOIL AND PLANT PER MN/DOT STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS. S' 0 25 FT 50 FT CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN SHEET L5 LANDSCAPE PLAN OF L15 SHEETS PLANT SCHEDULE SHEET L6 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE TREES BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME CONT QTY C r 1 1 C'. I T Y O f E Betula platyphylla'Fargo' TM / Dakota Pinnacle White Birch 1.5" Cal B&B 5 �� Q o \ Syringe reticulate 'Ivory Silk' /Ivory Silk Tree Lilac (tree form) 1.5" Cal B&B 3 �O LANDSCAPE PLAN SHRUBS BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY \ \ Cornus sericea 'Farrow' / Arctic Fire Dogwood NO 5 CONT 25 ■ �_ �� GRASSES BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY JF DATE: LICENSE NO. Schizachyrium scoparium 'Blue Heaven' / B.H. Little Bluestem N01 CONT 65 ❑' (/may 0 \ Sporobolus heterolepis / Prairie Dropseed NO 1 CONT 46 v PERENNIALS BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY UUU (D Perovskia atriplicifolia'Rocketman' / R. Russian Sage NO 1 CONT 41 SITE LOCATOR MAP -NTS Rudbeckia hirta / Black-eyed Susan NO 1 CONT 47 0 Sedum x'Autumn Joy' / Autumn Joy Sedum NO 1 CONT 37 F7NO - MOW FESCUE GRASS SQ YD 129 WAYFINDING SIGNAGE 1' - 3' FIEL�SyVgy (BY OTHERS) BOULDER (( � R3.5 R19 DETAIL@ 2 L11 \ BENCH (BY OTHERS) R1.5 12.5 TRASH RECEPTACLE — (BY OTHERS) ('n BOULDER IN PLAZA,_ AREA, SEE DETAIL LAYOUT 2 �\V \ L11 8" CONCRETE WITH THICKENED EDGE, SEE.DETAIL 1 R1.5' L11 1' ASHLAR PATTERN WITH SLATE FINISH, FEDERAL CONCRETE BAND - 1 COLOR NUMBER 33522 LIGHT BROOM FINISH, \ FEDERAL COLOR R3.5 1 NUMBER 30140 14 PLAZA LAYOUT 113 0 5 FT 10 FT X • 0 10 FT 20 FT NOTES: 1. PLANTING PREPARATION: SPRAY ALL PLANTING AREAS WITH HERBICIDE (ROUND -UP OR EQUIVALENT) TO REMOVE EXISTING VEGETATION PRIOR TO PLANTING OPERATIONS. DO NOT PLANT IN AREA DURING THE PERIOD OF TIME AS NOTED BY THE HERBICIDE LABEL. PROVIDE EROSION CONTROL DURING THE TIME OF NO PLANTING. PREP SOIL AND PLANT PER MN/DOT STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS. NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: JG I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN SHEET Plan By: ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. r 1 1 C'. I T Y O f FAL LO N AVENUE L6 JG Checked - Monticello LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS LANDSCAPE PLAN of By: JF _ �� A Approved By: JEFFREY FEULNER 02/20/2019 42976 �_ �� CITY OF MONTICELLO SHEETS JF DATE: LICENSE NO. I' I I CJ�iI I 1 / 1 1 1 Espresso Kentucky offeetree 2.5 Cal B&B 21Common Hackber 2.5" Cal B&B PLANT SCHEDULE SHEET L7 25 FT 50 FT CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN TREES BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME CONT QTY 0 Acer x freemanii'Sienna' / Sienna Glen Maple 2.5' Cal B&B 4 0 Celtis occidentalis / Common Hackberry 2.5' Cal B&B 5 0 Gymnocladus dioica 'Espresso' / Espresso Kentucky Coffeetree 2.5' Cal B&B CEDAR MULCH - SQUARE IN BOULEVARDS LESS THAN VIN WIDTH (TYP) 1 POLY LANDSCAPE EDGER (TYP) 1 / 1 1 1 Espresso Kentucky offeetree 2.5 Cal B&B 21Common Hackber 2.5" Cal B&B PLANT SCHEDULE SHEET L7 25 FT 50 FT CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN TREES BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME CONT QTY 0 Acer x freemanii'Sienna' / Sienna Glen Maple 2.5' Cal B&B 4 0 Celtis occidentalis / Common Hackberry 2.5' Cal B&B 5 0 Gymnocladus dioica 'Espresso' / Espresso Kentucky Coffeetree 2.5' Cal B&B 3 Tilia americana 'Boulevard' / Boulevard Linden 2.5' Cal B&B 1 21Sienna Glen Maple 2.5' Cal B&B 1(Boulevard Linden 2.5' Cal B&B 2lSienna Glen Maple 2.5' Cal B&B CONSTRUCTION LIMITS (TYP) LIGHT POLE (TYP) 0 _ 2 Es resso Kentucky Coffeetree AKOUND ALL I KESS UNLE55 \ OTHERWISE NOTED (TYP) \ 10 00, V �I I 1 NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY JG DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE �) Plan By: JG ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. (\. l C'. ITY OF Checked By: _ Montice o JF JEFFREY FEULNER �� 'v I{b ��- Approved By: DATE: 02/20/2019 LICENSE NO. 42976 FALLON AVENUE LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MONTICELLO SITE LOCATOR MAP - NTS 0 25 FT 50 FT CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN SHEET L7 LANDSCAPE PLAN OF L15 SHEETS MATCH LINE' / \ SF,E SHEET L9 LIGHT POLE (TYP) ROW (TYP) CONSTRUCTION LIMITS (TYP) 1(Matador Maple 2.5" Cal B&B I • 4' DIA. CEDAR MULCH RING AROUND ALL TREES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED (TYP) \ I � " "" I 00 NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY JG DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE % (\. FAL LO N AV E N U E Plan By: JG Checked By: ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. wS �) l C'. I T Y O f ��, MontiCe o LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS JF _ . SHEETS Approved B JEFFREY FEULNER �_ CITY OF MONTICELLO J F 02/20/2019 42976 DATE: LICENSE NO. SITE LOCATOR MAP - NTS PLANT SCHEDULE SHEET L8 TREES BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME CONT QTY 0 Acer x freemanii 'Ballston' / Matador Maple 2.5" Cal B&B 2 O 25 FT 50 FT CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN SHEET L8 LANDSCAPE PLAN OF L15 SHEETS SITE LOCATOR MAP - NTS PLANT SCHEDULE SHEET L9 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY TREES BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME CONT QTY FAL LO N AV E N U E Betula platyphylla 'Fargo' TM / Dakota Pinnacle White Birch 1.5' Cal B&B 3 SHRUBS BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY (61 Cornus sericea'Farrow' / Arctic Fire Dogwood NO 5 CONT 36 GRASSES BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY 0 Schizachyrium scoparium'Blue Heaven' / B.H. Little Bluestem N01 CONT 41 MN/DOT STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS. Sporobolus heterolepis / Prairie Dropseed NO 1 CONT 23 PERENNIALS BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY QPerovskia atriplicifolia'Rocketman' / R. Russian Sage NO 1 CONT 23 SHEET Rudbeckia I / Black-eyed Susan NO 1 CONT 35 0 Sedum x'Autumn Joy'/Autumn Joy Sedum NO 1 CONT 35 NO - MOW FESCUE GRASS SQ YD 173 NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY 1. PLANTING PREPARATION: SPRAY ALL JG DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE % (\. FAL LO N AV E N U E Plan By: JG Checked By: ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Ws �) l C'. I T Y O f MontiCe o LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS JF DO NOT PLANT IN AREA DURING THE PERIOD OF Approved By: JEFFREY FEULNER �� CITY MONTICELLO OF F 02/20/2019 DATE: LICENSE NO. 42976 NOTES: 1. PLANTING PREPARATION: SPRAY ALL PLANTING AREAS WITH HERBICIDE (ROUND -UP OR EQUIVALENT) TO REMOVE EXISTING VEGETATION PRIOR TO PLANTING OPERATIONS. DO NOT PLANT IN AREA DURING THE PERIOD OF TIME AS NOTED BY THE HERBICIDE LABEL. PROVIDE EROSION CONTROL DURING THE TIME / OF NO PLANTING. PREP SOIL AND PLANT PER MN/DOT STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS. J�,! 0 20 FT 10 FT CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN SHEET L9 LANDSCAPE PLAN OF L15 SHEETS PLANT SCHEDULE SHEET L10 T///REE-EESSS BOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAME CONT CITY y ) Acer x freemanii 'Bailston' / Matador Maple 2.5" Cal B&B 3 0 Acer x freemanii 'Sienna' / Sienna Glen Maple 2.5" Cal B&B 3 ,,0 Celtis occidentalis / Common Hackberry 2.5" Cal B&B 3 W Gymnocladus dioica'Espresso / Espresso Kentucky Coffeetree 2.5" Cal B&B 2 UTilia americana 'Boulevard' / Boulevard Linden 2.5" Cal B&B 1 Sienna Glen Mag�)e 2 2.5" Cal B&B ROW (TYP) Common Hackbep I2 2.5" Cal B&B 4' DIA. CEDAR MULCH RING -' AROUND ALL TREES UNLESS -' OTHERWISE NOTED (TYP) .its rSII Espresso Kentucky Coffeetree 2_ 2.5" Cal B&B Matador Mannle \ 2.5" Cal B&B I2 \ I I I I I NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY JG DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE Plan By: ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. JG Checked By: JF JEFFREY FEULNER Approved By: 02/20/2019 42976 JF DATE: LICENSE N0. Common -122 ber y 2.5" Cal B&B ROW (TYP) LIGHT POLE (TYP) CONSTRUCTION LIMITS TYP �r wsb I IMATCH W SE(E SHEE- I k 3ITE LOCATOR MAP - NTS CONSTRUCTION LIMITS (TYP) \K Boulevard Linden 1 2.5" Cal B&B Sienna Glen Maple 11 / 2.5" Cal B&B (-t CITY OF FALLON AVENUE Monticello LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS -� CITY OF MONTICELLO / 4' DIA. CEDAR MULCH RING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED (TYP) ♦♦. ROW (TYP) � Fe ♦ ♦ / elq 0 25 FT 50 FT CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN SHEET L10 LANDSCAPE PLAN OF L15 SHEETS 0 -6"- X12"— OL11 8" THICK CONCRETE WITH THICKENED EDGE NTs 8" THICK CONCRETE (4,000 PSI) #4 REBAR 24" O.C. 6" THICK COMPACTED CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE (TYP) — V- T FIELD STONE BOULDERS TO BORDER THE "DRY CREEK BED" IN A NATURAL FORM. REFER TO PLANS FOR LOCATIONS WIDTH VARIES , "DRY CREEK BED" TO BE HELD DOWN TO AN APPROXIMATE 6" DEPTH DRY CREEK BED WITH BOULDERS L11 NTS QL11 BOULDER IN PLAZA AREA NTS GEOTEXTILE FABRIC LAYER OF 4"-6" RIVER ROCK SHALL BE PLACED IN THE "DRY CREEK BED," COMPLETELY COVERING GEOTEXTILE FABRIC V- 3' FIELDSTONE BOULDER 8" THICK CONCRETE (4,000 PSI) #4 REBAR 24" O.C. 6" THICK COMPACTED CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE (TYP) NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: JG I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN SHEET Plan By: ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. % (\. C'. ITY OF FAL LO N AVENUE L 11 JG Checked By: '�, Monticello LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS LANDSCAPE DETAILS of JF _ ws _ Approved By: JEFFREY FEULNER 02/20/2019 42976 �_ �� CITY OF MONTICELLO SHEETS F DATE: LICENSE NO. GENERAL NOTES SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUIREMENTS. REFER TO MnDOT SPECIFICATIONS 2571, 3861, AND THE INSPECTION AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION MANUAL FOR MnDOT LANDSCAPE PROJECTS" FOR GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. COMPLETE PREPARATORY WORK BEFORE STARTING INITIAL PLANTING OPERATIONS. ACCEPT ALL PLANT STOCK IN ACCORDANCE WITH (MnDOT 3861) PRIOR TO PLANTING. THE CONTRACTOR WILL DEMONSTRATE COMPETENCY FOR SOIL CULTIVATION OPERATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH (MnDOT 2571.3D2 STEP 4) THE CONTRACTOR WILL DEMONSTRATE COMPETENCY FOR ALL PLANT INSTALLATION OPERATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH (MnDOT 2571.3F1) RODENT SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS (C) PROTECTION FERTILIZER SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS COMPOST MnDOT 3890 GRADE 2 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MULCH MnDOT 3882 TYPE 6 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MATERIAL PROJECT LOCATION 1.13ARE ROOT PERENNIALS MUST BE INSTALLED IN THE SPRING NO LATER THAN JUNE 1ST OR FOLLOW THE FALL DECIDUOUS PLANTING DATES. 2.ACTUAL DATES MAY CHANGE DEPENDING UPON SEASONAL CONDITIONS, AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. 3.FALL PLANTING IS NOT ALLOWED FOR BARE ROOT FORM OF THE FOLLOWING SPECIES: HAWTHORN, DOGWOOD, POPLAR, HACKBERRY, LINDEN, IRONWOOD, HONEYLOCUST, BIRCH, MOUNTAIN ASH, MAPLE, WILLOW, CRABAPPLE, PLUM/CHERRY, OAKS, AND SUMAC. 4.ALL REPLACEMENT PLANTS MUST BE INSTALLED DURING THE MONTH OF MAY (SPRING PLANTING) AND SEPTEMBER (FALL PLANTING) DURING THE FIRST YEAR OF THE PLANT ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD. 5.MACHINED MOVED PLANTING DATES WILL BE SPECIFIED IN THE SPECIAL POVISIONS. PLANT INSTALLATION PERIOD PLANTING DATES BY ZONE PREPARE MASS PLANTING BEDS FOR PLANTS PLACED AT OR ® LESS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON SHEETS. PLANT BEDS IN SHEET CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN STAGGERED ROWS ON THE PERIMETER FIRST, THEN UNIFORMLY APRIL 21 FILL IN WITH REMAINING PLANTS. USE TRIANGULAR SPACING, FALCON AVENUE UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. PROVIDE 5' RADIUS CLEAR OF MASS SHRUBS AROUND EACH DECIDUOUS TREE AND 8' CLEAR RADIUS PLANTING AROUND EACH CONIFER TREE. RADIUS WILL BE MEASURED FROM BEDS THE CENTER OF THE TREE TO THE CENTER OF THE SHRUB. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF GROSS PLANT QUANTITY SURPLUS OR APRIL 21 DEFICIENCY IMMEDIATELY. MULCH ENTIRE MASS PLANTING BED. Ur SEE STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS (C) TREE PAINTING PAINT OAK, LINDEN, LOCUST, MAPLE, CRABAPPLE AND MOUNTAIN (FROST ASH. ONLY UNDILUTED EXTERIOR WHITE LATEX PAINT IS CRACK ACCEPTABLE. PAINT TREE CIRCUMFERENCE FROM GROUND LINE TO PREVENTION) FIRST MAJOR BRANCH. PLANTING PLAN STATED DIMENSIONS SUPERCEDE SCALING FROM PLAN. DIMENSIONS CONIFEROUS TO AVERAGE GALLONS OF a_ PLANT TYPE WATER PER APPLICATION C7 MAY 17 ? MACHINE TRANSPLANTED 50-100 MAY 1 TREES UO q BALLED AND BURLAPPED 20 F- 0 TREES BARE ROOT AND CONTAINER 15 JUNE 30 TREES U) Lu BALLED AND BURLAPPED 10 APRIL 21 SHRUBS Lu BARE ROOT AND CONTAINER 7 o SHRUBS 7 O WOODY SEEDLINGS 4 (D U) z OCT. 10 PERENNIALS AND VINES 3 Lu TO F IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MONITOR AND NOV.1 MAINTAIN SOIL MOISTURE AT ADEQUATE BUT NOT EXCESSIVE LEVELS. THE AMOUNTS LISTED ABOVE ARE GUIDELINES, NOT AUG. 25 REQUIREMENTS. PROJECT LOCATION 1.13ARE ROOT PERENNIALS MUST BE INSTALLED IN THE SPRING NO LATER THAN JUNE 1ST OR FOLLOW THE FALL DECIDUOUS PLANTING DATES. 2.ACTUAL DATES MAY CHANGE DEPENDING UPON SEASONAL CONDITIONS, AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. 3.FALL PLANTING IS NOT ALLOWED FOR BARE ROOT FORM OF THE FOLLOWING SPECIES: HAWTHORN, DOGWOOD, POPLAR, HACKBERRY, LINDEN, IRONWOOD, HONEYLOCUST, BIRCH, MOUNTAIN ASH, MAPLE, WILLOW, CRABAPPLE, PLUM/CHERRY, OAKS, AND SUMAC. 4.ALL REPLACEMENT PLANTS MUST BE INSTALLED DURING THE MONTH OF MAY (SPRING PLANTING) AND SEPTEMBER (FALL PLANTING) DURING THE FIRST YEAR OF THE PLANT ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD. 5.MACHINED MOVED PLANTING DATES WILL BE SPECIFIED IN THE SPECIAL POVISIONS. PLANT INSTALLATION PERIOD PLANTING DATES BY ZONE (MnDOT 2571.3F2) ACCEPTABLE ZONES ZONESI LEGE MIN. TEMP. 3 34.4"TO -40 F° 4-28.9�ro -34.4 F° 5a -26.1°TO -28.9 F° UNACCEPTABLE ZONES IZONES LEGEND 0, 1, 2, 5b and 6 FOR ALL PLANT STOCK, DOCUMENT ACCEPTABILITY FOR HARDINESS IN THE MINNESOTA ZONE WHERE THE PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED, AS FOLLOWS: A.PLANT STOCK CONTINUOUSLY GROWN FOR AT LEAST THE LAST TWO YEARS WITHIN THE ACCEPTABLE LIMITS SHOWN. OR B.PLANT STOCK, GROWN OUTSIDE THE ACCEPTABLE GROWING RANGE LIMITS, HAVING SEED SOURCE OR ROOT AND GRAFT STOCK ORIGINATING FROM THE ACCEPTABLE LIMITS SHOWN. ACCEPTABLE PLANT STOCK GROWING RANGE LIMITS SOURCE: USDA PLANT HARDINESS ZONE MAP (MnDOT 3861.2C) LIVE BRANCH BRANC RIDGE DEAD BRANC BRANCH COLLAR BRANCHES PRUNED AT TRUNK (SHIGO METHOD) CORRECT TOO TOO TOO PRUNING CLOSE LONG SLANTED CUT LIVE BUD 1 1 BRANCHES PRUNED TO LIVE BUD PRUNING STEPS TO PRUNING WITH PRUNING SAW: 1.CUT PART WAY THROUGH THE BRANCH AT POINT A. 2.CUT COMPLETELY THROUGH BRANCH FROM POINT B TO A. 3.AT BRANCH COLLAR CUT FROM POINT C TO D. INCORRECT CUT FROM POINT C TO X (TOO CLOSE) WILL RESULT IN DISCONTINUOUS CALLUS FORMATION AFTER ONE SEASON OF GROWTH. CORRECT CUT FROM POINT C TO D (LEAVING BRANCH COLLAR BUT NOT THE STUB FROM POINT B TO A) WILL RESULT IN CONTINUOUS DOUGHNUT SHAPED CALLUS FORMATION AFTER ONE SEASON OF GROWTH. PRUNING NOTES: 1.PRUNE USING CLEAN AND SHARP SCISSOR -TYPE PRUNER OR PRUNING SAW. 27HE BEST TIME TO PRUNE IS LATE DORMANT SEASON OR EARLY SPRING. 3.AVOID PRUNING OAKS IN APRIL, MAY, JUNE OR JULY. 4.IF PRUNING IS NECESSARY OR IF WOUNDS OCCUR TO OAK TREES IN APRIL, MAY, JUNE OR JULY, IMMEDIATELY PAINT CUT SURFACE OR WOUND WITH LATEX PAINT OR SHELLAC. eDIRECTION OF:: �� ♦ %SPADING .lamMACHINE i 1 �rl u- 11=11=11=11=11=11= — u=u=a=u=u=u PRIMARY TILLAGE - PASS 1 1� SPADI(J�` N OF MACHINE INCORPORATION TILLAGE - PASS 2 PLANTING SOIL (MnDOT 2571.3K2a9 and 2571.3E1) CULTIVATED INPLACE SOIL DEPTH (MnDOT 2571.3D2) 4 INCHES OF GRADE 2 COMPOST AND OTHER SPECIFIED ADDITIVES THOROUGHLY MIXED WITH INPLACE CULTIVATED SOILS (MnDOT 2571.3D2) NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY JG ® 1@ SHEET CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN U) BARE APRIL 21 APRIL 7 FALCON AVENUE a ROOT TO TO CITY OF Monticello LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS JUNE 1 JUNE 1 o CONTAINER APRIL 21 APRIL 7 Ur o B&B TO TO SHEETS JF DATE: LICENSE N0. JUNE 30 JUNE 30 z APRIL 21 APRIL 7 (If CONIFEROUS TO TO a_ JUNE 1 MAY 17 C/) MAY 1 MAY 1 PERENNIALS TO TO JUNE 30 JUNE 30 APRIL 21 APRIL 7 SEEDLINGS TO TO JUNE 1 JUNE 1 U) OCT. 1 OCT. 10 a BARE TO TO ROOT NOV.1 NOV. 15 o AUG. 25 AUG. 25 J U CONTAINER To TO o B&B OCT.. 15 NOV..1 AUG. 25 AUG. 25 LL CONIFEROUS TO TO SEPT. 15 SEPT. 15 AUG. 25 AUG. 25 PERENNIALS TO TO SEPT. 15 SEPT. 15 (MnDOT 2571.3F2) ACCEPTABLE ZONES ZONESI LEGE MIN. TEMP. 3 34.4"TO -40 F° 4-28.9�ro -34.4 F° 5a -26.1°TO -28.9 F° UNACCEPTABLE ZONES IZONES LEGEND 0, 1, 2, 5b and 6 FOR ALL PLANT STOCK, DOCUMENT ACCEPTABILITY FOR HARDINESS IN THE MINNESOTA ZONE WHERE THE PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED, AS FOLLOWS: A.PLANT STOCK CONTINUOUSLY GROWN FOR AT LEAST THE LAST TWO YEARS WITHIN THE ACCEPTABLE LIMITS SHOWN. OR B.PLANT STOCK, GROWN OUTSIDE THE ACCEPTABLE GROWING RANGE LIMITS, HAVING SEED SOURCE OR ROOT AND GRAFT STOCK ORIGINATING FROM THE ACCEPTABLE LIMITS SHOWN. ACCEPTABLE PLANT STOCK GROWING RANGE LIMITS SOURCE: USDA PLANT HARDINESS ZONE MAP (MnDOT 3861.2C) LIVE BRANCH BRANC RIDGE DEAD BRANC BRANCH COLLAR BRANCHES PRUNED AT TRUNK (SHIGO METHOD) CORRECT TOO TOO TOO PRUNING CLOSE LONG SLANTED CUT LIVE BUD 1 1 BRANCHES PRUNED TO LIVE BUD PRUNING STEPS TO PRUNING WITH PRUNING SAW: 1.CUT PART WAY THROUGH THE BRANCH AT POINT A. 2.CUT COMPLETELY THROUGH BRANCH FROM POINT B TO A. 3.AT BRANCH COLLAR CUT FROM POINT C TO D. INCORRECT CUT FROM POINT C TO X (TOO CLOSE) WILL RESULT IN DISCONTINUOUS CALLUS FORMATION AFTER ONE SEASON OF GROWTH. CORRECT CUT FROM POINT C TO D (LEAVING BRANCH COLLAR BUT NOT THE STUB FROM POINT B TO A) WILL RESULT IN CONTINUOUS DOUGHNUT SHAPED CALLUS FORMATION AFTER ONE SEASON OF GROWTH. PRUNING NOTES: 1.PRUNE USING CLEAN AND SHARP SCISSOR -TYPE PRUNER OR PRUNING SAW. 27HE BEST TIME TO PRUNE IS LATE DORMANT SEASON OR EARLY SPRING. 3.AVOID PRUNING OAKS IN APRIL, MAY, JUNE OR JULY. 4.IF PRUNING IS NECESSARY OR IF WOUNDS OCCUR TO OAK TREES IN APRIL, MAY, JUNE OR JULY, IMMEDIATELY PAINT CUT SURFACE OR WOUND WITH LATEX PAINT OR SHELLAC. eDIRECTION OF:: �� ♦ %SPADING .lamMACHINE i 1 �rl u- 11=11=11=11=11=11= — u=u=a=u=u=u PRIMARY TILLAGE - PASS 1 1� SPADI(J�` N OF MACHINE INCORPORATION TILLAGE - PASS 2 PLANTING SOIL (MnDOT 2571.3K2a9 and 2571.3E1) CULTIVATED INPLACE SOIL DEPTH (MnDOT 2571.3D2) 4 INCHES OF GRADE 2 COMPOST AND OTHER SPECIFIED ADDITIVES THOROUGHLY MIXED WITH INPLACE CULTIVATED SOILS (MnDOT 2571.3D2) NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY JG SHEET CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AV A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE Plan By: ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. ��� FALCON AVENUE L12 Checked By: w5b' CITY OF Monticello LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS LANDSCAPE DETAILS OF JF L15 JEFFREY FEULNER Approved By: 02/20/2019 g2g7g —� CITY OF MONTICELLO SHEETS JF DATE: LICENSE N0. FOR PLANTING SOIL DETAIL SEE STANDARI PLANTING DETAILS (A) 8" AUGER HOLES FOR MULCH DETAIL SEE STANDARD PLANTING DETAIL (B) —EXISTING GRADE CUT AREA UPHILL HALF WATER BASIN NOTE: 1.ON 1:2 SLOPES OR GREATER, DO NOT CONSTRUCT THE UPHILL HALF OF THE WATERING BASIN. 11EXCAVATE HOLE OR BED TO ALLOW PLACING THE TOP OF ROOT MASS 1"-3" HIGHER THAN FINISHED GRADE. 2.AUGER 8" DIAMETER HOLES ENTIRELY THROUGH IMPERVIOUS OR POORLY DRAINED HARD PAN SOIL PLANTING ON SLOPES LAYER TO ADEQUATELY DRAIN SUBSOIL. 33EST FOR POSITIVE DRAINAGE. RE -AUGER AN ADDITIONAL 8" IF NECESSARY FOR POSITIVE DRAINAGE. 43HOUROUGHLY BACKFILL AUGER HOLES WITH A UNIFORM INCORPORATED MIXTURE OF 50% SAND AND 50% INPLACE SOIL. &COMPLETE PLANTING ACCORDING TO ROOT TYPE. SEE STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS (B). INSTALL GRANULAR FILTER FOR PLANTING SOIL DETAIL SEE STANDAR[ PLANTING DETAILS (A) FOR MULCH DETAIL SEE STANDARD PLANTING DETAIL (B) \ 4" DRAIN TILE 1.EXCAVATE HOLE OR BED TO ALLOW PLACING THE TOP OF THE ROOT MASS 1"-3" HIGHER THAN FINISHED GRADE. 2.INSTALL 4" MINIMUM DIAMETER DRAIN TILE DAYLIGHTING AT A LOWER GRADE. &COMPLETE PLANTING ACCORDING TO ROOT TYPE. SEE STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS (B). INSTALL TILE DRAINAGE FOR PLANTING SOIL DETAIL SEE STANDARD FOR MULCH DETAIL PLANTING DETAILS (A) SEE STANDARD PLANTING DETAIL (B) --U) O U) — v O Q 1.EXCAVATE HOLE OR BED 1/4 THE DEPTH OF THE ROOT MASS. 2.SET ROOT MASS IN HOLE. &CONSTRUCT BERM WITH PLANTING SOIL. EXTEND THE BERM BASE TO A WIDTH OF 3 TIMES THE BERM HEIGHT. 4.COMPLETE PLANTING ACCORDING ROOT TYPE. SEE STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS (B). INSTALL MINI -BERM NOTE: 1.THE NEED FOR USING PLANTING DETAILS FOR POORLY DRAINED SOILS AND WHICH TYPE TO USE ARE DETERMINED BY THE CONTRACTOR, SUBJECT TO ENGINEER APPROVAL. PLANTING DETAIL FOR POORLY DRAINED SOILS (MnDOT 2571.3D2 (STEP 8) 24" MIN. HT. FOR DECIDUOUS TREES 12" MIN. HT. FOR CONIFEROUS TREES 15" FOR MULCH DETAIL SEESTANDARD PLANTING DETAIL (B) SOIL RIDGE TO HOLD WATER IN BASIN. DOWN HILL HALF WATER BASIN PLANT ACCORDING TO ROOT TYPE. SEE STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS (B) FOR PLANTING SOIL DETAIL SEE STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS (A) WIRE MESH STAKE 1.FORM A DOUBLE -LAYERED CYLINDER USING 0.25" GRID GALVANIZED WELDED WIRE MESH (HARDWARE CLOTH). OVERLAP THE CUT END 2. 2.DRIVE TWO 1" x 1" OPPOSING HEARTWOOD WHITE OAK STAKES INTO THE GROUND, 7" FROM THE CENTER OF THE TREE STEM. &SECURE THE MESH CYLINDER TO THE OUTSIDE OF THE STAKES USING EITHER, SCREWS AND WASHERS OR CABLE -TIES ALONG THE OVERLAP. SPACE APPROXIMATELY 4" ON CENTER ALONG THE OVERLAP. a.SCREWS SHALL BE ROUND HEAD GALVANIZED 1/8" DIA. x 3/4" LONG WITH WASHERS. OR b.CABLE-TIES SHALL BE NYLON, AT LEAST 8" LONG AND BETWEEN 75LB TO 120LB TENSILE STRENGTH. 4. EMBED THE LOWER EDGE OF THE MESH CYLINDER 1" BELOW THE SOIL SURFACE WITHOUT DISTURBING THE TREE ROOTS. 5.CUT EDGES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED AT THE TOP OF THE CYLINDER. STAKE WILL BE FLUSH WITH THE TOP OF THE CYLINDER. 6.MULCH WITHIN THE CYLINDER SHALL NOT EXCEED 3" DEPTH AND SHALL BE PULLED BACK FROM THE TRUNK AS SPECIFIED IN MULCH PLACEMENT DETAIL. TTHE BOTTOM WHORL OF PINE AND LARCH BRANCHES MAY HAVE TO BE REMOVED TO PERMIT INSTALLATION OF 12" MIN. HEIGHT RODENT GUARDS. &INSTALL ON ALL DECIDUOUS, PINE AND LARCH TREES, DO NOT PLACE ON SPRUCE TREES. RODENT PROTECTION (MnDOT 2571.312) 1.USE SEAMLESS, EXTRUDED, TWIN -WALL, RIGID AND SEMI TRANSLUCENT POLYPROPYLENE TUBES WITH A LASER LINE PERFORATION AND AN OUTWARD -FLARED TOP RIM. 2.SECURE SHELTER WITH NYLON CABLE -TIES ATTACHED TO A 1" x 1" WHITE OAK STAKE TO PREVENT DISLODGING OR TWISTING. &EMBED THE BOTTOM OF THE TUBE A MINIMUM OF 1" BELOW THE SOIL SURFACE WITHOUT DISTURBING THE TREE ROOTS. 4.INSTALL A PLASTIC PHOTODEGRADABLE NETTING COVER AND SLEEVE OVER THE TOP OF THE TUBE. PULL NETTING DOWN AS SHOWN. PREVAILING WIND > - NETTING LASER LINE PERFORATION TUBE SHELTER STAKE (LENGTH VARIES) CABLE -TIE TO SECURE STAKE IN FORMED TUBE RECESS SEEDLING TREE SHELTER (MnDOT 2571.314) HOLE EXCAVATION WIDTH IN ACCORDANCE WITH MINIMUMS FROM THE PLANTING HOLE DIMENSIONS CHART ON STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS (B) FOR MULCH DETAIL FOR PLANTING SOIL SEE STANDARD DETAIL SEE STANDARD PLANTING DETAIL (B) PLANTING DETAILS (A) POST (MnDOT 3403) 5' FOR DECIDUOUS TREES 4 INCHES / MIN. 8' FOR CONIFEROUS TREES ------—'= — -- — -----.._---- PLANT SPACING IN MASS BEDS STEEL POST SEE CHART a U c� STAKING AND GUYING 16" LONG POLYROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE, 40 MIL. THICK AND 1.5" WIDE STRAPS. ATTACH WITH 10 ga WIRE. .STEEL POSTS TO BE NOTCHED IR DRILLED TO RETAIN GUY VIRES. PLACE OUTSIDE OF :OOT BALL. DRIVE PLUMB :EGARDLESS OF GROUND ,LOPE. 2.REQUESTS TO SUBSTITUTE RUBBER HOSE AND WIRE GUYING SYSTEMS WILL NOT BE APPROVED. 3. TREE STAKING IS NOT REQUIRED UNLESS SPECIFIED OR NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN TREES IN A PLUMB CONDITION WHERE VANDALISM, SOIL, OR WIND CONDITIONS AREA PROBLEM, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 4.REMOVE WITHIN ONE YEAR STEEL POST SIZING CALIPER STEEL POST TYPE A B C D ROLLED STEEL FENCE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN SHEET LESS THEN POST (MnDOT 3403) T_0" T-0" 4'_0" T-0" 4 INCHES OR APPROVED EQUAL. MIN. 10', 2.2 LB. FLANGED LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS GREATER CHANNEL STEEL SIGN 10'-0" 4-0" 6'-0" 5'-0" THEN 4 POST (MnDOT 3401) MIN. INCHES OR APPROVED EQUAL. �_ �� (MnDOT 2571.311) NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: JG I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN SHEET Plan By: ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. % (\. C'. ITY OF FAL LO N AVENUE L 13 JG Checked By: '�, Monticello LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS LANDSCAPE DETAILS of JF _ ws _ Approved By: JEFFREY FEULNER 02/20/2019 42976 �_ �� CITY OF MONTICELLO SHEETS F DATE: LICENSE NO. PLANTING HOLE DIMENSIONS HOLE DEPTH FOR B&B AND CONTAINER PLANTS SHALL NOT EXCEED MEASUREMENT FROM ROOT FLAIR TO BOTTOM OF SOIL BALL. OAK TREE, DRIVEN 12" INTO SOIL SIZE PLANT SIZE UP TO (A) MINIMUM HOLE (B) APPROXIMATE PLANT TYPE AND INCLUDING I WIDTH HOLE DEPTH 3" to 4" 7' to 9' 3' B.R. 46" 13" 85" 4' B.R 46" 14" 6' B.B 5' B.R. 48" 14" 72^ 6' B.R. 1.. 15" 18" 7'11.R 60" 16" 10' B.B 8' B.R. 66" 19" 114" 0.75" B.R. 48' 12" 7" 1" B.R. 54" 14" (UPRIGHT) 1.25" B.R. 60" 14" 30" 1.5 B.R. 66" 15" 9" 1.75" B.R 72" 16" CELLPACKS / PLUGS 2" B.R. 84" 19" DECIDUOUS & 4' B.B. 42" 11" ORNAMENTAL s' B.B. 4a^ 12" TREES 6' B.B. 52" 14" 15" & B.B. 66" 18" 6" 10' B.B. 66" 16" GROWN PLANTS 3# CONT. 12' B.B. 48" 16^ 30" 1" B.B. 1.. 14" 11" 1.25" B.B. 56" 15" 10# CONT. 1.5" B.B. 61" 15" 60" 1.75" B.B. 66" 16" 17" 2^ B.B. 72" 16^ 9" SEEDLING 2.5" B.B. 84" 19" 23 3" B.B. 96" 20" 16" i6" 3.5" B.B. 114" 23" 1 YR. MED B.R. 4" B.B. 126" 25" 17" 12" B.R. 24" 7" 12" 15" B.R. 28" 8" DECIDUOUS 18 B.R. 30" 8" SHRUBS, ROSES 2 B.R. 33" 9" AND PERENNIALS T B.R. 42" 11" 4' B.B. 48" 12" 32x lf 5' B.R. 54" 14" CONIFEROUS AND 6' B.R. 60" 14" PERENNIAL HOLE DEPTH AND WIDTH 18" B.B. 27" 7" SHALL BE BASED 2' B.B. 30" 8" UPON ON -CENTER T B.B. 36" 9^ SPACING IN A4' CONTINUOUS TRENCH. B.B 42" 11" DIAMETE).1 TX'IY K 5' B.B. 48" 12" 6' B.B. 54" 14" CHAIN-LINK FENCE INPLACE WALL FASTEN LOOSELY TO LATH WITH BIODEGRADABLE STRING / 1" x 36" WOOD LATH OAK TREE, DRIVEN 12" INTO SOIL SIZE AT AN ANGLE SO THE TOP RESTS Y ORNAMENTAL TREE, HEIGHT TREE,CALIPEF AGAINST HE WALL 1" to 1.5" OR FENCE 0 MULCH CONTINUOUSLY BETWEEN VINES AND 5' BEYOND TERMINAL VINE FOR PLANTING SOIL DETAIL SEE STANDARI PLANTING DETAILS (A) �I NOTE: PLANT ACCORDING �'�( 43/6 TO APPLICABLE MIN. 2'-0" MIN. 2'-0" ROOT STOCK DETAILS TO RIGHT WALL INSTALLATION FENCE INSTALLATION INSTALLATION OF VINES A rum"IMT; Mim."w'! FOR MULCH DETAIL SEESTANDARD PLANTING DETAIL (B) FOR PLANTING SOIL DETAIL SEE STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS (A) 1.SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF HOLE. 2.PROCEED WITH CORRECTIVE PRUNING. &SET PLANT ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL OR THOROUGHLY COMPACTED PLANTING SOIL. INSTALL PLANT SO THE ROOT FLARE IS AT OR UP TO 2" ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE WITH BURLAP AND WIRE BASKET, (IF USED), INTACT. 4.SLIT REMAINING TREATED BURLAP AT 6" INTERVALS. 5.BACKFILL TO WITHIN APPROXIMATELY 12" OF THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL, THEN WATER PLANT. &REMOVE THE TOP 1/3 OF THE BASKET OR THE TOP TWO HORIZONTAL RINGS WHICHEVER IS GREATER. REMOVE ALL BURLAP AND NAILS FROM THE TOP 1/3 OF THE BALL. REMOVE ALL TWINE. REMOVE OR CORRECT STEM GIRDLING ROOTS. TPLUMB AND BACKFILL WITH PLANTING SOIL. 8.WATER THOROUGHLY WITHIN 2 HOURS TO SETTLE PLANTS AND FILL VOIDS. 9.BACK FILL VOIDS AND WATER A SECOND TIME. 10.PLACE MULCH WITHIN 48 HOURS OF THE SECOND WATERING UNLESS SOIL MOISTURE IS EXCESSIVE. BALLED & BURLAPPED STOCK A MWIFOR PLANTING SOIL DETAIL SEE STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS (A) 1.SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF HOLE. 2.PROCEED WITH CORRECTIVE PRUNING OF TOP AND ROOT 3.REMOVE CONTAINER AND SCORE OUTSIDE OF SOIL MASS TO REDIRECT AND PREVENT CIRCLING FIBROUS ROOTS. REMOVE OR CORRECT STEM GIRDLING ROOTS. 4.SET PLANT ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL OR THOROUGHLY COMPACTED PLANTING SOIL. INSTALL PLANT SO THE TOP OF THE ROOT FLARE IS AT OR UP TO 2" ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE. 5.PLUMB AND BACKFILL WITH PLANTING SOIL. 6.WATER THOROUGHLY WITHIN 2 HOURS TO SETTLE PLANT AND FILL VOIDS. TBACK FILL VOIDS AND WATER A SECOND TIME. &PLACE MULCH WITHIN 48 HOURS OF THE SECOND WATERING UNLESS SOIL MOISTURE IS EXCESSIVE. CONTAINER STOCK FOR MULCH DETAIL SEE STANDARD PLANTING DETAIL (B) FOR PLANTING SOIL DETAIL SEE STANDARD PLANTING DETAILS (A) 1.SOAK ROOTS IN WATER FOR AT LEAST ONE HOUR BUT NOT MORE THAN 24 HOURS PRIOR TO PLANTING. 2.SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF HOLE. &PROCEED WITH CORRECTIVE PRUNING OF THE TOP AND ROOTS. 4.71FRANSFER PLANT DIRECTLY FROM WATER TO HOLE. SET PLANT SO THE ROOT FLARE IS AT THE FINISHED SOIL ELEVATION. SPREAD ROOTS OUT EVENLY. PLUMB AND IMMEDIATELY BACKFILL WITH PLANTING SOIL. 5.WATER THOROUGHLY WITHIN 2 HOURS TO SETTLE PLANTS AND FILL VOIDS. 6.13ACK FILL VOIDS AND WATER A SECOND TIME. TPLACE MULCH WITHIN 48 HOURS OF THE SECOND WATERING UNLESS SOIL MOISTURE IS EXCESSIVE. BARE ROOT STOCK INSTALLATION OF PLANTS IL 1.SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF HOLE. 2.PROCEED WITH CORRECTIVE PRUNING. 3.SET PLANT ON NATIVE SOIL AT SAME DEPTH AS IT WAS PREVIOUSLY GROWN. 4.PLUMB AND BACKFILL WITH PLANTING SOIL. 5.AFTER PLANTING, LOOSEN THE SOIL IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE ROOT BALL TO A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF 18" AND A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 12". 6.WATER THOROUGHLY WITHIN 2 HOURS TO SETTLE PLANT AND FILL VOIDS. TBACK FILL VOIDS AND WATER A SECOND TIME. &PLACE MULCH WITHIN 48 HOURS OF THE SECOND WATERING UNLESS SOIL MOISTURE IS EXCESSIVE. MINIMUM TREE SPADE SIZE REQUIREMENTS (C) SPADE DIAMETER OAK TREE, DECIDUOUS/ CONIFEROUS SIZE CALIPER ORNAMENTAL TREE, HEIGHT TREE,CALIPEF 42" 1" to 1.5" 2" to 3" 5' to 7' 60" 1.5" to 2.5" 3" to 4" 7' to 9' 78" 2.5" to 3.5" 4" to 6" 9' to 14' 85" 3.5" to 5" 6" to 8" 14' to 18' MACHINE MOVED STOCK (MnDOT 2571.3F) PLANTING HOLE DIMENSIONS HOLE DEPTH FOR B&B AND CONTAINER PLANTS SHALL NOT EXCEED MEASUREMENT FROM ROOT FLAIR TO BOTTOM OF SOIL BALL. PLANT TYPE PLANT SIZE UP TO (A) MINIMUM HOLE (B) APPROXIMATE AND INCLUDING WIDTH ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. HOLE DEPTH 2' B.B 36" 10" SB * B 42" 11" CONIFEROUS 4'B.B 51" 13" TREES 5' B.B 60" 13" 6' B.B 66" 15" AT LEAST 2/3 OF ALL 7'B.B 72^ 16" CONIFER BRANCHES 8' B.B 81" 18" WILL CONTAIN TERMINAL BUDS 9' B.B 90" 20" 10' B.B 102" 21" 12'6.6 114" 24" CONIFEROUS 18" B.B. 24" 7" SHRUBS TB.B. 48" 12^ (UPRIGHT) CONIFEROUS 18" SPR B.B. 30" 8" SHRUBS 2' SPR B.B. 36" 9" (SPREADING) CELLPACKS / PLUGS 6" 2.5" 2.25" CONT. 7" 3" 3.5" CONT. 10" 3" 4" CONT. 11" 4" 4.5" CONT. 13" 4" 6"/1 QT CONT. 15" 5.5" 1 # CONT. 18" 6" CONTAINER 2# CONT. 23 7.5" GROWN PLANTS 3# CONT. 29" 8.5" 5# CONT. 30" 11" 7# CONT. 37" 11" 15# CONT. 44" 14" 10# CONT. 45" 15" 20# CONT. 60" 16" 25# CONT. 72" 17" 6" SEEDLING 15" 14" 9" SEEDLING 18" 14" SEEDLINGS 1 12"SEEDLING 23 18"SEEDLING 30" 16" i6" 2' SEEDLING 36" 18" 1 YR. MED B.R. 15" 11" VINES 1 1 YR. NO. 1 B.R. 17" 14' 2 YR. MED. B.R. 33" 12" 2 YR. NO. 1 B.R. 42" 15" MULCH AREA CALCULATOR TYPE OF PLANT SO. FT. PER PLANT r/3 / 5 x HEIGHT) l`X CONIFEROUS TREES +3 Tr LL`` J DECIDUOUS AND 32x lf ORNAMENTALTREES CONIFEROUS AND DECIDUOUS SHRUBS, t ROSE BUSHS, SPACING x SPACING a Lra� PERENNIALS, mow_ ORNAMENTAL GRASS MY A VINES SPACING x 2 MACHINE-MOVEDrrSPADE DIAMETE).1 TX'IY K •_ TREES OR SHRUBS Tr- 3.1416 1.PULL MULCH BACK NO = yy ,�a SPACING FROM TRUNK LESS THAN 3" AND U NO MORE THAN 6" FROM TREES AND = CONIFEROUS TREE (RADIUS+3' min.) SHRUBS AT THE .m,e' TRUNK OR MAIN STEM. DECIDUOUS TREE (3' min.) 2.SUBSIDING OR TRANSPLANT (RADIUS+2' min.) DETERIORATING MULCH - - AND IS ACCEPTABLE 1s,CONIFEROUS DECIDUOUS SHRUB (3'min.) THROUGHOUT THE =�'"1�!�`� �'�' ^•- ESTABLISHED PERIOD IF THE MULCH DEPTH IS MAINTAINED AT A MINIMUM 3" DEPTH. 3.ADD MULCH WHEN co BELOW THE 3" MINIMUM DEPTH, DO NOT EXCEED THE 6" MAXIMUM DEPTH. I 4.MULCH CONTAMINATED - - - - - - - - - WITH SOIL MUST BE _ I REMOVED AND - - REPLACED. MULCH PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2571.3H) NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: JG I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN SHEET Plan By: ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. % (\. C'. ITY OF FAL LO N AVENUE L 14 JG Checked By: '�, Monticello LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS LANDSCAPE DETAILS of JF _ ws _ Approved By: JEFFREY FEULNER 02/20/2019 42976 �_ �� CITY OF MONTICELLO SHEETS F DATE: LICENSE NO. LIVE BRANCH BRANCH BARK RIDGE DEAD \ BRANCH BRANCH COLLAR BRANCHES PRUNED AT TRUNK (SHIGO METHOD) CORRECT TOO TOO TOO PRUNING CLOSE LONG SLANTED CUT 1 LIVE BUD I� I I BRANCHES PRUNED TO LIVE BUD PRUNING STEPS TO PRUNING WITH PRUNING SAW: 1.CUT PART WAY THROUGH THE BRANCH AT POINT A. 2.CUT COMPLETELY THROUGH BRANCH FROM POINT B TO A. 3.AT BRANCH COLLAR CUT FROM POINT C TO D. INCORRECT CUT FROM POINT C TO X (TOO CLOSE) WILL RESULT IN DISCONTINUOUS CALLUS FORMATION AFTER ONE SEASON OF GROWTH. CORRECT CUT FROM POINT C TO D (LEAVING BRANCH COLLAR BUT NOT THE STUB FROM POINT B TO A) WILL RESULT IN CONTINUOUS DOUGHNUT SHAPED CALLUS FORMATION AFTER ONE SEASON OF GROWTH. PRUNING NOTES: 1.PRUNE USING CLEAN AND SHARP SCISSOR -TYPE PRUNER OR PRUNING SAW. 2.THE BEST TIME TO PRUNE IS LATE DORMANT SEASON OR EARLY SPRING. 3.AVOID PRUNING OAKS IN APRIL, MAY, JUNE OR JULY. 4.IF PRUNING IS NECESSARY OR IF WOUNDS OCCUR TO OAK TREES IN APRIL, MAY, JUNE OR JULY, IMMEDIATELY PAINT CUT SURFACE OR WOUND WITH LATEX PAINT OR SHELLAC. (MnDOT 2571.3K2a9 and 2571.3E1) DRIP LINE C IAL ROOT ZON 6" WOODCHIP CH STEEL PL ES TIMBERS ._ '� - _q alta ir9idr3ia� ROOT SYSTEM BRIDGE WOODCHIP MULCH BED IF CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES MUST PASS OVER ROOT ZONES, THE CONTRACTOR MUST EITHER: 1.CONSTRUCT ROOT SYSTEM BRIDGES WITH STEEL PLATE SUPPORTED ON WOOD TIMBERS PLACED RADIALLY TO THE TREE TRUNK. OR 2.PLACE A 6 INCH LAYER OF WOODCHIP MULCH OVER TYPE III GEOTEXTILE (MnDOT 3733) CLEAN ROOT CUTTING ROOT SYSTEM BRIDGE 11 15ABRICATE 12" X 9" X 3/8" SIGN WITH 0.75" RADIUS CORNERS. 2.SIGN SHALL BE WHITE WITH BLACK LETTERING. 3.ATTACH SIGN TO POST USING 1" LENGTH WOOD SCREWS. G DRIP LINE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE Tree Protection Area DO NOT ENTER TryE FENCED AREA We appreciate y ur cooperation to protect thes trees during cons uction 1116 REE ROTECTION IGN ONSTRUCTION MITS 1.FURNISH AND INSTALL TEMPORARY FENCE AT THE TREE'S DRIPLINE OR CONSTRUCTION LIMITS AS SPECIFIED, PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. 2.WHEN POSSIBLE PLACE FENCE 25 FEET BEYOND THE DRIP LINE. 3.PLACE TREE PROTECTION SIGNS ALONG FENCE AT 50' INTERVALS. TEMPORARY FENCE EXCAVATION AREA 1. WHEN DESIGNATED IN THE PLAN OR DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER, PRIOR TO EXCAVATION, ALL TREE ROOTS WILL BE CLEANLY CUT BY A VIBRATORY PLOW OR OTHER APPROVED ROOT CUTTER. 2. THE TREE ROOTS WILL BE CUT CLEANLY TO THE MINIMUM DEPTH NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION. 3. IMMEDIALTLY, AND CLEANLY CUT DAMAGED AND EXPOSED ROOTS. 4. ROOT ENDS EXPOSED BY EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY COVERED WITH A 6" LAYER OF ADJACENT SOIL. 5. ( EXPOSED CUT )OAK ROOTS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY DRESSING MATERIIAL CONSISTING OF WOUND PAINT OR SHELLAC. DRIP LINE MEASURE TREE CRITICAL ROOT I DIAMETER AT ZONE 4.5 ft ABOVE 24" GROUND 2.5' TREE 6' MINIMUM DISTANCE �FROM TREE TRUNK - B DIRECTIONAL 12' DRILLING / MACHINE v UH BORE TUNNEL (MnDOT 2572.3A1) MINIMUM DEPTH OF TREE PROTECTION ZONE TUNNEL NOTE: 1.(A) IS THE DIAMETER OF TREES MEASURED 4-6 FEET ABOVE THE GROUND AND IS TERMED THE "DIAMETER AT BREAST HEIGHT," (DBH). 2.USING A TREE DIAMETER TAPE, WRAP THE TAPE AROUND THE GIRTH OF THE TREE, AT THE DBH, BEING CAREFUL NOT TO TWIST THE TAPE. UTILITY CONSTRUCTION DRIP LINE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE EXISTING GROUND BACKFILL SANDY LOAM I FILL �c PERFORATED PIPE I 1.ANY FILL REQUIRED WITHIN THE DRIP LINE OF TREES, IS UNCOMPACTED SANDY LOAM TOPSOIL (WITH A COARSE SAND COMPONENT). 2.EXCESSIVE FILL MAY REQUIRE INSTALLING PERFORATED PIPE WITH AT LEAST ONE DAYLIGHTED END OPENING AS AN AERATION SYSTEM. A B C <2" 2' 2' 24" 4' 2.5' >4-9" 6' 2.5' >9-14" 10' 3' >14-19" 12' 3.25' >19" 15' 4' (MnDOT 2572.3A5) 411 DRIP LINE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE / TEMPORARY FENCE / REDUCED ROUNDING NORMAL ROUNDING SIGNIFICANT TREES NEAR THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION LIMITS WILL BE IDENTIFIED IN THE PLAN OR BY THE ENGINEER AND WILL BE PRESERVED BY THE CONTRACTOR. 1.PLACE THE TEMPORARY FENCE. 2.REDUCE SLOPE ROUNDING WHERE ROOT ZONES ARE DISTURBED BY NORMAL SLOPE ROUNDING. 3.VARY BACKSLOPE STEEPNESS TO AVOID TREE LOSS OR UNNECESSARY ROOT DAMAGE. OTHER VEGETATION PROTECTION MEASURES CLEAN ROOT CUTTING SANDY LOAM TOPSOIL SLOPE ROUNDING (MnDOT 2572.3Al2) (MnDOT 2572.3A2) (MnDOT 2572.3A4) NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY SHEET JGDIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE FALCON AVENUE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN L15 Plan By: ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. CITY OF Checked By: ��� w5b Monticello LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS LANDSCAPE DETAILS of JF JEFFREY FEULNER L15 Approved By: 02/20/2019 g2g7g -� CITY OF MONTICELLO SHEETS JF DATE: LICENSE N0. !74 I `�'�Arp ••... 8.00 2 ... STING •. 8.00 1 0 20 40 60 80 t 1"=50' \ INO./ • DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: JWR Plan By: JCM Checked By: JWR Approved By: JWR EXISTING 1.62 3 1" 1" Q�n 8.00( 4 1 M M11 0 17.3 1""� . \ 6 6.69 EXISTING �,/ _ - - \ Ii►"/A0 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. JEFFREY FEULNER DATE: LICENSE NO. 42976 0 �♦ IRRIGATION SCHEDULE •Z�` SYMBOL MANUFACTUREWMODEUDESCRIPTION 000 HUNTER MP STRIP PROS-04-PRS40-CV IA IRr>0! TURF ROTATOR, 4' (10 16 CM) POP-UP WITH FACTORY INSTALLED CHECK VALVE, PRESSURE REGULATED TO 40 PSI (2.76 BAR), MP ROTATOR NOZZLE ON PRS40 BODY. LST=IVORY LEFT STRIP, SST=BROWN SIDE STRIP, y RST=COPPER RIGHT STRIP HUNTER MP1000 PROS-04-PRS40-CV I7 TURF ROTATOR, 4-(10.16 CM) POP-UP WITH CHECK VALVE, PRESSURE REGULATED TO M PSI (2 76 BAR), MP ROTATOR NOZZLE ON PRS40 BODY M=MAROON ADJ ARC So TO 210, L=LIGHT BLUE 210 TO 270 ARC, 0=OLIVE 380 ARC I • ee A pp RAIN BIRD RWS-B-C 1401 14M 70Q 14M17M ROOT WATERING SYSTEM WITH 40"DIAMETER X 360" LONG WITH LOCKING GRATE, SEMI-RIGID MESH TUBE, AND CHECK VALVE RAIN BIRD BUBBLER OPTION AS INDICATED 14010.25 GPM, 140205 GPM, 140410 GPM, 1408 2 0 GPM I SYMBOL MANUFACTURERIMODELIDESCRIPTION I� RAINBIRD COM DRIP CONT WIDE FLOW DRIP CONTROL KIT FOR COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS 1' BALL VALVE WITH VALVE AND 1" PRESSURE REGULATING 40PSI QUICK -CHECK BASKET FILTER. 0 3GPM TO 20GPM AREA TO RECEIVE DRIPLINE RAIN BIRD XFS-08-12 XFS SUBSURFACE PRESSURE COMPENSATING DRIPLINE IW/COPPER SHIELD TECHNOLOGY 06 GPH EMITTERS AT 12" 0 C. LATERALS SPACED AT 12" APART, WITH EMITTERS OFFSET FOR TRIANGULAR PATTERN. UV RESISTANT. SPECIFY XF INSERT FITTINGS. SYMS L MANUFACTURERIMODEUDESCRIPTION HUNTER ICV -G 1", 1-112", 2", AND 3' PLASTIC ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVES, GLOBE CONFIGURATION, WITH NPT THREADED INLET/OUTLET, FOR COMMERCIAUMUNICIPAL USE. ® HUNTER ICV -G1-112" 1', 1-112", 2", AND 3' PLASTIC ELECTRIC MASTER VALVE, GLOBE CONFIGURATION, WITH NPT THREADED INLETIOUTLET, FOR COMMERCIAUMUNICIPAL USE. ® HUNTER ICV -G1-112" 1", 1-1/2",2", AND 3' PLASTIC ELECTRIC MASTER VALVE, GLOBE CONFIGURATION, WITH NPT THREADED INLETIOUTLET, FOR COMMERCIAUMUNICIPAL USE. ® FEBCO 825Y 1-1/2' REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER ®F FEBCO 825Y 1-1/2' REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER C1 BASELINE BL -1000X TWO -WIRE CONTROLLER IN LARGE 16 GAUGE POWDER -COATED WALL MOUNT CABINET, BASE MODEL 50 STATIONS, EXPANDABLE TO 75 OR 100 STATIONS. ® BASELINE BL -1000X TWO -WIRE CONTROLLER IN LARGE 16 GAUGE POWDER -COATED WALL MOUNT CABINET, BASE MODEL 50 STATIONS, EXPANDABLE TO 75 OR 100 STATIONS. ® BASELINE BL -5311 BISENSOR SHORT SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR ® BASELINE BL -CM -X CELL MODULE FOR BL -1000 AND BL -3200 CONTROLLERS IN X (LARGE POWDER -COATED WALL MOUNT CABINET) OR XS (LARGE STAINLESS-STEEL WALL MOUNT CABINET) ENCLOSURES WITH ONE YEAR DATA SERVICE INCLUDED. 0 RAIN BIRD WR2-RFS WIRELESS RAIN/FREEZE SENSOR ® FLOMEC 1112" FLOW SENSOR © WATER METER I-1/2' ® WATER METER 1.1/2' IRRIGATION L LINE ETHYLENE PIPE SDR -7 IRRIGATION TERALLINE PVCCLASS160SDR26 } IRRIGATION AINLINE PVC CLASS 200 SDR 21 PIPE SLEE PVC CLASS 200 SDR 21 11,11111102. 0 "4N 6111, 1/ I( I EXI4TI WS b Monticello FALLON AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN S.P. 222-104-002/S.P. 222-113-003/S.P. 222-116-001/ S.P. 222-101-009/S.P. 8680-181 (TH 94)/C.P. 16CO06 SHEET L16 7X/ j W** - \ 02.00 I 1 I I 0 20 7%m�m 1 I'= 50' NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS 40 60 80 feet Design By: JWR Plan By: JCM Checked By: JWR Approved By: JWR I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. JEFFREY FEULNER DATE: LICENSE NO. 42976 8 ill I I I I CST I O�NFo 1 • I r1. 1 ♦ 1 V BF 1 • I 1 1 X" TING \ `\` `••••��u u� O�' V N Nf Fo �ll I•� / ` 2' XISTING FALCON AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS I CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN CITY OF WS% jZMonticello CITY OF M O N T I C E L L O S.P. 222-104-002/S.P. 222-113-003/S.P. 222-116-001/ S.P. 222-101-009/$.P. 8680-181 (TH 94)/C.P. 16CO06 SHEET L17 Ir I � I � 1 1 � 1 / I 0 20 7%m�m 1 I'= 50' NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS 40 60 80 feet Design By: JWR Plan By: JCM Checked By: JWR Approved By: JWR I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. JEFFREY FEULNER DATE: LICENSE NO. 42976 8 ill I I I I CST I O�NFo 1 • I r1. 1 ♦ 1 V BF 1 • I 1 1 X" TING \ `\` `••••��u u� O�' V N Nf Fo �ll I•� / ` 2' XISTING FALCON AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS I CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN CITY OF WS% jZMonticello CITY OF M O N T I C E L L O S.P. 222-104-002/S.P. 222-113-003/S.P. 222-116-001/ S.P. 222-101-009/$.P. 8680-181 (TH 94)/C.P. 16CO06 SHEET L17 26.6 9 � \ ,�. �♦ �•� 7.48 O10 �k 2,. RUjfb---\\\\� /1 1 Y21 13 2.06 14 0.544 1" 15 22.0 1" 0 40 111 = 501 NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: JWR Plan By: JCM Checked By: JWR Approved By: JWR 744-m-�.- 016 1Y4" 040V ;> • \ \ ♦♦\ \ \. \Aft ♦♦ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. JEFFREY FEULNER DATE: LICENSE NO. 42976 CITY�OF WS b iMonticello FALLON AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN S.P.222-104-002/S.P. 222-113-003/S.P. 222-116-001/ S. P. 222-101-009/S.P. 8680-181(TH 94)/C.P. 16CO06 �I -51 SHEET L18 \ Act if) n/ 9R \ 17 7.17 NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: JWR Plan By: JCM Checked By: JWR Approved By: JWR I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. JEFFREY FEULNER DATE: LICENSE NO. 42976 1Y2" II, '1y„ --i ' ••.. �� 6 10.0 4P,* - ����� _ ♦1 1 11 = 501 clry of WS b izm'.2. nticello 0 40 60 FALLON AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MONTICELLO 80 feet I CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN S.P.222-104-002/S.P. 222-113-003/S.P. 222-116-001/ S. P. 222-101-009/S.P. 8680-181(TH 94)/C.P. 16CO06 SHEET L19 • ` EXISTING I• I� .I • I' i • i • • 0 20 40 60 80 feet 1 • • �. I 111 = 501 NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: JWR Plan By: JCM Checked By: JWR Approved By: JWR I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. JEFFREY FEULNER DATE: LICENSE NO. 42976 4 / EXISTING -�l clry of WS b Monticello 16 10.0 _ I 1 19 26.1 1" I !,). 2.00+'r♦ .amR� \ \ �1 \ \ FALLON AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN S.P.222-104-002/S.P. 222-113-003/S.P. 222-116-001/ S.P. 222-101-009/S.P. 8680-181(TH 94)/C.P. 16CO06 SHEET L2O CRITICAL ANALYSIS Generated: 2019-01-20 16:44 P.O.C. NUMBER: 01 Water Source Information: FLOW AVAILABLE Water Meter Size: Flow Available: PRESSURE AVAILABLE Static Pressure at POC: Elevation Change: Service Line Size: Lenqth of Service Line: Pressure Available: DESIGN ANALYSIS Maximum Station Flow: Flow Available at POC: Residual Flow Available Pressure Req. at Critical Station: Loss for Fittings: Loss for Main Line: Loss for POC to Valve Elevation: Loss for Backflow: Loss for Master Valve: Loss for Water Meter: Critical Station Pressure at POC: Pressure Available: Residual Pressure Available: P.O.C. NUMBER: 01 Water Source Information: FLOW AVAILABLE Water Meter Size: Flow Available: PRESSURE AVAILABLE Static Pressure at POC: Elevation Change: Service Line Size: Lenqth of Service Line: Pressure Available: DESIGN ANALYSIS Maximum Station Flow: Flow Available at POC: Residual Flow Available Pressure Req. at Critical Station: Loss for Fittings: Loss for Main Line: Loss for POC to Valve Elevation: Loss for Backflow: Loss for Master Valve: Loss for Water Meter: Critical Station Pressure at POC: Pressure Available: Residual Pressure Available: 1-1/2" 40.32 gpm 70.00 psi 5.00 ft 1 1/2" 20.00 ft 66.00 psi 29.04 gpm 40.32 qpm 11.28 gpm 43.72 psi 0.34 psi 3.39 psi 0.00 psi 12.27 psi 1.50 psi 0.67 psi 61.89 psi 66.00 psi 4.11 psi 1-1/2" 40.32 gpm 70.00 psi 5.00 ft 1 1/2" 20.00 ft 66.00 psi 26.15 gpm 40.32 qpm 14.17 gpm 42.96 psi 0.28 psi 2.79 psi 0.00 psi 12.17 psi 1.50 psi 1.41 psi 61.11 psi 66.00 psi 4.89 psi MP ROT 0 M D MP40 SPRAY BODY z_ 1/2" MARLEX STREET ELL. BARB ELL X MIFF. � 1/2" MARLEX STREET ELL -77 TO CURB OR WALK. CONTROL WIRES - PROVIDE A FINISH GRADE MINIMUM OF 36" OF SLACK @ VALVES CARSON VALVE BOX 8 COVER, ALL VALVE BOXES SHALL BE PERMANENTLY LABELED WITH VALVE ID. LIN. 4" CLEARANCE PAVER VALVE BOX II / ALL VALVES TS-TYP. TO SYSTEM L PVC TEE (SXSXT) OR ELL. 1/2" POLYETHYLENE FLEXIBLE TUBING, 24" MAXIMUM. LATERAL LINE. 0 MP40 TURF ROTARY - FLEX PIPE HUNTER ICV 3" = V-0" 328403.13-06 0 3" = P-0" r � � r PVC MAINLINE. TYPICAL FPT ADAPTER AND COMPRESSION COUPLER. DRIP VALVE / FILTER / REGULATOR. 3/4" PVC LATERAL TYPICAL OFFSET PIPE. 7 2" FROM HARDSCAPE, 4" - - FROM PLANTED AREA. /z" POLYETHYLENE OR PVC HEADER. w ►-- TYPICAL -� COMPRESSION FITTING. f -DRIPLINE SPACING-- AS PACINGAS NOTED. - - - �- AI R RELIEF VALVE AT - / HIGH POINT, IF INDICATED. - TYPICAL DRIP LINE- WITH INEA WRH EMITTER SPACING AS NOTED. TIE DOWN STAKE AT ALL TEES, ELLS, AND AT 4' O.C. AT CLAY, 3' O.C. AT LOAM, OR F 2' O.C. AT SAND. F - FLUSH VALVE OR - �� CAP AT LOW END, AS NOTED. END FEED EXAMPLE CENTER FEED EXAMPLE TYPICAL RAIN BIRD DRIPLINE REQUIREMENTS 3" = 1'-0'• NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY JWR DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE Plan By: ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. JCM �� Checked By: JWR Approved By: JEFFREY FEULNER JWR DATE: LICENSE NO. 42976 MAIN LINE it II r1 1I 11� 3" MIN. GRAVEL BASE - TYP. ALL VALVES 328406.13-05 20"X14" JUMBO PLONTROLLER WIRE WITH 10 INCH LINEAR VALVE BOX. LENGTH OF COIL, WITH PLASTIC I.D. TAG AND WATERPROOF CONNECTORS. PVC TRUE UNION B RCV AS SPECIFIED. VALVE. BASKET FILTER AS SPECIFIED. 2" ABOVE GRADE ATR ESSURE REGULATOR AS SHRUBS, SPECIFIED. SET BOX FLUSH z - PVC UNION W/ SHORT �ATTURF. NIPPLES. -I I I -III -111= Ir 1-111-111-11 I- -I�iil� III�I oa mm �SCH. 80 RISER. OUTLET PIPE SAME SIZE A VALVE, 24" MIN. LENGTH TO FIRST FITTING. 45' DOWN AS REQ. TO SxT TEE W/ T' NIPPLE AT LATERAL PIPE DEPTH. MAINLINE. TWO 6X2X16 CONCRETE BLOCK CAPS, ONE Yz" WIRE CLOTH GOPHER ON EACH SIDE OF THE BOX. SCREEN, WRAP UP SIDES. 1" DRIP VALVE W/ BASKET FILTER 1 1/2" = 12" 328413.76-26 CITY OF Monticello FALLON AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MONTICELLO POLYGON SHAPED CORNER SHAPED "C"SHAPED CURVED POLYGON L � ODD SHAPED II� HOURGLASS SHAPED CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN S.P.222-104-002/S.P. 222-113-003/S.P. 222-116-001/ S. P. 222-101-009/S.P. 8680-181(TH 94)/C.P. 16CO06 FX -IR -RB -DRIP -30 SHEET L21 WATER SOURCE: DRIP VALVE PVC TEE. MAXIMUM LATERAL LENGTH (FEET) GRID PRECIPITATION RATES (IN/HR) MAXIMUM FLOW PER ZONE I MANIFOLD UNE."DRIPLINrE EMITTER FLOW RATE EMITTER FLOW RATE GPH PVC MANIFOLD LINE 12" SPACING 18" SPACING :'4" SPACING SPACING SPACING 0.6 0.9 PSI 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.9 t.6 0.9 10 125 96 175 135 218 171 V 20 249 191 350 171 442 340 COMPRESSION ADAPTER: 30 307 236 434 333 550 422 RAIN BIRD 600 -CF -1. 40 350 268 495 380 627 171 USE AN ABS TO PVC BONDING 50 125 96 175 135 218 171 SOLVENT FOR GLUING ADAPTER TO\ 60 125 96 175 135 218 171 PVC TEE. CITY OF Monticello FALLON AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MONTICELLO POLYGON SHAPED CORNER SHAPED "C"SHAPED CURVED POLYGON L � ODD SHAPED II� HOURGLASS SHAPED CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN S.P.222-104-002/S.P. 222-113-003/S.P. 222-116-001/ S. P. 222-101-009/S.P. 8680-181(TH 94)/C.P. 16CO06 FX -IR -RB -DRIP -30 SHEET L21 WATER SOURCE: DRIP VALVE OR LATERAL FROM VALVE. GRID PRECIPITATION RATES (IN/HR) MAXIMUM FLOW PER ZONE ��LANDSCAPE DRIPUNE TUBING. EMITTER FLOW RATE MAX GPM PSI LOSS PVC MANIFOLD LINE EMITTER LATERAL WITH PVC TEE. SPACING SPACING 0.6 0.9 SCHEDULE 40 PVC HEADER 512E 1/2" 4.7 PM 7.7 PSI 12 12 0.96 ,44 10.41 3/4" 8.3 GPM 5.6 PSI F FLUSH CAP: RAIN BIRD 18 18 0.69 03MDCFCOUP 1" 13.5 GPM 4.2 PSI WITH MDCFCAP. 24 24 0.28 1-1/2" 33.9 GPM 2.9 PSI AIR RELIEF VALVE: RAIN BIRD 2' 52.4 PM 1.9 PSI AR VALVE KIT, INSTALL AT LATERAL FLOW PER 100 FT (GPM) POLY PIPE HEADER 512E HIGH POINT OF SYSTEM. EMITTER 12 18" 24" 1/2" 4.7 PM 8.8 PSI ING FLOW �75 PING 0.6 H 1SA .OGPMG PS67CGPM50G PM ' 31M 2.9 PSI 0.9 GPH 1.5 GPM VIII 0 GPM GPM 2 52/2" 4 GPM 2 2 PSI SLOPED CONDITION NOTE: 1. DRIPLINE LATERALS SHOULD FOLLOW THE CONTOURS OF THE SLOPE WHENEVER POSSIBLE. 2. INSTALL AIR RELIEF VALVE AT HIGHEST POINT. 3. NORMAL SPACING WITHIN THE TOP % OF SLOPE, 4. INSTALL DRIPLINE AT 25% GREATER SPACING AT THE BOTTOM Ys OF THE SLOPE. 5. WHEN ELEVATION CHANGE IS 10 FT OR MORE, ZONE THE BOTTOM Ys ON A SEPARATE VALVE. DOGBONE SHAPED CITY OF Monticello FALLON AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MONTICELLO POLYGON SHAPED CORNER SHAPED "C"SHAPED CURVED POLYGON L � ODD SHAPED II� HOURGLASS SHAPED CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN S.P.222-104-002/S.P. 222-113-003/S.P. 222-116-001/ S. P. 222-101-009/S.P. 8680-181(TH 94)/C.P. 16CO06 FX -IR -RB -DRIP -30 SHEET L21 TURF 1 6" ROUND JUNCTION BOX RED TO RED AND BLACK TO BLACK IN WATERPROOF SPLICE CAP - DBY/R-6 biSENSOR - SET LENGHT -J HORIZONTALLY AND BLADE IN VERITCAL POSITION WITH WIRES OUT OF BOTTOM WIRE FROM MOISTURE J SENSOR SUPPORT BLOCKS - 2 REQUIRED 0 BASELINE SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR 1 112" = 1'-0" 4" GRATE — RAIN BIRD BUBBLER 1402.5 GPM )OTBALL IISTER GRANULAR MATERIAL FOR DRAINAGE - 2" MINIMUM DEPTH TREE PLANTING AS INDICATED ON PLANTING DETAILS — ROOT WATERING SYSTEM RWS 3 ROOT WATERING SYSTEM 1 1/2" = 1'-0" NO. DATE BY CHK REVISIONS Design By: JWR Plan By: JCM Checked By: JWR Approved By: JWR 32 8403.53-06 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. JEFFREY FEULNER DATE: LICENSE NO. 42976 D TO RED AND BLACK BLACK IN \TERPROOF SPLICE P - DBY/R-6 TWO -WIRE PATH 328409.66-07 \�� CITY OF WS b Monticello 1 . DESIGN BASED ON POC ANALYSIS (downstream of meter). 2. This irrigation design is from the point of connection only. This design is based on the pressure and volume indicated in item #1, which is furnished and verified by others. Booster pump may be required if pressure and flow do not meet listed requirements. 3. Contractor shall be responsible to field verify the information in the POC Analysis. 4. This irrigation design is diagramatic. Adjustments to pipe, valve and/or head placement may be required of contractor. 5. FULL and COMPLETE coverage is required. The irrigation contractor shall make any necessary minor adjustments to the irrigation layout required to achieve FULL and COMPLETE coverage of irrigated areas at no additional cost to owner. 6. Bidding contractors shall become thoroughly familiar with all facets of the proposed irrigation systemand the central control requirements. Failure to clarify misunderstandings or the intent of this drawing and/or specifications before submittal of bid shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor. 7. This irrigation system shall be installed as per manufactures specifications. 8. This irrigaiton design shows necessary materials, but certain other materials may have to be suppliedand installed by the irrigation contractor in order to have, upon completion, a fully operational irrigation system. 9. The irrigation contractor shall locate ALL underground utilities, and they shall take every precaution not to damage or disturb such improvements. Coordinate with General Contractor as necessary. 10. The irrigation contractor shall arrange for any necessary permits and/or inspections required by local agencies or ordinances during the course of construction. 11. ALL PVC piping under continuous pressure shall be Class 200, all other PVC shall be Class 160. 12. ALL backflow devices shall be installed as per local code. 13. ALL wiring as per local code. 14. Electrical power shall be provided to within five (5) feet of controller(s) location. Coordinate with Owners Representative as to the final location of controller(s). Coordinate with Electrical Contractor as required. 15. Control wire shall be solid copper wire U.L. approved for direct burial in ground. Minimum gauge -#14 (#12 for runs over 2000') or as otherwise specified. Ground Wire (where applicable) shall be white. 16. 24VAC wire splicing material will be direct burial splice kit as manufactured by 3M, specifically DBY-6 & DBR-6. 17. Install rain sensors on vertical surfaces. Coordinate with Owners Representative as to final location of rain sensor, weather stations and any additional sensors. 18. ALL valves, quick -couplers and wire splices shall be located in valve boxes with labeled covers and buried flush with grade. 19. Winterization of the irrigation system shall be as per the manufacturers specifications. 20. Sleeving is required under ALL walks and roadways. Sleeves shall extend a minimum of 18" beyond edge of walk/roadway and be marked. Wire shall be contained in a separate, 1 2" min., sleeve. 2 IRRIGATION GENERAL NOTES: FALLON AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF MONTICELLO 328409-02 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN S.P.222-104-002/S.P. 222-113-003/S.P. 222-116-001/ S. P. 222-101-009/S.P. 8680-181(TH 94)/C.P. 160006 SHEET L22 City Council Agenda - 2/25/2019 2J. Consideration of authorizing Bolton and Menk. Inc to provide engineering services at a not to exceed price of $11,725 for the 2019 Pedestrian Improvements proiect (ML) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND One component of the proposed pedestrian project is to complete an effort that staff has been working on for many years which is to connect the trail on the east side of Ellison Park that currently stops at the stormwater outfall to Hart Boulevard. Mississippi Shores and Centra Care have both agreed to help fund this project and a section of the existing trail that Mississippi Shores currently has in place would be utilized. Another component of this project is to make pedestrian safety improvements at the intersection of Washington Street and Broadway Avenue. This intersection that is located next to the middle school currently has pedestrian actuated flashers on each side of the roadway. This project is anticipated to include the replacement of the existing beacons with rectangular rapid flashing beacons with the addition of a center refuge island. Staff will work closely with Wright County and an engineering study would also be completed as part of this project to determine any other improvements that may be necessary such as lighting improvements, etc. Staff e-mailed a request for proposals for engineering services to the 10 engineering firms that requested information for the Walnut Street project that was recently listed. Five proposals were received with a not to exceed price ranging from $11,725 to $23,510. City staff evaluated the proposals based on the following categories: • Consulting firm and key project staff experience with similar projects to this. • Ability to meet Cities anticipated schedule. • Proposed consultant cost After reviewing the proposals staff is recommending to move forward with entering into an agreement with Bolton and Menk, Inc for design and construction engineering services for the not to exceed price of $11,725. This agreement for engineering services will include completion of the following items: 1. Topographic survey 2. Engineering study for Washington and Broadway improvements. 3. Design, including plans and project specific specifications in accordance with City/County standards. 4. Deliverables to include 60, and 100 percent design reviews for the City and County. Final plan submittal is to include both pdf and AutoCad files. 5. Construction staking It is anticipated that plans will be submitted for council approval and authorization to bid on May 13, 2019. Construction is expected to start in early July with an anticipated completion date at the end of August. City staff will be responsible for the purchase of the bridge structure, preparation of final bid documents, and construction inspection. Al. Budget Impact: The estimated project cost is $125,000 which includes engineering services and construction of these projects. This is included in the 2019 budget. City Council Agenda — 2/25/2019 A2. Staff Workload Impact: Bolton and Menk,Inc and City staff will be involved throughout various steps of the project development. A3. Strategic Plan Impact: The proposed design and improvements for the 2019 Pedestrian Improvements meet the following Strategic Plan goals or objectives: 1. Create and Preserve Sustainable Livability: The trail extension and the safety improvements at Washington and Broadway will strengthen walkability and bikeability. 2. Build a Connected Community: The improvements will help eliminate a barrier for pedestrians who want to cross Broadway Avenue. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Consideration of authorizing Bolton and Menk, Inc to provide engineering services at a not to exceed price of $11,725 for the 2019 Pedestrian Improvements project. 2. Motion to not move forward with this contract for engineering services at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternate No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA • Professional services agreement 2 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this day of , 20by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and Bolton and Menk, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "Engineer". IN CONSIDERATION OF THEIR MUTUAL COVENANTS, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES. The City retains Engineer to furnish the services set forth on the attached Exhibit "A". The Engineer agrees to perform the services. Engineer shall provide all personnel, supervision, services, materials, tools, equipment and supplies and do all things necessary and ancillary thereto specified on Exhibit "A". The work to be performed under this Agreement shall be done under the review of a professional engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota, who shall attest that the work will be performed in compliance with all applicable codes and engineering standards. The work shall be performed in accordance with the Contract Documents, which includes this Agreement and the Exhibits: Exhibit "A" — Proposal, Exhibit `B" — Request for Proposals. In the event any ambiguity or conflict between the Contract Documents listed above, the order of precedence shall be the following order: (i) this Agreement; (ii) Exhibit "A", (iii) Exhibit `B". 2. REPRESENTATIVES. City has designated Matt Leonard (the "City Representative"), and the Engineer has designated Justin Kannas (the "Engineer Representative"). The City Representative and the Engineer Representative shall be available as often as is reasonably necessary for reviewing the Services. 3. COMPENSATION. Engineer shall be paid by the City for the services described in Paragraph 1 on an hourly basis in accordance with the attached fee schedule, Exhibit `B", but not to exceed $11,725.00 inclusive of taxes and reimbursable costs. 4. COMPLETION DATE. The Engineer must complete the services by October 31, 2019. 5. DOCUMENTS. The City shall be the owner of all documents, reports, studies, analysis and the like prepared by the Engineer in conjunction with this contract. 6. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS. In providing services hereunder, Engineer shall abide by all statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the provisions of services to be provided. 7. STANDARD OF CARE. Engineer shall exercise the same degrees of care, skill, and diligence in the performance of the Services as is ordinarily possessed and exercised by a professional engineer under similar circumstances. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is included in this Agreement. City shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies in the accuracy of Engineer's services. 199339v1 2019 Pedestrian Improvement Project 8. INDEMNIFICATION. The Engineer shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees, of and from any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, including costs and attorney's fees, to the extent caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the Engineer. 9. INSURANCE. Engineer shall secure and maintain such insurance as will protect Engineer from claims under the Worker's Compensation Acts, automobile liability, and from claims for bodily injury, death, or property damage which may arise from the performance of services under this Agreement. Such insurance shall be written for amounts not less than: Commercial General Liability $1,000,000 each occurrence/aggregate Automobile Liability $1,000,000 combined single limit Excess/Umbrella Liability $2,000,000 each occurrence/aggregate The City shall be named as an additional insured on the general liability and umbrella policies. The Engineer shall secure and maintain a professional liability insurance policy. Said policy shall insure payment of damages for legal liability arising out of the performance of professional services for the City, in the insured's capacity as Engineer, if such legal liability is caused by a negligent act, error or omission of the insured or any person or organization for which the insured is legally liable. Said policy shall provide minimum limits of $1,000,000 with a deductible maximum of $125,000. Before commencing work the Engineer shall provide the City a certificate of insurance evidencing the required insurance coverage in a form acceptable to the City. The certificate shall provide that such insurance cannot be cancelled until thirty (30) days after the City has received written notice of the insurer's intention to cancel this insurance. 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The City hereby retains the Engineer as an independent contractor upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. The Engineer is not an employee of the City and is free to contract with other entities as provided herein. Engineer shall be responsible for selecting the means and methods of performing the work. Engineer shall furnish any and all supplies, equipment, and incidentals necessary for Engineer's performance under this Agreement. City and Engineer agree that Engineer shall not at any time or in any manner represent that Engineer or any of Engineer's agents or employees are in any manner agents or employees of the City. Engineer shall be exclusively responsible under this Agreement for Engineer's own FICA payments, workers compensation payments, unemployment compensation payments, withholding amounts, and/or self-employment taxes if any such payments, amounts, or taxes are required to be paid by law or regulation. 11. SUBCONTRACTORS. Engineer shall not enter into subcontracts for services provided under this Agreement without the express written consent of the City. Engineer shall comply with Minnesota Statute § 471.425. Engineer must pay Subcontractor for all undisputed services provided by Subcontractor within ten days of Engineer's receipt of payment from City. Engineer must pay interest of 1.5 percent per month or any part of a month to Subcontractor on 199339v1 2019 Pedestrian Improvement Project 2 any undisputed amount not paid on time to Subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100 or more is $10. 12. ASSIGNMENT. Neither party shall assign this Agreement, nor any interest arising herein, without the written consent of the other party. 13. WAIVER. Any waiver by either party of a breach of any provisions of this Agreement shall not affect, in any respect, the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. 14. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. The entire agreement of the parties is contained herein. This Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by the parties, unless otherwise provided herein. 15. CONTROLLING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 16. COPYRIGHT. Engineer shall defend actions or claims charging infringement of any copyright or patent by reason of the use or adoption of any designs, drawings or specifications supplied by it, and it shall hold harmless the City from loss or damage resulting there from. 17. RECORDS. The Engineer shall maintain complete and accurate records of time and expense involved in the performance of services. 18. MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT. Engineer must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to (1) all data provided by the City pursuant to this Agreement, and (2) all data, created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Engineer pursuant to this Agreement. Engineer is subject to all the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, including but not limited to the civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Section 13.08, as if it were a government entity. In the event Engineer receives a request to release data, Engineer must immediately notify City. City will give Engineer instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. Engineer agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold City, its officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers harmless from any claims resulting from Engineer's officers', agents', city's, partners', employees', volunteers', assignees' or subcontractors' unlawful disclosure and/or use of protected data. The terms of this paragraph shall survive the cancellation or termination of this Agreement. 19. TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated by City on two (2) days' written notice delivered to Engineer at the address on file with the City. Upon termination under this provision if there is no fault of the Engineer, the Engineer shall be paid for services rendered and reimbursable expenses until the effective date of termination. If the City terminates the Agreement because the Engineer has failed to perform in accordance with this Agreement, no further payment 199339v1 2019 Pedestrian Improvement Project 3 shall be made to the Engineer, and the City may retain another engineer to undertake or complete the work identified in Paragraph 1. Dated: , 20 CITY: CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Brian Stumpf Mayor By: Jeff O'Neill City Administrator Dated: , 20 ENGINEER: Its 199339v1 2019 Pedestrian Improvement Project 4 [print name] EXHIBIT "A" PROPOSAL 199339v1 2019 Pedestrian Improvement Project Q& MLENK Real People. Real Solutions. February 19, 2019 Matt Leonard, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Proposal for 2019 Pedestrian Improvements Dear Mr. Leonard: 2040 Highway 12 East Willmar. MN 56201-5818 Ph: (320) 231-3956 Fax: (320) 231-9710 Bolton-Menk.com The City of Monticello has initiated the 2019 Pedestrian Improvements project to improve safety and access to destinations within and adjacent to the project area. Like you, Bolton & Menk, Inc. takes great pride in designing and managing projects that are safe, sustainable, and beautiful. Our approach to engineering services makes Monticello's priorities our priorities. We understand what needs to be accomplished to assist with developing bid documents including plans and project specifications for the 2019 Pedestrian Improvements project. Project Experience— The City of Monticello wants a consultant who is familiar with providing solutions to issues similar to what is being experienced within the project area. Bolton & Menk has worked on numerous projects related to studying the right solution for pedestrian safety and access and implementing a real solution in communities like Monticello. We look forward to applying our experience with challenging trail projects and pedestrian crossing concerns to help the City of Monticello. We are confident we can provide a real solution satisfactory to all project partners. Value to the City - You can be assured our team will provide exceptional professional services and maintain a commitment to managing cost effectiveness and quality. We have reviewed the project, identified critical issues that need to be addressed, and prepared a comprehensive scope of services to address those issues. Our understanding of the proposed project process allows us to complete your projects effectively, while minimizing the amount of time you and your staff must dedicate to them. Your time can be spent on other important items and activities occurring within your department. This provides cost savings that cannot be quantified within the proposal. Additionally, we charge no hidden or extra costs for items such as vehicles, mileage, phones, equipment, supplies, or routine reimbursable expenses. Project Communication— Poor project communication can cause minor annoyances and/or major project missteps. We know the best way to avoid these complications is through proper communication. As project manager, I will be your single point -of -contact for any issues or needs that arise. In continued service to the City of Monticello, we are excited at the opportunity to assist with the 2019 Pedestrian Improvements project. I will serve as your lead client contact and project manager. Please contact me at 320-905-2704 or justin.kannas@bolton-menk.com if you have any questions regarding our proposal. This proposal remains valid for 90 days. Respectfully submitted, TLton & Menk, Inc 1.� Ristin Kannas, P.E. Principal Engineer N PROJECTTEAM We chose this team to provide the optimum combination of accessibility, community knowledge, and specialized expertise. You can expect us to serve as an extension of city staff. Our project manager, Justin Kannas, will be supported by key individuals and support staff. Project team member bios are included below. Full resumes are available upon request. Justin Kannas, P.E. Project Manager As project manager, Justin will serve as the primary point -of -contact and will regularly communicate with city staff and project partners. He will direct and coordinate all aspects of project delivery. Justin serves as the main client contact for several small and large municipalities. He is the city engineer for municipalities ranging in population from 2,500 to 16,000. He connects with his clients daily to meet both short-term needs and long-term visions. Justin began his career in 2002 and manages projects from conception through construction and beyond. He loves seeing residents using and enjoying the benefits of our projects. He manages projects with extensive coordination efforts, aggressive project schedule requirements, and project - related public relations and community involvement efforts. Justin managed the Wild Marsh Golf Course Boardwalk Replacements project listed in the Related Experience Section. Jacob Bongard, P.E., PTOE Transportation Project Engineer Jacob will lead the engineering study for the Washington and Broadway intersection. Jacob will also provide design assistance and guidance for the RRFB system. Jacob has extensive experience in planning, traffic forecasting, traffic impact analyses, intersection control evaluations, preliminary and final design and funding applications. He has completed numerous engineering studies for a variety of urban applications including several RRFB justification analyses and pedestrian treatment analyses. Jacob was involved in the RRFB projects in St. Louis Park listed in the Related Experience Section. Ile Lance Vargason Engineering Technician Lance will complete the detailed design, drafting, and preparation of the plans. Lance has experience as designer and drafter on a variety of municipal and private projects including street and highway design, utility design, site design, and pedestrian improvement projects. He is very knowledgeable on overall ADA requirements and specializes in trail and sidewalk ADA -compliant design. Most recently, he completed plans for a federal aid trail project in the City of Rochester that contains a long, steep grade through an existing park connecting to a trail on each side of the park. A site grading plan and trail plan and profile meeting state and federal aid standards were completed. This project was very similar to the proposed Monticello River Walk Trail Connection. Related Experience Wild Marsh Golf Course Boardwalk Replacements; City of Buffalo, MN—The project replaced two timber boardwalks totaling 661 linear feet across wetlands within the city -owned golf course. It included construction of bituminous paths from the boardwalks connecting to existing bituminous cart paths. Chester Woods Trail Link; City of Rochester, MN— The project created a trail connection through an existing park, connecting two trails on either side of the park with a significant grade change between the existing trails. This required creative and detailed designs to meet ADA requirements, minimize impacts to the park, and ease maintenance for city staff. The design included rest areas off of the trail edge to meet ADA requirements and minimize the use of switchbacks for ease of maintenance. Monterey Drive at 36 V2 Street RRFB Justification Analysis; City of St. Louis Park, MN Bolton & Menk evaluated operations of existing conditions vs. various pedestrian crossing treatments. The study included analysis of existing conditions, pedestrian level of service, traffic counts, historical crash data, speeds, and other additional considerations. A summary of the analysis and recommendation for an RRFB installation was included in a Memorandum. 1611 Street at Wend End Blvd. RRFB; City of St. Louis Park, MN The project included two pedestal - mounted and four light -pole mounted RRFB units, two being in the center median, to provide adequate notification to eastbound and westbound approaches on this four -lane divided highway. 2019 Pedestrian Improvements I City of Monticello. Minnesota 0 SCHEDULE We have developed a schedule detailing the anticipated work tasks, task relationships, deliverable due dates, and completion dates. This schedule is based on our review of the project background, description, and scope of services included in the Request for Proposals and our experience on other similar projects. The schedule assumes snow and ice will be melted upon start of the topographic survey. Upon selection, Bolton & Menk will work with city staff and other project partners to revise and update this schedule as needed to ensure successful delivery of this project. 2019 Pedestrian Improvements, City of Monticello Month April ' June r22 Week of 1 8 152229 13 20 3 10 17 24 1 2.1 Topographic Survey - Washington & Broadway Intersection 2.2 Topographic Survey -River Trail 2.3 Construction Staking - Washington & Broadway Intersection 2.4 Construction Staking -River Trail 3.1 Turning Radius Review/Auto Turn 3.2 Analysis & Report 4.2 Project Specifications 4.3 Engineer's Estimate 5.0 Easment/Right-of-Way Services 5.1 Parcel Sketches & Legal Description (Assumes 2 Parcels) COST The following table summarizes the hours and cost breakdown for each major work task item. The estimated fee includes labor, general business, and other normal and customary expenses associated with operating a professional business. Unless otherwise noted, the fees include vehicle and personal expenses, mileage, telephone, survey stakes, and routine expendable supplies; no separate charges will be made for these activities and materials. Expenses beyond the agreed scope of services and non -routine expenses, such as large quantities of prints, extra report copies, out -sourced graphics and photographic reproductions, document recording fees, outside professional and technical assistance, and other items of this general nature will be invoiced separately. DETAILED COST ESTIMATE Client: City of Monticello Project: 2019 Pedestrian Improvements Project Management, Coordination, & Quality Control 2 2 0 0 0 0 4 c 2.0 Topographic Surveys & Construction Staking 0 0 0 6.5 m V 27.5 t s o Engineering Study for Washington & Broadway 0 0 Y 2 0 0 14 $1,670 4.0 Final Design & Construction Documents c d c w 0 W Total Total WORK TASK DESCRIPTION m Easement/Right-of-Way Services 0 0 d d Hours Cost CL Z3 TOTAL HOURS 5 1 5 22 39.5 3.5 M o vii w w $155.001 $85.00 $120.00 $115.00 $155.00 $140.00 SUBTOTAL $775 1 a $2,640 $4,543 $543 $2,800 $11,725 1.0 Project Management, Coordination, & Quality Control 2 2 0 0 0 0 4 $480 2.0 Topographic Surveys & Construction Staking 0 0 0 6.5 1 20 27.5 $3,703 3.0 Engineering Study for Washington & Broadway 0 0 12 2 0 0 14 $1,670 4.0 Final Design & Construction Documents 3 3 10 28 0 0 44 $5,140 5.0 Easement/Right-of-Way Services 0 0 0 3 2.5 0 5.5 $733 TOTAL HOURS 5 1 5 22 39.5 3.5 20 95 AVERAGE HOURLY RATE $155.001 $85.00 $120.00 $115.00 $155.00 $140.00 SUBTOTAL $775 1 $425 $2,640 $4,543 $543 $2,800 $11,725 2019 Pedestrian Improvements I City of Monticello. Minnesota EXHIBIT "B" REOUST FOR PROPOSALS 199339v1 2019 Pedestrian Improvement Project F Mo�i��&o REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES SECTION I: GENERAL INFORMATION PROJECT OVERVIEW The City intends to retain a professional engineering consultant to assist with developing bid documents including plans and project specific specifications for the 2019 Pedestrian Improvements project. This project will provide improvements at the intersection of Washington and Broadway and for a pathway from Ellison Park to Hart Boulevard. The Washington and Broadway project is anticipated to include the replacement of the existing pedestrian beacons with a rectangular rapid flashing beacon system with addition of a center refuge island. Necessary intersection ADA improvements will also need to be made. A project sketch is also attached. The Riverwalk Trail connection from Ellison Park to Hart Blvd will include the replacement of a non -ADA compliant section of pathway and the extension of the trail as shown on the attached sketches. A new manufactured bridge that the city will purchase and install separately from this contract is also included as part of this project. The bridge will be designed by the bridge manufacturer. The City will handle the development of the final bid package and the bidding process. Our Capital Improvement Plan estimate for total investment of this project (design, construction, testing, etc.) is approximately $110,000. SECTION 2: OVERALL SCOPE OF SERVICES The services required of the Consultant are anticipated to be provided beginning in February 2019 and ending in September 2019. The following are general work tasks and deliverables that shall be included in the Consultant's scope for both projects: 1. Topographic survey 2. Engineering study for Washington and Broadway improvements. 3. Design, including plans and project specific specifications in accordance with City/County standards. 4. Deliverables to include 60, and 100 percent design reviews for the City and County. Final plan submittal is to include both pdf and AutoCad files. 5. Construction staking Request for Proposals 2019 Pedestrian Improvements -------------------------- SECTION 3: PROPOSALS Page 2 of 3 A brief proposal not to exceed three pages shall be submitted which shall include relevant project experience, key staff, schedule, and total consultant cost. The total consultant cost shall include hourly rates of all employees anticipated to be working on the project as well as a not to exceed consultant cost. Any proposals that do not include a not -to -exceed cost will not be considered. SECTION 4: CONSULTANT SELECTION Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by a team of City staff on the basis of the following criteria: 1. Consulting firm and key project staff experience with similar projects to this. 2. Ability to meet Cities anticipated schedule. 3. Proposed consultant cost Following review of the Proposals the City may ask Consultants to make a presentation to City representatives, staff will select a Consultant to negotiate a contract as follows: 1. If, for any reason, a firm is not able to commence the services in that firm's Proposal within 30 days of the award, the City reserves the right to contract with another qualified firm. 2. The City shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by the Consultant prior to the signing of a contract including, but not limited to, the Proposal preparation, attendance at interviews, or final contract negotiations. 3. The Proposal must be signed in ink by an official authorized to bind the Consultant to its provisions that will be included as part of an eventual contract. The Proposal must include a statement as to the period during which the Proposal remains valid. This period must be at least 90 days from the date of the submittal. 4. The City reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals submittals or to request additional information from any or all of the proposing firms. SECTION 5: CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Upon selection of a Consultant, an Agreement or Contract for Services, attached to this RFP, shall be entered into by the City and the Consultant. It is expected that the contract will provide for compensation for actual work completed on a not to exceed basis, and the following conditions: 1. Deletions of specific itemized work tasks will be at the discretion of the City. Payment or reimbursement shall be made based on tasks that have been satisfactorily completed. Billing that exceed the not to exceed amount will not be compensated unless a contract extension has been approved in advance by the City. 2. The City shall retain ownership of all documents, plans, maps, reports and data prepared under this proposal. 3. If, for any reason, the Consultant is unable to fulfill the obligations under the contract in a timely and proper manner, the City shall reserve the right to terminate the J:\City Improvement Projects\2019 Projects\2019 Pedestrian Improvements\2019 RFP Engineering.doc Request for Proposals 2019 Pedestrian Improvements -------------------------- Page 3 of 3 contract by written notice. In this event, the firm shall be entitled to just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory completed work tasks, as determined by the City Engineer. 4. The Consultant shall not assign or transfer any interest in the contract without prior written consent of the City. 5. The Consultant shall maintain comprehensive general liability insurance in accordance with Section 466.04 of the Minnesota Statutes. 6. The Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Monticello, its officials, employees and agents, from any and all claims, causes of action, lawsuits, damages, losses or expenses, including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the Consultant's (including its officials, agents, subconsultants or employees) performance of the duties required under the contract, provided that any such claim, damages, loss or expense is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, diseases or death or injury to or destruction of property including the loss of use resulting therefrom and is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission or willful misconduct of Consultant. 7. The Consultant contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 8. Project summaries shall be submitted with each invoice during the course of the project. Each summary shall detail the amount billed to date, work items that need to be completed, the estimated costs to complete these tasks and the projected timeline for the completion of the project. Invoices submitted to the City shall include a detailed breakdown of times, personnel, mileage, etc. chargeable for that period. SECTION 6: CONCLUSION AND SUBMITTAL Any requests for additional information that may be needed for the preparation of the proposal should be directed via email to Matt Leonard at matt.leonardaa,ci.monticello.mn.us. All questions must be received before 4:30 pm, February 19, 2019. No responses will be provided for questions received after that time. Please provide 3 paper and one electronic (pdf copies of the Proposal for the evaluation process. Proposals shall be addressed to: Matt Leonard, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello MN 55362 Proposals will be accepted until 4:30 pm February 19, 2019 Attachments: Draft Washington Broadway Intersection Layout Draft Riverwalk Trail Layout. J:\City Improvement Projects\2019 Projects\2019 Pedestrian Improvements\2019 RFP Engineering.doc 6R E E \1 k c 21 FMAW1-9-1, �` _ 4 - , ' •_.. 7w`��u� - ti <v2 s VI .. Q s, _. „s r I - V F - - 4ki s� 75 ' / FAIW— I 4 -el 141 V F o= 75 lei LU z kA Lu sit AI r M, � • - � 1 O� �� ��� i I ^ty � �� } � �� �'�y9• h' � yk��y� AML I 228 ft 2K. City Council Agenda: 02/25/2019 Consideration of final plat approval for Clear Creek Second Addition. Applicant: Clear Creek Land Comvanv, LLC (AS) Property: Legal: Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Clear Creek Addition Address: 3360 Chelsea Rd Planning Case Number: 2017-042 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Request for final plat approval. Final plat previously approved (including extension of approval) to combine Lots 2 and 3, Block 1 into a single lot Land Use Designation: Places to Work Zoning Designation: I-1 Industrial The purpose of the "I-1," light industrial, district is to provide for the establishment of warehousing and light industrial development. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: N / A Current Site Use: Industrial — Beverage Warehouse/Distribution Surrounding Land Uses: North: Vacant B-4, Regional Business District East: Vacant I-1, Industrial South: Vacant I-1, Industrial West: I-1, Industrial Project Description and Background: Clear Creek Land Company, LLC/Dahlheimer Beverage is requesting approval of the Clear Creek Second Addition final plat, which was previously approved by the City Council in 2017. The Monticello Subdivision Ordinance requires that a plat approved by the City Council be recorded within 100 days of the approval and the prior approval and approval extensions have lapsed, requiring that the applicant re -submit the plat for review and approval consideration. The applicant received preliminary and final plat approval for the plat of Clear Creek Addition, as well as a series of CUP and variance approvals in July 2017 to accommodate a building expansion project. At that time, the applicant presented a preliminary plat which illustrated both a two and three lot configuration, which was due to the fact that a portion of the property has a registered title (torrens property — the existing parcel) and the other portion has an abstract title description (the proposed addition). The Wright County Title Examiner would not accept the two -lot plat, which included a combination of abstract and torrens property within Lot 2, nor could the existing lot line be moved resulting in a single parcel consisting of both City Council Agenda: 02/25/2019 types of property. The solution to this issue was to register the abstract property and create a torrens certificate for the property within the boundaries of the plat. As such, the original plat approval and development contract was for the immediate platting into three lots, with a requirement that the applicant undertake the torrens registration, and then replat the parcels into the proposed two lot subdivision shown with the preliminary plat submission. The issues relating to the torrens property registration have now been resolved and the applicant may proceed to record a final plat illustrating the two lot configuration as originally proposed until those issues are resolved in full. The two lot configuration retains Lot 1, Block 1 as previously platted, with Lots 2 and 3 being combined into a single lot. The plat further incorporates the required adjustments for easements and right of way per the title examiner. The applicant has confirmed with the Wright County Examiner of Title that the existing development agreement is not to be removed from the title as part of the Torrens process and that the existing development agreement will remain in place until released by the city. The development agreement for the plat of Clear Creek required the posting of a security to ensure that the torrens process was undertaken. The security will be released at the time the plat is recorded. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2019-15 approving the final plat of Clear Creek Second Addition. 2. Motion to deny the adoption of Resolution 2019-15 approving Clear Creek Second Addition based on findings to be made by the City Council. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1 above. The two -lot configuration for the Clear Creek/Dahlheimer project was the originally intended configuration. The plat has been reviewed by engineering and community development staff and found to be conforming. The EDA and City Attorney have also reviewed the title information and found no issues. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2019-15 B. Plat of Clear Creek Second Addition C. Preliminary Plat of Clear Creek (three lot configuration) D. Preliminary Plat of Clear Creek Second Addition (two lot configuration) CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A FINAL PLAT FOR CLEAR CREEK SECOND ADDITION WHEREAS, the Clear Creek Land Company, LLC has submitted an application for approval of a Final Plat to consolidate three lots of record into two lots on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the property in question is guided for industrial uses under the "Places to Work" category in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed plat accommodates a use consistent with the requirements of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 7, 2016 on the preliminary plat and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council previously reviewed and approved the preliminary and final plat of Clear Creek Second Addition; and WHEREAS, the applicant has resolved issues relating to the recording of the Clear Creek Second Addition which are reflected in the Clear Creek Second Addition final plat presented for consideration by the Council on February 25th, 2019; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello hereby makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed plat complies with the intent of the use, and furthers the objectives, for the area within the City Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed plat meets all applicable requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance. 3. The development agreement for the Clear Creek Addition will continue to apply to Clear Creek Second Addition until released by the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: The Monticello City Council hereby approves the Clear Creek Second Addition Final Plat, subject to compliance with related codes and regulations for such use. ADOPTED this 25th, day of February, 2019 by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL By: Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator CLEAR GREEK S COND ADDITION KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Rocky Mtn Exchange Holding Company 25254, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Lot 1, Block 1, CLEAR CREEK ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. (Torrens Property) and Clear Creek Land Company, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Lot 2, Block 1, CLEAR CREEK ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. (Torrens Property) and Lot 3, Block 1, CLEAR CREEK ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. (Torrens Property) Have caused the some to be surveyed and platted as CLEAR CREEK SECOND ADDITION and do hereby dedicate to the public for public use the drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. In witness whereof said Rocky Mtn Exchange Holding Company 25254, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officers this day of , 20 Signed: Rocky Mtn Exchange Holding Company 25254, LLC STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Greg Dahlheimer, Chief Manager Joe Dahlheimer, Secretary This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of . 20 , by Greg Dahlheimer, Chief Manager, and Joe Dahlheimer, Secretary of Rocky Mtn Exchange Holding Company 25254, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. (Signature) (Name Printed) Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires In witness whereof said Clear Creek Land Company, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officers this day of P 20 Signed: Clear Creek Land Company, LLC STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Luke Dahlheimer, Chief Manager Todd Lorsung, Chief Financial Manager/Treasurer Nick Dahlheimer, Secretary This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 , by Luke Dahlheimer, Chief Manager, Todd Lorsung, Chief Financial Manager/Treasurer, and Nick Dahlheimer, Secretary of Clear Creek Land Company, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. (Signature) (Name Printed) Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires I Trace C. McCoy, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of , 20 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this day of License No. 44531 0 LAND SERV toes Trace C. McCoy, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 44531 20 , by Trace C. McCoy, Land Surveyor, Minnesota (Signature) (Name Printed) Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of review and approve this plat of CLEAR CREEK SECOND ADDITION. 20 , the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did hereby Chairperson Secretary CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA This plat of CLEAR CREEK SECOND ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this day of , 20 , and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. Mayor City Administrator WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of 20 Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20 on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of 20 By: Wright County Auditor/Treasurer Deputy REGISTRAR OF TITLES, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Certificate Number I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the Registrar of Titles for record on this day of .M., and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. , Sleeve , as Document No. 20 , at o'clock Wright County Registrar of Titles SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEE'T'S C AR CR K S COND ADDITION do C) n T--- f- I I /n\UnITI/1 \ 1 \�S0, 1 I co 1 I n� V o f n / 11�L' 1 n"j4✓ O / �, V `J ""f-✓ 22 R-'60.00 TO F F _ S' �3 / I T�n� VD, r ,ol p�42 12 ti S% Q� _ --- �i�t V rC�-n°r'v �" ` ✓ n J��i ' u L�59. R Ty,cuC`r r n 19 29, / \ _A ! `� r.;�.r`• r'•�:�• "--------- --- O'`\`\ lJ n ✓J✓J! "vJ nAO pO, Op JH �� ° " _-- --_ N ��;`'•;✓r, °� S 3.02' 5223 1p— \\ 4=32039'31" R=500.00 - 112 L=285. 00 cyAL 1 �� 4--;0 94 �� ------- ---- CFAF�iJ,Fq 1 �� — 02�� \ \ L=234.96 �QF�Iq>O�,LO I Z- Z - A -26-55'29" , OI Z- D=26'55'29 '� ozC� C�j> 1 J -,- �� O,T�'� F° r I n r n Zle �o� I � � I �' �o�� / �o 03 V% o C-) 014- � o I � � ,3oy a I 71 co,N 71 ` '-- C1�J >o L -7 � LOT I ` ,� \ T'S F 1'F`gG' I \ I 0 \\ 3 LO I ------ 80 I c_-_ 0� I ( \\ 0 /r0,�qj�� / C. L - \\ ~I \ I 7 1\ .,' � I N 46'02'39" E �\\ 112 78.05 r - - ► ' 36"06 I i C-' I / / --DRAINAGE AND UTILITY-� _� - 11 Ilo II 6�`�� ��/ %� EASEMENT DEDICATED IN �r _ - - 9 i - 1 \\ \\ N 94.2 � _ �� THE PLAT OF CLEAR ; / CREEK ADDITION CWo /czo --I,Now II I -388 90 112 I' L I II C, C� 1 15i �-3 q°/�` _690_34-� 079.24] I \ __- _ _ f1q E 2 �- C -1 w ,\ I I �1i _ - - - - TERLY LINE OFTHEN 41 0 w i �0 i - - - `--SOUTHEAS CREEK co 1 i,,.1$ _ _ _ N - + �- _ - PLAT OF CLEAR I / \ 1 OD n m / --------,m n oF- oo� I {� �z /Arm -mW I ) 0�70 o �T�L-j \ �� �0o E -AND SeRv moss r -r_ -Ir' 0 60 120 180 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 INCH = 60 FEET • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND #44531 A DENOTES P.K. NAIL FOUND o DENOTES IRON MONUMENTS SET, MARKED BY LICENSE NO. 44531 QQ DENOTES WRIGHT COUNTY MONUMENT FOUND BEARING ORIENTATION: THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE PLAT OF CLEAR CREEK ADDITION IS ASSUMED TO BEAR N41 '02'17"E. VICINITY MAP SECTION 10, T. 121, R. 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MN 0 1000 2000 3000 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 INCH = 1000 FEET • V ..c C.S.A.H. NO. 39 1 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEET'S EXISTING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS AS DEDICATED ON EXISTING LOT 1, BLOCK 1, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 1ST ADDITION CONFLICT WITH PROPOSED BUILDING AND ARE TO BE VACATED. PROPOSED FINAL PLAT OF CLEAR CREEK ADDITION WILL RE -DEDICATE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS AS APPROPRIATE. C I► � E E I I I I NC0R N C E N.E• NEW ACCESS II _ AI,TON AVENo RENAME (FX.A. D PROPOSED D SCHOOL 429) �'NO 1004 ,--8618 CONC. CURB &GUTTER \ � PER DOC. 1 EXISTING I `` BIT TRAILOUS - 4=42°12'22 60. \ R=7 0`\ -- i ,�--ss9.84---- b _ _-- IT 4°27 9 --- --- _ -_- OUTLoTN ,-- D_ --------Lo- - 9 C �� S I N G _ 30.0--EEKI - - I PeD 1 OTTER AFL 2y�i0 R - - --395.25- I I I i 790 N °43'16" E I1--- -- --- -- II I 1i ;--------------------- ---- --- --, N - ` �7_ d 1 -'� 33 ii 1i I 112 • � ,1 1; I 11 co 1 �\ 3 SITE DATA: EXISTING ZONING: 1-1 INDUSTRIAL PARKING EXISTING LOT AREAS: 30 10 LOT 1: 376,663 SF = 8.65 AC 6 OUTLOT C: 51,948 SF = 1.19 AC 12 OUTLOT A: 217.619 SF = 4.99 AC 6 TOTAL = 646,230 SF = 14.83 AC �: PROPOSED LOT AREAS: Cf) ti LOT 1: 216,683 SF = 4.97 AC (ABSTRACT TITLE) LOT 2: 159,977 SF = 3.67 AC (ABSTRACT TITLE) LOT 3: 269.569 SF = 6.19 AC (TORRENS TITLE) TOTAL = 646,230 SF = 14.83 AC EXISTING BUILDING AREA ON PROPOSED LOT 1: , EXISTING BUILDING: 54,595 SF I PROPOSED BUILDING AREAS ON PROPOSED LOTS 2 AND 3: PROPOSED BUILDING: 97,055 SF I1----------------------------' FUTURE BUILDING: 49,386 SF EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA 211,182 sf = 4.85 acres PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA 456,096 sf = 10.47 acres (INCLUDES FUTURE BUILDING AND PROOF PARKING) ZE J NET IMPERVIOUS AREA INCREASE 244,914 sf = 5.62 acres 4 /- H SETBACK: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: BUILDING PARKING FRONT 30 10 INTERIOR SIDE 15 6 STREET SIDE 30 12 REAR YARD 15 6 PROJECT LOCATION PART OF THE NW41 AND SW41, SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, BLOCK 1, AND OUTLOT A, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 1ST ADDITION, AND OUTLOT C, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 3RD ADDITION, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 1, CLEAR CREEK ADDITION, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. D D I / O I N fEXISTING ACCESS TO S], 9 r----- ------------------ --- ----------------- - BE REMOVED ;; o'� 1 ----------- - - - - ;' EXISTING GREAT RIVER ENERGY�- 6s TRANSMISSION POWER LINE EASEMENT, SEE SURVEY EXISTING N.E. NUE I I mos os o19f <�� 161.0 = ' J7c- 1 o J -- --- - - PROPOSED - ---- , I TRUCK I COURT AREA II � I I I I PROPOSED STORM WATER ■ 'I MANAGEMENT I I 00 CD .90,90 ' I i I i I 1 I I z _ O I o o �, CIO -- -- AR PROPOSED ti 70 M _--r - CLE LOT 2 I, 1 < CREEK ADDI B0NCK 1 _ DROPOSED--'--�- -- BITUMINOUS TRAIL I ILI 1 PROPOSED o I I I TRUCK m ` 0 DOCKS I L 'I I ' I � 1 - i 111 9.0 r,F � /\ 161.0-------------------- -------- - v I ' I � PROPOSED STORM WATER /O MANAGEMENT � II 1 I I II ; 30.0 -' v I I cc) ' V I- I1 I I 'TING o%/ �E-SAC I � Cu 10.4 _ � I } ---------------------------------------------------'-- __-__--_- _-_-------- - - - - � ---- ---- 348.63 ---- - I -FUTURE ACCESS TO --- 419.10 --- ��F` DALTON WAY AT amo�cr*i F�-o�c TIME OF FUTURE oBUILDING z a a, `��o CONSTRUCTION o�mooy �`�y�o �mm10 �� O U T L O T E I CQ U pn� I � rri a�5,o� 00 u.p O T T E R C R E E K I � BITUMINOUS DALTON AVE I O TRAIL EXISTING (FK � SCHOOL BLVD, RENAMED RB ACCESS TO o PER DOC. NO 1004429) ____B618 CONC. CUGUTTER o _ BE REMAIN �- a -173 TRUCK WASH 34°00 00" W AND _ _ 281 R�00 00 ;i p S-- 02 ---- 7 lo, MAINTENANCE I ZE - $ 0 - 1 cn FUEL STATION - __ 1 Im- „ �\ �,- n nII�I� - 0 11 I'----- 8612 CONC. CURB & GUTTER------' :! p -8612 CONC. I ; 4N p CURB & GUTTER 00 ZE n O m � j 1 ' �® 0 m 17t/////////////////////�/////�/////� m O / 55.1 I v m LEGEND: 0 40 80 120 MR 1111111110111111 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: MEYER ROHLIN LAND SERVICES 708 1st AVENUE NE BUFFALO, MN 55313 BENCHMARK: TOP NUT HYDRANT ON DALTON AVENUE SOUTHEAST CURB LINE LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 195 FT NORTHEAST OF DALTON WAY INTERSECTION. ELEV=943.27 EXISTING BOUNDARY - - - - - - - - - EXISTING WETLAND BOUNDARY PROPOSED LOT LINE ------------------------------ PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER PROPOSED BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING r EXISTING EASEMENTS TO BE VACATED I I O I I 0 Ox I FTI 0 I I � i I / I X / V I / O 00 'o oo k ,19.0 �F; - i 30.7 , n o f D Rl i --------- PR O OPO SED 0TPROPOSED �= i I v - -I 1 --- z .� m 1= - - v, �um �m m K 1, C WO O p� -i � LEAR C K DI TION - z BUILDING o REE AD ________-__-____ � ' ° ------ - g i Zo Z �irF- DOOR o EXISTING / I -------- 9 7 055 SF A ] I � , / On A z1 z BUILDING z IP In I -p I 54, 595 SF vOQD b l� ' I --- V N ' -- PROPOS CLEAR REE0 T 2, BOC v N m K ADDI TI,;.IN K 1, ------- / m I - ---- I EXISTING EASEMENT TO BE --12' OVERHEAD DOOR b ----------137 1 1 EXISTING BITUMINOUS VACATED; SEE EASEMENT TO BE ___ - TRAIL I VACATED NOTE THIS SHEET FFE=935.87_ / , --DOOR U J C R O S S I N G ��m EXISTING TRUCK II DOCKS O/ O li O N zle ------------- -�� ® ®1®'1) 1® /' N 46°0239" E ----- �_ � ----78.05 ---- CONC. - & GUTTER AND ILITY SEMS --- - - - / ------ GE OF TLAND--------- ----- Gr -- 66 .14 DELIN ON D -- A IDP /rnFo R CITY ---- 388.90---- I 50' SETBACK TO EXISTING WETLAND -L I EXISTING WETLAND / I BOUNDARY O U TL O T D I l I O T TE I R CREEK C IDOSSIN G 1>36 -30.6- \\ \` t612co CNRB & NO GETTER r9 .26 617 0 41 °0 7 / 1 POND WATER ELEV• 6 i (4�19/16)=928. ADDITION I I z I -- 45------ I I 1 1 I I I 1 RAMP I EXISTING I ACCESS TO I BE REMAIN I I I I I I o FUTURE 0 i I ZE BUILDING Lu o 49,386 SF �: co Cf) ti cc N Q) -0 112 I O , Z 11 I Vl I W I1----------------------------' ------` ------------------------------ /---------------- W y w O Q z E O 0 ZE ZE J ■ CC V (� �1 (o\\`\ 2 A a \O� W\ I C) V, p� �` N 41 °02'17" O ----297.32---- C W - -- --'---- a Como I ---- 271.24'----- 71.24---------1079.23----- DO W W ---- 1079.23----- V N N 41°02'17" E C R O S S I N G ��m EXISTING TRUCK II DOCKS O/ O li O N zle ------------- -�� ® ®1®'1) 1® /' N 46°0239" E ----- �_ � ----78.05 ---- CONC. - & GUTTER AND ILITY SEMS --- - - - / ------ GE OF TLAND--------- ----- Gr -- 66 .14 DELIN ON D -- A IDP /rnFo R CITY ---- 388.90---- I 50' SETBACK TO EXISTING WETLAND -L I EXISTING WETLAND / I BOUNDARY O U TL O T D I l I O T TE I R CREEK C IDOSSIN G 1>36 -30.6- \\ \` t612co CNRB & NO GETTER r9 .26 617 0 41 °0 7 / 1 POND WATER ELEV• 6 i (4�19/16)=928. ADDITION I I z I -- 45------ I I 1 1 I I I 1 RAMP I EXISTING I ACCESS TO I BE REMAIN I I I I I I ti 0 Lu �: co ti cc Q) -0 to m Z a Z CL L W z W y w O Q z E O 0 ZE J ■ CC V (� �1 2 A a \O� W\ Z O O Co Co C W Co a Como O ti 0 ti ti v z 0 2 A \O� W\ �o O DO W W V ti Q O O p V FILE NO. 00601 1 /1 Preliminary Plat W_[.10II911a[OR :lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINVL[�LTI1091EII0III EXISTING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS AS DEDICATED ON EXISTING LOT 1, BLOCK 1, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 1ST ADDITION CONFLICT WITH PROPOSED BUILDING AND ARE TO BE VACATED. PROPOSED FINAL PLAT OF CLEAR CREEK ADDITION WILL RE -DEDICATE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS AS APPROPRIATE. O T T R C I► � E E I C 0 I I I N II i`, NUE N.E• NEW ACCESS PROPOSED DAL`I'BLVD ON AV RENAMED (F K A, SCDHO OLNo 1004429) -B618 CONC. CURB &GUTTER 1 PER EXISTING BITUMINOUS - - 4=42°12,2 .� TRAIL=760. UO '- ---- 559-84---- -369.1 59.84-----369.13 �'I27°49'43»_II - 27, g" E - ` _ -- U T--- NA I II /� D D I TM �-_ __ -- _ ------ a° ------ --- - - - _ 2 5.9 `� - C Cl.: -4S S I N _ _ 30.0' ; I -- I-� " 'OFD i OTTER AFL 2y14 -C - - _ 395.25---- '43 395.25---- °4316" E --- II' I I �o II I l 1I 12 N t t - -------- N 6' - --- O,p ------------- 4 742 ----- ��\ern b EXISTING GREAT RIVER ENERGY--- I6s TRANSMISSION POWER LINE EASEMENT, SEE SURVEY + R I o Q),- °s�°s� o,° x:199 Q\ �� J 1 161.0 - I I z 1 S i I Ioff' 1 I TRUCK WASH AND N SITE DATA: EXISTING ZONING: 1-1 INDUSTRIAL EXISTING LOT AREAS: 30 10 INTERIOR SIDE LOT 1: 376,663 SF = 8.65 AC OUTLOT C: 51,948 SF = 1.19 AC OUTLOT A: 217.619 SF = 4.99 AC TOTAL = 646,230 SF = 14.83 AC PROPOSED LOT AREAS: lob 1b C LOT 1: 216,683 SF = 4.97 AC LOT 2: 429.544 SF = 9.86 AC TOTAL = 646,227 SF = 14.83 AC EXISTING BUILDING AREA ON PROPOSED LOT 1: EXISTING BUILDING: 54,595 SF PROPOSED BUILDING AREAS ON PROPOSED LOT 2: PROPOSED BUILDING: 97,055 SF FUTURE BUILDING: 54,545 SF EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA 211,182 sf = 4.85 acres PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA 451,117 sf = 10.36 acres (INCLUDES FUTURE BUILDING AND PROOF PARKING) NET IMPERVIOUS AREA INCREASE 239,935 sf = 5.51 acres SETBACK: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: BUILDING PARKING FRONT 30 10 INTERIOR SIDE 15 6 STREET SIDE 30 12 REAR YARD 15 6 PROJECT LOCATION PART OF THE NW41 AND SW41, SECTION 10 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, BLOCK 1, AND OUTLOT A, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 1ST ADDITION, AND OUTLOT C, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 3RD ADDITION, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 1, CLEAR CREEK ADDITION, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. 1 � O I � V �I \ � I fEXISTING ACCESS TO _ - - _ - - FDO BE REMOVED _EXISTING LTON AVENUE S.E. 0' BITUMINOUS DATRAIL EXISTINGI \I� S SCHOOL BLVDRENAMED , js oo ACCESS TO o (FK PER DOC. NO 1004429) ,___6618 CONC. CURB & GUTTED_ I pia BE REMAIN Aad X00» yy a S 3 1 Roo. oo p --173.02 ---- '° of 1 I MAINTENANCE 1 I o..�. �� 285 0 ----------------- PROPOSED I � �� 1 1 TRUCK FUEL STATION _2659 m I I � • J _ _ �___ __ O COURT AREA I I✓� r n \ ;I rn Q) ! t I I I I I------ 8612 CONC. CURB & GUTTER------' . i p >8612 CONC. \ R 1 CURB & GUTTER N I p I PROPOSED -_"-� I• �. ��" � STORM WATER 1 O 1 � �n I I MANAGEMENT m= 9�0� I I o, I -• I I 1 -i ] i F00 co i ff 1 o I -I fi 'F. 0 1 r m 'FFE=935.87 � o o D � o o � 1, %® °L 19.0 co 30.7 m Ii1 azIl b r�m---------- 7, ---- 70 PROPOSED P OP E R CREEK -------- C C L RUCK DSI IPROPOSED BUILDINGO 4 V 1 � mBITUMINOUS DOCKS TRAIL EXISTING / z 7O 5 5S n I'` C I oSEg L oi 2 m�� I , BUILDING - Z _ 1 .5 I J � gL SCK 1 CLE � � � i � AR C 0 54 595 SF II I s EK AQDI TI EXISTING EASEMENT TO BE _ o --45- ` h I �N___ VACATED; SEE EASEMENT TO BO E o w r l _go--- VACATED NOTE THIS SHEET q N 11 m I i m / ----------- --12' OVERHEAD DOOR b - --137--- -------PROPOSED O --o---- - fII� ,\\ II1II!III'I �,. ; I I rr 5 161.0 jiOR %%%� rrL Vjj.ol--,�� ------ -- [ OPROPOSED EXISTING STORM WATER TRUCK MANAGEMENT DO KS I p , = I , Co 30.0 FUTURE 111 u1 IZE BUILDING 0 54,545 SF cf) 77/ I 12 - I ' 4/ \ I o' o I ; EXISTING CUL-DE-SAC 11 CUL-DE-SAC 10.4 o �i ---------------------------- ---=---------- -----------------------� E r rAo. ------------ LciO I \ - - - - - � �------- � Q. o -f- ® N ----297.32---- - » -------------------------------------------- RD 1 ------------------------- - --- -- - -- - ---------------------------- -- � I ----348.63-------------------- . - - 1 -FUTURE ACCESS TO ----- 690 33 DALTON WAY AT ---- 1079.23----6- TIME 079.23----6- TIME OF FUTURE N 41'02'17" E o m m \\Gx --p BUILDING CONSTRUCTION � r- rT1 -V Z comC)co CQ (A L,< M ��o�7j woo O T T E R D U T L O T x FI 0 0 C R E E E K C R O S S I N G I � I I , 8_5 12- Z ----------- rn I19.0 m N ' vO r co vt r • 0) W ----------- ®®1(1) O*D - N 46 °0239" E P [9D ® ED --78.05 ---- '. g61 CONC--------------------------------------- & GU & GUTTER AND ILITY SEMS ,•p � I % ------ GE OF TL AND -------- 66 1 ------\\ _ _ = DE IN ON D A `- N �9 .26 plafi]---- pp A0 _D B CIrY o I -- ' � -- 388.90 ---- 50' SETBACK TO I EXISTING WETLAND / .I I EXISTING WETLAND 1 I / , BOUNDARY O U TL O T D /�PD WATER ELEV• 6 I (4/19/16)=928. l O T T � I EC CREEK I CROSSW G I11,36D ADDITION LEGEND: 0 40 80 120 1 MR GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET RVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: MEYER ROHLIN LAND SERVICES 708 1st AVENUE NE BUFFALO, MN 55313 BENCHMARK: TOP NUT HYDRANT ON DALTON AVENUE SOUTHEAST CURB LINE LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 195 FT NORTHEAST OF DALTON WAY INTERSECTION. ELEV=943.27 ------ EXISTING BOUNDARY - - - - - - - - - EXISTING WETLAND BOUNDARY PROPOSED LOT LINE ------------------------------ PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER PROPOSED BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING r EXISTING EASEMENTS TO BE VACATED _ O y I� I I I I I I I I I I II O�CJ J SU OCI-O Co vEXISTING BITUMINOUS TRAIL 7 II I I I I I RAMP I EXISTING I ACCESS TO I BE REMAIN I I I I I I co c y �tam �: co N cc Q) lob 1b C a -0 to o o E I � � W) W a)m Z a Z V L W ;moo LQ O sW`ox W y w O Q z E O o�,> ZE J ■ a: RAMP I EXISTING I ACCESS TO I BE REMAIN I I I I I I a o co c y �tam �: co N cc Q) lob 1b C a -0 to o o E I � � W) W a)m Z a Z V L W ;moo LQ O sW`ox W y w O Q z E O o�,> ZE J ■ a: V (� waft �1 Liao Q c 3 j a O c o ° O ►�. 00 O �z co co 111M �.ww co p v .I,,, Co l n a c"00 ° s a o co 00 N (o co N lob 1b C O o o E I C W W p Lo o I U L O Z V L OLO CC U ;moo LQ O sW`ox p L I� I mm Q� y o o�,> C 4 � Liao Q c 3 j O c o ° ►�. 00 O �z p v .I,,, Co l n 00 ° s m U O O D FILE NO. 00601 1 /1 Preliminary Plat 00 O DO W W V ti Q LQ O O p V FILE NO. 00601 1 /1 Preliminary Plat City Council Agenda: 2/25/2019 2L. Consideration of approving purchase of the new air compressor/fill station for the new fire station from Alex Air Apparatus in the amount of $53,039 (DK, MM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to accept quotes from Alex Air Apparatus, Alexandria MN for the purchase of the air compressor/fill station for the new fire station. This purchase was in the budget for the new station approved by council. This system will replace the aging and outdated system the fire department currently uses. The purchase will be off of the NPPGov consortium pricing. For a contract estimated to exceed $25,000, a municipality must consider the availability, price and quality of supplies, materials, or equipment available through the state's cooperative purchasing venture before purchasing through another source. Staff has verified no such item exists on the state cooperative purchasing venture or can be purchased at a lower cost. This is the only type of air compressor that works with the devices and tanks currently in use by the Fire Department and there are no other suppliers in the region that are eligible to bid this product. Also, in checking pricing on similar compressors that will not work with our tanks we found that the pricing was similar to what we would be paying for a sole source unit from Alex Air. Al. Budget Impact: This item is included in 2019 new fire station construction budget. A2. Staff Workload Impact: This air compressor/fill station will insure that our SCBA have the cleanest and safest air in the possible B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve purchase of the compressor in the amount of $53,039.00 from Alex Air Apparatus 2. Motion to deny purchase of the compressor in the amount of $53,039.00 from Alex Air Apparatus 3. Other C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Quote from Alex Air Apparatus BILL TO Monticello Fire Department Monticello, MN 11897 Co. RD 87 SE Alexandria, MN 56308 Phone: 800-264-2320 Fax: 320-763-9077 Email: orders@alexairapparatus.coi Web Site: www.alexairapparatus.cc QUOTE Date Customer POI 2/14/2019 SHIP TO Monticello Fire Department Monticello, MN *CUSTOMERS THAT HAVE I' -OT PROVIDED TAX SHIPPING: $1,200.00 EXEMPT FORMS WILL BE CHARGED APPLICABLE SALES TAX Tax Rate SUB: $46,039.00 *FREIGHT PREPAID & ADDED TAX: $0.00 *F.O.B SHIPPING POINT TOTAL: $47,239.00 *THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE Authorized Signature of Approval S.O. # Promise Date Terms Sales Rep N30 Corey P.O.# QTY STOCK PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICE ORDER (Each) (Extended) 1 VAC10H-E3 Bauer Mini Verticus Compressor System $28,020.60 $28,020.60 6000psi, 9.7 scfm, 4 Stage, 7.5hp, 3 phase $0.00 $0.00 CFS5.5-3S Bauer 3 Position CFS equipped with inlet $9,500.00 $9,500.00 pressure gauge, adjustable regulator $0.00 fill control valve, and fill pressure gauge $0.00 $0.00 1 DFTM/CSCD Bauer Dual Function Control Panel $2,478.60 $2,478.60 Top mount, 4 bank $0.00 1 RCK-0037-4 Bauer Cyliner Rack for (4) 6000psi Cascade Cylinders $1,240.20 $1,240.20 1 RF/REG Remote Fill Hose Connection $1,299.60 $1,299.60 including adjustable regulator up to 6000psi $0.00 $0.00 1 Installation $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $0.00 Installation excludes electrical Hook-up as $0.00 we are not certified Electrcians. Alex Air will $0.00 work closely with Electrician for proper electrical $0.00 requirements $0.00 $0.00 *Prices secured through 2019* $0.00 $0.00 *CUSTOMERS THAT HAVE I' -OT PROVIDED TAX SHIPPING: $1,200.00 EXEMPT FORMS WILL BE CHARGED APPLICABLE SALES TAX Tax Rate SUB: $46,039.00 *FREIGHT PREPAID & ADDED TAX: $0.00 *F.O.B SHIPPING POINT TOTAL: $47,239.00 *THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE Authorized Signature of Approval BILL TO Monticello Fire Department Monticello, Minnesota S.O. # QTY STOCK PART NUMBER ORDER 4 ORDER IS06000 0 7 Co. RD 87 SE ndria, MN 56308 �: 800-264-2320 320-763-9077 [: orders@alexairapparatus.com Site: www.alexairapparatus.com QUOTE Date Customer P01 2/14/2019 SHIP TO Monticello Fire Department Monticello, Minnesota Promise Date Terms N30 DESCRIPTION ISO 6000psi Cascade Cylinder Installation & Delivery Sales Rep Corey PRICE PRICE (Each) (Extended) $1,350.00 $5,400.00 $0.00 $400.00 $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 *CUSTOMERS THAT HAVE NOT PROVIDED TAX EXEMPT SHIPPING: FORMS WILL BE CHARGED APPLICABLE SALES TAX Tax Rate SUB: $5,800.00 *FREIGHT PREPAID & ADDED TAX: $0.00 *F.O.B SHIPPING POINT TOTAL: $5,800.00 *THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE Authorized Signature of Approval City Council Agenda: 02/25/2019 2M. Consideration of avvrovin2 the Frozen Water Service Line Policv. (MS/ML) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Periodically residential and business accounts have their water service lines freeze. Many times, a frozen service line can be prevented by running water inside the home or business. This policy would allow the city to waive the fees for the water that customers use to help prevent a service line from freezing. According to the proposed policy, residents and/or businesses are to monitor their water temperature and are to notify the water department when the water temperature reaches 35 degrees Fahrenheit. The water department will work with customers to ensure that the proper amount of water is being ran and that their account is credited. Residents will be responsible to notify the city when they stop running the water and the credit to the account will automatically be stopped on April 30th Al. Budget Impact: This action will not have a significant budget impact. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the frozen water service line policy. 2. Motion to deny the frozen service line policy. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends adopting the frozen water service line policy. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Frozen Water Service Line Policy CITY Of =' Mont� L-TILITI'E5 FROZEN WATER SERVICE LINE POLICY STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to provide procedures to help prevent frozen water service lines. The procedures identified in this plan are intended to help identify the responsibility of maintenance and/or repair. OWNERSHIP OF SERVICE LINES: The City of Monticello owns the water mains. The customer is responsible for the service line from the corporation stop at the water main to the home/business per city code. RESIDENTS or BUSINESS SHOULD MONITOR WATER TEMPERATURE: Residents or businesses are asked to monitor water temperature at the closest faucet to the water line entry into the home/business. When the water temperature reaches 35 degrees Fahrenheit the home/business owner needs to notify the city water department. REQUIRE RESIDENT/BUSINESS TO RUN COLD UNSOFTENED WATER: When the water temperature reaches 35 degrees Fahrenheit and the water department is notified, the water department will recommend running their water at a pencil -size stream of approximately (1/4 gallons/minute) 400 gpd. From either a faucet or %" water tap installed by either a plumber or the home/business owner. It is our recommendation to use a %" water tap, it is easier to set the flow and harder to shut off by mistake. CITY NOTIFICATION: The resident/ business shall notify the city water Department when they stop running their water. Running water shall be stopped by April 301h unless prior approval from the water department is obtained. WATER FEES: The city will waive 400 gpd on accounts that have notified the water department that they started running water to prevent their pipes from freezing. City Council Agenda — 2/25/2019 4A. Consideration of an appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of a Variance to Chapter 4.5 Signs for a forty (40) foot vvlon sign. Applicant: Twin Citv Staffing. (NAC) Property: Legal: Lot 6, Block 1, Thomas Park Address: 112 Thomas Circle Planning Case Number: 2018-053 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Appeal of Planning Commission denial for a Variance to allow a 40 foot tall freestanding sign, rather than the 32 foot height as permitted in the Freeway Bonus Sign District. Land Use Designation: Places to Work (Industrial) Zoning Designation: I-1, Light Industrial. The purpose of the 1-1," light industrial, district is to provide for the establishment of warehousing and light industrial development. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Freeway Bonus Sign District Current Site Use: Commercial Office Surrounding Land Uses: North: I-94 East: Light Industrial/Office South: Light Industrial/Office West: Light Industrial/Office Project Description: This application is appealing the Planning Commission's denial of the requested sign height variance. The appeal applicants recently constructed and occupied a new office building from which they conduct administrative office functions, particularly, the recruitment of employees for various businesses. The applicants constructed a freestanding sign at the maximum square footage of 200 square feet, and a height of 30 feet. This exceeded the base zoning allowable sign height of 22 feet, but took advantage of the allowance in the Freeway Bonus Sign Overlay District for such signs up to 32 feet in height. The applicants now wish to increase the sign height to 40 feet, ten feet taller than the currently constructed City Council Agenda — 2/25/2019 sign. A variance to exceed the overlay district allowance is necessary to accomplish this objective. The Planning Commission sits as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals for variance requests. ANALYSIS Planning Commission Action. As noted above, the Planning Commission voted to deny the variance. It was the opinion of the Commission that the applicants had other options to comply with the code and improve visibility of the sign. Neighboring property owner, Morton Buildings, provided a letter of support regarding the variance. At the public hearing, the original applicant, Scenic Sign, and property owner, Twin City Staffing, were present to speak in support of the variance. The applicants restated the concerns from their application materials, including obstruction caused by the Morton Buildings sign for west -bound traffic, and vegetation for east -bound traffic, although it was acknowledged that vegetation was unlikely to qualify as a variance rationale. The Planning Commission established that the Twin City Staffing sign was planned and constructed after the Morton Building sign had already been in place for some time. However, the Commission found that other changes, such as to the design of the sign structure, and/or location of the sign on the property, could accommodate better visibility of the sign without needing a variance. It was also noted that the current sign could be increased by an additional 2 feet of height in its current location. With this, the requirement for variance consideration that there are practical difficulties in complying with the ordinance was not found to be present. The Planning Commission's motion to deny was adopted unanimously. An applicant (or other affected party) may appeal the decision of the Planning Commission when it sits as the Board ofAdjustment and Appeals, as it does for variance requests. In this case, the applicant was Scenic Signs, the contractor who constructed the sign on the Twin City Staffing property. The appeal has been filed by Twin City Staffing, an obviously affected party. The subject property is located on Thomas Circle, a conforming parcel zoned I-1, Light Industrial. The property backs onto 1-94, subject to a drainage easement that separates the property improvements (building, parking lot, and sign) from the freeway boundary. Surrounding zoning is primarily Industrial, with Commercial along Chelsea Road and Highway 25 to the south and west of the area. OJI City Council Agenda — 2/25/2019 Bmimm DisknLi 0 B-1 B-3 B-4 r CCD Industrial Districts ISC IMI -1 = 1-2 The applicants support their request by noting that the immediately adjoining neighbor to the east (Morton Buildings) has a freestanding sign that partially blocks a clear view of the Twin City Staffing sign for west -bound traffic on I-94. Moreover, the applicant notes that existing landscaping on property to the west interferes with a continuous view of the sign for east -bound freeway traffic. The applicant suggests that the greater height would allow better visibility of their sign. The zoning ordinance lays out several specific criteria for variance consideration, summarized as whether the conditions on the property create "practical difficulties" in putting the property to what would otherwise be considered a reasonable use. The language of the variance requirements are cited below, with staff comment for each requirement. VARIANCE: Section 2.4(C) of the Zoning Ordinance states that approval of a variance may be may only be made upon a determination that practical difficulties will result based on all of the following criteria: (i) The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use if the provisions of this ordinance are strictly applied. COMMENT.- The property is a conforming Light Industrial lot with proper frontage on a local street, and the benefit of additional exposure from I-94. There appear to be a number of sign locations and/or configurations that would meet the expanded allowances of the Freeway Bonus Sign regulations. While the intent of the sign regulations are to ensure reasonable communication with the public, the ordinance does not guarantee that conditions on other property will maximize visibility of any particular sign design or location. The current sign could be raised 2 feet under the terms of the ordinance, and including some design changes, could be made to be more visible. Moreover, other locations on the property may further enhance the visibility of sign, within the allowances of the zoning ordinance. 3 City Council Agenda — 2/25/2019 (ii) The circumstances rendering the property unusable are unique to the property. COMMENT.- As noted, the property is a conforming parcel in the district. There do not appear to be any unique aspects of the subject property that would create an "unusable" condition. (iii) The circumstances rendering the property unusable were not created by the owner thereof. COMMENT.- The issues raised by the applicant are located on other properties, not the subject property. In this way, the conditions cited are not created by the owner. However, the chosen sign location and design are directly due to the actions of the owner. Other designs or locations may result in increased visibility. (iv) A Variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. COMMENT.- The City adopted the Freeway Bonus Sign Overlay District with the specific intention of increasing sign visibility options for commercial and industrial properties in proximity to the freeway and the interchanges. However, there was no expectation that the additional allowances (200 square feet v. 100 square feet; 32 feet height v. 22 feet) would maximize the exposure and visibility of every possible sign or every square foot of such signs. Landscaping, other signage, other buildings, freeway bridges, all manner of conditions can conspire to limit visibility, depending on the situation in question. Increasing sign visibility by merely increasing height can result in a never-ending battle of sign height variances. This would, in fact, alter the character of the locality, counter to the intent of the sign ordinance. (v) Economic considerations alone shall not constitute a sufficient basis for a Variance if reasonable use for the property exists under the terms of the regulation. COMMENT.- The applicants have not suggested economic reasons for the variance. SUMMARY COMMENTS. The test for variance consideration is whether the use it reasonable, and the variance flows from conditions unique to the property that create practical difficulties in putting the property to that reasonable use. Signs are inherently reasonable aspects of commercial/industrial property. The City establishes sign regulations to limit the impacts of signage that interferes with other properties' reasonable uses. The City's Freeway Bonus Sign District acknowledges that additional visibility from the freeway is a unique aspect of property with this kind of frontage. However, there are limitations to the effectiveness of increasing signage size, height, or location merely to avoid existing conditions on adjoining parcels. Variance criteria are established to accommodate flexibility, but also to ensure that there is no other reasonable way to accomplish the intended use. While in this case, it is true that a L! City Council Agenda — 2/25/2019 portion of the applicant's sign is obscured by an adjoining property sign or vegetation, these are common conditions in the district, and along the freeway frontage. Property owners are called to take due care in the placement of signs to take best advantage of the situation on their property. Moreover, it would appear that there are locations, height, or design options that would allow the applicant's message to be seen without variance. Message size, a sign that is loaded primarily on the outward side of the pole (rather than centered as now designed), or even a lower sign that is seen below the adjoining sign would all appear to be options. Finally, when the Planning Commission (sitting as the Board of Adjustment) considers a variance, it is imperative to consider how future requests from other property owners might be viewed in light of the conditions raised by this application. This aspect of "precedent" is one of the primary issues for Commission consideration — the use of variances is to be applied sparingly to ensure that only the most unique circumstances require a departure from the common ordinance regulations. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2019-16, approving the appeal, overturning the denial decision of the Planning Commission for the proposed variance for sign height as requested by the applicants, based on the findings in said resolution, and as may be otherwise stated by the Council during its consideration of the appeal. 2. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2019-16, denying appeal, upholding the denial decision of the Planning Commission for the variance for sign height, based on the findings in said resolution, and as may be otherwise stated by the Council during its consideration of the appeal. 3. Motion to table action on the Resolution, subject to submission of additional information from applicant or staff. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative 2, denial of the appeal. As discussed in the report and by the Planning Commission at the initial public hearing, while it is true that the current sign is partially obscured by other signs or landscaping on adjacent property, the parcel in question is a standard, conforming light industrial lot where a freestanding sign can be placed in a wide variety of locations, and can further take advantage of the additional allowances of the Freeway Bonus Sign Overlay District. To qualify for variance consideration, there must be unique conditions on the property that create practical difficulties in putting the property to a reasonable use. There are many options for sign location and design on the property that would comply with these terms without variance. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2019-16 for Approval B. Resolution 2019-16 for Denial C. Resolution PC -2019-007 for Denial 5 City Council Agenda — 2/25/2019 D. Aerial Image E. Narrative F. Site Plans G. Site Images H. Sign Drawings 1. Additional Letters of Support and Community Sign Images — Provided by Applicant at Public Hearing G CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-16 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPEAL TO DENIAL OF A VARIANCE TO THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS FOR SIGNS IN THE FREEWAY BONUS SIGN OVERLAY DISTRICT LOT 6, BLOCK 1, THOMAS PARK WHEREAS, Twin City Staffing is requesting a variance to the maximum height requirements for freestanding signs in the Freeway Bonus Sign Overlay District to be able to construct a sign of up to 40 feet in height; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a site drawing and other documents illustrating the location of the proposed sign on the property for review; and WHEREAS, the existing sign is obscured by signage on adjoining property; and WHEREAS, the existing sign is insufficient in height to provide visibility to passenger vehicles along the adjoining interstate highway; and WHEREAS, the applicant proposes to increase the height of the sign in the existing location, but will not be encroaching closer to the side property line than the current location; and WHEREAS, the existing parcel is narrower at the rear lot line than many other parcels, and is encumbered by a deep drainage easement; and WHEREAS, site conditions support the requested setback variance based on the finding that practical difficulties result from the configuration of the subject parcel's inability to make reasonable use of the existing sign; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 5, 2019, on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, and, acting as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals has denied the application for variance based on the findings in Resolution PC -2019-007; and WHEREAS, Twin City staffing has filed an appeal of the decision to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the appeal on February 25th, 2019, has considered all of the comments and the staff report for the request and appeal, which are incorporated by referenced into this resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the appeal of the denial of variance: 1. The applicant has demonstrated practical difficulties in improving the property in a reasonable manner, due to the configuration of the lot and inadequate height of the existing sign, which suffers from limited visibility from freeway traffic; and 2. The existing parcel is of otherwise sufficient size and area. 3. Freeway visibility of the sign in the existing location and configuration is an integral aspect of reasonable use of the subject property. 4. The proposed sign and resulting height constitute reasonable use of the subject property. 5. The proposed sign will not be out of character with the area in which it is located. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, that the requested appeal for variance to the maximum height requirements for signs in the Freeway Bonus Sign Overlay District is approved. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 25th day of February, 2019. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-16 A RESOLUTION DENYING AN APPEAL OF DENIAL OF A VARIANCE TO THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS FOR SIGNS IN THE FREEWAY BONUS SIGN OVERLAY DISTRICT LOT 6, BLOCK 1, THOMAS PARK WHEREAS, Twin City Staffing is requesting a variance to the maximum height requirements for freestanding signs in the Freeway Bonus Sign Overlay District to be able to construct a sign of up to 40 feet in height; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a site drawing and other documents illustrating the location of the proposed sign on the property for review; and WHEREAS, the existing sign is obscured by signage on adjoining property; and WHEREAS, the existing sign, as designed and installed, results in obscured visibility to passenger vehicles along the adjoining interstate highway for a portion of the sign; and WHEREAS, the applicant proposes to increase the height of the sign in the existing location, but will not be encroaching closer to the side property line than the current location; and WHEREAS, site conditions are common to the Light Industrial District in which the property is located; and WHEREAS, other sign locations or design configurations could increase visibility if implemented, including an additional 2 feet of height under the current ordinance allowances; and WHEREAS, adequate visibility for a freestanding sign would be possible toward the local street on which the property gains access; and WHEREAS, wall signage on the building (rather than freestanding signage) would also permit additional visibility of the site to freeway traffic; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, and, acting as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals has denied the application for variance based on the findings in Resolution PC -2019-007; and WHEREAS, Twin City staffing has filed an appeal of the decision to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the appeal on February 25th, 2019, has considered all of the comments and the staff report for the request and appeal, which are incorporated by referenced into this resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the appeal of the denial of the variance: 1. The applicant has not demonstrated practical difficulties in improving the property in a reasonable manner, as freestanding signage is allowed only as an accessory use; and 2. The existing parcel is of otherwise sufficient size and area. 3. Freeway visibility of the sign, in this or other locations and/or configurations, is possible without need for a variance. 4. The existing sign at the existing height (or up to 2 feet higher in conformance with the code) constitute reasonable use of the subject property. 5. The proposed sign, if increased beyond the allowable 32 feet, will be out of character with other conforming signs in the area in which it is located. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, that the requested appeal for variance to the maximum height requirements for signs in the Freeway Bonus Sign Overlay District is denied. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 25th day of February, 2019. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-007 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO DENYING A VARIANCE TO THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS FOR SIGNS IN THE FREEWAY BONUS SIGN OVERLAY DISTRICT WHEREAS, Twin City Staffing is requesting a variance to the maximum height requirements for freestanding signs in the Freeway Bonus Sign Overlay District to be able to construct a sign of up to 40 feet in height; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a site drawing and other documents illustrating the location of the proposed sign on the property for review; and WHEREAS, the existing sign is obscured by signage on adjoining property; and WHEREAS, the existing sign, as designed and installed, results in obscured visibility to passenger vehicles along the adjoining interstate highway for a portion of the sign; and WHEREAS, the applicant proposes to increase the height of the sign in the existing location, but will not be encroaching closer to the side property line than the current location; and WHEREAS, site conditions are common to the Light Industrial District in which the property is located; and WHEREAS, other sign locations or design configurations could increase visibility if implemented; and WHEREAS, adequate visibility for a freestanding sign would be possible toward the local street on which the property gains access; and WHEREAS, wall signage on the building (rather than freestanding signage) would also permit additional visibility of the site to freeway traffic; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 5, 2019, on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the approval of the variance: 1. The applicant has not demonstrated practical difficulties in improving the property in a reasonable manner, as freestanding signage is allowed only as an accessory use; and 2. The existing parcel is of otherwise sufficient size and area. 3. Freeway visibility of the sign, in this or other locations and/or configurations, is possible without need for a variance. 4. The existing sign at the existing height constitute reasonable use of the subject property. 5. The proposed sign, if increased beyond the allowable 32 feet, will be out of character with other conforming signs in the area in which it is located. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the requested variance is denied. ADOPTED this 5th day of February, 2019, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION MA ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 5 Created" . C\tY o{ Mont,ce\\o SCENIC SIGN PO BOX 881, ST CLOUD MN 56302 Date CITY OF MONTICELLO LAND USE APPLICATION CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT ST, SUITE 1 Dear CITY OF MONTICELLO: I am writing to you on behave of Twin City Staffing, located at 112 Thomas Circle. We are asking for a Variance to extend the current height of the Pylon Sign to 40' tall. Currently we are at 30' and the code reads we can be 32'. Due to obstacles in the way, the sign cannot be seen from either direction until you are across from it on the Highway (Pictures attached). Tree's are in the way from one direction and Morton Builders sign is blocking the sign going in the other direction. I believe we have a grievance with these obstacles in the way. So we are asking the City to allow us to extend the height an extra 10' where it can be seen from Highway traffic. Thank You, John DeZurik SCENIC SIGN CORP MINNESOTA WRIGHT COUNTY CZE TWIN CITY STAFFING SITE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ,Y�i.. •� . 4+, .r t. _155029602070 f Ai ,• a 1� ./,4-- -15503E rV{ 155A8,001029 155401 1010,1,0r` 45155018� 0 i0 1 U.41 i 155018001020 155.0,180_011030 15501800;1012 9�s-�.�—} I .r• t 15501:8 }E< 155018002019 I _ "55018002020 15501800203.0 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C7 DETAILS CB LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: Twin City Staffing, Inc. 2108 Wort Bath street Bloomington, MN 55497 Joe Duchene 651-27(,-8392 'o V I ry0� �Z Ia noE �unv u f 00 cc o �I J k yy SIF C 2 � 1 N� 00 N o O W W O U FILE NO. 00699 CO Proiect Location Plan SITE DATA: PROPOSED USE: OFFICE / WAREHOUSE ZONING: 1-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL GROSS LOT AREA 48,640 SF - 1.12 ACRES PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTPRINT AREA: (CFA) 2,820 SF PERCENT BUILDING COVERAGE: 5.80 9 (Xofw -v) FLOOR AREA RATIO 0.0580 (2.820 / 48.6A0) LEGEND: PROJECT LOCATION SURVEY DATA Ex6nNG 80. PART OF SW} OF THE SE}, PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 16.130 SF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: (bwli q A Pow 0 -----'---'--- PROPOSED DRAINAGE AND anon EASEMENT WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. WEBS SURVEYING. LLC 201 DIVISION STREET, SUITE B PERCENT IMPERVIOUS AREA: 33.2 % .______=,_.--__.-__.___. PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER AAAA_ AAAA.. ----.-AAAA.......-. MAPLE LAKE, MN 55356 PROPOSED PERVIOUS AREA: 32.510 SF PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER TIP -DDT FLOWLINE LEGAL DESCRIPTION DATED: FEBRUARY 21. 2018 (Ione w' we ortro,. a P.^) © PROPOSED PARKING STALLS LOT 6, BLOCK 1, BENCHMARK: 020 40 60 PERCENT PERVIOUS AREA 66.8 % r THOMAS PARK, Top nut of Fire hydrant located in the = (IL or lot e..P) I ' y PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. north"sterty area of the cul-de-sac at the j end of Thomos Circle DISTURBANCE AREA 40.200 SF Elevation= 960.49 feet (NAVD 1988 datum) GRAPHIC SCALAE !N FEET '�I PROPOSED CONCRETE SURFACE SITE PLAN NOTES ..r,.N.. , yj, cr _Ir1 74.x• 10 / nr• N7, /V. / h PYLON SIGN 20x10 FACE O ` 32FT HEIGHT IV ` �0 2 PROPOSED i 2 -STORY BUILDING O Z 4 I FUTURE O ' ' Y / BUILDING \ a' d O o. : O. R3.0=4'/ 1 DGPANSION 6 �a 2 4 O7.7' s �( / o00, 3 1� +� /` \• .. i`L FUTURE PARKING R3.0 o_ = n 1` ' �� 0 o--1:.... \, nj EXPMISION I 1 , X Art •O 1 --------------- 4 W 10 „A v umnaft0 Li_ --T - - --_= �— — — — — — — — — — — _ 1 ' tI 1. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO FACE OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. MATCH EXISTING GRADES AT EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMAIN, 3. EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMNN SHALL BE SAW CUT FOR CLEAN EDGE TACK SHALL BE USED ON ALL VERTICAL EDGES PRIOR TO PATCHING. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND COORDINATE CONDUIT REOUIRMENTS FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IF ANY WITMIN THE WORK ZONE WITH THE OWNER PRIOR TO PAVING. 5. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING WITH FIRE MARSHALL FOR POSTING OF FRE LANES, CURB MARUONG AND SIGNAGE AS REOURED. 6. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF ALL EXISTING SITE FEATURES THAT INTERFERE WITH NEW WORK AS SHOWN. 7. ALL LANDSCAPE AND GRASS NRF AREAS ARE TO BE IRRIGATED. GENERAL NOTES 1. PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT ALL REGUIRED PERMITS AND APPROVALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. NO CONSTRUCTION OR FABRICATION SHALL BEGIN UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR HAS THOROUGHLY REVIEWED ALL PLANS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS APPROVED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITIES. 2. WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITY. THE SOLS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION SET FORTH THEREIN ARE A PART OF THE REOURED CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND N CASE OF CONFLICT SWILL TAKE PRECEDENCE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE PVNS. THE CONTRACTOR SWILL NOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY DISCREPANCY BETWEEN SOLS REPORT AND PUNS. 3. SITE CLEARING SHALL INCLUDE THE LOCATION AND REMOVAL OF ALL UNDERGROUND PIPING. VALVING, ETC. 4. SITE GRADING SMALL BE PERFORMED N ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE RECOMMENDATIONS SET FORTH IN THE SOILS REPORT IF OWNER HAS PROVIDED SUCH REPORT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING AND REPLACING ALL SOFT. YIELDING OR UNSUITABLE MATERIALS AND REPLACING WITH SUITABLE MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED. IF REOUESTED BY THE OWNER, CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A COMPACTION REPORT PREPARED BY A OUAUFIED SOLS ENGINEER, LICENSED WITHIN THE STATE WHERE THE WORK IS PERFORMED. VERIFYING THAT ALL FILLED AREAS AND SUBGRADE AREAS WITHIN THE BUILDING PAD AND PAVEMENT AREAS HAVE BEEN COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS SET FORTH IN THE SOLS REPORT. 5. THE LOCATIONS OF THE UNDERGROUND FACILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PUN ARE BASED ON AVAILABLE SURVEY RECORDS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPO S181UTY TO CONTACT THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES TO LOCATE THETR FACILITIES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION SHALL BE PAID TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR DAMAGE AND REPAIR TO THESE FACILITIES CAUSED BY HIS WORK FORCE. 6. ALL EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND GRADES SHOWN ON THE PLANS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED 1TY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER IF ANY DISCREPANCIES EXIST PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION FOR NECESSARY PLAN OR GRADE CHANGES. NO EXTRA COMPENSATION SHALL BE PAID TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR WORK HAVING TO BE REDONE DUE TO DIMENSIONS OR GRADES SHOWN INCORRECTLY ON THESE PLANS IF SUCH NOTIFICATION HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN. 7. ALL EXISTING CONCRETE CURBING AND PAVEMENT TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE, CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGED EXISTING CURB AND PAVEMENT AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. KEY NOTES: Q BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT; SEE SECTION ON DETAIL SHEET O CONCRETE SIDEWALK 4.0-; SEE SECTION ON DETAIL SHEET B612 CONCRETE CURB h GUTTER O3 MIX 3F32 FOR MACHINE PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) MIX 31752 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) B612 CONCRETE CURB WITH TIP -OUT GUTTER O MIX 3F32 FOR MACHINE PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) MIX 31`52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (MnOOT 2461) OS PED. RAMP - IN ACCORDANCE WITH AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT Et MnDOT STANDARD PLAN 5-297.250 INCLUDING CONTRASTING DETECTABLE WARNING DEVICES. DEPRESS BACK OF CURB AT PARALLEL RAMP. _ © PAINT INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSABIUTY WITH WHITE LATEX PAINT. O7 ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN (MnDOT NOS. R7 -8A do R7 -8B). CENTER SIGN ON PARKING STALL. LOCATION PER GENERAL CONTRACTOR. MOUNT ON STEEL CHANNEL POST. ® PAINT 4" SOLID STRIPE - WHITE LATEX PAINT. O9 EXISTING PAVEMENT AND/OR CURB TO REMAIN. SAWCUT AND REMOVE EXISTING BITUMINOUS FOR CLEAN EDGE. PROVIDE MIN. 10 2.0 WIDTH FROM CURB LIP EDGE AT CONCRETE CURB LOCATIONS OR CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON. PATCH WITH BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT PER CITY REQUIRED SECTION. MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT ELEVATIONS AND CROSS SLOPE. It EXISTING UTILITIES TO REMAIN IN PLACE. CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT. 12 CONCRETE PAVEMENT 7.0'; SEE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE DETAIL ON DETAIL SHEET INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CD PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C7 DETAILS C8 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: Twin City Staffing, Inc. 2108 Wast 98th Stroat Bloomington, MN 55437 Jos Duchano 651-276-8382 v U l� C) Ix QO oa N d r Zw 3� EO ALE NO. 00699 CZ Site Plan B w c 2 A DO C3 y No O m W W 3 U O U ALE NO. 00699 CZ Site Plan 77 -OWNER TO OBTAIN CONCURRENCE FROM ADJACENT LAND OWNER OR —.4. REPRESENTATIVE-.. ~ GRADING ON ADJACENT ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER TO OBTAIN CONCURRENCE FROM ADJACENT LAND OWNER OR PROPOSED GRADING WORK TO . . REPRESENTATIVE REGARDINGnr •. • r ; ., s~- RESTORE DRAINAGE FUNCTION GRADING ON ADJACENT PROPERTY IE SWALE PROTECT ' ff / t/is° g� �_sS gs3 - _ \ ' 1.., TREE -1. i t 1,�: j —ff SWALE p r CLEAN ALL ' \\\\ �� .o / • FROM IXIST7NG NG CULVERT PROPOSED mo �f✓51 PROTECT TREE ' - �• / (.) � INSTALL TREE ROOT ZONE;��� � PROTECTION FENCING '` - ,��_ . / �•�, ` AAAA;; 2 -STORY BUILDING q5Q/ FFE=959.4i'T7 , \, I0 own . * ¢.. �je t11ai �* �' ` REWOVEE/SEDIMENT ROM CULVERT oun T, EXTENDING EAST AT LEAST 30 FEET of qqq to 14 K ca .s ..2r: ___—_ .,m >•a,l .... aroz % `:" 0 20 40 60 I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: WEBB SURVEYING. LLC 201 DMSION STREET, SUITE B MAPLE LAKE, MN 55358 DATED: FEBRUARY 21, 2018 BENCHMARK: Top nut of fire hydrant locoted in the northwesterly area of the cul-de-soc at the end of Thomas Circle Elevation- 960.49 feet (NAVD 1988 datum) LEGEND: Existing Contours -- — Existing Storm Sewer s,.. Existing Spot Elevation gOg Proposed Contours - -- -- -- Proposed Storm Sewer • w.tao Proposed Spot Elevation Fix Flow Direction FNFM_ GRADING N TFC Specifications opp,cable for this project: Current standard specifications for Monticello. MN, and the latest Minnesota Deportment of Transportation Specifications for Highway Construction and all NPDES requirements except where modified by these contract documents. 2. OSHA requirements shall be followed for all work on this projecL 3. The Contractor shall notify 'Gopher State One Coll* 48 hours prior to any excavation (1-800-252-1166.) 4. The Groding Contractor shall verity all locations and elevations of underground utilities with utility companies prior to any construction, and immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts. 5. Erosion Control shall be constructed, as applicable, as sequenced below: A. Silt Fence. B. Rock Construction Entrance. C. Demolition D. Common excavation (grading). E. Seed and mulch or sod (See notes on Landscape plan). 6. Final Plat shall govern for easements and lot dimensions. 7. Any erosion control items necessary to protect adjacent properties shall be constructed by the Grading Contractor. B. Erosion control maintenance shall be performed by the Grading Contractor, and removed as per the Contract Documents or as directed by the Engineer, followed by all necessary restoration of disturbed area. This work shall be incidental to the grading contract. 9. The Grading Contractor shall schedule the soils engineer to facilitate certification of all controlled fills in a timely fashion. Density tests shall meet the following: A. Within the upper 3' of streets, the Grading Contractor shall utilize approved soils that ore within 1Z of the optimum moisture content as defined by the Standard Proctor Test -ASTM: D-698 with compaction meeting 1DOX Standard Proctor Density and not exceeding this compaction by more than 1%. Below the upper 3', compaction shall meet 95% Standard Proctor Density, and be within 3% of the optimum moisture content. Grading tolerances shall be 0.1'. B. Grading tolerances for the remainder of the site shall be 0.25'. 10. All areas of unsuitable soils found in the pad described above that cannot be corrected shall be located in the field by the Grading Contractor. The Grading Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of these areas and provide informoGon as to their size and location. 11. The Grading contractor shall provide positive drainage on the site of oil times. 12. The Grading Contractor shall keep public streets and travel ways clear of soil and debris. Daily cleaning of the construction entrance shall be performed, especially at the end of each day's work. 13. All silt fence shall be removed at project completion. 14. All proposed elevations are of curb flow line or Finished bituminous surface unless otherwise noted. 15. All erosion control best management practices shall be per City standards. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PIAN C2 wnh C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 EROSION CONTROL PLAN FtUI EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C7 DETAILS C8 LANDSCAPE PLAN In En Q. I L MATCIi E)GMG ° �+ CURB (ce.) i"4t YPu tyy5� U 2 -STORY BUILDING q5Q/ FFE=959.4i'T7 , \, I0 own . * ¢.. �je t11ai �* �' ` REWOVEE/SEDIMENT ROM CULVERT oun T, EXTENDING EAST AT LEAST 30 FEET of qqq to 14 K ca .s ..2r: ___—_ .,m >•a,l .... aroz % `:" 0 20 40 60 I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: WEBB SURVEYING. LLC 201 DMSION STREET, SUITE B MAPLE LAKE, MN 55358 DATED: FEBRUARY 21, 2018 BENCHMARK: Top nut of fire hydrant locoted in the northwesterly area of the cul-de-soc at the end of Thomas Circle Elevation- 960.49 feet (NAVD 1988 datum) LEGEND: Existing Contours -- — Existing Storm Sewer s,.. Existing Spot Elevation gOg Proposed Contours - -- -- -- Proposed Storm Sewer • w.tao Proposed Spot Elevation Fix Flow Direction FNFM_ GRADING N TFC Specifications opp,cable for this project: Current standard specifications for Monticello. MN, and the latest Minnesota Deportment of Transportation Specifications for Highway Construction and all NPDES requirements except where modified by these contract documents. 2. OSHA requirements shall be followed for all work on this projecL 3. The Contractor shall notify 'Gopher State One Coll* 48 hours prior to any excavation (1-800-252-1166.) 4. The Groding Contractor shall verity all locations and elevations of underground utilities with utility companies prior to any construction, and immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts. 5. Erosion Control shall be constructed, as applicable, as sequenced below: A. Silt Fence. B. Rock Construction Entrance. C. Demolition D. Common excavation (grading). E. Seed and mulch or sod (See notes on Landscape plan). 6. Final Plat shall govern for easements and lot dimensions. 7. Any erosion control items necessary to protect adjacent properties shall be constructed by the Grading Contractor. B. Erosion control maintenance shall be performed by the Grading Contractor, and removed as per the Contract Documents or as directed by the Engineer, followed by all necessary restoration of disturbed area. This work shall be incidental to the grading contract. 9. The Grading Contractor shall schedule the soils engineer to facilitate certification of all controlled fills in a timely fashion. Density tests shall meet the following: A. Within the upper 3' of streets, the Grading Contractor shall utilize approved soils that ore within 1Z of the optimum moisture content as defined by the Standard Proctor Test -ASTM: D-698 with compaction meeting 1DOX Standard Proctor Density and not exceeding this compaction by more than 1%. Below the upper 3', compaction shall meet 95% Standard Proctor Density, and be within 3% of the optimum moisture content. Grading tolerances shall be 0.1'. B. Grading tolerances for the remainder of the site shall be 0.25'. 10. All areas of unsuitable soils found in the pad described above that cannot be corrected shall be located in the field by the Grading Contractor. The Grading Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of these areas and provide informoGon as to their size and location. 11. The Grading contractor shall provide positive drainage on the site of oil times. 12. The Grading Contractor shall keep public streets and travel ways clear of soil and debris. Daily cleaning of the construction entrance shall be performed, especially at the end of each day's work. 13. All silt fence shall be removed at project completion. 14. All proposed elevations are of curb flow line or Finished bituminous surface unless otherwise noted. 15. All erosion control best management practices shall be per City standards. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PIAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C7 DETAILS C8 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: Twin City Staffing, Inc. 2105 West Bath street Bloomington, MN 55437 Joe Duchene 651-276-8382 RLE NO. 00699 C2 Grading and Drainage Plan a Z N nm N bN W I own I o . 6 � r _ ( Q halm OOne Q1=b ry i Wacc°3 In En Q. � � 8 0 YPu tyy5� U O `iS U RLE NO. 00699 C2 Grading and Drainage Plan y �p Nayy 00 a In En 00 O 3 YPu tyy5� U O O U RLE NO. 00699 C2 Grading and Drainage Plan GENERAL UTILITY NOTES 1. Specifications applicable for this project: Current standard 12. The Contractor shall preserve and protect the markers and monuments 20. Contractor to comply with all regulatory agency perrit conditions for specifications for the City of Monticello. MN and all Minnesota set for the subdivision of the land. permits obtained by the owner and general contractor. Deportment of Health and MPCA requirements except where modified by 13. The Contractor shall schedule the soils engineer to facilitate 21. The contractor shall be responsible for all grading and restoration these contract documents. certificotion of oil controlled fills in a timely fashion. Density tests required to restore surfaces to like kind existing condition. 2. OSHA requirements shall be followed for all work on this project. shall meet the following: 22. Existing curb and pavement damaged or impacted on adjacent 3. The Gontroctor shall notify "Gopher State One Call" prior to any A. Density tests shall be token on oil trenches at locations as property shall be restored with in-kind materials and section. All excavation (651-454-0002 or 1-8DO-252-1166 out state.) determined by the Engineer or his representative. match lines are to be saw cut. 4. The Contractor shall verify all locations and elevations of underground B. Within the upper 3' of streets, private drives and parking lots, 23. Tracer wire is to be installed on all watermoin pipe, water service pipe utilities with utility companies prior to any construction (storm sewer, Contractor shall utilize approved soils that are within 1% optimum extending to the proposed building, and/or as noted on the plan. sanitary sewer, water, natural gas, telephone, electric, etc.), and moisture content as defined by the Standard Proctor Test -ASTM: Termination of tracer wire is to comply with City standards. Tracer immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts. D-698 with 10D% Standard Proctor Density and not exceeding wire for direct bury applications shall be solid core No. 8 per City 5. The Contractor shall protect all existing utilities and facilities to allow compaction by more than 1%. Below the upper 3', compaction shall standards. Tracer wire for directional drill applications shall be proper functioning during and after construction. Any required meet 95%. Grading tolerances shall be 0.1'. Copperhead No. 12 Extra High Strength Hard Drawn 1150 Ib tensile supporting structures shall be supplied by the Contractor as work 14. The Owner shall pay for oil testing of soils compaction. Any areas break load with blue color 45mil HDPE jocket or approved equal. incidental to the contract. which fail to meet the above standards shall be corrected and 24. City inspection is required for the sanitary sewer and water service 6. The contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts re -tested by the Owner's testing agent at the Contractor's expense. connections. between existing utilities, and the proposed construction. The Engineer 15. All water main and services shall be installed with o minimum of 7.5 25. All work performed and materials used for construction of utilities will coordinate with the Utility Company in question to determine the feet of cover. must conform to the city standard specifications and details. need for relocation of the existing utility. 16. Contractor shall provide temporary traffic control in compliance with 26. Water services may be installed in the some trench parallel with the 7. Existing conditions such as sond in manholes or valve boxes shall be MN/DOT 'Temporary Traffic Control Zone Layouts Field Manual' dated sanitary services on a bench a minimum of 18 inches above the top identified by the Contractor and these shall be reported to the2011 for construction adjacent to travel ways. of sanitary sewer services. tory sewer services shall be PVC SDR 26. 26Contractor Engineer prior to excavation by the Contractor. Once construction hos 17. Contractor shall be responsible for verification of the depth of existing 27. All ractor to obtain begun, all damage to underground utilities will be assumed to hove stubs listed on this plan prior to the ordering of any fittings, . . utility excavation permit from the public works 4 been caused by the Contractor, any repairs necessary shall be structures, castings, els. Engineer and the Owner shall not be department of least 8 hours prior to commencement of excavation performed by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. responsible for any discrepancies found as depths are estimated. for utility connections. 8. Final Plot shalt govern for easements. 18. The contractor shall coordinate schedule with adjacent property owners 29. The city or design engineer shall not be responsible for any additional 9. The Contractor shall coordinate with the local jurisdiction to obtain to minimize disturbance for water shut down and temporary closure of costs incurred that is associated with variations in the utility os -built permits and meter for water source. All associated costs shall be access. locations or elevations. Contractor shall field verify existing utility items incidental to the Contract, including disposal of test water into City's 19. The contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with utility prior tconstruction. sanitary sewer system. The Contractor shall not operate gote valves companies for power pole and/or line relocation required. 30. Contractor or owner provide an as -built utility plan once or hydrants on the City's water supply system. construction is complete. 10. The Contractor shall notify the City Engineer and the Project Engineer .. 48 hours prior to starting work or as required by the tocol jurisdiction _ ___ --- or be subject to being shut down. - 11. The Contractor shall keep access roods clear of soil or other debris, r•:,,o:; 1, and perform doily street cleaning. Positive drainage, controlled with F �--` '� tet-,-, S74aa ^' erosion control and erosion prevention measures shall be performed. 7 Inlet protection shall be installed within 48 hours after inlet73 a-- - construction. Unless specified on the plans or as a bid item on the j �oS7 ?w `tea, 1 � .. Bid Form, any temporary culverts, ditches, filter fabric, etc. necessary to accomplish this shall be performed as incidental to the Contract. �+r.•_a<.;.1.�.. 9 -� - _ _ - - --._ i.,..r",,,- 93 954 71 t Cr"r' . '�-o,a� � "' 'woo , j�s•r:r.o • PROTECT EXISTING TREE WITH CONSTRUCTION FENCING PER SHEET C2 + �� / PROPOSED GRADING PLAN (TYP.) , 2 -STORY BUILDING / / FFE=959.4 �'� : ) ,, P•. \ CONFIRM LOCATION WITH � , ,� `",; • :.f ;�i \ •'"; f < PLLUSING DESIGN «. °� •'�/�! .ash \ � � "�� �.; � ^I I � S.", n / ' yv.v° � �{ hq ``• WITH NEENAH CASTING j w l �,i� ." •,,• / 204 LF 1-1/2' TYPE K COPPER r.:' R-1976 OR EQUIVALENT ' -------------- -�+ ` �+ / 4' M/VNfMN 7.5 Fr BURYDEPfH V • TOP -958.40 a 'Ir 00 CONNECT 7U EXISTING WATER SERVICE` . • i'jsr. IZ REMOVE EXISTING PLUG AND INSTALL fy ' \ NEW 6- PLUG (SECURE WITH MEGALUG) •' by ° :I P ° *TIM 1-1/2' CORP IN PLUG. rn,"....._ 7r ='r.r o-.. \,',1\�r'��" "�^ /r�'•'- 6'DACLEANOUT T 0+ (\ 1 J. I' �p n ` r • WITH NEENAH w. ,.r., '\ - ��1' :) s�m� - \• �/ CASTING R-1976 "a L _ s "., { i _ l 1 a oo 1 % • / 4�0 / OR EQUIVALENT _ '= - � m � I � • 71DP-958.20 I U F .1N t l ------ � • 1 .b., J v�. ."" `..6" DIA CLEANOUT _ - , - i. - ,/i•. / _ _- WITH NEENAH 216 LF - 6' PVC 26 _ OE � R-1976 1 I I F O 1 ox Mf N. SLOPE TOP=958.00 . - - - - - - - - -` - - - - - - --f I I t n+ , ,e.. i:ONNECT 70 EXISTING ,-.. ,• s . S 69 49'44"E 2&S.."& / J, SAWIARY SEWER SERVICE "' _ (SIZEIELEVA71ON UNKNOWN) i °"° y _ - - - a «- -- 4� 1 f A ..• - I J ' u . F. :�,: 6 DIA CLEANOUT I //,��N - WITH NEENAH CASTING aVR -1976 OR EQUIVALENT .I CLIENT: �Vl Twin City mN nm E I°s°°.0 888 Staffing, Inc. j�WImOon'S (13 TT 210E west 98th Street 0 0un 3 Bloomington, MN 55457 2a Joe Duchene 0 0 651-276-8-192 ro D 20 40 60 � I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA U*) W SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: +� Z W z� 3 2 WEBB SURVEYING, LLC 201 DIVISION STREET, SUITE 8 a A MAPLE LAKE, MN 55358 • O n It $ 0 PROJECT LOCATION PLAN DATED: FEBRUARY 21. 2018 NO. 00699 IL BENCHMARK: Top nut of fire hydrant locoted in the v/ • Q -2 northwesrnny area of the cul-de-soc at the end of omos Circle �. N E � Elevation= 960.49 feet (NAVD 1988 datum) L O q LEGEND: y < EROSION CONTROL PLAN �� - > - - - Existing Sanitary Sewer EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN 3 --- - ' - Existing Water Main W DETAILS - - - Existing Storm Sewer 3 I.- CS LANDSCAPE PLAN - ► - • - Proposed Sanitary Sewer Sanitary and -r -r -r -r -r -r- Proposed Water Service Water Utility Plan Proposed Storm Sewer �Vl N G W 44 mN nm E I°s°°.0 888 Q x 1 e j�WImOon'S (13 TT F; 0 0un 3 00 Z 2a oo 0 0 ro 0 H O 1 N ci,y oo 0 0 ro 0 U U*) W z� 3 2 U A INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CD PROJECT LOCATION PLAN FILE NO. 00699 C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN CS EROSION CONTROL PLAN �� C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C7 DETAILS CS LANDSCAPE PLAN Sanitary and Water Utility Plan GENERAL UTILITY NOTES 1. Specifications applicable for this project: Current standard specifications for the City of Monticello. MN and all Minnesota Department of Health and MPCA requirements except where modified by these contract documents. 2. OSHA requirements sholl be followed for all work on this project. 3. The Contractor sholl notify "Gopher State One Call" prior to any excavation (651-454-0002 or 1-800-252-1166 out state.) 4. The Contractor shall verify all locations and elevations of underground utilities with utility companies prior to any construction (storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water, natural gas, telephone, electric, etc.), and immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts. 5. The Contractor sholl protect all existing utilities and facilities to allow proper functioning during and after construction. Any required supporting structures sholl be supplied by the Contractor as work incidental to the contract. 6. The contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts between existing utilities, and the proposed construction. The Engineer will coordinate with the Utility Company in question to determine the need for relocation of the existing utility. 7. Existing conditions such as sand in manholes or valve boxes shall be identified by the Contractor and these sholl be reported to the Engineer prior to excavation by the Contractor. Once construction has begun, all damage to underground utilities will be assumed to have been caused by the Contractor, any repairs necessary sholl be performed by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. 8. Final Plat shall govern for easements. 9. The Contractor shot] coordinate with the local jurisdiction to obtain permits and meter for water source. All associated costs shall be incidental to the Contract. including disposal of test water into City's sanitary sewer system. The Contractor shall not operate gote valves or hydrants on the City's water supply system. 10. The Contractor shall notify the City Engineer and the Project Engineer 48 hours prior to starting work or as required by the loco] jurisdiction or be subject to being shut down. PROTECT EXISTING TREE WITH CONSTRUCTION FENCING PER SHEET C2 GRADING PLAN (TYP.) 11. The Contractor shall keep access roods clear of soil or other debris, and perform daily street cleaning as required by the NPDES permit. Positive drainage, controlled with erosion control and erosion prevention measures as required by the NPDES permit shall be performed. Inlet protection shall be installed within 48 hours after inlet construction. Unless specified on the plans or as a bid item on the Bid Form, any temporary culverts, ditches, filter fabric, etc. necessary to accomplish this shall be performed as incidental to the Contract. 12. The Contractor shall preserve and protect the markers and monuments set for the subdivision of the land. 13. The Contractor shall schedule the soils engineer to facilitate certification of all controlled fills in a timely fashion. Density tests shall meet the following: A Density tests shall be taken on all trenches at locations as determined by the Engineer or his representative. B. Within the upper Y of streets, private drives and parking lots, Contractor shall utilize approved soils that ore within 1% optimum moisture content as defined by the Standard Proctor Test -ASTM: D-698 with 100% Standard Proctor Density and not exceeding compaction by more than 1%. Below the upper 3', compaction shall meet 95%. Grading tolerances shall be 0.1'. 14. The Owner shall pay for all testing of soils compaction. Any areas which Foil to meet the above standards shall be corrected and re -tested by the Owner's testing agent at the Contractor's expense. 15. All water main shall be installed with a minimum of 7.5 feet of cover. 16. Contractor shot] provide temporary traffic control in compliance with MN/DOT 'Temporary Traffic Control Zone Layouts Field Manual" most recent version for construction adjacent to travel ways. 17. Contractor shall be responsible for verification of the depth of existing stubs listed on this plan prior to the ordering of any fittings, structures, castings, etc. Engineer and the Owner sholl not be responsible for any discrepancies found as depths are estimated. CB-3� 48' S1A CONCRETE CAS'TTNG R-4342 RE -957.80 IE(SW)-954.35 (12' IN) IE(NE)=954.35 (12' OUT)., 25 LF 12' HDPE O 0.40X FES 0 12' CMP, IE=954.45 > ' 18. The contractor shall coordinate schedule with adjacent property owners to minimize disturbance for water shut down and temporary closure of access if necessary. 19. The contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with utility companies for power pole and/or line relocation required. 20. The contractor shall provide all necessary :roffic control. 21. The contractor shall be responsible for oil grading and restoration required to restore surfaces to like kind existing condition. 22. Existing curb and pavement damaged or impacted on adjacent property sholl be restored with in-kind materials and section. AR match lines are to be saw cut. 23. Pipe lengths shown are measured center of structure to center of structure or end of flared end section. 24. The contractor shall obtain a Utility Excavation Permit from the City Public Works Department prior to commencement of utility connections. 25. The city or design engineer shall not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that is associated with variations in the utility os -built locations or utility os -built elevations. Contractor sholl field verify existing utility items prior to construction. 26. Contractor or owner to provide an os -built utility plan once construction is complete. FES C 12" CMP '` IE -954.00 s WITH 21 CYCL.3 $6 � RIP -RAP WITH FABRIC _ \ FES A X15" CMP WITH 2.9 CY CL3 RIP -RAP WITH FABRIC FES E 15' CMP It PROPOSED ro I e >r xr +rll . 1,,y1 �•-,.,w, 2 -STORY BUILDING /q5Q I ! j 0 SAF 15' CMP O " FFE=959.4 ® I 57 LF 15HDPE O 0.35x MH1 48* 014 CONCRETE - CASTING R-1733 `� - •-�•-\.- . .- .-j =; RE -958.50 \ esa/ r IE(W)-954.40 (12' IN) \\ I W(S)-954.20 (15' IN) IE(N)-954.20 (15. OUT) 102 LF'12* 0 SC' x Ian �N 42 LF 15' HOPE . \ ! , I w O 0.71.7 • \I I .w 9gP / \ � I� a �' FES B 15' CMP t IE -954.50 if I , , -+ ,lel.- r1--�,• f „r� � �;. - \ � _ - .,.- / y ` 's ,s. I % -.-.-<- - � - � _� r� i �� ... •� � -.--� jaw' I ` •��� �-/j}� � �� �, I � _,:,. _ 1, r � � � "mem .w. ! .::unv: •;i�: �< ��•,l I / 9S0 �. - r�� �`I- .s '�`r1.ri�,?,''� •7 f -------- eex� _ I cc I - ,,.� -_ __- iZ„ yu•s L..' ------- -='-:IAC---------- -,.. .n • .I„ ,n .,� ..F--- -- , .• ---------- f` \ ' Y �_---_--- �__ - ` mfr �,_ S 63'45'd4"E 299.25 ! � I r r. t,,. r: F•: -r,i -'9.. r,. � � �- � ' %' au„ ae.. ae - vt•e .:«. 1 j. I _rb-El, -�.1 � -s=,i ...o l � a ._,. °"'• no. ,s•s 1 _ I 0 20 40 50 r � GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: WEBB SURVEYING, LLC 201 DIVISION STREET, SUITE B MAPLE LAKE, MN 55358 DATED: FEBRUARY 21, 2018 BENCHMARK: Top nut of fire hydrant located in the northwesterly areo of the cul-de-sac at the end of Thomas Circle Elevation= 960.49 feel (NAVD 1988 datum) LEGEND: - - -- - Existing Sanitary Sewer -- - Existing Water Main -- - --- Existing Storm Sewer - - Proposed Sanitary Sewer Service - Proposed Water Service •- •- Proposed Storm Sewer INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN ------------ --���. SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 IS, in^ • : .3.� C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C7 DETAILS C8 i if I II. 11. The Contractor shall keep access roods clear of soil or other debris, and perform daily street cleaning as required by the NPDES permit. Positive drainage, controlled with erosion control and erosion prevention measures as required by the NPDES permit shall be performed. Inlet protection shall be installed within 48 hours after inlet construction. Unless specified on the plans or as a bid item on the Bid Form, any temporary culverts, ditches, filter fabric, etc. necessary to accomplish this shall be performed as incidental to the Contract. 12. The Contractor shall preserve and protect the markers and monuments set for the subdivision of the land. 13. The Contractor shall schedule the soils engineer to facilitate certification of all controlled fills in a timely fashion. Density tests shall meet the following: A Density tests shall be taken on all trenches at locations as determined by the Engineer or his representative. B. Within the upper Y of streets, private drives and parking lots, Contractor shall utilize approved soils that ore within 1% optimum moisture content as defined by the Standard Proctor Test -ASTM: D-698 with 100% Standard Proctor Density and not exceeding compaction by more than 1%. Below the upper 3', compaction shall meet 95%. Grading tolerances shall be 0.1'. 14. The Owner shall pay for all testing of soils compaction. Any areas which Foil to meet the above standards shall be corrected and re -tested by the Owner's testing agent at the Contractor's expense. 15. All water main shall be installed with a minimum of 7.5 feet of cover. 16. Contractor shot] provide temporary traffic control in compliance with MN/DOT 'Temporary Traffic Control Zone Layouts Field Manual" most recent version for construction adjacent to travel ways. 17. Contractor shall be responsible for verification of the depth of existing stubs listed on this plan prior to the ordering of any fittings, structures, castings, etc. Engineer and the Owner sholl not be responsible for any discrepancies found as depths are estimated. CB-3� 48' S1A CONCRETE CAS'TTNG R-4342 RE -957.80 IE(SW)-954.35 (12' IN) IE(NE)=954.35 (12' OUT)., 25 LF 12' HDPE O 0.40X FES 0 12' CMP, IE=954.45 > ' 18. The contractor shall coordinate schedule with adjacent property owners to minimize disturbance for water shut down and temporary closure of access if necessary. 19. The contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with utility companies for power pole and/or line relocation required. 20. The contractor shall provide all necessary :roffic control. 21. The contractor shall be responsible for oil grading and restoration required to restore surfaces to like kind existing condition. 22. Existing curb and pavement damaged or impacted on adjacent property sholl be restored with in-kind materials and section. AR match lines are to be saw cut. 23. Pipe lengths shown are measured center of structure to center of structure or end of flared end section. 24. The contractor shall obtain a Utility Excavation Permit from the City Public Works Department prior to commencement of utility connections. 25. The city or design engineer shall not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that is associated with variations in the utility os -built locations or utility os -built elevations. Contractor sholl field verify existing utility items prior to construction. 26. Contractor or owner to provide an os -built utility plan once construction is complete. FES C 12" CMP '` IE -954.00 s WITH 21 CYCL.3 $6 � RIP -RAP WITH FABRIC _ \ FES A X15" CMP WITH 2.9 CY CL3 RIP -RAP WITH FABRIC FES E 15' CMP It PROPOSED ro I e >r xr +rll . 1,,y1 �•-,.,w, 2 -STORY BUILDING /q5Q I ! j 0 SAF 15' CMP O " FFE=959.4 ® I 57 LF 15HDPE O 0.35x MH1 48* 014 CONCRETE - CASTING R-1733 `� - •-�•-\.- . .- .-j =; RE -958.50 \ esa/ r IE(W)-954.40 (12' IN) \\ I W(S)-954.20 (15' IN) IE(N)-954.20 (15. OUT) 102 LF'12* 0 SC' x Ian �N 42 LF 15' HOPE . \ ! , I w O 0.71.7 • \I I .w 9gP / \ � I� a �' FES B 15' CMP t IE -954.50 if I , , -+ ,lel.- r1--�,• f „r� � �;. - \ � _ - .,.- / y ` 's ,s. I % -.-.-<- - � - � _� r� i �� ... •� � -.--� jaw' I ` •��� �-/j}� � �� �, I � _,:,. _ 1, r � � � "mem .w. ! .::unv: •;i�: �< ��•,l I / 9S0 �. - r�� �`I- .s '�`r1.ri�,?,''� •7 f -------- eex� _ I cc I - ,,.� -_ __- iZ„ yu•s L..' ------- -='-:IAC---------- -,.. .n • .I„ ,n .,� ..F--- -- , .• ---------- f` \ ' Y �_---_--- �__ - ` mfr �,_ S 63'45'd4"E 299.25 ! � I r r. t,,. r: F•: -r,i -'9.. r,. � � �- � ' %' au„ ae.. ae - vt•e .:«. 1 j. I _rb-El, -�.1 � -s=,i ...o l � a ._,. °"'• no. ,s•s 1 _ I 0 20 40 50 r � GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: WEBB SURVEYING, LLC 201 DIVISION STREET, SUITE B MAPLE LAKE, MN 55358 DATED: FEBRUARY 21, 2018 BENCHMARK: Top nut of fire hydrant located in the northwesterly areo of the cul-de-sac at the end of Thomas Circle Elevation= 960.49 feel (NAVD 1988 datum) LEGEND: - - -- - Existing Sanitary Sewer -- - Existing Water Main -- - --- Existing Storm Sewer - - Proposed Sanitary Sewer Service - Proposed Water Service •- •- Proposed Storm Sewer INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C7 DETAILS C8 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: Twin City Staffing, Inc. 2108 West 98th Strool Bloomington, MN 55437 Joe Duchene 651-276-8382 0 V 4: U2 -Q 0Z 2 � o t0 wC L}L = OO 4t. ZW IE 1. O r V. O 3� RLE NO. 00699 C4 Storm Sewer Utility Plan r�t N p g_a 00 0 0 a p O S O U RLE NO. 00699 C4 Storm Sewer Utility Plan EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. All devices necessary to control erasion and sediment (I.E. perimeter silt fence. rock construction entrances, swoles, ponds, berms. ETC.) shall be installed prior to any other construction operations. 2. After completion of Final grading, exposed soils must be permanently stabilized within 7 days. Stabilization shall consist of disc-onchored seed & mulch, HECP with fiber reinforced matrix, erasion blanket with seed, or sod. 3. The site must be kept in a well drained condit',or at all times. The contractor shall be responsible for temporary ditches, or other moons necessary to ensure proper drainage. The building pod must be provided with a positive outflow. This work shall be incidental to the grading contract. 4. Entering/exiting of the site shall occur only at rock construction entrance to reduce tracking of dirt onto paved streets. Sediment tracked onto streets during working hours must be reclaimed via street scraping and sweeping at the end of each working day. 5. Stormwater discharge pipe outlet energy dissipation shall be provided by rip -rap with size, quantity, and placement in accordance with City standards. Rip-rop installation shell be within 24 hours of pipe installation. 6. Install sift fence around all temporary Inactive stockpiles which are not place within existing silt fence crop or other perimeter erosion controls. 7. Stabilization of temporary or permanent drainage ditches that drain water from the construction site must be initialed within 24 hours of connecting the drainage ditch to any storm water conveyance system and must be completed using erosion blanket. B. Sufficient personell, equipment. and materials shall be mobilized within 24 hours of written order (ie. email) by the owner or owners representative to conduct corrective work and install temporary erosion central work in the cues of an emergency. �\ r -, c van s W%, J a+t • 933.1 ; 933.1 , 1` .1i sr. t y-INi�FN'ot4. non = �sRs« cv ♦, ora -- 8' WOOD FIBER LOG ALONG CURB � � t1♦W'YMI. EROSION CONTROL INSTALLATION SCHEDULE 1. Silt fence shah be installed or restored prior to any construction. Sgt fence shall be located as shown to intercept runoff. The area located beyond the perimeter silt fence shall not be disturbed during construction. 2. Rock Construction Entrance shall be installed prior to grading operations. 3. All storm sewer inlets shall have inlet protection inserts installed. Inserts shall be 'Road rain -Top Slob' or 'Rood Drain -Curb & Gutter' inlet protection devices as manufactured by WIMCO (or approved equal) and installed per manufacture's recommendations. 4. All erosion control installations shall remain in place and be maintained in good condition by the contractor until the site hos been re -vegetated. at which time it shall be removed by the contractor. For proposed paved surface areas, the contractor may remove necessary silt fencing to construct roadway, while maintaining adequate erosion control in adjacent ore=. 5. Sufficient topsoil shah be stockpiled to allow for the replacement of 6' topsoil for disturbed areas to be re -vegetated. 6. The contractor shah schedvle site grading, utirity installation and roadway construction so that the general site can be mulched and re -seeded soon after disturbance. Areas that will not be subject to construction traffic for 14 days shall be seeded and mulched or sodded within 7 days of Final grading. \ T rf -TEP EROSION BLANKET \ - - .EI:tK' Ifar>sk. \. m (,+Tc✓M atm MNDOT CAT. 3 150 SY AT FINAL Un - RESTORATION ANDSEEDING l D''n'^epr w�Lt+r F 938 PROPOSED / 2 -STORY BUILDING a� v� . FFE=959.4 PROTECTION 3 CY CL \RlP RAP I / Z / w FABRIC �J i EROSION BLANKET \ FS' WOOD iBER LOG \+ I I MNDOT CAM 3 15 SY AT FINAL 1 (� RESTORATION AND \ SEEDING" \ 7 r )i I� SILT FENCE t -+ t TT ' /KET /'n` < A ✓ O aI ., � MND CAON T. rr_ I I qS9 _ °� �` i 160 SY AT FINAL cE n a M, ; _ y - - yea �\ - - - - - - t - - RESTORATION AND P. �0� - -SEEDING i ( 8' WOODa.. .r -in+nm.ne rrth EavnmPr+.x,�• w" i FIBER LOG , 1 / .�.Unr-�rnma ors n-, ghee a:anan• CONSTRUCTION .d '14 f '$y ENTRANCE /o _s ��. O t I � r 2mn+.ro+n Es ew'r.+j 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET PROJECT LOCATION PART OF SW} OF THE SE} SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY WEBB SURVEYING, LLC 201 DIVISION STREET, SUITE B MAPLE LAKE, MN 55358 DATED: FEBRUARY 21, 2018 BENCHMARK: Top nut of fire hydrant located in the northwestorly area of the cul-de-sac at the end of Thomas Circle Elevation- 960.49 feet (NAVD 1988 dotum) LEGEND: ------- a -----. Existing Contours - , - Existing Storrs Sewer 9oe Proposed Contours _ -- - -- Proposed Storm Sewer _ - - - - - - - Proposed Silt Fence o� o- o- Proposed Fiber Loge r•. �•-� Proposed Storm Sewer Inlet Protection s < now Direction Rfli2QQS�?7��ti4j Proposed Erosion Control Blanket EROSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1. Erosion central measures shall be inspected by the contractor's representative and maintained by the contractor every Friday and within 24 hours after any romfoll event larger than 1/2' until the project is completed. Maintenance requirements ore as follows: sift fence - 1/3 height of fence or damaged, remove sediment and/or repair fence within 24 hour:; rock entrance - refresh as necessary to conform to detoiF, inlet protection 'Inserts - remove sediment after each rain event, clean or replace filter when clogged; surface water - drain and stabilize, within 7 dogs of discovery; and street sweeping - remove all sediment tracked onto paved surfaces within 24 hours or as directed by City Engineer. 2. Replacement - Fabric sholl be replaced promptly when R decomposes or becomes ineffective before the barrier is no longer necessary. 3. Any sedkmsnl remaining in place after silt fence is no longer required shall be dressed to conform with the existing grade, prepared, and seeded with appropriate seed mix, as directed by the engineer. 4. Removal of the silt fence- Silt fences shall be removed when they hove served their useful purpose, but not before the upward sloping area has been permanently stabilized. VEGETATION GROUND COVER SCHEDULE 1. Stabilization of oil exposed soil areas must be initiated immediately but in no case completed later than seven (7) days after the construction activity in that portion of the site hos temporarily or permanently ceased. Seeding and mulching shall conform to the latest NPDES requirements for installoGon schedule with regards to grading. 2. Pemnonent turf ground cover shall include all disturbed areas be covered with a minimum 6' topsoil and sodded or seeded as allowed by City, or as proposed on City approved landscape pion for the project. It not otherwise specified, turf seed to be MnDOT mix 25-121 applied at 61 Ibs/ac. MnDOT Type 3 mulch shall be applied at 2 tons/ac and disc anchored in areas not covered by sod or erosion blanket. Seeding and mulching shall conform to the latest NPDES requirements for installation schedule with regards to grading. 3. Temporary ground cover to be MnDOT toed mix 22-111 shall be applied at 31 los/ac, or equivalent as approved by City. MnDOT Type i mulch shall be applied at 2 tons/ac and disc anchored in areas not covered by sod or erosion blanket. 4. Fertilizer for turf shall be MnDOT Type 3 22-5-10 and applied at 350 Ib/oc. Disc fertilizer into top 3' of soil. Specification reference is MnDOT 2574. 5. Dormant seed mix shall be used after November 1 or when temperatures do rat exceed 40' F, using same rales specified above. No seed shall be placed on snow or ice greater than 2' in depth. 6. Any seeded areas that do not become established with vegelptan shall be re -seeded at Contractors expense. 7. Erosion blanket shall be installed in seed areas with ground surface slopes of 4H:iV or steeper. - _ INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: 1 CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 C2 SITE PLAN GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN r .i1+r'We Cull C3 r CY r C4 1LIT 171H FABRIC r EROSION CONTROL PLAN C6 RIP RAP W/ C7 p' ,.;•air FABRICwEROSION LANDSCAPE PLAN �'.. BLANKE1 C.- 1- -All MWOOT CAT. 6 ♦r 1k's1'.Oi r•.a - +rte::"v 350 SY AT F94AL Y RESTORKMON AND •• ,q�„Ln of �.�rti� tirsiol?'':rS�•' - .E]r• �: .M ♦ha:` N .. Z, (A W/ FABRIC \ T rf -TEP EROSION BLANKET \ - - .EI:tK' Ifar>sk. \. m (,+Tc✓M atm MNDOT CAT. 3 150 SY AT FINAL Un - RESTORATION ANDSEEDING l D''n'^epr w�Lt+r F 938 PROPOSED / 2 -STORY BUILDING a� v� . FFE=959.4 PROTECTION 3 CY CL \RlP RAP I / Z / w FABRIC �J i EROSION BLANKET \ FS' WOOD iBER LOG \+ I I MNDOT CAM 3 15 SY AT FINAL 1 (� RESTORATION AND \ SEEDING" \ 7 r )i I� SILT FENCE t -+ t TT ' /KET /'n` < A ✓ O aI ., � MND CAON T. rr_ I I qS9 _ °� �` i 160 SY AT FINAL cE n a M, ; _ y - - yea �\ - - - - - - t - - RESTORATION AND P. �0� - -SEEDING i ( 8' WOODa.. .r -in+nm.ne rrth EavnmPr+.x,�• w" i FIBER LOG , 1 / .�.Unr-�rnma ors n-, ghee a:anan• CONSTRUCTION .d '14 f '$y ENTRANCE /o _s ��. O t I � r 2mn+.ro+n Es ew'r.+j 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET PROJECT LOCATION PART OF SW} OF THE SE} SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY WEBB SURVEYING, LLC 201 DIVISION STREET, SUITE B MAPLE LAKE, MN 55358 DATED: FEBRUARY 21, 2018 BENCHMARK: Top nut of fire hydrant located in the northwestorly area of the cul-de-sac at the end of Thomas Circle Elevation- 960.49 feet (NAVD 1988 dotum) LEGEND: ------- a -----. Existing Contours - , - Existing Storrs Sewer 9oe Proposed Contours _ -- - -- Proposed Storm Sewer _ - - - - - - - Proposed Silt Fence o� o- o- Proposed Fiber Loge r•. �•-� Proposed Storm Sewer Inlet Protection s < now Direction Rfli2QQS�?7��ti4j Proposed Erosion Control Blanket EROSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1. Erosion central measures shall be inspected by the contractor's representative and maintained by the contractor every Friday and within 24 hours after any romfoll event larger than 1/2' until the project is completed. Maintenance requirements ore as follows: sift fence - 1/3 height of fence or damaged, remove sediment and/or repair fence within 24 hour:; rock entrance - refresh as necessary to conform to detoiF, inlet protection 'Inserts - remove sediment after each rain event, clean or replace filter when clogged; surface water - drain and stabilize, within 7 dogs of discovery; and street sweeping - remove all sediment tracked onto paved surfaces within 24 hours or as directed by City Engineer. 2. Replacement - Fabric sholl be replaced promptly when R decomposes or becomes ineffective before the barrier is no longer necessary. 3. Any sedkmsnl remaining in place after silt fence is no longer required shall be dressed to conform with the existing grade, prepared, and seeded with appropriate seed mix, as directed by the engineer. 4. Removal of the silt fence- Silt fences shall be removed when they hove served their useful purpose, but not before the upward sloping area has been permanently stabilized. VEGETATION GROUND COVER SCHEDULE 1. Stabilization of oil exposed soil areas must be initiated immediately but in no case completed later than seven (7) days after the construction activity in that portion of the site hos temporarily or permanently ceased. Seeding and mulching shall conform to the latest NPDES requirements for installoGon schedule with regards to grading. 2. Pemnonent turf ground cover shall include all disturbed areas be covered with a minimum 6' topsoil and sodded or seeded as allowed by City, or as proposed on City approved landscape pion for the project. It not otherwise specified, turf seed to be MnDOT mix 25-121 applied at 61 Ibs/ac. MnDOT Type 3 mulch shall be applied at 2 tons/ac and disc anchored in areas not covered by sod or erosion blanket. Seeding and mulching shall conform to the latest NPDES requirements for installation schedule with regards to grading. 3. Temporary ground cover to be MnDOT toed mix 22-111 shall be applied at 31 los/ac, or equivalent as approved by City. MnDOT Type i mulch shall be applied at 2 tons/ac and disc anchored in areas not covered by sod or erosion blanket. 4. Fertilizer for turf shall be MnDOT Type 3 22-5-10 and applied at 350 Ib/oc. Disc fertilizer into top 3' of soil. Specification reference is MnDOT 2574. 5. Dormant seed mix shall be used after November 1 or when temperatures do rat exceed 40' F, using same rales specified above. No seed shall be placed on snow or ice greater than 2' in depth. 6. Any seeded areas that do not become established with vegelptan shall be re -seeded at Contractors expense. 7. Erosion blanket shall be installed in seed areas with ground surface slopes of 4H:iV or steeper. - _ INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: 1 CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 C2 SITE PLAN GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN r .i1+r'We Cull C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C7 DETAILS C8 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: Twin City Staffing, Inc. 2108 Woot 98th Stroot Bloomington, MN 55437 Joo Duchono 651 27G•8382 2 uvi �0 Is 0. Q4 H For to -J V O y� ~C U E� ~Q CID 1 f2E" NO. 00699 CS Erosion Control Plan 1 2 1 Ncy� Z, (A � � Z, to \ k k to k W L f2E" NO. 00699 CS Erosion Control Plan 73. Is— a mMOLUSTER� CIFAR`AND GRUB taN BASIN AREA -•� I — , `` ��.c EXISTING TREES TO BE _ y �; REMOVED THIS AREA TO ' ' Q , '' ` MAINTAIN DITCH SECTION DT`r: .._ - �.,n-y • �` ?!. vOM� ec�l, / • / / .T� '_`,�;q ,. -E_., REMOVE fES PROTECT EXISTING TREE WITH CONSTRUCTION ,� . ., • `'�° /! . 7y _—, FENCING PER SHEET C2 GRADING PLAN (TYP.),,, ° EXCAVATE OfF-SIZE PER STET C2 GRADING PLAN i I �..� or tae,rxn y �0 I / PROTECT EXISTING tM SIGN �^ •, + j �^ TREE TO BE REMOVED (TYP.) i ----------------- �,e r ,� v /.. r.�.,..,n r ,.F, ,moi - �• ,-., - b -- • -, �,� \`j \ m„^y d7 PROTECT EXISTING x I= I r; F -ti }� e <.r lr:, n- r.'r • . �..,. TREES (TYP.) 3.7 it r PROTECT EXISTING iei r`•<:;:; . ••.v,--- UTIUTIEs (TYP.) 8 . ,.:.. i PROTECT EXISTING UTI77,) l ' t' �• l:. a. r % .. — oYee+- I —.:_ zu�iaubT la r, or IM UT SAWC:UT AND REMOVE_.,, or NN Dr `v , �':•>� o:.,i•.„« r .n .. , r <, , n, i I , .,i ,. •..,r, 12MPAVEMENT AND CURB'",f p'91 xf }A _ ..f. ' EXISTING CURB TO REMAIN 69.49'4t'E28t128 -"k Cu" li. ✓,�..r-1 .. rlr._f,. 1 4 w.t ,.az ' /'�(� t �vae. aG, vwb °, l ` Frt m•r•vr> I i ,••, IC PV. -•,-ter I I ».. - I Ir. I E. .. Enl•.. , Y ` - 0 20 40 60 r � r GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET PROJECT LOCATION PART OF SW} OF THE SE} SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA- LEGAL INNESOTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 6, BLOCK 1, THOMAS PARK, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: WEBB SURVEYING, U.0 201 DIVISION STREET. SUITE 8 MAPLE LAKE. MN 55358 DATED: FEBRUARY 21. 2018 BENCHMARK: Top nut of fire hydrant located in the northwesterly area of the cul-de-sac at the end of Thomas Circle Elevation- 960.49 feet (NAVD 1988 datum) LEGEND: - - - - - -- - Existing Contours Existing Sanitary Sewer Existing Water Moin — ' — • — Existing Storm Sewer DEMOLITION NOTES I. Install perimeter sediment controls as soon as possible during clear and grub operations. See Erosion Control Plan. 2. Provide air quality control measures at the request of the Engineer or City Representatives. Take necessary measures to keep dust levels to a minimum. Provide sweeping of adjacent paving as needed. or as required by the City Engineer. 3. Locote and protect o11 utility lines prior to and during demolition. Utility locations shown ore based on best available information and are not guaranteed. Contact private utility service for disconnection and removal. 4. Remove or relocate all existing site features that interfere with the proposed construction. 5. Protect existing site features that ore to remain during construction. Replace anything damaged with new construction. 6. Pavement shall be saw cut at limits of removal unless noted otherwise. Do not impede existing traffic circulation to adjacent businesses or streets. 7. Sufficient topsoil shall be stockpiled to allow for the replacement of 6- of topsoil in disturbed areas to be re -vegetated. 8. All construction and post -construction parking shall be on-site. At no time shall parking, loading, or unloading be allowed on public streets. 9. Storage of materials or equipment shall not be allowed within public Right -of -Way and shall be maintained on site within project boundaries. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C7 DETAILS C8 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: IN N - a z Twin City Staffing, Inc. iir m v u O , 2x I 2108 wast Bath street Bloomington, MN 55497 ^Ounu IWaoeit Joe Duchene g� c3 I� Xa 651-27!,_8382 0 � o ZU ppF :L0 �Q tlN f' y s V> oo p V� H`G gDq W< 6t 5? IN N - a z 1NO ! omn1 o Iwy t-5 ` (4 iir m v u O , 2x I gr ^Ounu IWaoeit $$5 Sa�o� coCCi g� c3 I� Xa 0 o ppF to O � W U 8 0 o v RLE NO. 00699 C6 Existing Conditions and Removals Plan i ^` d 5sandrd trD.it w...! �E QKM C" & C40117 - i ULTdMeeTks6. . a o5 15 ..�. 5005 t saamr :vc ,4 Shedod n* ub"" Sad 00-1 aeticde a'�c3-oT --� C3- 6010 - I { j+ I � 5laadrd Phde Linn 03 JQ06 A \ 51.edsd PaktD1,nn I >a C..mW Orh.r.T YatraRe i 5008 .r I ♦ t � � *I I r N' � l iii • .i I i swodRO PD.k taxw:pEmAm C.".14 pwwm& Bhetel 1 r CSnd?1.1dm%-- Ir."'as-,5 601 i a:.e_nt�T L ¢ C4er1.Y em" !� Sbodudraw t=-4 a .. A `i CiTdNaeTkele -�—os=ti A::: _ ,-� �•�'41_IS� 6002 s I - Trio Gowd Dor r Staei�d Flet 1lbnn EM SRti.e 4007 y. srem.r PWe Libra, W Prow" r Cdeb Mos heat �- CihdMadMo .�..-03-67 - -..—. 6004 —03-15- .. $wR1T.N16R# Ck-.dMwdai6 e3_y.. 6008 18" �— WHITE ON BLUE 7BLACK E ON WHITE W/ 1.5- LETTERS HANDICAP SIGN SIGN TYP @EACH HANDICAP PARKING SPACE "*�" GALVANIZED STEEL POLE FINISH GRADE CONCRETE .1[ n HANDICAP SIGN 2' BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE 2' BITUMINOUS Mnp A SPEC 23150 COURSE 2' BITUMINOUS &SE COURSE SPNM82308 MnDOT SPEC 2360 6' CLASS 5 ACCRECATE BASE MnDOT SPEC 3138 I -'7 'n— SUBORADE PREPARATION TOP I TIl I II- 6' TO PASS PROOF ROLL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NOTE: SOLS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIDNS -A;y"-�S'+'11";+t•:k..".-.r�,",as.:;; 4' CONCRETE PAVEMENT MNDOT SPEC 2461 4' SELECT GRANULAR BORROW ' MNDOT SPEC 3149.28 I III TI T- T SUBCRADE PREPARATION TOP 6' TO PASS PROOF ROLL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE MIX SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2461 MIX No. 3F32 FOR SUPFORM PLACEMENT MIX No. 31`32 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT 2. CONCRETE PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2301 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 6'-0' O.C. 4. SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE PAVEMENT - SIDEWALK INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CD PROJECT LOCATION PLAN SbsdMd P4,. uwwy 9Yed.rd NaYdr hr -! CIrydN.alkeir o.. D7 � C3 _� a:.e_nt�T L ¢ C4er1.Y em" !� Sbodudraw t=-4 a .. A `i CiTdNaeTkele -�—os=ti A::: _ ,-� �•�'41_IS� 6002 s I - Trio Gowd Dor r Staei�d Flet 1lbnn EM SRti.e 4007 y. srem.r PWe Libra, W Prow" r Cdeb Mos heat �- CihdMadMo .�..-03-67 - -..—. 6004 —03-15- .. $wR1T.N16R# Ck-.dMwdai6 e3_y.. 6008 18" �— WHITE ON BLUE 7BLACK E ON WHITE W/ 1.5- LETTERS HANDICAP SIGN SIGN TYP @EACH HANDICAP PARKING SPACE "*�" GALVANIZED STEEL POLE FINISH GRADE CONCRETE .1[ n HANDICAP SIGN 2' BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE 2' BITUMINOUS Mnp A SPEC 23150 COURSE 2' BITUMINOUS &SE COURSE SPNM82308 MnDOT SPEC 2360 6' CLASS 5 ACCRECATE BASE MnDOT SPEC 3138 I -'7 'n— SUBORADE PREPARATION TOP I TIl I II- 6' TO PASS PROOF ROLL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NOTE: SOLS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIDNS -A;y"-�S'+'11";+t•:k..".-.r�,",as.:;; 4' CONCRETE PAVEMENT MNDOT SPEC 2461 4' SELECT GRANULAR BORROW ' MNDOT SPEC 3149.28 I III TI T- T SUBCRADE PREPARATION TOP 6' TO PASS PROOF ROLL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE MIX SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2461 MIX No. 3F32 FOR SUPFORM PLACEMENT MIX No. 31`32 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT 2. CONCRETE PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2301 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 6'-0' O.C. 4. SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE PAVEMENT - SIDEWALK INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CD PROJECT LOCATION PLAN Cl SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C7 DETAILS C8 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT. Twin City Staffing, Inc. 2108 West oath Street Bloomington, MN 55437 Joe Duchene 651-27(1-8382 w I'- g� a' W n a Z N I rva IV1 4)N 2 7 y 0,001 ImOa°�° >t 41tw.1�0o^ I�ao T €' D ao; �c e` 0 o 1 e ZI� H 2 1 Nt� ( 0 W S q�3 I�� cx3 D O U FILE NO. 00699 C7 Detoils BRODSHO CONSULTING 698 NORTHBRIDCE COURT EAGAN, MN 55123 PHONE: 55, -668-0023 FAX 651-456-5748 h e.�y serhsy nwl w .inn •a ere.wee or h.w w hnr wt ITh rkw,wkn .r M h an e e.y sownd la,4enw° eowum whew We We 0 pe saes a wrve,ets REG. NO. 23849 DATE EXISTING TREE TO REIAAIN i 1`7 : rr.•,n,s; lA1 - I ( \ , I — Uvas " I ns�,�,r•:','• Davtlous a¢ VlAwilwG DErAa – — n,sfv-n... n, , r. y \.400, � Vie.. `�SS`f >• ,H:-n•}p _ 956SEED~— war ^ 00 tl'F' ',\ -/ 1,f�1. '�•e„-Y-„”\MN CL fl l��l;•n. "� � �_ --- --- �' �r t`� - EXISTING TREE' C '- � c. ✓/ L7\�:il'fV t _ - � ..,. � TO REGAIN •/� 8 `�ssa�95J 9.SJ SEED-- ,7\ •, re,: `, 4 DWE JTL f EXISTING TREE ' //� R :. •qO' .sex i _ 1./ r: SEED 14.1 `SEED /TO REGAIN PROPOSED qa r sT ep�� q 2 -STORY BUILDING S J FFE=959.4 3 \14 eo a J ,1,17 .Tial .n. - 'µht \ tp EXISTING REMAIN 1 / \ MOO H9� BT •� s.>a 2 x 'tip ^>. /� 3,� / ry SOD — _ .p vk .,•.Y / 'SEED >`, / x s.. �. .. l ,rt' (��� o,•p SEED > 959 '» L:' ` �• 'T ,t �� ',/�r•. '� oil I >•�; �OO I IZ SIR EA"�' SEED�iq`6 ` „ ,� A`'0 . >. / EXISTING SCREENING I '�>g JTL VEgTA71QN TO REMAIN I = 0~== SEED�� J •"`' a� eL •. j ti �___='P _'l ISOfl3FS-====__-__ SEED > . •,,, » , lr.,_F;,.., an, _ _ _ _ >.. _ _ _ �_ ..r,. — �r — 3, „' S 89'49'44•' E 288.28 ca t cc• I '!}`=>%. i"tua e..,•� —_— i �� 4t�°•�• .xv� iRn% ,sit ' �\ n' li,, . L�L `I 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: WEIR SURVEYING. LLC 201 DIVISION STREET, SUITE B MAPLE LAKE. MN 55358 DATED: FEBRUARY 21, 2018 BENCHMARK: Top nut of fire hydrant located in the northwesterly area of the cul-de-sac of the end of Thomas Circle Elevation= 960.49 feet (NAVD 1988 datum) PLANT UST. Site Plantings CITY. KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME STZEAOOr TREES 1 BHS Picea glauca 'Densala• REQUIRED PLANT MATERIALS 6' B&B 4 CALIPER INCHES OF TREES PER ACRE Japanese Tree Lilac + 1 SHRUBS PER 10 LF. OF BUILDING PERIMETER YHrttai SITE AREA = 1.12 ACRES C4 4 X 1.12 = 4.48 ACI (AGGREGATE CALIPER INCHES) C5 BUILDING WALLS FACING R -O -W = 48 + 48 = 96 L.F. = 9.6 SHRUBS 3 Si Juniperus eobino 'Scondio' LANDSCAPING REQUIRED LANDSCAPING PROVIDED 5 Gal. Pot 4.5 ACI + 10 SHRUBS 5.0 ACI + 10 SHRUBS 2 Gal, Pot 1 OVERSTORY TREE = 2.0 ACI 1 CONIFEROUS TREE = 2.0 ACI ---�����• -•• 1 CONIFEROUS TREE = 2.0 ACI 2 ORNAMENTAL TREE = 3.0 ACI 10 PROVIDED 1 ORNAMENTAL TREE = 1.5 ACI 10 SHRUBS 9ehUe PLOWC DULL 10 SHRUBS – — n,sfv-n... n, , r. y \.400, � Vie.. `�SS`f >• ,H:-n•}p _ 956SEED~— war ^ 00 tl'F' ',\ -/ 1,f�1. '�•e„-Y-„”\MN CL fl l��l;•n. "� � �_ --- --- �' �r t`� - EXISTING TREE' C '- � c. ✓/ L7\�:il'fV t _ - � ..,. � TO REGAIN •/� 8 `�ssa�95J 9.SJ SEED-- ,7\ •, re,: `, 4 DWE JTL f EXISTING TREE ' //� R :. •qO' .sex i _ 1./ r: SEED 14.1 `SEED /TO REGAIN PROPOSED qa r sT ep�� q 2 -STORY BUILDING S J FFE=959.4 3 \14 eo a J ,1,17 .Tial .n. - 'µht \ tp EXISTING REMAIN 1 / \ MOO H9� BT •� s.>a 2 x 'tip ^>. /� 3,� / ry SOD — _ .p vk .,•.Y / 'SEED >`, / x s.. �. .. l ,rt' (��� o,•p SEED > 959 '» L:' ` �• 'T ,t �� ',/�r•. '� oil I >•�; �OO I IZ SIR EA"�' SEED�iq`6 ` „ ,� A`'0 . >. / EXISTING SCREENING I '�>g JTL VEgTA71QN TO REMAIN I = 0~== SEED�� J •"`' a� eL •. j ti �___='P _'l ISOfl3FS-====__-__ SEED > . •,,, » , lr.,_F;,.., an, _ _ _ _ >.. _ _ _ �_ ..r,. — �r — 3, „' S 89'49'44•' E 288.28 ca t cc• I '!}`=>%. i"tua e..,•� —_— i �� 4t�°•�• .xv� iRn% ,sit ' �\ n' li,, . L�L `I 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: WEIR SURVEYING. LLC 201 DIVISION STREET, SUITE B MAPLE LAKE. MN 55358 DATED: FEBRUARY 21, 2018 BENCHMARK: Top nut of fire hydrant located in the northwesterly area of the cul-de-sac of the end of Thomas Circle Elevation= 960.49 feet (NAVD 1988 datum) PLANT UST. Site Plantings CITY. KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME STZEAOOr TREES 1 BHS Picea glauca 'Densala• Block Hills Spruce 6' B&B 2 JTL Syringo reliculoto Japanese Tree Lilac 1.5- B&B 3 Trees (5.0 ACI) SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 SHRUBS C5 EROSION CONTROL PLAN 3 Si Juniperus eobino 'Scondio' Scandio Juniper 5 Gal. Pot 4 ESH SpIrdeo x bumdldo 'Anthony Waterer' Anthony Waterer Spired 2 Gal, Pot 3 DWE Syringo meyeri 'Pol'ibin' Dwarf Korean Liloc 5 Got Pot 10 PROVIDED GRASSES & PERENNIALS 6 BD Hernrocollis 'Bop' Bap Doylly 1 Gal. Pot 4 BT Hemermall'm 'Big Time Happy Big Time Happy Daylly 1 Gal. Pot 9 KFG Cal°magrostis ocutifloro 'Karl Foreztm Karl FDraster Feather Reed Gross 1 Cal. Pot GRASSES & PERENNIALS Sod shall be drought tolerant and placed 20' around building and to 3' behind curb (must be irrigated) . all Seed shill be MnDDT 25-121 or equivalent placed according to MnDOT Seeding Manual. Install with erosion control blanket where Indicated on erosion control plan. PLANTING NOTES Contractor shall protide ane year guarantee of all plant malriats The guarantee begin. on the dote of the Landscape Architect's will" acceptance of the Initial planting. Replacement plant materials shall also have o one year guarantee commen.f g ups+ planting. All plants to be northem-grown and hardy. Plante to be Installed m or standard AAN planting practices. Use mhnhnum 12- loom planting -1 on trees and 6• on shrubs Contract- shell wily locot,ar. with es wtalies prior to n.lallal"hon of pont.. Underground Irrigation shoo be provided for trees, shrubs. owed and sod Dem. Slaking of Imes optbnoh, reposition It not plumb after one yea. Wrap an smooth -baked tress -f -tan top end bottom. Wmove by Apra 1. Open top of budop an 83 moteriel. remove pot on potted plants, split and break tpmt peal pots. Prune plants m necessary - pr standard nursery, practice. Owner shoo be mapm.lale for mointmnmce after _optance of the work by the Owns. Rants shall be immediately planted upon orrivol of sits. Properly heel -n materials if necessary AN disturbed Dred, to be sodded or seeded unless otherwise noted. Sod shall be norlbern grown and hardy. Planting beds for drubs shall how Is ax. mm.) wood borne, fabric, 4- - 5• of dole shredded dark Gown hardwood mulch and 4• vertical (commercial grade) black poly wdgine The edging hall be placed and stoked with smooth curves. Doable shredded dark brown hardwood mulch t deep short be provitled errand all new trees and In Dem shown on the pian. Infiltration pond shall be seeded down side Woods including the bottom of the born. Seed shall be cowed with o loyr of strew mulch to reduce seeds from moving prior to germination. Field adjust tree and shrub locations to fit ullily locations and any Manges that may have accred to the site plan and/m grading plan. Construction and sail types to be determined by the site Engines. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PIAN C1 SITE PLAN C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 SANITARY AND WATER UTILITY PLAN C4 STORM SEWER UTILITY PLAN C5 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C6 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C7 DETAILS C8 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT Twin City Staffing, Inc. 2108 West 98th Street Bloomington, MN 55437 Joe Duchene 651-27(> 9382 O l - U o L cc 14C CL – I z a IL V ! r M : 0 O 1 -cc Z� �� S `i F FILE N0. 00699 r� Londscope Plan 1 H OIR � N t O 1 4 uy 2 to to N to IA all O W U FILE N0. 00699 r� Londscope Plan /'3 C C p O C C' N W O 0 Ln to CD d. O co O W %0 C) Lli uj Z _ W Z V W Z U Z 0 W 0 W m ui J a 0 Z W W N N d K a 2 C7�LLJi =�OO U J N 0 H r Z w w w to �awQ N Z h Z J m N W Q MORTON BUILDINGUNC. 0 113 Thomas Park Dr. Monticello, MN 55362 City of Monticello Planning and Zoning 505 Walnut St Monticello, MN 55362 To Whom it May Concern: www.mortonbuildings.com Office: 763-295-2929 I am writing in support of Twin City Staffing's request to raise the sign on their property adjacent to ours. At present the Twin City Staffing sign and the Morton Buildings sign obstruct the view of each other. Raising the Twin City Staffing sign would be beneficial to both businesses. Tha y u for your time. Richard Rothstein TWIN STAR EQUIPMENT & MFG. INC. 1770 Ridgewood Ave St. Paul, MN 55110 651-829-4547 January 31, 2019 Dear Mike, Thank you for taking the time to show me your space for lease in your building located at 112 Thomas Circle Monticello, MN. We have narrowed our search for a 5 -year lease on our new office space, to your building in Monticello and another building near Clearwater. Clearwater has a definite advantage as their signage on the freeway is better for advertising our business. If you can resolve your sign issue and we would be able to utilize the end of your building for our sign, we would prefer to be located in Monticello. Also, we are anticipating growth and the fact that you can add on to your facility makes if very intriguing. Thanks for your time and please let me know how everything works out. Sincerely, Pat Iwan Principal Twin Star Equipment & Mfg. Inc. �" .. tom, - , - CK I Owl, 1719 pw � 7 4t. r _ , �F '9M MA Call Now - 763-220-7052 ElF Oil Lou IWO. Loll ElF Oil kit s mss. ww wpb► ! IV 1 3 < < • a a � v ,� � ,yJb-.: ` .' r• .C�,._ .e°....v" r �E r' � ei '-. .� '� -_�� a - ,ate ♦.. � y vim- - } x� r y sK "' a• " ..sem -x - _ - �;<� ate, " r " _ $"�{• � a k y� Daysinn Monticello Council Connection February 25, 2019 CITY OF M04ieflo COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Greater MN Parks & Trails Legislative Action Day Community Development Director Angela Schumann attended the morning session of the Greater MN Legislative Action Day on February 13th in St. Paul. The session offered the opportunity to review the GMPT's legislative priorities for the coming year, and hear more about Legacy Park & Trail funding for 2019 and into the future. Handouts from the day are attached. Special Use Overlay District Review The Monticello Planning Commission received a report regarding the status of the Special Use Overlay District, which was prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants. In summary, the analysis indicates that at the present time, no changes are necessary to the Special Use Overlay District map or its regulations at this time. The number of parcels in the Special Use Overlay District has increased slightly due to internal subdivisions that have occurred since the land review, and the acreage size of the District has remained unchanged. The full report can be found here. Briarwood Avenue Traffic Study — Next Steps The Wright County Transportation Committee of the Whole met on February 19th to review the draft Briarwood Traffic Study. Members of City staff and the Monticello Township Board of Supervisors were present. Report preparer WSB presented their findings, which included recommended road improvements, timing of improvements, and proposed funding splits based on traffic generation. The Wright County Commissioners took input and questions on the study. The next step will be to be a subset of the Commission, City and Township elected officials together to develop and agreement based on the findings of the study. A meeting in early to mid-March for this purpose is anticipated. Safe Routes to School Planning Study Update The SRTS planning project consultant, ALTA, has provided the School District with an initial list of recommendations and observations related to pedestrian and bicyclist safety for school facilities. The School District has asked for City staff input, which has been provided. A conference call to further review and refine the initial findings will occur the week of February 25th. It is anticipated that the final report will be presented to the City and School District before May of this year. Fund Parks & Trails int4ESO,%14t't4,�F %mam.. Greater Minnesota A Support SF 836/ HF 653 COMMISSION Greater Minnesota Parks & Trails and the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks & Trail Commission are seeking $8.64 million in FY 2020 and $9.372 million in FY 2021 for grants for parks and trails in Greater Minnesota that received designation for being of "regional significance." This amount is an estimated 20% of parks and trails Legacy funding. Projects recommended for grants for 2020: Cannon Valley Trail Duluth Hartley Park Duluth Traverse Granite Falls Memorial Park Gull Lake Trail Lincoln County Hole in the Mountain Park Morrison County Belle Prairie Park Red Lake River Corridor Joint Powers Board Redwood County Plum Creek Park Rochester Gamehaven Park Wright County Bertram Park - ,Z y ....1. The Greater Minnesota Regional Parks & Trails Commission (GMRPTC) plays an essential role in building the regional parks and trails system outside of the Twin Cities metro area, but it needs a dedicated general operations funding source to continue this important work. We are seeking $450,000 in each fiscal year (2020 and 2021) to allow the GMRPTC continue to: • Review and make recommendations for Legacy funding • Provide assistance to cities and counties to develop applications for regionally significant facilities in their communities • Review and rank applications for parks and trails seeking regional significance desigation • Promote the parks and trails located in Greater Minnesota • Update and maintain the Data Management System where cities and counties can develop a master plan and submit their applications for funding and designation • Work with the District Planning Committees to create individual work plans and visions for park and trails across Greater Minnesota The GMRPTC is currently funded out of Greater Minnesota's 20% share of Legacy funding. Changing the funding source for the GMRPTC would free up money for more projects. 4N Prepared for GMPT & GMRPTC by Flaherty & Hood, P.A. 2/12/2019 Stats in sidebar are based on 2013 results from `Economic Impact of Local and Regional Park Agencies' Spending" study, conducted for the National Parks and Recreation Association by the Center for Regional Analysis at George Mason University. Invest in Local Parks & Trails Greater Minnesota Parks & Trails supports SF 835/HF 654, which allocate $1 million from the ' general fund to both the DNR's Outdoor Recreation Program and Local Trail Connections Program, successful statewide grant programs that provide matching funds for local parks and trails projects. What are the local parks and trails grant programs? • Outdoor Recreation Grant Program provides funding for acquisition, development and/or redevelopment of local parks and recreation areas. • Local Trail Connections Program provides funding for relatively short trail connections between where people live and desirable locations. Why are these grant programs important? • These grants are vital to helping fund local parks and trails projects throughout the state. • Many projects that do not meet the high bar to qualify for funding under the Legacy Amendment can only look to these programs for state funding. • Parks, trails and natural areas are a strong tourism draw and a major economic driver for our state. Past recipients praise the DNR's local parks and trails grant programs: "Owatonna does not have a comparable tax base to metro communities, nor do we have park dedication funding. Nor do we have the land or qualifications to acquire regionally significant status for Legacy funds. The DNR grants make recreational opportunities possible. Without this, we would just be maintaining status quo ... THANK YOU for these programs." - Mary Jo Knudson, Owatonna Recreation Supervisor "We love our trail! This trail has had such a positive impact on our communi"t's a great place for recreation, exercise and social interaction.... We feel the trail emulates what our community is all about—a peaceful time to slow down and connect with people, as well as an active and healthy lifestyle." - Holly Sammons, Luverne Economic Development Director "Without grant opportunities, this land acquisition [for Eddy Park Reserve] would not be possible. Wright County is committed to preserving open space and providing outdoor recreational opportunities for the public, and funding sources such as the Natural and Scenic Grant Program assists us in achieving that goal for today and into the future." - Mark Mottice, Wright County Parks & Recreation Director "Isanti County Parks was able to purchase 9.5 acres of property adjacent to Becklin Homestead County Park with a grant from the Outdoor Recreation Program. Without this funding source for local park land acquisition, this property would most certainly not have been acquired as an addition to the park." - Barry Wendorf, Isanti County Parks Director Prepared for Greater MN Parks & Trails by Flaherty & Hood, P.A. 217/2019 Fosston: $100, to construct 1 miles of the Fc Inspiration Trc Breckenridge to develop a Highway 75 v biking trail. Kandiyohi Cc $150,000 for I, acquisition, tr benches anc at Games La Glencoe: $63,1 for connectior Buffalo Highlai Recreational T Blue $10C acq Jacl, How have Minnesota communities benefited from DNR grant programs? Staples: $101,344 to connect Legacy Trail to city parks, businesses and residential areas. Bemidji: $31,900 for a shelter, outdoor classroom and signs at North Country Park. Koochiching County: $66,000 for Rainy Lake Trail improvements and gateway development. M SEEN Itasca County: $100,000 to renovate historic picnic pavillion and replace equipment at Gunn Park. Chisholm: $33,000 to rehab and develop 2.5 miles of the Longyear Lake Recreational Trail. Saint Michael: $68,337 to connect existing trails along County #119. Forest Lake: $150,000 for Hardwood Creek Trail connections. Andover: $117,550 for Andover Station North Trail connection. Bayport: $150,000 for land acquisition for City Park. Minneapolis: $123,800 for the Mall Trail Gap project. Shakopee: $150,000 for the 12'h Avenue Trail project to connect the community to Quarry Park. Burnsville: $150,000 for Rose Bluff Trail connection. Fairmont: $150,000 to A extend trails and add signs, Zumbrota: $75,000 plants and seating areas at Owatonna: $139,029 to Rochester: $150,000 for improvements at Cedar Creek Park. construct 2.1 miles of trails to construct a Covered Bridge Park. along the Straight River. connecting trail along 45th Street SE. These are just a few of the parks and trails projects that have received grants through the DNR's Outdoor Recreation and Local Trail Connections grant programs in recent years. Dozens of trails across the state and parks in every county have received funding through these important programs. K ciry of _ Monticeo Mr. Daniel Golner Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Division of Parks and Trails 500 Lafayette Road, Box 39 St. Paul, MN 55155 Dear Mr. Golner, PHONE: 763-295-2711 FAx:763-295-4404 505 Walnut Street I Suite 11 Monticello, MN 55362 February 1 st, 2019 The City of Monticello is supportive of the grant application submitted by the Wright County Parks & Recreation Department to the Federal Recreational Trails Program for the expansion of the Bertram Chain of Lakes hiking trail at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park in Wright County. The acquisition and development of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park is a joint project between Wright County and the City of Monticello. The Regional Park enhances outdoor recreation and resource protection in a regionally significant area for community members, visitors, and future generations. The opportunity to expand the hiking trail at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park aligns with one of this year's program funding priorities: "For all horse, in-line skate, cross-country ski, hike and bicycle projects, priority will be given to trail linkages and restoration to estimating trail systems, necessary trail facilities, trail signage to improve safety, and trail maintenance equipment. " The proposed project provides a critical linkage in the hiking system within the park, completing the loop system around the park's chain of lakes and connecting existing hiking trail segments. The proposed trail loop offers park visitors the opportunity to experience the park to the fullest. And, in accordance with the guiding principles established for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, the trail connection will be designed and built to sustainable best practices. The County and City are working to improve the community's quality of life through the development of active and passive recreation opportunities at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, including the proposed hiking trail expansion. Funding of this project will support the development of the trail and the achievement of the recreational vision established for the Bertram Chain of Lake Regional Park. Sincerely, Ange c u ann Matt Leonard Community Development Director City Engineer/Public Works Director www.ci.monticello.mn.us 7�CH Y OF %ntfcdo COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT — ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • January 28, 2019 — Rotary Club Meeting • January 29, 2019 — Meeting with Prospect • January 31, 2019— Meeting with MN -DEED staff regarding potential State funding for Prospects • February 4, 2019 — Rotary Club Meeting. • February 5, 2019 — Meeting with Project Synergy regarding site information • February 5, 2019 — Meeting with Developer • February 7, 2019 — Wright County Workforce Pathway Meeting • February 11, 2109 — Rotary Club Meeting • February 12, 2019 — Meeting with Prospect • February 20, 2019 — Meeting with Lake Region RVs regarding gap funding options CITY OF �r1t1C��� ............� Transactions January 2019, the DMV processed 12,316 transactions 1,437 more than January 2018. DMV year -to date revenue is $72,633.01 and increase of $1,962.09 or 2.8% over the same period last year. Please see the following graphs for more detail. DMV Revenue Comparison $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 537.534 $39,765 $40,164 $30,000 $21,372 $20,000 $10,000 ::" 1 S - Jan 2011 Jan 2012 Jan 2013 Jan 2014 Jan 2015 Jan 2016 Jan 2017 $70,671 $72,633 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 S - 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 DMV Transaction Comparison Jan 2018 Jan 2019 12,316 Jan 2011 Jan 2012 Jan 2013 Jan 2014 Jan 2015 Jan 2016 Jan 2017 Jan 2018 Jan 2019 DMV Year -to -Date Revenue Comparison $70,671 $72,633 Jan 2011 Jan 2012 Jan 2013 Jan 2014 Jan 2015 Jan 2016 Jan 2017 Jan 2018 Jan 2019 DMV Year -to -Date Transaction Comparison 12,316 Jan 2011 Jan 2012 Jan 2013 Jan 2014 Jan 2015 Jan 2016 Jan 2017 Jan 2018 Jan 2019 CITY OF Monticello HI -WAY LIQUORS Sales through January 31, 2019 Attached is the data for total sales in each major category through the end of January 2019. Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 1/31/2019 Total Sales Month 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CYM-LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 316,280.10 $ 300,631.85 $ 296,838.64 $ 302,114.52 $ 328,004.13 $ 355,029.76 $ 380,425.45 $ 364,675.32 $ 356,295.18 $ 403,520.92 $ 413,534.20 2.5% 2.5% Feb 284,988.38 285,584.50 315,239.00 307,385.41 337,923.99 333,487.18 347,777.77 362,746.98 364,836.39 390,050.52 - Mar 318,050.39 324,062.21 335,032.60 388,195.21 408,071.17 377,391.62 388,003.16 401,256.91 417,005.50 473,811.33 Apr 346,738.34 369,112.88 389,543.24 347,321.09 388,395.50 389,250.82 421,280.89 428,729.44 448,141.63 467,192.12 May 384,337.08 399,489.67 409,309.12 433,829.01 436,195.21 498,095.67 523,401.05 482,917.95 503,867.81 549,206.70 Jun 381,782.23 377,458.15 409,726.07 461,423.68 440,255.04 426,392.73 474,203.81 470,585.33 521,559.76 561,287.34 Jul 430,838.23 466,122.69 466,738.15 447,452.18 485,459.76 479,174.06 542,973.27 527,519.46 563,935.31 571,270.49 Aug 383,523.07 386,245.30 408,734.83 445,158.94 503,181.84 484,955.71 470,505.22 462,669.36 497,201.21 544,029.21 Sep 346,900.80 346,557.62 373,719.64 390,399.33 379,381.19 397,495.82 439,444.29 448,218.93 501,126.67 481,663.70 Oct 360,742.04 375,367.40 365,702.14 372,676.23 396,328.87 409,967.74 460,096.82 454,442.30 461,549.38 467,600.32 Nov 341,875.49 360,661.96 376,855.40 421,960.12 424,038.37 465,299.53 474,241.74 444,533.08 495,519.24 527,900.06 Dec 454,982.63 485,617.01 505,482.70 527,865.36 518,379.58 549,200.76 569,707.38 605,509.16 629,143.57 652,695.25 - Total $ 4,351,038.78 $ 4,476,911.24 $ 4,652,921.53 $ 4,845,781.08 $ 5,045,614.65 $ 5,165,741.40 $ 5,492,060.85 $ 5,453,804.22 $ 5,760,181.65 $ 6,090,227.96 $ 413,534.20 Change $ 283,853.59 $ 125,872.46 $ 176,010.29 $ 192,859.55 $ 199,833.57 $ 120,126.75 $ 326,319.45 $ (38,256.63) $ 306,377.43 $ 330,046.31 $ (5,676,693.76) Change 7.0% 2.9% 3.9% 4.1% 4.1% 2.4% 6.3% -0.7% 5.6% 5.7% -93.2% $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr Monthly Hi -Way Sales May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 . 2018 ■ 2019 Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 1/31/2019 Beer Month 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CYM-LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 157,849.78 $ 146,246.32 $ 143,906.08 $ 149,406.45 $ 160,903.32 $ 173,814.13 $ 191,370.26 $ 176,483.68 $ 174,846.99 $ 198,202.11 $ 197,270.15 -0.5% -0.5% Feb 137,055.23 140,624.54 150,075.08 150,589.28 162,865.75 161,168.63 164,508.11 175,055.27 179,346.12 187,042.58 Mar 155,196.13 164,157.70 163,595.55 203,957.25 192,607.52 185,325.68 192,955.79 199,141.66 208,926.70 233,971.24 Apr 178,834.20 189,978.23 194,504.16 179,486.77 186,134.31 198,195.77 219,756.39 228,133.10 234,069.51 224,348.27 May 210,097.48 223,678.47 208,963.65 227,664.73 234,738.30 256,188.77 259,306.91 250,403.11 262,275.25 306,245.55 Jun 207,793.83 206,043.42 224,769.03 259,671.21 243,389.79 238,322.11 263,421.95 263,264.15 296,531.85 309,163.93 Jul 229,199.79 260,971.50 258,734.60 253,648.64 273,319.54 265,555.32 301,867.65 296,513.68 315,848.83 314,343.95 Aug 203,222.86 211,996.32 216,546.53 242,179.20 281,577.25 267,802.95 253,141.21 250,255.41 268,173.42 292,626.23 Sep 183,586.32 183,865.70 199,170.24 208,974.88 202,213.80 211,854.94 233,215.56 238,333.55 270,898.13 257,557.44 Oct 179,873.10 190,893.27 180,043.06 187,386.57 191,764.20 210,454.13 234,882.09 224,253.93 228,484.62 230,112.85 Nov 154,584.13 168,265.14 171,866.27 195,276.37 192,162.71 202,081.91 207,055.40 213,333.23 222,993.99 238,870.03 Dec 190,655.19 203,080.13 216,560.71 224,952.83 217,491.21 234,178.12 241,996.27 253,223.11 271,457.72 281,924.05 Total $ 2,187,948.04 $ 2,289,800.74 $ 2,328,734.96 $ 2,483,194.18 $ 2,539,167.70 $ 2,604,942.46 $ 2,763,477.59 $ 2,768,393.88 $ 2,933,853.13 $ 3,074,408.23 $ 197,270.15 Change $ 121,411.43 $ 101,852.70 $ 38,934.22 $ 154,459.22 $ 55,973.52 $ 65,774.76 $ 158,535.13 $ 4,916.29 $ 165,459.25 $ 140,555.10 $ (2,877,138.08) ChangE 5.9% 4.7% 1.7% 6.6% 2.3% 2.6% 6.1% 0.2% 6.0% 4.8% -93.6% Monthly Beer Sales $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 — $150,000 — $100,000 — — $50,000 — — Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 2018 ■ 2019 Dec Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 1/31/2019 Liquor Month 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 CYM-LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 92,370.42 $ 91,472.50 $ 91,279.01 $ 93,085.69 $ 103,977.89 $ 113,943.25 $ 118,577.85 $ 118,211.20 $ 114,509.99 $ 133,589.33 $ 142,171.51 6.4% 6.4% Feb 83,513.27 85,484.92 96,541.21 92,489.93 106,387.16 107,609.55 112,198.85 113,060.59 117,361.15 128,952.50 Mar 88,569.65 93,133.42 101,047.04 112,244.43 124,487.55 116,316.49 118,269.49 118,839.79 131,238.09 151,716.52 Apr 90,627.19 95,025.54 110,898.81 98,080.67 113,594.37 115,579.47 123,841.34 126,073.89 130,114.53 136,883.13 May 102,041.75 106,395.62 111,586.59 114,299.35 127,622.31 135,370.38 140,116.66 129,009.36 142,237.28 160,936.65 Jun 103,580.02 102,086.20 115,136.72 128,604.32 124,019.90 120,291.71 136,716.81 135,763.26 147,813.59 168,769.36 Jul 118,883.98 122,861.98 130,624.19 123,672.73 139,270.04 139,967.77 155,436.54 150,173.35 160,220.37 170,108.99 Aug 103,977.01 101,487.43 113,869.37 126,065.14 141,197.73 138,660.76 136,440.40 135,841.14 144,263.78 164,013.08 Sep 94,335.50 94,528.17 103,373.64 109,153.56 107,605.71 115,119.19 129,195.42 130,101.01 143,252.37 147,649.35 Oct 102,236.90 102,983.14 103,533.14 106,326.73 116,677.74 124,271.15 140,198.97 128,290.50 145,864.34 150,852.02 Nov 90,996.73 102,298.02 105,501.75 120,127.29 126,412.24 134,241.85 132,261.11 134,208.12 149,468.96 167,360.12 Dec 143,684.12 153,690.60 159,717.50 172,370.96 175,523.36 184,746.26 190,944.24 205,335.83 213,217.73 229,121.92 Total $ 1,214,816.54 $ 1,251,447.54 $ 1,343,108.97 $ 1,396,520.80 $ 1,506,776.00 $ 1,546,117.83 $ 1,634,197.68 $ 1,624,908.04 $ 1,739,562.18 $ 1,909,952.97 $ 142,171.51 Change $ 85,465.80 $ 36,631.00 $ 91,661.43 $ 53,411.82 $ 110,255.21 $ 39,341.83 $ 88,079.85 $ (9,289.64) $ 114,654.14 $ 170,390.79 $ (1,767,781.46) ChangE 7.6% 3.0% 7.3% 4.0% 7.9% 2.6% 5.7% -0.6% 7.1% 9.8% -92.6% Monthly Liquor Sales $250,000 ■ 2009 $200,000 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 $150,000 — ■ 2012 ■ 2013 $100,000 ■ 2014 2015 $50,000 _ ■ ■ 2018 ■ 2019 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 1/31/2019 Wine Month 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Jan $ 41,810.19 $ 43,324.18 $ 48,437.59 $ 50,238.83 $ 54,949.83 $ 59,391.16 $ 61,128.65 $ 60,454.56 $ 57,275.16 $ Feb 39,410.85 42,230.84 52,847.05 54,642.27 60,573.12 57,228.51 62,600.47 64,797.38 58,664.45 Mar 45,525.38 46,165.18 54,639.16 57,735.22 77,810.58 66,425.24 67,121.51 71,840.82 64,286.75 Apr 48,303.48 61,146.04 62,289.18 57,973.74 79,736.19 63,101.05 63,285.56 61,268.24 69,415.79 May 40,963.86 45,733.08 68,701.95 78,740.40 62,491.07 92,083.62 109,512.94 87,333.35 82,724.29 Jun 37,522.00 44,211.14 49,089.65 56,607.74 59,523.15 54,270.56 59,036.14 54,889.39 58,623.08 Jul 41,813.65 48,334.93 49,664.45 54,467.20 57,115.44 57,743.98 66,029.11 60,750.62 64,034.24 Aug 41,333.00 46,871.28 53,172.68 61,825.30 64,057.61 62,446.04 63,546.01 60,015.78 66,304.12 Sep 39,798.20 47,859.52 53,916.37 60,317.17 59,121.12 59,409.30 62,210.27 65,294.31 68,220.79 Oct 48,422.79 58,081.87 60,949.40 66,423.82 75,606.28 63,659.41 70,038.32 89,005.29 70,516.61 Nov 66,331.86 71,928.30 85,933.28 97,249.52 96,824.40 117,402.23 122,947.90 83,896.45 109,969.88 Dec 84,285.84 101,676.19 109,267.01 116,610.70 113,008.24 115,617.50 120,274.96 129,536.28 124,115.79 Total $ 575,521.10 $ 657,562.55 $ 748,907.77 $ 812,831.91 $ 860,817.03 $ 868,778.60 $ 927,731.84 $ 889,082.47 $ 894,150.95 $ Change $ 83,338.23 $ 82,041.45 $ 91,345.22 $ 63,924.14 $ 47,985.12 $ 7,961.57 $ 58,953.24 $ (38,649.37) $ 5,068.48 $ ChangE 16.9% 14.3% 13.9% 8.5% 5.9% 0.9% 6.8% -4.2% 0.6% Monthly Wine Sales $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 r $20,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 2018 2019 CYM-LYM Y -T -D 60,047.20 $ 61,183.52 1.9% 1.9% 62,027.36 74,221.20 93,299.96 61,684.97 61,777.09 64,494.29 67,701.51 59,923.84 70,894.54 107,567.02 120,746.12 904,385.10 $ 61,183.52 10,234.15 $ (843,201.58) 1.1% -93.2% Nov Dec ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 2018 ■ 2019 CA c 0 $6.5 $6.0 $5.5 $5.0 $4.5 $4.0 $3.5 $3.0 Liquor Store Sales - Rolling 12 Month Periods v c �' z v c N z v c� z v c N 0 v c �' z v c- z v K K c M- z v c- z v K K c N z v c �- z v 7 v v — 0 7 v v — 0 7 v v — 0 7 v v — 0 7 v v — 0 7 v v — 0 7 O '< < F '< < F '< < F� '< < F� '< < F-., '< < F- '< < F '< < F- '< < F-., '< < F- lo 0 F- N W 4�- Ln Ql V 00 l0 OF M04ieflo MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER Transactions and visits Year to date (01.31.19), the MCC processed 8,949 transactions in the month of January compared to 7,740 transactions last January. The MCC year to date revenue is up from the previous year by $3,513, totaling $123,570. Year to date membership visits are also up by 1,109, totaling 8,949 visits for the month of January. Members are at a total of 5,617 compared to 6,006 last year at this time. 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 MCC 1/31 YTD Activity YTD Transactions YTD Member Visits ■ 2017 ■ 2018 ■ 2019 MCC 1/31 YTD Revenue 0 2017 0 2018 0 2019 V11111„ 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 MCC 1/31 Members ■ 2017 ■ 2018 ■ 2019 Council Connection — 02/25/19 Program updates The downstairs suite of the Prairie Center used for our Friendship Island program is in the middle of a small renovation. We have removed a majority of the walls similar to the renovation that we have completed to the suite upstairs. We plan to paint and carpet the new space. This renovation will provide a larger space for the Friendship Island program as well as open the space up for additional rental revenue. T Council Connection — 02/25/19 Building Improvements Below are some photos from the air handler replacement project from earlier this year. a CITY OF mo�ii�eflo PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING DIVISION The City, Wright County, and MNDOT have several projects slated for construction this year. Below is a list of a few of those projects that will impact Monticello. City of Monticello projects • Walnut Street Improvements o This project will construct streetscape improvements at the intersection of Broadway Avenue and Walnut Street. • Fallon Avenue Improvements o This year the contractor will finish the remaining work on the project and complete the landscaping. 2018 Pedestrian Improvements o This project will include adding trails and sidewalks along the following corridors: ■ CSAH 39 from Mississippi Drive to Broadway Avenue ■ 6t" Street near Pine Street ■ 7t" Street near Cedar Avenue ■ Bakken Street from Deer Street to Troy Marquette 2019 Pedestrian Improvements o This project is expected to extend the trail in Ellison Park to Hart Boulevard and to add pedestrian safety improvements at the intersection of Broadway Avenue and Washington Street. Wright County projects • CSAH 39 Improvements from Otsego to Monticello o This project will include the addition of turn lanes, turn lane widening, and other improvements. o The county has decided to divide this project into two sections that will be constructed over two years. The section that will be constructed this year will be the section from Otsego to CSAH 19. The pavement rehab in this section will primarily consist of a mill and overlay which will shorten the construction timeline. In 2020 the county is expecting to construct the remaining section from Monticello to CSAH 19. This section is going to require more extensive pavement rehab and will have more of a traffic impact during construction. The primary reason that they are splitting the project up is to better provide for detour routes and to coordinate with other area projects. MNDOT projects • 1-94 pavement reconstruction and third lane addition o Construction on this project is anticipated to start this summer with final completion in 2021. Two lanes of traffic will be maintained during peak times throughout this project and more specific information will be available when a design -build team is selected.