City Council Minutes 01-09-1984MINUTES
January 9, 1984 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Arve A. Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Jack Maxwell,
Dan Blonigen, Ken Maus.
Members Absent: None.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of Minutes.
Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Maus, and unanimously
carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held
December 12, 1983, and the special meeting held December 27,
3. Citizens Comments/Petitions, Requests and Complaints.
Barb Hellman appeared before the Council to present a resolution
requesting City support for the Monticello Handicapped Awareness
Week activities scheduled for January 30 through February 5, 1984.
Motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maxwell and unanimously carried
to adopt the resolution supporting Monticello Handicapped Awareness
4. Consideration of Authorizing OSM to be Engineer on Reconstruction
Project for County Highway 75.
Recently, the City of Monticello requested that the Wright County
Board consider upgrading County Road 75/39 through Monticello.
The Wright County Board has finally been receptive to this project
and has placed funds into the 1984 County Budget for this improvement
project. As part of the project, the City of Monticello would be
responsible for 30% of the improvement cost with the County picking
up the balance of 70%.
As part of the project, the County Engineer has indicated that they
would like to see the shoulders on County Road 75 (Broadway) be
paved on the west edge of Monticello from approximately Chestnut
Street to Otter Creek Road near Pinewood Elementary School. Also,
the County is quite determined to have the shoulders paved from the
high school east to County Road 39. The City has indicated in a
letter to the County Engineer a favorable response to paving of the
shoulders on the west edge of town from Chestnut Street to Otter
Creek Road, but the City feels the paving of the east portion of
Broadway shoulders from the high school to County Road 39 should be
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more of a responsibility of the County rather than a benefit to the
City directly. The County would like to see the City pick up its
normal share of 30% of the paving project for the shoulders,whereas
the City Council feels a smaller percentage for the east edge of the
City may be appropriate. One of the primary reasons why the City
feels the benefit is not as great on the east end of the City is
that there are only a few driveways off of County Road 75 between
the high school and County Road 39 and the County's interest in
paving the shoulders is more for the purpose of reducing their
future maintenance cost. It was the consensus of the Council that
the City would not object to the shoulders from the high school to
County Road 39 being paved but would not be in favor of sharing in
the cost at the 30% rate.
As part of the improvement project, the County will reimburse the
City 5% of the project cost for preparation of plans and specifications
and an additional 5% of the construction cost for inspection, etc.,
if the City so desires to use its own consulting engineer for pre-
paring the plans, etc.
Motion was made by Maus, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously
carried to authorize the City Consulting Engineer to prepare a
feasibility report on the improvements to County Road 75 from
Chestnut Street to the Monticello High School and including the
paving of the shoulders on the west edge of the City from Chestnut
Street to Otter Creek Road providing the Public Works Director
informs the County Board that the City is interested in only Partici-
pating at the 30% rate on the shoulders on the west edge of the City
and providing that the County acknowledges that this is the City's
scope of the project and accepts responsibility for the cost of
paving the shoulders on the east edge of Monticello. The feasibility
report would not be started by the City's Consulting Engineer until
the County Board responds to the City's scope of the project.
5. Consideration of Proposal by First National Bank of Monticello to
Create a Shared Drive with the Monticello Library.
Cecil Pagotchnik, President of the First National Bank of Lakeville,
was present at the Council meeting to inquire of the City Council as
to whether or not the City would be amenable to allowing development
of a shared driveway along the south line of the City's Library
property abutting the railroad right-of-way. The future First
National Bank of Monticello is being proposed for the property
directly east of the present Public Library,and their proposed site
plan has an entry and an exit on Fourth Street, but they also hope
to develop an exit out onto Walnut Street.
In discussing the shared driveway concept, some concerns were ex-
pressed by the Council regarding the increased traffic flow that
would occur adjacent to the Public Library's parking lot; and dis-
cussion also concerned such items as tree removals, hydrant relocations,
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storm sewer relocations that would result if a shared driveway was
installed. Mr. Pagotchnik felt that a shared driveway concept
would be beneficial to the City, as they would propose to develop
12 additional parking spaces directly east of the Library to
compensate for the lost spaces that would be taken from the City's
current parking lot for the Library. In addition, if the City
ever expanded its present Library, they would have more land
available to the east.
Although there are many items that would have to be reviewed and
discussed with the Library Board, Planning Commission, and City
Council, a motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Fair, and
unanimously carried to consider the request by the First National
Bank for a shared driveway concept and to authorize that the
concept be researched by the appropriate personnel and consultants
and presented to all the Boards involved before a decision would
be made.
6. Annual Appointments.
Minnesota Statutes require that at the first meeting of each new
year, certain appointments be made by the City Council. Appointments
necessary include City Depositories, Official Newspaper, Health
Officer, Housing and Redevelopment Authority Members, and other
committees such as Parking Committee, Planning Commission Members,
Acting Mayor, City Attorney, Consulting Planner, Consulting Engineer,
and Library Board Members.
After reviewing the particular offices and official appointment list,
motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously
carried to adopt the 1984 municipal appointments per the attached
list. See Exhibit #1.
7. Consideration of Resolution Setting 1984 Sewer User Charges.
As part of the Sewer User Ordinance, which took effect January 1,
1983, the City is required to determine sewer rates for the upcoming
year so that users will pay proportionately and fairly for the
operation and maintenance of the Wastewater Treatment Facility and
the sewer collection system. Based on the 1984 operating budget
for these facilities, Public Works Director John Simola prepared a
rate schedule for sewer user charges for the year 1984 which results
in a small decrease in the sewer rates from 1983. The combined rate
for residential, commercial, and institutional facilities decreased
approximately 2.3% to $1.25 per 100 cubic feet of flow. Industrial
users also are charged for their contribution consisting of BOD's
and suspended solids in addition to a flow rate per 100 cubic feet.
The industrial charge also shows a decrease for each category in
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Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Fair, and unanimously
carried to adopt Resolution 1984 #1 establishing the 1984 sewer
user charges as follows:
Flow $0.641/100 cubic feet
BOD $0.072/pound
TSS $0.160/pound
RPCI (lent -i A1
$8.00 minimum billing per quarter for the first 500 cubic feet
and $1.25 per 100 cubic feet or portion thereof over 500 cubic
feet per quarter.
See Resolution 1984 #1.
8. Consideration_ of Entering an Agreement with Wright County for
County State Aid Highway Maintenance.
City of Monticello has in the past years been under a contract
with the County for minor maintenance, snow plowing and sanding
on various County State Aid Roads within the City of Monticello.
A new County State Aid Highway Maintenance Agreement with Wright
County has been prepared which includes approximately 4.759 miles
of County State Aid Roads within Monticello that the City does
minor maintenance on.
Motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus, and unanimously carried
to enter into an agreement with the Wright County Highway Department
for maintenance on County State Aid Highways within the City of
Monticello. See Exhibit #2 - 84 Maintenance Agreement.
9. Consideration of Proposal to Purchase a Welder.
Public Works Director John Simola reviewed with the Council his
request to purchase a new AC/DC 250 amp welder for the Maintenance
Building facility. The City has currently a small AC utility
welder for minor maintenance tasks, and it was recommended by
the Public Works Director that a larger commercial type welder
be purchased so the City crew can do more extensive welding.
Quotes were obtained on three different brands with the cost
ranging from $806.90 to $905.25 for a 250 amp commercial welder.
It was recommended by the Public Works Director that a Miller
Dial Arc 250 welder for $905.25 be purchased, as it is identical
to a welder the City already owns at the Wastewater Treatment
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Councilman Blonigen expressed concerns over the size of the
welder the Public Works Director was proposing, as he felt
g that the City crew would not be satisfied with the 250 amp
welder but should possibly consider a larger welder. After
considerable discussion by the Council, it was the consensus
that the Public Works Director request the supplier to demonstrate
both the 250 amp welder and a 300 amp welder in an effort to
determine which model would be more suitable for the City's
needs. After Councilman Blonigen and Public Works Director
Simola have a chance to observe the demonstration of both
models, a determination could be made as to which model should
be purchased at that time.
10. Miscellanous Items.
Joint Meeting of HRA and City Council.
A joint meeting with the HRA and the City Council was scheduled
for 6:30 P.M. before the next regular Council meeting scheduled
for January 23, 1984.
Dog Pound Discussion.
City Administrator Tom Eidem reviewed with the Council some
proposed changes the City staff and Public Works Department
are proposing for the City's Dog Pound Facility. Some recommended
changes including a general clean up of the pound and also numerous
maintenance improvements along with additional food storage and
shelving was estimated at approximately $1,200 cost. Mr. Eidem
noted that if the City plans to continue its dog control program
and the use of the pound, these recommended changes should be
instituted as soon as possible.
Rick Wolf ste ler
Assistant Administrator
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Exhibit I
Wright County State Bank
Security Federal
First Bank of Minneapolis
Monticello Times
Phil White
Gary Wieber
Jack Reeve
To be determined
Don Cochran
Vic Vokaty
Bud Schrupp
Health Officer
Dr. Don Maus
OAA Rep.
Arve Grimsmo
Community Ed. Rep.
Fran Fair
Acting Mayor
Ken Maus
Joint Fire Board
Rick Wolfsteller
Planning Commission
Jim Ridgeway
Joyce Dowling
Richard Carlson
Don Cochran
Ed Schaffer
City Attorney
Gary Pringle
City Planner
Howard Dahlgren & Associates
City Engineer
Postpone to 1/23
City Auditor
Gruys Johnson
To be determined
Downtown Parking
Bud Schrupp
Lloyd Lund
John Poirier
Marn Flicker
Dennis Seitz
Library Board
Loren Klein
Marguerite Pringle
Warren Smith
Joel Erickson
Dr. Don Maus
Pat Schwarz