City Council Minutes 10-09-1984MINUTES
October 9, 1984 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Ken Maus, Jack Maxwell, Dan
Members Absent: Fran Fair
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of Minutes.
Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Maus, and unanimously
carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held September 24,
3. Citizens Conunents/Petitions, Requests and Complaints.
Burger King Corporation presented a written petition requesting
that the City of Monticello consider releasing the 12 -foot utility
easements located between Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Lauring Hillside
Addition, as indicated on the original plat of this subdivision.
Burger King is currently the owner of both lots and plans to
construct their new restaurant facility on the utility easements,
and the easements would not be necessary, as they would still
provide drainage and utility easements around the perimeter
of their entire property.
Fulfillment Systems, Inc., also had presented a written request
that the City also release utility and drainage easements on
their property in Lauring Hillside Terrace, as they also will
be building over the lot lines and will still provide drainage
easements around the perimeter of their property.
Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Maus, and unanimously
carried to hold a public hearing at the next regular Council
meeting, October 22, 1984, to consider releasing the utilities
and drainage easements as requested by Burger King and Fulfillment
Systems, Inc.
The Monticello -Big Lake Community Hospital also requested that
the City hold a public hearing to consider vacating a portion
of the platted but undeveloped River Street behind the Hospital
between the 1000 and 1200 Block area. The Hospital plans to
construct the Nursing Home behind the Hospital and would like
to build within the right-of-way of the present platted River
Street. The Hospital has indicated they would be willing to
provide the City with a new permanent easement for the City's
sewer line that is currently situated in River Street if the
vacation is approved.
Motion was made by Maus,
carried to hold a public
of River Street between
behind the Hospital for
Council Minutes - 10/9/84
seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously
hearing to consider vacating that portion
the 1000 and 1200 Block area located
November 12, 1984.
4. Consideration of a Resolution Adopting the 1985 Budget and Setting
the Tax Levy.
After a work session was held by City Council with staff members,
the proposed 1985 Tax Levy was set at $1,363,975.00.
Mr. Don Cochran, Chairman of the HRA Committee, appeared before
the Council to request that an additional $30,000.00 be added
to the Tax Levy for 1985 for the HRA Committee operations.
Mr. Cochran felt that the additional funds would provide the
HRA with a little bit of working capital which could be used
if an unexpected need arose.
After reviewing the request, motion was made by Maxwell, seconded
by Maus, and unanimously carried to adopt Resolution 1984 #41
adopting the 1985 Budget and setting the Tax Levy at $1,393,975.00.
5. Consideration of Installing a Drain in Water Reservoir.
John Simola, Public Works Director, informed the Council that
in his opinion the City should consider installing a drain in
the water reservoir for cleaning purposes. In his discussions
with the City Engineer, it was determined that the installation
of a drain would sufficiently drain the water reservoir to allow
for the cleaning periodically of the interior walls to remove
deposits that have accumulated.
Questions were raised by the Council as to whether it would
be more economical to hire a contractor to clean the reservoir
every five years or so rather than spend approximately $2,600.00
to install the drain so that Public Works employees could clean
it. Mr. Simola noted that he has not received any quotations
for contracting this service but would be willing to contact
contractors. After further discussion, motion was made by Maus,
seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to authorize the
Public Works Director to either hire a professional contractor
to clean the water reservoir or to install the drain if it seems
more economical after quotations are received from a professional
6. Consideration of Adopting a Resolution Placing the Question
of Whether or Not to Issue Bonds for a Municipal Fire Hall on
the November 5 Ballot.
Representatives of the architectural firm, TKDA, were present
and reviewed with the Council preliminary floor plans and basic
Council Minutes - 10/9/84
drawings on the proposed new Fire Hall. The architects noted
that a number of options still exist before final drawings would
be prepared and include such alternates as constructing the
building out of cement blocks or possibly a wood frame structure
with siding, or wood frame with stucco.
The Fire Hall Building Committee recommended that the Council
place the question of whether or not to issue bonds for a new
Fire Hall on the November 6 Ballot and let the voters decide.
The estimated bond issue that would be necessary for the construction
is estimated at $863,000.00. The site being considered as the
best choice for the Fire Hall location is in Block 15 at the
corner of 6th and Walnut Streets.
Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously
carried to adopt the resolution calling for a Special Election
placing the issue on the November 6 Ballot. See Resolution 1984 #42.
7. Consideration of an Application for a License to Sell Intoxicating
Liquor, On -Sale - Applicant, Stuart Hoglund DBA Oakwood Inn.
Mr. Stuart Hoglund requested an on -sale liquor license for his
proposed Oakwood Inn he is planning.
It was recommended by the City Administrator that if a license
is granted for the proposed Oakwood Inn, the annual license
fee should be paid to the City immediately.
Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously
carried to approve the issuance of an on -sale intoxicating liquor
license to Stuart Hoglund DBA Oakwood Inn contingent upon the
submission of the proper insurance and bond forms.
8. Consideration of Ratification of Public Hearing Notices.
Recently, two separate developers have approached the City with
proposals and requests to have the City of Monticello finance
the projects under Industrial Revenue Bonds.
Construction 5, Inc., also known as Washington Business Center
West, is proposing to construct a 25,000 sq. ft. commercial
office warehouse building east of Lauring Hillside Terrace and
plans to request approval of issuing Industrial Revenue Bonds
to finance the project.
A second proposal has been submitted by Mr. Dick Maw which would
involve the reconstruction of the former Metropolitan Stadium
in Bloomington, Minnesota, to property located south of I-94
i in Monticello. A preliminary request would be to issue Industrial
Revenue Bonds in the amount of approximately $20,000,000.00.
Council Minutes - 10/9/84
Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Maus, to adopt Resolutions
1984 #43 and #44 establishing a public hearing date to consider
the proposals by the above two developers to use Industrial
Revenue Bonds to finance their projects. The date of the public
hearing would be Monday, October 15, 1984. Voting in favor
was Maxwell, Maus, and Grimsmo. Voting in the opposition was
Blonigen due to a conflict of this date.
9. Consideration of Contracting a Portion of City Services.
The Public Works Director, John Simola, reviewed with the Council
four services he felt the City of Monticello could contract
out this winter. The four areas included 1) the hauling of
snow from Broadway and Highway 25, 2) plowing of all municipal
parking lots within the City of Monticello, 3) contracting for
snow hauling from municipal parking lots, 4) contracting plowing
and cleaning of the sidewalk from the elementary school to the
high school on Broadway. Mr. Simola presented calculations
for all four operations, calculating City labor cost and equipment
cost and comparing this to estimates for contracting similar
services. Mr. Simola felt that in all four areas, the City
of Monticello could still provide these services cheaper than
contracting with private firms, but these figures were disputed
by Councilman Blonigen, who felt they were not accurate representations
of the actual City cost.
Mr. Simola noted that the Public Works Department needs an additional
full-time employee not only for the extra work required during
the winter months but also throughout the year including parks,
Dutch Elm Disease, and other activities. It was noted by the
Public Works Director that even if an additional employee was
hired, there may be cases where contracting for such items as
plowing of the municipal lots or removing snow from Broadway
might be desirable for faster service. An additional employee
would not solve all of the problems with snowplowing and hauling
but would provide additional help to enable the snowplowing
operation to continue during snowfalls, whereas now the crews
may have to be pulled off the street due to fatigue, etc.
Considerable discussion took place regarding the hiring of an
additional employee vs. contracting, and it was felt that even
with an additional employee, the Public Works Director should
still consider contacting private contractors who would be available
for emergency snowplowing in municipal lots or snow hauling
if needed.
Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Maus, to authorize the
Public Works Director to advertise for an additional full-time
Public Works Department employee. Voting in favor was Maxwell,
Maus, and Grimsmo. Voting in the opposition was Blonigen, who
felt additional cost information should have been available
prior to this action.
Council Minutes - 10/9/84
10. Consideration of Final Payment for Project 82-2, Meadow Oak.
A final payment request has been submitted by Richard Knutson,
Inc., the general contractor on the 82-2 Improvement Project
in Meadow Oak Subdivision. The final payment amount has been
recommended for approval by the City Engineering Firm in the
amount of $53,659.86 provided some minor adjustments were made
to some gate valves, etc.
Motion was made by Maus, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously
carried to approve final payment to Richard Knutson, Inc., in
the amount of $53,659.86 for Project 82-2 contingent upon repairs
being made to the two gate valves as noted by the Public Works
Rick Wolfstel r
Assistant Administrator