City Council Minutes 08-24-1987MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 24, 1987 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen Members Absent: None 2. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held August 10, and the special meeting held August 17, 1987. 4. Wright County Recycling Program - Slide Presentation. Ms. Val Donahue, Wright County Recycling Program Coordinator attended the Council meeting and presented a 20 -minute slide presentation which briefly outlined the possible ways the City of Monticello and other communities in Wright County can implement a recycling program in an effort to reduce the amount of waste being disposed of in landfills. Ms. Donahue noted that the County is in the process of developing a facility for composting refuse in the future and such items as aluminum cans, glass, papers, and plastic items are not suitable for composting and should be recycled. Ms. Donahue noted that she would be willing to work with any task force established in an effort to meet with civic groups and organizations to encourage recycling in the future. Public Works Director, ,john Simola, also felt that the City should begin efforts to encourage recycling and agreed to work with Councilmember Bill Fair and Ms. Donahue in meeting with civic groups and organizations to start implementing a recycling program. 5. Public Hearing to Consider the Vacation of Property Line Easements Within Lauring Hillside Addition. The United States Postal Service has obtained an option on Lots 3 and 4, Block 2, Lauring Hillside Terrace Addition, for the purpose of developing a new Post Office facility. As part of their development plans, they have requested the lot line utility easements be vacated in the center of the property to allow for the location of the new facility. Hearing no comments from the public, the public hearing was closed. It was noted by the City staff that the easements Council Minutes - 8/24/87 Page 2 requested to be vacated would not cause a problem, as a 6 -foot easement around the perimeter of both lots still existed for drainage and utility purposes. As a result, motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Fran Fair, to vacate the 6 -foot utility and drainage easements adjoining the lot lines between Lot 3 and 4, Block 2, Lauring Hillside Terrace, contingent upon an approved site development plan being presented by the Postal Service. Voting in favor was Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen. Mayor Arve Grimsmo abstained due to a possible conflict of interest. 6. Public Hearing to Consider Modification of Finance Plan for Tax Increment District #2. 011ie Koropchak, Economic Development Director, informed the Council that the HRA is in the process of acquiring the Monticello Ford property on West Broadway which is located in Tax Increment Redevelopment District #2. The HRA and Planning Commission have recently approved a modification to this District that would allow for the tax increments being generated from the District to be used to acquire additional property over the remaining life of the District. In order to accomplish the purchase, the Tax Increment Finance Plan must be modified by the additional cost of the acquisition. The total project cost for the modification would total $90,000, which would be recaptured from the additional tax increments estimated at approximately $17,300 per year from within the District. Hearing no comments from the public, the public hearing was closed and a motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Bill Fair, and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution adopting Modification #2 to the existing Tax Increment Finance Plan for Redevelopment District #2. See Resolution 87-23. 7. Consideration of Conditional Use Request to Allow a Beauty Shop as a Home Occupation in an R-1 Zone. Applicant, Joann Hoerchler. Ms. Hoerchler had requested a conditional use permit to operate an in-home beauty shop out of their recently purchased home in Ritze Manor Addition. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the conditional use permit. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously carried to approve the conditional use permit allowing the beauty shop to exist as a home occupation provided it is occupied by one operator only. Council Minutes - 8/24/87 Page 3 8. Consideration of Conditional Use Request to Allow Major Auto Repair in a B-4 Zone. Applicant, Fred & Patricia Culp. Mr. Fred Culp recently purchased the former Broadway Auto Repair business and requested a conditional use permit to allow continuation of a major auto repair facility in a B-4 Zone. Mr. Culp has started to clean up the property and plans on defining customer parking space and complete landscaping along the boulevard with shrubs and a grass area. The Planning Commission reviewed the conditional use request and recommended approval contingent upon six conditions being met by the new operator as follows: a. Off-street customer parking space be striped on the existing bituminous off-street parking surface as shown on the enclosed site plan. b. Employee parking area must be in the area immediately east of the existing building. c. The existing semi -trailer parked on the north side of the building be removed in a period of time as recommended by the City Council. d. The solid screening fence be installed along the entire north side of the property on a portion of the east side of the property from the northeast corner up to the end of the northwest corner of the Post Office building. e. The front boulevard portion of this site be installed as per site plan. f. The conditional use permit be granted for a period of up to one year. At that time, it would be reviewed by the Zoning Administrator. Mr. Culp had requested that the existing semi -trailer which is parked at the rear of the building be allowed to remain until October 31 at which time it would be removed. In addition, he requested a one year time period to allow for the construction of a property line screening fence to be installed along the south and east property line. After reviewing the property improvements planned, motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously carried to grant a one year conditional use permit for a major auto repair facility contingent upon the applicant meeting the six requirements and allowing the semi -trailer to exist on the property until October 31, 1987, and allowance of up to one year to complete the fencing requirement. a 10. Council Minutes - 8/24/87 Page 4 Consideration of Cable Franchise Ordinance Amendment. On March 23, 1987, the City Council adopted a resolution approving the transfer of ownership of the cable system from Rite Cable Company to Jones Intercable, Inc. The final step in the transfer of ownership process involves the adoption of a formal ordinance amendment by each of the ten cities involved in the Cable Commission amending the cable franchise ordinance. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously carried to adopt Ordinance Amendment No. 157 which makes reference to Jones Intercable, Inc., as being the new owner of the franchise agreement. Consideration of Change Orders #7-10 for 86-1 Project. In preparation for finaling out the 1986-1 Interceptor Sewer Project, the general contractor, L & G Rehbein, Inc., had requested extra compensation for various items during the project. Change Orders No. 7, 81 9, and 10 were prepared after meetings with the contractor by the City's Consulting Engineer. The first change order involves extra compensation for additional backfill material that was needed to bring the property up to grade between Ramsey Street and Cedar Street in the amount of $6,598.48. The second change order in the amount of $948.75 was to compensate for the replacement of a well pump the contractor had to install at a private residence whose well had gone dry and damaged the pump. The third change order, #9, involved $8,275.23 for excess depth excavation at the start of the project near Washington Street and the railroad tracks. The final change order, #10, involved compensating the contractor one-half of the estimated savings totaling $3,730 when the contractor supported existing sewer lines and was able to work around them rather than replacing the storm sewer. The total of Change Orders 7-10 amounted to $19,552.46. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Warren Smith, and unanimously carried to approve Change Orders 7-10 totaling $19,552.46 on the Interceptor Sewer Project for L & G Rehbein, Inc. lI. Consideration of Final Payment on 86-1 Project. With the addition of Change Orders 7-10, the total contract price for the Interceptor Sewer Project, including cost overruns for extra quantities and repairs to the 77-3 force main project, totaled $1,085,399.12. The final payment still to be made to the contractor is $27,058.96. Consulting Engineer, OSM, Council Minutes - 8/24/87 Page 5 recommended that final payment in the above amount be made contingent upon the contractor supplying lien waivers and required documentation has been submitted to the City of Monticello. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Warren Smith, and unanimously carried to authorize final payment in the amount of $27,058.96 to L & G Rehbein on the 86-1 Interceptor Sewer Project contingent upon all lien waivers and state tax forms being submitted as required. 12. Consideration of Setting a Public Hearing for Adoption of Assessment Rolls on 86-1 Project and Highway 25 Improvement Project. With the completion of the 86-1 Interceptor Sewer Project, the City expects final figures which can be used to set assessments for the street improvements and water improvements on Chestnut Street, the street improvement along with water and sewer improvements to Fifth Street, street improvements and water improvements to Locust Street, and water and storm sewer stubs for the Lucius Johnson property at Sixth Street and Linn, along with Minnesota Street utility improvements. In addition, a semi-final cost on the Highway 25 improvement project will be available; and as such, it was recommended that a public hearing for the adoption of the assessment rolls .for the above projects be scheduled September 28, 1987. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution authorizing the preparation of the assessment roll for the 86-1 Interceptor Sewer Project and the Highway 25 Improvement Project, and to hold an assessment hearing on September 28, 1987. See Resolution 87-24, and 87-25. 13. Consideration of Purchase of Replacement Pickup for Public Works Department. As part of the 1987 Budget, $6,000 was budgeted for replacing the Public Works Department pickup. Public Works Director, John Simola, presented a list of four used pickups that had been located in the Monticello area that were felt to be acceptable replacement units. With the trade-in of the existing 1972 Chevrolet pickup, the net price of the vehicles were between approximately $5,000 and $7,500 depending on which model was selected and whether or not the 1972 pickup was sold outright or traded in. Mr. Simola noted that any of the vehicles would be acceptable replacements, but did note that the 1987 Ford pickup with 8,000 miles on it available from Curt Hoglund would still have a 2 -year, 24,000 mile warranty; but the cost was approximately $1,500 higher than budgeted for. Council Minutes - 8/24/87 Page 6 Mayor Grimsmo questioned whether the City shouldn't be purchasing a new vehicle and trading after so many years rather than searching for used equipment. Mr. Simola felt that in the long run it was more economical to seek a used vehicle with lower mileage that was determined to be in good shape but would have no objection to purchasing a new vehicle if the Council so desired. He did recommend that the 1987 Ford pickup with 8,000 miles would appear to save the City a couple thousand dollars over a new one; and this vehicle would still be under warranty, etc. As a result, a motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously carried to authorize the purchase of the 1987 Ford pickup from Curt Hoglund with the trade-in of the 1972 Chev at a net cost of $7,500. 14. Consideration of Planning Commission Appointment. Recently, the Planning Commission had been seeking applicants for the Planning Commission to replace Barb Koropchak, who had resigned effective August 11, 1987. Four potential applicants had attended the Planning Commission meeting for an interview. Those in attendance were Candi Thilquist, Christopher Maas, and Ellen Maxwell, City of Monticello residents, and Cindy Lemm, Monticello Township resident. The Planning Commission's recommendation to the City Council was to appoint Cindy Lemm as Planning Commission member to fill the unexpired term of Barb Koropchak. Mayor Grimsmo and Councilmember Warren Smith noted that they felt a little uncomfortable with appointing a Township resident to the City Planning Commission to make decisions that may affect City taxpayers but were willing to go along with the Planning Commission recommendation. As a result, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Bill Fair, to ratify the Planning Commission's recommendation and appoint Cindy Lemm to fill the unexpired Planning Commission term. Voting in favor was Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Warren Smith. voting in opposition was Dan Blonigen, as he felt a City resident should be appointed to the Commission rather than a Township resident at this time. 15. Consideration of Bills for the Month of August. Motion was made by Dan } unanimously carried to as presented. Blonigen, seconded by Bill Fair, and approve the bills for the month of August Council Minutes - 8/24/87 Page 7 16. General Discussion. Update on River Bridge. The Public Works Director informed the Council that he had been in contact with the bridge contractor, Johnson Brothers Construction, regarding the feasibility of the existing bridge remaining rather than being demolished. The contractor has been developing a revised plan design and felt there was a possibility the new bridge could be constructed without demolition of the existing bridge. The next step will be to meet with MN/DOT representatives to see if it would be agreeable to them to have the bridge remain and be taken over by the City. After that there are still a number of steps to clear, including the Corp of Engineer's approval; and then if it is still feasible at this point, more research would have to be completed regarding what types of funds would be available, if any, for continual maintenance and renovation of the bridge to incorporate its use into the park system. Discussion on Cruising Problem on Broadway. In light of recent complaints regarding the increasing problem with traffic and the number of people on Broadway during the weekends, the City Administrator had contacted the Wright County Sheriff's Department, who indicated a willingness to meet with City officials regarding a possible task force that could be set up to review and tackle the problem for next year. It was the Council's consensus that Sheriff Darrell Wolff and/or Lieutenant Don Hozempa be in attendance at the next meeting to discuss this problem. East County Road 39 Improvement. Public Works Director updated the Council on the status of the realignment of East County Road 39 and improvements on County Road 75 intersection. He noted that Wright County is nearing completion of its design standards for this intersection, and the City will have to decide in the near future what type of frontage road should be constructed to serve MacArlund Plaza development for access purposes. A number of alternatives exist to provide adequate access. It was the Council consensus that all members would meet at the Curt Hoglund site at 6:45 p.m. prior to the next regularly scheduled Council meeting to review he alternatives available. Rick Wolf seeller City Administrator