City Council Minutes 09-28-1987 SpecialMINUTES
September 28, 1987 - 6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Warren Smith,
Dan Blonigen
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Rick Wolfsteller, ,john Simola
The purpose of the special meeting was to review the preliminary 1988 budget
prior to the public hearing scheduled for the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m.
An opening statement by Mayor Grimsmo noted that the proposed levy increase
of $144,470 would amount to approximately an 8.6 percent increase over 1987
with a total tax levy proposed of $1,821,370. Based on the 1986 assessed
valuation, this would result in a mill rate of approximately 17 mills; but it
was noted that in reality, the City's assessed valuation is expected to rise
once the County determines final valuation figures for the City and the
resulting mill rate should be in the 16+ range.
The Council reviewed the proposed capital outlay revolving fund expenditures
proposed of $238,000, which consisted of allocations for improvement of East
County Road 39, including frontage road and intersection cost totaling
$113,000, and noted that $125,000 had been allocated for cost of renovating
and upgrading the existing Mississippi River bridge if the City is allowed to
obtain ownership of the bridge for park purposes.
In discussions regarding the shade tree disease control program, it was noted
that the City, for the past eight or nine years, has charged $120 to each
home owner who has had the City remove its diseased Elm tree; and it was
recommended by the Administrator that the Council consider increasing this
fee to $175, which is still estimated to be only one-third of the actual
cost. It was the consensus of the Council that for 1988, the new $175 fee be
instituted. After further review of the proposed budget, it was the
consensus that the proposed budget and tax levy be recommended for approval
at the public hearing. The meeting was adjourned to the Council Chambers for
the regularly scheduled meeting.
Ric WolfsteVler
City Administrator