City Council Ordinance 521ASUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 521A
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on December 13, 2010, Ordinance No. 521 was adopted by
the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Due to the lengthy nature of Ordinance
No. 521, the following summary of the ordinance has been prepared for publication as authorized
by state law.
Section 1. The Fee Schedule category, Cemetery_ Fees, of the Monticello City Code shall be
amended as follows:
A. Change the following fees.
Grave Purchasing Fee: Resident Non -Resident
Full Grave (4'x l2') Flush Marker Area $7-50 $800 $9-50 $1,000
Full Grave (4'x12') Raised Marker Area $800 $900 $4;099 $1,100
Section 2. The Fee Schedule category, Community Center, of the Monticello City Code shall
be amended as follows:
A. Insert heading "Membership Fees: " at beginning of rate section.
B. Insert the following at the end of the section for "Membership Fees:".
Childcare option with Membership $5/month for each child
C. Insert the following at the end of the section "Hourly Room Rental Rates:".
Rental event with alcohol (not weddings) * Resident Rezular Organization
*2 hour minimum (reserve within 3 months of event) $125 per hour $137 per hour $115 per hour
D. Insert the following section.
Gymnasium Rental Rates:
Gym -prime time
Gym - non prime time
Full Kitchen
$75 flat fee
$75 flat fee
Energy Fee
$75 flat fee
$75 flat fee
Damage Deposit
1/2 of rental fees
1/2 of rental fees
Early set up fee
E. Insert the following section.
Locker fees: $5/month per locker
F. Change the following fees.
Park Rental Rates:
Ellison Gazebo
Ellison Log Shelter
West Bridge Shelter/Warm Hse
West Bridge Picnic Shelter
Pioneer Park
Groveland Park Picnic Shelter
$75 $100
$ $100 for 6 hrs
$75er 4 heur-s $100 for 6 hrs
$100 for 6 hrs
encf N 4 hours $100 for 6 hrs
$-7 $100 for 6 hrs
$48/hour - Max. $500
$32/hour - Max. $500
$75 flat fee
$75 flat fee
1/2 of rental fees
Non -Resident
$4-00 $125
ems $125 for 6 hrs
$125 for 6 hrs
$125 for 6 hrs
$125 for 6 hrs
$40 $125 for 6 hrs
Otter Creek $50 for 6 hrs els f N 4 h, u s $75 for 6 hrs
East Bridge/Gazebo $100 for 6 hrs $159jeNs $125 for 6 hrs
Section 3. The Fee Schedule category, Community Development — Buildine, of the
Monticello City Code shall be amended as follows:
A. Change the "Grading Permit" section as follows.
New Single -Family Residential Development,
Multi -Dwelling, Commercial & Industrial Properties: ,
drainage ealeulation review 4= restoration; surety,
No drainage calculation review required:
$150 per permit plus restoration surety bond of
$3000/first acre; $1500 each additional acre.
Drainage calculation review required:
$350 per permit plus restoration surety bond of
$3000/first acre; $1500 each additional acre.
Section 4. The Fee Schedule category, Licenses/Permits, of the Monticello City Code shall
be amended as follows:
A. Change the following fees.
Pawn Shop: Annual license $25 annual heens„
Transaction fee
$1.00/per transaction
Section 5. The Fee Schedule category, Miscellaneous Items, of the Monticello City Code
shall be amended as follows:
A. Change the "Copies" section as follows.
-•'��ne emailed $35.00/hour (minimum 1/4 hour; tax included)
electronic media $10.00 + cost of media plus tax
B. Change the following (which can be downloaded from the city website).
City Ordinances:
Entire set of ordinances To obtain paper copies, contact City Hall.
Zoning Ordinance Charges based on prices listed under "Copies. "
Subdivision Ordinance $8 plus tax
City Code $20 plus tax
Sanitary Sewer
Assessment Policy $2.50
City Maps
Meeting Agendas/Minutes
C. Delete the following section.
City Uapa 93
City, map (Sma/411 $1 (ineludes tax)
Zo g -map $3
St-ate-mapa $.55
Wright GeunP
4rfinutes/ 1 en •s- -aK-e WJE
Maik-d ,$7.-90,49e
Afinutes. GD qfpreeeedinga V0.00 (plus t-- I
Section 6. The Fee Schedule category, Public Works, of the Monticello City Code shall be
amended as follows:
A. Change the "Boulevard Disease Tree Removal" section as follows.
If City is contracted for tree removal,
a ereditaf 1,1-2 the eest ef Femoval up to $225 per tree, with Fesident responsibleor the eost efsales tax.
the City will pay 1/2 the cost of removal up to $225 per tree, with resident responsible for the balance.
Section 7. The Fee Schedule category, Sanitary Sewer, of the Monticello City Code shall be
amended as follows:
A. Change the following sewer rate fees.
Sewer Rates: 1 st 3740 gallons. $15. 15 mhqimum $16.75 minimum
Over 3740 gallons. $'. 75 per 748 gall $3.00 per 748 gallons
Industrial Sewer Rates: 0-3740 gallons. $15. j5 * *N,,. $16.75 minimum
Over 3740 gallons dens $3.00 /748 gallons
BODS: Q0�54b, 0.300/lb.
TSS:0 ?gib 0. 40011b.
Testing Actual costs + 10%
Sewer Discharge Environmental Fee:
All Sewer Customers 1 % of Sew,U 1,;11 2% of sewer bill
B. Insert the following section.
Waste Water Discharge Permit:
10, 000 to 15, 000 GPD
$50 annually
15, 001 to 25, 000 GPD
$100 annually
25, 001 to 50, 000 GPD
$150 annually
50,001 to 100,000 GPD
$250 annually
over 100,000 GPD
$300 annually
Section 8. The Fee Schedule category, Waste Items, of the Monticello City Code shall be
amended as follows:
A. Delete the following section.
Garbage Garts Residential,- 90 gallo Qmz-per quarter 1 9.75% tax�
60 gallo $3.291ger quarter (inel. 9.75%
]7 % tax) -
3, gallery $2 n6 r quarter/ nel Q 7% tax)
Section 9. The Fee Schedule category, Water, of the Monticello City Code shall be amended
as follows:
A. Change the following water rate fees.
Resid. Water: 0-3740 gallons $13. 00 mininium $14.30 minimum
3741-29,920 gallons $0.85448 gallens 0.95/748 gallons
aveP29920galleHs 29,921-100,000 gallons $0.95448 gageiis 1.10/748 gallons
over 100, 000 gallons 1.20/748 gallons
Minimum Bill for Malfunctioning Meter $150 after 4th contact attempt
Comm Water Rate, Mtr 1
1st 3740 gallons $14.30 minimum + sales tax
Over 3740 gage ns 3741-29,920 gallons 0.95/748 gallons + sales tax
29,92 ]-100, 000 gallons 1.10/748 gallons + sales tax
over 100, 000 gallons 1.20/748 gallons + sales tax
Res., Twnhms & Comm Irrigation Water Rate
1st 3740 gallons $14.30 minimum + sales tax
Over 2740 gagens 3741-29,920 gallons 0.95/748 gallons +sales tax
29,92 1 -100, 000 gallons 1.10/748 gallons +sales tax
over 100, 000 gallons 1.20/748 gallons +sales tax
B. Change the "Water Meters" section as follows.
Water Meters: 5/8" meter $330.00 = ales t,.v $370 + sales tax
3/4" meter $400 + sales tax
1" meter $410 + sales tax
1 1/2" meter $600 + sales tax
2" meter + up Cost + $50 + sales tax
1" Valves $29.00 4 sales t $45 + sales tax
C. Change the "Water Violations" section as follows.
Water Violations (sprinkling):
1st Violation No Fee
2nd Violation $2-5 $50
Each Subsequent Violation $100/per violation
Section 10. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and
publication according to law.
Section 11. A printed copy of the whole ordinance is available for inspection by any person
during the City's regular office hours. The 2011 Fee Schedule as adopted will be
posted on the City website after January 1, 2011.
APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota,
this 13th day of December, 2010.
Clint Herbst, Mayor
Jeff City Administrator
VOTING IN FAVOR: Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf
ABSENT: Susie Wojchouski