HRA Minutes 06-09-1999 . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, .June 9, 1999 - 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Chair Bob Murray, Brad Barger, Darrin Lahr and Dan Frie. Member Steve Andrews was absent. Council Member: Brian Stumpf Staff Present: Executive Director Ollie Koropchak and Recording Secretary Lori Kraemer 1 . Call to Order Chair Bob Murray called the HRA meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve the Mav 12. 1999 HRA minutes. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER AND SECONDED BY DARRIN LAHR TO APPROVE THE MINUTES, AS WRITTEN, OF THE HRA MEETING OF MA Y 12, 1999. Motion carried lmanimously. 3. Consideration of adding agenda items. Executive Director Ollie Koropchak asked to add two items to the agenda. a. Consideration of Ed Kauffmann to review using TIF for a condominium development on 6th Street and Minnesota Street. This item was added to 7B. b. Consideration of putting plan for TIF District 1-22 under the Executive Director's report. 4. Consent Agenda. a. Consideration to adopt a resolution approving the modification of TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-22 and to adopt a resolution approving the Pledge Agreement between the HRA and City. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO -l~ . . . TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MODIFIED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND A MODIFIED TIF PLAN FOR TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-22, with the addition of the block number which was not listed (Block 1). Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING TAX INCREMENT PLEDGE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF MON'I'ICELLO, MINNESOTA, AND THE MON'rICELLO HRA. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None 6. Consideration to swap HRA lot and Grassl lot on West Broadway. This item was an add-on item to the lIRA agenda of May 12. Bill Grassl, Domino's Pizza, asked the HRA to consider swapping his parcel located on the south side of West Broadway for the HRA's lot located on the north side of West Broadway. Square footage of lots are 7,095 and 10,065 respectively. The HRA 1996 appraisal of the northerly parcel was $37,000 and was purchased for $50,000. Prior to the HRA meeting, Mr. Grassl inquired of the City's interest to purchase a 6-foot strip of his southerly lot giving the City the opportunity to create a walkway between the business storefronts and the rear private and public parking lots consistent with the Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan. Hearing of Mr. Grassl's interest to swap, the Council deferred the item to the HRA prior to taking action to acquire the 6-foot strip. There was discussion regarding the feedback from the Council, DA T, MCP, Planning Commission and North Anchor Committee with the DA T being the only committee recommending to swap the individual lots. After further discussion on how the HRA could help Mr. Grassl with his request, it was suggested that Mr. Grassl retain air rights of approximately] 0 feet above the walkway. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE OF NO INTEREST TO SWAP THE HRA LOT AND THE GRASSL LOT WITH A RECOMMENDA TION THE CITY COUNCIL CONSIDER PURCHASING A 6-FOOT STRIP OF THE GRASSL LOT TO CREATE A W ALKW A Y FROM THE STOREFRONT TO THE PARKING LOTS CONSISTENT WITH THE REVIT ALIZA nON PLAN. Motion carried unanimously. -2- . . . 7. Consideration to hear a presentation in concept form for development of a multi-housing facility and consideration of interest to provide TIF assistance. Harold Jesh called the Office of the HRA inquiring to the need for multi-housing in Monticello and the opportunity for TIF assistance. Mr, Jesh previously worked for Winkelman Building Corporation of St. Cloud and since formed a limited liability company. Harold presented a brief discussion requesting the lIRA consider awarding nF for this housing project which would include approximately 4 one bcdrooms, 2 three bedrooms and the rest would be large two bedrooms. They would include fireplaces and garages and rent for approximately $600 per month. All units would be at market rate except 20% which would be set aside for four-member families. Mr. Jesh stated this projected could not be done without TIF assistance. He has not done a complete comparison with other rental units in Monticello but would be willing to do so if the BRA shows an interest in this concept. Mr. Jesh was asked, assuming the location is acceptable, to compare other 2 and 3 bedroom rentals in Monticello with comparable amenities. He estimated the need for 15 years of available tax inerement or 90%. The HRA would like more direction from the council once morc facts arc received and questioned whether it was a priority of the HRA to use TIF for market rate housing. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO TABLE ANY ACTION AS PROJECT IS PREMATURE TO GAGE INTEREST TO PROVIDE TIF ASSISTANCE, AND REQUESTED DIRECTION FROM THE CITY COUNCIL RELATIVE TO THE USE OF TIF ASSISTANCE FOR MARKET RATE HOUSING. Motion carried unanimously. 78 Consideration of proposal by Ed Kauflmann for possible TIF assistance for a condominium development near Sixth Street and Minnesota Street. Ollie Koropchak introduced Ed Kauffmann who addressed the HRA board and handed out maps of his concept plan for Minnesota Street & 6th Street for a 20 unit condo development. Presently, there arc 4 substandard houses on these lots. The previous city council identified these as shanty town. Lots 3, 4, 5, and parts of 6 & 7 which currently have 4 houses on them and require demolition. It was previously suggested by the Mayor & Jeff O'Neill to possibly add more housing to get the numbers up, the zoning is right, and they have gone thru Steve Grittman and Jeff O'Neill who liked the idea. Ed stated it will take TIF money to put the -3- . . . project together. Koropchak had previously ran the T1F estimates and stated a I-lousing District is suggested, as a Redevelopment District docs not meet creation requirements. Mr. Kauffmann stated the units would not be rentals, but sold to individuals and the property would be taken care of by an association. Mr. Kauffmann currently owns 1 lot, and had previously spoken to the owners of the current homes who stated their interest in selling and would need to own all lots in order to make the development work. The board agreed that getting rid of the housing that is presently thcre and replacing with this typc of affordable housing would bc a good dccision. Koropchak inquired if there were relocation benefits offered to the current owners and Mr. Kauffmann statcd no. Waivers should be signed as the HRA must inform people of their relocation rights. The consensus of the board was that they were not committed, but interested. Mr. Kauffmann stated that he would have numbers put together for the next time hc meets with the board. No action was necessary. ~ Consideration to authorize payment of the past due water utilitv bill and authorize change of Jocks for the HRA property located a 3 Walnut Street. Since the May BRA meeting, as attached, is the communication with WCCA and the commitment to pay $1,100 of the past due rent for 3 Walnut Street. In addition, Tammy has paid the remaining past due balane of$225 and $300 toward June's rent with the remaining expected this Friday. The new house lease of June 1, 1999, between the HRA and Tammy Hacker is awaiting HRA signature. Koropchak gave background stating that sinee the last HRA meeting, Tammy has made payments and referred to the letters. Tammy was looking to pay the past due utility bill herself. Ollie didn't see the need for HRA to pay. She also stated there have been several complaints to city hall regarding the property and several un licenced cars parked there, as well as debris such as sofas and carpet. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller sent City Inspector Gary Anderson to check on these complaints and cited the un licenced vehicles. Rick Wolfsteller agrees to give notice to the renters if proper clean up of the debris is not done. The commissioners requested Koropchak draft a letter stating a 30-day notice to terminate if cleaned up is not done and request the city cite other properties, if applicable, along Front Street. -4- . . . A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAlIR AND SECONDED BY DAN flUE TO AUTHORIZE PA YMENT OF THE $84.88 WArER UTILITY BILL IF UNPAID BY JULY 16, 1999 AND THE HRA NOT TO CHANGE LOCKS FOR TIlE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3 WALNUT STREET UNTIL AFTER THE 30 DAY NOTICE; IIOWEVER, GAVE TAMMY PERMISSION TO CHANGE THE LOCKS HERSELF A T HER EXPENSE PRIOR TO THIS 30 DAY PERIOD AS LONG AS A KEY IS GIVEN TO TI IE CITY. Motion carricd unanimously. 9. Consideration to adopt a resolution recommending the City COlillcil authorize city staff to begin preparation for acquisition ofthc Goeman/Chadwick properties for industrial development. In 1996 and 1998, the HRA committed $75,000 each year for industrial development and requested the City to match the funds. Therefore, a reserve fund of $300,000 exists for industrial development. A few years ago, the IDC called a meeting of the Council and commissions to stress the importance of industrial development and to create an awareness of aggressi ve industrial development programs offered by other communities. It appeared those communities owncd industrial parks and recognized the importance of being "rcady for business". Koropchak advised commissioners of the revised resolution consistent with the IDC motion. In working with prospects, Koropchak was informed by the marketing personnel, the owner prefers to hold onto this property. The HRA is requested to adopt the resolution which will go to city council on 6/14/99. City staff received two appraisals on this property. The Chadwick property (85 acres): $275,000 & $290,000 and Second: $375,000 to $410,000. The Goeman property (95 acres): $305,000 to $325,000 and Second: $440,000 to $495,000. The city would need to buy the property and perhaps the HRA would manage & market the property. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL ACTIVEL Y PURSUE ACQUISITION OF THE GOEMAN/CHADWICK PROPERTIES FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, AND AUTHORIZE CITY STAFF TO BEGIN PREPARATION THEREOF. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of an update relating to the non-certification and tax increment payment for TIF District No. 1-18 and authorization of action if so determined. Ollie Koropchak gave a briefrcview of the May 12 HRA meeting where the HRA was informed of an upcoming letter from RDI. Attached is the RDI letter and my response of May 27. Upon rcquest ofRDI, this appears on the lIRA agenda. Although the HRA -5- . . . attorney received a copy of the May 27 letter. Koropchak later requested comments from the HRA attorney as a reaffirmation to the May 27 letter. Attorney Bubul agreed and mentioned the HRA could make amcndments if saw fit but basically agreed not to amend the contract. Ollie is 99% sure requirements will be met and thcy will get thc full amount. Koropchak stated the HRA should pay them the amount they have coming total from last year and this ycar, this year. It may not nced to be amendcd. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER AND SECONDED BY DARRIN LAHR TO CONTINUE FOR MORE INFORMATION. YEAS: NAYS: ABSTAIN: Members Barger, Lahr and Frie. None Member Murray Motion carried. 11. Consideration to authorize payment of monthly HRA bills. The golf invoice was put under the marketing budget. Mainline bill belongs to EDA for loan closing on 6/1/99. The company has rcimbursed the EDA. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF BILLS. Motion carricd unanimously. 12. Consideration of Executive Director's report. Ms. Koropchak reviewed the Executive Director's Report which was accepted. Bob & Ollie went to visit Die Casting Co. regarding the 35,000 to 40,000 sq. ft. Last week the prospect team individually met with Die Cast and looked at Monticello sites a second time. Lenny Kirscht provided the uses and sources funding statement. Darrin Lahr commented these were very impressive individuals, very interested in Monticello- looking at starting up new process and being closer to their vendors, airport, etc. Bob Murray stated there was a logistics problem and they were looking at Wisconsin, but someone wanted to be closer to Watertown. He would carry more weight in this discussion. Ollie stated they ruled out Wisconsin; Becker was also mentioned. -6- . . . Koropchak also received an inquiry to NSP economic development, manufacturer of refrigeration systems. She spoke with Paul at NSP who has not yet received follow-up. Additionally, there has been eon tact with someone interested in leasing 3,000 to 5,000 sq. ft., as well as interest in 75 - 100 acres by a larger user, who was locally recommended, but no further contact. Public Law Update: Ollie gave handouts on the Section in this book relating to TIF enforcement. Koropchak gave HRA members copies of the TIF plan for District 1-22. The budget and plan notes public utilities and public improvements are eligible expenditures. Koropchak wanted to clarify improvements for Walnut Street were eligible costs; however, the HRA's prior discussion to allocate dollars for removal of blight areas was acceptable. 13. Consideration of Committee Reports a. City Council/Brian Stumpf - Has no information. Ollie requested on behalf of HRA, for guidance/direction from city council as to what council sees as priorities of the HRA. Darrin Lahr asked that it was brought to the Mayor's attention some concerns the they have on communication between the HRA and city council. Stumpf stated he would convey these concerns to the council. b. Community Center/Bob Murray: Small group has not met for 3 weeks, next meeting is June 24th. We have new director of community center and the basic layouts of the center. Nothing else to report on other than everything going according to schedule. c. MCP/Steve Andrews - Koropchak reported Amanda will work Mondays and Fridays in the office with Joann Hagerson working opposite days while they advertise. They are hoping to hire by 1 stof August. d. Marketing/Brad Barger and Darrin Lahr - Nothing new to report. Ollie reminded them that the tour was canceled due to lack of interest, but Golf outing went on with 14 golfers. Ollie would like to change this event to every other year. e. North Anchor/Bob Murray and Dan Frie - Dan was unable to attend last meeting.:. Bob attended and stated they will retain Bridge Park as it is, as well as the area of 3 blocks along the water to remain as park land. Identified/targeted 5 year and -7- . . . 20 year boundaries and requested council commit to an annual appropriation of $200,000 until all properties are acquired. Will be developing general principles and guidelines for development of North Anchor allowing developers flexibility for creativity. They need to define a short term boundary and identify the fact that the park will remain as a park with a few changes. They also need to look at uses and what they would like to see there, as well as define what goes where which limits what a developer can offer. Would like to keep it "open" to ideas. Compiled recommendations will be submitted to city council in July. 14. Other Business 15. Adjournment A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO ADJOURN THE HRA MEETING AT 9:55 P.M. Motion was carried unanimously. ~ ("......--. J.../J""'--_.- ..........-..... /- Chair, Bob Murray / -8~