City Council Minutes 02-22-1988MINUTES
Monday, February 22, 1988 - 7:30 p.m.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Bill Fair, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen
Members Absent: Fran Fair
2. Approval of Minutes.
Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously
carried to approve the minutes of the special meeting held January 13
and regular meeting held February 8, 1988.
4. Consideration of Feasibility Study for Sewer and Water Extension --West
County Road 39 --Bette Grossnickle Property.
City Engineer, John Badalich, presented a feasibility study on the
possibility of extending sewer and water services from the location of
Country Club Road and Golf Course Road westerly to serve the Bette
Grossnickle property. The proposal would be to extend sanitary sewer on
the south side of Golf Course Road approximately 230 feet and then jack
across Golf Course Road to service three potential lots. The watermain,
currently located on the north side of Golf Course Road, would be
extended approximately 350 feet. Total project cost was estimated at
$46,200, including 30 percent indirect cost. Mr. Badalich noted that
the suggested assessment for the Grossnickle property would total
$26,860 with $19,340 being picked up by the City for oversizing cost and
a portion of the pipe jacking cost to cross Golf Course Road.
The engineer also looked at the possibility of extending sewer and water
services both on the north side of the road to serve this property with
smaller lines and extending the lines a little further to service the
Country Club Clubhouse in the future. By using this method, there would
be four parcels that could benefit from the service, including the
Country Club, but each individual assessment would be approximately the
same in that there would be very little of the cost that would be picked
up by the City since there would not be any oversizing or pipe jacking
At the request of the property owner, this item was tabled at the
present time to allow the owner more time to evaluate the cost
associated with the project before a commitment was made.
5. Consideration of Approval of Preliminary Plans and Specifications and
Authorization to Advertise for Bids for Project 88-01 Phase II, County
Road 39 East Improvement and Oakwood Industrial Plat.
The City Engineer presented preliminary plans and specifications for the
improvements of sanitary sewer, watermain, and storm sewer proposed for
portions of County Road 118 and County Road 39 to the easterly city
limits. Public Works Director, John Simola, reviewed with the Council
the plans which would include sanitary sewer extensions on the proposed
Council Minutes - 2/22/88
new frontage road, looping watermain, and other utilities for the
MacArlund Plaza Subdivision. It was noted that some revisions had been
made to the sizing of the sanitary sewer and watermain because of the
recent Municipal Board ruling on annexation. The watermain was
originally proposed to be a 16 -inch line extending to the easterly city
limits and has now been recommended to be reduced to a 12 -inch. Also,
the sanitary sewer is recommended to be down -sized to a 12 -inch line
which would result in a smaller lift station being constructed on County
Road 39. The improvement as proposed would still allow the City to
service a smaller area outside of the current borders, including
subdivisions such as Tyler Fast and Sandberg Tree Farm.
After further review and discussion, motion was made by Bill Fair,
seconded by Warren Smith, and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution
approving the preliminary plans and specifications and authorizing
advertisement for bids. The approval would also authorize the engineer
to advertise for bids on the previous improvements proposed for the
Bette Crossnickle property as an alternate which could be deleted if
desired. See Resolution 88-5.
6. Consideration of a Variance Request to Allow a Proposed Residential Lot,
When Platted, to have Less than the Minimum Loot Frontage on a Public
Right-of-way. Applicant, Charles Ritze.
Mr. Charles Ritze had proposed a subdivision that would have created two
additional building lots on West River Road and Hilltop Drive. The
proposed lot fronting on Hilltop Drive had only 15 feet of frontage on a
public right-of-way, and a variance was needed. The Planning Commission
denied the variance request, as they felt Mr. Ritze had other
alternatives for subdividing his property, and a hardship was not
created by the City's ordinances.
Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Bill Fair, and unanimously
carried to deny the variance request as proposed and recommended the
property owner should continue working to resolve the matter with his
neighbor prior to continuing his subdivision request.
7. Consideration of a Tabled Request for a Preliminary Plat Review of a
Proposed New Subdivision Plat. Applicant, Charles Ritze.
Previously, the City Council had tabled action on the preliminary plat
submitted by Charles Ritze to allow for the variance request regarding
minimum lot frontage on a public right-of-way to be processed. With the
denial of the variance request, a motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded
by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously carried to also deny the preliminary
plat as proposed.
8. Consideration of a Conditional Use Request to Allow as a Home Occupation
a Beauty Shop in an R-1 (single family residential) Zone. Applicant,
Karla Dickey.
A request was made by Karla Dickey to allow a beauty shop business to be
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located in a portion of her home. Approval was recommended by the
Planning Commission; and as a result, a motion was made by Warren Smith,
seconded by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously carried to approve the
conditional use request for the home occupation of a beauty shop for
Karla Dickey.
9. Consideration of a Conditional Use Request to Allow Construction of More
than One Building on an Unplatted Lot. A Conditional Use Request to
Allow Construction of an Apartment Building in Excess of the Maximum
Number of Units Allowed. Applicant, David Hornig.
Mr. David Hornig presented a proposal to develop a 2.7 acre parcel of
land located south of 6th Street and west of Locust Street into a
multiple housing development to initially include a 12 -unit family
subsidized apartment building and a 36 -unit elderly subsidized apartment
building. The initial development would cover approximately half of the
parcel with the southerly portion being considered phase two for future
apartment development. The conditional uses were required to allow more
than one building to be placed on a parcel of land and also to allow the
apartment buildings to exceed 12 units per structure.
The southerly portion of the property in question abuts the proposed
extension of 7th Street collector road, and it was recommended as a
condition to the request that the owner dedicate the necessary
right-of-way for the future road extension. The discussion by the
Council on this project concerned the subsidized nature of the projects,
including the elderly project proposed. It was noted that the projects
are contingent upon funding by the Farmers Home Administration and that
currently there are two projects being considered by the City Council of
a similar nature involving elderly and family subsidized housing
projects. Another proposal will be considered by the Council involving
an elderly project in the downtown area by developers Jim Metcalf and
Brad Larson. During the discussions, it appeared that Farmers Home
Administration will in all likelihood only fund one project in
Monticello during 1.988. Councilmember Bill Fair noted that in his
opinion both projects had merit and felt the City Council should approve
the proposal as presented and allow Farmers Home Administration to make
the decision on which project gets funded. Councilmember Warren Smith
recognized the HRA's efforts in redeveloping the downtown site for
elderly housing, which has been one of their major goals, but could also
not find any reason not to approve this project as presented.
As a result, motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Warren Smith, and
unanimously carried to approve the conditional use request to allow the
construction of more than one building on an unplatted residential lot
and approve the conditional use to allow construction of an apartment
building in excess of the 12 units allowed provided 1) the buildings are
allowed to be constructed in two phases, and 2) that the property owner
dedicate to the City as shown on the site plan the necessary
right-of-way for the future extension of 7th Street.
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10. Consideration of a Rezoning Request to Rezone Platted Lots from B-4
(regional business) to PZM (performance zone mixed) Zoning. If Property
is Rezoned, a Conditional Use Request to Allow Construction of an
Apartment Building in Excess of the Maximum Number of Units Allowed.
Applicant, Metcalf. & Larson.
As discussed with the previous agenda item, developers Jim Metcalf and
Brad Larson proposed a 28 -unit subsidized elderly housing project on a
portion of Block 50 fronting on Broadway. Part of the project site is
currently owned by the Monticello HRA, is are currently in the process
of negotiating with additional property owners within the block,
Stelton's Laundromat, Joe O'Connor's truck garage, and Jones
Manufacturing. It was noted that if the HRA can complete negotiations
on the purchase of this additional land, the site would be made
available to the developers for their 28 -unit elderly housing project;
and as a result, the rezoning request would be needed. Although a final
application had not yet been submitted by the developers, the City
Council recognized the longstanding goal of the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority to eliminate blight in the downtown area; and it
was the general consensus of the Council that the elderly housing
project would be an appropriate use of this parcel of land.
As a result, motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and
unanimously carried to approve the rezoning request to rezone the parcel
from B-4 (regional business) to PZM (performance zone mixed) to allow
for the proposed 28 -unit elderly apartment project and approve the
conditional use request allowing construction of a building in excess of
12 units provided 1) the rezoning approval be good only for a period of
time not to exceed December 31, 1988, or sooner if the applicants do not
receive approval of their subsidized project, and 2) that the final site
plan be approved by the Planning Commission and City Council as revised.
1.1. Consideration of a Rezoning Request to Rezone Part of an Unplatted Tract
of Land from B-3 (highway business) to PZM (performance zone mixed)
Zoning. If Property is Rezoned, a Conditional Use Request to Allow
Construction of an Apartment Building in Excess of the Maximum Number of
Units Allowed. Applicant, Metcalf & Larson.
Developers Jim Metcalf and Brad Larson were also proposing to construct
a 26 -unit subsidized family apartment building on an unplatted
2-1/2 acre parcel of land located south of the Silver Fox Motel. In
order to allow for this development, the property would have to be
The developer requested that at the present time the City Council table
any action on the request indefinitely.
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12. Discussion of Concession Stand at NSP Softball Field Complex.
Over the past two years, the City has been developing a 4 -field softball
complex on leased land from Northern States Power adjacent to their
training facility. The project is nearing completion and should be
available for use by the Softball Association starting this spring.
Future plans for the complex include additional improvements that would
include the building of a concession stand. For 1988, money was not
budgeted for the construction of a concession stand due to budget
cutbacks and levy limitations; and it was recommended by the City Staff
that the softball fields be in use for a year or two before considering
building a concession stand. A request was made by members of the
Softball Association asking the City Council to reconsider their
decision not to build a concession stand at this time. Softball
Association members, Ken Kalway and Jeff_ Michaelis, appeared before the
Council with a preliminary plan for a 30 x 30 foot concession stand they
felt could be built for approximately $17,900. The members noted that
with volunteer labor for the construction, the building costs could be
reduced even further and requested that the Council consider this
approach to building the complex.
The Softball Association has indicated they will be contributing some
money to the City for the cost of maintenance at the facility, but they
felt that a concession stand would be necessary to enable the
Association to generate more revenue if the reimbursements were to
continue. Because the funds were not budgeted for in 1988, the Public
Works staff has not prepared any detailed plans on the type of structure
that should be built at the softball fields; but the City staff was
certainly not opposed to volunteer labor being used to construct such a
facility. In order to get a better handle on the design and estimated
cost, it was the Council consensus to have the Association members work
with the City staff on an appropriate size and design with firmer cost
estimates and present the information at the next Council meeting for
13. Consideration of Bills for the Month of February.
Motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and
unanimously carried to approve the bills for the month of February as
Rick Wolfstel er
City Administrator