City Council Minutes 03-28-1988MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 28, 1988 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen Members Absent: Arve Grimsmo 2. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Bill Fair to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held March 14, 1988. Motion seconded by Dan Blonigen. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Citizens Comments/Petition, Requests and Complaints. Community Education Coordinator Requests Mayor to Sign Proclamation Establishing April 24 through April 30 as Handicapped Awareness Week. Betty Held, Coordinator for Community Education for the Handicapped in Wright County, requested that the Mayor sign a Proclamation setting April 24 through April 30 as Handicapped Awareness Week. Held also distributed educational material pertaining to handicapped awareness. Held expressed her thanks for City assistance in promoting handicapped awareness among the citizens of Monticello. 4. Consideration of Request by Wright Flyers Model Flying Club to Use Old NSP Ballfields. Don Fisher, Leo Davis, and Bob Bayless were in attendance representing the Wright Flyers Model Flying Club. Mr. Fisher outlined the proposal calling for use of the Montissippi Ballfields for a model plane flying park. Fisher described the history of the Wright Flyers organization, which started in 1979 with 12 members and has grown to a membership of 60 individuals. The proposal outlined by the Wright Flyers Model Flying Club called for the converting of the old NSP Ballfields into a model airplane flying park. It was proposed that the City should lease the NSP property and make it available for use by the flying club. Under the terms of the proposal, the City would provide for mowing of grass and maintenance of the field, with Wright Flyers reimbursing the City for the cost of the grass mowing. The City would be responsible for removing the fences that now exist on the property. In return, the Wright Flyers suggested that they would provide liability insurance and attempt to enlist all potential users of the flying park into the Academy of Model Aeronautics which would serve to improve park safety. Members of the Council asked a number of questions regarding the use of radio controlled model airplanes. It was noted that the model airplanes can be controlled within a range of one mile. Liability coverage for the activity is set at $500,000. It was noted by City staff that the City would be exposed to some liability and that the liability coverage offered by the flying club only covers individuals that belong to that flying club. 1 Council Minutes - 3/28/88 Dave Fisher from NSP was in attendance to answer questions. Fisher noted that it is not NSP's policy to lease property to organizations for recreational purposes. Warren Smith asked how the flying parks in other communities such as Fargo and Cedar Rapids have worked out. Don Fisher responded that he did not know of any problems in those communities with the model flying club parks. Smith asked also how many members of the club live in the Monticello area. Don Fisher stated that 70 percent live in the Big Lake -Monticello area. He went on to say that flying competitions are held on occasion which will draw up to 75 people. Bill Fair asked about the noise that the planes would generate. All planes must have mufflers and a decibal meter is used to guarantee that planes are not too loud was the response by Don Fisher. Warren Smith noted that the interest of the flying club in the Monticello area could possibly be viewed as an opportunity to the community. Dan Blonigen responded by saying that the City must draw the line somewhere, as only a limited number of Monticello citizens are involved with this activity. He went on to say that using tax dollars to sponsor this type of activity is not appropriate. Councilmember Bill Fair noted the difficulty in limiting a city park for use by one group. As the discussion came to a close, Public Works Director Simola stated that there might be some conflicts between users of Montissippi Park and users of the flying park, as the noise generated from the flying park may disturb users of the quiet river park. There being no further discussion on this topic, a motion by Blonigen to deny said request. Motion seconded by Bill Fair. Voting in favor of motion: Dan Blonigen, Bill Fair, Fran Fair. Opposed: Warren Smith. Motion passed. 5. Consideration of Ballfield Concession Stand and Fees. Jeff Michaelis was in attendance representing the Softball Association. Staff presented Council with a building design and estimated construction cost. In addition, staff described alternatives by which the cost to maintain the field can be recovered by the users of the field. It was suggested by staff that the City would charge the Men's Softball Association $125 per team and $25 per field for weekend tournaments. This charge would be applied to adult activity and not to Little League or other juvenile sports activity. Jeff Michaelis stated that the Softball Association would have no problem with this fee structure. It was noted by a Monticello citizen that development of this field should be a priority for the City Council, as the field serves numerous teams and individuals in the area. A discussion of the type of facility or type of concession structure ensued. It was recommended by staff that the City construct a block structure, as long 2 Council Minutes - 3/28/88 term maintenance will be less expensive and problems associated with vandalism will be eliminated. Council asked the City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, if funds are available for this concession stand. Wolfsteller replied that a transfer of funds would be required to fund this project. There being no further discussion on this topic, a motion was made by Bill Fair to authorize the development of plans and specifications for a block building and authorize City to solicit bids. Motion seconded by Smith. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Consideration of a Resolution Awarding Bid for Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, and Appurtenant Work for Projects 88-01B, County Road 39 East; 88-02, Dundas Circle; and 88-03, Grossnickle Project on West County Road 39. City Engineer, John Badalich, presented the bid results for said city project. He noted that bids were received and opened for the referenced project and that 13 bids were received. The bids ranged from a low bid of $487,424 to a high bid of $828,042. The low bidder was LaTour Construction for the $487,424 amount which includes an amount of $55,046 for Dundas Circle. He went on to say that OSM's estimate of construction cost based on preliminary reports of January 11, 1988, and an earlier estimate for Dundas Circle totaled $516,660. Badalich recommended the award of the project to LaTour Construction, Route 1, Box 76, Maple Lake, Minnesota. He went on to say that alternate bid, 88-03, is the Grossnickle Project which LaTour Construction bid at $39,181. He recommended that if the City wishes to proceed with Project 88-03, it should also be awarded to LaTour Construction Company. At this point in the meeting, Mrs. Grossnickle expressed her concerns about the high cost to improve her property and that high cost may make the project unfeasible. Mrs. Grossnickle was informed by staff and Council that the share of the costs is not as yet determined and that it is possible that the Golf Course could share in part of the cost, as they will be receiving benefit from the improvements. In addition, there is a possibility that the City could hold an amount in deferrment. Mrs. Grossnickle was urged to have the property appraised and determine what the increase in value of the property would be if it had sewer and water service. It was the conclusion of Council that the alternate bid would not be awarded without further input from Mrs. Grossnickle. Motion by Warren Smith to award trunk watermain, sanitary sewer, sanitary lift station, and appurtenant work, Project Nos. 88-01B, 88-02 to LaTour Construction for a total base bid of $487,424.30. Motion seconded by Bill Fair. Motion passed unanimously. See Resolution 88-8. 3 T •gnTo bulI�Tg gegq oq buoTaq gegq sTenpznzpuz SJanOO �Tuo gnTo buz,�Tj aqq �q pajaggo abeJanOO IgTTTgeTT age gegq pup l�gTTTgPTT autos oq pasodxa aq pTnoM AgT3 aqq gegq gjpgs AgT3 ,�q pagou spm qI •0001005$ qe qas ST AgTnTgDP aqq Jog abe.zanOO AgTTzgeTq •OTzut auo JO abue.z P UTggTM paTTOJgUOO aq ueo sauPTdJTP Tapout agq qagq pagOU SPM qI •sauPTdJTP Tapout paTTOJquOO OTPeJ Jo asn agq buTpJPbaa SUOTqsanb go jagwnu e paxsa TTounoO aqq go sjaqutaW •,(�gajps Njpd anoadwT Oq anaas pTnoM goTgm soTgneuoj@V TapOW JO IutapPOV aqq oquz xzed but,�Tg aqq go sjasn Tazquagod TTP gsTTua Oq gdutagqp pug aOuazrlsuT AqzTzqPTT apznojd pTnoM Aagq gegq pagsabbns szaAT3 qgbzzM aqq 'uingaj uI •Agjadoid aqq uo gSTxa MOu gPgq saOuaj aqq buTAOW@J jog aTgTsuodsaj aq pTnoM AgTO ags • buTMout ssPJB agq 90 gsOO age. 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