City Council Minutes 04-11-1988MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 11, 1988 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen Members Absent: None 2. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Fran Fair, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held March 28, 1988. Voting to approve the minutes were Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Warren Smith, and Dan Blonigen. Arve Grimsmo abstained from voting, as he did not attend the March 28, 1988, meeting. 3. Citizens Comments/Petitions, Requests and Complaints. Gene Bauer and Jim Lindberg requested city funding which would assist them in operating a Saturday night program for junior high aged children. The purpose of the program is to provide junior high school students with an option for constructive use of their time during summer weekends. The program is to consist of supervised dances and social events. Bauer and Lindberg noted that students are charged $1 admission at the door, and the cost to operate the program last year was $4,400. At this point, Council discussed the merits of providing a constructive diversion for junior high school students. Although it will not solve the problem, it was recognized that the program might indirectly impact the cruising problem in a positive way. Warren Smith noted that kids on the sidewalks is a problem and that it's not just the cars on the streets that are causing the cruising problem. Mayor Grimsmo noted that the City needs to take positive action in improving the situation and that it should channel kids into positive directions. Councilmember Blonigen concurred by saying that city money is better spent directing children in a positive way than by spending money on tougher law enforcement. As this discussion came to a close, Council discussed the need to develop longer range plans that will satisfy the recreation and leisure activity needs of the local youth. It was noted by Bauer and Lindberg that the task force would be willing to work with the City in creating long term solutions. Finally, Bill Fair requested an annual report to be submitted by the organizers of the youth night which would outline attendance and describe programs developed through the program. It was also suggested that the program be provided for both Friday and Saturday night and that the organizers should attempt to broaden the base of participation as much as possible. There being no further discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair to award $4,000 to the youth task force represented by Gene Bauer and Jim Lindberg. Motion seconded by Warren Smith. Motion passed unanimously. 1 Council Minutes - 4/11/88 Gene Carlson of D & D Bus Service was in attendance to voice his concern for the closing of Highway 39. He noted that the closing will place a particular hardship on the bus service and school district. John Simola noted that there is just not enough right-of-way to allow for the construction of a bypass road. He went on to note that the contractor will maintain a narrow pathway for use by his own vehicles and by emergency vehicles only. In addition, the road will be open during certain hours of the day. Those hours will be established based on input generated at an upcoming community meeting. School Superintendent, Shelly Johnson, voiced his support for the bus company and noted that the school transportation .fund will be impacted by this detour. 4. Update on Well #3 Test Drillings. Staff noted that test drillings neighboring proposed deep well #3 reveal that deep well #3 can be extended beyond its current level and reap an expected capacity of 1,000 gallons per minute. Staff recommended that deep well #3 be completed because the additional cost of $25,000 to complete the well is reasonable and because $44,000 has already been invested in developing the well to the present stage. Deep well #3 could serve as a backup well providing access to water located in a glacial drift formation that is different than other primary city wells, thereby providing a good backup in case the primary wells become contaminated. John Badalich and Gene Anderson of OSM outlined the procedure by which well #3 will be completed. It was estimated that the cost to complete the well is $25,000. Mayor Grimsmo noted that the City really does not have an alternative but to go ahead with development of this well. It was also noted by staff that the test well #4 located 1,800 feet the south of well #3 appears to be a perfect site for a primary well. Tests show that the expected volume capacity of the well will match 1,500 gallons per minute. Councilmember Blonigen asked if wells #3 and #4 will be serviced by one pump house. Public Works Director Simola responded by saying that one pump house can service both wells; however, the original design intended for well #3 will need some modifications in order for it to service both wells. There being no further discussion on this matter, motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to complete well #3 at an estimated cost of $25,000. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Consideration of Awarding Bid for Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvements on West County Road 39 - Grossnickle Property. City Administrator Wolfsteller reviewed the status of the situation. He noted that the total project cost is $49,000 with $44,000 of that being assessable to Grossnickle and golf course property. Wolfsteller noted that the cost per buildable lot for the project is $11,000. Wolfsteller went on to outline several options for allocating the total project cost among benefiting properties. After discussion by Council, it was tentatively established that the maximum assessment for the 6 Council Minutes - 4/11/88 Grossnickle property would be about $8,000 for each of the three lots that she could create, with the balance of the assessment to be paid by the Golf Course. Grossnickle was reminded that the cost to improve her property will be offset by the added value created by the installation of the sewer and water service. Mrs. Grossnickle's daughter disagreed noting that the additional costs of subdividing the property when added to the cost of installing sewer and water will not be offset by the added value created. Mrs. Grossnickle asked also what the normal cost for developing sewer and water service per lot is for other communities. City Engineer Badalich noted that the cost to provide sewer and water service to the Grossnickle project is only slightly higher due to the construction problems caused by the high water table in the area. It was also noted by John Badalich that the City has until May 23, 1988, to make a decision on the matter, as at that time the contract bid sunsets. No further action was taken on this matter. 6. Consideration of Conditional Acceptance of Chelsea Road Improvement Prosect. Mr. Bill Block, consulting engineer for the Chelsea Road project owned by Jim Boyle, appeared before the Council requesting consideration of a conditional acceptance of Chelsea Road improvement project. Mr. Block noted that Jim Boyle was not able to appear at the meeting because of a delay in his flight to Minneapolis from Detroit. Council reviewed a letter submitted by Jim Boyle's engineer which outlined plans for meeting city requirements and also requested that the City accept the street project on a condition that all requirements be met at sometime in the future. Council reviewed the requirements that have not been met by the developer of the road and determined that it would be premature at this time to accept the road. Council directed the City Attorney to work with the developer and the developer's engineer in establishing a plan that will protect the City's interests regarding this matter. City Attorney, Tom Hayes, was in attendance and noted that the City should not accept the road until all requirements are met. He went on to say that the City should override previous requirements only if such action is of great public concern. No formal action taken on this matter. 7. Consideration of Concession Building Plans. John Simola informed Council that approximate cost of the project is $30,000. Simola was not able at this time to provide exact figures for the cost of the structure, as the bidding process was not yet complete as of the time of the Council meeting. It was Simola's concern, as well as Jeff Michaelis' of the Softball Association, that the City should make a decision on this matter at the April 11 Council meeting because the foundation of the structure needed to be started and completed prior to organized use of the field. Councilmember Bill Fair noted that he isn't comfortable with potential for a higher cost than anticipated. Simola noted, too, that this is a concern of his as well, but went on to say that if the costs come in higher than expected, the City Council may elect to wait until after the next budget cycle to complete the project or develop a wood frame structure as a less expensive but higher maintenance alternative. 3 Council Minutes - 4/11/88 After discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair to approve the laying of the foundation for the concession stand with a re-evaluation of proceeding with the remainder of the structure if budget figures come in appreciably higher than $30,000. Motion was seconded by Bill Fair. Voting in favor was Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Arve Grimsmo. Opposed: Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen. 8. Consideration of Awarding Bids on Liquor Store Landscaping. Three bids were received by the City, with the low bid submitted by Steve's Elk River Nursery for a total amount of $7,048. After discussion, motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Bill Fair, to award the bid to the low bidder which was Steve's Elk River Nursery in the amount of $7,048. 9. Consideration of Walt Mack's Retirement and Matt Theisen's Appointment as Superintendent. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen to acknowledge the retirement of Walt Mack and approve appointment of Matt Theisen to the position of Waterwork Superintendent. Motion was seconded by Bill Fair. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of Authorizing for Water Department Position and Posting of Opening with Union. Public Works Director Simola noted that the job description for the position vacated by Matt Theisen needed updating. After discussion, a motion was made by Bill Fair to authorize development of a new job description. Motion was seconded by Warren Smith. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Consideration of Request for One (1) Day Set-up/3.2 Beer License for Ducks Unlimited Banquet and One (1) Day 3.2 Beer License for July 3rd Celebration - Lions Club. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Warren Smith, to approve said licenses. Motion carried unanimously. 12. In other matters, the City Council discussed the possibility of establishing a center for collecting waste material such as auto parts, metal, unrepairable appliances, or other items otherwise known as junk. Staff was directed to investigate methods by which the City can assist citizens' efforts to clean up the neighborhoods by providing a place to take unwanted materials. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. J f O'Neill Assistant Administrator 4