City Council Minutes 07-11-1988MINUTES
Monday, July 11, 1988 - 7:30 p.m.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen,
Bill Fair.
Members Absent: None.
2. Consider Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting held June 27, 1988.
Motion to approve minutes by Fran Fair, seconded by Bill Fair, motion
passed unanimously.
3. Citizen's Comments, Petitions, Requests and Complaints.
None in attendence for this agenda item.
4. Consideration of Granting of Individual Pension for the Volunteer
Firefighter Relief Association.
Members of the Fire Department were in attendance and requested that the
City Council increase the retirement benefit from $17,500 to $19,500
which represent an increase from $825 per year of service to $975 per
year of service. Staff reported that according to the financial
analysis done, an increase to $975 per year of service would not
currently require municipal supportof the pension fund, as the
anticipated state aid and other income would be sufficient to meet debt
service requirements. Staff also reported that if for some reason the
state decided to cut state aid to local fire departments, the City,
would be responsible for support of the pension. Staff recommended that
the Fire Department be granted an increase to $975 per year.
Council member Bill Fair asked the Fire Department asked about the
status of the state aid program to local fire departments. He asked if
this is an area that is protected or is the state legislator apted to
change the state aid contributions provided to fire departments.
Members of the Fire Department responded by saying that the state aid
appears to be secure. Councilmember Blonigen objected to the proposed
increase. It was his view that the pension fund reserve could be
depleted by increasing the pension as suggested. Fran Fair stated that
she did not object to granting the increase, and went on to ask if the
pension could be reduced if the state aid to Fire Departments was
eliminated or reduced. Members of the Fire Department noted that it
would not be possible to lower the pension after the increase has been
Motion made by Fran Fair to increase the per year of service pension
amount from $875 to $975 per year of service. Seconded by Warren
Smith. Voting in favor, Fran Fair, Warren Smith, Bill Fair, Arve
Grimsmo, opposed, Dan Blonigen.
Council Minutes - 7/11/88
In a related manner, Mayor Grimsmo noted that the City Fire Department
will be billing insurance companies for the cost to respond to accidents
along the freeway. He noted that the city can receive compensation from
insurance companies for the cost to respond to accidents and vehicle
5. Consideration of MNDOT proposal for Closing East River Street.
E. W. McCulloch, District Traffic Engineer, was present to discuss
MNDOT's proposal for the closing of the east access to River Street.
The need for closing East access to River Street stemmed from inadequate
sightlines created by mistakes in MNDOT design of the bridge approach.
Mr. McCulloch presented a proposal that consisted essentially of
establishing a sidewalk and curb system across River Street along the
south boundry of Highway 25. The design proposed would block east and
west travel access Highway 25 at River Street. It was estimated that the
cost to install the curb and sidewalk as proposed would be about
$6,000. Council responded negatively to proposal. Mayor Grimsmo noted
that the plan is not acceptable as the City under the proposal loses
access to the street and gets nothing in return.
At this point in the meeting a general discussion insued regarding
potential redesign of the intersection. Don Smith of the Monticello
Times reviewed previous Council and MNDOT discussions regarding this
topic as recorded in the Monticello Times and Council Minutes. He noted
that the issue of whether or not to close River Street at Highway 25 has
been discussed before and that City Council has previously rejected
MNDOT's proposal to close River Street. He went on to note that many
businesses in the area have made and executed plans based on the earlier
decision to kept River Street open at Highway 25. Smith went on to say
that the state has apoligized for the problem created and that the state
should follow it's apoligy with action to rectify the situation. Such
action could possibly include on of the following; 1) remodel the bank
at the state's expense, 2) shift lanes, 3) install full signal lights at
East River Street.
Smith reiterated that the City of Monticello did not create this
problem, it is the states problem to rectify it. Finally, Smith noted
that closing street is a quick fix solution and would not be in the best
interest for the community in the long run. General discussion
regarding the design of the intersection continued. Bill Fair suggested
that a sub -committee be established to for the purpose of developing the
best alternative to correct the situation. Dan Blonigen and Warren
Smith volunteered to serve on the sub -committee. Motion by Fran Fair to
direct City Staff to organize a sub-committe made up of City Staff,
Council Members, Business interests, and the State Highway Department,
for the purpose of correcting the sight line problems at the River
Street approach to Highway 25 created by the design of the approach to
the Highway 25 bridge. Motion seconded by Bill Fair. Motion passed
On a related matter, it was noted by Mr. McCulloch, that the State
Highway Department is now finalizing plans for widening the highway 25
bridge that passes over the .freeway.
Council Minutes - 7/11/88
6. Consideration of Water Tower Site, Elevation and Cost Comparisons.
John Simola reported to City Council that the City Staff_ has come to
terms with Kenny Shultz for the purchase of five acres of land to be
used as the site for the new city reservoir. Simola went on to detail
the terms of the agreement. City Engineer, Badalich discussed the
potential location of the water tower on the five acre site. He noted
that the tower might best be suited toward the rear of the parcel as
this location will provide better potential for future development of
the property. He also noted that the Bridge Water Telephone Company has
a fiber optic telephone line on the property which must be relocated to
another position on the propery.
John Badalich reviewed costs associated with two alternative reservoir
designs including a steel tank design versus a concrete tank design.
Badalich informed Council that the costs are about the same. Council
then discussed the issues associated with the elevation of the water
tower. Dan Blonigen noted that the Council needs to address the water
pressure problem created by the new reservoir. He noted that it is
important that strategy be developed to mitigate problems created by a
large increase in water pressure. John Badalich stated that he could
not recommend less than 56 pounds of water pressure and noted the need
for higher volume of pressure for the industrial areas. He went on to
say that the tank located at the elevation proposed and the location of
the proposed will also support growing areas of the community. Finally,
he noted that individual households can install a pressure release valve
for an average cost of $75 which would protect individual homes from
potential damage caused by higher water pressure. He did recognize that
the pressure release valve will require maintenance. It was Dan
Blonigen's opinion that individual home owners should not be required to
pay for these pressure release valves. As the discusion closed on this
issue, John Simola noted that the water pressure can be increased slowly
which will allow the City to monitor the impact of the increase in water
There being no further discussion on this topic, motion made by Bill
Fair to purchase the Kenny Shultz property and direct City Engineer,
John Badalich to present the actual design of the water reservoir at the
next meeting. Motion included direction to Staff to prepare a
Conditional Use Permit Application for placement of the essential
service structure in the orderly annexation area. Motion seconded by
Warren Smith, motion passed unanimously.
7. Consideration of Establishing a Fee for Mobile Homes.
City Building Inspector, Gary Anderson, reported to Council that Staff
is recommending establishment of a Mobile Home Permit Application and
Fee. The purpose of the mobile home permit process is to assure the
City that mobile home installations meet state building codes and local
ordinances. Anderson submitted a survey of various communities that
conduct inspections of mobile home installations. After discussion,
motion by Fran Fair to establish mobile home installation permit process
and establish a fee of $30.50 per mobile home permit. Motion seconded
by Dan Blonigen, motion passed unanimously.
Council Minutes - 7/11/88
8. Consideration of Final Plat Approval and Developers Agreement - Heikes
Trailer Park.
Applicant, Don Heikes withdrew request.
9. Review of Community Survey Questions.
Assistant City Administrator, O'Neill reviewed the proposed community
survey questions and requested input from Council. Council suggested
that a question be added which addresses community needs for a social
service center or civic center designed specifically to serve social
needs such as seniors, senior activity, food shelf, group meetings,
daycare, etc. . .
10. Consideration of Change Orders #1 and #2 on Streetscape Project.
John Simola reviewed the proposed change orders which included painting
of two additional light poles at a total cost of $166 and Change Order
#2 which called for the adding of additional links to bridge rail panels
that which would extend the lineal feet of paneling by 82 feet, the
additional cost of this change order is $3,222.
After discussion, motion by Bill Fair, seconded by Warren Smith to
approve Change Orders #1 and #2 to the Streetscape Project. Voting in
favor, Bill Fair, Warren Smith, Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, opposed, Dan
11. Consideration of Change Order #1 on Water Main Supply Project 88-04B.
Motion made by Bill Fair seconded by Dan Blonigen to approve Change
Order #1 on Water Main Supply Line Project 88-04B. Motion carried unanimously.
12. Consideration of Granting One Day Beer License to Lion's Club for Bridge
Celebration, July 17, 1988.
Motion by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen to approve said beer
license. Motion passes unanimously.
At this point in the meeting Mayor Grimsmo reviewed a letter submitted to him
by the Parks Administrator of Wright County, which outlined the history
behind the estiblishment of the Montissippi Park in Monticello. A general
discussion of the potential for better use of the Montissippi Park insued.
Councilmember Bill Fair noted that the Montissippi Park is a valuable
resource to the community and presents a significant opportunity. It was
consensus of Council that the potential of development of Montissippi Park
should be explored, and ideas for development shared with the County Board of
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff O'Neill,
Assistant Administrator