City Council Minutes 08-18-1988
Thursday, August 1 , 1988 - 7:00 a.m.
Members Present: Arve A. Grimsmo, Fra Fair, Bill Fair, Dan Blonigen,
Warren Smith
Members Absent: None.
The purpose of the special meeting of he City Council was to review with the
City staff the goals and objectives fo preparation of the 1989 Budget
document. The department heads prepar d and presented a list of possible
capital outlay items and other project that they would like to see included
in the 1989 Budget. The Council also eviewed and discussed possible
projects that would relate to the cele rate Minnesota project being
considered by the City, including Brid e Park renovation that would possibly
include a trail system on the island i the river. In addition, possible
projects for Celebrate Minnesota would also include upgrading major entrances
into Monticello with welcome signs and landscaping areas. The staff was
instructed to check on whether any Sta e planning assistance would be
available for renovation of the island for a trail system.
Additional discussion by the Council i eluded the feasibility of the possible
acquisition of Montissippi Park from t e Wright county Parks Department and a
request by the Council for the staff t make an inventory list of possible
sites available within the downtown ar a that could be used for a future
community building.
Although the budget document was in th process of being prepared by the
department heads, Mayor Grimsmo advise the staff to determine the aroount of
money that could be raised if the City was not to exceed 20 mills in a tax
levy. The staff also noted that it wo Id be starting to create again a
capital improvement program that would project the time and cost of equipment
and projects that would be necessary f r the City over the next five years.
This program would provide the Council with a tool for estimating future
needs and possible revenue sources to inance these items.
Prior to the adjournment, a motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Bill
Fair, and unanimously carried to appro e the addition of Sally Tucek as an
election judge for the upcoming primar and general election to replace Bette
Grossnickle who had declined the previ us appointment.
L-~ UJ/~
Rick Wolfste).ler
City Administrator
city Council Minutes - 8/22/88
motion seconded by Fran Fair. imsmo again noted that his is not
comfortable with the potential added city expense associated with
improvements to River Street. ting in favor of the amendment, Fran
Fair, Bill Fair, opposed, Grimsm , Smith, and Blonigen. Amendment to the
motion fails 3 to 2. Bill Fair hen withdrew the original motion.
At this point in the meeting, fu
MNDOT's research on potential co
street associated with option #2
report on the different factors
Motion made by Bill Fair to appr
25/94 Bridge widening concept as
Dan Blonigen. Motion passed unan
ther discussion was tabled pending
tribution toward modification of River
Council asked staff and MNDOT for a
sed in establishing signal lights.
ve the general concept of the Highway
submitted by MNDOT. Motion seconded by
As the discussion came to a clos , Don smith of the Monticello Times noted
that if the signal lights are no installed, he would like to go on record
as requesting two-way traffic to be extended through the mid-point of the
block between Cedar Street and H ghway 25 on River Street.
5. Consideration of purchasing addi ional property from Ken Shultz for the
water tower slte.
After discussion, motion made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen to
approve purchase of additional p operty from Ken Shultz at the proposed
water tower site. Motion passed unanimously.
Consideration of acceptance of K nneth Lane improvements - Ritze Manor.
City Engineer, John Badalich rep
development, except that it was
was installed incorrectly, which
back-up. John Simola noted that
problems associated with the inc
that the problem could be dimini
the sewer line that this service
rted that all is in order regarding
iscovered that individual sewer service
has created a slight chance for a sewage
the city might be liable for future
rrectly installed service line. He noted
hed by annual or semi-annual jeting of
connects to.
After discussion, motion made to accept the project without the
incorrectly installed sewer service and require a recordable document
notifying potential owners of th property of the condition of the sewer
service and that the city shares no responsibility for it's adequacy.
Motion made by Warren Smith, motion seconded by Dan Blonigen. voting in
favor of the motion, Warren smit , Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair,
opposed, Bill Fair.
Consideration of Change
and final payment on Well #3 project.
Motion made by Bill Fair, secon ed by Fran Fair to approve the change
order #3 in the amount of $6,07 and authorize final payment to E.H.
Renner and Sons in the amount 0 $3,387.44. Motion passed unanimously.
Consideration of setting a publ c hearing to adopt assessments for otter
Creek Road re-allgnment an 86- Improvement proJect.
Motion made by Warren Smith, se onded by Dan Blonigen to approve
Resolution 88-26 Declaring cost to be assessed and ordering preparation