City Council Minutes 08-22-1988MINUTES
Monday, August 22, 1988 - 7:30 p.m.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen,
Bill Fair.
Members Absent: None
2. Approval of meeting of regular meeting held August 8, 1988.
Motion made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Fran Fair to approve regular
meeting minutes of meeting held August 8, 1988. Motion passed
3. Citizens Comments/Petitions, Requests and Complaints.
City Council reviewed a letter submitted by Dan Januszewski which outlined
Mr. Januszewski's concerns about the cruising problems on Broadway.
Discussion on this issue was deferred until input could be received from
the Wright County Sheriff's Department. Council directed staff to place
further discussion of the crusing problem on the agenda for the next
meeting and request the attendance of members of the Wright County
Sheriff's Department.
4. Consideration of MNDOT's response to River Street and Highway 25
intersection closing.
Representatives of MNDOT presented design plans for widening the Highway
25/94 Bridge. Plans for controlling the intersections on both sides of
the bridge were presented. MNDOT proposed that stoplights at both
entrances to the freeway be established and that protective left hand turn
lanes be installed on Highway 25. In addition, MNDOT proposed to correct
slope problems and proposed to install sidewalks on both sides of the
Bridge approach. Council member Bill Fair asked if the project is ready
to go. Bud McCulloch of MNDOT stated that the project is programed into
MNDOT's budget and that there will be no cost to the City, however City
approval of the concept of the proposed plan is needed.
Dan Blonigen, although not objecting to the plan, requested more time to
study the proposal. Bud McCulloch noted that MNDOT is asking for
preliminary approval only.
Warren Smith suggested that there appears to be an inconsistent
application of signal lights along Highway 25 in Monticello. Smith noted
that, according to MNDOT, signals at River Street and Highway 25 are a
problem because such signals will be in close proximity to signals at the
Broadway/Highway 25 intersection. At the same time, MNDOT endorses
signal lights right next to each other on another segment of Highway 25.
He asked MNDOT to explain the inconsistent position. Bud McCulloch
explained that signal lights at Highway 25/94 intersection can be
justified because of high traffic volume. The level of traffic volume on
Highway 25 River Street intersection, on the other hand, is not of a
level that would justify installation of signal lights.
City Council Minutes - 8/22/88
At this point the discussion turned to the problems associated with River
Street and Highway 25 site line problems. Bud McCulloch of MNDOT noted
that the state is currently exposed to liability risk because of the
present situation. The Attorney General's Office recommended that MNDOT
move quickly to correct the situation. McCulloch provided six potential
options for controlling traffic at east River Street and Highway 25. He
went on to say that the option recommended by the State Highway Department
is option #2, which would provide for one-way traffic movement on East
River Street with a raised median across the intersection. Bill Fair
informed Council that in talking to members of the community, few said
that a light was needed at the intersection. Fair went on to say that he
likes option #2. Mayor Grimsmo mentioned that option #2 is not as
desirable because the median will block access to the park. Council
member Blonigen was opposed to limiting traffic movements on east River
Street as proposed with options #2 and #4. He stated that every time you
close a street you create a problem for someone else. Blonigen would
approve full signal lights only. Bud McCulloch was asked by Council what
authority the state would have in closing or limiting access to a state
highway. Mr. McCulloch responded by saying the state does have the
policing power and can exert it's authority in the name of public safety
to close a public street.
John Sandberg had questions pertaining to the traffic counts that were
collected for the intersection. He noted that the traffic counts may be
low at the intersection because of the construction activity associated
with the bridge construction. Mr. McCulloch noted that the figures had
been adjusted to account for trip diversion associated with the bridge
construction. Sandberg went on to way that he supports maintaining all
traffic movements at the intersection and reminded Council that all of the
planning associated with the bridge construction included maintaining all
traffic movements at East River Street and Highway 25. Warren Smith
commented that the state with it's various options have presented no
information that has altered his previous view that the intersection
should remain open. Smith explained that volume of traffic is of major
consideration in establishing signal lights but it is not the only
consideration and that the current situation is not a normal situation.
There are extenuating circumstances created by the State that justify
installation of signal lights. It was the view of Smith, that the options
proposed are no safer than installation of signal lights, and that the
only concern of the State is to speed traffic.
At this point, motion made by Warren Smith to approve option #5, which
calls for signalization of River Street and Highway 25. Motion seconded by
Dan Blonigen. Voting in favor of the motion, Blonigen, and Smith.
Opposed, Grimsmo, Fran Fair, and Bill Fair. Motion was then made for
option #2 by Bill Fair, seconded by Fran Fair. At this point in the
meeting a discussion regarding MNDOT's participation in installing
improvements to River Street associated with option #2. Bud McCulloch of
MNDOT made no commitment to providing assistance to the City in developing
improvements to River Street. Mayor Grimsmo withdrew his support to
option #2 without a firm commitment from the state to pay for necessary
improvements to River Street. Bill Fair amended his motion to approve the
concept of option #2 with appropriate contribution to the city made by
MNDOT to compensate for loss of River Street access. Amendment to the
City Council Minutes - 8/22/88
motion seconded by Fran Fair. Grimsmo again noted that his is not
comfortable with the potential of added city expense associated with
improvements to River Street. Voting in favor of the amendment, Fran
Fair, Bill Fair, opposed, Grimsmo, Smith, and Blonigen. Amendment to the
motion fails 3 to 2. Bill Fair then withdrew the original motion.
At this point in the meeting, further discussion was tabled pending
MNDOT's research on potential contribution toward modification of River
Street associated with option #2. Council asked staff and MNDOT for a
report on the different factors used in establishing signal lights.
Motion made by Bill Fair to approve the general concept of the Highway
25/94 Bridge widening concept as submitted by MNDOT. Motion seconded by
Dan Blonigen. Motion passed unanimously.
As the discussion came to a close, Don Smith of the Monticello Times noted
that if the signal lights are not installed, he would like to go on record
as requesting two-way traffic to be extended through the mid -point of the
block between Cedar Street and Highway 25 on River Street.
Consideration of purchasing additional property from Ken Shultz for the
water tower site.
After discussion, motion made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen to
approve purchase of additional property from Ken Shultz at the proposed
water tower site. Motion passed unanimously.
Consideration of acceptance of Kenneth Lane improvements - Ritze Manor.
City Engineer, John Badalich reported that all is in order regarding
development, except that it was discovered that individual sewer service
was installed incorrectly, which has created a slight chance for a sewage
back-up. John Simola noted that the city might be liable for future
problems associated with the incorrectly installed service line. He noted
that the problem could be diminished by annual or semi-annual jeting of
the sewer line that this service connects to.
After discussion, motion made to accept the project without the
incorrectly installed sewer service and require a recordable document
notifying potential owners of the property of the condition of the sewer
service and that the city shares no responsibility for it's adequacy.
Motion made by Warren Smith, motion seconded by Dan Blonigen. Voting in
favor of the motion, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair,
opposed, Bill Fair.
Consideration of Change Order #3 and final payment on Well #3 project.
Motion made by Bill Fair, seconded by Fran Fair to approve the change
order #3 in the amount of $6,075 and authorize final payment to E.H.
Renner and Sons in the amount of $3,387.44. Motion passed unanimously.
Consideration of setting a public hearing to adopt assessments for Otter
Creek Road re -alignment and 86-7 Improvement Project.
Motion made by Warren Smith, seconded by Dan Blonigen to approve
Resolution 88-26 Declaring costs to be assessed and ordering preparation
City Council Minutes - 8/22/88
of proposed assessment, and approve Resolution 88-27 Setting a hearing on
the proposed assessment for September 12, 1988, 7:30 p.m. at the
Monticello City Hall. Motion passed unanimously. SEE RESOLUTIONS
88-28 and 88-29 ALSO.
9. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment adjusting Mayor and Council
It was suggested by Mayor Grimsmo that the Mayor monthly stipend be
established at $225 and the Council stipend at $175 per month. Mayor
Grimsmo also noted that a $600 allowance be provided to the Mayor for his
costs associated with promoting the community, public relations, travel,
etc... After discussion, motion made by Grimsmo to establish monthly
stipend for Mayor at $225 per month and Council at $175 per month and
establish a travel allowance for the Mayor at $600 for the use by the
Mayor. Motion seconded by Fran Fair, motion passed unanimously.
10. Consideration of East Bridge Park sliding facility and parking lot
Public Works Director, Simola reviewed the concept of developing a Finnish
winter slide at the East Bridge Park. Council approved the concept by
consensus. He also reviewed proposed parking lot improvements. After
discussion, motion by Warren Smith to direct staff to begin parking
improvements and regrading of area around Saxon property with estimated
cost of the parking lot of $7,680. Motion seconded by Fran Fair, motion
passed unanimously.
11. Consideration of parking lot paving and underground diesel fuel oil tank
at maintenance building.
After discussion, motion made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen to
authorize purchase of fuel tank pump from Zahl Equipment and authorize
installation of diesel fuel system at an estimated cost of $3,929 and
authorized the parking lot restoration and minor landscaping at the
maintenance building at an estimated cost of $4,000. Motion seconded by
Dan Blonigen. Motion passed unanimously.
12. General discussion of water tank design.
John Badalich reviewed two refinements of the water tower design already
established he report that the city could save about $15,000 and reduce
problems associated with ice build-up by eliminating a jog in the water
tower were the wall meets the domed area of the structure. Dan Blonigen
stated that the money saved by streamlining the water tower should be
spent on water tower site landscaping. It was the general consensus of
Council to develop the streamlined water tower design, and contribute
savings toward site landscaping.
13. Consideration of August Bills.
Motion made by Warren Smith, seconded by Dan Blonigen to approve the
August bills as submitted.
City Council Minutes - 8/22/88
In other matters. . .
John Simola reported to Council that the "Streetscape" project is progressing
well and is only slightly behind schedule.
Assistant City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill reported that the initial
organizational meeting of the Monticello Celebrate Minnesota Program Advisory
Committee will be held Thursday, August 25, 1988, at 7:00 p.m.
There being no further discussion, meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff O'Neill,
Assistant Administrator