City Council Minutes 09-26-1988MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 26, 1988 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Fran Fair, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen, Bill Fair Members Absent: Arve Grimsmo 2. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Bill Fair, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held September 12, 1988. 3. Citizens Comments/Petitions, Requests, and Complaints. Teresa Harms presented a petition to City Council and stated that the Petition contains names of individuals requesting that the City develop a Youth Center. Harms went on to explain that a youth center will take care of kids on the streets, it would take care of drinking, and would help kids and teens say no to drugs. Acting Mayor Fran Fair stated that the City Council appreciates the input of young people and went on to report that the City Council has discussed the possibility of a youth center and has researched the citizen attitudes toward development of such a facility. Council member Bill Fair reviewed the petition and noted that the petition doesn't address the issue of a youth center. Bill Fair read the petition to the audience which stated "We need your help to fight for the right to be on the strip to see friends." A general discussion ensued regarding cruising and loitering issues. Eric Harms questioned the legality of a proposed loitering ordinance. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, noted that the ordinance will be designed to protect the rights of individuals impacted by littering, noise, loud profanity, and vandalism associated with cruising. It will also conform to requirements of the U.S. Constitution. Harold Pittman announced that he supports the kids attending the meeting and noted that they should not be treated like criminals. He went on to voice support of the development of a youth center that features good dances and fifties rock. Larry Harms voiced his support of a youth center. Donna Grimly reported that the cruising problem is not as bad as it once was and if you take that away then there is nothing for kids in low income families to do. Councilmember Bill Fair stated that problems on Broadway will no longer be tolerated and that a tougher loitering ordinance is something that must be considered along with consideration of development of a youth center. Council Minutes - 9/26/88 4. Public Hearing on Improvements to Floyd Markling Townhouse Development and Monticello Country Club - 88-03 Project. AND 7. Consideration of a Resolution Approvin Advertisinq for Bids on 88-03 Project. Plans and Specifications and A general discussion of the financing of the proposed improvement was discussed. No opposition to the project was voiced by adjoining property owners, and it was the general concensus that the assessment formula would be established after completion of the project. Motion was made by Bill Fair to adopt a resolution approving plans and specifications and ordering advertisement for bids to serve property of Floyd Markling and Monticello Country Club with city sewer and water main. Motion was seconded by Dan Blonigen and passed unanimously. See Resolution 88-37. 5. Public Hearing for Moving and Relocation Expenses Pertaining to Acquisition of Property. Economic Development Director, 011ie Koropchak, reported that the moving and relocation expenses associated with the senior housing project site acquisition represent a portion of the housing site purchase price and is not an addition to the negotiated purchase price. Identifying the portion of the purchase price dedicated to moving expenses is a requirement of the HUD -Uniform act which governs acquisition of private land by a government. Public hearing closed. After discussion, motion was made by Bill Fair and seconded by Warren Smith to adopt a resolution approving the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority acquisition cost inclusive of moving and relocation expenses pursuant to the HUD -Uniform Act. Motion passed unanimously. See Resolution 88-38. 6. Public Hearing for Modification #3 of Project Costs for Tax Increment District #2. Fran Fair described the plan modification and asked for public comments. There being no comments from the public, the public hearing was closed. After discussion, Motion was made by Warren Smith and seconded by Dan Blonigen to adopt a resolution adopting Modification #3 of the existing Tax Increment Finance Plan for Redevelopment District #2 pursuant to the provisions of Section 273.71 to 273.78 inclusive of the Minnesota Statute. Motion passed unanimously. See Resolution 88-39. 8. Consideration of a Resolution Issuing an Order for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings - Clifford Olson Property. After discussion, Council requested that staff contact the City Attorney for further clarification regarding proposed resolution and strategy for 2 Council Minutes - 9/26/88 abatement of said dangerous building. Motion made by Bill Fair and seconded by Warren Smith to table consideration of a resolution issuing an order of abatement of dangerous buildings - Clifford Olson Property. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Consideration of Using Streetscape Surplus Funds for Additions to Base Project. Assistant City Administrator O'Neill reviewed the status of the Streetscape budget and reported the recommendation made by streetscape committee members regarding the use of remaining streetscape funds. Warren Smith noted his desire to keep the project within budget and asked for assurance that the contingency remaining will be sufficient to cover any remaining unexpected cost. Staff reported that $3,500 remains in the contignency fund after the proposed additions to the project are completed. After discussion, motion was made by Warren Smith and seconded by Bill Fair to utilize streetscape contingency funds to purchase one replacement - two globe light, one replacement - four globe light, replacement bridge railing, replacement of sidewalk along Walnut Avenue in front of Golden Valley Furniture, and installation of three ornamental lights on the east side of Walnut Avenue south of Broadway. Voting in favor - Fran Fair, Warren Smith, Bill Fair. Opposed - Dan Blonigen. 10. Consideration of Resolutions Setting a Public Hearing to Assessments for 88-01B and 88-02 Project. Motion made by Bill Fair and seconded by Dan Blonigen to adopt a resolution setting a hearing on the proposed assessment and a resolution declaring costs to be assessed and ordering preparation of proposed assessment. Motion carried unanimously. See Resolution 88-40 and Resolution 88-41. 11. Consideration of Upgrading Streets in Monticello Industrial Park. Public Works Director, John Simola, reviewed the report submitted by Braun Engineering which detailed the load bearing capacity of streets in the industrial park. Simola recommended that the City upgrade and overlay only those areas of lower strength this fall as maintenance activity to achieve table 1 ratings and consider further upgrading in 1989. Table 1 Road Designation Chelsea Road Dundas Road Fallon Avenue Thomas Circle Thomas Park Drive 3 Spring Axle Load 8 tons 8 tons 7 tons 10 tons 9 tons Council Minutes - 9/26/88 Simola went on to note that deferring a major project to 1989 will allow us time to develop some additonal cost information and discuss the proposed improvements with more property owners in the Industrial Park prior to making an actual decision or holding a public hearing. Bill Fair noted that approval of staff recommendations assures the City that its present investment in the streets is protected. Motion made by Bill Fair to upgrade and overlay those areas in the industial park of lower strength to achieve table 1 ratings and consider further upgrades in 1989. Motion seconded by Dan Blonigen and carried unanimously. 12. Consideration of Bills for the Month of September. After discussion, motion made by Warren Smith, seconded by Bill Fair, to approve payment of bills for the month of September, 1988. Motion passed unanimously. Other Matters. Prior to adjournment, Council briefly discussed the cruising issue. Fran Fair noted that Council should listen to complaints regarding a potential loitering ordinance made by individuals present earlier in the meeting but should not be intimidated or bullied by the group. There being no further discussion, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ��/6Aj-� Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator. 4