City Council Minutes 10-24-1988MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 24, 1988 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Bill Fair, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen Members Absent: Fran Fair 2. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the special meeting held August 18, 1988, and the regular meeting held October 11, 1988. 3. Citizens Comments/Petitions, Requests, and Complaints. No comments/petitions, requests, or complaints were made from the public. 4. Public Hearing on the Proposed Assessment Roll for Project 88-01B, East rcle. AND 6. Consideration of Adopting an Assessment Roll for Certification with the County Auditor Covering Project 88-01B and 88-02. Mayor Grimsmo opened the meeting by asking for comments from the public regarding said project. Charles Anderson asked for a clarification regarding the method by which assessed amounts are calculated. Chuck Lepak of OSM informed Anderson that it is proposed that properties be assessed on a unit basis rather than a front footage basis. Mayor Grimsmo then read letters submitted by Charles Anderson, Leo Grey, Robert Krautbauer, and Mrs. Hoglund. All letters outlined objections to the proposed assessment. Krautbauer noted that the increase in the value of his property is not commensurate with the assessment against the property. Lois Krautbauer asked Council to continue the hearing to another date, as she would like more time to analyze the formula used in calculating the assessment. Arve Grimsmo noted that the burden of proof regarding Krautbauer's assertion is on Krautbauer. Ray Erickson objected to the proposed area assessment. Bill Fair suggested that the City not employ the area assessment policy in this case because the project was set in motion before the area assessment policy was established. Motion by Dan Blonigen and seconded by Warren Smith to not utilize the area assessment to recover costs associated with the extension of trunk sewer and water, as the area assessment policy was established after the project was ordered. Motion passed unanimously. Alta Fitch asked if a portion of the assessment can be paid, thereby reducing the annual payment. City Administrator Wolfsteller noted that in order to streamline collection of assessments, the County requires that assessments be completely paid or be paid as scheduled. 1 Council Minutes - 10/24/88 There being no further discussion, the public hearing was closed. Motion made by Bill Fair and seconded by Dan Blonigen to certify assessment roll for Project 88-18, East County Road 39 and Dundas Circle; and adopt assessment roll for certification with the County Auditor covering Project 88-01B and 88-02 with the understanding that the assessment associated with property owned by Robert Krautbauer will be deferred under "Green Acres". SEE RESOLUTION 88-47. 5. Public Hearing on Proposed Assessment Roll for Delinquent Charges. AND 7. Consideration of Adopting an Assessment Roll for the Certification with the County Auditor Covering Delinquent Charges. Mayor Grimsmo opened the public hearing and asked for comments regarding the proposed assessment role. There being none, the public hearing was closed. Motion made by Bill Fair and seconded by Dan Blonigen to adopt the assessment roll for certification with the County Auditor covering delinquent charges. SEE RESOLUTION 88-48. 8. Consideration of Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications for 88-05 Project (Water Tower) and Authorizing Advertisement for Bids. Gene Anderson of OSM reviewed said plans and specification noting that the project consists of the construction of an 800,000 gallon above- ground water reservoir located on the south end of the 5 -acre site the City purchased from Kenny and Susie Schultz. This project would consist of the site grading and construction of the water storage facility, including the controls, drains, accesses, and landscaping. Dan Blonigen noted his concern regarding the impact of the higher water pressure on older residences located at lower elevations. Staff responded by noting that the pressure will be increased gradually and all fixtures associated with reducing pressure are included in the project costs. John Simola noted that he will be writing a policy for Council review that will address potential problems created by the increase in water pressure. Motion by Bill Fair and seconded by Dan Blonigen to approve the plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for the new water storage facility. Motion passed unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 88-49. 9. Consideration of Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications for 88-06 Project (Water Main) and Authorizing Advertisement for Bids. Motion made by Bill Fair and seconded by Warren Smith to approve said plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids. Motion passed unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 88-50. 2 10. 11. 12. 13. Council Minutes - 10/24/88 Consideration of Change Orders #4 and #5 on 88-01B Project (East County Road 39) . Public Works Director Simola reviewed the change orders noting that Change Order #4 involves the lowering of water main on Mississippi Drive to protect it from freezing and the relocation earlier this year of Charles Anderson's sewer and water services from the edge of his driveway to the center of his driveway. The total cost of the change order is $4,199.60. Simola went on to describe change order #5 which adds an additional sewer service on the Dundas Circle project. The six -acre site of Lot 4, Block 3, which adjoins the Dundas Circle project, was chosen for the new site of well #4. At that time, it was determined that we could sell off the westerly half of this six -acre site and still maintain proper clearances for the municipal well. There were, however, no services on the western half of Lot 4, Block 3, so it was decided to add an additional service so we could sell that portion of the lot. Change Order #5 involves the core drilling of the 15 -inch concrete pipe at that location to provide for a sanitary sewer service connection. The cost of this change order is $1,003.20. Motion by Dan Blonigen and seconded by Warren Smith to approve said change orders. Motion passed unanimously. Consideration of Approving Specifications for Purchase of a 1/2 -Ton Truck for Water Department. Motion made by Bill Fair and seconded by Warren Smith to approve the specifications and authorize purchase of the new pickup for the Water Department not to exceed the budgeted amount of $11,500. Motion passed unanimously. Consideration of Authorizing the Advertisement for Bids on a Used Grader. John Simola outlined the need for the used grader and noted that the existing grader must be replaced if the existing snow removal service level is to be maintained. He went on to note that the 1989 budget includes an $80,000.00 expenditure for a new grader. Arve Grimsmo asked what the effect would be if the City did not have a grader. Simola responded by saying that the grader is used extensively for ice and hard -pack snow removal along Broadway and it operates on a full-time basis during snow storms. Dan Blonigen requested that the City consider purchasing an older unit in order to keep the price down. After discussion, motion made by Dan Blonigen and seconded by Warren Smith to authorize City staff to check the market place for used machines, develop a detailed set of specifications and advertise for bids for consideration at a later meeting. Motion passed unanimously. Consideration of Authorizing Development of Temporary Clerical Position Through the State of Minnesota "MEED" Program. Assistant Administrator O'Neill outlined a proposal to develop a part-time/temporary clerical position entitled "Assistant to the Deputy Registrar Clerk". The proposed position will be funded entirely by the 3 Council Minutes - 10/24/88 State of Minnesota through the MEED program for a period of six months. O'Neill went on to note that development of the proposed position is a no -cost method for the City to supplement clerical resources which will have a positive, indirect effect of assisting the City with the final implementation of the computerized financial system. O'Neill went on to say that the MEED program is designed to encourage organizations to establish positions that provide training for individuals that meet MEED qualifications. After discussion, motion by Dan Blonigen and seconded by Bill Fair to authorize development of Temporary Clerical position through the State of Minnesota MEED program. Motion passed unanimously. 14. Consideration of Bills for the Month of October. Motion by Warren Smith and seconded by Bill Fair to approve payment of bills for the month of October. Motion passed unanimously. In other matters, Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed Council that some of the trees planted with the Streetscapes project have been found to be slightly undersized and do not meet specifications. Council directed staff to complete an inventory of trees delivered and negotiate a cash settlement for delivery of trees that do not meet specifications. There being no further discussion, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, �A� Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator 4