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City Council Minutes 12-12-1988MINUTES
Monday, December 12, 1988 - 7:30 p.m.
Members Present: Arve A. Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Dan
Blonigen, Warren Smith
Members Absent: None
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of minutes.
Motion by Fran Fair and seconded d NovemberDan o28g 1en 988, andto rthe
minutes of the special meeting he
regular meeting held November 28, 1988.
3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints.
Tom Dolly requested the opportunity to discuss the potential
development of the Monticello Park and Ride area. Council
agreed to discuss this item at the end of the meeting.
4. Consideration of amending union contract to provide for C_i_y
payment of all or a portion of increase in health insurance
Tim Connors, Union Representative, requested that action be
taken at the special meeting regarding pa ment of health
nto the contract
insurance premiums be formally incorporated
document. It was the consensus of Council to allow the
reopening of the contract in order to amend portion n heaof
the contract pertaining to payment of increases
insurance premiums.
5. Consideration of extending probation period/residency
requirement --Tony Strande.
After discussion, motion by Fran Fair and seconded by Dan
Blonigen to extend Tony Strande's probationary period by a
period of six months and increase Strande's pay level to 1000
of the union contract pay scale at such time that Strande
relocates to a residence within a 10 -minute response time to
the city of Monticello. Motion passed unanimously.
6. Consideration of subdivision request --City of Monticello.
Motion by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Warren Smith, to approve
the subdivision of Lot 4, Block 31 Oakwood Industrial Park, as
described. Motion passed unanimously. (This motion was made
formal by RESOLUTION 88-54 executed on April 241 1990.)
7. Consideration of authorizing development of demolition plans
and specifications for demolition of Jones Manufacturing,
Stelton's Laundry, and the O'Connor Garage.
After discussion, motion by Fran Fair, seconded by Warren
Smith, to direct staff and the City Engineer to develop said
plans with the cost of the plan to be based on time and
materials. Motion passed unanimously.
Council Minutes - 12/12/88
8. Consideration of amending franchise agreement and joint powers agreement -
SWC4 Cable Commission.
After discussion, motion was made by Dan Blonigen and seconded by Warren
Smith to adopt said franchise agreement and joint powers agreement.
Motion passed unanimously. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 167. SEE RES. 88-53.
9. Consideration of gambling license application - Celebrity Bowl.
Jerry Brightbill was present to discuss a request for a gambling license
to be operated by Celebrity at Joyners's Bowling Lanes. After discussion,
motion by Warren Smith, seconded by Fran Fair, to approve said request.
Motion passed unanimously.
10. Consideration of awarding bids on 1 -ton truck,
equipment, and sale of GMC pickup.
, and snowplow
John Simola reviewed the bid tabulation and recommended that the sander
attachment be removed from the proposal and further recommended that the
contract be awarded to Crysteel and Ford in the amount of $30,262. After
discussion, motion by Dan Blonigen to award bid to Crysteel and Ford in
the amount of $30,262. Motion seconded by Fran Fair. Motion passed
11. Consideration of approving 1989 contract for police protection with Wright
County Sheriff.
Council discussed the cost of extra patrol associated with monitoring
cruising activity. It was noted by City Administrator Wolfsteller that
the current contract calls .for a potential expenditure of $8,000
associated with extra patrol. He went on to note that expenditure of such
funds will depend on the need as it develops. In the event that the
cruising problem diminishes, the City has the choice to reduce patrol and
costs therein.
After discussion, motion by Dan Blonigen and seconded by Warren Smith to
approve said contract. Motion passed unanimously.
12. Consideration of authorizing Joint Fire Department Board to prepare a
separate agreement with Monticello Township for use of new aerial ladder
City Administrator Wolfsteller informed Council that as a result of the
recent acquisition of a new aerial ladder fire truck, indications are that
there may be a problem in allocating the cost of this new truck as part of
the formula included in our agreement with Monticello Township covering
the fire department expenditures. The initial response of the Township
was that they felt the ladder truck would be primarily used within the
city limits, and the Township should not have to contribute toward its
initial cost within the formula of the contract.
Council Minutes - 12/12/88
Wolfsteller noted that the Township has a valid point in that the truck
will primarily be used in the city; but at the same time, there may be
instances where the aerial ladder fire truck will be needed to fight fires
in the township and that a fair formula needs to be established that will
cover the cost of using the ladder truck in the township. Wolfsteller
recommended that the Council authorize the Joint Fire Board to establish a
separate agreement covering township use of the new fire truck.
Dan Blonigen noted that he would hate to see the truck needed and not be
able to use it in the township. Fran Fair noted that the City should
study the issue closely.
Motion by Fran Fair and seconded by Bill Fair to authorize the Joint Fire
Board to establish a separate agreement covering the township use of the
new fire truck. Motion passed unanimously.
13. Consideration of inter -fund transfer.
Motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Bill Fair to approve the
transfer of $4,934 from the sewer improvement fund to the 1988 debt
service fund to cover assessment on East County Road 39 project for City
owned parcel (lift station). Motion passed unanimously.
14. Consideration of bills for the month of November.
Motion by Warren Smith and seconded by Fran Fair to approve payment of
said bills. Motion passed unanimously.
At this point in the meeting, Tom Dolly outlined a proposal which called
for the relocation of the existing park and ride function to an area
directly north of the Silver Fox Motel. The current park and ride site
would then be developed for commercial use. Staff informed Dolly that the
City maintains the existing site, but the true ownership of the property
has not been established. The County Attorney has not executed the
process transferring the ownership of the property to the City.
Furthermore, the transfer of the property to the City may include
restrictions that might limit or prohibit development of the property for
any use other than a park and ride facility. Council reviewed the matter
and requested that staff contact the County for additional information on
the matter.
As the meeting came to a close, Councilmember Smith thanked outgoing
Councilmember Bill Fair and outgoing Mayor Arve Grimsmo for their
contributions to the City of Monticello. Smith recognized the efforts of
Bill Fair in the area of long term planning and commended Fair for his
willingness to speak his mind on difficult issues. Smith went on to
express gratitude to Arve Grimsmo for maintaining a strong public trust
and for providing steadfast leadership during his tenure. others in
attendance followed these comments with similar statements of thanks.
Council Minutes -
There being no further business, meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff O'Neill
Assistant Administrator