HRA Minutes 07-28-1999 . . . , MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Special Meeting Wednesday, July 28,1999 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall Members Prescnt: Chair Bob Murray, Vice Chair Darrin Lahr and Steve Andrews Absent: Members Brad Barger, Dan Frie and Council Liaison Brian Stumpf. Staff Present: Executive Director Ollie Koropchak and Recording Secretary Lori Kraemer. Guest: Steve Krenz, Midwest Graphics 1. Call to Order. Chair Bob Murray called the HRA meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve the July 14. 1999 HRA minutes. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDED BY BOB MURRAY TO APPROVE THE MINUTES, AS WRITTEN, OF THE HRA MEETING OF JULY 14, 1999. Motion carried with Steve Andrews abstaining. 3. Consideration of adding agenda items. Ollie Koropchak asked to discuss the Grassl walkway. This was put under Other Business. 4. Consideration to review for aporoval funding ootions as requested bv Steve Krenz. Midwest Graphics. Ollie Koropchak presented the staff report, providing some options for consideration regarding the request by Steve Krenz, Midwest Graphics, for assistance of $200,000 to $250,000, approximately one-half the estimated costs of $400,000, to move a portion of the Midwest Graphics' Plymouth business operation to Monticello. Ollie Koropchak spoke with Mark Houge, Allied Companies, and reviewed the criteria for amending the contract under Option A or C. He agreed to the concept of Option A, but requested deferring authorization to prepare document by Attorney Bubul until confirmation with Steve Krenz.. -1- ., . . . , HRA minutes - 7/28/99 The commission members questions the avcrage pay rate statcd by Steve Krenz who clarified that this is an avcragc and that some wages will be higher, some lowcr. TIc also stated that the minimum pay wage would be approximatcly $11 and the maximum was approximately $28. I-Ie cxplained that the wages would add up to $1.7 for tbe additional 40 jobs. Ollie asked Steve Krenz to complete a worksheet describing the numbcr of positions for each pay rate range. Thc commissioners noted that it is not thc HRA' s intention to fine tune the wages and after somc discussion, the members were satisfied with Mr. Krenz's breakdown of jobs and wages. Mr. Krenz also stated that the attraction to Monticello by present employees is housing; the attraction for people already in Monticcllo is the pay rate. Steve also stated that Midwest Graphics had exercised the five-year option to purchase thc building from Allied Companies. Ollie also stated Rick Wolfsteller agreed to loan HRA the money at 6.5% or 7% intercst, and the City Attorney was in agreement with this as well. The commissioners questioned the recommendation for $100,000 versus $181,000 and Ollie Koropchak stated this is consistent with the EDA loan fund, but it is not required. Steve expressed the importance of the entire $181,000 consistent with the previous agreement. Ollie Koropchak outlined the three options for the commissioners to consider. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOB MURRAY AND SECONDED BY DARRIN LAHR TO PROVIDE UP-FRONT ASSISTANCE IN THE AMOUNT OF $181 ,000 AT AN INTEREST RATE OF 7%, SUBJECT TO RUNNING NEW REVENUE STREAMS AND AMENDING THE PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN HRA AND ALLIED COMPANIES AS DEFINED. Motion carried lmanimously. 5. Otber Business. Ollie Koropchak advised the commissioners that she and Rick Wolfsteller met with Bill Grassl and agreed upon a price per foot on the 7' walkway. Mr. Grassl requested the HRA extend behind County Travel (Brad Larson's) property. The per square foot selling price is $6 for a total land price of $7,140. Ollie also stated that improvements will need to be made including concrete pavers and lighting along the 7' easement. Ollie Koropchak asked the commissioners of their interest to pay for these improvements which she estimated at approximately $20,000. These improvements could be fundcd through TIF District 1-22 revenues. Ollie also noted that this is part of the revitalization plan for downtown as well as being part of the City's Comp Plan. -2- .., . . . ',. HRA minutes - 7/28/99 The commissioners agrecd that this is preferable for the downtown area, but they feel thc HRA funds are already committed and that thc Council wanted this 7' strip. They would like to see the Councils action come full circle. Council recommended it, council should pay. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TI--IAT DUE TO PREVIOUS FUNDING COMMITMENTS, TIlE HRA IS NOT INTERESTED IN FUNDING THE 7 FOOT W ALKWA Y. Motion carricd unanimously. Other Updates: Ollie Koropchak advised the commissioners of the Review ofTIF revenue from the County. Custom Canopy has not paid, nor has Lake Tool. She has spoken to Attorney Steve Bubul and will follow-up. Twin City Die Casting still looks favorable for Monticello to be the chosen site, but there is yet to be a commitment made. Ollie Koropchak did send a letter noting the City's willingness to participate inTI F. 6. Adjournment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:50 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. Chair, Bob Murray -3-