City Council Minutes 06-25-1990MINUTES
Monday, June 25, 1990 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Ken Maus, Warren Smith, Shirley Anderson, Dan
Blonigen, Fran Fair
Members Absent: None
2. Approval of minutes.
Motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Shirley Anderson,
to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held June 11,
1990. Voting in favor: Ken Maus, Warren Smith, Shirley
Anderson, Dan Blonigen. Abstaining: Fran Fair.
3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints.
None forthcoming.
4. Consideration of withdrawing requirement that Kirkman Addition
ponding area be placed on the final plat.
Chuck DuFresne of The Lincoln Companies requested that the
City Council remove the requirement that the ponding area be
placed on the plat. DuFresne noted that this requirement
amounts to the City having a property interest in the lot to
insure compliance with drainage specifications. He said this
is not appropriate, as the drainage requirements are spelled
out in the conditional use permit.
John Badalich supported the concept of placing the easement
requirement on the plat; however, he noted that recording the
drainage restrictions on a separate document would be
After discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by
Warren Smith, to withdraw the requirement that the ponding
area be placed on the final plat of the Kirkman Addition. In
lieu of pond dedication on the plat, the City will accept a
separate document describing site drainage limitations to be
recorded against the plat. Voting in favor: Fran Fair,
Warren Smith, Shirley Anderson, Ken Maus. Opposed: Dan
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5. Consideration of accepting the 1989 Audit Report for the City
of Monticello.
Rick Borden and Kim Lillehaug of Gruys Johnson & Associates
were present at the meeting and presented a brief overview of
the 1989 Audit Report. Rick Borden reviewed the financial
statement, outlined the publishing requirements, and reviewed
the various schedules noted in the audit report. Council
reviewed the audit with Borden.
Ken Maus requested that future audit reports pull out interest
income from the liquor store revenue report, thereby providing
the City with a better idea of how the liquor store is
performing financially. Borden noted that he would do this in
the future.
Ken Maus asked if Gruys Johnson is intending on preparing a
letter to the City outlining any possible deficiencies in the
City's finance operation. Rick Borden noted that the City's
financial condition is excellent, and the present method of
operation is meeting all standards, and it is not necessary to
prepare a letter, as only a few minor adjustments to the
City's present operation have been suggested to the City
After discussion, motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by
Shirley Anderson, to accept the 1989 Audit Report as
presented. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Consideration of accepting feasibility study, adopting
preliminary finance plan, and consideration of ordering
pr_�aration of plans and specifications --Sandberg East
Assistant Administrator O'Neill summarized the various issues
associated with the residential development of the Sandberg
East area and outlined a method by which public improvements
extended to the Sandberg East area could be financed by
adjoining landowners and in part by the City of Monticello.
He noted that the finance plan, along with plat design,
results from considerable study of numerous options for
serving the area and also stems from numerous discussions and
meetings with the affected landowners.
Ken Maus noted that Council, when reviewing this plan, should
keep in mind that the situation is unique; and due to previous
decisions by City Council and the OAA, the City is in a unique
position whereby utilities must be extended some distance in
order to serve a plat that has been recorded some time ago.
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Decisions that the Council makes regarding this proposal could
set the groundwork for a potential policy governing financing
of improvements that cross properties whose landowners do not
necessarily desire public improvements.
Maus noted that a positive aspect of this plan calls for
payment of three years of interest associated with assessments
against property that is crossed. Maus noted that the policy
could be applied to future developers as they request services
outside the immediate city boundaries and that in the future,
the deferred interest expense could be paid by developers if
they desire to develop property outside the immediate city
limits. Maus noted that in this situation, the City is
obligated to pay for the deferred interest expense, as the
situation was indirectly created by the City and the OAA.
John Simola suggested that if the City is to prepare plans and
specifications for this project, then easements should be
obtained from the affected landowners, thereby assuring the
City that the plans can be used at some point in the future.
Ken Maus also noted that the finance plan calls for a
retroactive deferral of interest associated with the County
Road 39 project as it applies to the Krautbauer property. In
addition, the finance plan calls for an adjustment to the
sewer lift station unit charge based on a recalculation of
units from 98 units to 74 units, and the finance plan calls
for lifting of the Krautbauer storm sewer assessment until
such time that the property is developed in a manner that
directs storm water to the County Road 39 storm water
Robert Krautbauer was in attendance and debated the method of
assessing the original storm sewer. Krautbauer asserted that
the City should not be assessing for storm water improvements
when typically, according to Krautbauer, the county pays for
culverts under county roads. John Badalich explained that the
county did pay for the cost to develop a culvert necessary to
control county road run-off; however, a larger structure was
needed to accommodate run-off from the water shed area which
includes the Krautbauer property. Badalich noted that
Krautbauer's assessment reflects the relative benefit
Krautbauer receives in being able to convey drainage to the
oversized culvert. In closing, Krautbauer stated that when
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the City drops the assessment, the City will obtain the
easements necessary to extend utilities to the Norrel property
and will be provided an easement at the location of the
existing Highway 39 culvert.
NOTATION: Finance plan does not necessarily drop storm sewer
assessment. Storm sewer assessment deferred until such time
that it is needed due to development of the Krautbauer
After discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by
Dan Blonigen, to accept the feasibility study, approve the
finance plan, and to order plans and specifications subject to
City acquisition of necessary public easements. Finance plan
includes retroactive deferral of sanitary sewer and water
assessments against Krautbauer properties, reduction in lift
station unit assessment from 98 to 74 units, and a lifting of
storm sewer assessments until such time that the storm sewer
facilities are needed due to development of Krautbauer
property. Motion carried unanimously.
(This motion was made formal by a resolution which was
executed on 8/27/90.) SEE RESOLUTION 90-25A.
Dan Coeman commended the Mayor and City staff for their
professional and diligent work on this project and noted that
this development could turn out to be a fine project.
7. Consideration of acceptance of sidewalk inspection report and
ordering public hearing.
John Simola reported that an inspection has been made of all
existing sidewalks within the city of Monticello based upon
inspection criteria approved by the City Council at the
previous meeting. The inspector noted areas where
preventative maintenance is needed and other areas where
replacement or repairs are necessary. Simola noted if the
Council accepts the report as drafted, they should order a
public hearing to be held on July 9. At the public hearing,
a summary of the report will be given and the more specific
detailed inspection notes will be available.
Ken Maus was concerned that the public might have a lack of
understanding and acceptance of the proposed program for
upgrading the city's sidewalk system. Maus noted that the
citizens should have plenty of notice and be provided with
good information regarding this issue. It was suggested that
the letter to property owners be detailed and that a public
information meeting be held prior to the public hearing.
Shirley Anderson noted that many homeowners may fail to
recognize their responsibility to maintain sidewalks.
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After discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by
Warren Smith, to accept the sidewalk inspection report and
call for a public hearing scheduled for July 23, 1990, and
direct staff to prepare and distribute information materials
regarding the sidewalk policy to affected homeowners. Motion
carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 90-26.
8. Consideration of advertising for bids for annual sealcoatin
Motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Fran Fair, to
authorize advertisement for bids for approximately
57,307 sq ft of sealcoating. Motion carried unanimously.
9. Quarterly department head reports.
Don Hozempa was present and reported that drug and alcohol
abuse in the community at this time is our number one problem.
Hozempa noted that his staff will be making an extra effort to
slow down traffic on County Roads 39 and 75. Council
discussed truck traffic on Broadway between Highway 25 and the
freeway. It was noted that the City has no control over truck
traffic in that this is a state highway and not under the
domain of the City of Monticello; however, the City could post
a "not a truck route" sign which might discourage some trucks
from utilizing Broadway to gain access to the freeway from the
Highway 25 bridge.
Council reviewed department head reports submitted by
Assistant Administrator, Jeff O'Neill; Building Inspector,
Gary Anderson; Public Works Director, John Simola; Economic
Development Director, 011ie Koropchak; and Senior Citizen
Center Director, Karen Hanson. After review of the reports,
Ken Maus thanked staff for the informative reports and
indicated that the reports indicate that certain important
items, though not considered on a weekly basis by Council,
have not been forgotten and are being worked on by staff
behind the scenes.
10. Consideration of an ordinance amendment expanding the
definition of public nuisance ordinance pertaining to grass
and weeds.
Council did not achieve a consensus on this matter. No action
was taken on the proposed ordinance amendment intended to
regulate weeds in vacant areas that neighbor developed areas.
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11. Consideration of bills for the month of June.
Ken Maus and Warren Smith indicated that the new report design
available via the new computer system is an improvement over
previous reports, as it provides Council with a detailed
outline of expenditures made to each vendor. Dan Blonigen
noted that he favored the previous style of report which
summarized expenditures made and thereby created less paper.
Motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Shirley Anderson,
to approve bills as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
Jeff O'Neill
Assistant Administrator
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