City Council Minutes 07-09-1990MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 9, 1990 - 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Ken Maus, Warren Smith, Shirley Anderson, Fran Fair Members Absent: Dan Blonigen 2. Approval of minutes. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Warren Smith, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held June 25, 1990. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. None forthcoming. 4. Consideration of a variance request to allow construction of a detached garage within the side yard and rear yard setback requirements. Applicant, Cheryl Steinmetz. This item was not considered by Council, as the variance was approved by the Planning Commission and no appeal was forthcoming. 5. Consideration of a preliminary plat request for commercial subdivision plat. Applicant, Stuart Hoglund. Assistant Administrator O'Neill described the Minnie Point subdivision and noted that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the preliminary plat subject to City acquisition of proper drainage easements across properties impacted by Minnie Point storm water and subject to development of a plan for conveying storm water along the Oakwood Drive right-of-way to Highway 25. O'Neill noted that most of the water from the Minnie Point area currently drains onto the Hoglund Transportation company property on its way to the freeway ditch and then into the Walnut Street storm sewer system. This has not been a problem in the past, as the Minnie Point area and Hoglund Transportation property have been under common ownership. Now that the land is being subdivided with the intent to sell, it may be prudent to formally identify a drainage and utility easement across the Hoglund Transportation property. O'Neill went on to note there appear to be two possible drainage alignments. Selection of the alignment is to be determined by the applicant. O'Neill also noted that a portion of the water produced by the site drains to the Oakwood Drive ditch. The purpose of this ditch is to Page 1 Council Minutes - 7/9/90 convey water westward to Highway 25. Unfortunately, the ditch does not serve this purpose, as there are culverts along the ditch line that are absent or are too small to properly convey the amount of water that would be produced by this site; therefore, it may make sense at this time to acknowledge the problem and develop a plan for opening up this ditch line to Highway 25. The construction of the ditch improvements may be deferred until such time that actual construction occurs. After discussion, a motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Warren Smith, to approve the preliminary plat of the Minnie Point subdivision subject to City acquisition of necessary utility and drainage easements across properties impacted by Minnie Point subdivision storm water and subject to development of a plan for improving Oakwood Drive ditch in a manner that will allow storm drainage to drain to the Highway 25 or freeway ditch storm drainage areas. Oakwood Drive storm drain improvements are to be completed during or before Minnie Point commercial site development. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of a variance request to allow construction of a parking lot within the 5 -foot curb barrier to lot line setback requirement. Applicant, Wright County State Bank. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that Wright County State Bank is developing a parking area in conjunction with the expansion of the Monticello Theatre. In order to achieve 46 parking stalls, a variance to the side yard setback requirement of 5 feet is necessary. The plan proposed shows a 2.3 -foot setback along Highway 25 and a 2 -foot setback along Broadway. O'Neill noted that the Planning Commission recommended that the variance be approved subject to City staff and Wright County State Bank developing a plan for use of the setback area with the goal of creating a separation between the parking area and the Highway 25 sidewalk utilizing green space, bridge railing, or a combination thereof. City Council reviewed the Planning Commission decision and concurred. It was the consensus of Council that extra streetscape railing could be used to frame the parking lot area, thereby creating a separation between the stalls bordering the western or Highway 25 edge of the parking lot. Page 2 Council Minutes - 7/9/90 7. Consideration of ordinance amendment to hard surfacing and curbing requirement. Applicant, City of Monticello. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reviewed the proposed amendment to the hard surfacing and curbing requirement. The proposed amendment is designed to lessen hard surfacing and curbing requirements on a limited basis via the conditional use process. After describing the proposed language of the ordinance, Assistant Administrator O'Neill reviewed Planning Commission's interpretation of the ordinance as it relates to the Martie's Farm Service store. It was noted by the Planning Commission that it would not be necessary for Martie to install hard surface or asphalt paving in front of the four overhead doors, as Martie will not be using the door openings on a routine basis. It was suggested that the area in front of the overhead doors be seeded. Mayor Maus suggested that the area in front of the overhead doors be covered with gravel material and that the use of the overhead doors as described by Martie is more than routine and that Martie should request a variance to the ordinance to allow particular use of this area without asphalt paving. After discussion, a motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to approve the proposed ordinance amendment lessening hard surface and curbing requirement as a conditional use in the I-1 and I-2 zone with slight modifications as noted. Motion carried unanimously. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 192. 8. Consideration of withdrawing requirement that the City obtain Norell/Sandberg easements prior to preparation of plans and specifications. Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed Council that Rod Norrel and John Sandberg support the proposed utilities alignment through the property and support the basic finance plan and are interested in pursuing the project; however, they do not feel it appropriate to provide the easements at this time. Norrel and Sandberg requested that Council review the previous decision and consider ordering plans and specifications without obtaining the easements. Rod Norrel was in attendance and noted to Council that at this time the project cost as noted by the City Engineer may be too high to make the project feasible; however, it is possible that a construction bid that comes in 10% less than expected may make the project possible and create numbers that he can work with. Page 3 Council Minutes - 7/9/90 He went on to note that the basic project looks good. He does think that somehow we can move ahead on it; however, at this time, Norrel is not willing to provide the easement. Ken Maus noted that John Sandberg is looking for a building permit to allow construction of homes without public sewer and water service. If we stop now, Sandberg will be back again to request permission to build. It is important that we develop as much good faith effort as we can. Development of plans and specifications shows this good faith effort and provides information necessary to conclude that the project is feasible and, therefore, strengthens the City's position if this matter ever finds its way to court. John Badalich noted that the property is in the corporate limits of the city. The City is almost obligated through the grant obtained to develop the sanitary sewer system to serve the Sandberg East area. According to the long-range comprehensive plan, this area is to be served with city sewer and water. After discussion, a motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Warren Smith, to withdraw the requirement that the City obtain Norrel/Sandberg easements prior to preparation of plans and specifications. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consideration of granting 3.2 beer license to the Lions Club for the TRAM 250 event. Motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to approve granting a 3.2 beer license to the Lions Club for the TRAM 250 event. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of granting an increase to the individual pension for the volunteer firefighter relief association mPmhors. Rick Wolfsteller reported that members of the volunteer fire department request that City Council increase their retirement benefit from the present $21,500 to $23,500. This benefit is payable in a lump sum after 20 years of service based on the requested increase of $100 per year of service to the new amount of $1,175. The relief association plans are referred to an amount per year of service such as $1,175, which is payable at this amount only after 20 years of service. Wolfsteller noted that it appears that the relief association financial computations allow for the fire department to support an increase in their annual pension benefit to the $1,175 per year amount. Anything over this amount would Page 4 Council Minutes - 7/9/90 require City support through taxes. Based on this fact, Wolfsteller noted he has no objection to the increase being granted as long as the City Council realizes that there are no guarantees that state aid or investment earnings will continue at the present level. Such aides are necessary to support the pension fund. After discussion, a motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Fran Fair, to grant an increase to $1,175 per year/$23,500. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Review of first quarter liquor store financial report. City Council discussed the City policy toward advertising the Hi -Way Liquor Store service. It was noted by Ken Maus that advertising should include a notation that the City of Monticello' s primary goal is to promote the responsible use of alcohol. Warren Smith concurred with the position that City advertising should be low key and stress safety. Shirley Anderson agreed that the liquor store should advertise on a limited basis. Joe Hartman noted that each year 300 to 400 minors are turned away from the liquor store, which indicates that the City control of liquor sales plays a positive role in limiting distribution of alcohol to minors. Council discussed distribution of uniforms to employees. It was the consensus of Council that it is a good idea to provide one or two shirts to liquor store employees with replacement shirts being the responsibility of employees. Council discussed recycling of cardboard boxes produced by the liquor store. It was noted by Ken Maus that recycling of cardboard boxes is consistent with the City's aggressive recycling policy. He noted that the market for cardboard is not good at this time but that we should stay with it. Maus also noted that the manner in which the recycling is done should be studied closely in terms of cost and in terms of space requirements associated with storing recycling materials. 12. Consideration of award of bid for annual sealcoating project. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Warren Smith, to award the sealcoating contract to Astech in the amount of $31,346. Motion carried unanimously. Page 5 13. Council Minutes - 7/9/90 John Simola noted that the Astech bid is $153 under budget. He went on to note that Astech worked for the City seven years ago and is a reputable firm. Consideration of cost sharing policy for new sidewalk, sidewalk replacement, and sidewalk repairs. Public Works Director, John Simola, requested that Council establish a policy for cost sharing in regard to new sidewalks, replacement sidewalks, sidewalk repair and maintenance. Simola reviewed information obtained by other cities regarding their policies. Council reviewed the proposed sidewalk cost sharing policy. During the discussion, it was determined that there should be a policy for allowing property owners outside the grid area to benefit from the sidewalk cost sharing policy if certain conditions are met: 1. The sidewalk area that is not on the grid should be immediately adjacent to the grid. 2. The sidewalk should currently be in place. 3. 1000 of the residents on the block adjacent to the grid should sign a petition indicating their desire to participate. It was also suggested that the City share in 250 of sidewalk removal costs off the grid if an entire block requests removal. In addition, Ken Maus noted that criteria should be established for identifying hardship cases. It was his concern that some individuals may not be able to finance the property owner's share of the improvement. It was noted by Rick Wolfsteller that the present assessment policy does allow for deferral of assessments based on hardship. After discussion, a motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to approve the sidewalk cost sharing policy. The policy is as follows: SIDEWALK COST SHARING POLICY 1. Sidewalk off the grid is the total responsibility of the abutting property owner. It can be removed rather than be repaired or replaced. It must be removed in its entirety across the length of the property in question. The boulevard must then be restored. If requested, the Page 6 Council Minutes - 7/9/90 City will bid sidewalk removal and boulevard restoration, supervise the project, and bill property owners. Cost is to be 100% for the abutting property owner for individual sections of sidewalks off the grid. If 100% of the property owners on a particular block petition the City for removal of existing sidewalk from the entire block, the City will pay 25% of the project cost when performed by the City. 2. Major replacement of sidewalks on the grid (residential or commercial and more than two panels per property): City pays 75%. (No 100% credit for first two panels.) 3. New sidewalks on the grid abutting commercial property: City pays 75%. 4. New sidewalks on the grid abutting residential property: City pays 75%. 5. Preventative maintenance by abutting property owner. 6. Minor repairs or replacement on the grid abutting commercial or residential property (two panels or less): City pays 100%. The City will also pay 100% or repair all pedestrian ramps at intersections. 7. Sidewalk width considered for cost sharing by the City will be limited to five ( 5 ) feet unless the City Engineer deems additional width is necessary. S. The City Council will consider adding additional existing sidewalks to the grid i f : a) the segment abuts the grid; b) it is in complete block sections; c) and 100% of the property owners in each block petition for inclusion on the grid. 9. Deferrals of assessment will be granted for property owners age 65 or older for whom the cost will be a financial hardship. Individuals must apply under standard public improvement regulations. 10. Snow removal: Existing ordinance remains in force. City does only City property and south side of Broadway (residential). Page 7 Council Minutes - 7/9/90 NOTE: For items 2, 3, and 4, the percentages are of the actual project costs bid annually by the City and installed by the City or its contractor. For those individuals who wish to repair or replace their own sidewalks as per City standards, the City may reimburse property owners based upon City bid prices or actual costs, whichever is lower. Damage resulting from deliberate actions of a property owner or his/her representative is exempt from cost sharing by the City under this policy. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. 6�< of 'Neill Assistant Administrator Page 8