City Council Minutes 07-23-1990MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 23, 1990 - 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Ken Maus, Warren Smith, Shirley Anderson, Fran Fair, Dan Blonigen Members Absent: None 2. Approval of minutes. Motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to approve the minutes of the regular and special meetings held July 9, 1990. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. John Zillmer of 122 Marvin Elwood Road asked Council if there is any alternative to the proposal to develop a cluster mailbox in front of his property. Gary Anderson noted that it is up to the post office where the cluster boxes should be placed and that the City does not regulate cluster mailboxes. Ken Maus suggested that Mr. Zillmer discuss the matter of placement of the mailboxes with the post office officials. Vicki Schluender noted that there was a lot of cooperation and cleanup that occurred in her neighborhood as a result of City and neighborhood efforts to enforce the public nuisance ordinance. She went on to note, however, that some property owners still have not been complying with the public nuisance ordinance. Ken Maus noted that those property owners that are in violation of the public nuisance ordinance as interpreted by the Building Inspector have been ticketed, and those that continue to maintain their properties in a non -conforming manner have been referred to the court system. Maus also noted that in terms of the public nuisance ordinance, two different people can look at the same situation and have a different interpretation regarding whether or not the situation constitutes a violation. Mike Chandler, resident in the area, noted that he would like to complain against the complainers and wanted to state that in any block in the city he can show the same situation as being complained about. He went on to say that most of the complaints come from a single person. Page 1 Council Minutes - 7/23/90 Vicki Schluender noted that the problems she has cited in her neighborhood are a city-wide problem. After discussion, it was determined that Building Inspector, Gary Anderson, would consult with City Attorney, Tom Hayes, regarding each public nuisance complaint and determine if the complaint is warranted based on the public nuisance ordinance language. Warren Smith agreed that the City has toughened the ordinance and that pressure should now be brought on the county to process the complaints. He went on to note that the City should not be overly tough and that homeowners should have some freedom in choosing how to manage their property. Shirley Anderson agreed. She noted that if you want tight restrictions in your neighborhood, you should establish them before you move in. Dan Blonigen noted that the ordinance is sufficient, but the courts should be moving quicker. Painting restrictions are difficult to enforce. He challenged the neighbors by asking if they are truly neighbors or are they merely living side by side. Fran Fair stated that the City has made strides toward improving neighborhoods by amending the public nuisance ordinance and enforcing it better. She went on to note that the City should give some people credit for having the courage to improve their neighborhoods. 4. Public hearing on inspection report, consideration of ordering abatement of hazardous sidewalks, and authorization to advertise for bids for sidewalk repairs and replacements. The public hearing was opened. John Simola reported that the sidewalk information meeting was held Monday, July 16. Nine residents attended the meeting. Those individuals that attended appeared to support the City's new cost sharing policy. Their questions related to cost sharing removal of sidewalks off the grid and extensions of the grid to abutting sidewalks. Council reviewed requests submitted by Ben Smith, Ann Lindberg, Lestor and Ruth Harstad, and Bridge Water Telephone Company that proposed extension of the grid system to the northerly half of Block 33 to include the sidewalk on the Page 2 Council Minutes - 7/23/90 south side of East Third Street between Pine and Cedar Streets. In addition, the City received a petition from Trinity Lutheran Church and Todd Holt which requested extension of the grid system to the north side of Broadway on the block occupied by Trinity Lutheran Church and the Todd Holt property. The Council also reviewed a letter from John Lilja of 500 West 3rd Street asking that his sidewalk on Maple Street be removed from the grid. Council and staff responded to questions submitted by citizens. Tom Bose, City Inspector, noted that uneven sidewalk panels can be corrected by grinding the elevated panel to match the lower panel. Brad Fyle made comments regarding the sidewalk grid system. He noted that sidewalks on Walnut are a good idea. Sidewalk on both ends of the cemetery on Highway 25 was not a good idea. He thought sidewalks should be paid 100% by the City, and it was his view that a sidewalk should be placed on Elm Street, as more people on the west end of the community will use it. John Simola noted that Elm Street is on a future grid system for development of sidewalk and that sidewalk will be installed there at some point in the future. Ban Blonigen noted that the City is being generous by paying 750 of the cost to install sidewalks on the grid system. Blonigen went on to note that there are many areas in the community that have no access to sidewalks at all, yet part of their tax dollar is being used for development of sidewalks in front of individual property owners. Blonigen noted that it was not unreasonable to ask that property owners pay 25% of the cost to develop sidewalks that they have direct access to. At this point in the meeting, the public hearing was closed. John Simola noted that the sidewalk planned for the cemetery is not proposed for this year, and the proposal to develop sidewalk on both sides of the cemetery could be re-evaluated in the future. After discussion, motion was made by Shirley Anderson -to order the public works department to repair or have repaired all minor sidewalk problems on the grid involving two panels or less within 90 days. In addition, notices to property owners Page 3 Council Minutes - 7/23/90 with hazardous sidewalks on the grid needing repairs to more than two panels shall be sent notices to abate those hazardous sidewalks within 90 days. Property owners with hazardous sidewalks should also be sent a copy of a form or petition to have the City perform the work on a cost sharing basis. Those individuals with sidewalk off the grid are to be sent notices to repair or replace within 90 days or remove within 120 days. Council authorized City staff to advertise for repair or replacement of sidewalks with estimated quantities to be based upon amount of work to be performed by the public works department and 95% of other sidewalks. Motion was seconded by Dan Blonigen and carried unanimously. Shirley Anderson also noted that the grid that has been approved is a 3 -year grid. Sidewalk improvements should be budgeted for and completed over an extended period of time. Motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Fran Fair to allow the northerly half of Block 33 to be placed on the sidewalk grid system. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Fran Fair and seconded by Shirley Anderson to include the side of the block encompassing Trinity Lutheran Church and the Todd Holt property to be included in the City sidewalk grid system. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Discussion on possible City acquisition of industrial property from Farm Credit Services. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, requested Council discuss whether or not the City should or would like to get involved in owning a portion of the property once owned by Jim Boyle and now controlled by Farm Credit. Wolfsteller informed Council that Farm Credit might consider transferring a portion of the property as payment of delinquent assessments linked to the property. It was the consensus of Council to not get involved in City acquisition of property and that City control over planning and development of the acreage should be limited to those controls already possessed by the City via the comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance. Page 4 Council Minutes - 7/23/90 6. Sandberg East development update. Consideration of interpretation of previous motion --is the deferral of County Road 39 project assessment contingent on Krautbauer providing new project sanitary sewer and waterline easements? Assistant Administrator O'Neill requested that Council revisit previous action taken on June 25, 1990, at which time Council acted to accept the feasibility study, approve the finance plan, and to order plans and specifications subject to City acquisition of necessary public easements. The finance plan includes retroactive deferral (abatement) of sanitary sewer and water against Krautbauer properties, reduction in lift station unit assessment from 98 to 74 units, and a lifting of storm sewer assessments until such time that the storm sewer facilities are needed due to development of Krautbauer property. O'Neill asked Council if it was the intent of Council to approve a three-year retroactive abatement of the interest on the County Road 39 project with or without Krautbauer providing easements for the new project. Fran Fair noted that in making the motion, she intended to require that Krautbauer provide the easements prior to the granting of the retroactive deferral of assessments. Dan Blonigen concurred with Fran Fair's clarification of the motion. A general discussion ensued. After discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Shirley Anderson to approve the concept of extending sewer and water utilities along the perimeter of the Krautbauer property. Abatement of the County Road 39 project assessments as described in the June 25, 1990, meeting is to be granted subject to Krautbauer providing the necessary sewer and water line easements along the perimeter of his property. This easement is subject to the following conditions: 1) said utility extension shall provide no service stubs to the Krautbauer property, 2) and no assessment shall be levied against the Krautbauer property. However, at such time that the Krautbauer property utilizes the service line, a hookup fee or assessment shall be established at that time. Motion carried unanimously. Page 5 Council Minutes - 7/23/90 7. Consideration of authorization to rebid garbage hauling contract. John Simola reported that City staff has been concerned with the high rates that the City pays for contract hauling of garbage. Our current contract with Corrow Sanitation increased 900 over the previous contract. Since the inception of the new contract, the City has averaged in excess of 25% reduction and waste going to the landfill through its recycling program. As a result, Corrow Sanitation has hauled 137 fewer loads to the landfill than they did the previous year. When approached by staff about renegotiating the contract, Corrow indicated that they would not negotiate for twice a week pickup, as they felt they were charging what the traffic would bear and the City could not get a better price elsewhere. As a result of Corrow's refusal to renegotiate the contract, City staff suggests that the City look at alternative methods for providing garbage service. City Council and staff discussed various garbage hauling strategies, including automation of garbage pickup versus the present method of garbage pickup. After discussion, motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Warren Smith to authorize City staff to advertise for bids and prepare a bid from the public works department to be returned August 27. Motion carried unanimously. Under this alternative, Council would authorize advertisement for bids based upon once a week pickup with existing garbage containers, once a week pickup with automated 90 -gallon roll - around containers, and with the apartments bid separately at once and twice per week. City staff would then also prepare a bid from the public works department with the City going into garbage business with or without a joint venture with the City of Buffalo. Bids would be returned one month later on August 27 to be reviewed by the City Council at the first meeting in September. Our current contract has a six-month cancellation clause, so it is expected that any change in hauling would occur in the spring of 1991. 8. Consideration of change order #1 for Project 90-02, 7th and Minnesota Street improvement projects. John Simola explained that change order #1 involves three items on the above -referenced project. Item #1 is the addition of 8,530 sq ft of sidewalk to the project. This would include sidewalk on those portions of 7th Street and Page 6 go Council Minutes - 7/23/90 Minnesota Street receiving new street as referenced by the 1990 to 1993 grid. It includes no sidewalk located off the 90-02 project. Cost of adding the sidewalk to the project is $14,500. He went on to note that we expect the actual cost to be slightly lower, as we will not now have to sod the 5 -foot strip taken up by the sidewalk. The second change order involves excavation of organic material beneath the intersection of Locust and 7th Street. It appears that when this street was constructed, not all of the organic material was removed from the street subgrade; therefore, since 7th Street is now going to be a minimum 9 -ton all weather road, it is important that we remove this material and provide a good street base. The cost to remove this material and bring in clean granular fill is estimated at $1,200. The City will obtain the black dirt and use it on various City projects. Consequently, there is some value to this material from which the City will benefit. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Dan Blonigen to approve said change order at an estimated cost of $15,801. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of boulevard stump removal. John Simola noted that currently we have excess of 40 stumps located on boulevards, some of which have been there for many years. He went on to state that it appears to be in the City's best interest to improve the image of the community by removing these stumps from the boulevard and develop a program whereby we will continue to do so for tree stumps located in the boulevard in the future. After discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Warren Smith to approve the boulevard stump removal program with the City paying for the cost of grinding out the stump, removing the chips, and placing black dirt in the excavation at an estimated cost for the 40 stumps of $1,140. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of adopting a resolution calling for a public _hearing on the proposed modification of the tax increment financing plan relating to Tax Increment Finance District No. 1-9 (Tappers, Inc.). Motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Shirley Anderson to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing on Page 7 Council Minutes - 7/23/90 August 13 on the proposed modification of the TIF plan relating to TIF District No. 1-9 (Tapper's, Inc.). Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 90-27. 11. Consideration of approving transfer from liquor fund to EDA fund for revolving loan--Tapper's, Inc. Rick Wolfsteller reported that the loan documents for the $88,000 have been completed as part of the closing process; and as a result, the funds should be transferred from the liquor fund into the newly established EDA fund. Wolfsteller reminded Council that Council has previously approved initial funding of the revolving loan fund in the amount of $200,000 from liquor store reserves. Wolfsteller went on to request that the funds be disbursed. Motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Fran Fair to approve the transfer of $88,000 f rom the liquor fund to the revolving loan fund. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consideration of local cigarette vending machine ordinance. City Administrator Wolfsteller informed the Council of the new law to take effect August 1, 1990, controlling locations of cigarette vending machines to private business locations not generally open to the public and requiring other locations such as restaurants and grocery stores to have vending machines that are only operable by an employee providing special tokens or through electronic switching devices. It was noted that the City Council had discussed a few months prior establishing a cigarette vending machine ordinance that would prohibit or restrict locations of these machines, and it was the consensus of the Council that there did not appear to be any reason, at this time to have a local ordinance now that the state has adopted their own regulations. It was also noted that if the state is not able to enforce their new law and violations are apparent in Monticello, the City Council could then consider establishing its own regulations and Enforcement procedures. 13. Consideration of bills for the month of July. Motion was made by Warren Smith and seconded by Fran Fair to approve payment of bills for the month of July. Motion carried unanimously. Page 8 Council Minutes - 7/23/90 14. Other action. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported on the steering committee's plans for the TRAM 250 event scheduled for Tuesday, July 31. Mayor Maus stressed the importance of keeping the park clean during the event and suggested that an extra garbage dumpster be moved to Ellison Park for the event. Shirley Anderson reviewed problems regulating location and operation of adult book stores in the city of Ramsey. Anderson suggested that the City develop an amendment to the zoning ordinance which strictly regulates the operation of any adult book stores that may wish to locate in Monticello. She went on to note that the City may wish to place a moratorium on adult book stores until such time that a zoning ordinance amendment is developed. After discussion, motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Dan Blonigen to establish a moratorium on development of adult book stores until such time that amendments to the zoning ordinance can be established which properly regulate this type of land use. Said moratorium is not to exceed six months. ,7e I Nei11 Assistant Administrator Page 9