City Council Minutes 09-10-1990MINUTES
Monday, September 10, 1990 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Ken Maus, Fran Fair, Warren Smith, Shirley
Anderson, Dan Blonigen
Members Absent: None
2. Approval of minutes
Motion was made by Warren Smith,
carried unanimously to approve
meeting held August 27, 1990.
seconded by Fran Fair, and
the minutes of the regular
3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints.
Tom Moores of the Monticello Baseball Association noted that
the number of children participating in the program continues
to grow and finding enough baseball fields continues to be a
problem. He is concerned that some children may need to be
turned away from the program if fields are not developed.
Ken Maus noted that in recent months the school district
developed four baseball fields. The City elected not to
pursue development of baseball fields in addition to the
fields being developed by the school district. Moores
responded by saying that even four new fields is not going to
be enough. Mayor Maus suggested that the City take the
situation under advisement and requested that the Baseball
Association provide additional information regarding the
demand for baseball fields and concluded by saying that this
item should be brought up during 1991 budget preparation.
4. Consideration of a conditional use request to allow expansion
of an outdoor rental use in a B-3 (highway business) zone.
Applicant, General Rental.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill reviewed the conditional use
request which would allow expansion of the existing General
Rental store site. The proposed expansion is an expansion of
land area only and calls for General Rental acquisition of a
strip of land 20 feet wide and 207 feet long running along the
northern perimeter of the property. O'Neill informed Council
that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the
permit and went on to outline recommended conditions.
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After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson,
seconded by Dan Blonigen, to approve the conditional use
permit allowing expansion of an outdoor rental use in a B-3
(highway business) zone subject to the following conditions:
1. Outside services, sales, and equipment rental
connected with the principal uses is limited to
forty ( 40 ) percent of the gross floor area of the
principal use. This percentage may be increased as
a condition of the conditional use permit.
2. Outside sales areas are fenced or screened from
view of neighboring residential uses or abutting
"R" District in compliance with Chapter 3.-
,Section 2 [G], of this ordinance.
3. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that
the light source shall not be visible from the
public right-of-way or from neighboring residences
and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3,
Section 2 [H], of this ordinance.
4. Sales area is grassed or surfaced to control dust.
5. The display or sales area shall not take up parking
spaces required for conformity to this ordinance.
6. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are
considered and satisfactorily met.
7. Rental items for display may not be placed in the
Highway 25 right-of-way or within 5 feet of the
Highway 25/property boundary line.
8. Bituminous surface and curb shall be installed
along the eastern boundary of the parking area up
to the 5 -foot setback line. All outside display of
goods shall be confined to bituminous surface
9. A minimum of five overstory trees shall be planted
along the northern perimeter of the property.
Motion carried unanimously.
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5. Consideration of a simple subdivision request to subdivide an
existing unplatted residential lot into two residential lots.
Applicant, Michael Robinson.
Gary Anderson, Zoning Administrator, informed Council that
Michael Robinson proposes to subdivide his existing
residential unplatted tract of land into two residential lots.
In this situation, the lot frontage available is not
sufficient to create two conforming lots. One of the lots
created will have a width that is 12 feet less than the
required 80 -foot width. Assistant Administrator O'Neill
pointed out that the Planning Commission recommended approval
of the subdivision as proposed based on the fact that the lot
created will have a total land area of 18,000 sq ft, which is
6,000 sq ft greater than the minimum. It was the finding of
the Planning Commission that the extra land area available
sufficiently offset the narrowness of the lot.
City Council reviewed a video of the site. Warren Smith noted
that this subdivision should not be approved based on the
rationale that lots in the old part of the city of Monticello
are 66 feet. He noted that the ordinance was created to allow
the City to move away from such narrow lots; however, he went
on to state that he could support the subdivision based on the
rationale that the total land area is 30% greater than the
minimum lot size. This particular aspect of the lot created
will serve to diminish the precedent set by allowing lots to
be platted with less than the required front footage.
After discussion, a motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded
by Fran Fair, to approve the simple subdivision request to
subdivide an existing unplatted residential lot into two
residential lots with the following conditions:
a. The simple subdivision request must be recorded
within 30 days from September 10, 1990.
b. The drainage and utility easements must be recorded
within 30 days from September 10, 1990.
C. A document must be recorded indicating that
Parcel A is not served by city water and sewer
service, and the City is not responsible for
putting one in.
d. If a house is built on this lot, it will meet all
minimum setback requirements.
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e. Within 30 days upon the sale, the existing shed
located on the lot will be removed.
Motion carried unanimously.
6. Consideration of approving site plan calling for establishment
of prairie grass in lieu of sod at an industrial site.
Applicant, Tapper's, Inc.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that Tappers, Inc.,
proposes development of prairie grass in areas disturbed
during building construction. In addition, it is proposed
that undisturbed areas be maintained in their natural state.
The prairie grass will be planted and maintained for one year
by a company that specializes in establishment of prairie
grass. O'Neill went on to note that the City normally
requires that all grasses be cut to 6 inches within 100 feet
of an occupied structure. Approval of this site plan means
that the City will not require that Tapper's, Inc., cut their
grass within 100 feet of their property. O'Neill also
reported that the Planning Commission recommended approval of
the site plan calling for establishment of prairie grass.
Kevin Norby, project architect, answered Council questions
regarding the overall landscaping plan. He noted the
environmental considerations supporting the concept of
establishing prairie grass. Prairie grass takes approximately
two to three years to establish and requires no pesticide or
fertilizer. In addition, the prairie grass provides a habitat
for wild life.
Fran Fair was concerned that approval of this plan might
encourage other property owners to let their existing grassy
areas grow wild. Assistant Administrator O'Neill noted that
natural vegetation and prairie grasses may be allowed to grow
in their natural state only upon prior approval by City
Council. All landscaping plans that include prairie grass
plantings must first be approved by City Council.
Dan Blonigen expressed support of establishing prairie grass
as proposed. He noted that a reduction in fertilizer and
pesticides needed to maintain prairie grass is good for the
environment. He also suggested that in case of a dry summer,
it may be necessary to cut the prairie grass to eliminate the
potential of fire.
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Warren Smith agreed with Councilmember Blonigen. He described
the proposal as an interesting experiment. He went on to
state that there is no reason to destroy the wild life
habitat. We should, however, keep our eyes on it for three
years. This particular development of prairie grass plantings
will be a good test.
Fran Fair concurred that this appears to be an interesting
concept, but we should keep an eye on it, thereby assuring the
neighborhood that the plantings will help create a positive
image for the area.
Ken Maus noted that it is not inconceivable that the
establishment of the prairie grass so close to the perimeter
of the property in the front and on the sides may create a
problem with the neighbors. We should keep this in mind when
we review this site in the future.
After discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by
Warren Smith, to approve the site plan proposing establishment
of prairie grass and maintenance of existing vegetation in
lieu of establishment of sod subject to the following
1. The boulevard areas must be maintained in a manner
acceptable to City staff, which could require
mowing in the boulevard trees and establishment of
plants that grow no higher than 15 inches.
2. Prior to any prairie grass burn, a burning permit
will be obtained by Tapper's, Inc.
3. The establishment of the prairie grass planting
will be executed by a professional firm capable of
successfully establishing prairie grass planting.
4. The site plan will be reviewed in three years or at
such time that building expansion occurs. In the
event the prairie grass planting becomes a
blighting influence on the neighborhood as
determined by Council, permission to allow grass to
grow over 6 inches high may be withdrawn.
5. Throughout the site, the plantings shall be
maintained free of noxious plant materials.
Motion carried unanimously.
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Consideration of award of bid for garbage/refuse pickup and
hauling services.
John Simola, Public Works Director, outlined five options for
garbage/refuse pickup and hauling services. The first option
would be to continue with our existing contract with Corrow
Sanitation and twice -a -week pickup for all properties. The
second proposal would be to go with the low contractor bid for
automated pickup with single family through tri-plex being
picked up once a week and multiple units picked up twice a
week. Apartments need to be picked up twice a week because of
the storage limitations at the apartment sites. The third
option calls for awarding the bid to Vasko Sanitation for
once -a -week pickup using the existing container system. The
fourth option calls for the City performing automated pickup
once a week of the single family through tri-plex units. The
City would contract out twice -a -week pickup of the apartments
to a private hauler. The final option would be for the City
to perform automated pickup of all residential property and
City properties. This option results in the lowest cost but
does not allow room for significant growth without the
possibility of some type of contracting at least on a limited
Ken Maus was concerned that the City would be getting too far
out front by providing the garbage pickup service. John
Simola noted that the Vasko Sanitation bid was far less than
the other bidders. He once was concerned that this low bid
might create a situation whereby Vasko would not be able to
execute the contract at the bid amount quoted. But now, after
reviewing the numbers with the Vasko people, he is confident
that Vasko will be able to economically serve Monticello at
the price quoted. Simola went on to note that all of the
references of Vasko check out well and that Vasko is
successfully hauling garbage at Foley and Waite Park,
Minnesota. Simola stated that the City should consider
getting into purchasing the large 60 -gallon to 90 -gallon
containers; however, such purchases should be done based on
demand. It was his proposal that in the future residents be
allowed to rent 60 -gallon or 90 -gallon containers from the
City. This would allow the City to move into automated
garbage pickup on an incremental basis.
Fran Fair noted that there is no overriding reason to change
the current technique for picking up garbage; however, she did
note that it does make sense to save money by eliminating one
garbage pickup per week.
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Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to
switch to once -a -week service using the existing container
system and award the bid to Vasko, Inc., at an annual cost of
$93,564. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Dan Blonigen,
cancelling Corrow Sanitation's contract upon six months'
notice. Motion carried unanimously.
Consideration of final payment on Project 90-03, the Meadows
Second Addition Phase II.
John Simola reported that the Meadows Second Addition Phase II
project is essentially complete and that Redstone Construction
has only a couple of small punch list items to complete.
Simola went on to report that the final payment to Redstone
Construction of Mora is in the amount of $4,209, and the total
cost of the project came in at $77,355, which is $3,000 under
Motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Dan Blonigen,
to approve final payment to Redstone Construction of Mora in
the amount of $4,209 upon completion of the few remaining
punch list items. Motion carried unanimously.
Review of six-month liquor store financial report.
Joe Hartman was present to review the six-month financial
report for the liquor store. Rick Wolfsteller's report
indicated that the financial statement appears to indicate
that the liquor operation is doing well. Sales for the first
six months are up 6% over last year, and the resulting gross
profit on the sales is up over 15%.
Warren Smith noted that the liquor store report is excellent
and commended Hartman for reducing administrative expenses
while increasing gross profits.
Ken Maus suggested that the City look at earmarking specific
uses of funds so voters can get a handle on what store revenue
does for the city.
10. Consideration of a resolution pursuing acquisition of
Outlot A, Country Club Manor, in lieu of delinquent taxes and
Ken Maus requested that Tom Hayes be present at the next
meeting to discuss this item.
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There being no further discussion, a motion was made by Warren
Smith, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to table this matter.
Motion carried unanimously.
Consideration of replacing driveway culvert at 1505 West River
John Simola reported that the City recently received a letter
from Mr. Ron Nygaard regarding one of his neighbor's culverts
located five lots away. This particular culvert is a 15 -inch
culvert; but because of its grade and size at times freezes
solid over the winter and stops the flow of snow melt and
rainwater in the early spring. The driveway at 1505 is
significantly high so that the water cannot run over the
driveway without backing up into Nygaard's basement to a
walkout door. Simola noted that normally culvert maintenance
and replacement are the property owner's responsibility;
however, in this case, the City has already replaced one of
the culverts at no cost to the property owner and has
essentially set a precedent at least in this area to replace
culverts at no cost to the property owner. By replacing the
culvert at Lot 5 with a larger culvert set at a different
grade, we could expect to eliminate the freezing problems at
least at this location. By having City crews replace the
culvert, we should be able to keep the City's out-of-pocket
expense to around $500 excluding labor.
Mr. Gronau, the resident at 1505 West River Street had no
problem with the City replacing the culvert and patching the
driveway at no cost to him.
Fran Fair concurred that the $500 is money well spent, as it
could cost significantly more to the City if the frozen
culvert causes a basement to be flooded.
Simola also noted that the City needs to update its ordinance
by increasing the minimum culvert size from 12 inches to
15 inches or larger as prescribed by the City Engineer. Ken
Maus suggested that we bring the culvert design standards
ordinance amendment back to the City Council at a future
There being no further discussion, a motion was made by Fran
Fair, seconded by Warren Smith, to approve replacement of the
culvert as necessary at 1505 West River Street at an estimated
out-of-pocket expense of $500. Motion carried unanimously.
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12. Consideration of ordinance amendment adjusting Mayor and
Council compensation.
City Council reviewed the existing salary levels and reviewed
the salaries provided by other communities to council members
and mayors. Dan Blonigen noted that he prefers a flat monthly
rate payment and that he prefers not to be paid by the
meeting. Fran Fair stated that an adjustment to the salaries
is not needed. She proposed that the City spend more money on
Council training and City organization team building. She
went on to suggest that given the Council turnover in 1991, it
might be wise to spend additional time and energy educating
the new Council members via Council workshops and joint
meetings with the Planning Commission. Dan Blonigen noted
that all other City employees get a raise and that it is not
unreasonable for the Council to consider a raise as well.
Fran Fair stated that serving on the City Council is a civic
duty and minimal pay is acceptable. Dan Blonigen noted that
Council members earn every bit of the pay they receive.
Ken Maus stated that he supports the concept of establishing
an in-house workshop with the new Council members at which
time the remaining Council members and staff can spend at
least a whole day explaining City operations and reviewing
current plans and plans for the future. Maus also noted that
he is not against an increase; however, he would not favor the
increase unless the Council is in full support of such an
Warren Smith noted that he does not have a strong opinion
regarding any proposed increase in Council salaries. He did
note that if a motion was made, he would support the increase.
He also went on to state that serving on the Council requires
considerable investment of time and energy. The salary is a
nice way of compensating the Council members for hours
studying the issues and attending meetings.
Motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to
increase the salary of the Mayor approximately 5% annually
from the previous increase, which results in a salary for the
Mayor of $250 per month and results in a salary for the
Council members of $195 per month. Motion carried
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13. Consideration of gambling license application --Joyner Lanes.
Administrator Wolf steller reported that the Monticello Jaycees
currently operate pull -tab gambling at both the Silver Fox and
the Comfort Inn motels; and if Council does not oppose an
additional license for Joyner Lanes, the Jaycees have
requested staff write a letter to the Gambling Control
Division waiving our 60 -day notice requirement allowing them
to issue the license as soon as possible.
No action was taken by Council; therefore, the gambling
license is approved.
14. Other matters.
John Simola reported on the 7th Street project noting that it
is near completion. He also noted that the City is going to
investigate installation of a 5 -foot fence along the parking
lot on the south side of 7th Street. In addition, Simola
brought up the concept of planting boulevard trees on the new
portion of the 7th Street right-of-way.
After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to pursue
obtaining cost estimates for fence and the tree plantings
every 50 feet along the 7th Street right-of-way.
Mayor Maus presented a petition from people complaining about
the speed and number of trucks using Broadway to get from
Highway 25 to the freeway. Staff noted that the City Attorney
would be contacted to determine if there is any way the number
of trucks on this stretch of roadway can be reduced. In
addition, staff will contact the sheriff's department to
reiterate the need to enforce the speed limit in the affected
Ken Maus suggested that next year the City consider
establishing a police commission to address items such as the
one noted above. The police commission could also provide a
valuable service by reviewing all new contracts with the
Wright County Sheriff's Department. Finally, he requested
that the City meet with the Wright County Sheriff's Department
regarding the new contract prior to submittal of the contract
to the City.
Dan Blonigen asked for a status report on the final completion
of the picnic shelter at Ellison Park. Roger Mack noted that
the new plates are on and that final staining is now underway.
The new plates will be bolted down shortly.
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John Simola updated the status of the water tower and noted
that the tower had to be taken off line with the water drained
out so as to allow inspection. Ken Maus reported problems
created by the sudden loss of water pressure when the tower
was taken off line. Maus directed staff to provide public
notice prior to taking the main water tower off line.
There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned.
Jeff O'Neill
Assistant Administrator
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