City Council Minutes 01-28-1991MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 28, 1991 - 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Shirley Anderson, Dan Blonigen, Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle Members Absent: Ken Maus Acting Mayor: Dan Blonigen 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held January 14, 1991. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle, seconded by Clint Herbst, to approve the meeting minutes as written. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizens comments/petitions, request and complaints. Steve Hennen of Buffalo, Minnesota, informed Council that he had been cited for violating the snowmobile ordinance while snowmobiling through Monticello on his way to Big Lake. It was his view that the potential $300 fine and misdemeanor charge that he faced was not fair because there was no warning that there was an ordinance in Monticello regulating snowmobilers. He also noted that he was unable to drive in the roadway because at that time the roads were bare; therefore, he drove only on the boulevard area along side the roadway. Dan Blonigen noted that our ordinance does allow snowmobiles to operate in the city with certain limitations. The City has made an effort recently to control snowmobilers that have been driving on private property and causing damage. Blonigen went on to suggest that the first violation, if not resulting in damage to property, could be met with a warning rather than a citation. Clint Herbst concurred that due to numerous complaints, the City needed to crack down on problems with snowmobilers; however, the City did not intend to stop people from passing through town if they operate their snowmobile in a manner consistent with the ordinance. Herbst suggested a week or two of warnings be given to violators prior to issuance of citations. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to send a notice to the county to lessen the penalty from a misdemeanor to a petty misdemeanor for all those snowmobile ordinance violations ticketed prior to February 1, 1991, and direct staff to install signs on the perimeter of the community indicating that the snowmobile ordinance is in effect within the city limits of Monticello. Page 1 Council Minutes - 1/28/91 Wes Olson of the Monticello Jaycees came forward to present a proposal to renovate the old fire hall for public use. Under the proposal, the renovation plans would be approved by Council with all work done and/or financed by the Jaycees. The proposal also called for continued City control and operation of the structure. Olson went on to note that the membership is strongly behind this concept. All the work that would be done on the fire hall would be done professionally. Shirley responded by saying that she had no objection to the idea. It was her concern, however, that the Public Works Department might need the area for storage. John Simola concurred that there is no extra room in other facilities to store the materials now located in the fire hall. Shirley Anderson suggested that the staff investigate the possibility of working with the Jaycees on this concept. It was the consensus of the Council to direct staff to review the impact of the proposal and report back to Council. 4. Public hearing on the adoption of assessment roll for Project 90-04 (Sandberg East improvement) and adoption of resolution certifying assessment to county auditor. Acting Mayor Blonigen opened the public hearing. Rick Wolfsteller reviewed the history behind Project 90-04 and outlined the proposed assessment roll. In his presentation, he noted to Council that the City had earlier decided to pick up 250 of the construction costs due to the fact that the project was necessary for environmental reasons and because there is a limited number of properties that can be assessed because only property on one side of the improvement receive a benefit. Assessing the full amount to those properties that receive benefit might have resulted in an assessment amount that exceeds value added to the assessed property by the improvement. After his presentation, Dan Blonigen asked for comments. At this time, Jeff Nelson stated his objection to the assessment. It was his view that the assessment total had not been fairly distributed among affected property owners, and he stated that the assessment amount exceeded the benefit of the improvement to his property. John Sandberg made the argument that he should be granted the same three-year deferral or abatement of interest as awarded other property owners affected by the assessment because he did not petition for the improvement. Dan Blonigen reminded Sandberg that he petitioned for annexation in 1986, and along with this petition had to be the understanding that land brought into the city would someday receive city services. Page 2 Council Minutes - 1/28/91 Rick Wol f steller agreed with Sandberg that he did not petition for the improvement; however, the City was threatened by Sandberg with a lawsuit if we didn't extend services or grant a permit for the construction of a dwelling utilizing the private well and sanitation system. Shirley Anderson suggested that comparing the Sandberg East situation to the situation faced by the properties that will be having deferred assessments is not a fair comparison and does not apply. Dan Blonigen then closed the public hearing. Clint Herbst noted that the original concept for development in the area called for development for two lots at a time with homes constructed on one lot, the other lot reserved for future subdivision at such time that utilities were extended to and through the area. The Nelsons elected to build in the middle of the two lots thereby limiting their potential for future land sale to compensate them for added assessment cost. The Nelsons made their choice when they set their house in the middle of the lot; therefore, they should pay for the cost of the improvement as proposed. It was noted by the Nelsons that they were aware of the restrictions on the lots and sought an exemption allowing them to build in the middle, realizing that sewer and water assessments would be larger because of their request. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson to adopt the assessment roll with the exception of the Nelson property, with this assessment to be determined at a later date. Motion died for lack of a second. A motion was made by Brad Fyle, seconded by Clint Herbst, to adopt the assessment roll as outlined in resolution 91-4. Motion was based on the conclusion that the assessments as proposed based on front footage was a fair and equitable method of assessing the cost against benefiting properties. Voting in favor: Brad Fyle, Clint Herbst, Dan Blonigen. Opposed: Shirley Anderson. SEE RESOLUTION 91-4. 5. Consideration of authorizing purchase of air compressor for fire department. Representatives from the Monticello Fire Department were present to request the purchase of an air compressor for the fire department. In his report, Wolfsteller noted that the 1991 budget called for a $7,500 purchase for a replacement air compressor for filling the breathing apparatus. The type of air compressor needed for the department has limited suppliers, as this air compressor is different in that it Page 3 Council Minutes - 1/28/91 operates under very high pressure and also purifies the air. The model selected by the fire department would be a three - stage, air-cooled compressor with 5,000 PSI capacity. The department is also proposing to replace existing storage tanks with two new 4,500 PSI storage tanks, with the total estimated package at $8,334. Fire department officials noted that the Joint Fire Board representatives attended the Township Board meeting Wednesday to discuss the purchase. The Township was in agreement with the purchase provided that the Joint Board would meet to review the capital outlay budget for the fire department in an effort to find areas that could be delayed until future years. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Brad Fyle, to purchase the air compressor and breathing apparatus as requested under the condition that the fire department delay or cancel purchases in an amount making up for the budget overrun on this item. Motion carried unanimously. 6. _Consideration of requesting proposals from consultants for doing a needs and facilities planning study. Rick Wolfsteller noted that as part of the 1991 budget, $7,500 is allocated for an architect/engineering firm to prepare a facilities needs planning study concerning future expansion/needs for City Hall and the Public Works Department. Wolfsteller requested Council authorization to contact three or four consultants that have completed similar studies for other communities. The intent would be to request the consultants to present their proposals to the Council on what they would study and the estimated cost to complete a planning report. Wolfsteller went on to inform Council that he believes the City will need an outside consultant to analyze our present facilities, our anticipated needs, and establish a plan for meeting our needs. Dan Blonigen reviewed the list of items to be studied and suggested that the staff and City Council are fully capable of preparing a plan without the help of an outside consultant. Rick Wolfsteller concurred that many of the items City staff can handle; however, at the same time, an outside consultant can provide a fresh perspective and have the capability and background to provide solutions that staff may not envision. Blonigen suggested that this item be tabled until the next meeting. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Brad Fyle, to table this item until the next meeting of the City Council. Motion carried unanimously. Page 4 Council Minutes - 1/28/91 7. Consideration of an additional scanner for recycling program. John Simola noted that despite the potential lead to develop an alternative method for scanning the recycling bins, it was his suggestion that the City go ahead and purchase the Telxon scanner and spare SK1 scanner in order to meet our short-term needs. Clint Herbst suggested that staff look into scanning participation data from inventory sheets located inside the vehicle compartment rather than scanning the participation data directly off of the recycling bins. This would allow the scanners to remain inside the vehicle staying warm, thereby improving performance. John Simola concurred that this method for recording participation in the recycling program could possibly allow us to get around the problems created by cold weather scanning. Simola went on to note that when the scanners do not work, it makes a lot more work for Polka Dot Recycling. Each resident that participates must be recorded by hand on a paper form. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to purchase one Telxon scanner in the amount of $1,260. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consideration of purchase of portable wire feed welder and replacement of welding torch set. John Simola requested that Council consider updating its welding capabilities by adding a portable wire feed welder with capabilities of welding light gauge steel in the shop, as well as having the ability to move the welder to the field for use on street structures and park equipment. Simola noted that from time to time, there is a need to do welding on some of the street light poles, as well as the streetscape railing system. In addition, having a field portable welder would allow us to make repairs on park equipment, street signs, etc. Simola went on to state that this item is in the 1991 budget. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to purchase a Miller wire feed welder from Central -McGowan in the amount of $1,589.61 and a Smith welding torch in the amount of $330.70. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consideration of purchasing wastewater sampler for the sewer collection department. John Simola informed Council that there is a need in the sewer collection department for a wastewater sampler capable of taking individual samples every hour during a 24-hour period. There are three basic uses for this piece of equipment: Page 5 Council Minutes - 1/28/91 1. The first is to monitor the industrial users to prepare self-monitoring test results and to insure discharge permit compliance. 2. Another use is to continue our search for commercial and/or industrial discharges of copper and zinc. Levels of these heavy metals found in the City's wastewater sludge, although not near danger levels, are of increasing concern. 3. There is a need to sample for sulfides and sulfates in our wastewater system which result in hydrogen sulfide gas releases and odor problems. Council reviewed the problems associated with monitoring wastewater. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Clint Herbst, to purchase an ISCO Model 3700 Sampler from Tech Sales for a cost of $3,304. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of setting a meeting to interview City Attorney candidates. Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed Council that the City received 15 responses to the request for proposals form distributed to various attorneys in December 1990. Responses have been reviewed and rated in terms of cost, proximity, and municipal law experience. O'Neill went on to describe the municipal law categories that the City Attorney will be assisting the City with which include: labor law, contract administration, intergovernmental relations, planning and zoning, annexation, real estate development, environmental law, public finance, and code enforcement. Councilmember Anderson noted her satisfaction with the process and suggested that the City move ahead by selecting the top six candidates, including Jim Agosto and Richard Clough, for a preliminary interview. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Clint Herbst, to appoint two Council members and staff to a committee charged with conducting screening interviews. Motion carried unanimously. Appointed to the screening committee were Clint Herbst and Shirley Anderson, along with City staff members O'Neill, Wolfsteller, and Simola. Page 6 Council Minutes - 1/28/91 11. Consideration of authorizing the purchase of a vehicle for the building inspection department. Rick Wolfsteller reminded Council that at the previous meeting Council authorized staff to obtain additional quotes for compact pickups and/or used mini -vans in order to provide more flexibility for City employee transportation use. Wolfsteller reviewed the additional quotes obtained. Council discussed the merits of buying a newer vehicle with an extended warranty versus an older, less expensive vehicle that might be subject to higher repair costs. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst, seconded by Brad Fyle, to purchase a 1988 Dodge Caravan from Gould's for $9,500 contingent on the availability of an extended warranty on the engine and drive train. The purchase is made with the understanding that the Building Inspector will be required to have his own vehicle available in reserve while he is on duty as City Building Inspector. Voting in favor: Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle, Dan Blonigen. Opposed: Shirley Anderson. 12. Consideration of the bills for the month of January. A motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Clint Herbst, to approve the bills submitted. Motion carried unanimously. G' Jef O'Neill Assistant City Administrator Page 7