City Council Minutes 02-25-1991MINUTES
Monday, February 25, 1991 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson, Dan Blonigen,
Clint Herbst, Brad Fyle
Members Absent: None
2. Approval of minutes.
Motion was made by Brad Fyle, seconded by Clint Herbst, to
approve the minutes of the regular meeting held February 11,
1991, as written. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints.
None forthcoming.
4. Consideration of adopting an ordinance establishing a police
advisory commission.
City Council reviewed the ordinance prepared by Administrator
Wolfsteller. Dan Blonigen noted that the ordinance should be
amended to include only city residents on the commission. Ken
Maus noted that the City of Rockford has a police commission
and at least one member of the Rockford commission must be a
juvenile. Maus noted that we may also wish to consider
allowing a juvenile to serve on the Monticello Police
After discussion, it was concluded that the police commission
should have a hand in establishing the final wording of the
Brad Fyle indicated that he would like to serve on the police
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson,
seconded by Dan Blonigen, to approve establishment of a police
commission but table final approval of the wording of the
ordinance pending input from the police commission membership.
Motion carried unanimously.
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5a. Consideration of accepting the annual report on the 1990
economic development activities.
011ie Koropchak reported that in conformance with Star City
recertification requirements, the Industrial Development
Committee presents to Council an annual report on the 1990
economic development activities, which includes specific
accomplishments made during the year.
After discussion, motion was made by Shirley Anderson,
seconded by Clint Herbst, to accept the report as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
5b. Consideration of adopting a resolution to approve the 1991
Economic Development Work Plan and the Industrial Development
Committee proposed budget.
011ie Koropchak reported that in conformance with Star City
recertification requirements, the Industrial Development
Committee presents to the City Council the 1991 Economic
Development Work Plan and the IDC proposed budget for review
and approval.
Shirley Anderson asked how the position of Economic
Development Director is funded. Administrator Wolfsteller
reported that the Industrial Development Committee provides
40% of the revenue for the position, and the City finances the
Council discussed the task of hosting a meeting to discuss
local property taxes with County Assessor, Doug Gruber;
County Commissioner, Pat Sawatzke; and City Council. Ken Maus
noted that a loo increase in commercial valuation has been
mandated, which will have a significant impact on the taxes
that commercial and industrial properties pay. Maus noted
that the City should make sure that the rationale behind the
required increase in valuation is proper and justifiable and
consistent with commercial values found in other portions of
the county.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson,
seconded by Brad Fyle, to adopt a resolution approving the
work plan and IDC budget as proposed.
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6. Consideration of purchasing automatic level for inspection
Dan Blonigen asked how the automatic level can improve staff
efficiency. Tom Bose responded that the time to set up an
automatic level is less. Establishing service line elevations
and setting pipe grades can be done with increased accuracy
and speed with an automatic level.
Brad Fyle noted that the time to level does not take that
long, and he recommended the use of a laser level.
John Simola noted that the laser level is a short -distance
instrument. We need an instrument that will work well over
longer distances.
Staff and Council discussed the pro's and con's of a laser
instrument versus an automatic level. Bose remarked that the
automatic level requires two people to efficiently operate.
He went on to say that the person needed is usually an
employee of the contractor; therefore, two City staff people
are not usually needed to properly operate this piece of
It was the consensus of Council that the use of this automatic
level for the inspection department will increase efficiency;
therefore, a motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by
Clint Herbst, to approve the purchase of a Topcon automatic
level from John Hess Surveying Instruments at a cost of $935.
Motion carried unanimously.
7. Consideration of authorizing staff to work with City planner
toward development of Industrial Park Master Plan.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that the Industrial
Development Committee has recommended that the City Council
authorize staff and City planner to analyze issues pertaining
to future development of industrial areas in the community.
O'Neill went on to note that one of the goals of the study
would be to develop a basis for zoning ordinance and
comprehensive plan amendments designed to assist the City in
achieving industrial land development potential.
O'Neill went on to review the various concerns that have been
raised in the past few months regarding industrial land
development along with a proposed method for addressing the
concerns. In his report, O'Neill outlined the concept of
development of a business park design standard in the area of
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the proposed school district/elementary school development.
The study would attempt to establish an industrial development
standard designed to minimize potential conflict between
school and industrial uses. O'Neill also noted that the City
may wish to develop new standards consistent with the Remmele
and Tapper sites for industrial areas located along the
Chelsea Road corridor and east of the existing Oakwood
Industrial Park. The new standards developed under a business
park concept would provide a place for companies interested in
locating in an area where site development standards must
remain high. He went on to note that the business park
standards will not impact existing industrial land; therefore,
industries that cannot achieve the higher development
standards will continue to have a place to locate.
O'Neill also went on to review the importance of development
of a drainage plan for the area between the school district
property and the freeway. At this time, development of that
land is hampered by an absence of storm water drainage plans.
It may be the appropriate time to develop a plan that would
allow for the most efficient use of the industrial property.
Council reviewed the proposal to conduct a planning study. It
was the consensus of the Council to table the authorization to
conduct the planning study pending additional input from the
City planner. Council was concerned that the cost of the
study is somewhat excessive, and it was suggested that the
scope of this study be reduced in an of fort to reduce the cost
as well. O'Neill noted that he would discuss the matter with
the planner and prepare a revised method and program for
addressing the planning issues. Council also noted that it
makes sense to get the cooperation of Farm Credit on this
project. O'Neill noted that he would contact Farm Credit and
request their participation in this planning process.
Council was concerned that the drainage issues are not
properly understood in the area; therefore, a motion was made
by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to authorize
expenditure of $5,000 toward payment of costs associated with
development of a storm water management plan in the area.
Motion carried unanimously.
O'Neill noted that the cost to conduct the storm water
management plan could be incorporated into a public
improvement project and said expense could be incorporated
into a future assessment role.
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8. Consideration of setting a 1991 Board of Review for May 8,
Council confirmed the date scheduled for the Board of Review.
The Board of Review date was set for May 8, 1991.
9. Consideration of vacating lot line drainage easements.
Rick Wolfsteller reported that in 1979 a building permit was
issued for a single family home that was to be constructed
primarily on Lot 1, Block 1, Roden Acres, but it also included
the easterly 14 feet of Lot 7, Block 1, Doerr Estates. Doerr
Construction owned both Lot 7 of Doerr Estates and Lot 1 of
Roden Acres and obtained permission from the City of
Monticello to allow for the 14 feet of Lot 7 to be subdivided
and attached to Lot 1 of Roden Acres. The City approved the
simple subdivision, but the drainage and utility easements
associated with each lot were not vacated. It appears from
the plat for both developments that there remains a 12 -foot
drainage easement on both sides of the original lot line which
will need to be vacated since the house is constructed over
the original property line. In conjunction with the vacating
of the easements, the City could require that the property
owner provide a new 6 -foot drainage easement to correspond
with the newly created lot line. The property owner has
indicated a willingness to provide this relocated easement.
In addition, the City could contact the adjacent property
owner to see if they would be willing to provide a new 6 -foot
drainage easement on their property so that the City would
continue to have a 12 -foot easement.
After discussion, a motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded
by Brad Fyle, to vacate the drainage and utility easements as
originally platted on the west side of Lot 1, Roden Acres, and
the east side of Lot 7, Doerr Estates, contingent on the
property owner providing a new 6 -foot drainage easement
adjacent to the westerly property line of the new parcel and
direct staff to attempt to obtain a 6 -foot easement from the
owner of Lot 7, Block 1, Doerr Estates. Voting in favor of
the motion: Clint Herbst, Dan Blonigen, Shirley Anderson,
Brad Fyle. Ken Maus abstained, as he is owner of one of the
parcels involved.
10. Consideration of approving the biannual rabies clinic and
consideration of fee schedule adjustments for impoundment
Rick Wolfsteller reported that approximately two years ago the
City amended its dog ordinance which re-established the
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requirement that all dogs be licensed with the licenses being
valid for a two-year period. The revision to the ordinance
took place in the spring of 1989, and as such, many licenses
are up for renewal March 31, 1991. The ordinance indicates
that prior to a dog license being issued, the owner must
provide proof that their animal has been vaccinated for
In 1989, the City sponsored a rabies clinic to encourage
Monticello residents to have their animals vaccinated and also
to promote our new dog licensing requirement. The clinic was
held at the public works maintenance facility on a Saturday
morning with the services provided by a veterinarian. The
City had an excellent response and vaccinated approximately 80
dogs. The rabies clinic provided a low-cost alternative for
citizens to have their animals vaccinated who probably would
not have otherwise made an appointment with a veterinarian.
Ken Maus asked if there are any local veterinarians that are
interested in participating in this program. Rick Wolfsteller
noted that he did not believe that the local veterinarian is
interested in participating in this program at this time.
Wolfsteller recommended that the City again sponsor the rabies
clinic as proposed. The clinics have proved to be an
economical method for residents to have their animals
vaccinated and encourages owners to obtain licenses at the
same time. From a public safety standpoint, the more animals
we can have vaccinated, the less likely that some residents
will be bitten by a rabid animal.
After discussion, motion was made by Shirley Anderson,
seconded by Dan Blonigen, to authorize the establishment of
the City's second biannual rabies clinic scheduled for
April 6, 1991. Motion carried unanimously.
The animal fee/fine schedule was discussed. After discussion,
a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Dan
Blonigen to establish a $35 fine for allowing a dog to run at
large. This amount includes a $10 cost to purchase a license
with purchase of license being required before a dog may be
released to its owner.
11. Consideration of bills for the month of February.
After discussion, motion was made by Clint Herbst, seconded by
Brad Fyle, to approve the bills for the month of February as
presented. Motion carried unanimously.
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12. Other matters.
Dan Blonigen requested that City staff provide background
information and copies of all meeting minutes and other
information relating to establishment of the City
Administrator car allowance and establishment of the policy
that allows the Public Works Director use of a City vehicle
for transportation to and from work.
After discussion, a motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded
by Shirley Anderson, to review the policy for providing for a
car allowance to the City Administrator and to review the
policy granting the use of a city vehicle to the Public Works
Director as transportation to and from work. Motion carried
A letter from John C. Beattie & Associates drafted by Linda M.
Trummer was reviewed by City Council. The letter outlined her
concerns regarding the change in quality of clientele that
they serve in Monticello in their rental properties. She
noted that people have become more transient and financially
irresponsible. She wrote that their properties have had
financial problems with the rental market in Monticello
becoming oversaturated. Vacancy rates are ranging from 12% to
24%. Trummer went on to urge that the City discourage further
development of rental properties in the city of Monticello.
City Council took the letter under advisement and discussed
the potential of establishing a City code regulating the
operation and maintenance of rental property.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill noted that he would determine
to what extent the City can limit the development of apartment
units on property that is properly zoned for such use.
There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned.
Jif ' Nei11
Assistant Administrator
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