City Council Minutes 03-25-1991MINUTES
Monday, March 25, 1991 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Shirley Anderson, Dan Blonigen, Clint Herbst,
Brad Fyle
Members Absent: Ken Maus
2. Approval of minutes.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson,
seconded by Brad Fyle, to approve the minutes of the regular
meeting held March 11, 1991. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints.
None forthcoming.
4. Consideration of ordinance amendment requiring warning signs
be placed on all fire doors within multiple family dwellings.
Rick Wolfsteller reported that at the previous Council
meeting, Council approved the purchase of 250 fire door
placards. It was the intent of Council to make the signs
available to all multiple family dwelling owners at a price
equal to the City's cost. In order to assure that apartment
owners post the warning signs, Council recommended that an
ordinance be established that would make this requirement of
each building. Wolfsteller then reviewed the ordinance
Clint Herbst suggested that the required dimensions of the
sign be incorporated into the ordinance, which would assure
the City that a sign of sufficient size would be posted at
each required location.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson,
seconded by Clint Herbst, to adopt the proposed ordinance
amendment requiring that all multiple family dwellings that
have fire doors be also required to post a warning sign on
both sides of the door that states that the doors must remain
closed and the ordinance amendment should include a sign size
requirement. Motion carried unanimously.
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5. Review of year-end liquor store financial report.
Rick Wolfsteller reported that the total sales of 1990 were up
approximately 5.3% or $63,496 over 1989 sales. Gross profits
were up 14.2% or $36,828. Gross profit percentage increased
more than sales increased due to a slight adjustment in
pricing. Total general operational expenses remained about
equal to last year's percentage of 12.7%. Total operating
income for 1990 amounted to $135,087 up over $29,700 over
1989. Overall operating income is 10.7% of total sales.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson,
seconded by Brad Fyle, to accept the financial report as
presented. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Consideration of resolution approving preliminary plans for
county improvements to County State Aid Highway 75 west of
Otter Creek.
John Simola reported that the Wright County Highway Department
has prepared preliminary plans for improvements to West County
Road 75 west of Otter Creek. Improvements consist of an
overlay, paved shoulders, and right turn lanes for most of the
streets, as well as a bypass lane in the area of Orchard Road.
City approval of the preliminary plans is required prior to
the county receiving state aid approval and funding. This
project does not require funding from the City.
Simola noted that the section of County Road 75 from
Highway 25 to the high school will not be rebuilt at this
time, as the county engineer feels that this section of
roadway has three years of use remaining before it needs
reconstruction. The county engineer has also indicated that
the signal system at County Road 75 and East County Road 39 is
being held up in 1991 for two reasons. The first is that the
warrants demonstrating the need for the signals have not been
met; therefore, state funding is not available. Secondly, the
county does not maintain any signal controllers and would have
to contract this work out.
Clint Herbst asked if there is any way that the City can
encourage the county to completely redo Broadway between
Highway 25 and the high school at this time. Bret Weiss
responded by saying that the county engineer believes there
are three good years of life left in the road surface. The
money the county has now will be applied to areas that the
county engineer feels need it the most. Weiss concluded that
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the county is confident that they will repair the Broadway
section in three years, and it is not likely that they will
alter their current program for road improvements in the area.
After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle, seconded by
Shirley Anderson, to adopt a resolution approving preliminary
plans for county improvement to County State Aid Highway 75
west of Otter Creek subject to the requirement that the
shoulders of the highway are paved.
7. Consideration of granting seasonal 3.2 beer license to
Monticello Softball Association.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson,
seconded by Clint Herbst, to grant the license contingent upon
receipt of the necessary insurance documents and a fee of
$137.50. Motion carried unanimously.
8. Consideration of setting a meeting date to review 1991
assessment procedures with City Assessor.
Rick Wolfsteller reported that the 1991 Board of Review has
been scheduled for May 8, 1991, at 7:00 p.m. Prior to the
May 8 meeting, Peggy Stencel, City of Monticello contract
assessor, would like to meet with Council to explain the
assessment procedures she has used this year to answer any
questions on property valuation increases that may have been
directed by the county assessor. Wolfsteller went on to note
that Mayor Maus had indicated that such a meeting may be
beneficial to Council as a whole and suggested that a special
meeting be held for this purpose. Wolfsteller also noted that
commercial/industrial values are being increased
substantially, the basis for this increase to be a topic for
review at the meeting.
The concept of conducting the meeting was acceptable to
Council; however, no firm meeting date was established.
9. Consideration of approval of bills for the month of March.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson,
seconded by Dan Blonigen, to approve payment of bills as
submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
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10. Other matters.
Kelsie McGuire of PSG presented a plaque to the Council of the
City of Monticello which recognizes the City for maintaining
a wastewater treatment plant that has operated within the PCA
permit granted to the City. McGuire noted that it is a
community award that all citizens should be proud of.
Administrator Wolfsteller asked Council to consider purchase
of a slide -in tank for the grass rig for the fire department.
Wolfsteller noted that as part of the 1991 fire department
capital outlay budget, $2,500 was budgeted for the purpose of
a slide -in tank and pump unit for fighting grass fires. This
unit was intended to be installed on the recently acquired
Gamma Goat unit, which was obtained from the Department of
Natural Resources. Intended use of the Gamma Goat and this
portable slide -in tank is for fighting fires in remote areas.
With spring rapidly approaching, the fire department is
seeking authorization to purchase this unit as soon as
possible to prepare the unit for the upcoming grass fire
season. Wolfsteller noted that the slide -in tank cost of
$2,734 is $200 more than originally budgeted. It does not
appear that the $234 overage for this item would cause a
budget problem.
Clint Herbst noted that the grass fire rig would be used
predominantly in the township areas. It was his view that the
Township should be paying a larger proportion of the cost of
this equipment. He did not agree with the current contract
which requires that the Township pay 37% of the purchase.
Shirley Anderson noted that the City does have a contract with
the Township that outlines how expenditures such as this one
should be financed. Anderson noted that it is not worth the
struggle to vary from the existing agreement regarding this
Rick Wolfsteller also noted that this type of purchase is
covered by the contract and that the annual meeting would be
a good time to discuss the method by which capital equipment
purchases are financed.
After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle, seconded by
Shirley Anderson, to approve the purchase of the slide -in tank
grass fire unit from Pleasure Products Manufacturing Company
in the amount of $2,734.12. During discussion, Clint Herbst
suggested that this item should be brought to the next
meeting. Dan Blonigen noted that he becomes opposed to
purchases when they are brought forward at the last minute.
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He would like additional time to consider the item. Voting in
favor of the motion: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson. Opposed:
Clint Herbst, Dan Blonigen. Motion failed.
John Simola reported that the Wright County Solid Waste Task
Force is preparing plans for the annual hazardous waste
collection day. Simola noted that anyone interested in
volunteering should contact him. The date of the hazardous
waste collection day has been set for April 27, 1991.
There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned.
Jeff O'Neill
Assistant Administrator
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