City Council Minutes 04-22-1991 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, April 22, 1991
Members Present: Shirley Anderson, Dan Blonigen, Clint Herbst,
Brad Fyle, Ken Maus
Members Absent: None
2. Convene special meeting for consideration of selecting planner
to assist with development of industrial park/school district
development plan.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that at the
February 25 meeting of the City Council, staff requested that
Council authorize staff to work with the city planner toward
development of an industrial park master plan. As a result of
Council discussion at the February 25 meeting, it was the
consensus to table ordering the study. Council did not order
the study because of the concern that the cost of the study
was somewhat excessive at $19,000. It was suggested that the
scope of the study could be reduced in an of fort to reduce the
cost. At that February 25, 1991, meeting Council did
authorize an expenditure of $5,000 toward the payment of costs
associated with development of a storm water management plan
for the area.
O'Neill reported that subsequent to the previous discussion,
staff has received a revised proposal from Dahlgren, Shardlow
& Uban reducing the original cost from $19,000 to $8,500;
however, with the reduction in cost is a reduction in the
scope of services. City staff also received proposals to
conduct the planning activity from two other planners each at
a cost significantly less than the original proposal submitted
by Uban. Finally, O'Neill reported that the school district
is interested in paying a portion of the cost to conduct the
study. O'Neill also reported that the Planning Commission had
recommended that the City Council utilize the funds budgeted
for industrial land use study.
City Council then conducted two interviews. The first
interview was with Kermit Crouch of Crouch Consultants in
Edina. The second interview was with Northwest Associated
Consultants located in St. Louis Park.
After the interviews, Ken Maus noted that both planners come
highly recommended. NAC, however, may be more familiar with
Monticello. Maus also noted that it may make sense at this
time to try to employ another planner to assist with this
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Special Council Minutes - 4/22/91
specific project. The City could use this project as a
demonstration project or proving ground for a new planner.
When the project is complete, the City can evaluate the
planner's performance and then determine if a long-term
relationship should be established.
Brad Fyle noted that he prefers the Northwest Associated
Consultants' proposal, as NAC appears to have more resources
that can be used to complete the planning work. He was
concerned that Kermit Crouch Consultants, being a one-man
operation, may not be adequate.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and
seconded by Brad Fyle to select Northwest Associated
Consultants to complete the land use planning project at an
amount not to exceed $8,450. It was the consensus of Council
that appointment of the official city planner would occur at
some point after this planning project is completed; and in
the interim, City staff may continue to utilize the planning
services of Dahlgren, Shardlow & Uban. Motion carried
3. Other matters.
A motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Dan Blonigen to
approve issuance of a gambling license to the Monticello
Jaycees. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned.
Jeff O'Neill
Assistant Administrator
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