City Council Minutes 05-13-1991MINUTES
Monday, May 13, 1991 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Shirley Anderson, Dan Blonigen, Clint Herbst,
Brad Fyle, Ken Maus
Members Absent: None
2. Approval of minutes.
After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded
by Shirley Anderson to approve the minutes of the regular
meeting held April 22, 1991, and the special meeting held
April 22, 1991. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints.
None forthcoming.
4. Consideration of an ordinance amendment allowing limited open
sales and rummage and garage sale activity as an accessory use
in the R-1 district.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that the Planning
Commission recommends approval of the zoning ordinance
amendment regulating limited open sales and rummage and garage
sales in the R-1 district. The Planning Commission's
recommendation is based on the finding that limited open sales
activity and garage sale activity should be regulated in order
to properly protect the character of residential areas.
Excessive dse of private residential property for the sale of
vehicles along with consignment sales and other large sales of
a commercial nature serve to detract from the residential
character of the R-1 zone.
During discussion, Ken Maus noted some problems with the
enforcement of the transient merchant ordinance. He noted
that the Bridge Water Telephone parking area was being used as
a station for selling live bait. Rick Wolfsteller said that
he would contact the Sheriff's Department to determine what
action was taken on this matter and to make sure that the
Sheriff's Department has a full understanding of the City's
transient merchant ordinance.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and
seconded by Dan Blonigen to approve the adoption of an
ordinance amendment establishing limited open sales and
rummage and garage sales as an accessory use in an R-1 zone.
The motion is based on the finding that limited open sales
activity and garage sale activity should be regulated in order
to properly protect the character of residential areas.
Consignment sales and other large sales of a commercial nature
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serve to detract from the residential character of the R-1
zone; therefore, such activity should be controlled. The
proposed amendment will contribute to the ability of the City
to regulate such sales; therefore, the ordinance amendment
should be approved. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Consideration of adopting a modified concept plan for
extending city utilities to the elementary school site and to
the Value Plus development site.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill reviewed a concept plan
outlined in the agenda supplement for extending and financing
sewer, water, and road improvements to the new elementary
school site and to the Value Plus development site.
Shelly Johnson reported that the school district will be
locating the elementary school in the southwest corner of the
site, which means that the sewer line will be extended the
full length of the school property along Fallon Avenue. The
school will finance this expense. Johnson went on to note
that he prefers that the roadway be installed by the fall of
1992. The school district will pay one-half the cost.
Johnson reported that the Value Plus developers will be able
to pay their share of the roadway by 1993. Value Plus
representative, Tom Holthaus, was in attendance and concurred
with this statement.
Ken Maus suggested that the City look at upgrading Fallon
Avenue along with this project. John Simola reported that the
roadway is deteriorating and would likely need to be upgraded
within the next five years. Maus emphasized that improving
Fallon Avenue might be necessary in the future and that the
school district should be aware of this possibility.
Tom Holthaus was in attendance and requested that the City
Engineer prepare grading plans associated with the Value Plus
subdivision. Bret Weiss of OSM noted that ordinarily the City
Engineer does not get involved with preparing grading plans
associated with private development; however, in this case,
given the complexity of the project and the need to integrate
site grading work with road grades, it may make sense to
combine the two projects. Weiss did suggest that the
developer provide up -front money for the grading work to the
City, with the City actually making payment to OSM for the
grading plans prepared.
It was the consensus of Council to approve the concept of
authorizing the City Engineer to prepare the grading plan for
the Value Plus development site.
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It was also the consensus of Council to approve the concept
plan for extending and financing utilities to the Value Plus
development site as outlined in the staff report.
6. Consideration of r)etition for sanitary sewer feasibility
Assistant Administrator O'Neill noted that Stuart Hoglund
requested that the City conduct a feasibility study which
would provide information regarding the cost to extend sewer
and water to his property. Hoglund needs this information in
order to sell his property or develop it himself. O'Neill
stated that the estimated cost of $2,900 would be prepaid by
Stuart Hoglund. If the feasibility report is ultimately used
to design a construction project, the $2,900 to do the study
would be deducted from the engineering fee for design of the
project. This fee would then be incorporated into the overall
project cost and then assessed back to the parties that
benefit from the project.
After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded
by Dan Blonigen to accept Hoglund's petition and authorize a
feasibility study of sewer and water service to the Stuart
Hoglund property contingent on the City receiving $2,900 from
Stuart Hoglund. Motion carried unanimously.
roll -around cart tyL�e containers.
Public Works Director, John Simola, reported that an optional
cart system would allow residents to continue to use their
bags or existing garbage cans, or for a small rental fee
switch to roll -around containers available in sizes from 65 -
gallon to 95 -gallon. The cart system has proven to reduce
litter, dress up a neighborhood, stop animal intrusion into
garbage, and control the amount of rainwater entering the
garbage system. Significant amounts of rainwater can enter
the garbage. One only has to look around at the enormous
amount of garbage cans in Monticello without lids and look at
our garbage tonnage going into the landfill during wet weather
to see that this is a factor. This becomes extremely
significant when tipping fees reach $70 to $80 per ton, which
is foreseeable in the next few years.
Simola went on to review the two quotes, one from Zarn, Inc.,
direct and the other from Versa Cart utilizing 218 carts.
Simola reported that for the pilot program purposes, Zarn,
Inc., would not charge for the use of the carts; and if the
City elects to move forward with the program, the initial 218
carts cost about $3,000 less than the bid submitted by Versa
Cart. Simola went on to recommend that City staff be
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authorized to begin the pilot program utilizing the Zarn,
Inc., proposal at a cost of $0. At the end of the program, we
would then present the Council with cost data from Vasko and
prepare recommendations as to whether or not to implement the
residential optional garbage pickup system using the 95 -gallon
and 65 -gallon carts.
Dan Blonigen asked what our commitment is to Zarn. John
Simola reported that if we do not go ahead with the program,
all we have to do is wash the carts that they have provided.
Clint Herbst was concerned that the pilot study would show
that the efficiency in collecting garbage will not be enhanced
through the program and that ultimately it will cost the City
more to operate the program. Herbst reminded the Council that
the City recently eliminated two pickups per week service, and
he was concerned about starting a program that might result in
a further reduction of service level or result in a charge
being paid by property owners for garbage pickup.
Shirley Anderson noted that there is no financial outlay
associated with the pilot program, and it appears reasonable
to allow the program to proceed just for the sake of getting
information on how successful it might be.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and
seconded by Brad Fyle to authorize City staff to operate a
pilot program for garbage pickup utilizing the cart system for
a period of up to three months utilizing Zarn, Inc., at a cost
of $0. Voting in favor: Ken Maus, Brad Fyle, Shirley
Anderson. Opposed: Dan Blonigen, Clint Herbst.
8. Consideration of a resolution on the 1991 sidewalk improvement
approving plans and specifications, authorizing advertisement
for bids, and ordering a public hearing; and consideration of
accepting the 1991 Sidewalk Inspection Report and ordering a
public hearing on its contents.
Council reviewed the sidewalk improvement plan for the 1991
improvement season and reviewed the inspection report
submitted by the public works department.
Dan Blonigen noted that the sidewalks proposed for Walnut
should be located where it would not damage the existing
After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded
by Shirley Anderson to approve the plans and specifications
for the 1991 sidewalk improvement project, authorize
advertisement for bids, and order a public hearing on the
improvement. Motion carried unanimously.
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Council reviewed the sidewalk inspection report. After
discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded
by Clint Herbst to accept the sidewalk inspection report and
order a public hearing on its contents. Motion carried
Consideration of appointing individuals to membership on the
newly -established parks commission.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that four individuals
have volunteered to serve on the commission. These include
Larry Nolan, Dick Frie, Bruce Thielen, and Fran Fair.
Ken Maus suggested that the parks commission, once
established, be asked to search for the fifth member.
Clint Herbst noted that everyone that has volunteered for the
position is well qualified.
Dan Blonigen was opposed to the appointment of Fran Fair to
the parks commission.
A motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint
Herbst to appoint all four individuals, including Larry Nolan,
Dick Frie, Fran Fair, and Bruce Thielen, to the parks
commission. Voting in favor of the motion: Ken Maus, Brad
Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst. Opposed: Dan Blonigen.
10. Consideration of further action regarding police commission
Administrator Wolfsteller reported that to date the City has
received two formal applications from individuals interested
in serving on the commission, one from Curt Schmidt, the other
from David Gerads. In addition, former Councilmember, Warren
Smith, has expressed interest in serving on the commission.
City Administrator Wolfsteller noted that it is not likely
that additional advertisements will generate anymore
interested parties. It was suggested that if a police
advisory commission is going to be established, it appears
that Council may have to personally contact and select other
individuals to serve on the commission.
Ken Maus suggested that the first task of the police
commission might be to define the role of the commission and
prepare bylaws for future consideration.
Brad Fyle noted that he thinks there is a need for a police
commission and that he would volunteer to serve on it.
Shirley Anderson also indicated a willingness to serve on the
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After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and
seconded by Brad Fyle to establish an ad hoc committee charged
with defining the role and duties of a potential police
commission, with Warren Smith, Curt Schmidt, David Gerads,
along with Brad Fyle appointed to the committee.
Dan Blonigen mentioned the policy dispute in Big Lake
regarding the police response to heart attack victims in
transport in private vehicles. Blonigen requested that City
staff contact Don Hozempa and ask Hozempa what the current
policy in Monticello is for assisting transport of heart
attack victims either by transferring victims to squad cars or
by providing an escort.
11. Consideration of purchase of additional pipe locator for the
water department.
John Simola reported that the water and sewer collection
department currently has two locators. Simola noted that each
locator has certain limitations. A signal generator or
transmitter must be located near the search area. The
operator cannot move any significant distance away from the
transmitter. In addition, it is easily sidetracked by such
things in the area as telephone lines, gas lines, and electric
lines and often picks up false readings.
Simola proposed to purchase an additional locator, which would
be a Model 850 Metrotech. It is easier to operate, has a
stronger signal, and is not susceptible to picking up false
signals from piping or wires. The 850 will locate the exact
spot of the obstruction, whereas the 810 may wander a few feet
and gives only an approximate location. Simola reported that
this item was placed in the budget in the amount of $2,300.
Unfortunately, the purchase of a new special clamp is needed
which adds to the expected cost; therefore, the purchase price
is $2,650, which is $350 over budget.
Brad Fyle noted that the existing equipment appears to be
working well enough. It was his view that this is more of a
"want" item than a "need" item.
John Simola noted that the equipment proposed for purchase is
much more accurate than the existing equipment.
Dan Blonigen noted that despite
equipment, he suggested that the
cost of a new, updated locator.
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the fact we have this type of
accuracy is worth the added
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After discussion, a motion was made by Dan Blonigen and
seconded by Shirley Anderson to purchase the Metrotech 850
from Davis Water Equipment with a special clamp and case at a
price of $2,650. Voting in favor: Dan Blonigen, Shirley
Anderson, Ken Maus, Clint Herbst. Opposed: Brad Fyle.
12. Consideration of advertisement for bids for emergency
generator for the water and sewer collection department.
This item was tabled until the end of the meeting.
13. Consideration of final payment to Arrigoni Brothers for the
Monticello Streetscape project.
John Simola reported that construction of the Monticello
Streetscape project was finished in early summer of 1989.
Final payment was dragged on due to unknown final quantities.
Attempts to meet with the contractor during the summers of
1989 and 1990 failed due to lack of response from the
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and
seconded by Dan Blonigen to authorize final payment to
Arrigoni Brothers for the streetscape project in the amount of
$38,679. Motion carried unanimously.
14. Consideration of final payment to Minnesota Valley Landscape,
Inc., for work on the Monticello Streetscape project.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and
seconded by Brad Fyle to authorize final payment to Minnesota
Valley Landscape, Inc., in the amount of $3,497.30. Motion
carried unanimously.
15. Consideration to adopt a resolution calling for a public
hearing to modify Redevelopment Project Plan No. 1, to modify
TIF Districts 1-1 through 1-11 to establish TIF District 1-12
and the plans relating thereto.
011ie Koropchak reported that TIF District No. 1-12 is
proposed as an economic district for Aroplax Corporation,
which is a business that has been in existence for 43 years
and is a family-owned business. The company is a plastic
injection molding company now located in Minneapolis. Aroplax
has a purchase option on the west 480 feet of Lot 3, Block 2,
Oakwood Industrial Park. Aroplax proposes to construct a
22,400 sq ft concrete tool and production facility on Chelsea
Road. The lot proposed for development is located to the east
of the Minnesota Highway Department facility. Projected
employment is 20-25 jobs.
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After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and
seconded by Clint Herbst to adopt a resolution calling for a
public hearing date of June 10, 1991, for the modification of
the Redevelopment Project Plan and existing TIF district plans
and establishment of a TIF District No. 1-12 and plan. Motion
carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 91-11.
16. Consideration to receive and accept the Annual Greater
Monticello Enterprise Fund Report.
Council reviewed the status of the Greater Monticello
Enterprise Fund.
After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded
by Clint Herbst to acknowledge the receipt and accept the
Annual Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund Report. Motion
carried unanimously.
17. Consideration to amend the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund
(GMEF) Guidelines and Economic Development Authority (EDA
Economic Development Director, 011ie Koropchak, reviewed the
proposed changes to the GMEF Guidelines and EDA Bylaws as
proposed by the Economic Development Authority.
After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and
seconded by Brad Fyle to amend the fund guidelines by noting
that 1) one job is equivalent to 37.5 hours per week;
2) establish a minimum fee of $200 but not to exceed 1.5% of
total loan project; 3) include a requirement that prior to
issuance of an approved loan, the City shall review and/or
approve all contracts, legal documents, and intercreditor
assignments; and 4) amend the meeting time for the Economic
Development Authority to 7:00 p.m. Motion to include request
that the EDA give consideration to preparing an amendment that
would allow the City Council to conduct a preliminary review
of loan applications prior to final approval by the EDA.
Motion carried unanimously.
18. Consideration of dedicating Urban Development Action Grant
funds to the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund.
011ie Koropchak reported that the City annually receives funds
from the Urban Development Action Grant program in the amount
of $27,971. The City will be receiving an annual payment in
this amount through December 1999. It is proposed by the EDA
that these funds be committed to future capital needs of the
Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund. Koropchak noted that the
UDAG program requires that such funds be used for economic
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development purposes and that committing UDAG funds to the
GMEF program is a use of UDAG funds that is common in other
After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and
seconded by Brad Fyle to authorize the commitment of UDAG
repayment income to the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund.
Motion carried unanimously.
19. Consideration to authorize a commitment to maintaining a
beginning balance of $200,000 for the Greater Monticello
Enterprise Fund.
011ie Koropchak reported that the Economic Development
Authority requests that Council maintain an annual beginning
balance of $200,000 for the GMEF program. By establishing a
commitment of $200,000 as the beginning balance annually, the
Economic Development Authority would have funds available to
make the program workable. Currently, there is no commitment
to maintaining a minimum balance or loan commitment level,
which limits the flexibility of the GMEF program. It was
suggested by Koropchak that the minimum balance of $200,000
could be achieved by appropriating the remaining balance of
the original $200,000 commitment, which is $62,000, plus the
appropriation of UDAG funding available at $90,000, plus an
additional appropriation of $48,000 from the liquor fund.
Koropchak reminded Council that the proposal does not require
that the funds be transferred to the EDA, it only provides a
commitment that those funds would be available in the event
that they are needed.
After discussion, a motion was made by Dan Blonigen and
seconded by Clint Herbst to approve an additional
appropriation from the liquor fund of $48,000 and authorize a
commitment to provide a beginning balance of $200,000. Motion
carried unanimously.
20. Consideration of renting or demolition of the recently_
acquired house adjacent to City Hall.
This item was tabled for further review by Council members.
It was suggested that each Council member visit the property
prior to further action on this matter.
21. Consideration of approval of plans and specifications for 1991
sealcoat project and authorization to advertise for bids.
A motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Dan
Blonigen to approve the specifications as drafted with the new
project scheduled and authorize advertisement for bids with an
anticipated cost of $45,000. Motion carried unanimously.
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22. _Consideration of approving lease agreements for Food Shelf and
Christian Social Services' use of old fire hall.
Rick Wolfsteller reviewed the terms of the proposed lease
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and
seconded by Dan Blonigen to approve the lease document as
presented. Motion carried unanimously.
12. Consideration of advertisement for bids for emergency
generator for water and sewer collection department.
John Simola reported the need to purchase an emergency
generator for use in conjunction with maintaining water levels
in the water tower and to power certain lift stations in the
event of a power outage. Simola reported that there are
sufficient funds budgeted for this item. The amount budgeted
for 1991 was $35,000.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and
seconded by Dan Blonigen to approve the specifications as
presented and authorize advertisement for bids to be returned
May 28, 1991. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned.
...►," r/
Jeff O'Neill
Assistant Administrator
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