City Council Minutes 08-12-1991MINUTES
Monday, August 12, 1991 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Shirley Anderson, Brad Fyle, Ken Maus, Dan
Blonigen, Clint Herbst
Members Absent: None
2. Approval of minutes.
Dan Blonigen requested that the vote on item #9 be changed to
reflect a 4 to 1 vote with Blonigen voting against the motion.
There being no further discussion, a motion was made by Brad
Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to approve the meeting
minutes of the regular meeting held July 22, 1991, with the
changes as noted. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints.
None forthcoming.
4. Consideration of a conditional use request to allow retail/
commercial activities as listed in Chapter 12, Section 21 B-21
limited business district) of this ordinance in a PZM
(performance zone mixed). Applicant, 21st Century Builders.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed Council that the
Planning Commission has recommended that the conditional use
permit be approved with a number of conditions. O'Neill noted
that the original conditional use request issued to 21st
Century Builders in May of 1990 had lapsed, and there are some
substantial changes to the original site plan; therefore, the
developer needs to obtain a new conditional use permit before
proceeding on development of the structure.
After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded
by Dan Blonigen to approve the conditional use permit request
subject to the following conditions:
1. Development of final landscaping and berming plan
creating effective transition between commercial
and residential properties must be reviewed and
approved by the City Planner prior to issuance of a
building permit. A bond in the amount of 100% of
the cost to install landscaping shall be provided
to the City prior to issuance of a building permit.
2. Development of a retaining wall shall be
accompanied by installation of a safety fence for
the purpose of eliminating access to the edge of
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the retaining wall. The fence shall be made of
weather -resistant material and be at least 6 feet
3. Prior to issuance of a building permit, drainage
and retaining wall construction plans shall be
approved by the City Engineer.
4. The parking requirements are based on retail use of
the structure only. Restaurant use is allowed only
with an amendment to the conditional use permit.
5. Grading and landscaping plan are to show a sidewalk
located 1 foot off the property line and located on
City right-of-way.
6. All code requirements relating to fire department
access to the rear of the structure shall be met.
Motion carried unanimously.
5. Consideration of repairing, refurbishing, renting, or
demolishing the Cole house near City Hall.
John Simola informed Council that staff has prepared
specifications for repairs to the Cole house and obtained
prices from local contractors to do the work. Input from
contractors indicates that the cost to have the home
completely refurbished per our specifications, including staff
time, would cost $18,000 to $19,000.
As a second alternative, the City could have as much work as
possible done by various local contractors to get the home at
least in code compliance, probably using some City employees
for portions of the work. The estimated cost of this option
would be about $5,000 to $8,000. The City could then rent the
home to someone who would complete the painting and other
repairs and probably give them about six months' free rent
valued at another $3,000.
The third alternative would be to have the house demolished or
removed at an estimated cost of $4,000 to $5,000.
Ken Maus suggested that staff research the possibility of
selling the property with the option of buying back the
property in the event the City needs it for future expansion.
Under this alternative, the house would remain on the tax
rolls. Maus noted that the City will not actually need the
property for another six to ten years, and he hates to see the
structure torn down at this time. He went on to request that
staff contact the City Attorney to see what sort of agreement
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could be structured with a potential home buyer that would
allow the City to buy back the property at a reasonable price
in the future.
Dan Blonigen suggested that plans for refurbishment be put on
hold and agreed that staff should look into the buy-back
After discussion, a motion was made by Dan Blonigen and
seconded by Brad Fyle to prepare the structure for cold
storage and table consideration of demolishing the Cole house.
Motion carried unanimously.
6. Consideration of final payment to Dynamic Systems for control
system at the wastewater treatment plant and consideration of
replacement of selected field sensors at the wastewater
treatment plant.
John Simola reported that Dynamic Systems has completed the
control panel at the wastewater treatment plant. The main
control panel and the backup system operation at the
wastewater treatment plant have been verified by PSG and Dean
Sharp from OSM. The expediency of the project and the quality
of the work from Dynamic Systems was exceptional. The
proposed price from Dynamic Systems for installation of the
control system was $79,500. There were no additional costs
from Dynamic Systems to the City during construction of the
control panel. Consequently, the project cost is $79,500. We
have paid Dynamic Systems a total of $74,531, leaving a
balance or final payment due of $4,969.
Simola went on to inform Council that during installation of
the control panel, all of the field sensors were checked out.
Some of the field sensors were found not to be within
tolerance for calibration, unreliable, or had parts missing
due to City employees using them to make other sensors
operational due to unavailability of parts. Simola noted that
two sensors or meters for the wastewater treatment plant from
Dynamic Systems are needed to replace those that are not
working at a cost of $4,680.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and
seconded by Dan Blonigen to make final payment to Dynamic
Systems for the control panel in the amount of $4,969 and
authorize the purchase of the two flow meters from Dynamic
Systems at a cost of $4,680. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Consideration of replacement of south primary clarifier chain
and sprocket assemblies at the wastewater treatment plant.
John Simola reported that during the 1991 budget process it
was noted that the south primary clarifier chains and
sprockets at the wastewater treatment plant were in need of
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repair or replacement. It was determined at that time to get
through the winter by doing repairs or small segment
replacements to the chain so the actual replacement could be
done in the 1991 operating budget.
As an alternative to replacing the clarifier chains at this
time, the City could continue to replace bits and pieces as
needed in the clarifier chains and sprockets. This appears to
be the most costly alternative in the long run; and because of
limited manufacturers of the chain, it may become more
difficult in the future to get the parts as needed.
After discussion, a motion was made by Dan Blonigen and
seconded by Shirley Anderson to authorize replacement of the
clarifier chains and sprockets for the south primary clarifier
as outlined at an estimated cost of $5,000. Motion carried
8. Consideration of final payment to DNCON, Inc., for Sidewalk
Improvement Project 91SW-1 and consideration of setting
assessment hearinq on said improvement project.
John Simola reported that DNCON, Inc., of Lakeville has
completed the sidewalk installation as of July 20. The
restoration work was recently completed, and the final payment
quantities have been determined. The original bid on the
project, based on the estimated quantities, was $30,077. This
included not only installation of the new sidewalk but repairs
to the existing sidewalk system. The final quantities
extended to a total project cost of $32,526. The primary
reasons for the overrun were due to the additional curb and
sod over estimated quantities and the replacement of
additional sidewalk in front of the Lindquist Funeral Home at
the request of the property owner. This additional cost of
$1,250 plus inspection costs will be assessed 100% to the
property owner, as this particular sidewalk was on the grid;
but based on our criteria, the sidewalk did not need
Dan Blonigen noted that some property owners are placing
decorative rock or other obstructions in the city boulevard
areas. He noted that solid obstructions on boulevard areas
can create safety hazards.
John Simola concurred that there are numerous sites where
solid obstructions have been placed on the city boulevard. He
noted that he would list those items and bring them back onto
the agenda for further Council review.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and
seconded by Clint Herbst to approve final payment to DNCON in
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the amount of $4,694 for Sidewalk Improvement Project 91SW-1
and adopt a resolution setting a date of September 9, 1991, to
hold the assessment hearing for the project. Motion carried
unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 91-27.
9. Consideration of reviewing and amending the Greater Monticello
Enterprise Fund Guidelines.
Economic Development Director, 011ie Koropchak, reported that
the City Attorney, Paul Weingarden, requests that the Economic
Development Authority and City Council make an amendment to
the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund Guidelines. It was
Weingarden's concern that the fund guidelines as now written
appear to discriminate against new businesses that would
locate in Monticello that might be in competition with
existing businesses.
After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded
by Shirley Anderson to approve the amendment to the GMEF
Guidelines' definition of public purpose, paragraph 3, as
suggested by Attorney Paul Weingarden and amended by the
Economic Development Authority. Motion carried unanimously.
10. Consideration of approving transfer of on -sale liquor
license --Silver Fox Motel.
Rick Wolfsteller reported that Rod Dragsten, owner of the
Silver Fox Motel, has been issued an on -sale liquor license
for the period July 1, 1991, through June 30, 1992. Dragsten
is in the process of transferring ownership of the motel to
Lydia Wang. The corporation's new name will be Chin Yuen
Silver Fox Inc. It will operated by Ms. Wang, her daughter,
and son-in-law. Ms. Wang has applied for transfer of the
liquor license, which is a requirement of our city ordinance.
In addition, the Liquor Control Division must approve the
transfer. Wright County Sheriff's Department is doing a
background check on the new owners, but we are not aware of
any information that would adversely affect the license
transfer. The new owner of the Silver Fox Motel has operated
for approximately five years in the Chin Yuen Restaurant on
Highway 10 in Elk River. Assistant Administrator O'Neill
reported that Dragsten has indicated that the transfer of
ownership may not occur immediately, and Dragsten requests
that Council approve the transfer in anticipation of
completion of the sale in 90 days.
After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded
by Dan Blonigen to approve the liquor license transfer from
Rodney Dragsten to Lydia Wang contingent upon Liquor Control
Division approval with said approval on liquor license
transfer to expire in 90 days. Motion carried unanimously.
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11. Consideration of adopting 1992 Monticello Heartland Express
Management Plan and adopting resolution entering into contract
with State of Minnesota Department of Transportation to
provide public transportation.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed Council that the
Monticello Transportation Advisory Committee has reviewed the
proposed budget and management plan and recommends that
Council adopt the plan and associated resolution. The plan
proposes no changes to the existing level of service, and the
budget proposes a total operating expense of $72,182, which is
$600 less than the 1991 budget total.
O'Neill went on to remind Council that the state will finance
60% on the $72,182 annual operating budget, or $43,309. It is
projected that the City will obtain $11,184 in fare revenue.
The remaining $17,689 must be financed through general tax
revenue. O'Neill also noted that according to the project
supervisor, Tom Gottfried of MN/DOT, the Monticello system
shows good growth patterns, and the cost per ride is well
below MN/DOT guidelines. Hoglund Coach Lines continues to
provide excellent service and is in compliance with the terms
of the two-year contract which expires in December of 1992.
O'Neill noted that it is the general goal of most systems to
have the fare revenue pay 20% of the cost to operate the
system. Although the Monticello Heartland Express fare
revenue has been increasing, it finances 16% of the cost to
operate the system. Council reviewed the management plan and
requested that the Monticello Transportation Advisory
Committee continue to evaluate the existing fare requirement
and possibly consider a small increase in order to achieve the
goal of having the fare revenue pay 20% of the cost to operate
the system.
After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded
by Dan Blonigen to adopt the 1992 Monticello Heartland Express
Management Plan and adopt a resolution entering a contract
with the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation to
provide public transportation. Motion carried unanimously.
12. Consideration of ratifying settlement of litigation issue --
Senior Citizen Center.
Rick Wolfsteller requested that Council table the matter until
a special meeting which could be conducted sometime later in
the week.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and
seconded by Dan Blonigen to table consideration of ratifying
settlement of litigation issue for Senior Citizen Center.
Motion carried unanimously.
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13. Other matters.
Rick Wolfsteller informed Council that the hospital district
has requested that the City Engineer prepare the plans and
specifications for development of an expanded parking
facility. Wolfsteller requested that Council consider
allowing the City Engineer to work for the hospital district.
It was the consensus of Council that the City Engineer should
be allowed to prepare the plans and specifications for
development of the parking facility with the hospital district
financing the associated expenses.
John Simola reported that the cost estimates for development
for the refurbishment of the information center and
development of an office for the Chamber of Commerce will be
provided at the next meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Ken Maus expressed words of appreciation to John Badalich, who is
retiring after 16 years of service to the City of Monticello.
Badalich thanked the Mayor and City Council for their support
through the years and noted that through their foresight, the City
is equipped to handle city growth for years to come.
Jef O'Neill
Assistant Administrator
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