City Council Minutes 04-22-197417'l Regular meeting of the City Council - April 22, 1974 - 7:30 P. M. - City Hall The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall by Mayor Conrad Johnson. Council members present: Blonigen, Martie. Absent: Erickson, Rowan. The Mayor announced that the meeting would be taped. The minutes for the meeting of April 8, 1974 were approved as presented. Time was allowed for citizen inquiries and comments. None were made. A HEARING was held in regard to a Zoning Ordinance change. The purpose of the HEARING was to consider an amendment to the Monti- cello Zoning Ordinance, as follows: That Cedar Street to Palm Street on both sides of Highway 152 (Co. Rd. 70) ,' to include the south half of Block B, the north half of Block D, be re -zoned from the present R-3 classification to a B-2, General Business zoning classification. The east side of Cedar Street from Highway 152 (Co. Rd. 70) , to the northerly property line of the Cedar Street Meat Market to be re -zoned from the present R-3 classification to •a B-2 zoning classification. No comments were made in regard to the proposed zoning change. In this regard, a motion was made by Martie, seconded by Blonigen, to adopt the Zoning 'Amendment as presented. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Johnson, Martie. Opposed:None. Absent: Erickson, Rowan. Motion carried. A discussion was held in regard to a bill presented from attorney William C. Hoffman. The Mayor stated that the City Attorney re- commends that Mr. Hoffman be made an offer of $2,000.00 for his fees in the Fourth Street case; this would include $1,500-o6 for the appeal to the Supreme Court and $500.00 for the appeal to the District Court. A motion was made by Martie, seconded by Blonigen, to have the City Attorney, Mr. Pringle, write a letter to Mr. Hoffman stipulating the $2,000.00 offer. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Erickson, Rowan. Motion carried. An audit report was made by Mr. Gary Wieber of Gruys, Johnson, Mosford & Associates. This report was for the General Fund of the City and included the one year period ending December 31, 1973. Mr. Wieber noted that the tax levy for 1974 was down in all areas but bonds and interest. A $10,000.00 average balance was re- commended for the Liquor Fund and $30,000.00 was recommended for the General Fund. It was noted that an amendment should be made making the "On -sale" -non-intoxicating malt liquor license fee $70.00 rather than the $175.00 fee now listed in the ordin- ance book. A discussion was held concerning a salary fee adopted 173 Regular meeting of Council - April 22, 1974 - cont'd. by the City Council in May, 1972. It was the Mayor's recommend- ation, no vote, with council member consensus to have this matter studied by the City Attorney. A motion to approve the audit report as presented by Mr. Wieber, was made by Blonigen, seconded by Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Erickson, Rowan. Motion carried. A presentation was made by Mr. Steve Mattson of Juran & Moody, Inc., in regard to sale of bonds to finance Downtown Parking Lot Development. Mr. Mattson noted there would need to be a public sale of the bonds in view of the fact the issue exceeds $100,000.00. He stated the interest rate on bonds is now any- where from 5.61% to 5.78% and this rate is fluctuating. He stated there would need to be a public notice for the bond sale and that publication of the notice would have to be at least 10 days before the sale occurs; he explained that if the city pro- ceeds now with plans for the sale it will take until July before funds are received. Mr. Mattson stated he would check on the legality of having the watermain replacement as part of the bond issue. A discussion was held in regard to the Dutch elm disease problem. Council member Blonigen stated it was his opinion that any in- dividual who had diseased trees marked last year, but did not remove them should pay 100% assessment cost. In this regard, a motion was made by Bloni gen, seconded by Martie, to charge individuals, who did not have them removed, at the 100% rate. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Erickson, Rowan. Motion carried. A discussion was held concerning the Zetterberg property. The Mayor announced that the area in question will be fumigated and the present structure destroyed and that this would be done this week. The Mayor announced that the City would be taking an active part in low-income housing and noted he would be meeting with Mr. Wally Houle who is a developer of this type of project. The Mayor stated he had met with Mr. Franklin Denn and mentioned they had an amiable meeting. Mayor Johnson stated that the Sheriff' s office had agreed to help the local Fire Department in directing traffic, etc. when fire calls are received. The Administrator stated that the link chains for installation at the disposal plant had not been received. A follow up will be made on this order. The Mayor presented the Council with an Information Pamphlet prepared by the City. He requested Council members to review this and notate any additions or corrections they feel might be needed. Regular meeting of Council April 22, 1974 cont d. A discussion was held concerning the request for a building per- mit by Mr. Ken Tvedt. The Administrator was instructed to notify Mr. Tvedt that the City Council would like the lot size to stay 1651 feet deep and to consider an easement as a solution to the problem. A discussion was held concerning the request of Mr. E. Hartwig to be issued two building permits, as follows: 1. To build a house on the northerly 80t of Lots 9 & 10, Block 55, under the provisions of Chapter 4, paragraph 1 C. of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. 2. To build a 4 or 5 unit dwelling on Locust St. between 6th & 7th Streets. The permit is to be issued after the city engineer, Mr. Thore Meyer, clarifies the utility problems. It will be Mr. Hartwig's responsibility to re- solve these problems. A motion to approve the two requests of Mr. Hartwig, was made by Blonigen, seconded by Martie. The motion stipulates that there must be a permit issued for each structure. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Erick- son, Rowan. Motion carried. The Administrator was instructed to check with the City Attorney and see if any reply had been received from Bel -Mar Builders. A presentation was made by the Mayor in regard to a building permit for the Bureau Investment Corp. The Mayor read a letter received from Attorneys Stacker, Ravich & Radson and outlined a reply that would be sent to them. A presentation was made by Mr. Howard Rekstad representing Bureau Investment Corporation. Mr. Rekstad stated he hoped the dispute would be resolved amiably. The Mayor stated the matter should be referred back to the Planning Commission where it will be reviewed and returned to the City Council for final determination. A discussion was held concerning the Building Inspector position. In this regard, a motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Martie, to appoint Mr. Gerald Fredin as temporary Building Inspector until review of the matter had been accomplished by the Planning Commission. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Erickson, Rowan. Motion carried. A presentation was made by Mr. Chuck Stumpf in regard to the up- dating of city maps. Mr. Stumpf noted that the Planning Commission recommends adoption of the proposal subinitted by Meyer-Rohlin, Inc . , whereby all maps will be updated at a fee ranging from $800.00 to $1,200.00. The motion to accept the Planning Comm. recommendation was made by Martie, seconded by Blonigen. 1.75 Regular meeting of Council - April 22, 1974 - cont' d. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Johnson. Opposed: None. Absent: Erickson, Rowan. Motion carried. There was City Council consensus, no vote, to use Federal Revenue Sharing Funds for this project - final determination on the use of these funds will be made at a .later date. Mr. Chuck Stumpf noted that the Planning Commission had met with Brauer & Associates and that there was no fee charged for this meeting. Brauer & Assoc. will be submitting a report to the Administrator in regard to fee charges, type of project proposed, etc..... A presentation was made by Mr. Jim Lungwitz representing the Park & Recreation Commission. Mr. Lungwitz stated that the bids will be opened for the tree cutting project on April 29, 1974• He mentioned that the amount of lime needed will cost more than originally planned. The cost will now run approximately $350.00 to $360.00. A survey will be made of all park play- ground equipment to see what is obsolete or in need of repair. A cost estimate will be submitted to the City Council. Dick Brooks was instructed to remove all physical dangers from park equipment. A discussion was held in regard to maintenance of the ball parks. Jim Lungwitz stated the Slow Pitch League will clean up after themselves. He stated the Park Board will take the necessary steps to remove the remnants of a refreshment stand at the Fourth Street park and that the Slow Pitch League will take all re- sponsibility for maintenance of the NSP ball park - including clean up. It was noted that the city is required to place some fencing at the NSP park. This matter is to be reviewed and a report made to the City Council. Dick Brooks mentioned that the city will open all the city parks about May 15, 1974. A report was made by Mr. Lloyd Lund, representing the Business & Industrial Commission. He stated that the bid of Bauerly Brothers, Inc., of Sauk Rapids, MN., in the amount of $59,183.30, was lower than anticipated. The total cost of the Downtown Develop- ment project is now estimated at $148,500.00. The Administrator was instructed to contact Juran & Moody and work out a bond issue for this improvement. A discussion was held in regard to the Liquor Store parking lot as part of the Downtown Parking pro- ject. No final decision was reached. At this time, Mayor Con Johnson relinquished the Chair and installed Dick Martie as temporary chairman. A motion was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Con Johnson, to adopt a Resolution Accepting Bid and to award the bid to Bauerly Brothers, Inc . , of Sauk Rapids, MN. The low Regular meeting of Council - April 22, 1974 - cont'd. bid of Bauerly Brothers was in the amount of $59083.30. (Copy of Resolution Accepting Bid attached as Enclosure 1). Mayor and Clerk authorized to sign resolution. Voting in favor: Johnson,, Martie. Opposed: Blonigen. Absent: Erickson, Rowan. Motion carried. The Mayor noted that each council member has a Federal Revenue Sharing letter indicating the current status of these funds. The Administrator was instructed to check with the City Attorney in regard to legal fees paid by a city employee approximately two years ago. A discussion was hald concerning watermain replacement on Locust Street. In this regard, a motion was made by Martie, seconded by Blonigen, to set a HEARING date of May 13, 1974 at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall. Voting in favor: Blonigen, John- son, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Erickson, Rowan. Motion carried. (Resolution - Encl. 2) . A motion to adjourn was Heade by Martie, seconded by Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: None. Absent: Erickson, Rowan. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:05 P. M. Kevin L. LaFrance, Adm. KLLF/ lsg Encl. 1: Resolution Accepting Bid Encl. 2: Resolution Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improvement.