City Council Minutes 01-23-1975 Special,Special Meeting of Monticello City Council
January 23, 1975 - 7:30 P.M. - City Hall
Meeting called to order by Mayor Con Johnson.
Present: Con Johnson, Gene Walters, Stanley Hall, Richard
Martie. Absent: Denton Erickson.
Mayor announced meeting would be taped.
1. _Consideration of Projects for 1975 Community Development
Block Grant Funds.
,Steve Ryan of Midwest Planning and Research, Inc . , outlined
program. Mr. Ryan explained that $4.4 million was available
for federal funding of a wide variety of projects for non -
metropolitan areas of Minne8ota (under 50,000 population).
It is necessary that City of Monticello submit its pre -
application to the State Planning Agency by February 1, 1975;
the State Planning Agency in turn forwards the pre -application
to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development by
March 1, 1975. HUD will return pre -application by approxi-
mately March 15 and final applications are to be submitted
by May 15, 1975, with final decision made by HUD approxi-
mately August 1, 1975. The following three projects were
approved for pre -application:
Senior Citizens Center --Request $150,000 including land
acquisition, furniture and fixtures, approxi-
mately 3,000 square feet.
Park Development and Improvement --Request $25,000 which
will be supplemented by city funds. Includes
construction of new entrance into ball park
on west side of Monticello, and acquisition
of park equipment.
Sidewalk Improvement --Sidewalk on south side of Broadway
between Pinewood School and Senior High School.
Amount to be determined after obtaining quotes
and consulting with city engineer.
2. Consideration of Possible Location of New Industries in
Newly Annexed Areas.
Mayor Johsnon stated that he became aware that a manufacturing
plant and a beer distributor were interested in some land in
the newly annexed area both of which required trackage.
Steve Ryan of Midwest
have his firm review a
of comprehensive plan,
able for the location
Ryan was requested to
10th meeting.
Planning & Research was requested to
rea and make recommendation, as part
as to whether this area would be suit -
of above mentioned industries. Steve
get back to council at their February
Special meeting of the council - Jan. 23, 1975 - continued.
3. Discussion on blade City of Monticello had considered
for purchase.
Blade used by city on trial basis proved inadequate and
consensus was not to purchase.
4. Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Title VI.
Acting city administrator Gary Wieber explained program.
Richard Martie moved that the City of Monticello adopt a
resolution to request funds for the position of Supervisor
of Dutch Elm Disease Program and Bookkeeper, seconded by
Gene Walters and carried unanimously.
5. Request of Planning Commission Chairman Chuck Stumpf
to have his committee look into and recommend successor
to Axel Rasmussen as Building Inspector.
6. Condition of County Road 75• f
Poor condition of County Road was discussed. Acting city
administrator was directed to inform the county of council's
desire to see the improvement of this road, especially the
Motion was made to adjourn by Dick Martie, seconded by
Gene Walters, motion unanimously carried.
t2aryy W'e er,
Acting City Administrator