City Council Minutes 04-09-1975 Special295 Special Meeting of Monticello City Council April 9, 1975 -- City Hall -- 3 P.M. Meeting called to order by Mayor C. Johnson. Present: Con Johnson, Stanley Hall, Gene Walters, Dick Martie, Denton Erickson. Mayor Johnson announced meeting would be taped. 1. Results of Special Election April 8. 312 votes cast. Split Liquor: "Shall the City of Monticello be authorized to continue the sale of liquor at the Municipal Store and be authorized to issue private 11on-sale's licenses to hotels and restaurants as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 34.0.07." 231 YES 81 NO General Obligation Bond: "Shall the City of Monticello be authorized to issue General Obligation Bonds in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.58 for an amount up to $130,000 for the purpose of a maintenance building and maintenance equip- ment." 189 YES 118 NO 5 lef t blank Motion by Erickson, seconded by Hall, and unan- imously carried to accept results of election as certified by election judges. 2. Discussion of local government aid transfer between the City of Monticello and Township of Monticello. Motion by Walters, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried to pursue the matter further in regard to the $35766.46 the Department of Revenue increased the city's share and reduced the township's share of local government aid. It was also the consensus of the council to explore the possibility of having the township agree to drop the formula in the annexation order, providing state aids remain sub- stantially the same. 296 Special Meeting of Council - April 9, 1975 - continued. 3. Civil Defense Director appointment. Motion by Walters, seconded by Hall, and unanimously carried to appoint Douglas Pitt as Civil Defense Director, salary would be on a trial basis of $75.00 a month should Mr. Pitt accept. q. Authorization to city attorney to hire three attorneys to give testimony at Hoffman trial. Motion by Martie, seconded by Erickson, and unanimously carried. Cost estimated by Gary Pringle to be approx- imately $250 per attorney. 5. Contractors for maintenance building. Motion by Martie, seconded by Erickson, and unanimously carried to have acting city administrator contact various contractors and review their proposals along with City Engineer who would draw up preliminary specifications. It is envisioned that, based upon the review of the acting City Administrator and City engineer, two or three contractors would make a presentation to the council. 6. Motion to adjourn by Erickson, seconded by Martie, and unanimously carried. Gary ieber Acting City Administrator GW: mjq