City Council Minutes 05-19-1975 SpecialSpecial Meeting of Monticello City Council May 19, 1975 Meeting Called to order by Con Johnson. Present: Con Johnson, Denton Erickson, Stanley Hall, Dick Martie, Gene Walters. Mayor Johnson announced meeting would be taped. 1. Public Hearing on 1975-1 Sanitary Sewer and Water - main Improvement Project. City Engineer, John Badalich, presented preliminary report on project. (See supplement 5-19-75 #1.) Total projected cost of the project is $690,030. At this time the hearing was opened to questions from citizens in the audience. By a show of hands the overwhelming majority of property owners affected were in favor of the project. A show of hands also indicated that 12 Hillcrest residents favored the improvement of their area by laterals and none were opposed. Also by a show of hands, 36 out of 39 voting indicated a preference for the lot/parcel basis of assessment over the front footage basis. The mayor declared the hearing to be closed after all citizens present had an opportunity to be heard. 2. Bids on demolition of buildin, Warehouse). former Kj ellber, Bids wereopened at 2 P.M. on May 19, 1975 for the demolition of the Warehouse Building and were as follows: Brennan & Sons, Inc. $1,680.00 O'Connor Bros. Construction $35655.00 Motion by Martie, and seconded by Erickson, to reject any and all bids, unanimously carried. Building to be demolished by public works department employees either during the work day, when they have an opportunity, or at night or weekends. Any hours over forty would be on straight time basis as agreed to by city employees for this project. 3. Civil Defense telephone line. Motion by Hall, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried to have telephone line put in City Hall for Civil Defense purposes and in other cases of emergency. Number would be unlisted to insure immediate connection. 3 a: Special meeting of the Council - May 19, 1975 - continued. 4. Resolution ordering 1975-1 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvement. Motion by Hall, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried to order improvement and have City Engineer prepare final plans and specifications for improvement and to submit them to Council for review June 2, 1975 5. Public Works Department to spray dandelions in the park. 6. Status of Wright County Park. Stan Hall appointed to work with Park Board and determine status of Wright County Park. Meeting adjourned. ary ieber, Acting City Administrator