City Council Minutes 06-23-1975Regular Meeting of Monticello City Council City Hall - 7:30 P.M. - June 23, 1975 Present: Con Johnson, Gene Walters, Dick Martie. Absent: Stanley Hall, Denton Erickson. Mayor Johnson announced meeting would be taped. 1. Zoning Ordinances. Planning Commission chairman, Chuck Stumpf presented Council with amendments to Zoning Ordinances prepared by Howard Dahlgren, Assoc. and recommended Zoning Ordinance be adopted with amendments. Only the former city would be referred to as zoned and annexed area would be zoned on piecemeal basis. John Badalich, consulting city engineer, presented council with his comments on zoning and subdivision ordinance, which Howard Dahlgren reviewed and approved. Council consensus was to request Planning Commission zone annexed area also, adopt comprehensive plan and hold hearing on Zoning Ordinances for entire City and Subdivision Ordinances July 28, 1975 at 7:80 P.M. 2. Parking Lot Proposal- Dr. Brenny. Decision of Council was to have Jim Metcalf (Dr. Brenny's attorney) meet with city engineer, John Badalich and deter- mine proper specifications and come back to Council with revised site plan. 3. Equipment Bids. Tractor loader: Midwest Tractor, Inc. $20,500.00 1970 Hough Valley Equip. Co. 375300.00 1972 John Deere Borchert -Ingersoll, Inc. 38,000.00 1970 Terex Motion by Martie, seconded by Walters, to award bid to Midwest Tractor, Inc., with stipulation that repairs were done as indicated. Unanimously carried. Dump truck: Hoglund Bus $14,320.00 Int. 1700 Series Monticello Ford 13,885.00 Ford 700 Series of 6*)�e1 Regular meeting of Council - June 23, 1975 - continued. Awarded bid to Hoglund Bus on motion by Walters, seconded by Martie, and unanimously carried. Motion included stip- ulation that $3 a day liquidation charges not be waived s with delivery by November 30, 1975. Council accepted higher bid on recommendation of consulting city engineer, John Badalich as it was felt it was a heavier duty truck. 3/4 Ton Pickup: Monticello Ford Hoglund Bus $5,462.18 Ford F-250-1975 5,475-00 Int. 1975 Motion by Walters, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried to award bid to Monticello Ford. (See supplement 6-23-75 - #1 4. Progress Report - Street Improvement; Vine, Minnesota, Maple and 5th Streets and Ed Klucas Property. Council consensus was to allow 3-4 weeks at which time eagineer would have report ready for presentation. 5. Proposed Ritze Plot. Motion by Walters, seconded by Martie, and unanimously carried to refer plot back to Planning Commission for approval of utility easements, road easement and designated 10% park area. 6. Proposed Liquor Store Site Study - Property East of #25 and South of Railroad Track. John Badalich recommended raising basement level above water level and a drain the system to solve the water and drainage problems. Fill would run about $20,000 or $10,000 more than originally estimated. Building would run approximately $30 a square foot including fixtures. Council consensus was not to proceed with any further plans until access to Highway #25 was assured. 7. City Maintenance Building. John Badalich to meet with street supervisior and Gene Walters on June 27th, Friday at 10 AM to review preliminary plans and required furnishings for building. Regular meeting of Council - June 23, 1975 - continued. 8. Sidewalk Improvement Project. John Badalich presented revised cost estimates on sidewalk improvement project; estimate was $28,135 exclusive of in- direct costs. Mr. Badalich stated that city could be charged on cost and material basis for preparing specifications. Because grade detail and detailed plans not necessary fee would run about $15000. Motion by Martie, seconded by Walters, and unanimously carried to have Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates prepare specifications for sidewalk improvement project. 9. City Engineer. Mayor Johnson, John Badalich, Bernie Mittelsteadt and City Administrator are to meet Friday, June 27 and review Mr. Mittelsteadt's recommendations on candidates. 10. Civic Center Commission. Council appointed Mrs. George Phillips, Shelley Johnson, Bob Brown, Dick Martie, Karen Hanson and Gary Wieber. Hanson and Wieber would be ex -officio non-voting members. Administrator to contact Karen Hanson and €btain names of 2-3 Senior Citizens for remaining appointees by Council on Commission. 11. Planned Use Report - Federal Revenue Sharing. Sixth entitlement allocation is $22,317.00. Motion by Martie, seconded by Walters, and unanimously carried to use $10,000 on aerial survey maps and remaining $12,317 against comprehensive plan of Howard Dahlgren and Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. 12. City Planner Schedule. Due to amount of estimate presented by Howard Dahlgren, $360 per month, Council consensus was to forego the item at this time. 13. Resolution: State Aid Agreement on Big Lake -Monticello Airport. Motion by Martie, seconded by Walters and unanimously carried to adopt resolution. (See supplement 6-23-75 - #2•) Regular meeting of Council - June 23, 1975 - continued. 14. Resolution - Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with State of Minnesota. Motion by Walters, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried to adopt resolution. (See supplementt6-23-75 #3•) 15. Approval of Bills. Motion by Martie, seconded by Johnson and unanimously carried to approve bills as presented. (See supplement 6-23-75 #4•) 16. Approval of Minutes. Motion by Martie, seconded by Walters to approve minutes of June 6 and June 9, 1975; unanimously carried. 17. Areas of Blight. As new zoning ordinances go into effect on blight, areas will be reviewed by Dick Martie before any letteiN are sent requesting compliance with ordinance. 18. Purchase of Substandard Housing. HRA commission requested to explore possibility of purchase of substandard housing. 19. Transfers Approval. Motion by Martie, seconded by Walters and unanimously carried to transfer the following funds : From To To Liquor Fund General Fund Street Fund $205000 $65128 $13,872 20. Blacktop Parking Lot. Motion by Martie, seconded by Walters and unanimously carried to blacktop area of former Kjellberg building which was demolished and award project to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. for $835.00. Motion to adjourn by Martie, seconded by Walters and unanimously carried. 5 " t. /" . e)6;4� tlfar i e b e r City Administrator GW: mjq