City Council Minutes 10-01-1975 SpecialSPECIAL MEETING OF MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL October 1, 1975 - 4 P. M. Present: Con Johnson, Dick Martie, Stan Hall, Gene Walters. Absent: Denton Erickson. 1. Discussion on proposed Liquor Store. Discussion held on proposed liquor store and city administrator was asked to contact Mr. Phil Pesola with Design/Management Construction Co., Inc. and request his attendance at the October 6, 1975 meeting to present sketches of proposed liquor store. No decision made on architectural firm at this time. 2. Discussion on Informational/Rest Area. Discussion held on cost of construction and J. W. Miller estimated it would be approximately ,$10,000 if the project were completely carried out. Motion by Walters, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried to go ahead with complete construction of project. J. W. Miller to get bids and quotes from at least two craftsmen on each portion of the project. 3. Discussion on performances of Public Works Dept. Employees. Discussion held regarding performance of public works department employees and need of public works director. Meeting adjourned. 0, Gary Wi er City Administrator GW/ Ig