IDC Agenda 10-18-1990 . AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEV LOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, October 18, I 90 - 7:00AM City Ha'l MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelley ohnson, Don Smith, Ron Hoglund, Ken Maus, Harvey Ken all, Dale Lungwitz, Jay Morrell, Lowell Schrupp, ArveiGrimsmo, Dennis Taylor, Linda Mielke, Dave Peterso , John McVay, Tom Pogatchnik, Tom McDermott, and B b Dawson. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 0, 1990 IDC MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR IDC INANCIAL REPORT. 4. PROSPECTS: Jeff Eastey En Yeager, Pine, 1.2 million sq 15,000-20,000 8,000 sq ft Ie 30,000 sq ft 1 erprises, Inc. nd Mundale ft Distribution Center q ft leaseable facility seable facility aseable facility . 5. CONSIDERATION TO FINALIZE HE IDC BANQUET. 6. CONSIDERATION OF FOLLOW-UP ON THE POTENTIAL LEASEABLE BUILDING PREPLANS. 7. CONSIDERATION OF INFORMATI NAL ITEMS: STAR CITY AWARDS GMEF APPROVAL FOR THEATRE EXPANSION BRE SURVEY AND VISITS TIRE SERVICE EQUIPMENT WELCOME PUC ORDER FOR COST STUDY 8. OTHER BUSINESS. REA LOAN CRITERIA 9. ADJOURNMENT. . . MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DE Thursday. September 20 City Hall ELOPMENT COMMTTEE 1990 - 7:00AM MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Lowell Schru Ron Hoglund. Maus. Linda Lungwitz. he11ey Johnson. Harvey Kendall, p, Dave Peterson. Arve Grimsmo, Bob Dawson, Dennis Taylor. Ken ielke, John McVay, and Dale MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Smith, Ja Tom McDermott. Morrell, Tom Pogatchnik, and STAFF: Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Shelley Johns n called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 AM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 16, 1990 IDC MINUTES. . Ron Hoglund made a motion to approve the August 16, 1990 IDC minutes. seconded by arvey Kendall. the minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. Treasurer Ron Hoglund rep of $48.65, money market b State Bank, and a money m Security Federal Banking $5,945.62. Arve Grimsmo IDC financial report as the report was accepted rted an IDe checking account balance lance of $1.855.65 at Wright County rket balance of $4,041.32 at the Savings. Total balance of ade a motion to accept the g ven, seconded by Lowell Schrupp, a d filed. 4. PROSPECTS: Jeff Eastey E terprises. Inc. - the loan application for SBA 7(a) unding is presently at the Wright County State ank for review. Approval by the bank to part! ipate in this financial package has not been etermined. Because this loan application is between the developer and the bank. I except to hear of the loan approval/denial from the developers. The banks determination is expected to be made earl next week. After the company receives ban approval for the SBA 7(a) program. will the GME' formal loan application be analyzed and the Central Minnesota Initative Fund applica ion be submitted. . Chairperson J hnson encouraged the expansion as the company's product is in it's prime stage for development, good product with the ability for repairs. Dal Lungwitz said it's a difficult position for the bank, as the EDA relies on the credit analysis of the lending institution officer. . IDC Minutes 9/20/90 Page 2 Lake Tool - Th Lake Tool Company remains interested in a Monticello location, however, Eric Bo dhus also reports that his company has be n working with their largest customer, wh 's now located in a north St. Paul su urb and anticipating a relocation. There is the potential of a joint relocation ad enture. His largest customers is in erested in a site closer to his ex sting customers. Lake Tool's lease ex ires in the fall of '91. 4. CONTINUED: . Yeager, Pine & Mundale - Ko opchak reported that the city had re eived a letter from a consulting firm re uesting information about Monticello an an enclosed questionaire to be completed. Th eight page questionaire was distributed am ng people with expertise in the area of tho e particular questions. She thanked those pe ple and said the information was mailed on August 21th. The consultant's client wa interested in siting an industrial "facility. Si ce having received no response and to comply wit the co sultants request for no telephone calls, a ollow-up letter of interest was mailed on September 11. Koropchak has not heard fr m the consulting firm. Cargill Feed Mill - En losed with the agenda IDC members received a opy of the letter received from Mike We tpahl stating Cargill's site location to be other than Monticello. As per the newspaper th site location was determined to be in the Ci y of Big Lake. The availability of rail wa a high priority of which Monticello's on y zoned industrial land was the Hoglund pr perty (1-1) which was served by a rail wh ch does not receive daily maintenance. Th property would have required a zoning am ndment to 1-2. The IDC members recognized po ential benefits to Monticello with a Bi Lake location. The H-Window Company - At orney Tom Hayes drafted a Right of First Re usal of which the City Council has approved th entering into an agreement with the H-Window Co pany. The agreement expires December 31, 1991 ~n allows for 30 days to respond from the da e of notificatidnby the City of Monticello of an interested buyer. The H-Window Company bo rd will receive the document in October. . . IDC Minutes 9/20/90 Page 3 4. CONTINUED. 30,000 sq ft inquiry - On A gust 22, Mr. George Briscoe called andOnquired about the availability of a 30,01 0 sq ft 1easeable facility in Monticello. The ndisclosed company is a service company for food process products and pharmaceutical pro ucts. 25-50 jobs in one year. Time frame of ix months. With no such size facility ava o.lable presently, Koropchak explained the IDC's Vlans and a potential developer's willingness to onstruct a facility to meet their needs. The TIF pay-as-you-go assistance was explained and included with Monticello's marketing information TheTIF Analysis/Lease Proposal was estimated at nproximate $3.69 per sq ft rent cost, a ~tion of $1.00 per sq ft. Federal Cartridge McVay reported that NSP has backed away from her site location assistance with Federal Car ridge, however, other sites in the Becker area are being considered. 5. CONSIDERATION OF ON THE TIRE SERVICE E UIPMENT RECEPTION. . Koropchak reported she ha date for the IDC members meant as a welcome to Mon of the idea. Koropchak s this presents a conflict will be out of town at a Dale Lungwitz reported th holdings to the north lot next week. contacted Mr. Ray Schmidt to set up a o visit and view his operations, this ice11o. Mr. Schmidt was very reciprocal ggested the first week of October, however, or Ray and his partner as they rade show. The date will be set later. company is considering expanding their and will be meeting with the partnership . Koropchak reported that ae Veit, Torn Gowleski, Pat Pe1string, and herself met and disc ssed the idea of preliminary construction plans: the willingness f a developer to draft preliminary site plans for review and app oval by the City Building Inspector as a speculative concept the willingness of a developer to locate an appropriate Mo tice110 site and to arrange a land commitment between the 0 er and the developer. The City of Monticello could assi t with TIF Pay-As-You-Go Lease Proposal of approximately $1.00 p r sq ft rent cost reduction. Pat pelstring suggested thre building plans of 15,000, 20,000, and 25,000 sq ft each with m nufacturing and office space (office sq footage not to exceed 10% of the mfg sq footage.) The plans to be very basic and of concrete. The developers were interested in the concept with the understanding the leasee must be a credit worthy business and be illing to sign a 10 year lease. It would be proposed th t a TIF Plan be drafted and ON THE POTENTIAL LEASEABLE BUILDING 6. CONSIDERATION PREPLANS . . IDe Minutes 9/20/90 Page 4 6. CONTINUED. distributed to the taxing j risdictions to allow the 30 day time allowance for TIF omment. Mr. Bob Dieke suggested not to call a public hear in until a project is secured and the development agreement i agreed upon. A public hearing notice must appear at least once not less than ten days nor more than 30 days prior to he date of the hearing. Koropchak was to mail maps of all ava'lable zoned I-I and 1-2 property along with property contacts and telephone numbers to Shingobee. This concept would require a upfront TIF Plan drafting fee of $3,800, The IDC suggeste. the city attorney draft a performance agreement betwee the developer and the HRA/City. It was suggested to Contact inkelman Construction of their interest. Gae, Tom and myse f will tour' the sites after the maps have been reviewed by Shingo ee staff. . Enclosed in the agenda was a copy of a page from the Minnesota Enterprise, Fall '90 which 1 sted industrial space for lease or sale in Minnesota. It noted a 29,750 sq ft manufacturing facility available in Monticello. Koropchak called Terrell Towers of the Depart of TED a d he said the listing was through O'Neill Realty of St. Cloud, on Weisman, 251-1177. Koropchak called the realty and the bUilding w s at 218 Chelsea Road, Claw Stamping. The listing was over two year old. Koropchak contacted Mr. Clow who reconfirmed his posi ion of a year ago that Claw Stamping plans to stay in Man icello and is not interested in leasing out a portion of thei manufacturing space. Available for rent is the Upper level 0 fice space. That leaves the only available industrial space fo lease in Monticello, to my knowledge, is the Jay Morrell bays. The IDC members recommended Ko opchak continue working with developers. 7. CONSIDERATION OF FOLLOW-UP ON Jeff O'Neill not present, no given. KETING STRATEGY. ~ 8. CONSIDERATION OF IDC BANQUET TICKET DISTRIBUTION. . Koropchak handed out envelopes to IDC members which Contained their Contact list for IDC tic et sales and reminded them that they should not limit themselve to the list only. Ticket sales have declined in the prev'ous few years, however, she encouraged members with a early ticket sal s start, excellent speaker, and recent community developments t at tickets should sell easier. Shelly Johnson, Don Smith and K ropchak will finalize the menu choice and program. . . . IDC Minutes 9/20/90 Page 5 9. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Koropchak i formed the IDC members that Mayor Maus, Supt. Shelley Johnson, and herself had attended the Bondhus Company banquet whi h was in honor of their visiting Japanese. he twelve Japanese were presented with a Mont cello T-shirt and a Monticello marketing b ochure. Koropchak thanked Ken and Shelley for taking the time from their busy schedules and expressed the importance of such kind of exchange with our industries as it falls nder the IDC goals of BRE. Koropchak re for one of t presented at September 27 submitted fo total market how the mate orted that Monticello was a candidate e All-Star City Awards to be the Star City Banquet on Wednesday, 1990. Also, Koropchak had state competition Monticello's ng program with an explanation of ials are or will be used. Two prelimin ry GMEF loan applications have been received for preliminary evaluation by the EDA Executive Director prior to formal application review by the EDA. The two applicants are Jeffrey Estey and Salley Eastey, and Robert Muller and Mi hael Muller. The HRA is cu catalyst to a property mark in finding a zoned R-2. 10. OTHER BUSINESS: Koropchak reported of Farm Credit to the former Boyle p Farm Credit would developer is inter the Farm Credit co 11. ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned at 7:45 ~ \~uo~..l~ Ollie Koropchak IDC Executive Secretary rently considering to act as a sist Fred Gille on how to make his table (PCA issues) and to assist otential developer for the property she would be contacting John Meyer heck the current statis of operty, to verify the process ike the-City to follow if a sted in the property, and who tact person is. , Council MONTICELLO WINS ONE OF THE STAR AWARDS. (O.K.) After Monticello received Star City Recertification last April, the City qualified as a candidate for 0 e of the All-Star City Awards. Thirty-five Star Cities out of on hundred three qualified as a candidate. Awards were presented t the Annual Star City Banquet held in late September which was attended by Jeff 0' Neill and myself. I was disappointed Montie 110 didn't win one of the All- Star City Awards because people wo ked so hard. We accomplished many great projects. The communiti s awarded All-Star city Awards were Champlin, Two Harbors, Halloc , Windom, and Plainsview. Monticello's marketing program .as also submitted for state competition. The good news is tha Monticello shared first place for its overall marketing program. The City's stationery, business cards, teaser/mailer, and brochure were submitted along with the Chamber's T-shirt, sweatshirt, stat"onery, and note cards. A short paragraph or two explained Monticello's logo concept and explained how Monticello's total marketing ma erials are being use. Included in the explanation was the Cha er' s proposed media marketing program using the City logo. Monticello received 282 points out of a possible 330. ~ Comments: Overall a very strong well thought out campaign. The repeat a pearance of the logo re-enforces the Monticello image and is easy to identify. Also, neat y ties in all of the various elements used i a strong marketing campaign. Excellent m terials - very well coordinate. Unfortunat ly, I do not get any sense of the town itself The consistency and attractiveness makes his program work. Brochure was tasteful - ot over done - great piece. ...............~...........-_._"~~~"._-"-_.~""._"'-_..~-'-~_._'-~-'-' -----.------..---............---- Other winners were Litchfield and New Brighton-~ Honorable mentions went to urnsv1lle, Northfield, airmont, and Fairbault County. Video awards were presented to La eville and Windom. CONGRATULATIONS! Hats off to Mon icello. .~ " -------\ ~~ ~t)~. , . . . ~I, ., '{;.J.'l.uiRllh~ .1":1 ..IIT~ ......, - m ~. 011:1(,) 1ft) 111 ra '1~!.I:~ {'l,J IIIl!lll )l~/ ~ 1990 October 11, 1990 Business Promotion Division 900 Am.erican Center Building 150 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1421 612/296-3977 Fax: 612/296-1290 Ms. Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Direc or city of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Dear MS~Chak: Thanks so much for be'ng a panelist for the Nuts and Bolts session at the T nth Annual star city Conference. The evaluatio s indicated that the session went very well. I was pleased to hear that there was good participation from the aud'ence as well. That is a good indicator that the sp akers were doing their job to stimulate the audience. Again, thanks for you cooperation and presentation. The best of luck in your continued economic development effor sincerely, e . Simon omic Development Repre entative -297-1168 An Equal Opportunity Employer