IDC Agenda 11-21-1989 . AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEV Tuesday, November 21 City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelly J Dennis Taylor, Lowel Peterson, Linda Miel Dale Lungwitz, Ron H Pogatchnik, John McV STAFF MEMBER: Jeff O'Neill 1. CALL TO ORDER. LOPMENT COMMITTEE 1989 - 7:00 AM hnson, Don Smith, Jay Morrell, Schrupp, Arve Grimsmo, Dave e, Harvey Kendall, Ken Maus, glund, Rick Wolfsteller, Dale y, and Ollie Koropchak. 2. APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 19, 1989 IDC MINUTES. 3. WELCOME OF NEW IDC MEMBER: JOHN MCVAY. 4. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECTS: REMMELE ENGINEERING GENEREUX (TAPPER, INC) CARDINAL IG MANTEQ INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE WATER TELEPHONE ANDERSEN CORPORATION BONDHUS CARGILL . 5. CONSIDERATION OF THE BUSI RETENTION SURVEY VISITS. 6. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDAT ON THE EAS PETITION. 7. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDAT ON THE AIRPORT ISSUE. 8. CONSIDERATION TO EVALUATE IDC BANQUET. 9. CONSIDERATION TO UPDATE T E MARKETING PROGRAM PROGRESS. 10. OTHER BUSINESS. 11. ADJOURNMENT. . . MINUTE MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL D VELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, October 1 , 1989 - 7:00AM City Hal MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Dennis Tayl Don Smith, Linda Mielk and Ollie K Shelly Johnson, Lowell Schrupp, r, Arve Grimsmo, Dave Peterson, on Hoglund, Harvey Kendall, , Rick Wolfsteller, ropchak. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jay Morrell, Dale Lunqwitz, Ken Maus, and Dale Pogatch ik. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill. GUEST: Steve Henning, Gary I erson, and Jackie Mudge of Henning & Associates. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Shelly Johnso called the IDC meeting to order at 7:02AM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 21, 1989 IDC MINUTES. . A correction to the minut present at the September motion to approve the Se with the recommended corr the minutes stand approve s was to include Don Smith as eeting. Arve Grimsmo made a tember 21, 1989 IDC minutes ction, seconded by Don Smith, with the written correction. 3. CONSIDERATION TO FINALIZE THE IDC BANQUET. Koropchak informed the ID members that she would contact them the Friday prior to he banquet for a ticket count. Industrial companies whic indicated an interest in a banquet display were NAWC Minnesota, Bondhus, NSP, FSI, Larson Manufacturing, and Sunny Fresh Foods. Koropchak will contact businesses for potential verbal testimonies as part of the banquet program. Dennis Taylor and Ron Hoglund wi 1 assist with upset for industrial displays. 4. CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINRY CONCEPT APPROVAL FOR THE MONTICELLO MARKET PROGRAM. . After introductions, Mr. Steve Henning informed the IDC members that City of Monticello's market program objective is being designed to attract new business. He briefly outlined his creative strategy for development of the program. Monticello means "little ountain", therefore, developed the theme "a little mountain of big pportunities" for potential use in the market program. T e initial concept is a three folded brochure of standard envelope size to . IDC Minutes 10/19/89 Page 2 4. CONTINUED. be mailed with a City cover letter of specific facts. It will promote location nd life style (specific amenities). The initial brochure will be followed up by a 9x12 information booklet (comm nity profile) which can include the logo, population, ind strial testimonies, working relationships, action pho ographs that reinforce the teaser: day care, school, hospital care, recreational. Basically the information booklet becomes the carrying folder for data/facts. Don Smith responded that the pocket folder and i outdoor photos with the a informed the committee th taken and they are workin include people. Both Arv the importance of the Mis identity for national or felt the river should be . The IDC gave Mr. Henning with the excellent concep hard copy print date fDr Mr. Henning talked about tape and informed the IDC & white and color prints which a video can be made expressed the video shows reality to a board of dir family and can to used at market information plants IDC members felt a video often, and becomes outdat Mr. Smith felt the meetin presented them with reque quite well, however, felt (something missing). The video concept as part of at this time to proceed w City Council with reconsi months. The IDC thanked Henning & Associates for . e liked the theme and concept of quired of the time line for proaching winter. Mr. Henning t outdoor shots have been on indoor action shots which Grimsmo and Don Smith expressed issippi River as a geographical nternational marketing and ied into the program. he recommendation to proceed and theme, and targeted a ext month. he potential of a community video that Jackie was doing both black o develop a library of slides from slide images. Steve the greatest sense of community ctors, employees, spouse and trade/expo shows. The written the seed in CEO of a Monticello. s cumbersome, not used that d very quickly. However, with Remmele Engineering which ted information werit it was not a smooth graphical presentation IDC agreed with the total a marketing program, however, agreed th the direction of the eration of the video option in six he representatives from heir time. . IDC Minutes 10/19/89 Page 3 5. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECTS: A) REMMELE ENGINEERING: oropchak prepared additional information for Mr. Re Heitkamp, Monticello's comparative annual tax capacities, taxes on a $600,000 estimated market value building, and building permits and water/ sewer hook-up fees. Mr. Heitkamp indicated a need for four metro lines of which have been low red from $250 to $170 per line. The City indicated a w llingness to negotiate city upfront costs. Mr. John McVay has met several times with Mr. Heitkamp regarding load reducti n programs which NSP offers as incentives to indus ries. Highway 10 is a safety concern for Remmele at the time of shift change and Re ele's labor force presently does not tap the area outh of the Interstate. Remmele site location ill be made within weeks. B) CARDINAL IG: Koropcha Lizardo, regarding in a lease arrangement with Winkelman Buildin prepared information for Renato he use of TIF for a reduction and contacted Duane Schultz Corporation. . C) MARTEQ: Mr. Norm Stra d is still interested in a Monticello site location for a research and development facility, however, financial information for Carl Strand is time consuming to obtain fro Canada. D) BONDHUS: Kevin Doty. right County State Bank; Lois Payne. Bondhus Corporation; and Koropchak have met on several occasions and agreed upon loan terms. required collateral and personal guarantees prior to recommendation to the EDA for approval of the first city revolving loan fund. Good business retention loan. E) K-MART: The Lincoln necessary fi However. the of Tax lncre 1-1 is still 1989. at 5:0 ompanies is having problems acqu~r~ng ancing for the planned redevelopment. Public Hearing for the Establishment ent Finance Plan, Economic District scheduled for Monday, October 30, PM. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDAT WITH BOB RIERSON. 6. OF EAS PETITION AND A MEETING DATE . Koropchak has hired a per the needed petition signa with Bridge Water Telepho to mailing to the Public the number of surrounding the outlook is not good f on through Action Plus to complete ures and will be working cooperatively e to validate the signatures prior tilities Commission. However, with communities that were denied EAS r Monticello. Koropchak informed . IDC Minutes 10/19/89 Page 4 6. CONTINUED. the IDC that a meeting wi to review metro phone 1in potential of establishing incentive programs. 7. OTHER BUSINESS. . The City Council establis Development of Infectious This resulted with the in interested in a Monticell been sent a proposal from Due to the unknown of yet regulations, the Council to allow city staff time ordinances for infectious Mr. Floyd Mark1ing being to action was not pleased closing the door to a expressed the need to mov facilities (under regu1at generations, that being a not intented to be the re AIRPORT: Chairperson Joh Mr. Robert Voecks and Jim to collect data from loca interested in the use of BUSINESS RETENTION SURVEY members that the BRS dead will be mailing part one businesses for the follow and an IDC member. Each to visit one industry. VACANT IDC POSITION - Ch and recommended that the member. He would be most expert1S~~~and-~ industri the IDC supported Chairpe Johnson and Koropchak wi1 8. ADJOURNMENT. h Mr. Rierson will be set up costs and to review the any industrial telephone ed a six month moratorium on the and/or Hazardous Waste Facilities. uiry to two separate firms site location. The City had one of the firm's consultants. to be written State enforceable ook action on the moratorium o develop City regulations, guidelines, or waste facilities. However, ontacted by city staff prior as it appears the city was ew business. Don Smith ahead with infectious waste ons) as this- the best solution for future expression of his own feelings ponse of the IDC. son informed the IDC members that Hallila were working together residents and businesses n airport. - Koropchak informed that IDC ine is November 15 and she f the survey to industrial up visitation by herself DC member will be assigned irperson Shelly Johnson suggested DC seek John McVay as a new IDC benefical to the committee with his 1 contacts. Harvey Kendall and son Johnson suggestion. Mr. contact John. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:45 AM. . (9~ \~O\D JLsl.; Ollie Koropchak IDC Executive Secretary