IDC Agenda 10-19-1989 . AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVE Thursday, October 19, City Hall OPMENT COMMITTEE 989 - 7:00AM MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelly Joh son, Don Smith, Jay Morrell, Dennis Taylor, Lowell chrupp, Arve Grimsmo, Dave Peterson, Linda Mielke, Harvey Kendall, Ken Maus, Dale Lungwitz, Ron Hog und, Rick Wolfsteller, Dale Pogatchnik, and Ollie oropchak. STAFF MEMBER: Jeff O'Neill. GUESTS: Steve Henning, Gary Iverson, and Jackie Mudge of Henning & Associates. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 2 , 1989 IDC MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO FINALIZE T E IDC BANQUET: TICKET RESPONSE DISPLAY PARTICIPANTS TESTIMONIES SET UP TIME . 4. CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINAR CONCEPT APPROVAL FOR THE MONTICELLO MARKET PROGRAM. 5. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECTS: 6. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE WITH BOB RIERSON. 7. OTHER BUSINESS: Moratorium and/or Haz - Oakwood In - Airport - Local Tax - Business R 8. ADJOURNMENT. . REMMELE CARDINAL IG MARTEQ BONDHUS K-MART F EAS PETITION AND A MEETING DATE Established on Development of Infectious rdous Waste Facilities. ustrial Park Road Assessment omparisons tention Visits . MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEV Thursday, September City Hal MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson S Jay Morrell, Dave Peterson Ken Maus, Da1 Smith, and 01 LOPMENT COMMITTEE 1, 1989 - 7:00AM elly Johnson, Dennis Taylor, owell Schrupp, Arve Grimsmo, Linda Mielke, Harvey Kendall, Lungwitz, Ron Hoglund, Don ie Koropchak. MEMBERS ABSENT: Rick Wo1fste11 r and Dale Pogatchnik. STAFF ABSENT: Jeff O'Neill. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Shelly Johnson aIled the IDC meeting to order at 7: 05 AM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 23, 989 IDC MINUTES. Harvey Kendall made a motio 1989 IDC minutes, seconded stand approved as written. . 3. CONSIDERATION OF THE IDC BA Display letter - An invitat Smith and display pa Linda Miel with Rainb Door, and Fingerhut Jay Morrel and M & P Bondhus, a Fresh, Lar Products, Speaker - Anita Duckor - NS Menu - Arve Grimsmo made a $11.95; Broiled Shri $10.95; and Broiled d'oeuvres, $3.00 per served. The committ Koropchak will mail attached potential t banquet is scheduled at 6:30PM at the Mon Testimonies - Shelly and 01 . to approve the August 23, y Linda Mielke, the minutes on letter was drafted by Don ailed to local industries for ticipation at the banquet. e will make follow-up contact w Enterprises, Automatic Garage K, Inc.; Ron Hoglund with FSI, orporation, and Electro Industries; with Clow Stamping, SMA Elevator, ransports; Don Smith with NAWCO, d NSP; and Koropchak with Sunny on Mfg, Jones Mfg, Titan Recreational nd WEB Precision Machining. Economic Development Manager. uggestion of menu choice: Filet, p, $12.95; Broiled Walleye Pike, hicken Asparagus, $7.95. Hor person, open bar until meal e supported the suggestion. ut the tickets with an cket participants list. The for Monday, October 30, beginning e Club. ie will work on this. 4. PROSPECTS: MANTEQ INTERNAT ONAL, INC. - Pat Pelstring is awaiting cur ent financial statements and a portion of th uncompleted business plan. IDC Minutes 9/21/89 Page 2 . 4. CONTINUED. REMMELE ENGINEERING - The I September 6th with Remmele Red Heitkamp, Michael Pudil Jungman. Remmele Engineeri as a site location for thei 30,000 sq ft with start up employment of up to 150 wit the representatives were gi site locations. An inquiry their own, acreage along s Township. The City of Mont with public improvements to time schedule would be long table for expansion. The R a meeting with NSP official incentives after review of was provided by Koropchak. C Promotion Committee met on ngineering representatives Adam Bowling, and Charles g is interested in Monticello planned expansion of 25,000- mployment of 50 and potential in 3-5 years. After the meeting en a tour of the four industrial was made of Remmele regarding uth Highway 25 in the Monticello cello would cooperate in assisting the property, however, the r than Remmele's present needed time mmele group was interested in for electrical rate reduction he requested information which CARDINAL IG - Ron Hoglund, hel1y Johnson, Al Larson, and staff met with Mr. enato Lizardo and his associate on September tho Topic of discussion was Monticello's ousing stock market, TIF proposal for lease opt "on, land fill area, truck routes, tax compariso s, request for metal building, and their lea e expires December, 1990. Mr. Lizardo will meet with company board the first quarter of 19 O. Following the meeting at City Hall, th representatives were given a tour of Monti ello and it's industrial sites. Mr. Lizardo w s to mail Jeff O'Neill a building plan to calulate a TIF lease plan. Plans are for an approximate 135,000 sq ft facility with a potential of 150 employment. . BONDHUS CORPORATION - interested in the GMEF for the expansion of an oven room plus equipment. Koropc ak is to check with John Bondhus regarding a larger expansion. TITAN RECREATIONAL PRODUCTS INC - working with Wright County State Bank for fi ancing package including GMEF. Requested company information from lending institution and EDA not completed. WED PRECISION MACHINING - B ffalo company who purchased Rainbow Enterprises previ us facility on Oakwood Drive. Owners are Wally and Joh Dunning. Six employees. NSP - The Development Agree ent was executed between the HRA and NSP officials for the construction of a 5,124 sq ft maintenance building in the Oakwo d Industrial Park. Land conveyance subquently to follow ith beginning construction within days. . IDC Minutes - 9/21/89 Page 3 . 4 . CONTINUED. K-MART - Ken Maus expressed to the IDC members that the HRA members probably d dn't understand the public purpose of the str ight road alignment or the proposed Seventh S reet road expansion. Bud Schrupp expressed he use of TIF for this project didn't meet the H 's policies. Arve Grimsmo expressed his thou hts to complete the road to Minnesota Street f r an alternative route to County Road 75, wo ld eliminate the cost to the city, and would be consistant with Lauring Lane (Construction Five assistance) and with the Comprehensive Plan. Also, Arve suggested keeping in touch with Gene ux, Inc. The group discussed the comparative co ts to purchase the Kraemer property up front ersus possible condemnation at a later date. s. CONSIDERATION FOR A MONTICE LO VIDEO AND POSSIBLE FUNDING. . Koropchak updated the IDC of the Councils decision to hire Henning & Associate to pre are a Monticello market program which consists of a generi brochure and a community profile booklet. The City Council denied the preparation of a new or updated video. Kor pchak asked the IDC for their input of the need of avid 0 and suggested funding from industrial property owners or from the IDC budget. The IDC agreed to table th agenda item for about 6 months to see the results of the arget marketing and to further research a video's use. K ropchak informed the IDC that community brochures are ge erally outdated in 2-3 years according to Henning & Ass ciates and the rate of return for target marketing is ex e11ent at 2-3%. Linda Mielke informed the IDC of the Ch mbers three page brochure being drafted~to promote t e current retai1ers/commerical businesses, churches, tour st information, etc. It was suggested that the Chamber give input to the new brochure being printed. Both broch res should indicate a strong working relationship betwe n the city, the IDC, and the Chamber. 6. CONSIDERATION OF JIM KRUGE 's RESIGNATION FROM THE IDC. . Chairperson Johnson announ ed Jim Kruger's resignation from the IDC, Mr. Kruger a cepted a new position as an over-the-road sa1espers n therefore his time is limited to local invo1veme t. The IDC members were asked to think of names fo a replacement and also to consider that the Chamber ill be replacing the Vice President who serves on the IDC. The IDC accepted Mr. Kruger's resignation. . IDC Minutes - 9/21/89 Page 4 7. OTHER BUSINESS. The IDC received an update area service petition. Kor to collect the needed signa that city staff can hire te average cost for a metro Ii on the progress of the extended pchak 's time does "not permit the time ures. Ken Maus informed Koropchak porary services when needed. An e is $220. The IDC recognizes the impo tance of a local airport and indicated the need for loca area pilots to generate an interest of local airport support within the residents. Difficulty is acquisition 0 needed Big Lake Township land and the township road. Mr. Kendall was asked to check on NSP land which may be available for an airport and yet meets the Federal and State requirements (distance from stacks, etc. . 8. ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned a 8:25 AM. . ~ \;6)o~SL9-zJ Ollie Koropchak IDC Executive Secretary .