IDC Agenda 09-21-1989 . AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL D Thursday, Septembe City Hal VELOPMENT COMMITTEE 21, 1989 - 7:00AM MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelly ohnson, Donald Smith, Lowell Schrupp, Dennis Tay or, Ron Hoglund, Harvey Kendall, Arve Grimsmo, Dave eterson, Ken Maus, Jay Morrell, Dale Lungwitz, RickWolfsteller, Linda Mielke, Dale Pogatchnik, an Ollie Koropchak. CITY STAFF: Jeff O'Neill 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 23 1989 IDC MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION OF THE IDC ANQUET: Display letter Speaker Menu Tickets Testimonies 4. PROSPECTS: MANTEQ INTERN TIONAL, INC. REMMELE ENGIN ERING CARDINAL I G BONDHUS TITAN RECREAT ONAL PRODUCTS INC WED PRECISION MACHINING INC NSP K-MART . 5. CONSIDERATION FOR A MONTI ELLO VIDEO AND POSSIBLE FUNDING. 6. CONS lDERATION OF JIMI'.KRUG R'S RESIGNATION FROM THE IDe. 7. OTHER BUSINESS. 8. ADJOURNMENT. . . MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DE Wednesday, August 23, City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Dave Peters Lowell Schr Ron Hoglund ELOPMENT COMMITTEE 989 - 7:00 AM Shelly Johnson, Dennis Taylor, n, Dale Pogatchnik, Ken Maus, pp, Dale Lungwitz, Arve Grimsmo, and Ollie Koropchak. MEMBERS ABSENT: Donald Smith Harvey Kendall, Jay Morrell, Rick Wolfste ler, Jim Kruger, and Linda Mielke. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Shelly Johnso called the IDC meeting to order at 7:03 AM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE JULY 27, 989 IDC MINUTES. Ron Hoglund made a motion to approve the July 27, 1989 IDC minutes, seconded by Dale Lungwitz, the minutes were approved as written. . 3. CONSIDERATION OF THE IDC TICKET PRICE. Koropchak reported that t Wolfenson and Harvey Rett at the IDC Banquet, howev may be addressed to the a they guarantee a 10 day r donation for youth char it that Koropchak not contin relations speaker but to the recruitment of NSP Ch and to have Wayne Hornveg Cargill's Worldwide Poult Bassett. A motion was made by Arve at $75.00 with additional buyer (intended for spous Dale Pogatchnik and passe . Don Smith will contact th mail after Labor Day for booth at the banquet. PI to respond favorably. De volunteered to coordinate Club starting at approxim is unable to attend the b SPEAKER, PROGRAM, AND e Timberwolves owners, Marvin er, were unavailable to speak r, a letter of request for a speaker tention of Christine Hicks and sponse. A one hundred dollar is requested. The IDC recommended e with a Timberwolves public ave Harvey Kendall continue irman of the Board Jim Howard t continue the recruitment of Division President, James Grimsmo for banquet ticket price ticket at $50.00 per ticket ), the motion was seconded by unanimously. industrial businesses by n interest to display a ns are for 10-12 businesses nis Taylor and Ron Hoglund the set up at the Monte tely 5:00-5:30PM. Don Smith nquet this year. . IDC MINUTES 8/23/89 PAGE 2 3. CONTINUED. Chairperson Johnson and K business testimonies, and Gagnelius for a suggested an open bar until dinner ordered after recruitment ropchak will arrange the three Koropchak will contact Bruce menu. The banquet will include s served. Tickets will be of a speaker and menu selection. 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDAT OF THE EXTENDED AREA SERVICE PETITION. Lynn Short was hired by t needed signatures for the Service, Mrs. Short has b 75 signatures of the need to City Hall as time does needed additional 75. Ko the signatures herself. one-half hours. e IDC to complete the required Monticello Extended Area en able to collect approximately d 150. She will return the petitions It allow her to complete the opchak will attempt to collect er time involved is one and 5. PROSPECTS: MANTEQ INTERN TIONAL, INC. On August 14, 1989, Mr. Norman Strand and Mr. Stewart Wilso visited Minnesota and Monticello, a tight sched Ie was planned for their day. A morning mee ing with Pat Pelstring and city staff formula ed a time table for funding and building cons ruction. Lunch includes a few IDC represent tives, the Mayor, and the HRA Chairperson w ich was followed by a tour the industria sites. The afternoon began with a meetin with banking officals, followed by a meeting ith Jim Boyle. The key to the project is se uring the needed financing. At this time, the needed fi ancial statements and business plan informat"on hasn't been completed by Manteq. Alte nate builders and sites are being sought if the Boyle Property becomes unavailable. . NSP - plans a date. however executing pri no final site landscaping p Anderson and issued. e for an August 28th construction the development agreement needs r to conveyance of property and building, drainage, parking or ans have been received by Gary o building permits have been CARDINAL IG - Shelly Johnson, Arve Grimsmo, Ken Maus, Ron Hog und, and Koropchak toured Cardinal's Minneapolis p ant on August 1. Mr. Renata Lizardo hosted and in ormed the IDC that Cardinal was landlocked at their present location and is looking for 0 tional site locations to relocate at the end of their two year lease. Potential . . IDC MINUTES 8/23/89 PAGE 3 5. CONTINUED. of an approximate 135,00 sq ft building with 150 employees. The visiting IDC group w s most impressed by the company's excellent employees relationship. Mr. Lizardo and his associate will visit Monticello on September 8 to tour our city and the industr"al sites. Koropchak asked for volunteers to greet Mr. izardo and his assoicate, Shelly Johnson, Dale Lun itz, and Ron Hoglund volunteered. Don Smith will try to attend for a short time. Koropchak will also invite Jeff 0' eill. Rick Wolfsteller. and the HRA Chairperson Al Larso . TITAN RECREATIONAL PRODUCTS - Financial information is not completed as requested by the lending institution, however, an agreed purch se price for the old Best-In- Webb building has been successfully negotiated. Titan reports that the needed financial information is at the lending institution ere a SBA loan is being secured for the purchase of the Big Lake commerical building. BONDHUS CORPORATION - The company has not contacted the lending institution for a loan request for the expansion of a small equipment roo. Dale Lungwitz suggested Koropchak contact John Bondhus on t eir potential larger building expansion. . K-MART - O'Neill reported signed letter of intent w City's planner and engine preparing studies for the options of straight or cu of K-Mart does not warran of Highway 25 and 7 Stree development occurs additi may be necessary. The fa 86,000 sq ft, 165 to 180 A fall construction is an that Lincoln Companies has a th K-Mart. At present the r and Lincoln Companies are 7th street road alignment, ved alignment. The traffic impact any change at the intersection , however. as other commerical nal left turn lanes or redesign ility will be approximately art-time and full-time employees. icipated. TIM MORIARTY - interested in small city lot. staff informed Mr. Moriarty that the cit would sell property on a contract for deed. He wi 1 contact the City upon his decision. BRIDGEWATER TELEPHONE CO ANY - Gary Anderson nor Koropchak has had time to contact M . Rierson. At present the company is considering remaining t the present location. . FOOD PROCESSING - Koropch who had no additional inf the planned Minnesota exp of the city water pressur industrial park roads sta that the roads were of 10 k contacted Mr. George Stecker rmation from the company of nsion. Mr. Stecker inquired pumping capacity and the us. It was great to respond ton all weather and the water ...-..., IDC MINUTES 8/23/89 PAGE 4 5. CONTINUED. tower would be completed in spring '90. POOL HAWK - Mr. Ron Ander Pat Pelstring. The compa, would be a start up compa leased area and $100,000 two. The city is interes however, the GMEF does no but other funds are avail SATELLITE INDUSTRIES - in to accommodate heavy equi large plastic sheets. Co and Jay Morrell. They ac Chamber of Commerce in wh Buffalo Chambers are refe Commerce by the telephone 6. OTHER BUSINESS. IDC members inquired of t O'Neill reported that wit bring the building up to combined with Mr. Olson r value was greater without with Veit & Company for d price of $85,000. Super of the property and adjou his fall and filled to capacity on was referred to the City by y product is a pools ide alarm, y with needs of a 1500 sq ft orking capital. Employment of ed in working with Mr. Anderson, provide working capital funds ble. uiry of need for leased space ment. The company manufactures tacts were given to Rick Clow ually were inquiry of Elk River ch Elk River, Big Lake, and red to Monticello Chamber of directory service. e Clifford Olson property. Mr. continued City pressure and a court ity rental specifications/codes and alization that the property the building he contracted molition. Asking purchase erica has made some inquiries ning properties. order to IDC members inquired of a y word from Mr. Tom Dolly regarding the City commuter lot. N action has been taken by the City Council nor has the ity staff heard from Mr. Dolly. Koropchak reported that t & Assoicates to draft sev a marketing program and a, meeting August 21, 1989. Koropchak informed the ID Business and Retention Su: November 15 with favorabl who complete the survey b goals is to accompany Kori has prepared a separate R which Koropchak has reque 7 . ADJOURNMENT. e City Council authorized Henning ral concept design options for general brochure. Council that notification of the Industrial vey completion deadline date is consideration to the communities October 15. One of the IDC pchak on the visits. The State tail Business and Retention Survey ted a copy of from the DTED. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:20 AM. ~ \I.thc Ollie Koropchak, Secretary ~', ~.':. _ i . dd ~ C/4fj-( \:~4 U- \~/2blC to Z:I1el 1) f2-fJA.J?.L fcr~~ f3jrcirAJ3,k'-t;:" ~. ~d~ . ~. ,'".. 3~ ~+~ r Jdur . '!'//~ 01Ze>l C f'D 8#121: P ~S- .........,.. .,.0f2oUfD /v ..,._.,A(~ , ,/t?~~.."".__",__, n,,,,, "' ,,~l L >f) (]lJlcl0dsf!Ae&~q~:._,Z.."~~.,, ," 1~aw~Bol.dJ "" E-.f,.$(}Yt,Q/ ~~.~ ,. ,., "W_'H'" n, rJ~Ck\,l'i:'-.,,.,, '"'.._..""n"'.'_.'".m".,,____.,.. ..~ ",... ',_"" .. ....' ~. . ... . .,~ "'. ... H'." .. _".. _...........".,., '" W ..,,_.~".. ._ ................f-':l. ...~.a. .;:jl{~<t 1!2I2JJI{(D 3f/t?1.l0p.._ ...~ f5(~I'Jf\J~ [;~c.,. .............. ...m /d'1'5 ) _.. .,.. __.""."d ~ ,.,,,....,.. ,.,.,J'"..,.~ ~..,~,__., ....".. .. ..1 ". . ffhe Monte Club .[ ~. ~ -.._-"-~-;;-------~"~ ., --~.ilJi I 1'..:-'1__.______ .." ........ ,.1 ' I ',' . ---~11f~-' . A Complete Entertainment Facility 8 ueniILg fJ3 Q) p~ A selective menu of our most popular items providing a special price for your next bowling banquet, Christmas party, speci I party, company function, club get- together, meeting, etc. Entertainment can be arranged, ask for details. ~ (Choose up to five of 0 r selected items.) .-. 8-10 oz. FILET Served in our own mushroom auce.......................... .$12.95 . BROILED HAM STEAK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8.95 JUMBO DEEP FRIED SHRIMP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.95 EXTRA LARGE BROILED SHRIMP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.95 DEEP FRIED WALLEYE PIKE.. . . . .. . .. ..... ................................ .9.95 PACIFIC GROUPER Excellent white sea bass. roiled............................ 9.95 BAR-B-QUED PORK RIBS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .................................9.95 DEEP FRIED V2 CHICKEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .................................7.95 BONELESS BREAST OF CHICKEN. . . . . . . . .. .................................7.95 Above Includes our salad bar, baked potato, bread and beverage. Tax and gratuities not included. ALSO. . . Ask about our hor d'oe' vres or our anniversary buffet. CALL NOW AND RESERE YOUR DA TE EARL YI ~ (612) 295-22111 . . Payable 1989 pr perty tax data Minnesota Department of Revenue Cities over 2,000 population . The payable 1989 property tax data for cities over 2.000 population is in two parts. The property tax data for the seven metropolitan counties (Anoka. Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey. Scott. and Washington) is not directly comparable to the non-metro- politan counties as a result of the fiscal disparities law. Table I pertains to the metropolitan counties; Table II pertains to the 80 non-metropolitan counties. If a city is in two counties. one of which is metro and one non~metro. the data is under the county which has the majority of the city's gross tax capacity amounts. Metropolitan area The following is a summary of the data for the 93 metropolitan cities with population over 2.000 (Table I). Total taxes 1985 $1,594,575,569 Percent Change 1986 $1.741.519,623 1985-86=9.22 1987 $1.872,167,883 1986-87=7.50 1988 $2.098.260,060 1987-88 = 12.08 1989 $2,333,514,002 1988-89 = 11.21 Property tax credits 1985 $284,251,088 Percent Change 1986 $309.914,739 1985-86=9.03 1987 $319,080,464 1986-87 = 2.96 1988 $338,654,473 1987-88=6.13 . 4 age tax rate was in M ndota Heights tax rate was 82.091 in the city of with 73.869. Monticello. Per capita statistics or the metro- When reviewing the per capita statis- politan area. payable in 989, show that tics for payable 1989, findings show an the average per capita or gross taxes average per capita for gross taxes levied is $1.104, with 'ghs of $2,626 levied is $613. with highs of $3.006 in in Wayzata. $2,063 in Eden Prairie, Monticello, $1.761 in Red Wing, and and $2,015 in Edina. an a low of $437 $1,005 in Cambridge, and a low of $247 in Watertown. The aveage homestead in Sandstone. The average homestead credit per capita is $16 , with highs of credit per capita is $129, with highs of $236 in Deephaven. $2 in Edina, and $189 in Grand Rapids, $184 in Byron, $219 in Crystal, and a low of $112 in and $183 in Lindstrom, and a low of Hopkins. The net prope y tax burden, Q$50 in Sandstone. taxes payable in 198 , for the 93 l metropolitan cities was 1,974.005,391 or $934 per capita. Th per capita net tax burden in Minneap lis was $1.084 and in St. Paul $789. Non-metropolit area Following is a sum ary of the 126 non-metropolitan citi s with popula- tions over 2,000 (Table 11). Total Taxes 1985 $447,201,232 1986 $489,486,171 1987 $536,222.262 1988 $575,053.984 1989 $565,698,163 ercent Change 985-86 = 9.46 986-87 = 9.55 987-88= 7.24 988-89 = 1.65 Table I gives information for the 93 metropolitan cities. It shows the popu- lation, tax capacity values, tax rates, gross taxes, credits, and net tax bur- den for property taxes payable in 1989. The population for each of the 93 cities is the latest Metropolitan Council estimate, which represents the popula- tion as of April 1, 1989. The cities are in descending population order. Follow- ing the population, the tables show five values. The total tax capacity is first. followed by the tax increment value and contribution value which, when subtracted from the total tax capacity. gives the taxable value. For those cities containing power line gross tax capacity amounts, this value is not shown separately but has 1989 $359.508,614 1988-89=6.16 1987 $120,414,119 986-87=5.74 been subtracted to arrive at the taxable The highest average tax rates in the 1988 $131.677,066 987-88=9.35 value. The final value is the fiscal metropolitan area were in Shakopee 1989 $122,177,041 988-89 = 7.78 disparity distribution value. This value with 125.366, Savage with 117 .210. ~The highest average ax rate in thei times the governmental unit's payable Prior Lake with 116.159, and New non-metropolitan cities was 144.730 in 1988 tax rate yields its 1989 fiscal Prague with 116.072. The lowest aver- the city of Staples. Th lowest average disparity distribution tax. The 1989 Property tax cedits 1985 $104,794,600 ercent Change 1986 $113,876,475 985-86 = 8.67 Table I: Metropolitan Area Minnesota Cities . ~I M M 1.0 0\ 00 NLI")oooo M,...,-4"M M I'-- ,..., -4" ,...,LI")oo-4" N,...,-4" ~I ,..., 00 ,..., 000\-4"0 OooNI.O MI.OOOM OLl")OO-4" N,...,M . 0\ I'-- LI") 0\ -4" -4" 00 ,..., 0\ M -4" ~I 0 ""'1'--""'0\ ~I 0\ ,...,00 ,..., M I'-- 00 I'-- 0\ 0 1.0 N 0 >il ,..., O\ooO\N N 0-4" M E-i 00 ,...,,...,M 00 N,..., ~ ,..;J ,..;J H ~ ~ :=> . ~ >il E-i >il 1.0 0-4" LI") I'-- ~ E-i ~ ~I LI") OOMMO U H 0\ Ll")I'--MM H E-i :>-< D:: ~ ,..., M I'-- I'-- M E-i E-i 00 N,...,M H tf) < U H p.., < 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ U u :>-< tf) ~ E-i H Z:>-< p.., 0 E-i :=>E-i tf) ,..;J 0 OH 0 ,..;J E-< UU ::I:I >il U H E-< Z 0 ~ 0\ M,...,NM 1.0 00 N I'-- >il 0 1.0001.0 ~I 0 LI")-4"No\ ~I I'-- NM -4" E-i -4" ,...,-4"MO M 0\ Ll")oo 0\ CO I'-- 0\ ,..., ~ ,..., ,...,,...,LI")M 1.0 MMI.O,..., I'-- N LI") -4" :>-< 1.0 00 N N M 00 N,...,-4" 0\ N,..., E-< :>-< I'-- ""''''''-4" Z E-i :=> H 0 U U < :>-<~ >il E-i E-i E-< ~U ~ E-< U U U E-< H H Z E-i H U p::; p::; W H :>-< U p::; H E-< E-i E-i E-i H E-< p::; tf) tf) ~ ~ H p::; tf) tf) E-< H tf) H ~ E-i H ,..;J tf) 0 ,..;J 0 H W tf) Q ,..;J H ,..;J E-< ::.;; ~ H H Q ~ H ~ tf) 0 ~ ~ ~ tf) 00 U :>-< 8 E-i :>-< E-i w 00 :>-< ,..;J E-i . ~ E-i H ~ E-i H :=> 0\ ~ E-< 0 H z:>-<o p.., z :>-< p.., 0 ..-l Z:>-<O p.., E-< :=>E-i::I:I tf) E-i :=> E-i tf) E-i :=> E-<::I:I tf) 0 OHU 0 0 0 H 0 ~ 0 OHU 0 E-i UUCIJ ::I:I E-< U U ::I:I < H E-< UUtf) ::I:I . 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