IDC Agenda 08-23-1989 . . . AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVE OPMENT COMMITTEE ~.~l.-.l~'ffl.un...1"'y, August 23, 989 - 7:00AM City Hal MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelly Jo nson, Donald Smith, Lowell Schrupp, Dennis Taylo , Ron Hoglund, Harvey Kendall, Arve Grimsmo, Dave Pe' erson, Ken Maus, Jay Morrell, Dale Lungwitz, Rick W lfsteller, Jim Kruger, Linda Mielke, Dale Pogatchn, k, and Ollie Koropchak. '\;4. 30M 1<;'1 CITY STAFF: Jeff O'Neill. 3. CALL TO ORDER. APPROVAL OF THE JULY 27, 1989 IDC MINUTES. J'J (J:-11 QUET: SPEAK..E}'. PRO~. ' AND / 0 - j of' (')\#'6--- _ I ,I M.IJ'J.!" #IMl u.)\- LJ >>A '. .)~. I \ 5. CONSIDERATION OF THE IDC B TICKET PRICE. fJ ~ P ~lJ'<1 LL~~ ~a\N'-l.l 13((~ CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE OF THE EXTENDED AREA SERVICE PETITION. PROSPECTS\.. ~ V MANTEQ. INTERNA IONAL, INC. ,'vNSP n.s (J. ~o ''''''CARDINAL IG "~TITAN RECREATI NAL PRODUCTS r-~ ~~BONDHUS qORPO TION f;J.>\I"'~~'''''', jll~' /1(~TL\~I. h...,.,p.;..,;,'!.{) (./tmhr.J." K-MART ~J/'H ~. -tt f'l\\LL\ HJd,'r:\.~_ jJttW , ~-r~ ",v. ~ '- "TIM MORIARTY :> 1 I,w,' ~'- "BRIDGEWATER TE EPHONE COMPANY ~' ~ FOOD PROCESSIN POOL HAWK '- 0\'" fl(iN'^'-':>ov..J SATELLITE INDU TRIES - ml{. .tu."l.~ U~l.J:;" UtlJ of' I'\d~ p~:1Jt,,,- 'lAa~ OTHER BUSINESS. 6. 7 . ADJOURNMENT. " '9iJ;~ ..:1.))) Ii .J} . '",fl (I ' L . ,'!pI" ' IL/ " . . I r}f)d t f()ft -1ph~\ ~- Jpt ,yfl I ef~l { , , " J;)J r9Jftu G . MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DE ELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, July 27, 1989 - 7:00AM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Shelly Johnson, Dennis Taylor, Ron Hoglund, Dave Peterson, Rick Wo1fsteller, Jim Kruger, ale Lungwitz, Arve Grimsmo, Linda Mielke, and Ollie Koropchak. MEMBERS ABSENT: Donald Smith, Lowell Schrupp, Harvey Kendall, Ken Maus, Ja Morrell, and Dale Pogatchnik. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Shelly Johnson called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 AM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 22, 1 Dale Lungwitz made a motio to approve the June 22, 1989 IDC minutes, seconded by D ve Peterson, the minutes stand approved as written. UET: SPEAKER AND PROGRAM. 3. CONSIDERATION OF THE IDC B . Chairperson Johnson remind d the IDC members of the IDC Banquet date, Monday, Octo er 30, 1989 which has been confirmed with the Monte Cub. Next the members discussion centered around past banquet speaker and the committee's philosophy of business focus speech. Chairperson Johnson expres ed that good speakers are available for a fee of $60 / above, however, encouraged the IDC to stay with their past approach. Speakers' names suggested were: Mar in Wo1fenson and Harvey Rattner, owners the Timberwolves, former 0 present Chairman of the Board for Northern States Power or C rgill, or Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe. ket prices which addressed the ts who wished to bring their $75 per ticket plus $25 kets for $125. No decision o include the industrial testomonies Chamber Chairperson and Vice the industrial displays as part e subcommittee will make initial speakers prior to next months The IDC debated various ti concern of those participa spouse or a guest. Option for spouse/guest or two ti was made. The IDC agreed and with the support of th Chairperson to also includ of the banquet program. T contacts with the suggeste meeting. . 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE OF THE EXTENDED AREA SERVICE PETITION. Koropchak informed the IDC that a person had been hired to col~ect the additional 15 signatures to satisfy the requirement of the Public Utilities Co mission Ruling. IDC Minutes - 7/27/89 Page 2 . 4. CONTINUED. The petition shall be sign or 600 customers, whicheve exchange. To date approxi have been collected. d by 15% or more of the customers is less, in the petitioning ate1y 75 additional signatures 5. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE OF THE MONTICELLO PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL. Koropchak reported that th advertising and design fi alternative proposals for information and promotiona cost to $8,000 to $16.000 6. CONSIDERATION OF INCENTIVE . On the recommendation of M of Buffalo for their finan recently recruited Minneap Administrator explained th sold the land for $15,800 two years, third/four year year full payment. The 1a Tax Increment Financing, h developer may have been ac taxes were deferred. City Council had authorized a professional , Henning & Associates, to prepare evelopment of a marketing program and material. Proposal should range from nc1uding printing costs. DEFERRED TAXES. yor Maus, Koropchak called the City ia1 incentive program offered their lis firm. The Assistant City City owns the industrial park, er acre with no payments the first no interest payments and fifth d was not written down through wever, other assistance to the ommendated through TIF. No Koropchak also informed th IDC of a new financing method "Pay-As-You-Go". The fina cial tool objectives are to maximize the amount of tax incremen available for development, reduces risk to both the city and he developer. and eliminates the need for the city to provi e its general obigation pledge. The difference between "Pa -As-You-Go" and the traditional bonding methods is that the city makes payments to the developer versus the bond holder. Chairperson Shelly Johnso informed the IDC that his understanding was that the City of Buff 10 used Tax Abatement for the original private development of Buffalo's Civic Center. In other words, if the project is for the good of the public a City may forgive their portion of he taxes. City Staff was to continu research of financial incentives, report to the IDC for dis ussion with the potentially, in time, of a recommendation to the City Council for consideration. 7. PROSPECTS: Manteq Intern tional, Inc. - At present the Letter of Intent to anteq International, Inc. executed by the IDC an mailed to Manteq hasn't been executed . IDC Minutes - 7/27/89 Page 3 . 7. CONTINUED. by the company because of a additional need of $100,000 for working capital and questio ed whether Manteq officers must reside in Monticello. The wo concerns are being handled by Mr. Pat Pelstring, Busin ss Development Services, Inc. The companys' financial sta ements are expected to be completed by the end of July with a panned visit by Mr. Norm Strand and Mr. Stewart Wilson to M" nnesota in early August. GENEREUX - project has been put on hold because of a slack in the expected cabinet sal s. NSP - the third round of co a contractor. and at presen a comparative own/rent cost project will be NSP owned 0 construction completed by D . TITAN RECREATIONAL PRODUCTS in Oakwood Industrial Park. the building, restoration, paint facility. The compan which has received prelimina formal application process. Seller and buyer must agree company needs to complete t for loan approval. Expecte and myself toured the facil with the improvenients' of t of the owners. The company trailers and is a distribut Sales office is in Big Lake BONDHUS CORPORATION - Preli given for the small furnace hasn't requested a loan fro The company has been notifi struction bids have been awarded to the corporate office is completing analysist to determine whether the leased. Plans are to have the cember. 1989. - leases the old Best-In-Webb building Plans include acquisition of the nd expansion of a 5,000 sq ft has requested funds from the GMEF y approval and now is in the Two things need to be completed: on a purchase price, and the e requested financial information employment of 20. Kevin Doty ty recently and I was impressed e facility and by the enthusiasm produces snowmobile and boat r for Polaris and Skido' Snowmobiles. inary application approval was room expansion, however, the company the designed lending institution. d for the need of a bank loan request. TIM MORIARTY - the company "s a small operation of design and fabrication of plastic and ie cast moles which has been interested in one of the ci y small lots for some time. Mr. Moriarty has asked several imes about the possibility of the city selling the property 0 a contract for deed. At the last Council meeting a poli y was established for sale of City owned lots which would allo sale to occur under contract for deed terms which would incl de a minimum of 25 percent down, with the interest rate adju table based on the current market rate. Koropchak will notif Mr. Moriarty. . IDC Minutes - 7/27/89 Page 4 . 7. CONTINUED. BRIDGEWATER TELEPHONE COMP Rierson for Bridgewaters pI located on West County Road the projected increment on owned lots would be substan made to swap lands. Koropc informing him that in accor present use of the property legal but non~conforming us a structure for use in conj not allowed under current 1 occur at this site an amend required. Bridgewater has or relocate to the industri working with Mr. Rierson. Y - based on a discussion with Mr. n to alter or expand the structure 39 and based on the fact that new facility on one of the city ially small, the suggestion was ak wrote a letter to Mr. Rierson of his options, ance to the city ordinance. the as a site for cold storage is a If plans are to expand or enlarge ction with current operations this is w. In order for an expansion to ent to the ordinance would be an option to amendment the ordinance 1 park. City staff will continue 6,000 OFFICE COMPLEX - comp ny plans to hold off relocation of a new office complex bec use of a slack in construction work. . 135,000 SQUARE FOOT FACILIT as a potential relocation s located in Minneapolis. Th glass products and employs supplier is Anderson Window asked for volunteers on the participate in a company to Tuesday, August 1. arrival STANDARD IRON AND WIRE WORK Standard Iron and Wire Work on July 11 inquiring of ava incentives, and specific or construction. An informatio was prepared by Koropchak a called the company to make a company visit to Monticel approximate 50,000 sq ft bu would be new. Skilled labo time of the telephone call, company's plan to close on Arve Grimsmo expressed his contact rather than informa . FOOD PROCESSING - Koropchak contacted Pine City regardi processing company had loca Pine City responded that th such industry was a long ti - this company contacted Monticello te for the production facility now company fabricates insulating approximately 150. Their major in Bayport, Minnesota. Koropchak IDC promotional committee to r of the Minneapolis facility on :30 AM. Details will follow. , INC. - Mr. Rick Demeules of had contacted Koropchak's office lable industrial sites, financial inance information for industrial al package plus specific information d mailed. On July 21, Koropchak rrangement for a plant visit or Original plans were for an Iding with 70 jobs of which 40 from $8.00 to $12.00. At the Koropchak was informed of the he purchase of land in Rogers. houghts of the need for personal ion by mail. informed the IDC that she had g the inquiry that the food ed in Pine City. Officals in only food processing or related e established locker plant. IDC Minutes - 7/27/89 Page 5 . 7. CONTINUED. POOL HAWK - is a new start- state electronic detection entry and intruders. The c production lease, inventory Mr. Ron Anderson was refere of BDS. Inc. to evaluate bu Monticello would be interes Mr. Anderson will be comple and financial statements ne p company who produces a solid- larm which alerts one to unintended pool mpany needs are 1500 sq ft for and working capital financial needs. to my office by Pat Pelstring iness ideas and product. and if ed in funding such a new business. ing a business plan, projections. ded for bank or GMEF loan application. K-MART - Mr. O'Neill not pr sent at the meeting, the item was tabled. MARTIE FARM SERVICE - Mr. rtie has elected to begin construction of his facility in the indu trial park next year. 8. OTHER BUSINESS. None. 9. ADJOURNMENT. . The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:15 AM. ~ '(0\O~ Ollie Koropchak IDC Executive Secretary . . Monticello t!Ctmt~. Inc. Donald o. Smith, Editor and Publisher 116 ast River Street - Box 548 Montiello. Minnesota 55362 Phone (612) 295-3131 Publi her of the Monticello-Big Lake Shopper Co-publisher of the Road Runner Tuesday ally: These are ready for mailing. As I said yesterday, I will call NSP nuclear, NAWCO and Bondhus to get RSVPs. We'll need to divide up the other industries amo g those volunteers. . . for early October calls. And can you confirm this with Bruce at the Mont Club. I showed up at 5 p.m. that evening and moved tables around the bar. We'll need commi: tee members to be there at that time and do the organization and greeting. If we have 10-12 we're okay. If we have more, we'll be tight. Thanks. These letters are ready to go-put a br chure from last year inside. I'll be in Thief River Falls for a regional newspa er association meeting Thursday. And for the first time ever, I'll miss the banquet, due to a na ional association convention in Atlanta which conflicts. . -DON . Tickets sold and collected 102 @ $75.00 Uncollected 2 @ $75.00 Donation 2 @ 75.00 (Monte lub) TOTAL . 5. RECAP OF THE IDC BANQUET. IDC Agenda - 10/27/88 $7,650.00 150.00 $7,800.00 EXPENSES: Monte Club 91 Hors D'Ouervres @ $2. 5 49 Filet @ $10.95 27 Broiled Shrimp @ $11. 5 15 Orange Ruffy @ $7.95 2 Broiled Chicken Breas s @ $5.95 Open Bar SUB TOTAL less 2 tickets TOTAL Gratuity TOTAL PAID . Monticello Printing Woodtype Minnesota Monticello Office Products Little Mountain Flowers TOTAL BANQUET EXPENSES 1988 BANQUET PROFIT $ 250.25 536.55 322.65 119.25 11.90 319.65 $1,560.25 150.00 $1,410.25 235.00 $1,645.25 $ 33.97 48.00 44.05 31. 80 $1,803.07 $5,996.93 1987 BANQUET PROFIT (98 ti kets) $5,935.83 Thanks to the members of t e Industrial Development Committee. 6. CONSIDERATION OF AN INFECT OUS WASTE FACILITY IN THE OAKWOOD INDUSTRIAL PARK. , The IDC having received an facility at our August mee point. Mr. Fretag respnse of questions. Jeff O'Neil responses. A public heari to allow incineration or r an 1-2 was on the October My first awareness to the call from Gale Simon, Lars mailed public hearing noti the described site. I res knowledge of the planned p is I-I zoned, not appropri evidently an error. I tol call right back. I was so two weeks after of IDC Ban the IDC's business retenti Planning Commission public businesses to voice their whether the public hearing update of the infectious waste ing, 1 will proceed from that to the City's prepared list and John Simola reviewed the g for a conditional use request duction of waste material in lanning Commission Agenda. ublic hearing was a telephone n Manufacturing, stating the e and map indicated their lot as onded to Mr. Simon 1) of no blic hearing, 2) Larson Mfg, te, and 3) the description was him I would check and ewhat disappointed as less than uet, the possible threats on n efforts. I attended the hearing which allowed existing oncerns, however, I question was legal as proper public (~ . c1~ : ~u/d!~ , ~{)~V- old ~ CI4o-t. v~!d- .~l20le {.o 01e. fl'j9. uwr;L ecrFFt. . {jJrcirAJ 3len~ . ~( . 3&J~~ ...-.- - r JdJ_~ ';/1 'IS ~ ~ - '-.L)fle>{ L tp'Sbfe/ /c2 ~~ 0f2oU[f:) !of3~L.u/t2:5 .. .... .. ~l)' L f. [).. {]11(C~ /JSf1AR~&U..s' 7 9j. .. j~QLu~_!3~._,_L"I-$@1f)I~~~fl .. _..._.__..rJ~.etA, ltK'--.. ~t-"~u_a .;:1ICf,._5L_.E/hJlaD_?ifi[~j~.... .... ..- -... .. - t1mA....~(~C;;lr-Jf'5 . f;'~'c-. .... . . , glle Monte Club A Complete Entertainment Facility _.It ,. --~-- ~"'h-- ... . ~IIII : I~ . ~ 8~ fJ3 ~p~ A selective menu of our most popular items providing a special price for your next bowling banquet, Christmas party, speci I party, company function, club get- together, meeting, etc. Entertainment can be arranged, ask for details. ~ (Choose up to five of 0 r selected items.) .- 8-10 oz. FILET Served in our own mushroom s uce. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$12.95 BROILED HAM STEAK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8.95 JUMBO DEEP FRIED SHRIMP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.95 EXTRA LARGE BROILED SHRIMP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.95 DEEP FRIED WALLEYE PiKE.... ...... . . .... .. ......... ............ . ... ..... .9.95 PACIFIC GROUPER Excellent white sea bass, rolled........................... .9.95 BAR-B~QUED PORK RIBS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,9.95 DEEP FRIED V2 CHICKEN, . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .7.95 BONELESS BREAST OF CHICKEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.95 Above includes our salad bar, baked potato, bread nd beverage. Tax and gratuities not included. ALSO. . . Ask about our hor d'oe vres or our anniversary buffet. CALL NOW AND RESER~ YOUR DA TE EARL YI ~ (612) 295-2211 J DINNER CHOICE: Filet w/mushroom sauce, \'1 Broiled shrimp, Orange roughy, Chicken wi veg \ '?3 . COMPANY J. f 22 .1. :J-- ;::&6- S'rv~"" ) Ar;M 23 24 J-~ 26 27 f) '~- 'qd. A\%9- ~~ VLiet /( ~ I \-: ~' >(,-,,0 fJ.d. X1d ~d. ~cL let! ~J. "2:/ fd (J( DINNER CHOICE: \'\ . Filet w/mushroom sauce, ,-S "'-\ Chicken wi veg Broiled shrimp, Orange roughy, 1 COMPANY F/~ TV, p' C6rJ T. c 3 4 CJ>.--Y\V\. Set!" 0:', ~ 5 ~ V\ i/\ \ Q S1~6-~ "~ 4r 6 ~ ,"\ 7 ~Jc s:. \'L 15 16 \L\ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ~5 26 27 PAYMENT COLLECTED '7e-2c!Z ~ ~ 1\ 'I J DINNER CHOICE: Filet w/mushroom sauce, Broiled hrimp, Orange roughy, Chicken wi veg s ." COMP ANY 2 ~,,_.~................--r ~~~~ '. /,..........."'- ~----------.-_/ - If? G. -- r / L-L-~ ~ \ec\ SWk cJ~- C9~o :L.. r;:: ~ 6 -, L lC 7 15 16 17 \ L-\ 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 . DINNER CHOICE: Filet w/mushroom sauce, Broiled s rimp, Orange roughy, Chicken wi veg \~ ~ ~ lfd < t;;- / '-)~ /L I -""I .,,' 67'i:/zv'';- ./ S M.~ P'H~" ~ Q r).... (1 I . , lJ.:,1\.l' oL"J~ \ lit -s }, y;.'}-\ ':> "::::::'G..f'~, F, L fiT _' 9 d j,'1 cL Qd. t' \ h 1/ I " )- h)e ~. ( I l , \ \ DINNER CHOICE: Filet w/mushroom sauce, Broiled shrimp, Orange roughy, Chicken wi veg . NAME COMP ANY PAYMENT COLLECTED ~d. Od' d. ~~ ~c:L ~d. ~~ (J,~~ vC.-d~- K: (A F(/ (t~"" j"...... 4 ~ tAitt-bot ,"J; ;t.Y) ( , < " '~IL<<L1!41 CJl~ ( f 8 9 10 C; ""---D-").- ~ \~ ~~ 11 .2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .4 _25 26 27 . . . It Henning & Associates ALJVEHTlSING & DESIGN 4024 Central Ave. N.E. Columbia Heights, MN 55421 (612) 781-8464 September 5, 1989 Ollie Koropchak City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Ollie: In the following pages I have different communications tool independently -- or collectiv comprehensive marketing progr Monticello. proposed three distinctly that may be used ly as part of a more m -- by the City of I have tried to give a genera definition of each piece by its respective stated purp se. Following each description, I have prepared roduction time estimates to enhance your planning effo ts. At the very end of this proposal I have given ap roximate costs to produce each tool -- Generic Brochure, Community Profile Booklet, and Video. Costs ar based on doing one project independently from th others, so City Council can choose one. I have also iven estimates for proceeding with all of these ools simultaneously, as a marketing proqram. I If we commence work on more t simultaneously, our combined example, in our meetings we w one project, making our total effective. Photographs coul at the same time (including t slides), thus substantially r an one of these projects ees could be less. For uld be covering more than meeting time more cost- be taken for all projects e videotape, if we use ducing those fees. Please do not look upon these ,as final price quotes. In estimating I have intentional 'y rounded costs upwards. We will be invoicing for our 'ctual time incurred on behalf of the City. All outs'de purchases will be invoiced at cost -- with no h~dden mark-ups. I sincerely believe we can tigh en up the production budgets, but we have to develp our concepts to the point where we have tighter s ecifications first. Obviously, we need a commitme t to cover our concept time. 1 . I believe these communications devices make the most cost-effective program; it is flexible in application, unique within the universe of community marketing efforts, and presents the cit of Monticello with a superior marketing edge for t e dollars invested. GENERIC BROCHURE Purpose: For use as an outre ch marketing tool, to generate inquiries from companies outside the community. To be used as a single piece or with a letter and business reply car (BRC). Also, for secondary use as an information piece t non-commercial inquiries about the community. . Description: Should give eno gh information about the community to be enticing, wit out telling everything. Optional self-mailer. Because of quantities needed, the tool should be relatively small to stretch the production dollars as well as save in the cost of postage. I suggest letterfold size, so that it could be used with or without a BRC. With a BRC it could be used for promoting industrial development to specifically selected groups; without a BRC it could also be used with individual correspondence and easily fit inside a standard business envelope. In the latter case other community groups, such as the Chamber of Commerce, could use it also. Inexpensive. Flexible. Effective. -- It is important to understand the roles of both the BRC and the cover letter in achiein your marketing goals. Used with a generic brochure as I am suggesting, they allow you the most cost-effective means to communicate with an audience. Inexpensive to produce, city staff can develop these in-house. hey can be produced individually or in large quantities, to use with a specific mailing list or simplY to an individual prospect. By customizing your message to a market niche, rather than trying one generic proposition to everyone under the sun, you are maximizing your marketing effectiveness! To further increase your effectiveness, Henning & 2 . Associates could be consultant basis for writing the cover Ie if it is something general in yourself, and use our agency w need to prepare a hard-hitting Approximate Timetable: on a specific as-needed ter and BRC. That way, urpose you could do it en you have a more urgent targeted mailing. 2 Weeks for initial design and copy, 1 Week for revisions, 2 Weeks for photography (which could begin as soon as design/concept is approved), i 2 Weeks for production of came a-ready art, 2 Weeks for printing Subtotal of estimated time..................... 9 Weeks (Add in time anticipated for r! view, meetings, and approval process) COMMUNITY PROFILE BOOKLET . Purpose: To use in response t by the outreach device, or re~ information than that containe I Description: 9" x 12" pocket older for the cover (designed to be graphically at ractive, of course), with four pages of text and photos titched into the center. any inquiries generated ests for more detailed in the Generic Brochure. The four pages should really p esent the Monticello community -- including the sur ounding area -- to best advantage. I would even recom end the use of testimonials from selected ind." viduals -- key businesspeople, council member, educators, etc. A stockpile of shells (coordin common header) would be left bi imprint detailed but timely in quantities, so that these page updated, and then the sheets w pocket at the back of the book ted pages that have a ank. City staff could ormation in small could be frequently uld be inserted in a et. I suggest that all of these ma erials -- the small generic brochure and the infor ation booklet -- be printed in the four colors of he new city logo. . 3 . Photography should be kept bl be very aesthetically pleasin one might see other communiti help to stretch your budget. Approximate Timetable: 3 to 4 Weeks for initial desi 1 to 2 Weeks for revisions, 2 Weeks for photography (whic design/concept is approved), 2 Weeks for production of cam 4 Weeks for printing (prepara adds substantially to the tim ck and white -- this will and distinctive from what s try to do. It will also could begin as soon as ra-ready art, ion of the die-cut pocket required for production), Subtotal of estimated time............... 11 to 12 Weeks (Add in time anticipated for eview, meetings, and approval process) VIDEOTAPE . Purpose: To use in presentattons to business prospects. Can be shown to a group as pa it of a formal solicitation, or sent to qualtfied prospects that are making further inquiries abou the community. Description: A fast-paced si to eight minute tape, professionally narrated, with upbeat music and a few carefully selected and edited interviews. The right music will enhance the impact and help retain the audience's attention. People will absorb more information when they can enjoy watching it and when they don't have to struggle to concentrate on what's being said or shown to them. The most common mistake many communities make is trying to show too much, thus making their audio-visual messages too long. Interviews with prominent leaders from your community will give the message a personal touch that lends credibility. Surveys of key decision-makers responsible for site location indicate one of their most important criteria is the sense of community att~tude. What better way to illustrate the positive Montie 110 attitude than through the direct words of some of it citizens? . 4 . Approximate Timetable: 4 Weeks to write and finalize script, 4 Weeks to shoot, record soun track, edit and produce final videotape. Subtotal of estimated timetable................ 8 Weeks (Approval of script is built into timetable, but add in time lost due to weather conditions or scheduling of interviews, editing suite availability, etc.) If the City of Monticello com marketing program, all of the simultaneously at substantial the combined costs of produci tools if they were implemente period of time. its itself to a focused e pieces could be prepared ,cost savings, compared to 'g these communications individually over a Budget Planninq Estimates . Project Program GENERIC BROCHURE Agency Services Consultation and project coor ination...........$ Design, copy, keylining.......................... Photography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 000 2,000 500 $ 800 1,800 385 Outside purchases Type and s tat s. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ................... Printing (5 - 10m) ........... ............2,500 - 500 3,500 '), '500 500 3,500 \,p ... <\ ~~ COMMUNITY PROFILE BOOKLET Agency Services Consultation and project coordination............ Design, copy, keylining.......................... Photography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 1,700 2,500 2,500 500 385 500 500 4,000 4,000 q \ So b 9.0\5 Outside Purchases Type and s tat s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Printing, diecut, collate, score & stitch........ (2m kits) . 5 VIDEOTAPE Agency Services: Consultation and project coord,.nation...........$ 2,750 Script. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600 . $ 2,300 1,600 Outside Purchases: Option A: Develop a slide presentation first, then transfer to video. Cost includes soundtrack with rofessional narrator, music, fees and equi ment rental...... 2,400 2,250 Option B: Using live-action video shot on location, same soundtrack as above, additional production technicians (necessitated by video format), edit suite and equip ent rental....... 6,750 6,750 Subtotal Option A.............................$ 6.750 - ~ 0:).">..,,,,0 11,100 ':l~ ~ \ Cl 0 imates include tape dubs, $15 each, depending on Subtotal Option ~.............................$ (Neither of the above cost es which usually range from $8 t quantity ordered.) ABOUT THE AGENCY Henning & Associates is a com enterprise specializing in bu marketing programs. I person Communications Manager for a corporation, and in the same country's largest financial i forming the agency in 1982. unications management iness-to-business lly served as ommunity development apacity for one of the stitutions, prior to Our services include Strategi Planning, Creative, Research, Media, and Producti n. Clients include columbia Heig Authority, The City of New Ri county Development Corporatio Services, as well as many ind Most_~... espectfu~:~y/.. SU~~i.t~~~, Si{jy~t! fit.jA- -7 f)GI< StepMen A. Henning C) ts Housing & Redevelopment hmond (Wisconsin), Itasca , Business Development strial accounts. 6 6,1 ~O ').":1. .. ~ -.s:: c 10.6"0. ").\0 . ~ .