Planning Commission Agenda 05-07-2019AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, May 7th, 2019 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Brad Fyle, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, John Alstad, Katie Peterson Council Liaison: Charlotte Gabler Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Jacob Thunander, Ron Hackenmueller 1. General Business A. Call to Order B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Regular Meeting Minutes — April 2"d, 2019 C. Citizen Comments D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda E. Consideration to approve agenda 2. Public Hearings A. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for amendment to Planned Unit Development for Indoor Self-Storage Facilities Applicant: Ken Spaeth B. Public Hearing - Consideration of Request for Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a Rezoning to a PUD District, Development Stage PUD, and Preliminary Plat for the Development of a 48 unit Single Family Residential in an R-A (Residential Amenities) District Applicant: R.W. Land Holdings, LLC C. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for amendment to Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 2, Section 4 Specific Review Procedures & Requirements, Chapter 3, Section 4 Residential Base Zoning Districts, Chapter 3, Section 7 Overlay Zoning Districts, Chapter 4, Section 10 Grading Drainage, Stormwater Management & Erosion Control, Chapter 5, Section 1 Use Table, Chapter 5, Section 2 Use-Specific Standards, Chapter 5, Section 3 Accessory Use Standards, and Chapter 8, Section 4 Definitions Applicant: City of Monticello 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of Driveway and Parking Requirements B. Consideration of the Community Development Directors Report 4. Added Items 5. Adjournment MINUTE S REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Brad Fyle, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, John Alstad, Katie Council Liaison Present Staff Present: 1. General Business A. Call to Order Peterson Charlotte Gabler Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Ron Hackenmueller Brad Fyle called the meeting of Monticello Planning Commission to order at 6 p.m. B. Consideration of approvin� minutes a. Special Meetin� Minutes — Februarv 26, 2019 MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES — FEBRUARY 26, 2019. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0 WITH SAM MURDOFF ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. b. Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — March 5, 2019 MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES — MARCH 5, 2019. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0 WITH SAM MURDOFF ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. C. Citizen Comments None. D. Consideration of addin� items to the a�enda None. E. Consideration to approve a�enda MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0 WITH SAM MURDOFF ABSENT FOR THE VOTE. 2. Public Hearings A. Continued Public Hearin� - Consideration of a request for amendment to Monticello Zonin� Ordinance Chapter 5 and Chapter 8, Section 4 related to use, standards and definitions for Event Centers, Places of Public Assembly, Personal Services, and Commercial Recreation — Indoor. Applicant: City of Monticello Item 2A was originally skipped to allow Sam Murdoff the opportunity to serve as the Vice-Chair on this item. Brad Fyle stepped down from the podium. Planning Commission Minutes — Apri12, 2019 Page 1 � 6 Steve Grittman introduced the item and reminded the Planning Commission of their motion to table action at their previous meeting. Sam Murdoff asked if the public hearing was continued. Grittman confirmed and noted that staff re-posted and published the notice. Marc Simpson asked for clarification if any changes to the proposed ordinance were made. Grittman responded that the proposed ordinance had not changed from the last review. Brad Fyle asked for clarification on where event centers would be prohibited. Grittman explained that the ordinance would prohibit them from located abutting residentially zoned property. Fyle disagreed that event centers could not be located in higher density residential, such as the R-1 and R-2 Districts. Murdoff asked if event centers for permitted uses in any district. Grittman explained that all event center uses would require a conditional use permit. Murdoff asked for clarification on the residential districts. Grittman confirmed that staff would be supportive of allowing event centers abutting higher density residential. John Alstad asked if it was under the purview of the Planning Commission to control the hours of operation. Grittman confirmed. Peterson noted support of allowing event centers to abut R-3 and R-4 districts. She also noted that some townhomes may be located in the R-2 District. She recommended that event centers not be able to locate in the R-1 or R-2 District. Alstad asked for clarification on the hours of operation. Schumann explained that the proposed ordinance was written so that event centers are conditional use permits and the hours of operation would be determined through that approval. MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE NO. 719 AS RELATED TO USE, STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS FOR EVENT CENTERS, PLACES OF PUBLIC ASSEMBLY, PERSONAL SERVICES, AND COMMERCIAL RECREATION — INDOOR, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS WILL BENEFIT THE 1NTENT OF THE REGULATIONS AND THE PROCESS FOR APPLICATION WITH THE ADDITION OF KATIE PETERSON' S COMMENTS TO ALLOW EVENT CENTERS TO ABUT R-3 OR R-4 DISTRICTS. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. B. Public Hearin� - Consideration of a request for amendment to Planned Unit Development for Indoor Self-Stora�e Facilities Applicant: Ken Spaeth Planning Commission Minutes — Apri12, 2019 Page 2 � 6 Steve Grittman reminded the board of the applicant's previous approved land use application for Planned Unit Development and Final Plat. The approval allowed the applicant to build up to 8 separate buildings of approximately 7,000 square feet. The applicant would like the buildings and design of the site to remain the same, but to allow some of the units to have self-storage. The applicant asked that each building be allowed up to three separate bays of 2,325 square feet to accommodate self-storage. Staff had an internal discussion regarding Mr. Spaeth's request and recommended that the Zoning Ordinance also be amended to distinguish between commercial self-storage and industrial self-storage. Grittman noted that the size of self-storage was up for discussion, but recommended not larger than 1,000 square feet. Staff researched other cities codes for self-storage and found that most allow up to 1,000 square feet. Grittman provided the proposed ordinance amendments with the definitions for commercial and industrial self-storage. Staff recommended approval of the land use application and was supportive of the amendments to the zoning ordinance. Brad Fyle asked for clarity on the drive aisles, access, and parking of site. Charlotte Gabler asked if the concerns with no self-storage in Otter Creek Business Park would be addressed by the ordinance amendments and land use approval. Grittman noted that the request was not specifically designed to address outdoor storage. The type of use that the applicant was seeking was not typical of self-storage and was more for personal self-storage. Angela Schumann noted that from time to time the City hears requests from businesses looking for areas to store materials and the land use request may be a solution. Sam Murdoff asked for further clarification between the definitions for commercial self-storage and industrial self-storage. Grittman summarized that the main difference was the size of the use and length of the tenancy. It was discussed how staff would be able to regulate the type of storage. Brad Fyle asked if the property was planning on selling each unit off or leasing. It was noted that the applicant may lease some of the space, but would like condo the remaining lots. Fyle asked if a plans were received for a monument sign on the site. Grittman declined, but stated that the applicant would need to comply with the Zoning Ordinance or apply for an amendment to PUD. Katie Peterson asked if the Planning Commission should further define the activities allowed for both types of self-storage. Staff summarized that the definition is tied to storage for a specific business or industrial use. Brad Fyle opened the public hearing and invited the applicant to speak first. Planning Commission Minutes — Apri12, 2019 Page 3 � 6 Wayne Elam, Commercial Realty Solutions, representing the Spaeth project, explained that the only change from the proj ect that was approved two years ago was for the use of self-storage. No other changes were proposed. Gabler asked if there was any tenants were secured. Elam declined and summarized that the project was unique to the area where the units could be leased or sold out. Sam Murdoff asked the applicant for further clarification between general warehousing and commercial self-storage. Elam explained that the difference for their proj ect was because of the personal self-storage use. Grittman and Schumann provided further clarification the application and the proposed ordinance amendments. Fyle asked if the proj ect would be completed in phases. Elam confirmed and explained that they would complete a spec building to show to interested businesses or tenants. It was noted that the applicant would likely condo a portion of the site at a future time. Peterson asked who would manage the development. Elam stated that the developer would work with the City on the creation of an association document. Murdoff asked if there were any examples of larger self-storage facilities. Elam noted uncertainty. Keith Burnham, Affordable Storage, exampled that when he was looking at developing his business in the industrial park, it was recommended that the applicant consider commercial districts. Burnham noted the high costs of developing in a commercial district for buildings materials when compared to an industrial district. He explained that he would prefer that the minimum of these units be set at 2,000 square feet to distinguish from personal self-storage. Burnham also noted concern with locating such facility in industrial districts and with enforcement of rental leases as proposed in the ordinance amendments. Grittman responded that staff tried to use comparable research when developing the proposed ordinance. Grittman noted that staff were open to having a higher square footage minimum for such units. Peterson asked if the units would be comparable to a Toy Barn facility. Ken Spaeth, applicant, explained that each unit would have utilities and would be much different than a typical self-storage facility. Marc Simpson asked for the reasoning of why the buildings were proposed to increase 2 feet in height. Grittman noted that it would allow tenants and owners of the units more flexibility and allow higher placed door heights. Grittman proposed adding to the proposed ordinance amendment for industrial self-storage to have specific exclusions for retail and business services. Planning Commission Minutes — Apri12, 2019 Page 4 � 6 Elam asked for clarification on this point. Schumann explained that some uses inside the PUD district would require additional review and consideration. Schumann also recommended that the Planning Commission could table action to allow the City's IEDC board to review the application for recommendation. SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE APPLICATION PENDING A RECOMMENDATION/INPUT OF THE IEDC. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO REOPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Brad Fyle reminded the Planning Commission that the public hearing would be continued to the next regular meeting. Elam noted that the main areas that this proj ect made this distinguishable is the use and height of the buildings. He noted that with these it should be considered an industrial use. C. Public Hearin� - Consideration of a request for amendment to Title 11— Monticello Subdivision Ordinance Applicant: City of Monticello Angela Schumann introduced the item to the Planning Commission. She explained that the City is going through a complete amendment to all City Code. The amendment includes an intense review of the City's subdivision ordinance. Brad Fyle opened the public hearing. Schumann explained that American Legal Processing (ALP) is helping the City walk through the process. She explained that the revisions were necessary to ensure that the code is reliable and accurate. Schumann noted that most of the proposed subdivision amendments were administrative in nature. John Alstad asked how ALP would be involved with the recodification of the City Code. Schumann noted that ALP is already involved in the process of preliminary reviewing code amendments. She explained that once all proposed changes to the code are completed by city staff and ALP, the City Attorney would review. Alstad asked if the Planning Commission could adopt the resolution before approval by the City Attorney. Schumann noted that the Planning Commission could recommend approval subj ect to the City Attorney review. Hearing no further comments, the public hearing was closed. Planning Commission Minutes — Apri12, 2019 Page 5 � 6 Sam Murdoff asked for clarification of the section that discussed lot line adjustments and administrative combination. SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION PG2019-0XX RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF THE RECODIFIED AND AMENDED MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE SUB7ECT TO REVIEW BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Angela Schumann noted that the resolution was not included in the Planning Commissions agenda. She explained that a resolution will be created based on her presentation and provided in the City Council agenda packet for consideration. 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of the Community Development Directors Report Angela Schumann provided the Community Development Directors Report. She asked the Planning Commission to remember that the Spaeth PUD project was originally approved in 2017 and could proceed as intended. Schumann also noted that the City received four proposals for the Comprehensive Plan Update. Staff would work on setting up interviews with the consultants. The Planning Commission and City Council would be encouraged to attend these interviews. 4. Added Items None. 5. Adjournment MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:46. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: May 7, 2019 Attest: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Planning Commission Minutes — Apri12, 2019 Page 6 � 6 Planning Commission Agenda — 5/07/2019 2A. Continued Public Hearin� — Consideration of a request for an amendment to the Spaeth Industrial Park Planned Unit Development District and related ordinance text amendments. Applicant: Ken Spaeth. (NAC) Property: Planning Case Number: Legal: Lot 2, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park Address: 108 Dundas Road 2019-007 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Zoning Designation: Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: Amendment to an approved PUD District to accommodate industrial self-storage, and related amendments to definitions and uses in the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Apri129, 2019, deadline for agency action extended to June 28, 2019 Places to Work PUD, Spaeth Industrial Park PUD District The purpose of the Spaeth Industrial Park PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for industrial land uses. NA Vacant Industrial Industrial Medium Density Residential Industrial Project Description: The applicant received approval for an Industrial PUD in 2017. The PUD project incorporates a series of individua16,976 square foot industrial buildings, each of which can be subdivided into 3 separate 2,325 square foot bays. The applicant seeks amendments to permit these bays to be used by individuals for "self-storage" or private use, rather than restricted to industrial uses otherwise permitted in the district and the area. Planning Commission Agenda — 5/07/2019 This action would include creating definitions and threshold requirements for "Commercial Self-Storage" and "Industrial Self-Storage", and allocating each to specific locations. Finally, as a part of this amendment, the applicant also seeks the following clarifications to the original PUD: • Consideration of any final signage requests; • Increasing building height from 16 feet to a proposed 18 feet; • Providing for flexibility in internal (rear) door size and location; and • Phasing as it relates to pavement improvements. ANALYSIS — MAY The Planning Commission tabled action and continued the public hearing on this item during its regular April meeting. During the public hearing and review of the request, the Planning Commission heard testimony which identified concern regarding the proposed definition for Industrial Self-Storage. Mr. Keith Burnham, property owner of Affordable Storage at 10111 Innsbrook Drive, expressed concern regarding the 1,000 square feet size requirement. He suggested the Commission consider increasing the size requirement to avoid conflict with commercial self-storage uses. In addition, he noted concern with the ability to enforce the lease length provision suggested in the ordinance. In the Planning Commission's discussion, Commissioners recognized that this type of use, with accompanying accessory uses (such as classic car storage with minor auto repair uses) has arisen as a changing trend or condition in land use. They noted having seen this type of use occurring in other communities. However, Commissioners noted some concern over the potential use of industrial land for smaller commercial storage uses, noting the importance the creation of tax base and employment in industrial areas. After discussion, the Planning Commission tabled action and continued the public hearing, recommending that the Industrial and Economic Development Committee review the issue and provide a recommendation. The IEDC is scheduled to meet the morning of Tuesday, May 7th. As such, a verbal report on the IEDC's recommendation will be provided at the Planning Commission meeting. Staff has also gathered additional information on similar types of facilities in other communities, including Chanhassen and Medina. In summary, both communities 2 Planning Commission Agenda — 5/07/2019 have permitted such uses in their industrial or business districts (similar to Monticello's IBC district), either by right or through PUD. It should be noted that the facilities in these communities, and others, appear to be at a much larger scale. In many cases these storage units include accessory uses, such as office space, minor auto repair and guest or lounge areas. Given the Commission's April comments, and pending the IEDC recommendation, staff has revised their recommendation to the following: Amend the zoning ordinance to create definitions for both commercial and industrial self-storage uses. These definitions do not currently exist within the code and a Self-Storage definition is necessary regardless of the outcome on the applicant request and other amendments. 2. Allow "Industrial Self-Storage" by CUP in the I-1 and I-2 Districts, with a definition proposed as follows: INDUSTRIAL SELF-STORAGE: A land use characterized by larger spaces available to occupants for the purposes of storage of commercial, industrial, or personal goods, as well as business, industrial, or hobby activities accessory to such storage as permitted within the zoning district, provided that no such space is subdivided to a total area that is less than 2�,000 square feet in area. c,,,.�, � ;�io.,�o,a ��,.,ii �.o io.,�o,a �,,,- i,,,,,. �o,-.,, r ,,,a� „�,,,, io�� ��,.,,, o� o �� It should be noted that when proposed to include multiple principle use storage buildings on a single parcel, a proj ect will require authorization through PUD. For Industrial Self-Storage, the use standards proposed include a restriction that each separate space be required to have its own overhead door and separate service door as a way of ensuring that the space is not further subdivided to sizes below the "industrial" threshold. That is, common overhead door access between occupants will not be permitted. Commercial Self-Storage is not at issue in terms of the use, however the ordinance is proposed to be amended to provide a definition and to limit such storage to the B-3 District. The proposed definition is as follows: COMMERCIAL SELF-STORAGE: A land use characterized by a variety of sized spaces available to the general public for rent on short-term periods, and for which size of individual spaces are less than 1,000 square feet in area. Commercial Self-Storage facilities are limited to storage use only, with no separate business activities permitted as part of the use. Planning Commission Agenda — 5/07/2019 Under these definitions, staff would recommend that "Commercial Self-Storage" be limited to the B-3 Zoning District, and that "Industrial Self-Storage" be limited to the I-1 and I-2 Districts as Conditional Uses. 3. Recommend an amendment to PUD for the Spaeth Industrial Park allowing Industrial Self-Storage as a principal use within the PUD by-right. This allowance would require compliance with the definition as proposed above. The staff report from April is also provided as supporting data on this issue. OTHER ITEMS: As noted in the April report, in discussing the application with the applicant, the following items are noted as additional clarifications to the previously approved Planned Unit Development. Si�nage. The applicant is considering the potential for locating a freestanding sign on the property to identify occupants of the PUD, particularly as some do not have direct exposure to the public street. The applicant will be working on a proposed sign plan to present with the updated site plan as a part of this review. No PUD flexibility is being sought at this time and the applicant is expected to comply with all required sign ordinance provisions as part of the PUD. Buildin� Hei�ht. The original PUD Plans anticipated a 16 foot building height. The applicant would like to amend that to 18 feet. This amendment is not expected to impact any aspects of the PUD, and would be effective for all buildings in the project. Rear poor Placement. The applicant is proposing to clarify that internal access doors (particularly rear-side overhead doors for individual units) are likely to shift in size and location, depending on the needs of the specific occupants. For such internal doors, no amendments will be required to accommodate this flexibility. However, overhead doors affecting the proposed parking configuration and count would require additional PUD amendment review. Phasin�. The phasing plan presented and approved for the PUD indicates that the proj ect will be constructed in phases as building sites are sold and/or proposed by buyers. The applicant will construct the plat with utilities and the ring-road curb and pavement, filling in paved and curbed areas between buildings as building construction proceeds. As a further point of clarification, the applicant will need to work with City staff to maintain drainage and erosion control, as well as paved access and parking for constructed buildings. Paving beyond the internal lot lines of individual buildings may be required to maintain access and drainage, within the limits of the approved PUD site plan. � Planning Commission Agenda — 5/07/2019 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC-2019-011, recommending approval of the PUD District Amendment for Spaeth Industrial Park PUD District, and amendments to the Zoning Ordinance establishing "Commercial" and "Industrial" Self-Storage land uses as proposed in the May '7th, 2019 staff report and ordinance. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. PC-2019-011, based on findings to be stated by the Commission following the Public Hearing. 3. Motion to table action on the Resolution, pending additional information from applicant or staff. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and the Spaeth Industrial Park PUD District as revised. The uses proposed by the applicant should integrate well in the industrial areas of the City, without introducing undue public activity in those locations. By separating "Commercial" and "Industrial" self- storage, the ordinance would acknowledge the differences between the attributes of these two distinct uses and provide a usable definition and use allowances for application of the code. With the amendment to the code, it is reasonable to incorporate the new "Industrial Self-Storage" use into the Spaeth PUD District, which is intended for storage and small-scale industrial business use. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC-2019-011 B. Ordinance Na X for Ordinance Amendments, Revised C. Ordinance Na X for Spaeth Industrial PUD D. Aerial Site Image E. Apri12"d, 2019 Staff Report F. Applicant Narrative G. Approved Spaeth Industrial Park Plans, excerpts including: a. Proj ect Location Plan b. Grading & Drainage Plan c. Site Plan d. Phasing Plan e. Building Elevations f. Floor Plan H. Research Link: http://www. automotorplex. com/ Z. Conditions of Approval 5 Planning Commission Agenda — 5/07/2019 EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval Spaeth Industrial Park — PUD Amendment 1. The PUD will comply with the proposed definition and performance standards for Industrial Self-Storage uses. 2. The applicant will need to work with City staff to maintain drainage and erosion control, as well as paved access and parking for constructed buildings. Paving beyond the internal lot lines of individual buildings may be required to maintain access and drainage, within the limits of the approved PUD site plan. 3. The applicant will prepare a sign plan and updated site plan compliant with the City Sign Ordinance as a part of final stage PUD review for the proposed amendment. 4. Applicant execute an amendment to the Development Agreement for the plat and PUD reflecting the terms and conditions of any approval of the proposed amendment. � CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-011 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE AFFECTING THE DEFINITIONS AND USES, THE SUBJECT ZONING DISTRICT, DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, PERMITTED USES, SITE PLAN, BUILDING PLANS, AND PHASING FOR SPAETH INDUSTRIAL PARK PUD WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to divide its property along Dundas Road, PID No. 155018003020 into eight parcels; and WHEREAS, the applicant received original approvals for such subdivision and a PUD request; and WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking amendments to the PUD related to use, building height, signage, phasing, and door placement; and WHEREAS, the applicant concurrently proposes to develop the property for industrial uses; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for industrial uses under the label "Places to Work" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD, along with the companion Plat, are consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for industrial uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on Apri12, 2019 and May 7th, 2019 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The PUD provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by putting the existing and proposed buildings to industrial use. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the PUD are consistent with the needs of the PUD in this location as an industrial area. 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-011 4.. The PUD flexibility for the project, including parcels without public street frontage, are consistent with the intent of the City's economic development obj ectives, as well as with the intent of the PUD zoning regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves Ordinance No. 6XX, including the Zoning Ordinance Amendments, Zoning District Amendments and PUD Development Agreement Amendments as noted in the Staff Report for May 7, 2019 and subj ect to the following conditions: The PUD will comply with the proposed definition and performance standards for Industrial Self-Storage uses. 2. The applicant will need to work with City staff to maintain drainage and erosion control, as well as paved access and parking for constructed buildings. Paving beyond the internal lot lines of individual buildings may be required to maintain access and drainage, within the limits of the approved PUD site plan. 3. The applicant will prepare a sign plan and updated site plan compliant with the City Sign Ordinance as a part of final stage PUD review for the proposed amendment. 4. Applicant execute an amendment to the Development Agreement for the plat and PUD reflecting the terms and conditions of any approval of the proposed amendment. ADOPTED this 7�' day of May, 2019, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING CONINIISSION : ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 2 ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING CODE, CHAPTER 5, TABLE 5-1 RELATING TO GENERAL WAREHOUSING AND SELF STORAGE USES; SECTION 5.2 (G) (13), RELATING TO THE PROVISION FOR "COMMERCIAL SELF STORAGE, AND 5.2 (G)(17) RELATING TO "INDUSTRIAL SELF STORAGE"; AND SECTION 8.4, DEFINITIONS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 5, Table 5-1 is hereby amended as follows: "General Warehousing" is hereby deleted as a use in the B-3, Highway Business District. Section 2. Chapter 5, Table 5-1 is hereby amended to add the following: Section 3. Chapter 5, Table 5-1 is hereby amended as follows: Re-label "Self-Storage" as "Industrial Self Storage" and list as an allowable use in the I-1 and I-2 Districts by Conditional Use Permit, subject to the requirements referenced in Section 52(G)(17), and deleting as a Conditional Use in the B-3 District. Section 4. Chapter 5, Section 5.2(G), Regulations for Industrial Uses, is hereby amended to add the following: Section 5.2(G) (17) Industrial Self Storage. (1) Such Facilities shall occupy no less than 2,000 square feet per individual storage unit in any complex or building. (2) All individual units shall have overhead door access and service access separate from other units, and no common access shall be permitted. (3) Such use shall be authorized by Conditional Use Permit. Section 5. Chapter 8.4, Definitions is hereby amended to add the following: COMMERCIAL SELF-STORAGE: A land use characterized by a variety of sized spaces available to the general public for rent on short-term periods, and for which size of individual spaces are less than 1,000 square feet in area. Commercial Self-Storage facilities are limited to storage use only, with no separate business activities permitted as part of the use. INDUSTRIAL SELF-STORAGE: A land use characterized by larger spaces available to occupants for the purposes of storage of commercial, industrial, or personal goods, as well as business, industrial, or hobby activities accessory to such storage as may be permitted within the zoning district, provided that no such space is subdivided to a total area that is less than 2,000 square feet in area. Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations and diagrams that result from such amendments, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 7. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. Revisions will be made online after adoption by Council. Copies of the complete Zoning Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Hall. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this _ day of , 2019. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator VOTING 1N FAVOR: VOTING 1N OPPOSITION: ORDINANCE NO. X CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY AMENDING SECTION 2.4(0), THE "SPAETH INDUSTRIAL PARK PUD", A ZONING DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 2.4(0) (a) — Planned Unit Developments, Title 10 — Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Spaeth Industrial Park � PUD District shall be: ii iii Indoor industrial uses as found in the I-2, Heavy Industrial District of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated , and development agreement dated , 2017, as may be amended. The introduction of any other use from any district, including Conditional Uses in the I-2 District, shall be reviewed under the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section (0) — Planned Unit Developments for Development Stage PUD and Final Stage PUD. Industrial Self-Stora�e, as defined bv the Monticello Zonin� Ordinance. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ORDINANCE NO. X ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this day of , 2019. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, Administrator AYES: NAYS: Brian Stumpf, Mayor 2 � 0 � C O � 0 � a � � °� L U � -;.*'-���� jq ���� f�l(l , � 4' - .�. r - _„-� _ � .� f�' , �I' r� ,�.�� � � =:, c � v j i ������,-'�la� � +r , `�•�� •}t�� y I � � � .ri, c���e � � ,��r� � �� I. r . — � � _ {� � � , � � �� r � 3, ��.. r 4 1 �� �� '7�'"�+� � : �, .. � • . 6 �. � ' -� �- �,� C �Is. . p • _' -:�: . v r� � _ GO 04 4 'r . . � �. � ��� �,,. ..'S�a � �.��, �� �� � � . _. . -_ 7 �t I �� � 4 , � ��:. � � ' i) ' E,. ° r. 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Public Hearin� — Consideration of a request for an amendment to the Spaeth Industrial Park Planned Unit Development District and related ordinance text amendments. Applicant: Ken Spaeth. (NAC) Property: Planning Case Number: Legal: Lot 2, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park Address: 108 Dundas Road 2019-007 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Zoning Designation: Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: Amendment to an approved PUD District to accommodate industrial self-storage, and related amendments to definitions and uses in the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Apri129, 2019 Places to Work PUD, Spaeth Industrial Park PUD District The purpose of the Spaeth Industrial Park PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subj ect to the District for industrial land uses. � Vacant Industrial Industrial Medium Density Residential Industrial Project Description: The applicant received approval for an Industrial PUD in 2017. The PUD proj ect incorporates a series of individua16,976 square foot industrial buildings, each of which can be subdivided into 3 separate 2,325 square foot bays. The applicant seeks amendments to permit these bays to be used by individuals for "self-storage" or private use, rather than restricted to industrial uses otherwise permitted in the district and the area. Planning Commission Agenda — 4/02/2019 This action would include creating definitions and threshold requirements for "Commercial Self-Storage" and "Industrial Self-Storage, and allocating each to specific locations. Finally, as a part of this amendment, the applicant also seeks the following clarifications to the original PUD: • Consideration of any final signage requests; • Increasing building height from 16 feet to a proposed 18 feet; • Providing for flexibility in internal (rear) door size and location; and • Phasing as it relates to pavement improvements. ANALYSIS As noted, the applicant wishes to accommodate use and ownership of the individual bays for personal storage or hobby use, in addition to the industrial uses of the site otherwise allowed in the district. In Monticello's zoning ordinance, "Self-Storage" is a use allowed by Conditional Use Permit in the B-3, Highway Business District, and as a permitted use in the I-1, Light Industrial District. General Warehousing is a Conditional Use in the B-3 and IBC (Industrial Business Campus) Districts, and Permitted in the I-1 and I-2 (Heavy Industrial) Districts. General Warehousing is defined as follows: GENERAL WAREHOUSING: Structures used for the storage or distribution of goods where there is no sale of items to retailers or the general public unless permitted as an accessory use to the warehouse The zoning ordinance does not have a definition of "Self-Storage". In Monticello, and the surrounding region, "Self-Storage" businesses are characterized by buildings that have a variety of sizes of storage units in larger buildings, which rent to any user by the month. Sizes of units typically range as small as 50 square feet to 400 square feet — there are a few locations that have a limited supply of space up to 1,000 square feet in area. Warehousing, in contrast, is characterized by larger facilities that nearly always have separate dock or overhead door access, and typically are long-term uses of property, rather than short term rentals. 2 Planning Commission Agenda — 4/02/2019 To accommodate the applicant's request, and avoid mixing smaller high-traffic self- storage with industrial uses, staff is suggesting that definitions be added to the zoning ordinance that distinguishes "Commercial Self-Storage" from "Industrial Self- Storage", and allocate each use to the appropriate zones or land use districts (since most of these facilities are developed through PUD zoning). Staff proposes the following definitions: COMIV�RCIAL SELF-STORAGE: A land use characterized by a variety of sized spaces available to the general public for rent on short-term periods, and for which size of individual spaces are less than 1,000 square feet in area. Commercial Self-Storage facilities are limited to storage use only, with no separate business activities permitted as part of the use. INDUSTRIAL SELF-STORAGE: A land use characterized by larger spaces available to occupants for the purposes of storage of commercial, industrial, or personal goods, as well as business, industrial, or hobby activities, provided that no such space is subdivided to a total area that is less than 1,000 square feet in area. Such spaces, if leased, shall be leased for long-term periods of no less than one year. For Industrial Self-Storage, staff would envision a restriction that each separate space be required to have its own overhead door and separate service door as a way of ensuring that the space is not further subdivided to sizes below the "industrial" threshold. That is, common overhead door access between occupants will not be permitted. Under these definitions, staff would recommend that "Commercial Self-Storage" be limited to the B-3 Zoning District, and that "Industrial Self-Storage" be limited to the I-1 and I-2 Districts as Permitted Uses, and IBC Districts as a Conditional Use. Staff would further recommend that "General Warehousing" be deleted as a use in the B-3 District. This use is much more typical of industrial areas, given large truck operations that would be inconsistent with the commercial intent and purpose of this district. The purpose of these distinctions is to limit the higher-traffic visits that commercial self-storage can generate from interfering with industrial traffic areas, and to limit the non-storage uses to the industrial areas. OTHER ITEMS: In discussing the application with the applicant, the following items are noted as additional clarifications to the previously approved Planned Unit Development. Planning Commission Agenda — 4/02/2019 Si�nage. The applicant is considering the potential for locating a freestanding sign on the property to identify occupants of the PUD, particularly as some do not have direct exposure to the public street. The applicant will be working on a proposed sign plan to present with the updated site plan as a part of this review. No PUD flexibility is being sought at this time and the applicant is expected to comply with all requires sign ordinance provisions as part of the PUD. Buildin� Hei�ht. The original PUD Plans anticipated a 16 foot building height. The applicant would like to amend that to 18 feet. This amendment is not expected to impact any aspects of the PUD, and would be effective for all buildings in the project. Rear poor Placement. The applicant is proposing to clarify that internal access doors (particularly rear-side overhead doors for individual units) are likely to shift in size and location, depending on the needs of the specific occupants. For such internal doors, no amendments will be required to accommodate this flexibility. However, overhead doors affecting the proposed parking configuration and count would require additional PUD amendment review. Phasin�. The phasing plan presented and approved for the PUD indicates that the project will be constructed in phases as building sites are sold and/or proposed by buyers. The applicant will construct the plat with utilities and the ring-road curb and pavement, filling in paved and curbed areas between buildings as building construction proceeds. As a further point of clarification, the applicant will need to work with City staff to maintain drainage and erosion control, as well as paved access and parking for constructed buildings. Paving beyond the internal lot lines of individual buildings may be required to maintain access and drainage, within the limits of the approved PUD site plan. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC-2019-011, recommending approval of the PUD District Amendment for Spaeth Industrial Park PUD District, and amendments to the Zoning Ordinance establishing "Commercial" and "Industrial" Self-Storage land uses. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. PC-2019-011, based on findings to be stated by the Commission following the Public Hearing. 3. Motion to table action on the Resolution, pending additional information from applicant or staff. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and the Spaeth Industrial Park PUD District. The uses proposed by the applicant should integrate well in the industrial areas of the City, without introducing undue public 0 Planning Commission Agenda — 4/02/2019 activity in those locations. By separating "Commercial" and "Industrial" self-storage, the ordinance would acknowledge the differences between the attributes of these two distinct uses and provide a usable definition and use allowances for application of the code. With the amendment to the code, it is reasonable to incorporate the new "Industrial Self-Storage" use into the Spaeth PUD District, which is intended for storage and small-scale industrial business use. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC 2019-011 B. Ordinance No. X for Ordinance Amendments C. Ordinance Na X for Spaeth Industrial PUD D. Aerial Site Image E. Applicant Narrative F. Approved Spaeth Industrial Park Plans, excerpts including: a. Project Location Plan b. Grading & Drainage Plan c. Site Plan d. Phasing Plan e. Building Elevations £ Floor Plan Z. Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval Spaeth Industrial Park — PUD Amendment The PUD will comply with the proposed definition and performance standards for Industrial Self-Storage uses. 2. The applicant will need to work with City staff to maintain drainage and erosion control, as well as paved access and parking for constructed buildings. Paving beyond the internal lot lines of individual buildings may be required to maintain access and drainage, within the limits of the approved PUD site plan. 3. The applicant will prepare a sign plan and updated site plan compliant with the City Sign Ordinance as a part of final stage PUD review for the proposed amendment. 4. Applicant execute an amendment to the Development Agreement for the plat and PUD reflecting the terms and conditions of any approval of the proposed amendment. 5 Ken Spaeth Masonry 108 Meadowlark Rd. Se. St. Michael, Mn. 56557 612-889-3100 2-25-19 City of Monticello Community Development Att: Angela In regards to the Spaeth Industrial Park I'm sending you a request to add self storage to the PUD. The buildings I'm building are 6976 sq. ft. and are to be subdivided into 3-units with 2325 sq ft, each. In asking for the amendment I would restrict subdividing the units any smaller with covenants approved by the city. The intent for the park is still for small business but adding additional uses of storage/man cave. We'd still abide by the no outside storage. Sincerely, Ken Spaeth r' ! ,�� � ���� ,..3�v'is 'idNi� 'Jand " - - - - - - -� as � o� ,�o��r�eR,��� a«o>�e��,a�as � 001£-638-Z1Y as �e � O Z98S9 NW 'oryeol7uoYy �,vmss,w��zr,u� .,�a,n,,,n, a�r� etcss �vw `�aE4�sw �s Pgoy sspunO 90L o � as eRou y�eiMoP�� so � .« �� �- � ao�o� � • .� � �� H.L�6'd51�[,�?I 1�3!'Otld 1N3W3AOtldW1 3115 w p„ w,,,„,.� g )1l�b�d 1b�1�i1Sf14N1 H13b�dS "'°"""""°"'"""'�"'"'"" '" �,'� ".�""'; �, �,";� '� �.�,.,� �v{oi�a �, � ��r I � �� � ��., / , ' _ �� ¢ , � �.�',�.'. - > � I � ' :. �a�' �, � _ /y � � eQ.o , � : � r � '� '`� _ - J� � �Y� ?\ .� � ' �1 � f . R jA � �' �`a _ � ' eTs � _ _ c� a'�r WN�� , A iY �- 1� r �' � ./ y; ,� ' / � . t �� ,�= - . / r .�, [ �S t.ti r�r� M�. f� .. i \ %1�NN �• {. s.R . / I� �:._ .. / , - Sy� . ...f-- � , �r. r � f � i p ` � �.�� : � - . / � �3: � !s r ,� .a:`,�� �� _�; �� �3S�b\ � � , � � � I ,� � ` � l / �, , 1Sj � . / .... 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Public Hearin� - Consideration of Request for Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a Rezonin� to a PUD District, Development Sta�e PUD, and Preliminary Plat for the Development of a 48 unit Sin�le Familv Residential in an R-A (Residential Amenities) District Applicant: R.W. Land Holdin�s, LLC (NAC) Property: Planning Case Number: Legal: Outlot B, Spirit Hills PID: 155-199-001090 2019-011 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Zoning Designation: Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: Amendment to a PUD, Rezoning from R-A, Residential Amenities to PUD, Planned Unit Development and a Preliminary Plat for a 48-lot single family residential subdivision (Spirit Hills South) June 7th, 2019 Places to Live R-A, Residential Amenities District. The purpose of the "R-A" residence district is to provide move up housing in the form of low density, single family, detached residential dwelling units and directly related complementary uses in areas of high natural residential amenities including such conditions as woodlands, wetlands, and significant views. NA Vacant Public Land/Communications Towers Single Family Residential Single Family Residential Vacant/Agricultural Planning Commission Agenda — OS/07/2019 Project Description: The applicants propose to plat and develop a single- family subdivision on a 25-acre property which is part of the Spirit Hills Planned Unit Development first approved by the City in 2003. The property was j oined by PUD agreement to the Spirit Hills North Townhouse proj ect located to the north along Fenning Avenue NE and County 18. The applicants propose to plat the property in a similar configuration to that originally proposed, although the proposed lot count has decreased from 50 to 48, and small changes have been made to portions of the street design. Procedurally, the City will amend the original Conditional Use Permit PUD by rezoning the proj ect to a PUD District and processing the Development Stage PUD. As a part of the PUD, the applicants wish to depart from the R-A standards via shallower front setbacks (30 feet rather than average of 35 feet). This change (amendment) had originally been approved by the City Council as part of the 2003 PUD. ANALYSIS: Subdivision and Zoning Requirements Land tlse. The required land use is low density residential in this area due to the PUD approved at the time of the original Preliminary Plat (2003). At that time, the City approved a 50-lot single family subdivision upon the subject property (Spirit Hills South site). Such approval was made in connection with the townhouse development on Spirit Hills North, with the expectation that the overall average density on the two tracts would be no more than 3.5 units per acre. Streets. The proposed street configuration is generally similar to that illustrated on the preliminary plat approved in 2003. Fenning Avenue, which borders the site from the west, is presently under the jurisdiction of the City. Such street will, however, soon be under the jurisdiction of Wright County, which plans to improve and widen it. Access to the subdivision is to be provided from the west via Fenning Avenue and from the east via Wildwood Boulevard. The location of the Fenning Avenue access was previously approved by the City and deemed acceptable. To be noted that the preliminary plat includes 15 feet of additional right-of-way along Fanning Avenue. Such dedication responds to a request by Wright County. While the proposed street configuration circulates well and is responsive to site topography, the following street-related conditions are recommended as conditions of preliminary plat approval: 2 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/07/2019 Bison Avenue, where it intersects with Wildwood Avenue in the east area of the site be shifted approximately 30 feet to the south such that traffic on such road will not directly face the home located upon Lot 6, Block 4. This would also have the effect of flattening the curve of Bison Avenue. 2. To accommodate a right turn lane into the subject site at Wildwood Boulevard (from Fenning Avenue), the applicant be responsible for the grading of that portion of Fenning Avenue within which the right turn lane is to be located. Such grading efforts should be subject to County and City Engineer review and approval. 3. The applicants grade and construct the proposed trail along the east side of Fenning Avenue (within the street right-of-way). This issue should be subj ect to further comment by the City Engineer and Wright County. 4. Recognizing that future access to the communication tower site is to be provided from the east via a westward extension of Wildwood Boulevard, existing ingress and egress easements to the site be terminated (released) or modified in the area of the public right of way and proposed lots. Block Layou� The block layout illustrated on the preliminary plat mimics the block layout on the 2003. It is Staff's opinion that the block layout and related street configuration respond well to various site features (topography, the gas easement, access limitations and the communication tower site). Entrance Monument. The applicants propose an entrance monument to the proj ect to be located on Lot 1, Block 6 near Fenning Avenue. The applicants should supply a detail of this sign in compliance with the City's sign requirements, and a narrative describing how the monument will be maintained. As it is not located in the right of way, the City will not be responsible for its ongoing maintenance, but it will need to avoid conflicts with traffic sightlines. If located within the drainage and utility easement, an encroachment agreement will also be required. Lots Sizes. Within R-A zoning districts, the average lot size must not be less than 16,000 square feet and in no case may lots be less than 14,000 square feet in size. Further, at least 40% of all lots must be greater than 15,000 square feet in area. Thirty of the 481ots exceed 15,000 square feet (62.5%), and the average lot size is in excess of 17,600 square feet. All lots have been found to comply with the applicable R-A District lot area requirements. For lot width, the requirement is an average of 100 feet of width, with no narrower than 90 feet, and at least 40% of all lots exceeding 100 feet of width. Again, the plat complies, with 48% of the lots exceeding 100 feet in width, and easily exceeding the average requirement. Other standards are required in the R-A District as shown in the following table: 4i ng3e Family Euilding ,AEcessaay 5tructures C�ther Regu€ations to Consult ( nat al I indusiwey Planning Commission Agenda — OS/07/2019 �iE�iLJi�,�D YRRC?S f��,fze[1 �"�� f"lininium i i"linimurm Roof Heigi�t 9"linimum Flaor Areas $uilxling Pi[eh u Soffrt Front In�erivr Sti-eec Rear {stories ' (sq ftj Width {vertical rise+ Side [I] Side (EQt} {{tf hc�rizontal rUnf Minsmum foundation size. 6 hame e �' �� 3Q 1.5 stories ` r �P 35 I fl �a ��I 35 feet �''� 2� no minimum �04� fmishahle [�1] =o{fit [I]: For interior lots in R-I and R-A districts. attached access�ry stauctures may be allowed to meei a 6' se[6a�1�, pro�ided that the sum of 6oth side yzrd sEt6a�ks shall 6e a rninrmum o{ �fJ feet [�]: �he required rear yard shall consist of a space at least 34-feet in depth across r�e entire width r�F the lot that is zxdusive of we[lands, pands, or slopes oreater than 12 percent. [3]: �49[7 squa3 e foat gross floor area exduding a basement or �ellar fo�- nvo story homes and a 150U square foo� fvu ndation for rr�ulti-level, ram6ler and split entry homes. Finisha6le =ouare footase is exdusi�e of atta�#�ed a�cesso • An attached garage shall 6e induded with all printipal residentia! stru�tures in the R-A disvict • See Sgction 5,3�Ej far all general standaeds and IiTnitatians on accessary svuctures, • Th� minimvm flaor area far all atta�hed aecessory stru�tures shall he 7a0 sq. fr_. • No pnrtion af any garage spa�e may be mare than five Feet daser to the street than the Front 6wilding line of the principal use finduding por�hj. • See Footnote [I] a6owe as related to set6ack.s for attached accessory =tru�tures an interiar lots, • Se�ti�n 3.3_ C�mm�n C}istricF RequirEm.�nss • Section 3,�}iBl, Scandards Applica6le to All Residential Base LoniRg Disuicts • Se�[ion_4,I.F, BuildingMaterial� • Se�taan 4.8. Off-Streec Parkino Side Lot Lines. While the subdivision is considered well-conceived, some concerns exist related to the configuration of side lot lines which border the 95-foot wide gas easement which traverses the subj ect site. As shown on the preliminary plat, side lot lines which encroach upon the easement are drawn parallel to the easement. This results in numerous site lot lines which are not perpendicular to the streets from corresponding lots which are provided access. According to Section 11-5-2.0 of the City's Subdivision Ordinance, side lines of lots must be approximately at right angles to street lines or radial to curved street lines. To address this concern, it is recommended that side lot lines of lots which border the gas easement be pivoted such that they are at right angles to adjacent to streets and retain conforming lot sizes and suitable building pads. These lots include the following: • Lots 4 and 5, Block 2 • Lots 6 and 7, Block 3 • Lots 11 and 12, Block 3 • Lots 5 and 6, Block 5 An example of this recommendation is illustrated below: � �' � k r: .. : S . � �'� j�d� �� I 4� � . '.2i.5S5 54F1 ,r: . ..� u: N . 9+i9 a�.�. -n o� z �� _ xi�' - - - ,...r,. .._. _ "_ � ff ` \ , �15 -'_ a@aas,» E '�• . - � 15I1:OU "`� x' _ rJ _ _ i � _ _ _. � '� s:,ae san .. I 0.1f 4c�e: �i � � �e �� 4 � �` � _ ,��, :?8 sGFt - - . 2�.�18 SaFt.� i? ar�nn 0.i5 Ss�wa- . . a. I � �. 1 _: c ; ----xo�—� j-- — --� �-- �,�: � . - - - - �,- ,�, _ ' ���,��. � Planning Commission Agenda — OS/07/2019 � . : . ' -�- . '_'_' -�r: ... � _:.. '.; > — �l;L f 7 ;vlo _ 6 L i'� en�r�� n. A[�ei . N.�63 Sq.Fl��� � - :I 0. a r.,,..a.., ' � i"� ' i - ; :r__ ` � ---- � �; � e . . ,E � v� � , �._��ri 'f• � � - �- _ _ j��� . �r L� [�z> � �.��I �� 11 1Z h� _ '1.L _ � � � a � - �� n.v[es :6.7��� 5qF T� '_E.?la SqFe. I I � I L IS � asc .z�s . - f.� _� o.az .� i �� I I f. {� � � - J� �I _ - - -- �- _-,, � _ _ �� � M B�ULEVARCI f It is further recommended that the side lot line between Lots 2 and 3, Block 2 be shifted such that it meets the southwest corner of the communications tower site. Such change is intended to eliminate the oddly configured rear line of Lot 3, Block 2, illustrated as so; Setbacks. Within R-A Districts, the following principal building setbacks apply: Front yard: 35 feet Side yard (interior): 10 feet Side yard (along streets): 20 feet Rear yard: 30 feet As indicated, the applicants wish to depart from the R-A standards via shallower front setbacks (30 feet rather than average of 35 feet). This change (amendment) had been 5 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/07/2019 approved by the City Council as part of the original PUD. Building setbacks are illustrated on the submitted preliminary plat. All lots illustrate an ability to meet required setbacks. House Design. A variety of home types are proposed within the subdivision. Specifically, homes with full basements, full basement walkouts and full basement lookouts are proposed. No request to alter the standards of the R-A District have been requested and therefore home development within the PUD will be required to meet all standards per ordinance for home design. Home types assigned to individual lots as well as building pads are illustrated on the submitted grading, drainage and erosion control plan. Tree Preservation. Appropriately, a tree preservation plan has been submitted for review. According to the Zoning Ordinance, all "specimen trees" must be protected in accordance with certain standards. A"specimen tree" is defined as a tree greater than 36 inches in DBH (diameter breast height). The removal of "specimen trees" is allowed but must meet certain replacement standards. In review of the tree preservation plan, existing trees are located primarily along the north, south and east boundaries of the subject site. It appears that a total of 11 trees are to be saved upon the subj ect site. There are no specimen trees on the property, however, a few of the larger oak trees along the northern boundary are being preserved per plan. The applicant should make every effort to protect trees when possible, subject to the review of the City Engineer and City Forester. Landscaping. The proj ect has included a landscaping plan that includes two trees to be planted per lot. The zoning ordinance requires that these trees be planted in the boulevard of each parcel, between the front lot line and the street, or between the sidewalk and the street where sidewalks are included. The landscaping plan shall be revised to meet this requirement. Grading, Drainage and tltilities. Issues related to grading, drainage and utilities are subj ect to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. Due to steep topography, several areas of steeper grading are proposed. The City's common requirement is to ensure that no grades steeper than 4:1 are proposed. In this project, 3:1 slopes are not uncommon due to the existing topography. The applicant should work with the City Engineer to ensure that all slopes are maintainable, and manage stormwater to avoid flooding or other negative impacts between properties. � Planning Commission Agenda — OS/07/2019 In regard to drainage, specific comment should be provided related to the intent and duration of the temporary drainage and utility easement illustrated upon Lot 1, Block 4 and Lot 9, Block 5. Trails. Trail connections to abutting properties to the north and south are proposed within Outlots A and B. While the trail linkage proposed within Outlot B in the extreme southeast corner of the site is considered satisfactory, some concern exists regarding the location of Outlot A. As shown on the preliminary plat, Outlot A is located near the center of the site's northern boundary, between Lot 8, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2. To provide an opportunity for a direct pedestrian connection to the Fenning Avenue trail and to the City's Montiview Park property adjacent to the north in this area, it is recommended that Outlot A be shifted westward to lie between Lots 5 and 6, Block 1. This would entail shifting lot lines along the northern tier of lots to accommodate this change. Sidewalks. Appropriately, sidewalks are proposed on one side of all streets. Communication Tower Site Encroachmen� As shown on the preliminary plat, a communications tower site exists along a portion of the subject site's northern boundary. As previously mentioned, access to the site from the east is intended to remain but will be provided via a public street rather than by ingress/egress easement. To be noted is that a portion of the tower sites gravel parking area encroaches upon adjacent Lot 2, Block 2. As a condition of preliminary plat approval, the tower site's parking area should be reconfigured to remove such parking area encroachment. r�•;� � ; r, , S-� -=' �- �' i' � i. I f i 1� - ,"�4'; i � � —� - 1 � �:,.• �-s' .._. -- - - ,. 1 � .�!� ��: � � .-�;� -��?�T' t_ Encr�rac#�men� � �� � . �, 11r�a ta be ���o�� I w `' a,� �� - -�rr I �,iestor�ed -: �� ,�� , : �i � , , , , �, ��,��. f,� - � , � _ � � r �b��g�,1��a � ;,� f { lx'1 � r +�i3_ , �' � �. . � . ;' � � . ;'_. - k, � �• � � . I I�I 5 . 2 --- � _ _ -_. ,, - „�,_. - -- - i N8g-45"0{ is,�a� sq:�e, f'f � j-- 150.4{ {1,A4 Acree i { ..,%, .e ,�g' .. - i' � . � ' :'` L _ ,.- — , I_ _ _' — — _ Park Dedication. Park dedication requirements for the subdivision are proposed such that the dedication of trail outlots (Outlots A and B) and the construction of trails within such outlots will substantially fulfill the City's park dedication requirements, with some cash adjustments due to finalized construction cost estimates, including final recommendations related to Fenning Avenue trail improvements. The Park & 7 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/07/2019 Recreation Commission will review the plat on May 3rd, 2019 for a final recommendation to the City Council. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1. Rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development District Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC-2019-012, recommending approval of the rezoning from R-A, Residential Amenities to PUD, Planned Unit Development, based on the findings in said resolution. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. PC-2019-012, based on findings identified by the Planning Commission. 3. Motion to table action on Resolution No. PC-2019-012, subj ect to additional information from the applicant and/or Staff. Decision 2. Amendment to Spirit Hills PUD and Development Stage PUD, and Preliminary Plat Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC-2019-013, recommending approval of the PUD amendment and Development Stage PUD and Preliminary Plat for Spirit Hills South, based on the findings in said resolution, and subject to the conditions as incorporated in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. PC-2019-013, based on findings identified by the Planning Commission. 3. Motion to table action on Resolution No. PC-2019-013, subj ect to additional information from the applicant and/or Staff. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The applicant's intent is to implement the southern phase of the Spirit Hills PUD which was approved by the City in 2003. The submitted preliminary plat is substantially similar to the preliminary plat in terms of design to that previously approved (48 single family lots verses SO lots previously approved). With this in mind, Staff recommends approval of the PUD and preliminary plat subj ect to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z and based on the findings in the accompanying resolutions. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC-2019-012 : B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Z. Planning Commission Agenda — OS/07/2019 Draft Ordinance Na X Aerial Site Image Applicant Narrative Approved Preliminary Plat (2003) Preliminary Plat Existing Conditions and Removals Plan Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plans Street and Storm Sewer Plans Sanitary Sewer Plan Trail Plans Tree Preservation Plan Landscaping Plan and Revised Lot Tabulation Tree Inventory City Engineer's Letter, Dated May 1, 2019 Conditions of Approval � Planning Commission Agenda — OS/07/2019 EXHIBIT Z Spirit Hills PUD Amendment, Development Stage PUD & Spirit Hills South Preliminary Plat Outlot B, Spirit Hills 1. Bison Avenue, where it intersects with Wildwood Avenue in the east area of the site shall be shifted approximately 30 feet to the south such that traffic on such road will not directly face the home located upon Lot 6, Block 4. 2. To accommodate a right turn lane into the subject site at Wildwood Boulevard, the applicant shall be responsible for the grading of that portion of Fenning Avenue within which the right turn lane is to be located. Such grading efforts shall be subj ect to County and City Engineer review and approval. 3. The applicants grade the proposed trail route along the east side of Fenning Avenue (within the street right-of-way). This issue shall be subj ect to further comment by the City Engineer and Wright County. 4. Recognizing that future access to the communication tower site is to be provided from the east (via a westward extension of Wildwood Boulevard), existing ingress and egress easements to the site shall be terminated (released). 5. Side lot lines of lots which border the gas easement shall be pivoted such that they are at right angles to adjacent to streets and retain conforming lot sizes and suitable building pads. These lots include the following: • Lots 4 and 5, Block 2 • Lots 6 and 7, Block 3 • Lots 11 and 12, Block 3 • Lots 5 and 6, Block 5 6. To eliminate the oddly configured rear line of Lot 3, Block 2, the side lot line between Lots 2 and 3, Block 2 shall be shifted such that it meets the southwest corner of the corner of the communications tower site. 7. The submitted tree preservation plan shall be subj ect to review and comment by the City Forester. 8. Modification of the landscaping plan to show all required trees (2 per lot) to be located in the boulevard, per this report. 10 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/07/2019 9. Compliance with comments related to grading, drainage and utilities shall be by the City Engineer. 10. To provide an opportunity for a direct pedestrian connection to the Fenning Avenue trail, Outlot A shall be shifted westward to lie between Lots 5 and 6, Block 1. 11. The communication tower site's parking area shall be reconfigured to remove the existing encroachment into adj acent Lot 2, Block 2. 12. Execute a Development Agreement providing for the terms and conditions for the plat and Planned Unit Development. 13. Consideration of comments of other City Staff. 11 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-012 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) FOR A REZONING TO A PUD DISTRICT AFFECTING THE DEFINITIONS AND USES, THE SUBJECT ZONING DISTRICT, DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, PERMITTED USES, SITE PLAN, AND BUILDING PLANS AND DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD AND PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR SPIRIT HILLS SOUTH PUD WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to subdivide its property along Fenning Avenue NE, PID No. 155-199-001090 into forty-eight single family parcels and associated outlots, as well as dedication of public street rights of way; and WHEREAS, a previous owner had received original approvals for such subdivision and a PUD request related to density and relationship to an off-site development; and WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking amendments to the PUD setbacks and plat layout; and WHEREAS, the applicant concurrently proposes to develop the property for single family residential uses; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for residential uses under the label "Places to Live" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD, along with the companion Plat, are consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on May 7, 2019 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: The PUD provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by putting the property to low density residential use. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-012 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the PUD are consistent with the needs of the PUD in this location as a residential area. 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4.. The PUD flexibility for the project, including altered front setback requirements, are consistent with the intent of the PUD zoning regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves Ordinance No. 6XX, an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance including the Zoning District Amendment, as well as the Development Stage PUD and Preliminary Plat as reviewed in the Staff Report for May 7, 2019, and subj ect to the conditions in Exhibit Z of said report, as follows: 1. Bison Avenue, where it intersects with Wildwood Avenue in the east area of the site shall be shifted approximately 30 feet to the south such that traffic on such road will not directly face the home located upon Lot 6, Block 4. 2. To accommodate a right turn lane into the subject site at Wildwood Boulevard, the applicant shall be responsible for the grading of that portion of Fenning Avenue within which the right turn lane is to be located. Such grading efforts shall be subj ect to County and City Engineer review and approval. 3. The applicants grade the proposed trail route along the east side of Fenning Avenue (within the street right-of-way). This issue shall be subj ect to further comment by the City Engineer and Wright County. 4. Recognizing that future access to the communication tower site is to be provided from the east (via a westward extension of Wildwood Boulevard), existing ingress and egress easements to the site shall be terminated (released). 5. Side lot lines of lots which border the gas easement shall be pivoted such that they are at right angles to adjacent to streets and retain conforming lot sizes and suitable building pads. These lots include the following: • Lots 4 and 5, Block 2 • Lots 6 and 7, Block 3 • Lots 11 and 12, Block 3 • Lots 5 and 6, Block 5 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-012 6. To eliminate the oddly configured rear line of Lot 3, Block 2, the side lot line between Lots 2 and 3, Block 2 shall be shifted such that it meets the southwest corner of the corner of the communications tower site. 7. The submitted tree preservation plan shall be subj ect to review and comment by the City Forester. 8. Modification of the landscaping plan to show all required trees (2 per lot) to be located in the boulevard, per this report. 9. Compliance with comments related to grading, drainage and utilities shall be by the City Engineer. 10. To provide an opportunity for a direct pedestrian connection to the Fenning Avenue trail, Outlot A shall be shifted westward to lie between Lots 5 and 6, Block 1. 11. The communication tower site's parking area shall be reconfigured to remove the existing encroachment into adj acent Lot 2, Block 2. 12. Execute a Development Agreement providing for the terms and conditions for the plat and Planned Unit Development. 13. Consideration of comments of other City Staff. ADOPTED this 7�' day of May, 2019, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING CONINIISSION : ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 3 ORDINANCE NO. 6XX CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY ADDING THE "SPIRIT HII,LS SOUTH PUD", A ZONING DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, SECTION 2.4(0): SPIRIT HILLS SOUTH THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 2.4(O — Planned Unit Developments, Title 10 — Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: 22. Spirit Hills South PUD District � �� (a) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Spirit Hills South PUD District shall be: i. Those Uses as allowed in the R-A, Residential Amenities Zoning District. (b) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses in the Spirit Hills South PUD District shall be: i. Those Uses as allowed in the R-A, Residential Amenities Zoning District. (c) Conditional Uses. Conditional uses in the Spirit Hills South PUD District shall be: i. Those Uses as allowed in the R-A, Residential Amenities Zoning District. (d) District Performance Standards. The performance standards in the Spirit Hills South PUD District shall be those standards as applicable in the R-A, Residential Amenities District, with the following exceptions: i. Front Yard Setback 30 feet ii. Standards and Conditions as illustrated on the approved Preliminary Plat for Spirit Hills South, dated , 2019. 1 ORDINANCE NO. 6XX Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this day of , 2019. � �� Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, Administrator AYES: NAYS: �. � 2 0 � u c O O � U T � � °; L U �Y � y,� 4 { � . ./ � � .. i. .�...iiF � T � . . � ' � - � !� '=°� r ; ��,� T� :/ � . � � � r � t. r �+�- ,�, .`� ��' � � • I'�i . � i �` � '� . 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The site is appro�mately 25 acres on the East side of Fenning Ave. NE, lying on the South side of the "old Monte Club" site. Tucked into the side of the highest hill in Wright County, SPIRIT HILLS SOLTTH contains steep elevation changes that will surely showcase the higher end house that will be constructed on its oversized lots. SPIRIT HILLS SOUTH is being developed by RW Land Holdings, LLC of Princeton, NIN. RW Land Holdings, LLC is owned by Roger Winkelman. Roger, through his company RW Builders Inc. has been building homes and developing property throughout Northern Sherburne County and the surrounding area for more than 40 years. Roger intends to build on a portion of the lots in SPIRIT HILLS SOUTH, as well as provide an opportunity for other local builders to purchase lots and construct their own homes. With his extensive experience in the land development business, Roger is familiar with the fees and expenses that accompany a development of the size and type of SPIRIT HILLS SOUTH. His goal is to provide a wonderful development that the future residents of Monticello will call home for numbers of years. SPIRIT HILLS SOLTTH was originally part of the SPIRIT HILLS planned unit development proposed by Maplewood Development & Construction Inc. in 2003. According to City staff, the SPIRIT HILLS SOLTTH property became zoned R-lA (Residential Amenities) as a"tradeof�' for the SPIRIT HILLS TOWNHOMES site in the Southeast corner of Fenning Ave. NE and Jason Ave. NE (Co. Hwy. No. 18). With the R-lA standards being generally followed, Maplewood Development proposed a 50-lot single- family residential development on the SPIRIT HILLS SOLTTH site. In 2005, Maplewood Development applied for and received a conditional use permit (Order #OS-024) reducing the front setback to 30 feet, as well as amending the building standards and landscaping requirements. Also in 2005, Maplewood Development had a full set of engineering plans prepared, prior to selling the land to RW Land Holdings, LLC in September 2005. RW Land Holdings, LLC intended to develop the property shortly after purchasing it, however the massive recession/housing downturn made that not possible. In preparation of the current proposed SPIRIT HILLS SOUTH development, RW Land Holdings, LLC has tried to match as closely as possible the original lot layout of the previously approved plans. With the removal of the previously proposed "eyebrow" along Bison Avenue in the NW corner of the site, and rearrangement of the lots in the SE corner of the site to match the R-A lot size dimensions, the overall lot count was reduced from 50 lots to 48 lots. The road layout is the same as the previous design, which incorporates connections to HII,LSIDE FARMS 4TH ADDTTION to the South, WILDWOOD RIDGE to the East, as well as providing an additional access to Fenning Ave. NE, a critical artery for the area. The current proposal also plans to utilitze the reduction in front yard setback to 30 feet granted per CUP Order #OS-024 due to the steep elevation changes. The development of SPIRIT HILLS SOLTTH is intending to be constructed in one single phase. This single phase would include all site grading and installation of the public/private utilities. � �B I `� � � a I E�s�� �� �"a I L i �� �1 e6' � r ,, � _ £�.a �a $G� � ; O(Aa a� � d y I Fis�s ap� I.= • HM � h q � 1 J ��5n�€ 3 W :d6 � _�: ��i o= � s T—I ='��p ��� x�� < e� � _ !S€.�"s �6� �a � I �� ! �� L I rv!��� %- �g6 ��� � I �' �y Q & '� ��.' o � z :�� .,�� � �-a W � I �� +��, Li�� y, �Y lLi��iiy�l� iii�s �-� y_ ' "Jl gp� I, � -- ' � 8f ��.��i 9TN 1M6 t 10Il�9 A Ml 3- � `` !l/ M� ¢ usc r ••� � � � _ wae , aava , °° s — — o — �g_'�� �__� r--� r--�.,r--� r �-� �L� �.,�; �- -� ��. x3�38r3 al�m''��$i8� � I I n I � Ig axr �� a� �8orxirala 4� ��/ 0��� . i I� �D � �(I i I� � I M�I Ig N I I �,�% �� /�.� � � I' a �` a°� � � � � � � I �I I^ �I I I I � ^ , � d'',e's'r� � �� �— �J L�� � �-- �--�, �--J �— �� J �-- J.`L�.,�'�i� L� �� � ��_ p �9za ---3 M eei ao � 1 a s a p�1 N � M-- p�� ,'� ��b' o�'�6g� � � � A iLC.00.00X oo R R --� ���.v.�y I � �� I iY'CB K'Ye r..plq3 ac � `, t WZot ��Y��s g �� r— �, � � �� -----��-- ---� �_�.m.� J � I I � � .§ I�g �1 1g �r�'�- -- � — W�� — --, � W � ��wy� �� �88. 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I I ,.�'- _. � T _---___J L-_- � U aavn3�nos OOOMaIIM x H � O N J 2 d' a � j --_ _ I __ 0.`.3 � iE`u6 � _ �o`o II - i � �3� b� y. 1 r' P_- _' 11I � II � - �I ' I� � ,i % � � i � � � � .. I .. 0 C ��J I I I� I I o �w � � / I I I I I i ¢i a L--__-____.J L___--_..J L."--_...-J �_ - 4� n �Z - p --�J `-�-- `---� w w � Q F 3N 3f7N3Atl 'JNINN3J �J� z V. � �/X_I — -- ----- -- --- -- > oo�:pow�w�s�asn\a 1� 1�,J lYl 1�1 Y�i� I.Al�ll SiJRYEYC7R5 & EI�IGIIYEERS P.O. Box 1044, Princeton, MN 55371 / Phone: 763/389-4476 / FaY: 763/427-0520 April 8, 2019 City of Monticello Community Development 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Ms. Angela Schumann: A tree survey was conducted on January 22, 2019 for Spirit Hills South Single Family Development located on PID 155152000020 within the City of Monticello. The landscape consists of rolling hills scattered with shrubs and tree canopies lining the northern, southern, and eastern parcel boundary. The shrubs scattered throughout the middle of the parcel are mainly evergreens and Siberian elms. The southern tree line is dominated by boxelders, hackberries, and black cherries. Between the scattered shrubs and the southern tree line a dense thicket of boxelder new growth. The northern tree line is dominated by oaks. The eastern tree line consists of boxelders, elms, and new growth oak. As specified in the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance 11-4-1.(B).12, trees were identified and tagged. The identified trees with their diameter and tag number are listed in the table below. Tag number Tree species Diameter 405 Hackberry 9 406 Hackberry 12 407 Black cherry 18 408 Black cherry 7 409 Hackberry 11 410 Hackberry 8 411 Hackberry 6 412 Hackberry 9 413 Hackberry 6 414 Black cherry 8 415 Hackberry 10 416 Hackberry 12 417 Hackberry 7 418 Hackberry 10 419 Hackberry 8 420 Hackberry 8 421 Black cherry 8 422 Black cherry 6, 8 Tag number Tree species Diameter 423 Black cherry 7 424 Ironwood 6 425 Black cherry 13 426 Red oak 18 427 Red eastern cedar 13 428 Red eastern cedar 8 429 Buroak 24 430 Hackberry 15 431 Hackberry 8 433 Buroak 15 434 Buroak 10 435 Buroak 11 436 Buroak 6 437 Buroak 7 438 Buroak 30 439 Buroak 28 Table 1. Trees identified on site No canopy trees larger than 36" in diameter were found on site, nor were there any understory trees larger than 10" in diameter on the property. The 1991 aerial photo from Google Earth show this site was previously farm land, but trees still lined the property lines. Most of the area was previously disturbed, and the abundance of boxelders and new growth on the property agrees with this observation. If you have any questions, please contact me at (763) 852-0496 or kacif(cr�,haa-inc.com Sincerely, • �� �_. _--�. � Kaci Fisher Environmental Specialist Rum River Land Surveyors & Engineers � _��,. RLJ14�I RIVER � ��__ L,A1vD svRvsYVRs & ENGnvEERs � � 0 U C� z w m � � z � � J 0 a Q w z z � �� � May 1, 2019 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Spirit Hills South Plan Review City Project No. 2019-11 WSB Project No. R-013917-000 Dear Ms. Schumann: We have reviewed the preliminary plat, street and utility plans and Stormwater Management Plan dated April 8, 2019 as prepared by Rum River Land Surveyors and Engineers and offerthe following comments: Preliminary Plat 1. Several lots have building pads encroaching or very close to the Northern Natural gas line easement that may limit flexibility with building construction. Lot 6, Block 3 and Lot 5, Block 5, among others, appear to have building pads encroaching on the gas line easement. 2. The gravel pad for the electrical tower site encroaches on Lot 2, Block 2. The applicant shall indicate how this encroachment will be removed. 3. City staff indicates that the trail within Outlot A shall be shifted to the side yard between Lots 5 and 6, Lot 1. 4. 10-foot wide side yard drainage and utility easements are noted for each lot on Lots 2-6, Block 4 and Lots 4-6, Bloc, instead of the required 6-foot easement. The applicant shall identify why additional easement is needed as storm sewer is not located in these areas. 5. Lots 1-5, Block 1 have the incorrect rear yard dimension noted. Existinq Conditions and Removal Plan 0 � 6. The existing 12" storm sewer in the southeast corner of the plat shall be removed and � replaced with the proposed grading and storm sewer. � � � W � z w > a a z W x 0 � Gradinq, Drainaqe and Erosion Control Plan Wright County will be taking overjurisdiction of Fenning Avenue and will require a right turn lane be constructed at the access point to the development based on MnDOT access management guidelines. The County plans to complete improvements to the roadway in 2021. The developer shall grade the right turn lane with the development and the County will pave it. Future grades for the Fenning Avenue shall be considered in the grading design of the Fenning Avenue trail, access points from Fenning Avenue and adjacent lots impacts. F:\Community Development Director\Boards & Commissions\Planning Commission�2019\Agenda\May\2B.Spirit Hills\Exh P.Ltr-a-schumann Spirit Hills Review REV.DOCX Spirit Hills South Plan Review May 1, 2019 Page 2 The City is coordinating with Wright County on these matters. 8. Provide verification from Northern Natural gas regarding acceptance of proposed grading and clearance requirements in the yard and street areas that encroach on the gas easement. 9. Provide elevations for each lot corner. 10. Provide elevations of the lowest opening for off-site structures on the adjacent lots along the east side of the plat. 11. It appears several yard slopes are greater than the maximum 4:1 slope requirement for the following, but not limited to, lots: Block 1, lot 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Block 3, lot 1, 3, 4, 5, 11, 15 Block 4, lot 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 Block 5, lot 5, 6, 7, 8 Block 6, lot 1, 2 Please revise to meet the 4:1 slope requirement. 12. Drainage swales shall be contained within drainage and utility easements along side yards between lots so that drainage is not draining directly to the adjacent home outside of the easements. This appears to be the case on Lots 1-4, Block 1: Lots 1,2, Block 6; Lots 1-2, 7- 8,15, Block 3; Lots 1-3, Block 5. Please review all lots to comply with this requirement and provide defined drainage swales within the easements. 13. Label all EOF elevations and drainage routes with drainage arrows. 14. A minimum vertical separation of 1.5 feet must be provided between the EOF and the low opening of a building. Block 3, Lot 15 does not meet this requirement. Provide documentation that all lots meet this requirement. 15. All drainage swales should have a minimum 2% grade and noted as such on the plans. 16. Show HWL and storage volume for each of the filtration ponds on the grading plan. 17. Driveway locations and grades shall be shown on the plan in addition to the lot tabulation table. 18. The typical section should be shown on the grading plan and street and storm sewer plan sheets. Draintile shall be included in the typical section. 19. All flared-end section shall include riprap. 20. Verify that each lot has a minimum 30-foot yard area at a maximum 8:1 slope. 21. Show storm sewer maintenance access routes for structures outside of the street. Sanitarv Sewer and Watermain Plan Spirit Hills South Plan Review May 1, 2019 Page 3 22. Label lots and blocks. 23. Provide vicinity or location maps on the street and utility sheets with reference/shading on the map for that sheet's plan view. 24. Label garage and low floor elevations. 25. Show the gas main depth, size and type in the profile view. 26. Gate valves located at intersections shall be in line with the right of way. 27. Hydrants from the 12" watermain shall be placed at high and low points for air relief and cleanout purposes. 28. All hydrants shall be located at property lines with a maximum 500-foot spacing. 29. All watermain bend degrees shall be noted on the plans and not exceed 45 degrees. 30. It appears that a few sanitary manholes could be eliminated to keep within a reasonable distance along centerline and maintain 10-feet of separation from the watermain and storm sewer mains. 31. All sewer services shall have service lengths labeled and wye stationing. 32. All water services shall have curb stop locations with stations identified. 33. Hydrants, gate valves and all fittings shall have stationing identified Street and Storm Sewer Plan 34. Label lots and blocks. 35. Provide vicinity or location maps on the street and utility sheets with reference/shading on the map for that sheet's plan view. 36. Show all storm sewer in profile view. There are missing segments, including the backyard areas and some CB leads. 37. The minimum storm sewer size required is 15-inch. The plans shows several 12-inch pipe that do not meet this requirement. 38. The minimum catch basin depth is 4-ft. Several catch basins do not meet this requirements. Plans should be revised to meet this requirement. 39. Show storm sewer structure sizes on the profile view. 40. Wildwood Blvd should be extended to the west to serve the property to the north as a public street access. 41. The proposed sidewalks are to have a 6" depth of concrete per the city detail for new development and shall be located 1 foot inside the right of way. Spirit Hills South Plan Review May 1, 2019 Page 4 42. Extend sidewalk to connect to the existing sidewalk along Wildwood Way. 43. Label street widths as 32-foot face to face of curb and the right of way width. 44. Include the typical section on each plan sheet. 45. Show the driveway locations. 46. Identify locations of conduit crossings for private utilities in the joint trench and for street lighting. 47. Add notes for adjoining plan sheet numbers at intersections. 48. Add all structure numbers at intersections. 49. Label all street profile grades on all sheets. 50. Show the gas main depth, size and type in the profile view. 51. The storm sewer pipe run between CB 100 and CB 101 shall be within the street and not located in the boulevard. 52. Provide a table identifying how the vertical curve data was determined for stopping sight distance. 53. The maximum street grade is 8% per city standards. Bison Ave does not meet this standard. 54. Verify there is a maximum 2% approach grade for the first 100-feet of any intersection approach. Stormwater Manaqement Plan 55. The site was planned to drain to the Hillside Farms development stormwater pond located to the south. This pond was sized to provide water quality and rate control. The volume control requirement of 1.1" off new impervious must be constructed onsite. Due to clay soils onsite, filtration is proposed to meet the volume control standard. Three filtration basins are shown to meet the volume capacity, however the impervious areas need to be routed to these basins. The current runoff routed to the pond areas is back yard drainage. Streets and front yards are routed to storm sewer that runs directly to the Hillside pond and therefore not treated prior to discharge. 56. Pretreatment is required prior to discharge into the filtration basin. A 4-foot deep sump manhole is required in the last structure that drains the street to a filtration basin. 57. Show draintile in the filtration basin detail on sheet 2. 58. Provide a breakout of the volume treated for each filtration basin 59. Provide rational method calculations confirming adequacy of the storm sewer design for the 10-year storm event and connection to the existing storm sewer system. Calculations should adhere to the following guidelines: Spirit Hills South Plan Review May 1, 2019 Page 5 a. The rational method runoff coefficient (c) is designated by land use and should be assigned a value no less than 0.7. b. Minimum allowable velocity in closed conduit = 3.0 fps c. Maximum allowable velocity in closed conduit = 12.0 fps 60. An NPDES/SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit (CSWGP) shall be provided with the grading permit or with the building permit application for review, prior to construction commencing. 61. A stormwater maintenance agreement will be required. A template will be provided to the applicant. HvdroCAD Model 62. The Atlas 14 distribution should be MSE type 3 for the HydroCAD model. 63. Provide a proposed drainage map showing the site grading and improvements, labeling the filtration ponds. 64. In HydroCAD, add a starting elevation to the filtration basin ponds to be the invert of the beehive. 65. Soil borings onsite indicate type D soils, the model should reflect this. 66. Provide explanation for using different exfiltration rates (0.45 in/hr and 0.8 in/hr) for the filtration basins. 67. Provide details for outlet control structure. 68. In HydroCAD, model the directly connected impervious should be model separated, not a weighted CN. SWPPP 69. If this project required an environmental review and/or any stormwater mitigation measures as part of environmental, endangered species, archeological or other required reviews, then include mitigation measures in the SWPPP. If not, include a statement that a review and/or mitigation measures are not required. (Part 5.16) 70. For the proposed filtration areas, include information in the SWPPP that the filter media will not be installed until the drainage area to each basin is stabilized; or, if the filter media is installed before the drainage area is fully stabilized, implement rigorous erosion prevention and sediment controls to keep all runoff and sediment out of the filtration practice. (Part 17.3). 71. Slopes that are 3:1 and ditches with a continuous slope of greater than 2% require stabilization with more robust controls than type 1 mulch. Describe how these areas will be stabilized in temporary erosion control applications. 72. Include estimated quantities for all proposed temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control practices. (Part 5.7) Trail Plan Spirit Hills South Plan Review May 1, 2019 Page 6 73. Trail profiles shall meet ADA requirements. The 9% trail grades noted are non-compliant. 74. The developer shall construct all trail segments, including the trail along Fenning Ave, as part of the development. 75. Provide defined drainage swales on either side of the trails located within Outlot A and B. 76. ADA compliant pedestrian ramps shall be provided where the trail connects at Wildwood Blvd. 77. Extend the Fenning Avenue trail to the driveway located on the adjacent property to the north. 78. The trail plans show storm sewer and sanitary sewer extensions that should be include with the sanitary sewer/watermain and streeUstorm sewer plan sheets. 79. The north arrow direction is incorrect. OTHER 80. Provide an overall utility layout sheet for all utilities (storm sewer, sanitary sewer and watermain). 81. Check for and identify any utility mainline and service crossing conflicts. 82. Provide a street lighting plan. 83. Mailbox locations will need to be coordinated with the post master and City street superintendent. 84. A note should be added to the plans that the City will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that is associated with variations in the utility as-built elevations. These elevations shall be verified in the field prior to construction Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 612-360-1304 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB . � ' ,�d ��s� Shibani K. Bisson, PE Senior Project Manager Planning Commission Agenda — OS/07/2018 2C. Public Hearin� — Consideration of a request for amendment to Monticello Zonin� Ordinance Chapter 2, Section 4 Specific Review Procedures & Requirements, Chapter 3, Section 4 Residential Base Zonin� Districts, Chapter 3, Section 7 Overlav Zonin� Districts, Chapter 4, Section 10 Gradin�, Draina�e, Stormwater Mana�ement & Erosion Control, Chapter 5, Section 1 Use Table, Chapter 5, Section 2 Use-Specific Standards, Chapter 5, Section 3 Accessorv Use Standards, and Chapter 8, Section 4 Definitions. Applicant: Citv of Monticella (NAC) Planning Case Number: 2019-014 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Zoning Ordinance Amendments for: L Moving PUD Districts from the Procedures section of ordinance to the districts section of the ordinance 2. Supplementing roofline language in the R-3 and R- 4 ordinance and correcting language error 3. Amendments required per MPCA for grading drainage and erosion control 4. Amendment to reference "office uses" as commercial uses Deadline for Decision: NA Project Description: Consider zoning ordinance amendments for the noted topics, based on previous staff and public experience. ANALYSIS The proposed amendments are intended address issues which have arisen over the past several months. PUD Districts. The proposed amendment would remove the current listing of approved Planned Unit Developments from Chapter 2, Section 4, which relates to Specific Review Procedures and Requirements, moving the Planned Unit Development districts instead to a new Chapter 3, Section 8 for Planned Unit Development Districts. As PUD is accomplished by rezoning staff believe it most appropriate to create a section enumerating each of the approved PUD districts within the city. The location will also make each easier to find within the code. Planning Commission Agenda — OS/07/2018 2. Lan�ua�e for R-3 and R-4 Structures. As with the Planning Commission's earlier 2018 discussion relating to roofing materials for residential and commercial buildings, staff believes it appropriate to address an additional construction trend issue in roofline construction. Over the past two months, the EDA has heard from prospective developers interested in developing residential multi-family within the downtown and other R-3 locations within the community. The overwhelming majority of these proposals include flat roof designs. These designs are often embellished with parapets or other roofline articulation. Additionally, Headwaters Development has submitted an application for conditional use permit for their proposed site along CSAH 39, also illustrating a flat-roof design with both parapet design and roofline articulation. Therefore, staff believes a change to the ordinance to allow for such design alternatives, with complimentary building aesthetics, is appropriate and speaks to the changing nature of architecture for multi-family products. 3. Gradin�, Draina�e and Erosion Control. The City is audited annually by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for compliance with its Municipal Separate Stormwater System (MS4) permitting. In this year's audit, it was noted that updates to the City's ordinances regulating grading, drainage and erosion control are required to maintain compliance with permitting. As such, the engineering department has prepared a series of minor amendments related to the required language. 4. Office Uses. Staff proposes to remove "Office Uses" as a distinct use class. The Comprehensive Plan guides land use into broad categories, by which the zoning ordinance is then organized. As a principal use, both professional and commercial offices are traditionally considered commercial uses. Therefore, staff is proposing to move the permitted and conditional office uses to the "Commercial Use" portion of the Use Table. In corresponding action, the "Regulations for Offices Uses" would be consolidated into existing language in the "Regulations for Commercial Uses" portion of the ordinance. Accessory Uses — Alternative Fuel Burners. Late in 2018, city staff received an inquiry as to whether accessory outdoor alternative fuel burners are allowed within the city limits. These types of units often use wood or corn for fueL Monticello's code does not list these types of units as an allowed accessory use. Given that the uses are not listed as either conditional or permitted is the Accessory Use Table and that these types of units create both odor and smoke issues for adjacent properties, staff has interpreted the use to be prohibited. The code specifically states that accessory uses not listed within the table be evaluated for the potential adverse impacts the accessory use or structure may have on other lands in the area as compared to other accessory uses permitted in the district. 2 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/07/2018 However, in reviewing the inquiry, staff believe that the ordinance requires clarity to better reflect the types of utility units which are allowed, including air conditioning units. As such, staff is proposing to include that addition to the accessory use table, with minor adjustments to Chapter 3 for Allowable Yard Encroachments to further support the current code interpretation that the alternative fuel burners are prohibited. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS L Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC-2019-013 recommending adoption of the proposed ordinance amendments, based on findings as stated in the resolution. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. PC-2019-013, recommending approval of the proposed ordinance amendment, based on findings to be made by the Commission. 3. Motion to table action on Resolution No. PC-2019-013, pending additional information from staff. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the resolutions and ordinances based on the findings in the resolutions. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution No. PC-2019-013 B. Ordinance No. 7XX C. Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Excerpts CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-013 RECOMMENDING AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING CODE CHAPTER 2, SECTION 4 SPECIFIC REVIEW PROCEDURES & REQUIREMENTS, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 4 RESIDENTIAL BASE ZONING DISTRICTS, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 7 OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICTS, CHAPTER 4, SECTION 10 GRADING, DRAINAGE, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT & EROSION CONTROL, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 1 USE TABLE, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 2 USE-SPECIFIC STANDARDS, AND CHAPTER 5, SECTION 3 ACCESSORY USE STANDARDS WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance serves as the primary implementation tool of the City's Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives; and WHEREAS, various portions of the Zoning Ordinance have been identified as benefitting from amendment to increase clarity and usefulness; and WHEREAS, various portions of the Zoning Ordinance have been identified as benefitting from amendment to respond to changing trends in land use development; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on May 7th, 2019 on the application and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has identified ordinance amendments to clarify various chapters and sections with changes to the following: CHAPTER 2, SECTION 4 SPECIFIC REVIEW PROCEDURES & REQUIREMENTS CHAPTER 3, SECTION 4 RESIDENTIAL BASE ZONING DISTRICTS CHAPTER 3, SECTION 7 OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICTS CHAPTER 4, SECTION 10 GRADING, DRAINAGE, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT & EROSION CONTROL, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 1 USE TABLE CHAPTER 5, SECTION 2 USE-SPECIFIC STANDARDS CHAPTER 5, SECTION 3 ACCESSORY USE STANDARDS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2019-013 1. The proposed amendments improve the ability of the Planning Commission and City Council to direct land use and land use policy in the City. 2. The proposed amendments are consistent with the language and intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed amendments address needs arising from a changing conditions, trend or fact; or corrects an error in the original text. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Commission recommends that the City Council adopts the proposed amendments as presented and approved. ADOPTED this 7�' day of May, 2019 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING CONINIISSION : ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE WITHIN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO FOR CHAPTER 2, SECTION 4 SPECIFIC REVIEW PROCEDURES & REQUIREMENTS, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 4 RESIDENTIAL BASE ZONING DISTRICTS, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 7 OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICTS, CHAPTER 4, SECTION 10 GRADING, DRAINAGE, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT & EROSION CONTROL, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 1 USE TABLE, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 2 USE-SPECIFIC STANDARDS, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 3 ACCESSORY USE STANDARDS, AND CHAPTER 8, SECTION 4 DEFINITIONS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 3 shall be amended to add the following. (K) Planned Unit Development Districts Section 2. Chapter 2, Section 4(13) through (21) are hereby renumbered Chapter 3, Section (K), Sections (13) through (21) accordingly. Section 3. Chapter 3, Section 2(2) Allowable Yard Encroachments is hereby amended as follows. (a)(iii) In rear and side yards: recreational and laundry drying equipment, arbors and trellises, balconies, decks, and air conditioning ^r'���*�r� �����„m�r* subject to the following conditions: Section 4. Chapter 3, Section 4(H) Table 3-8, is hereby amended as follows. R-3 District Townhouse (4 — I 0 units / building) 5:12 pitch; or roo fline or building line i articulation, includingflat andlor varied roo flines, �ara�ets, cano�ies or other similar features which increase � architectural interest and variabilitv. R-3 District Multi-Family (6 — 12 units / building) 5:12 pitch; or roo fline or building line articulation, includingflat andlor varied roo flines, �ara�ets, cano�ies or other similar features which increase architectural interest and variabilitv. Section 5. Chapter 3, Section 4(I) Table 3-9, is hereby amended as follows. R-4 District Multi-Family (13+ units / building) Roofs 5:12 pitch; plus roof ridge line articulation of 3 feet min, or roofline or building line articulation, including flat andlor varied roo flines, �ara�ets, cano�ies or other similar features which increase architectural interest and variabilit� Section 6. Chapter 4, Section 10(D) Grading, Drainage, Stormwater Management, and Erosion Control Plan Requirements is hereby amended as follows. (5) A copy of the applicant's Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Permit for discharging stormwater from construction activity (MN R100001), if the area of disturbed land is equal to or greater than one (1) acre. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan must be prepared and must meet the NPDES requirements and conform to the SWPPP standards specified in the MPCA NPDES construction general permit (PermitNo: MN R10001); r� ^r�'��� ^��*^�^*�^� ��*� � ��' �o,a;,�,o„� ,.,,,,�,-„i �rrn n.,,+ TTT n u� Section 7. Chapter 4, Section 10(F)(3) Construction Requirements — Pollution Prevention Measures is hereby amended to add the following: (f) Building products that have the potential to leach pollutants must be under cover (e.g., plastic sheeting or temporary roofs) to prevent the discharge of pollutants or protected by a similarly effective means designed to minimize contact with stormwater. (g) Pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers, treatment chemicals, and landscape materials must be under cover (e.g., plastic sheeting or temporary roofs) to prevent the discharge of pollutants or protected by a similarly effective means designed to minimize contact with stormwater. (h) Fueling and Maintenance of Equipment or Vehicles; Spill Prevention and Response: The Permittee(s) shall take reasonable steps to prevent the discharge of spilled or leaked chemicals, including fuel, from any area where chemicals or fuel will be loaded or unloaded including the use of drip pans or absorbents unless infeasible. The Permittee(s) must conduct fueling in a contained area unless infeasible. The Permittee(s) must ensure adequate 2 supplies are available at all times to clean up discharged materials and that an appropriate disposal method is available for recovered spill materials. The Permittee(s) must report and clean up spills immediately as required by Minn. Stat. 115.061, using dry cleanup measures where possible. Section 8. Chapter 5, Section 1 Table 5-1 Uses by District is hereby amended as follows. Section 9. Chapter 5, Section 2(E) Regulations for Office Uses is hereby deleted in its entirety. Section 10. Chapter 5, Section 3(F)(19) Offices (Commercial) uses is hereby amended to add the following. (a) Outdoor storage shall be prohibited. (b) Buildings or structures with less than 51 percent of office space shall not be classified as an office use and shall be regulated by the other use of the structure. (c) If in the B-1 district, the following shall apply: The traffic generated will not raise traffic volumes beyond the capacity ofthe surrounding area. ii. The architectural appearance of the building housing the office use shall reflect the building character of the area and shall not be so dissimilar as to cause impairment of property values or constitute a blighting influence within the neighborhood. iii. The provisions of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. iv. The site shall conform to signage requirements provided under Section 4.5 of this Code. v. The site shall conform to lighting requirements as provided in this ordinance. The lighting shall be restricted to be consistent with the hours of operation, within one half hour of open and close times. Section 11. Chapter 5. 2(F)(19) Offices (Professional) Including Financial Institutions is hereby amended to add the following. (a) Outdoor storage shall be prohibited. (b) Buildings or structures with less than 51 percent of office space shall not be classified as an office use and shall be regulated by the other use of the structure. (c) If in the B-1 district, the following shall apply: The traffic generated will not raise traffic volumes beyond the capacity ofthe surrounding area. ii. The architectural appearance of the building housing the office use shall reflect the building character of the area and shall not be so dissimilar as to cause impairment of property values or constitute a blighting influence within the neighborhood. iii. The provisions of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. iv. The site shall conform to signage requirements provided under Section 4.5 of this Code. v. The site shall conform to lighting requirements as provided in this ordinance. The lighting shall be restricted to be consistent with the hours of operation, within one half hour of open and close times. Section 12. Chapter 5, Section 3 Table 5-4 Accessory Uses By District is hereby amended to add the following: Section 13. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended 4 effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 14. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. � ATTEST: � _ Jeff O'Neill, Administrator AYES: NAYS: � Brian Stumpf, Mayor � �`����"�� �� ����I!���h���+f �Ei�1�i�S ��v1C3 t��C3�EC3i1��5 � � �a�� �_� ����ci fic Review Procedures & Requirements �;,.sbsection (0) Planned Unit Developments building is allowed under the e�sting zoning and will not impact, influence, or interfere with the proposed PUD plan. (c) Effect on Conveyed PropertX: In the event any real property in the approved PUD Agreement is conveyed in total, or in part, the buyers thereof shall be bound by the provisions of the approved Final PUD Plan constituting a part thereof as well as the PUD zoning ordinance; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed to create non-conforming lots, building sites, buildings or uses by virtue of any such conveyance of a lot, building site, building or part of the development created pursuant to and in conformance with the approved PUD. (13) Swan River PUD District (a) Purpose: The purpose of the Swan River PUD District is to provide for the development of certain properties for elementary and secondary school activities and uses. The purpose of the district shall incorporate the Public Values Statement of record, as may be amended, adopted jointly by the Planning Commission and City Council as of January 27th, 2014. (b) Permitted Uses: Permitted principal uses in the Swan River PUD District shall be Elementary and Secondary School, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans and development agreement, as may be amended. (c) Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to elementary and secondary schools, and as identified by the approved final stage PUD. (d) District Performance Standards: Performance standards for the development of any lot in the Swan River PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. Only where any proposed improvement is not addressed by the final stage PUD, the regulations of the CCD, Central Community District shall apply. (e) Changes: Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, or building size, mass or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to PUD under the terms ofthe Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4(P)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. �i�y �t �vior��eeiio �aning t�r�trr��r�4 �:;� `,��� 1 � ���P��� 2: .��PtIC1�iiC3�i ���i���S ��� h���������'� Section 2.4 Specific Review Procedures ��� r� ��r�� re� Subsection (0) Planned Unit Developmer�� (14) Monticello High School PUD District (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Monticello High School PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for public school buildings and related land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Monticello High School PUD District shall be schools, including pre-school, K-12, and related administrative uses, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated June 27, 2016, and development agreement dated July 22, 2016, as may be amended. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to primary and secondary school uses, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans. (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for the development of any lot in the Monticello High School PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. In such case where any proposed improvement is not addressed by the final stage PUD, then the regulations of the R-1, Single Family District shall apply. (e) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to PUD under the terms ofthe Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4(P)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. (15) Mills Fleet Farm PUD District (a) Purpose. The purpose ofthe Mills Fleet Farm PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for retail commercial land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Mills Fleet Farm PUD District shall be retail commercial uses as found in the B-4, Regional Business District of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated July 19, 2016, the amendment to Planned Unit Development dated June 12t'', 2017, and development agreement dated July 25th, 2016, amended October 24t'', 2016 and as may be amended. The introduction of any other use from any district, including Conditional Uses in the B-4 District, shall be reviewed under the requirements of the Monticello i���� � �- �;�Ft� �t iYie;nticeif� �onrr�g �raincrnte �`����"�� �� ����I!���h���+f �Ei�1�i�S ��v1C3 t��C3�EC3i1��5 � ��;�� <.� ����cific Review Procedures & Requirements �;,.sbsection (0) Planned Unit Developments Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section (0) — Planned Unit Development for Development Stage PUD and Final Stage PUD. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to retail uses, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans, which shall hereby be incorporated by reference. (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for the development of any lot in the Mills Fleet Farm PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans, which shall hereby be incorporated by reference and development agreement dated July 25th, 2016. In such case where any proposed improvement is not addressed by the final stage PUD, then the regulations of the B-4, Regional Business District shall apply. (e) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to the PUD underthe terms ofthe Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4 (0)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. (16) Red Rooster PUD District (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Red Rooster PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for office-commercial and industrial services land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Red Rooster PUD District shall be office-commercial uses as found in the B-2, Limited Business District and industrial services uses as found in the I-1, Light Industrial District ofthe Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated May 23rd, 2016, and development agreement dated July 25th, 2016, as may be amended. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to office-commercial uses, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans, including limited non-commercial self- storage as an accessory use. Accessory buildings on the site may be utilized for indoor storage for enterprises which may or may not occupy principal use space on the property. No outdoor storage of materials or equipment shall be permitted. t�rr c�t �vior�r�ceiio �anin� t�r�trnc���q::: � .��� � � ���P��� 2: .��PtIC1�iiC3�i ���i���S ��� h���������'� Section 2.4 Specific Review Procedures ��� r� ��r�� re� Subsection (0) Planned Unit Developmer�� (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for the development of any lot in the Red Rooster PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. In such case where any proposed improvement is not addressed by the final stage PUD, then the regulations ofthe B-2, Limited Business District shall apply. (e) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to the PUD underthe terms ofthe Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4 (P)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. (17) Spaeth Industrial Park PUD District (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Spaeth Industrial Park PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for industrial land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Spaeth Industrial Park PUD District shall be indoor industrial uses as found in the I-2, Heavy Industrial District of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated July 24, 2017 and development agreement dated July 24, 2017, as may be amended. The introduction of any other use from any district, including Conditional Uses in the I-2 District, shall be reviewed under the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section (0) — Planned Unit Developments for Development Stage PUD and Final Stage PUD. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to industrial uses, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans, but shall not include outdoor storage or other activities. (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for the development of any lot in the Spaeth Industrial Park PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. In such case where any proposed improvement or use is not addressed by the Final Stage PUD, then the regulations of the I-2, Heavy Industrial District shall apply. (e) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to the PUD underthe terms ofthe Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4 (0)(10). The r'��� � °�' �;�f�� �� �Yie;n�icet"s"� �onir�g �rcr'ir�crr�te �`����"�� �� ����I!���h���+f �Ei�1�i�S ��v1C3 t��C3�EC3i1��5 � ��;�� <.� ����cific Review Procedures & Requirements �;,.sbsection (0) Planned Unit Developments City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. (18) Camping World PUD District (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Camping World PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for vehicle sales, service, and display commercial land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Camping World PUD District shall be vehicle sales, display, and vehicle service and repair — minor and major, as found in the B-3 Highway Business District of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated August 14t'', 2017, and development agreement dated August 14t'', 2017, as may be amended. The introduction of any other use from any district, including Conditional Uses in the B-3 District, shall be reviewed under the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section (0) — Planned Unit Developments for Development Stage PUD and Final Stage PUD. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to retail uses, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans. Accessory buildings on the site may be utilized for indoor uses for enterprises of commercial tenants which are identified as permitted principal uses in the B-3, Highway Business District. (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for the development of any lot in the Camping World PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. In such case where any proposed improvement is not addressed by the final stage PUD, then the regulations ofthe B-3, Highway Business District shall apply. (e) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to the PUD underthe terms ofthe Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4 (P)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. �i�y o� �Von�eeiio �aning �r�trr��r�4 .,� `'���� 1 � ���P��� 2: .��PtIC1�iiC3�i ���i���S ��� h���������'� Section 2.4 Specific Review Procedures &�� �� ������� Subsection (0) Planned Unit Developmer�� (19) Autumn Ridge PUD District (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Autumn Ridge PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for residential land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Autumn Ridge PUD District shall be single family residential uses as found in the "T-N", Traditional Neighborhood Zoning District, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans and development agreement dated September l lth, 2017, as may be amended. The introduction of any other use from any district, including Conditional Uses in the T-N District, shall be reviewed under the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section (0) — Planned Unit Developments for Development Stage PUD and Final Stage PUD. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to residential uses as allowed in the T-N District, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans. (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for the development of any lot in the Autumn Ridge PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. In such case where any proposed improvement or use is not addressed by the Final Stage PUD, then the regulations of the T-N, Traditional Neighborhood District shall apply. (e) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to the PUD underthe terms ofthe Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4 (0)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. (20) Affordable Self-Storage PUD District (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Affordable Self-Storage PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for commercial land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Affordable Self-Storage PUD District shall be self-storage uses as found in the B-3, Highway Business District of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subject to the approved Fina1 Stage Development Plans dated September 11, 2017 and development r'��� �`.. �;�f�� �� �Yie;n�icet"s"� �onir�g �rcr'ir�crr�te �`����"�� �� ����I!���h���+f �Ei�1�i�S ��v1C3 t��C3�EC3i1��5 � ��;�� <.� ����cific Review Procedures & Requirements �;,.sbsection (0) Planned Unit Developments agreement dated September llt'', 2017, as may be amended. The introduction of any other use from any district, including Conditional Uses in the B-3 District, shall be reviewed under the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section (0) — Planned Unit Developments for Development Stage PUD and Final Stage PUD. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to industrial uses, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD Plans, but shall not include outdoor storage or other activities. (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for the development in the Affordable Self-Storage PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. In such case where any proposed improvement or use is not addressed by the Final Stage PUD, then the regulations of the B-3, Highway Business District shall apply. (e) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to the PUD under the terms of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4 (0)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. (21) Rivertown Suites PUD District (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Rivertown Suites PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for multiple family residential land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Rivertown Suites PUD District shall be multiple family residential uses as found in the R-4, Medium- High Density Residential District of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subj ect to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated July 23, 2018 and development agreement dated September 7, 2018, as may be amended. The introduction of any other use from any district shall be reviewed under the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section (0) — Planned Unit Developments for Development Stage PUD and Final Stage PUD. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to residential uses, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans. t�rr c�t �viorrr�ceiio �anin� t�r�trnc�a�q::: � :��� � i eHAPTEft 2: APPLICAT►t�t`I REViEd+�S ��1!? P�C7����.IR�S Section 2.4 Specific Review Procedures ��� r�=��r�� r=� Subsection (0) Planned Unit Developmer�� (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for the development of any lot in the Rivertown Suites PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. In such case where any proposed improvement is not addressed by the final stage PUD, then the regulations of the R-4, Medium-High Density Residential District shall apply. (e) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to the PUD underthe terms ofthe Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4 (P)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. r'��� � �. �;�f�� �� �Yie;n�icet"s"� �onir�g �rcr'ir�crr�te ���P��� 3: �C3►�ii�t� �1S°1`�1�iS Section 3.3 Common District Requirements Subsection (D) Common Yard and Height Requireme���� (D) Common Yard and Height Requirements (1) �2) In General (a) Unless otherwise authorized by variance, administrative adjustment or PUD, no lot, yard, or other open space sha11 be reduced in area or dimension so as to make such lot, yard, or open space less than the minimum required by this ordinance; and if the existing yard or other open space as e�sting is less than the minimum required, it shall not be further reduced. (b) A yard or other open area required about a building shall not be included as part of a yard or other open space for another building. Allowable Yard Encroachments (a) The following features may encroach into required yards: (i) Fences and walls that meet the standards in Section 4.3, may encroach into a required yard, but shall be subject to corner visibility requirements, and shall not be placed within conservation easements unless specifically permitted by the easement. (ii) Walkways, patios, ramps, stairs, paved areas, and other accessory structures less than 30 inches above grade, and all landscape plantings are exempted from yard requirements except as may be specifically required by this ordinance, but are subject to corner visibility requirements, and shall not be placed within conservation easements unless specifically permitted by the easement. (iii) In rear and side yards: recreational and laundry drying equipment, arbors and trellises, balconies, decks, and air conditioning or heating equipment subj ect to the following conditions: 1. Setback requirements of environmental protection districts shall remain applicable. 2. A side yard setback of six (6) feet shall be maintained. 3. A setback of twenty (20') feet shall be maintained from property lines abutting public streets. 4. A rear yard setback of six (6) feet shall be maintained. 5. No encroachment shall be permitted within an e�sting or required easement. (iv) Appurtenances: 1. Appurtenances are permitted to encroach into a required front or rear yard setback up to six feet. This provision does not apply to rear loading units in the T-N zoning district. Section 4.3: Fences & Walls Section 5.38): General Standards and Limitations,� Accessorv Uses & Structures r'��� ��- �;�f�� €�� �Yie;n�icet"s"� �onir�g �rcr'ir�crr�te CHAPTER 3: zorvir�G DisrRicrs Section 3.4 Residential Base Zoning Districts Subsection (H) R-3: Medium Density Residence Distri��r. Base Lot Area Gross Density Max Density w/o PUD Net lot area per du Frontsetback Corner side setback Interior side setback Rear setback to building Clear open space setback from ROW Clear open space setback from Property Line Buffer Req. to Single Family Common open space per du Landscaping Parking requirements Arc h itectu re Roofs Unit square feet Garages Garage Setback Garage Doors R-3 District Townhouse (4 — I 0 units / building) 20,000 sf 3-7 du/acre � 4.0 du/acre 4,500 sf/du, maximum 30 feet 25 feet 20 feet 10 feet NA 16 ACl/acre +2 shrubs per 10 feet bldg. perimeter 2.5 spaces/du, with 2 enclosed 20% street min frontage covered with enhanced materials 5:12 pitch I,000 sf finished floor area per unit, minimum 30 feet from ROW (35 feet from curb of private street) Maximum 16 feet width facing street — no smooth panel doors R-3 District Multi-Family (6 — 12 units / building) 30,000 sf 8-12 du/acre 8.5 du/acre 3,500 sf/du, maximum 40 feet 30 feet 20 feet 30 feet 500 sf/du 16 ACl/acre +2 shrubs per 10 feet bldg. perimeter 2.5 spaces/du, with 2 enclosed 20% street min frontage covered with enhanced materials 5:12 pitch I,000 sf finished floor area per unit, minimum �i Enclosed, may be detached May not access street directly — must be served by interior driveway No smooth panel doors — detached i buildings must match principal building materials and include architectural II fenestration on sides facing residentially V zoned orooertv Page I 02 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance PUD Options for Multi-Family Buildings Landscaping Cf-I�iPTER 3: ZC��i�fC� �ISTRIC7'S Section 3.4 Residential Base Zoning Districts S�rbsection (H) R-3: Medium Density Residence District Townhouse (4 — I 0 units / building) Special landscape features including water features, recreational structures, patios, etc. I� Open Space __ Parking __ Building Materials Arc h itectu re Site Work Housing for Seniors restricted to 55 years of a�e or more 1: zo foot setback from a street sic z: The four units iR this example a separate "unit lots" (outlined in b located on one base Int (outlined i 3: Minimum lot width of 8o feet 4� 3o foot front yard setback 5. �a foot interior side yard setback 6. 3o foot rear yard setback � 7. to,oao square faot minimum lot size with a base density of 7.3 units per gross acre; max density of �4 units per gross � City of Moniicello Zoning Ordin Increased use of stone, brick beyond front, or on other exterior walls Extensive use of ornamental features, building and/or roofline articulation, fenestration and building wall undulation atypical of other buildings in similar zoning districts Use of decorative paving materials in parking, sidewalks, etc.; Extensive use of ornamental site lighting or similar features. Accommodations to design and density through PUD process only Multi-Family (6 — 12 units / building) Increased landscape quantities and/or Sizes beyond code minimums; Special landscape featuresincluding water features, recreational structures, patios, etc. Increased open space areas per unit beyond code minimums of 10% or more All required garage parking attached to principal building Increased use of stone, brick beyond front, or on other exterior walls Extensive use of ornamental features, building and/or roofline articulation, fenestration and building wall undulation atypical of other buildings in similar zoning districts Use of decorative paving materials in parking, sidewalks, etc.; Extensive use of ornamental site lighting or similar features. Accommodations to design and density through PUD process only CHAPTER 3: ZONING DISTRICTS Section 3.4 Residential Base Zoning Districts Subsection (H) R-3: Medium Density Residence Distri��r. (this page is intentionally blank) �'��� i i�� �;�f�� -� �Yie;nticeis"�- �onir�g �rair�crr�ee ����`��� �: ��i��i'�� i�1���1��5 Section 3.4 Residential Base Zoning Districts Subsection (1) R-4: Medium-High Density Residence District Section 3.4 (I) R-4 Medium-High Density Residence District The purpose of the "R-4", medium-high density residential district is to provide for medium to high density housing in multiple family structures of 13 or more units per building, and at densities of between 10 and 25 units per acre. The district is intended to establish higher density residential opportunities in areas appropriate for such housing, to be determined by the City on a case by case basis. The City of Monticello shall zone land to the R-4 District only when, in its sole discretion, all aspects of the property support the potential uses of the R-4 district, including location, private and public services, and compatibility with existing and future land uses in the area. In making a determination as to the suitability of a site for R-4 rezoning, the City will prioritize the following site and area factors: Replacement Land Uses. R-4 zoning fits the following zoning categories and circumstances: • Land already zoned for R-3 • Land currently zoned for commercial uses, but which would not be considered "prime" commercial (the City would like to protect "prime" commercial areas that show the most promise for that use in the future). Proximity to Other Residential Neighborhoods. R-4 zoning may be allowed in proximity to other medium to high density residential areas, however the nature and concentration of existing multi-family structures shall be carefully considered to avoid an over concentration of these uses. R-4 zoning may be allowed in proximity to lower residential uses, if it is determined that the high density site can address the site and area factors provided here. Architectural Compatibility and Building Massing • In the vicinity of lower density residential areas, R-4 District buildings need to be lower profile with regards to size and mass, or need to be screened or buffered by distance and natural features. Requirement for Adequate Public Facilities. High density residential development shall be located to provide for the following essential services and amenities: • Access to public parks, pathways, and open space, without overburdening them. R-4 development may be required to provide additional facilities to meet the City's open space planning policies. • Connection to public utilities. • Access to major streets, or at the very minimum, avoidance of traffic generation that would utilize local streets in lower density residential areas. • Proximity to commercial and/or medical services. This district is intended to provide exclusively multiple family housing as defined in this ordinance, as opposed to lower density housing types such as townhouses, two-family homes, or single family homes. �i�y o� �vion�eelio �aning �r�trr��r�4.� 6s�ge f �.� �Fi�PTER 3: Zf�Nt�l�` L7tSTRtCTS Section 3.4 Residential Base Zoning Districts Subsection (1) R-4: Medium-High Density Residence District Minimum and Maximum Density: 10 — 25 dwelling units per acre Maximum Base Density: 1,750 sq. ft. per unit (25 units per acre) Maximum Density through Planned Unit Development: 1,750 sq. ft. per unit (25 units per acre) Base Lot Area • Minimum = 30,000 square feet Base Lot size � Gross Density Max Density w/o PUD Net lot area per du Frontsetback Corner side setback Interior side setback Rear setback to building � Clear open space setback from ROW Clear open space setback from Property Line Buffer Req. to Single Family Common open space per du Landscaping Parking requirements Arc h itectu re Roofs Unit square feet Garages Garage Setback Garage Doors R-4 District Multi-Family (13+ units / building) 30,000 sf 10-25 du/acre � 30 feet 40 feet 60 feet 40 feet — no more than 50% of any yard facing a street C buffer 500 sf/du 2 ACl/ 2,500 sf open space + 4 shrubs / 10 feet bldg. perimeter 2.25 spaces/du, with max I.I space/du uncovered 20% street min frontage covered with enhanced materials, horizontal siding of steel or cement-board only (no vinyl or aluminum) 5:12 pitch, plus roof ridge line articulation of 3 feet min. 900 sf finished floor area per unit, minimum Attached or Underground Detached accessory garages allowed only after base requirements are met May not access street directly — must be served by interior driveway Must include glass and decorative panels if visible from public street or adjoining � residentially zoned property Page I 06 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance PUD Options for Multi-Family Buildings Landscaping Open Space Parking Building Materials Arc h itectu re Site Work Housing for Seniors restricte to 55 vears of age or more eHaPrEre a: zor�rNG Disrreiers Section 3.4 Residential Base Zoning Districts Subsection (1) R-4: Medium-High Density Residence District Multi-Family (6 — 12 units / building) Increased landscape quantities and/or sizes beyond code minimums; Special landscape features including water features, recreational structures, patios, etc. Increased open space areas per unit beyond code minimums of 10% or more required garage parking u Increased use of stone, brick beyond front, or on other exterior walls Extensive use of ornamental features, building and/or roofline articulation, fenestration and building wall undulation atypical of other buildings in similar zoning districts Use of decorative paving materials in parking, sidewalks, etc.; Extensive use of ornamental site lighting or similar features. Accommodations to design and density through PUD process only City o f Monticello Zoning Ordinanca:: Page I 07 ����r�� �: �r�rss�f�� s�������s Section 4.10 Grading Drainage, Stormwater Management & Erosion Control Scrbsection (D) Grading Drainage, Stormwater Management, and Erosion Control Plan Requirements e. Provisions for maintenance of the erosion and sediment prevention measures prior to final stabilization. (4) A plan of final site conditions, which shall include the following information: a. Finished grading shown at contours at the same interval as provided on the existing site map to clearly indicate the relationship of proposed changes to the site's existing topography and remaining features; b. A landscape plan, drawn to an appropriate scale, including dimensions and distances and the location, type, size and description of all proposed landscape materials that will be added to the site; c. A drainage plan of the developed site delineating in which direction and the rate stormwater will be conveyed from the site and setting forth the areas of the site where stormwater will be allowed to collect; d. The proposed size, alignments and intended use of any structures to be erected on the site; e. A clear delineation and tabulation of all impervious surfaces to be installed on the site, including a description ofthe surfacing material to be used; f. Any other information pertinent to the particular project which in the opinion of the applicant is necessary for the review of the project; and g. Seeding mixtures and rates, types of sod, method of seedbed preparation, expected seeding dates, type and rate of lime and fertilizer application, and kind and quantity of mulching for both temporary and permanent vegetative control measures. Required specifications are referenced in the City of Monticello's Design Manual. h. Provisions for maintenance of erosion and sediment plan, specifically in boulevards, easements and other public areas, and estimates of the cost of mamtenance. i. Provisions for regular permittee inspections of all control measures in accordance with the inspection schedule outlined on the approved Grading, Drainage, Stormwater Management and Erosion Control Plan(s). j. Modifications to the plan shall be processed and approved or disapproved in the same manner as a new application per the requirements of Section 2.4(M). (5) A copy of the applicant's Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Permit for discharging stormwater from construction activity (MN R100001), if the area of disturbed land is equal to or greater than one (1) acre. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan must be prepared and must meet the NPDES requirements and conform to the SWPPP standards specified in the MPCA NPDES construction �i�y �t �viorr�eeiio �aning t�r�trr��r�4 �:;� r3�g� .� i 'i` �f������ 4: Ff�ifs���i� s7"��5����3� Section 4.10 Grading Drainage, Stormwater t��,_x ��� �� M�s�: �.� .n.�;W _,:s���=Wt Subsection (E) Stormwater Management general permit (Permit No: MN R10001), regarding construction-site erosion and sediment control (CGP Part IILA-B). (E) Stormwater Management Plan Required: The proposed provisions for stormwater runoff shall be documented in a stormwater management plan including a narrative, prepared by a Minnesota licensed engineer to stating how the proposed activity meets the requirements of the City of Monticello's Design Manual. (1) Minimum Standards For Runoff Water Management Plans A runoff water management plan shall include the following items: a. A map containing a delineation of the subwatershed contributing runoff from off site, and proposed and existing subwatersheds on site. The delineation shall conform to the nomenclature of the water resources management plan and shall indicate any significant departures from the watershed delineation of the water resources management plan b. Delineation of existing on site "wetlands", as defined in the Wetland Conservation Act, lakes, watercourses, shoreland, and/or floodplain areas. c. For water bodies and channels, a listing of normal (runout) and calculated 10- year and 100-year elevations on site for both existing and proposed conditions. d. Stormwater runoff volumes and rates for existing and proposed conditions. e. All hydrologic and hydraulic computations completed to design the proposed stormwater management facilities. Reservoir routing procedures and critical duration runoff events shall be used for design of water storage areas and outlets. f. A checklist of best management practices to demonstrate that, to the ma�mum extent practical, the plan has incorporated the structural and nonstructural best management practices described in the book "Protecting Water Quality In Urban Areas", published by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency or the applicable publications. g. A grading plan identifying stormwater overflow routes along streets or drainage easements designed to protect structures from damage due to: i. Storms in excess ofthe design storm, or ii. Clogging, collapse or other failure of the primary drainage facilities. h. An assessment of the potential for construction or contribution to regional detention basins, as opposed to the construction of on-site stormwater basins. The water resources management plan identifies potential regional stormwater r'��� .� i �s �;�f�� �� �Yie;n�icet"s"� �onir�g �rcr'ir�crr�te ����r�� �: �r�rss�f�� s�������s ° � ,�;��, �?. � '., #;;; as ��; ;.., •� Q� �= U�w, Stormwater Management & Erosion Control Subsection (F) Construction Requirements (2) Waterway and Watercourse Protection Requirements The Permittee(s) shall implement the following waterway and watercourse measures on the site: a. A temporary stream crossing installed and approved by the local government unit and regulating agency if a wet watercourse will be crossed regularly during construction. b. Stabilization of the watercourse channel before, during, and within 24 hours after any in-channel work. c. The normal wetted perimeter of any temporary or permanent drainage ditch or swale that drains water from the site, or diverts water around a site must be stabilized within 24 hours of connecting to a surface water and within 200 feet of the water's edge of a Public Waters that drains to waters where the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has promulgated "work in water restrictions" during specif�ied fish spawning time frames (CGP Part IV.A.2). d. Portions of the ditch that are under construction must be stabilized within 24 hours after the construction activity in that portion has ceased. The normal wetted perimeter is defined as the area that is in contact with water during annual flow events. e. All on-site stormwater conveyance channels designed according to the criteria outlined in the Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines. f. Stabilization adequate to prevent erosion located at the outlets of all pipes and paved channels. (3) Pollution Prevention Management Measures The Permittee(s) shall implement the following pollution prevention management measures on the site: a. Solid Waste: Collected sediment, asphalt and concrete millings, floating debris, paper, plastic, fabric, construction and demolition debris and other wastes must be disposed of properly and must comply with MPCA disposal requirements. b. Hazardous Materials: Oil, gasoline, paint and any hazardous substances must be properly stored, including secondary containment, to prevent spills, leaks or other discharge. Restricted access to storage areas must be provided to prevent vandalism. Storage and disposal of hazardous waste must be in compliance with MPCA regulations. �i�y o� ��on�eelio �aning �r�trr��r�4.� 6s�ge .��.� �f-1�i�7`�� 4: Fii�f�S�11�� �'°��t������,� Section 4.10 Grading Drain��h, �f.�.,��,.g�,:;.;� tr� xa::;�,�>��_£��:..� r.s�:� r��t-:�t Subsection (� Inspection c. External washing of trucks and other construction vehicles must be limited to a defined area of the site. Runoff must be contained and waste properly disposed of. No engine degreasing is allowed on site. d. Portable toilets must be positioned so that they are secure and will not be tipped or knocked over. Sanitary waste must be disposed of properly in accordance with Minn. R. ch. 7041. e. Concrete and other washout waste must have effective containment for all liquid and solid wastes generated by these operations related to the construction activity. The liquid and solid washout wastes must not contact the ground outside a proper containment area. Waste must be disposed of properly and in compliance with MPCA rules, and a sign must be installed adj acent to each washout facility. (4) Special and Impaired Waters Additional BMPs together with enhanced runoff controls are required for discharge from a site to special and impaired water as defined by Appendix A of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity. (G) Inspection (1) Notification The Erosion Control Inspector shall make inspections as hereinafter required and either shall approve that portion of the work completed or shall notify the permittee wherein the work fails to comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan as approved. (2) Procedure The City shall inspect all permit sites once per week and within 24 hours after a rain event greater than 0.5 inches. The City shall also require inspections at other development benchmarks as follows and as applicable. Inspections must be continued until final stabilization has occurred. To obtain inspections, the permittee shall notify the City of Monticello at least one working day before the following: a. Installation of sediment and erosion control measures; b. Start of construction or site development; c. Close of the construction season; d. Completion of final stabilization/landscaping; i���� s�� �;�Ft� �t iYie;nticeif� �onrr�g �raincrnte eHAPrE� s: usE srANaAaas Section 5. I Use Table ��ubsection (A) F�rplanation of Use Table Structure � � . .- . � -. �.. . . . . -. -. • . -. Residential Uses 5.2(Cl( I 1 Attached Dwelling Types 5.2(Cl(21(al - Duplex p C 5.2(Cl(21(bl - Townhouse C p 5.2(Cl(21(cl - Multiple-Family C P C C 5.2(Cl(21(dl Detached Dwelling p p p p p p None Group Residential P P P P P 5 2(C1(31 Facility, Single Family Group Residential C C C 5.2(Cl(31 Facility, Multi-Family Mobile & Manufactured C C C P C 5.2(Cl(41 Home / Home Park Civic & Institutional Uses Active Park Facilities P P P P P P P P P P P p p p p None (public) Active Park Facilities P P P P P P P 5 2(D1(11 (private) Assisted Living Facilities C P C C P 5•2(Dl(21 Cemeteries C C C C C C C 5•2(Dl(3l Clinics/Medical Services C p p C None Essential Services p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p None Hospitals C p p C 5.2(D1(41 Nursing/Convalescent C C C C C C C C C P P 5.2(Dl(51 Home Passenger Terminal C C C C None Passive Parks and Open P P P P P P P P P P P P p p p None Space Place of Public Assembly C C C C C p C 5.2(D1(61 Public Buildings or Uses C C C C C C C P C C P P C P P 5•2(Dl(71 Schools, K-12 C C C C C C � � 5.2(Dl(81 Schools, Higher Education None C Utilities (major) C C C 5.2(Dl(91 Office Uses Offices P P P P . P P P 5.2(El City of Monticello Zoning Ordinanc:: Page 353 eHAPTEft S: USE STAfilDL1RDS Section 5. I Use Table Subsection (A) F�cplanation o f Use Table Structure � � . .- . � -. �.. . . . . -. -. • . -. Commercial Uses Adult Uses P P 3.7(Kl Auction House C 5.2(Fl(21 Auto Repair — Minor C C P P 5.2(Fl(31 Automotive Wash Facilities P C 5.2(F1(41 Bed & Breakfasts C C C C C 5.2(Fl(51 Brew Pub P P 5.2(Fl(61 Business Support Services P P P P P None Commercial Lodging C P P 5.2(Fl(71 Communications/Broadcasting P P P P 5.2(Fl(81 Convenience Retail C P P P 5.2(F1(91 Country Club C 5.2(�(10� Day Care Centers C C P P C 5.2(�( I I� EntertainmentlRecreation, p p C C C 5.2(�( � 2� Indoor Commercial EntertainmentlRecreation, C C C C 5.2(F�(13� Outdoor Commercial Financiallnstitution P C P 5.2(F�(14� Funeral Services P P 5.2(F�(15� Kennels (commercial) C 5.2(F�(16� Landscaping / Nursery P 5 2(F�(17� Business Personal Services C P P P 5.2(�(2 �� Production Brewery or Micro-Distillerywithout P P 5.2(�(10� Taproom Production Brewery or 5 2(F�(23� Micro-Distillery with C C C C C 5 2(�( I I� Taproom or Cocktail Room Recreational Vehicle Camp C 5.2(F�(24� Site Repair Establishment C P P P P 5.2(F�(25� Restaurants C P P C 5.2(F�(26� Retail Commercial Uses (other) Buildings Less than P P P 5.2(F�(27� 10,000 SF Retail Commercial Uses (other) Buildings Over 10,000 C P P 5.2(F�(27� SF Pa�e 35� �ity � f �ontieefi� Zonrng �rdincrnee ���P�`�� S: 115� S°T.��i3�i�I7S Section 5.2 Use-Speci fic Standards Subsection (F) Regulations for Commercial Us,:�� (E) Regulations for Of�ce Uses (1) Outdoor storage shall be prohibited. (2) Buildings or structures with less than 51 percent of office space shall not be classified as an office use and shall be regulated by the other use of the structure. (3) If in the B-1 district, the following shall apply: (a) The traffic generated will not raise traffic volumes beyond the capacity of the surrounding area. (b) The architectural appearance of the building housing the office use shall reflect the building character of the area and shall not be so dissimilar as to cause impairment of property values or constitute a blighting influence within the neighborhood. (c) The provisions of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. (d) The site shall conform to signage requirements provided under Section 4.5 of this Code. (e) The site shall conform to lighting requirements as provided in this ordinance. The lighting shall be restricted to be consistent with the hours of operation, within one half hour of open and close times. (F) Re�ulations for Commercial Uses (1) Reserved (2) Auction House (a) The architectural appearance and function plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of the lot. (b) When abutting a residential use, the property shall be screened with at least a semi-opaque buffer (Table 4-2, Buffer Type "C") in accordance with Section 41(G) ofthis ordinance. (c) Parking areas shall be landscaped and screened from view in compliance with Section 41(F) ofthis ordinance. Section 41 L): Standards for Perimeter Buffers Section 4.1(F): Standards for T�ehicular Use Area Landscap� Page 3i2 �ity of Monticello Zoning Ordinance ���P�`�� S: 115� S°T.��i3�i1��S Section 5.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (B) General Standards and Limitations for Accessory Uses and Structure� rules, and regulations. No discharge of any fluids from any motor vehicle shall be permitted into or onto the ground. (e) To reduce noise, all dismantling of motor vehicles shall take place during timeframes deemed reasonable by the City; (f) No vehicle or junk shall be dismantled or stored within three hundred (300) feet of any water body or inland wetland, regardless of size; (g) No vehicles or junk shall be stored within three hundred (300) feet from the property line of any school, church, public playground, public park or cemetery or within ordinary view from the public facility. (h) No vehicles or junk shall be dismantled or stored within three hundred (300) feet of a well that serves as a public or private water supply unless such well serves the business; (i) No vehicles, junk or parts of other items shall be stored closer than one (100) feet of any property line. 5.3 Accessory Use Standards (A) Purpose This section authorizes the establishment of accessory uses that are incidental and customarily subordinate to principal uses. The purpose of this section is to allow a broad range of accessory uses, so long as such uses are located on the same site as the principal use, and so long as they comply with the standards set forth in this section in order to reduce potentially adverse impacts on surrounding lands. (B) General Standards and Limitations for Accessorv Uses and Structures (1) Compliance with Ordinance Requirements All accessory uses and accessory structures shall conform to all applicable requirements of this Ordinance. The provisions of this Section establish additional standards and restrictions for particular accessory uses and structures. (2) General Standards All accessory uses and accessory structures shall meet the following standards: (a) Directly serve the principal use or structure; r'��� ��� �;�f�� �� �Yie;n�icet"s"� �onir�g �rcr'ir�crr�te Cf-l�il�i`E� S: i�5� Si��f��t�L35 Section 5.3 Accessory Use Standards �;,.sbsection (B) General Standards and Limitations for Accessory Uses and Structures (b) Be customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate to the principal use and structure; (c) Be subordinate in area, e�ent, and purpose to the principal use or structure; (d) Be owned or operated by the same person as the principal use or structure; (e) Be located on the same lot as the principal use or structure, subj ect to the Public Improvement Project Exception as regulated by Section 62 (D)(1); (f) Not be constructed or established prior to the time the principal use or structure is constructed or established, subject to the Public Improvement Project Exception as regulated by Section 62 (D)(1); (g) Together with the principal use or structure, not violate any standards of this Ordinance; (h) Not be located within platted or recorded easements or over underground public utilities; (i) An accessory building sha11 be considered an integral part ofthe principal building if it is connected to the principal building either directly or by an enclosed passageway. Such accessory buildings shall adhere to requirements for the principal building. (j) If a principal building is proposed to be removed with no immediate replacement, all accessory structures shall also be removed. (k) Not constitute a combination use, which is the combination of two principal uses (combination uses will not meet the above standards in terms of being subordinate or providing service to the principal use). (3) Location of Accessory Uses or Structures Except for fences and walls, the following standards shall apply to all accessory structures: (a) All accessory structures, except as may be specifically denoted, shall be located at least six (6) feet from all lot lines, and at least the minimum distance from public rights-of-way as denoted in the individual zoning district regulations. All such structures must meet applicable building codes related to fire separation distance. �i�y �t �vior��eeiio �aning t�r�trr��r�4 �:;� r3�g� s,r�s � ���P�`�� S: 115� S°T.��i3�i�I7S Section 5.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (C) Table o f Permitted Accessory Uses (i) A side yard setback of twenty (20) feet shall be maintained from property lines abutting public streets. (b) Detached accessory buildings shall be six (6) feet or more from any other building or structure on the same lot. (c) Detached accessory structures shall not be located beyond the front building line established by the principal structure, with the exception of commercial canopies and signs, which must adhere to regulations of this ordinance. (4) Maximum Height (a) Detached accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height except in the I-1 and I-2 districts. (b) No accessory structure shall exceed the height of the principal structure unless specifically allowed by this ordinance. (5) Maximum Number of Accessory Structures In all residential zoning districts, the following limitations on accessory structures shall apply: (a) No more than one (1) private, detached major accessory building may be erected for each dwelling; (b) No more than one (1) private, detached minor accessory building may be erected for each dwelling; (c) Additional major or minor accessory buildings may be erected if approved via a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 2.4(D). (6) Temporary Family Health Care Dwellings Opt Out The City of Monticello opts-out of the requirements of Minnesota Statute §462.3593, which defines and regulates Temporary Family Health Care Dwellings. (C) Table of Permitted Accessorv Uses (1) Listed Accessory Uses Table 5-4, lists the allowed types of accessory uses and structures within each zoning district. If a specific accessory use is allowed in a district, the column underneath the district is marked with a"P." If a specific accessory use is Section 2.4LD): Conditional Use Permits r'��� ���: �;�f�� �� �Yie;n�icet"s"� �onir�g �rcr'ir�crr�te Section 5.38): General Standards and Limitations,� Accessorv Uses and Structures Section 5.3(D): �ecific Standards or Certain Accessorv Uses Section 2.4(H): A eal o Administrative Decisions Cf-I�iPTER S: USE ST��iD�iR�5 Section 5.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (C) Table o f Permitted Accessory Uses conditionally permitted in a district, the column underneath the district is marked with a"C." If the accessory use or structure is not allowed in a district, the column is shaded. If there is a reference contained in the column entitled "Additional Requirements", refer to the cited section(s) for additional standards that apply to the specific accessory use. (2) Interpretation of Unidenti�ed Accessory Uses (a) The Community Development Department shall evaluate applications for accessory uses that are not identified in Table 5-4 on a case-by-case basis using the following standards: Section 8.4: Definition o�' "accessorV" Section 8.4: De znition of "use" (i) The definition of "accessory use" (see Section 8.4 — Definitions) and the general accessory use standards and limitations established in Section 5.3(B); (ii) The additional regulations for specific accessory uses established in Section 5.3(D), Specific Standards for Certain Accessory uses; (iii) The purpose and intent of the base and overlay districts in which the accessory use or structure is located; (iv) Any potential adverse impacts the accessory use or structure may have on other lands in the area as compared to other accessory uses permitted in the district; and (v) The compatibility of the accessory use or structure, including the structure in which it is housed (if applicable), with other principal and accessory uses permitted in the district. (b) The decision of the Community Development Department to permit or deny an unlisted use or structure is final, but may be appealed pursuant to Section 2.4(H). �i�y �t �vior��eeiio �aning t�r�trr��r�4 �:;� r3�g� s,r�:� CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (C) Table o f Permitted Accessory Uses (3) Table of Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures • • • � .- . � -. �.. . . . . -. -. • . -. minorsory Building — P P P P P p p p p p P P P P P P 5.3 D I ( 1( 1 majorsory Building — P P P P p p p C p P P P P P P P 5.3(D1(21 Adult Use — accessory C 5.3(Dl(31 Agricultural Buildings p 5,3(D1(41 Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) P P P P P P P P 5.3(Dl(51 Automobile Repair — Major C 5.3(Dl(61 Automobile Repair — Minor C C 5.3(Dl(7l Boarder(s) p p p 5.3(Dl(81 Bulk Fuel Sales/Storage p p p C C C 5.3(D1(91 Cocktail Room (Retail Sales Accessory to Micro- C C C C C C Distillery) 5.3(�( I 0� Co-located Wireless Telecommunications C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Antennae 4.13(El Columbarium (Accessory P P P P P P P use to Cemeteries) 5.3(�( I I� Commercial Canopies P P P P P P P P 5.3(�(�2� Commercial Transmission/ Reception Antennae/ C C C C C C Structures 4. I�D�. Donation Drop-off Containers P P 5.3(�(13� Drive-Through Services P P P C P P P 5.3(D�(14� EntertainmentlRecreation C C C C 5.3(�(15� — Outdoor Commercial Fences or Walls p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 4.3 Greenhouse/Conservatory P P P P P P P P P P P p p p p p 5.3(D�(16� (non-commercial) Heliports C C C C C 5.3(D�(17� Home Occupations p p p p p p p p p P 5.3(D�(18� Indoor Food / p p p p p p p p 5.3(�(19� Convenience Sales IY"ei�� ade,� t' :,,;y� f�j ii�itiT3U�:EiiiS C�iitit� �Jit`JitFt7tF%f' Planning Commission Agenda — OS/07/19 3A. Consideration of Drivewav and Parkin� Requirements The Planning Commission is asked to provide staff with guidance on driveway and parking code requirements. Recently, staff have received inquiries related to the ability to extend driveway facilities into side yards and rear yards in situations not clearly illustrated by Figure 4-11 of Chapter 4, Section 9 of the zoning ordinance. Staff's interpretation of Chapter 4.8 is that driveways in rear yards are not permitted unless the driveway serves to directly access the only garage on the property. In addition, driveways or surfacing located in side yards which are not adj acent to the garage are not permitted (again except in such circumstance the driveway is to access a detached accessory structure serving as the only garage facility for the property). This interpretation is based on both the language within the code, as well as the tables and illustrations. Staff has therefore recommended that property owners apply for variance to allow for consideration of any driveway extension in the non-garage side yard or rear yards. However, staff recognizes that Chapter 4.8 references "parking" specifically. As such. staff is looking for Planning Commission direction as to the application of the Chapter 4.8 standards for driveways. In addition, the Commission has recently reviewed CUP requests for detached accessory structures in rear yards. The interpretation will be important to determine whether driveways to these and other smaller detached accessory structures will be allowed. Code amendments to address this issue may be necessary. ��-l�►� i �� 4: Fi�ii��f1�� ����f��i��� Section 4.8 Of�street Parking Subsection (E) Standards Applicable to All Use,m� (D) Prohibited Uses Related to Off-street Parkin� (1) Required accessory off-street parking spaces in any district shall not be utilized for open storage, sale, or rental of goods; or storage of inoperable vehicles and/or storage of snow. (2) For single family and two family dwellings, off-street parking in the rear yard is prohibited as illustrated in Figure 4-11. (3) Except for temporary uses as permitted by Section 5.4 and trailers parking in a designated loading area, no vehicle may be parked and used for storage of items in any district. (E) Standards Applicable to All Uses (1) Location of Required Parking (a) Required accessory off-street parking shall be on the same lot under the same ownership as the principal use being served except under the provisions of Section 4.8(G)(3), subject to the Public Improvement Project Exception as regulated by Section 62 (D)(1). (b) Except for single, two-family, townhouse dwellings and parcels in the CCD, head-in parking directly off of and adjacent to a public street with each stall having its own direct access to the public street shall be prohibited. (c) Except in the case of single, two-family, and townhouse dwellings, parking areas shall be designed so that circulation between parking bays or aisles occurs within the designated parking lot and does not depend upon a public street or alley. (d) Except in the case of single, two-family, and townhouse dwellings and parcels in the CCD, parking area design which requires backing into the public street is prohibited. (e) All accessory off-street parking facilities required by this ordinance shall be located and restricted as follows: (i) For single family and two family dwellings, the part of a paved driveway within boulevard portion of the street right-of-way shall only be used for parking in a manner that does not block any public sidewalk or pathway. wJ ��� ,�i<�: � �.� �� r�ron�eeiso Cor�ing tJrc�rr�arrte �'r-i,�� � �.i� �m �;i���i-�i'i�t� � Pr�i��r�i�►�rti; Section 4.8 Of�street Parking ;�.k�section (E) Standards Applicable to All Uses (ii) In the case of single family dwellings, parking shall be prohibited in any portion of the rear yard. In the case where the only attached or detached garage on a property is located in the rear yard, parking may be allowed in designated driveways leading directly into a garage, or on one (1) open surfaced space located on the side of a driveway away from the principal use as shown in Table 4-9 and Figure 4-11. Said extra space shall be surfaced as required by Table 4-9 and Figure 4-11. (iii) In the case of single family dwellings, parking in the side yard shall be allowed on a surfaced space as shown in Table 4-9 and Figure 4-11. (f) All parking must occur on a paved surface except as may be permitted by this ordinance. (2) Vehicular Use Area Design (a) Curb Cuts and Access (i) Each property shall be allowed one (1) curb cut access per one hundred twenty-five (125) feet of street frontage. All property shall be entitled to at least one (1) curb cut. (ii) The maximum driveway width at the property line shall not exceed thirty (30) feet and shall taper to a width not to exceed twenty-eight (28) feet at the public street. (iii) Within all districts, a five foot radius curb may be constructed at the public street in addition to the maximum driveway width allowed. (iv) Driveway access curb openings on a public street except for single, two- family, and townhouse dwellings shall not be located less than forty (40) feet from one another. (v) No curb cut access shall be located less than forty (40) feet from the intersection of two (2) or more street right-of-ways. This distance shall be measured from the intersection of lot lines. (vi) All driveway access openings shall require a culvert unless the lot is served by storm sewer or is determined unnecessary by the Community Development Department. Size of culvert shall be determined by the Community Development Department but shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) inches in diameter. (vii) Except for single, two-family, and townhouse residential development (and as otherwise noted in this ordinance), all open vehicular use areas shall have a perimeter concrete curb barrier around the entire parking lot, said curb barrier shall not be closer than six (6) feet to any lot line as measured from the lot line to the face of the curb. City a� tv�-nt�cetio �onsng'ervir��nce ����; �6� ���i� i �� �: ,�if�il�"rvlf�€� �`��i:��5t�i��� Section 4.8 Of�street Parking Subsection (F) Standards Applicable to Residential Use� (7) Permit Required A permit shall be required for the installation of any surfacing material intended to be utilized for off-street parking. The fee for an off-street parking permit shall be set forth in a fee schedule adopted by the City Council. The fee payment shall accompany the permit application. (8) Maintenance It shall be the j oint and several responsibility of the lessee and owner of the principal use, uses, or building to maintain in a neat and adequate manner, the parking space, accessways striping, landscaping, and required fences. (F) Standards Applicable to Residential Uses (1) Location of Required Parking in Residential Areas (a) For single family and two family dwellings, off-street parking on a paved driveway within fifteen (15) feet of any street surface shall be allowed as long as it does not block any public sidewalk or pathway. (b) In the case of townhouse dwellings, parking shall be prohibited in any portion of the front yard except designated driveways leading directly into a garage or one (1) open paved space located on the side of a driveway away from the principal use. Said extra space shall be surfaced with concrete or bituminous material. For single family and two-family dwellings, parking shall be located as found in Table 4-9 and Figure 4-11. (c) Parking and/or storage of passenger vehicles, recreational vehicles and equipment, emergency vehicles, and small commercial vehicles shall conform to the requirements of Table 4-9 and Figure 4-11. For the purposes of Table 4-9 and Figure 4-11, emergency vehicles shall be treated as "small commercial vehicles", but without limitations as to size. (d) Under no circumstances shall large commercial vehicles be parked or stored in residential zoning districts, or on property that is used for residential purposes. ����� ��'� City e�j iYiontieeiso �onrr�g �rainan�e �`F1�VPTER 4: �1�1f�Fil�1� STi�1VD�i�tt75 Section 4.8 Of�street Parking `ubsection (F) Standards Applicable to Residential Uses Driveway leading directly into a garage within the front yard of a lot Parking space adjacent to the driveway within the front yard of a lot Other portions of the front yard Side yard, adjacent to garage side of stru ctu re Side yard more than I 5 feet from garage Side yard on opposite side of house from garage One such Any number A vehicle (paved) (paved) One One such passenger or vehicle, if it is small the only such B commercial vehicle within vehicle the front yard (paved) (surfaced) C No No Yes, within a Yes within a space space consisting of consisting of D the 15 feet the 15 feet adjacent to adjacent to the building the building (surfaced) (unsurfaced) E No No F No No One such vehicle (paved) One such vehicle (paved) No Yes, within a space consisting of the 15 feet adjacent to the building (surfaced) No No Any number (paved) One passengeror small commercial vehicle (paved) No Yes, within a space consisting of the 15 feet adjacent to the building (surfaced) No No Must maintain minimum 3 foot setback to side lot line in all cases Yes, within a Yes within a Yes, within a Yes, within a Must maintain minimum space space space space 3 foot setback to side lot Side yard on corner consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of line in all cases. This lot facing a public G the I 5 feet the I 5 feet the I 5 feet the I 5 feet space may encroach to street adjacent to adjacent to adjacent to adjacent to within 5 feet of the right the building the building. the building the building of way, provided (surfaced) (unsurfaced) (surfaced) (surfaced) screening is included. [I] see section 8.4 for definition City of Monticello Zoning Ordinanc� Page 275 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/07/19 3B. Communitv Development Director's Report Council Action on Commission Recommendations • Consideration adopt Ordinance No. XX for amendment to Monticello Zonin� Ordinance Chapter 5 and Chapter 8, Section 4 related to use, standards and definitions for Event Centers, Places of Public Assemblv, Personal Services, and Commercial Recreation - Indoor. Applicant: Citv of Monticello City Council approved the ordinance amendment on April 22nd, 2019. Monticello 2040 Community Vision & Comprehensive Plan Update Proposals for the Monticello 2040 Community Vision & Comprehensive Plan were received on April lst, 2019. Four proposals were received and reviewed by the Proposal Review Subcommittee on April 16th. The Proposal Review Subcommittee recommended the interview of all four proposing firms. The interview presentations were held on April 29th, 2019. Staff are now in the process of working through additional questions with the final candidates. It is hoped that a final recommendation for selection can be brought forward to the Council on May 13th, 2019. Many thanks for Jon Alstad and Sam Murdoff for their work and attendance in this process. Block 52 The Monticello Economic Development Authority has been working to understand redevelopment potential for Block 52, the block located at the northwest corner of Pine Street (T25) and Broadway (CSAH 75). The City and EDA own approximately 55% of the property on the block The EDA has heard presentations from four developers regarding their concepts for development on the block The April Downtown Round meeting included an exercise by which the downtown stakeholder attendees were able to provide feedback on each of the four concepts presented. This information was then presented to the EDA. The EDA has one additional developer presentation planned before final direction is provided to staff on next steps. The concepts are available on the EDA's agenda pages: https://www.ci.monticello.mn.us/index.asp?SEC=D 13D93B8-BD2B-4716-A161- OCEA961639CC&DE=5812EOC6-SAEC-45F7-AFOA- 9FSSOCA9DOF2&Type=B BASIC //www.ci.monticello.mn.us/index.asb?SEC=D 13D93B8-BD2B-4716-A161- OCEA961639CC&DE=908E2904-B08C-4466-AD10-D6159FEOEA87&Type=B BASIC MontiArts MontiArts consultant Sue Seeger provided a comprehensive update to the City Council regarding activities and events underway by the MontiArts Initiative. MontiArts is now operating out of the property at 349 West Broadway. Watch the MontiArts report here: https://monticello.viebit.com/ Planning Commission Agenda — OS/07/19 Highway 25 Coalition The City Council adopted a resolution encouraging the Highway 25 Coalition to consider a broad economic development analysis of the five proposed river crossing options resulting from the initial Highway 25 Coalition Transportation Study. In February, the Coalition considered the resolution and authorized Coalition staff to research and prepare a scope for the economic development study for further consideration and discussion. Since that time, staff from the counties and cities involved in the Coalition have been working on this research. Important information from Federal Highway Administration on the review process for a second river crossing has been gained. In response, staff is currently working on preparing information for presentation to the Coalition in regard to a regional land use and economic development study. More information on the Coalition and its work can be found here. � From: Anaela Schumann To: Vicki Leerhoff Subject: FW: It Takes All Sorts.... Date: Thursday, May 2, 2019 2:55:08 PM Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello www. ci.monticello.mn.us 763-271-3224 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Land Use Planning <events@mngts.org> Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2019 12:44 PM To: Angela Schumann <Angela.Schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: It Takes All Sorts.... LI May 9 - Albertville Beyond the Basics of Planning & Zoning 9�00 AM - 4:00 PM � Check-In starts at 8:30 AM In this workshop, participants will learn how Cost: planning and zoning tools are used to deal with $150.00 a wide variety of development issues influencing a community's built environment. The complexities ofvariances are a major focus. Presenters cover the what, when, and why (complete with "how-to's" and "how-not- to's") with numerous examples and case studies! May 16 - Minneapolis Your Role as Planning Commissioner As a Planning Commission member, you contribute hours of unpaid time to your community. Have you discovered that serving in this capacity is a bit more challenging than anticipated? This workshop will focus on what you need to know to be successful in this important position. You'll learn practical tips that can make the difference between results and regrets. May 23 - Saint Paul Managing Risk Through a review of the fundamental principles and key legal issues that guide land Includes Lunch! Address: Albertville City Hall 5959 Main Ave NE Albertville, MN 55301 Time: 9:OOAM-12:OOPM Check-In starts at 8:30 AM Virtual Log-in opens 10 minutes before start time Cost: $65.00 (Virtual workshop costs $50.00) Address: WSB & Associates 701 Xenia Ave #200 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Time: 1:OOPM-4:OOPM Cost: $80.00 use decisions, as well as the review and interactive discussion of hypothetical case studies, participants in this session will learn how to make sound and legally supportable land use decisions. June 18 - Minneapolis Economic Develoament Basics for Communities As a Planning Commission member, you contribute hours of unpaid time to your community. Have you discovered that serving in this capacity is a bit more challenging than anticipated? This workshop will focus on what you need to know to be successful in this important position. You'll learn practical tips that can make the difference between results and regrets. June 25 - Rochester Public Particiaation Techniaues This workshop provides of overview of public engagement and why it is critical to success of planners and policymakers. It overviews the Address: Tierney Brothers 1771 Energy Park Dr #100 St. Pa u I, M N 55108 Time: 1:OOPM-4:OOPM Check-In starts at 12:30 PM Virtual Log-in opens 10 minutes before start time Cost: $65.00 (Virtual workshop costs $50.00) Address: WSB & Associates 701 Xenia Ave #200 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Time: 1:OOPM-4:OOPM Check-In starts at 12:30 PM Virtual Log-in opens 10 minutes before start time Cost: different techniques, when to provide them, $65.00 and tips for handling difficult situations. (Virtual workshop costs $50.00) Audience: Elected and appointed officials and Address: government planning staff. WSB Rochester 370140th Avenue NW Suite 100 Rochester, MN 55901 Other Upcoming Events • June 6- Basics of Planning and Zoning (Mankato) • lune 20 - Beyond the Basics of Planning and Zoning (Mankato) *Save $50 by registering to attend both a Basics of Planning and Zoning and a Beyond the Basics course! Special Thanks to our 2019 Gold Sponsors that Help Make This Happen! J �IJ � n � u GTS Educational Events � 1380 Energy Lane, Ste. 206, St. Paul, MN 55108 Unsubscribe angela.schumannCa�ci.monticello.mn.us Undate Profile � About our service provider Sent by eventsCa�mngts.orq in collaboration with � � Try it free todax