IDC Agenda 12-19-1985 -. AGENDAi INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, December 19 1985 - 7:00AM Monticello Ci y Hall Members: Co-chair Jay Morrell, Co- Bondhus, Tom Eidem, Bruce Ron Hoglund, Shelly Johns Lungwitz, Bud Schrupp, Do hair Gary Wieber, John Gagnelius, Arve Grimsmo, n, Harvey Kendall, Dale Smith, and Olive Koropchak. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the November 20, 19 5 Minutes. 3. Update of Pyro Industries, Inc. 4. Update of Airport Committee. 5. Update on Banquet Speaker Recru tment. 6. Consideration of Industrial Dev lopment Freeway Sign Estimates. 7. Consideration of MIDA Membershi . . 8. Consideration of Appointing the 1986 Industrial Development Committee Officers. 9. Other Business. 10. Guest - Bob Rierson, Bridgewate Telephone Company. 11. Adjournment. . ,__ . MINUTE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMIT Wednesday. November 20. River Inn and EE LUNCHEON AND MEETING 1985 - 12:00 Noon i ty Hall Members Present: Co-chair Jay Morr 11. Co-chair Gary Wieber. Bud Schrupp. Dale Lun witz. Ron Hogland. Harvey Kendall. and Olive Koropch k. Members Absent: Tom Eidem. Shelly ohnson. John Bondhus. Bruce Gagnelius. Arve Gr msmo. and Don Smith. 1. Call to Order. Guest: Tim Carlson and Keith Turnq ist of Pyro Industries. Inc. Following lunch at the River In to the CIty Hall for Carlson's Development meeting. The meeti Morrell at l2:55PM. 2. Guest - Tim Carlson. the Committee agreed to return resentation and the Industrial g was called to order by Co-chair --.-..... Mr. Carlson gave the background information about Pyro Industries. Inc. Pyro Industries manufactu es a Whitfield pellet-burning stove. and is currently located in the state of Washington. Mr. Carlson is interested in reloca ing his company to Monticello. He stated that the Whitfield pe let-burning stove is 100% combust- able. is at .9 grams or below t e 1988 national emission standard. and is EPA approved in Oregon. His resons to locate in Minnesota are: Minnesota is his home. ec nomical purchase cost of cast iron in Wiscon~n. and positive distribution assets. Negative factors of Minnesota are: workmen's co pensation. tax structure. and relocation cost. Mr. Carlson feels the Minnesota State Programs discourage small businesses to locate in Minnesota. . Co-chair Morrell asked Mr. Carlson what the Industrial Development Committee could do to help? He stated a need for a $100.000.00 grant. Mr. Carlson is interested in purchasing or leasing the Clow Stamping Building. Followi g his presentation. Co-chair Morrell suggested for Olive Koro chak to contact Kathy Hahne at the Department of Energy. Mark D yton. and Arve Grimsmo for verbal support. Also. Olive is 0 check if the HRA could purchase the building on contact for deed or sell bonds. Also. what are the legalities with the present Clowing Stamping Industrial Revenue Bonds? 3. Approval of Minutes. Dale Lungwitz moved to approve t e October 17. 1985. Industrial Development Minutes. seconded by Harvey Kendall. and carried unanimously. . ~..._ _L. . .L ID Minutes - 11/20/85 . 4. Airport Committee Report. Accepted as reported. 5. Metro Phone Service Report. Committee request Mr. Bob Rierson at th ir December 19, 1985 morning meeting to inform the Committee of the availability of metro lines to Monticello and what are the new technologies in te1e-communications. 6. VCR Report. Committee requested to view the edited V R tape at a later time. 7. Industrial Develo ment Freewa Si n Esti ates. Tabled. 8. MIDA Membership. Tabled. 9. Industrial Development Banquet Speaker. . Accepted report and asked for a progressi e report on the Banquet speaker recruitment at the December meeti g. 10. Other Business. Co-chair Morrell reminded the Committee t officers for the IDC will be held at the Morrell stated he would decline the Co-ch were asked to consider possible nominees. Johnson, Hoglund, Grimsmo, and Wieber. at the election anuary meeting. ir nomination. Suggestions: of new Co-chair Members Smith, The Committee suggested that Olive contact John Gries for possible Industrial Development leads. 11. Adj ournment. Dale Lungwitz moved to adjourn, seconded b Harvey Kendall, and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. G-~.~ '\~, \(~~~ Olive M. Koropchak Executive Secretary, Industrial Development Co ittee . -2- . 3. UPDATE OF PYRO INDUSTRIES, INC. (o.k.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. Tim Carlson of Pyro Industries, Development Committee on Novemb interested in expanding the Was plant of Whitfield pellet-burni possible location, Clow Stampin Mr. Carlson, Senator Betty Adki and myself met to discuss Pyro available financial State progr to Monticello. Senator Adkins Dayton. A scheduled meeting wi Friday, December 13, 1985, 10:0 Tim Carlson, Senator Adkins, Re Financial Consultant Dave Peter attendance. Inc., spoke to the Industrial r 20, 1985. Mr. Carlson is ington State manufacturing g stoves to Monticello, Building. Since that date, s, Representative McEachern, ndustries' concerns of ms to benefit Pyro's expansion uggested to meet with Mark h Mark Dayton is set for AM at Mark Dayton's office with resentative McEachern, MinnDeed on, Tom Eidem, and myself in Previously, Dave Peterson has m t with Mr. Carlson and suggested the best financial program avai able in Minnesota which Mr. Peterson felt would meet the St te's qualifications and yet be most benefical to Mr. Carlson's company. The State Program most applicable to Pyro Industr'es is the Small Cities Economic Development Program which is a 250,000.00 grant, based on a rating system. Mr. Carlson, Da e Peterson, Tom Eidem, and myself have also met on previou occasions. On December 4th, I wrote a letter to Mr. Carlson stating our support of Pyro Industries, Inc. and our willin ness to proceed with grant application. At this time, I h ve not heard from Mr. Carlson. . The IDC asked if the HRA could urchase the Clow Stamping Building. At present the HRA does not have sufficient funds. The Tax Increment Districts estblished in the past will start to generate monies within the ear future. Also to make a project feasible the purchase of an existing building would require expansion, inorder to ge erate a tax increase. The legalities of the present Clow Stamping Industrial Revenue Bonds in the event the building as sold or leased would require a bond opinion (review b an attorney). We, as the City Staff, feel the project is up to Mr. Carlson. answers, willingness, encouragem Industries, Inc. ext step in this proposed e City Staff has provided nt, and support to Pyro D. SUPPORTING DATA. No alternative action or staff r commendation. Letter to Tim Carlson. . ~~:~;~~ -'- .~~---.r,,: "';'. ,) .---..... . .-.. ...... .. -- ..~_.~. Citlj Phone (612) 295.2711 Metro (612) 333-5739 Mayor: Arve Grimsmo City Council: Dan Blonigen Fran Fair William Fair Jack Maxwell Administrator: Tom Eidem Finance Director: Rick WolfS teller Public Works: John Simola Planning & Zoning: Gary Anderson . . 250 East Broadway Monticello. Minnesota 55362.9245 December 4, 1985 MONTICEL. 0, MN 55362-9245 o monticello Mr. Tim Carlson Pyro Industries, Inc. 7570 Market Place Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Dear Mr. Carlson: I appreciate the time you an~ Keith Turnquist shared with the Monticello Industrial Develop ent Committee on November 20, 1985. The Committee is enthu iastic and supportive about Pyro Industries, Inc. and its product. At this time, I'd like to rea firm that the Monticello City. Staff is willing to submit a mall City Grant Program Application. Secondly, the City Staff is wIling to back you 100% on concept idea. Next, I will research ossible State Job Service Training Programs, check on available rants, and assist in organization of labor force. Fourth, the taff is available to meet with Everett Clow of the Clow Starn ing Company, upon your request. Fifth, I have requested Senat r Betty Adkins and Representative Bob McEachern to endorse your project at the State Legislature. Sixth, I have requested the I dustrial Committee to endorse your project by contacting St te Legislative Representatives. Finally, I spoke with Dale Lu gwitz, PreSident of Wright County State Bank, and upon your request the bank is willing to serve as a lending institution for P ro Industries, Inc. In order to proceed with the g ant application for the Minnesota Small Cities Economic Program, the Monticello City Staff requests an acceptance letter from Pyro Industries, Inc. of their planned expansion to Monticello, Minne ota. I'm very pleased to be assisti g Pyro Industries, Inc. and offer my full support of expan ion to Monticello. Thank you again for your presentation to our Industrial Development Committee. Sincerely, ~~.~~ Olive M. Koropchak Executive Secretary Monticello Industrial Development Committee cc: File T. Eidem ~ . 4. UPDATE OF AIRPORT COMMITTEE. (0. .) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. The Airport Sub-Committee will our three cities in Minnesota on Wednesday, December 18, 1985~ weather permitting. The objective of the tour is informtiona1: site ideas, funding, procedures, and pros and cons. IMr. Jack Peach, Fulfillment Systems, Inc., will attend androvide the plane and pilot, Bob Timm. Also attending is To Eidem, Bill King, and Tom Scearcy. Scheduled to depart a 7:30AM, the tour will include stops at the St. James Airport, i 9:00AM; the New U1m Airport, 11:OOAM; and the Mora Airport, :OOPM. Airports and City Administrations have been advis d about arrival time and scheduled meetings. No alternative action, staff re ommendation, or supporting data. 5. UPDATE OF BANQUET SPEAKER RECRUITMENT. (o.k.) . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. Mayor Grimsmo will update the ommittee on the banquet speaker recruitment of Gov. Rudy Perpi h for the Annual Banquet, Monday, May 19, 1986. No alternative action, staff r commendation, or supporting data. . . 6. CONSIDERATION OF INDUSTRIAL DEV LOPMENT FREEWAY SIGN ESTIMATES. (o.k.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. Firms contacted had consistent feet high by sixteen to twenty from freeway and motorist speed; background with black or red Ie easy against the sky. Installe Price varies depending on the n uggestions for a sign. Eight eet long because of distance of travel. Yellow or orange ters to make readability with wooden posts and cement. mber of words. DeMars, Inc., Minneapolis Larry Maciej 781-1315 or 781-0696 Fabricated, painted and in taIled $1800-$2000. Jeff Hoglund, Monticello - 878-0885 One-half inch thick primedmasonite $800-$1000. Progressive Signs, St. Clo d - 253-0885 Dura-ply $1200-$1400 Two-sided sign or V instal ation $2100. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. The Committee needs to decide 0 the size of the sign, on a one- sided or two-sided sign, and on the advertisement message. I suggest a simple message for ea y readability and cost. . SITES AVAI ABLE MONTICELLO INDUS RIAL PARKS 295-27 1 ~ith no winter installation of dvertisement signs, the Committee may take action at th s time or table the project. No staff recommendation or supp rting data. . . 7. CONSIDERATION OF MIDA MEMBERSHI . (o.k.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. MIDA Membership dues are $95.00 per year, January-December, 1986. Breakfast meetings are te third Thursday of each month at 7:30AM, Holiday Inn-Internat~ona1 Airport, Minneapolis. Cost of breakfast meetings is $tO.OO per month. This presents a conflict with the IDC meetings, however, only every other month. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. To apply or not apply for MIDAembership at $95.00. Membership is for the present Economic Development Director. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends to apply for MIDA membership at $95.00. This provides Monticello and it's Staff with updated knowledge of emerging development techniques, tools, and concepts, along with exposure to new methods and ideas. D. SUPPORTING DATA. . MIDA's Membership Brochure~ . MIDA MEMBERSHIP APPLICATI N please accept the following person as a member of the Minnesota Industrial Development Association. Enclosed is the MIDA membership fee in the amount of~8,?s:CO . NAME ORGANIZATION ADDRESS CITY NAME OF YOUR MIDA SPONSOR STATE TITLE TEL. ZIP Confirmation of membership will follow. The membershi application and check should be sent to; MIDA One Appletree Square Su ite 201 Bloomington, MN 55420 (612) 854-6215 . V) I- - u.. 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'E. 0 o ~ Cli == roVl - <lJ E-5 ~o o::i . 8. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTING TH 1986 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OFFICERS. (o.k.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. As in the past, December has bel n the month designated for appointing successors for Chairperson and I ice-Chairperson of the Committee. At one time, past Chamber of Co' merce Presidents had become Chairperson of the Committee, however, this was changed to appointing from within. At the December and appoint new each year are: The Secretary's Development. 15, 1983, meeti officers each y 1) Chairperson; position will b g, the Committee voted to nominate ar. Three positions to be filled 2) Vice-Chairperson; and 3) Treasurer. held by the Director of Economic Responsibilities of the Chairpe son will be to preside over all meetings and functions held by he Committee. In the event the Chairperson cannot attend a meeting/event, then the Vice- Chairperson will assume these r sponsibilities. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. . 1. Ask for nominations and vote for each officer individually. One motion to accept the present officers as 1986 nominees is unacceptable because of Jay Morrell's, November 20th statement, declining the 1986 Co-chairperso nomination if offered. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. It is recommended to ask for nom"nations and vote for each officer individually. In this way an of icer who wishes to remain Treasurer, for example, could do so while C airperson and Vice-Chairperson could change. D. SUPPORTING DATA. None. . . 10. GUEST - BOB RIERSON, BRIDGEWAER TELEPHONE COMPANY. (o.k.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. Mr. Rierson, local manager of Monticello, will brief the Co metro lines to Monticello and communications. . . ithe Bridgewater Telephone Company, ittee on the availability of ew technologies in telephone