IDC Agenda 08-22-1985 . AGEN Monticello Industrial D ThurSday, August 22 City H 1. Call to Order. velopment Committee 1985 - 7:00 a.m. 11 2. Approval of the July 18, 1985, Minutes. 3. update on the September 4, 198 , Business & Industry Appreciation Day Event. 4. Presentation by IXI. 5. Other Business. 6. Adjournment. . .. . . MIN TES Montice~~o Industria~ Deve~opment Committee Thursday. July 18. 1985 - 7:00 A.M. Montice~~ City Ha~l Members Present: Tom Eidem. Da~e Lungwitz. Chair Jay Morrell. Harvey Kenda~~. Bud Schrupp. Don Smith. and Alex Pelvit. Chair Jay Morre~~ opened the meet 6-20-85 minutes. Tom moved to ad by Bud Schrupp. and passed 7-0. The first item on the agenda was Jay Morre~~ asked if A~~en had re $675.40. Al~en stated the fina~ expected at least $375 to be rece but. had not paid yet. In review banquet with 1984's~ ~~en noted $450 more this year. asking for approva~ of the said minutes. was seconded he review of the annual banquet. eived any of the remaining otice was just mai~ed and he ved. as they attended the banquet. ng the net profit from this year's that we made approximate~y Chair Morre~~ stated that ~etters were sent to a~~ banquet contributors thanking them for their donations and reminding them of Fa~~ Business Appreciation Day. He a~ 0 stated that a~~ of us shou~d work hard to promote the banquet at other meetings. such as the Chamber. Rotary. Lions. etc. . The second item on the agenda dea t with the fa~l Business Appreciation Day. It was the Co ittee's consensus to change the date to the first Wednesday i September (4th). It was a~so the consensus of the committee to have a casua~ picnic sty~e event at the Country Club. It wa fe~t that the event shou~d be he~d the first week in Septemb Because the second week in September usua~~y had rain. afternoon of golf and other activities followed by a casual p.cnic in the evening was preferred. Last year's luncheon was not succ went back to work and did not mak year the emphasis should be place The committee directed Allen to s Club for the afternoon/evening of ssful in that most non-golfers it to the golf course. This on casualness and participation. t up the event at the Country September 4th. Tom Eidem suggested that somethin could be planned for those that do not gOlf. Examp~es given ~awn jarts. croquet. card games. backgamon. etc. The ommittee suggested Gary Wieber Chair the outside activities. etc. The effect we should be conveying is that if you play golf. great; ut if you don't. other activities will be held. . -1- . . . The Committee suggested we con Country Club and get estimates bring the results back to the Bruce Gagnelius be in charge 0 Jay suggested Allen work on a perhaps they could number the Promotional prizes such ~as. B T-Shirts. etc.. could be used prizes for golf. jarts. puttin Invited guests should include annual banquet. the guest spea Bob Stern. council. Senator Be McEachern. and Eldon Brustuen. tickets should go out by the 1 should get notices to the Time times. A special letter shoul special guests. Item five pertained to the Chair Morrell suggested when we have a majority agreed and complimented Allen Allen stated that the question did not want Karen to retype t original survey forms will be meeting. act the lady that caters at the for 2-3 picnic style meals and ext meeting. It was suggested the bar. etter and a ticket for the event. ickets and give away donated prizes. ndhus tools. hats. belt buckles. s prizes. We could also have contests. etc. 11 those that contributed to the er. all p~ospects. Franklin Denn. ty Adkins. Representative Bob The letters/invitations with th of August at the latest. We early so they can run several be written to the prospect and/or ew of the developers survey. held over to another meeting Committee present. The Committee n the preparation of results. were omitted by mistake and he e surveys. He suggested that iven to each member at the next Chair Morrell asked Allen to u date the Committee on how we lost out to Hastings when Represent tives from STP told us they would choose Monticello. Allen then started by referring to the $100.000 grant for a foreign manufactur ng facility. The original grant which we applied for in Janua of 1985 went to Hallock because they had a committment in hand In March of 1985. Hallock lost the project to Crookston; and ecause Crookston was a Home Rule Charter City. the grant became available to all statutory~ cities. Hastings was a Home Rule Chart r City and not eligible. We felt we had an advantage by pushing the matter. The State of Minnesota Department of Energy and Econo ic Development extended the May deadline to June 24th to allow Hastings to apply and have the statute language changed. Thi then made all cities eligible. As it turned out. STP was forc d to make a decision and chose Hastings. However. their comm ttment did not get to Dayton's office in time and the grant w s awarded to Hallock. After finding out this decision. Allen calle STP and asked if there was still a chance to make a deal. STP aid that because both cities could not obtain the grant. they wou d now accept new proposals not utilizing the $100.000 grant. At this time we are considering having the Monticello HRA purc ase the Clow Building and lease it back to the STP "Greenhouse'. / . Allen stated that because Norway "s almost completly shut down for the month of July, we have pl nty of time to prepare the new proposal. Allen stated that in his discussi led them to pick Hastings or what improve our presentations for the it was unfortunate that they were decision on short notice. They a that the first greenhouse was cho, asked if I understood that statem thought that both cities would ge we would discuss this more at a 1 ns with STP, he asked what we did wrong, in order to future. STP stated that forced to make such a hasty so said that it was unfortunate en for Hastings. They then nt. When I stated that I some projects, they said ter date. Tom Eidem stated that it was not nown how many principals were involved on the STP Board, t the two that visited Monticello voted for Monticello and were out oted. A discussion followed as to why they made their decisi s when we were told Monticello was the place to do the "Greenho se" project. Tom explained how Dayton's office had not been acting on our behalf, but Hastings. p~itical manuevering came into play; and when we made waves at the Capital, Day to 's office became quite upset with us. Our local Politicians ecame involved and alot of activity directed toward Dayton' office took place. Dale Lungwitz asked where we are with the project at this time. Tom Eidem explained that the project has been down scaled from 50,000 sq. ft. to 30,000 sq. ft. and from 60-90 jobs to 40-50 new jobs. This was due to the S ow Plow-Truck Body Company not wanting to participate at th"s time. The HRA is considering the Clow Building and leasing it back to them. . Tom Eidem stated that the City s send Arve Grimsmo to Norway for group. This would be beneficial and perhaps sell the project. D could perhaps pay for the trip a more legitimate if the Industria it versus the City. Tom stated and others, felt it a legitimate it to either make a deal happen something else. . Jay Morrell was not sure that th the expense of sending the Mayor took place debating this; but th pursue it at one of the next Co and then act on it. At the same should be given to the public so questions at the coffee shop, 0 Members can answer them satisfac he has discussed, both with Tom the potential of this project an expense would be justified to ge -3- ould spend City money and -5 days to meet with the STP in clearing up alot of questions le asked if the Committee d thus make the trip look Development Committee did hat he, as well as Don Smith City expense and should do r squelch it and move on to chance for success justified to Norway. A long discussion consensus was to have Tom cil meetings, get their approval, time, all available information that when the public raises Committee Members/Council orily. Don Smith stated that nd Allen, how they perceive feels confident that the this project. . Both Tom and Allen stated tha was viable and ultimately wou the "Greenhouse" participants own buildings in Monticello, he isn't that concerned with some, but he can live with it consensus of the Committee wa Mayor to Norway. Chair Morre Arve work out the details and with the results. Tom sugges then a special meeting would they really believe the project d be beneficial to the City when leave the nest, construct their nd create more jobs. Tom stated he public flack. It concerns him if the trip is successful. The to pursue the City sending the 1 suggested that Tom, Allen, and report back to the August meeting ed that if the Council approved, ot be warranted. Allen noted that time was run ing short, and that both he and Tom had another meeting to at end. He also stated that he had some other items to discuss w'th the Committee. Chair Morrell stated that the Committee as a whole had not convinced him that this was worth the r'sk involved and that prior to sending the Mayor to Norway, the Comm'ttee members should be briefed on the background at a specia meeting. Don Smith asked if a special meeting was justified for a $2,000 City expenditure when the Committee lets its Sub-co ittees handle $2,000 expenditures for video taping, etc. Morre 1 stated that his only interest is to have enough facts avail ble to dispell any rumors, etc. He also felt members of the C mmittee should be present at the Council meeting when it is pr sented. . The next item covered the del tion of Wayne Bidwell from the IDC. A motion to drop Wayne rom the membership was made by Bud Schrupp, seconded by Dale Lungwitz, and passed 0-7. In other business, Allen repo ted that Gus and Gary LaFromboise have committed to the develop ent of their proposed 25,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse complex. City staff and the principals will be meeting to complete t,e details soon. Allen then suggested that the Committee consider e ecting a sign with Industrial Development as a theme, perhaps on their roperty. Dale Lungwitz suggested constructing such a sign on L t #6, Block 1, of Oakwood Industrial Park. This would eliminate n gotiating with the LaFromhois's. Allen said that he did not pa ticularly recommend the LaFromboise site for the sign, but merely to consider constructing such a sign to let people know we ar industrially active. It was the consensus of the Committe to check this out and return with more information. . Allen passed out a prospect s in Iowa. He stated that he c to read that of Monticello an thoughts on it as a possible one of the motels, and they i of their business is salesman would be knowledgeable to inf plans. It was the Committee' for use in our motels. eet that is used at hotels/motels anged the names of the city, etc., wanted to get the Committee's eans of obtaining leads. He contacted dicated that a large percentage and/or professional people who rmation on expansion/relocation consensus to consider it strongly -4- . A11en then reported that he h and that they are getting som they make a decision, they wi to the Fall Business Apprecia Committee informed. s contacted the Farm Bureau again offers on their property. When 1 let us know. They will be invited ion Day, and Allen will keep the Steve Beddor wrote Allen a letter stating that rumors were spreading that the Beddor's never gave us a chance. He also insinuated that because they used a $2.00 sq. ft. amount for the lease of a 100,000 sq. ft. building in inneapolis, we felt they used that as an excuse not to accept Monticello's proposal. Allen stated that after meeting with Larry Bjorklund, owner of the building, he now understands t. e philosophy involved in corporate take overs and did not want to be intimidated by them. As a result, a letter was written t Steve Beddor in response to his letter. our. Committee and Cit Staff did their best in making what area contractors consider d a very good offer. It was unfortunate that we could not compete. Al en stated that rumors will always surface, but it would be so rou h more personable to pick up the phone and discuss it. A1len reported that he has met with Key Tool, and they are still conSidering locating their pro uction/manufacturing facilities in Monticello. They have rega'ned some of the business they lost last fall and, in fact, b oadened their account base. The hesitancy at this time is in f'nancing a new debt and causing a crunch in their cash flow. fter discussing other options such as renting/leasing with 0 tion to buy the Best-in-Webb building, having the HRA purchase the bu lding and then lease it back with option to buy or having a loca development company construct a building and lease it back w th a 5-10 year option to buy. In relocating to a new buildin , the moving and installation of the large machines is extre e1y expensive and they only want to do that once. . The last item discussed concer asked about the possibility of this year. Allen reported on this spring. He explained the 2-3 buildings this year and 4- A11en presented this to the HR the proposal. IXI has in rece property development, especial explained that IXI has been an general contractor. They have the Dodge Report a request for for 1985/1986. The consturcti of 1985. Total square footage ed lXI's progress. Dale Lungwitz their constructing 1-2 buildings he proposal he made to IXI earlier proposal as assuming they erect in 1986 to complete their plans. and they feel comfortable with t months involved itself with y its own properties. Allen further will continue to be their own listed in the May 17th issue of bids on rpoposed consturction n was planned to begin in September was listed as 70,000 sq. ft. . Dale Lungwitz was a little con erned that there has not been any construction started on th's yet. Jay Morrell too, was concerned that the computer industry was flat and did not see how they could still be in the expansio mode when the computer industry is in a downhill slide. -5- . Allen stated that perhaps the time to meet over lunch/brea Allen said he will attempt to There being no-'~ further August meeting would be a good ast. etc. and discuss their plans. set up such a meeting. meeting was adjourned. ~~ Allen L. Pelvit Director of Economic Developm nt . . -6- Industrial Develop ent Committee Agenda - 8/22/85 . 3. Update on the September 4, 1985 Bu iness and Industry Ap reciation Day Event. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Letters and tickets have been sent to all Banquet Contributors, as well as those sent to special g ests and prospects. Personal contacts will also be made prior t the event to encourage attendance. The country Club has een reserved for September 4th with the caterer preparing the picnic lunch. GOlfing privileges will begin at 1:30 p.m., with the social hour at 5:00 p.m. and the picnic lunch at :00 p.m. Lunch will consist of POlish sausage, bratwurst, pota 0 salad, baked beans, corn on the cob, served with rolls, cof ee/milk and desert. Cost of the lunch will be $5.00/plate. Activities will be arranged by Gary Wieber and Bud Schrupp. R freshments are being arranged with Bruce Gagnelius. At your dir ction, promotional items have been collected from various M nticello Businesses to be given as prizes. More informat'on on this will be given at the meeting. NO alternatives or recommendations are needed. 4. Presentation by IXI. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. . As you recall, the committee had s Tom Grue (Facilities Manager). Tn to expand in 1985 and in 1986. Wh the 7/18/85 meeting, there was con industry was slumping and cutting expansion plans. I have arranged for Mike LaPalka ( to attend this meeting to discuss you. This discussion should clear about their expansion plans. NO action or recommendation necess ry. . me reservations about lXI's result was that IXI planned n this was mentioned at ern that when the computer ack, IXI was talking about roject Manager at IXI) Xl's expansion plans with up some of the uncertainty