IDC Agenda 06-20-1985
Thursday, June 20 1985 - 7:00 A.M.
Monticell City Hall
Call to Order.
2. Approval of the May 16, 1985, inutes.
3. Review of the 1985 Annual Ban uet.
4. Presentation on Speculative P oject.
5. Other Business.
6. Adjournment.
Thursday, May 16, 1985 - 7:00 A.M.
Montice~~o City Ha~~
Members Present:
Tom Eidem, Arve
Chair Jay Morre~
Don Smith, Vice-
Because Chair Jay Morre~~ was busy
Gary Wieber opened the meeting and
Apri~ 18, 1985, meeting minutes.
said minutes, with She~~y Johnson
passed 9-0.
The next item on the agenda pertai
meeting on June 5, 1985. A copy 0
and anyone who would ~ike to atten
Star City lape~ pins @ $2.50 each
1985. A~~en stated that he wou~d
the 5th. Vice-Chair Wieber asked
the IDC members for the Star City
interest, it was the consensus of
and wear them to IDC functions suc
The discussion that fo~~owed cover
Banquet. Al~en stated that Lynn S
with a nuclear ~ogo to be placed 0
initials are also planned for the
that they would videotape the spe
it at a later date. A~len indica
at the Monte Club.
A question was raised as to wheth
prior to the banquet or at the re
that it was easier to have the in
at the time of registration. A~l
listing of those attending will h
Chair Morrell asked how the speci
their arrival. It was the consen
Ron or Harvey ~ocate the guests t
A discussion pertaining to the he
and introductions took place.
rimsmo, Ron Hog~und, She~~y Johnson,
, Harvey Kendall, Bud Schrupp,
hair Gary Wieber, and A~len Pe~vit.
with a telephone cal~, Vice-Chair
asked for approva~ of the
ud Schrupp moved to approve
econding the motion. It was
ed to the Star City quarterly
the agenda was provided,
was asked to let Al~en know.
ould be ordered by June 30,
e attending the meeting on
'f there was interest among
apel pins. There being enough
he Committee to order 12 pins
as the Annual Banquet.
d fina~ details of the Annua~
ith ordered a special b~ock
the City's ~ocation. Mr. McCarthy's
ontage. Rite Cable indicated
ch by Mr. McCarthy and air
ed that everything was in order
r name tags should be prepared
istration. Ron Hoglund stated
ividuals comp~ete a name tag
n stated that an alphabetical
ve notations for paid donations.
1 guests would be treated upon
us of the Committee to have
their appropriate places.
d table seating arrangements
It was decided that an open bar w uld take place from 6:00 p.m.
to 7:00 p.m. only. If someone wi hed to drink during the meal,
drinks could be purchased. The w itresses would take one order
for an after dinner drink immedia e~y before the guest speaker
starts. After that point, it cou d be a cash bar.
At this point, Chair Morrell aske
members stated that it was harder
new contributors, while others st
that contributed in the past. Al
to some new individuals, but lost
gOing to be in town. He also ind
time to explain the IDC and its a
that because of various reasons,
tickets as well as his own.
Don Smith agreed that the sales w
suggested that some of his sales/
tickets next year. He suggested
be handled by us as a Committee a
have not been contributors in the
people. It was suggested that a
be given. Don also stated that L
montage to Mr. McCarthy. It was
some background information on th
present it.
IDe Minutes - 5/16/85
how ticket sales were. Various
than in the past to get any
ted that they had lost some
en stated that he sold tickets
some old ones that were not
cated that it took a lot of
tivities, etc. Allen explained
e took over three other members'
re very time consuming and
dvertising people help sell
hat the usual contributors
in the past, but those that
past be given to the sales
ommission of $5.00/ticket could
nn did not care to give the
greed upon that Don would prepare
montage and that Arve would
The Committee questioned the tick t count and the attendance.
Allen stated an actual count of c mmitment at 130 tickets as
of May 16, 1985. He further stat d that although 130 may contribute,
a smaller number may actually att nd.
Arve Grimsmo asked Harvey Kendall
speeches with question and answer
he did not know how he might reac
be discussed prior to the dinner.
A lengthy discussion took place w
from the work that this Committee
that there was no excuse for some
when they get thousands of dollar
the businesses this Committee bri
Committee's consensus to stress t
banquet letter's first two paragr
and added that some new contribut
donate but not come. They realiz
on industrial jobs, his business
new jobs.
if Mr. McCarthy followed his
periods. Harvey stated that
to this but felt it could
th regard to those who benefit
does. Committee members felt
businesses not contributing
as a result of the City and/or
gs into the City. It was the
e information that was in the
phs. Allen restated that information
rs such as Dave Hyttson will
that although we are concentrating
ill feel the effects of those
The next item on the agenda perta"ned to STP. Chair Morrell
asked about the snowplow/truck bo y aspect of the project. Allen
updated the Committee on why the orwegians might not proceed
with the snowplows/truck bodies p rt of the project. Because
people generally are reluctant to change, are skeptical of new
ideas/innovations, and are leery bout low prices, the Norwegians
are having a tough time selling t eir projects.
IDe Minutes - 5/16/85
Allen explained that the City of nticello does not like the
quality of some other products, an if buying another plOW would
likely purchase an STP plow. We f el that their products will
help sell themselves in the future, but we want to stress Bondhus'
IMF as a major force in initial ac eptance and distributorship.
Bud asked if the snowplow/truck y firm did not become part
of the greenhouse project what th chances would be for the
rest of the greenhouse participant. Allen stated that the last
few conversations with STP have be n without the snowplow/truck
body firm but included 5-6 other N rwegian firms.
In other business, Allen updated
with the Minnesota Farm Bureau. H
is for sale, and word is out among
is a contender. They will not mak
the building.
e Committee on the progress
stated that their building
their employees that Monticello
a choice before they sell
Vice-Chair Gary Wieber complimente
the presentation they made to the
indicated that the Farm Bureau was
Chair Morrell and Allen on
arm Bureau. Chair Morrell
very impressed with the presentation.
There being no further business,
e meeting was adjourned.
rx:1.;! ,
Allen L. Pelvit
Director of Economic Development
IDC Agenda - 6/20/85
3. Review of the 1985 Annual Banquet. (A.P.)
Enclosed are Exhibits I and II. E
budget for the 1985 Banquet. Exhi
with the anticipated donations to
they are very similar to those of
Financially, the banquet was a
will help sustain our efforts. Bu
to improve the banquet. Last mont
a few of his people sell tickets t
donated before. He also suggested
per $75.00 ticket. Those that are
still be handled by the Committee.
hibit I indicates the proposed
it II shows the actual amounts
e received. As you will see,
ess, and the monies raised
we need to look for ways
Don Smith suggested having
businesses that have not
giving a commission of $5.00
regular participators would
Please take a few minutes to think of anything that we may do
differently to make the banquet mo e of a success. Also, please
bring suggestions for next year's uest speaker.
There are no alternative actions 0 recommendations presented
for this item.
Exhibits I and II.
Revenue from ticket sales:
150 @ $75.00 ""
60 lobster @ $11.95
90 steaks @ $10.95
150 beverages @ $4.05
150 hors d'oeuvres @ $2.18
Less cost of montage
$ 71 7.00
$ 2,887.00
$ 2,972.00
$ 8,278.00
1985 Annual Banqu t Budget (Actual)
Monte Club
Monte Club (gratuity)
Monticello Office Products
(name tags)
Monticello Printing
(tickets, letters)
WoOd-type Montage
Plus donations not received
at this time, but expected to be
Net Profit
* This amount ($1,425.00), as in 1
various individuals/businesses a
this time. Due to the fact that
payment or some businesses only
month, we may not receive all thl
weeks. This is similar to what
$ 7,875.00
$ 1,852.00
$ 2,208.52
$ 5,666.48
$ 1,425.00*
$ 7,091.48
84, has been committed by
d has not been received at
some are just late with their
rite checks 1-2 times per
donations for another 1-2
ook place last year.
IDC Agenda - 6/20/85
4. Presentation on SpeCulative projeo . (A.P.)
In the past there have been indivi uals interested in developing
Block 15 lying directly south of t e B.N. Railroad tracks and
east of Highway 25. They were int rested until they looked into
the feasibility of its development. Because the present marsh-like
condition of the land would requir substantial site preparations,
developers have not pursued develo ing this property.
National Bushing has been interested in this property, but because
of the extraordinarily high cost of preparing it for construction
have decided to abandon this site. The City of Monticello and
its Fire Department had rejected t is site because of the high
costs of site preparation and futu e costs of soil corrections
for the parking lot, etc. Other sites with lower costs have
been selected.
During the past year, I have been
in a speculative building for the
I have had little interest on a p
continue to work on speculative s
trying to get developers interested
industrial park. To date,
e speculative basis. We will
ce for the industrial park.
veit Construction has made it kno that they are interested
in the property for the purpose of constructing a speculative
25,000 sq. ft. building with 16-faot sidewalls. The building
is estimated to cost $650,000.00 a d will provide an annual tax
of $22,000.00. Veit Construction as requested to he on the
HRA's JUly agenda to explain their project and request the use
of Tax Increment Financing.
The proposed project is one that ill 1) provide jobs; 2) increase
the City's tax base; 3) transform an unuseful piece of marsh
into a productive piece of commerQial property; and 4) aid in
the construction of 6th Street bet een Highway 25 and Cedar Street.
Tom Godlewski from Veit Construction will be present at the meeting
to explain the project in more de ail.
There are no alternative actions dr recommendations for this