IDC Agenda 05-16-1985 . AGEND MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEV LOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, May 16, 1985 - 7:00 A. M. Monticello C ty Hall MEMBERS: Chairman Jay Morrell, Vi e-chairman Gary Wieber, Wayne Bidwell, John Bond us, Tom Eidem, Bruce Gagnelius, Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hoglund, Shelly Johnson, Harvey Kendall, Dale Lungwitz, Bud Schrupp, Don Smith and Allen Pelv"t. 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of the s of the April 18, 1985 meeting. 3. Consideration of atte Star City quarterly meeting. 4. Finalization banquet. . 5. STP update. 6. Other business. 7. Adjournment. . . MI TES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, Apri~ 1 , 1985 - 7:00 A.M. Montice~~ City Ha~~ Members Present: Vice Chairman Gary Wieber, Tom Eidem, Ron Hog~und, Harvey Kenda~~, Da~e Lungwitz, Bud Schrupp, A~~en Pe~vit, and guest Frank Massarono. Vice Chairman Gary Wieber opened the meeting asking for approva~ of the 3/19/85 minutes. Bud Schr pp moved to approve said minutes, was seconded by Harvey Kenda~~, and passed 7-0. The first item on the agenda dea~t with fina~izing detai~s of the annua~ banquet. Wieber reviewed this agenda item and actions to be taken. He noted that the egu~ar May meeting wou~d fall on the 18th and would be appropriate for wrapping up all the banquet details. . Allen stated that Chairman Jay M ab~e to attend. He had a union the Committee to hold at least 0 He a~so suggested that Gary act also relayed information on the and Pandora proposals. rrell apologized for not being eeting to attend but wanted e more meeting before the banquet. s MC of the banquet. Allen innesota Farm Bureau, STP, Gary felt that perhaps revise the ticket list so that Con Johnson would receive h's origina~ list. Gary a~so suggested that if Allen gets the letters and envelopes ready to be mailed out by Monday, the 2nd, fOl~ow-ups could be made to each member by May 2. The Co ittee felt that Allen did a good job of ticket sales and f llowing up last year and shou~d do the same this year. Allen asked if the Committee had tickets, and the Minnesota Farm were mentioned, and Allen then a should be invited. The Committe be given to the Beddors. Gary a Tom indicated that they were sch approximately the same time and attend. Harvey Kendall asked th be invited, and Allen stated tha invitations were made. any other suggestions for complimentary ureau was suggested. The Beddors ked if the Committee felt they felt that no tickets should ked if STP was invited, and duled to be in Minnesota at erhaps this year they wou~d t Norm Ecklund and Dick Statz in his letters to Norm, the Ron Hoglund asked how Pick Indus was progressing. Allen stated that Mr. Pick was having of trouble with their manufacturerrepresentativesand ad been spending a considerab~e amount of time getting that stra'ghtened out. The last time . 1- . IDC Minutes - 4/18/85 Allen talked to Mr. Pick about h's business plans, he discussed the possibility of starting a re lamation center. This would involve the purchasing of old/un sed or damaged train cars, salvaging and/or rebuilding part. This would not fit Monticello's philosophy on types of clean ind stry. Allen also stated that perhaps his plans may change aga'n and then we will actively pursue the relocation of this bu iness. Gary asked how last year's progr m was put together, and Allen explained that as MC Gary would 'ntroduce the Mayor, the presenter of the montage, and the person f om NSP who will introduce Mr. McCarthy. At this point, the co sensus of the Committee was to have Gary act as MC. Tom sta ed that Rite Cable will be present at the banquet and tape 't. He noted that the speech would not be aired live but woul, be aired perhaps 48 hours later. Chairman Wieber suggested that len contact Lynn Smith to see if he would again like to present and explain the montage to Mr. McCarthy. If Lynn felt unco fortable in the presentation, perhaps Mayor Grimsmo would present it. Allen said he would check on it. . The next item concerned the consideration of a mental health clinic. Allen introduced Frank Masserono of Harley Clinic of Minnesota. He also explained t e background information on how he initially helped with de ographics, etc., and why they should choose Monticello over D lano, Buffalo, or Big Lake. Frank thanked the members of th to the meeting and listening to stated that it was unfortunate Phil Chalmers, was unaware of t and Big Lake. A lot of time, m been expended on this project, their best interest. Harley Clinics took Phil Chalme him with Frank. Frank looked a and Sherburne Counties and deci location. This was due to a ce from those cities who offered m the County Social Services. . Dr. Harley has been in Minnesot the Harley Clinic 10 years ago. on staff. During the past few requests from outstate cities/c Their first clinic in outs tate Glencoe, with another started i Committee for inviting him what was to take place. He hat a young development counselor, e dynamic history between Monticello ney, and effort has already o to just drop it was not in s off the project and replaced the demographics of both wright ed that Monticello was the ideal tralized location and distance ntal health services through for about 15 years and started They had approximately 35 psychOlogists ears, they have had numerous unties for their services. as established 5 years ago in Montevideo and Benson. -2- . IDC Minutes - 4/18/85 Frank explained the limited part erships and how $100,000 is needed to fund the clinic's init"al start up. The limited partnerships would be offered in $5,000 units with 16% interest paid. Ninety percent (90%) ($4,500) is treate as a loan and is projected to be paid back in two years. T e option is available to leave 10% or more into the clinic as a investment. Of the money/percentage invested, 25% of the clinic's pr fits are distributed accordingly. As a result of the discussions t recommendation to form an ad hoc 7-10 days, the purpose of which of the limited partnerships. To from the City, Chamber, the Indu and the Hospital form the ad hoc Harvey Kendall volunteered from Allen from the City, while Dale as Chamber President and bank em Frank for coming. at took place, it was the Committee's committee to meet in about as to seek direction for sale Eidem suggested that a member trial Development Committee, committee and see how it proceeds. he Industrial Development Committee, ungwitz volunteered Tom Lindquist loyee. The Committee thanked There being no further business, Tom Eidem moved to adjourn. It was seconded by Harvey Kendal and passed 8-0. . ~~ Director of Economic Development . 3- . 3. Consideration of Attendin Star Cit A). Reference and background: The Minnesota Department of Business Development Divisi City program. They have st last year and have expanded meeting. Topics in the pas signs, co-op advertising pr program. Past meetings have been ver of Energy and Economic Deve luncheon into a longer, mor I will be attending these m it appropriate to invite co to attend. B & C). Alternative action andreco (A.P.). Energy and Economic Development's n is responsible for the Star rted having quarterly luncheons the lunches to include a included the Star City road grams and business retention short. This year the Department opment (DEED) is expanding the productive seminar-like meeting. etings regularly, but thought ittee members who might like endation can be combined. . Formal action is not requir d, however, if anyone wishes to attend this all-day meeting please let me know. D). Supporting data: Copy of Star City quarterly meeting agenda. * Additional information: S ar City lapel pins are available for $2.50 each. Orders w 11 be taken at the quarterly meeting but accepted no 1 ter than June 30, 1985. Our fight to place the Star Throughout the winter I hav Local Senator and Represent allow us to install our sig received word that the bill law was passed and signed b official notification of it signs on 1-94. . -1- City road signs on 1-94 has ended. contacted our U. S. Senators and tive to amend Minnesota law and on the freeway. We have submitted to change the signage the Governor. We are awaiting passage before we replace the . 4. Finalization of the Annual Ban ue (A.P.). A). Reference and background: This is the last meeting befo e the annual banquet. At this late date, it is not anticipated that any changes will take place. In fact, we hope that no changes need to be discussed. It is an i formational item and will let everyone know where we stand just prior to the banquet. As of this writing, the follo ing are confirmed: . - Don McCarthy - Monte Club - - Montage - Ly - M.C. and pro - Video taping - Guests atten Farm Bure Norm Eckl Brustuen, town. Lo Bob McEac - As of this w totaled $5,8 to sell anot us a total 0 B & C). No alternative action or rec D). Supporting data: Revised ticket list. . speaker etc. ram of Mr. McCarthy's speech. ing: Gerald Hagaman, Minnesota Uj Anders Skipenes, STP; nd, NSP; Robert Stern. Mr. Eldon MN. Trade Office, will be out of a1 Senator Betty Adkins and Rep. ern will be in session at that time. iting, May 10, 1985, ticket sales 0.00 (78 people). It is estimated er 59 or $4,428.00, thus giving $10,275.00 (137 people). 5. (STP) Scandinavian Trans ort Produ . A). Reference and background: As you will recall, the result of our meeting with Eldon Brustuen was to initiate a meeting with the State of Minnesota. You will also rema ber that at our last meeting I explained what took place at that meeting and that both Hastings and Monticello submitted proposals to the State of Minnesota. We sent an origin 1 to STP and a copy to Mark Dayton's office. Since the April 15th submissi of the proposal and passed it The basic part of the propos a and lease amounts were simila the major difference involved of Monticello can help STP. We have combined the professi services of Bondhus Corporati Facilitators (IMF), Wrightco, Inc., to give Monticello a co have agreed to give STP vario advice/services at no charge. letterheads, etc. would be on n, STP has acknowledged receipt along to others in the project. pertaining to the building costs to that of Hastings, however, the mechanics of how the City nal marketing/distribution n's International Marketing Inc. and Fulfillment Systems, petitive edge. These firms s types of marketing/distribution Other services, such as mailings, a cost of merchandise basis. When I received the informatio on the types of companies interested in the "Greenhouse' project and the square footage and numbers of employees need d, the snow plow and truck body firms were not listed. When asked them for information about these two, they informed me t at the marketing of these two products was jeopardizing the possibility of these joining the "Greenhouse" operation. . I will be meeting with Bondh s's I.M.F. with regard to their marketing problems. Also, A ders Skippenes has arrived in the cities on Friday, May 10. 1985. On Monday, May 13, 1985, he will meet with Eldon Brustue of the Minnesota Trade Office. After working out their sche ules, they will be meeting with us here in Monticello to dis uss the project. I will keep you informed. B & C). No formal action D). Supporting data: is needed on this item. Copy of proposal, copy of su mary for Minnesota "Greenhouse." . -3- ;(. STAR CITY QUARTERLY w:> SESSION AGENDA JUNE 5,19 5 RAMADA 10:00 a.m. Registration 10:30 A.m. Introductions - Status of Star City Mvertising Campaign - Update on Labor Market rvey Assistance 11:00 a.m. Dialogue withCOnmissioner - Questions and answer - Discussion of new initi 12:00 a.m. Lunch 1:00 p.m. Marketing Your Industrial . - Noted Minnesota develo rs will carment on key issues regarding marketing W strial sites in your camunity. Speakers: Bruce A. s, Vice President - VenStar, Inc. Ray Rauch, ice President - Kraus-Andemon Constrution Co. Al Shac , Vice President - Ryan Constru tion Carpany of MN, Inc. 2:00 p.m. Up:1ate on Minnesota Depa t of Energy and Economic Developnent Loan Programs Speaker: Ed Meyer, ty Calln.issioner Financial agement - DEEI? 2:30 p.m. Break 2:45 p.m. tJiXlate on Economic Devel t Programs Speaker: Kathleen laban, Dep.lty Camdssioner Econanic lopaent Division .. 3:15 p.m. Review and discussion of r City Recertification process - status of 1985 Certific tions - Options for recertifica ion in 1986 . 3:45 p.m. Closing Remarks 4:00 p.m. Adjourn .' ,_~_..,~" ..,......'".....,.,;"/..,.,~I,:\' ~r',",:"~"""""""r"...'" . ----.--..., ,..