IDC Agenda 04-18-1985 . MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DE ELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, April 18, 1 85 - 7:00 A. M. Monticello C ty Hall MEMBERS: Chairman Jay Morrell, V.ce-chairman Gary Wieber, Wayne Bidwell, John Bon hus, Tom Eidem, Bruce Gagnelius, Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hoglund, Shelly Johnson, Harvey Kendall, Dale Lungwitz, Bud Schrupp, Don Smith and Allen Pel it. 1. Call to. order. 2. Approval of minutes of the March 19, 1985 meeting. 3. Update and finaliza ion of annual banquet. 4. Consideration of a ental Health Clinic proposal. . 5. Other business. 6. Adjournment. . . Tuesday, March - 11: 30 A. M. MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEV LOPMENT COMMITTEE n Members present: Chairman Ja Morrell, Tom Eidem, Arve Grimsmo, Dale Lungwi z, Harvey Kendall, Bud Schrupp, Allen Pelvi . This was the first of several luncheon meetings we will be having throughout 1985/86. T e guest at this meeting was Mr. Eldon Brustuen, Director f the Minnesota Trade Office. Mr. Brustuen arrived at City all shortly after 11:00 A. M. After the usual and customary introductions, the group met at the River Inn. Before, du ing and afterwards, the dis- cussion center.ed on how to motivate the Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic Develo ment off dead center and help Monticello develop the STP "G eenhouse" project. After a general brainstorming session, it was decided to initiate a meeting with Mr. M. Dayton's office. . The general meeting consisted of updating and finalizing details ot the annual banquet. Following the meeting Allen toured Bondhus Corporation's plant and offices with Mr. Brustuen. the meeting was adjourned. it Economic Develop ent ALP/lsg . . 3. U date and Finalization of An ual Ban uet. (A. P.) A). Reference and background: As of this meeting, we wi 1 be approximately one month away from the May 20th an ual banquet. The following areas have already been a ranged and confirmed: * Guest speaker - Mr. Don ld W. McCarthy, N.S.P.'s Chairman of the Board & CEO. * Ticket preparation/sale letter. * Banquet date/time. * Montage for guest speak * Video taping of Mr. McC * Proposed budget for ban speech. B). Action to be taken: The following items must e addressed: * Ticket sales list for C Johnson. * Ticket sales. * MC and program. . * Complimentary tickets. * Ticket sales letter. C) . Recommendation: Ticket sale assignments h agenda, with the exceptio to sell banquet tickets, the committee's concensus Con. I suggest that we, and each give one name to suggest we consider givin As in the past, I recomme The following list of com ~ Mr. & Mrs. .:1_ Mr. & Mr s . vL (STP) Scand Mr. & Mrs. Senator Bet Representat v"'-".::: Mr. & Mrs. Dr. Bill Ha ve been passed out with the last of Con Johnson. Con volunteered nd at last month's luncheon meeting was to give a list of names to s a committee, review our lists make up Con's list. I also Wayne Bidwell's list to Con. d the IDC Chairman act as MC. limentary tickets should be given: onald McCarthy, NSP ldon Brustuen navian Transport Products ohn Johnson, Northern Insulation y Adkins ve Robert McEachern obert Stern ley, Harley Clinic of Minnesota v .". frl~ '\:"')'(1-' \")1 <11-\1 If you think of anyone wh should be given complimentary tickets please let me kno . -1- . D). Supporting Data: See ticket sales list in he February 21, 1985 supplement. Proposed bud et for banquet. 4. Consideration of a Mental Hea th Clinic Pro osal (A.P.). A). Reference and background: In mid February I met wit a representative of Harley Clinics of Minnesota, Inc. The first several meetings were for the gathering of information and demographics, etc. The information was to be used in the site selection (city) process for a new arley Mental Health Clinic. . The Harley Clinic represe into a site started with type of clinic needs a po, people to succeed. Wrigh lation was 65,000. The R that if a clinic were sta services could be receive as well. As the name Har infers, its clients will The site of the clinic wa with perhaps 3-5 satillit The main office would hav perhaps one social worker utilize space in one of t During the first month th cities in Wright County t Buffalo and Monticello we was ruled out because of Delano did not show much Monticello as a good choi The next phase in Harley interest in the community clinic. I invited the Ha with the City Administrat he asked if the city woul the clinic. When told th to enter such arrangement look for interest in the administrator at the hosp asking the city of Big La Now we are at mid-March a place between the city of this point I was disappoi Lake and withdrew my supp . -2- tatives initial investigation geographical location. This ulation base of about 75,000 County's estimated 1984 popu- rley Clinic representative felt ted in Wright County, its by some Sherburne County people ey Clinic of Wright County ainly be residents of Wright County. thought to be centrally located offices throughout the County. 3 full-time psychologists, with and 3 office workers. They would e existing clinics and/or hospital. t they were looking for potential be the home of the Clinic, Delano, e chosen as possible sites. Buffalo heir county social services. nterest, which left the city of e. linie's plans, was find enough to obtain the funding for the ley Clinic representative to visit r. After explaining the program, be interested in funding part of t it was not the city's policy , the representative started to ommunity. When he visited with tal, he was given the idea of e for help. d several meetings have taken Big Lake and Harley Clinic. At ted in their dealings with Big rt. . Approximately 3 weeks passed and I did not hear of any progress on the Clin c, so I contacted them. It appears that the city of Big Lake and top management of Harley Clinics did not agree completely and have since parted ways. Harley Clinic's view was that the city of Big Lake was too small to fund such a clinic and has decided to again pursue Monticello as a site for the clinic. My last visit was with Mr. Frank Masserano. Frank put together and sold the li ited partnerships for the clinics in Montevideo and Benson. In our discussions on where and how to proceed with the clinic, I suggested he attend this meeting and have a brain-storming session. B). Action to be taken: No formal action is needed as this is an informative meetings. Although this is not an industrial project, it will provide approximately 7 new positions and provide a service normally receied in Buffalo, St. Cloud or Elk River. C). Recommendation: . No recommendation is give . them another chance to co e to another city once and it I do suggest that we give to Monticello as we lost them could happen a second time. D). Supporting data: Newspaper article and information booklet on the Harley Clinic. . -3- . PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 1 85 ANNUAL BAN UET Revenue from ticket sales: 1511 @ $ 7 5 . 00 == Expenses: 60 lobster @ $11.95 90 steaks @ $10.95 150 beverages @ $4.05 150 hors d'oeuvres @ $2.1 Gratuity Sub-total Less cost of montage . NET PROFIT . $ 717.00 985.50 607.50 327.00 250.00 $ 2,887.00 85.00 $11,250.00 $ 2,972.00 $ 8,278.00