IDC Agenda 03-19-1985 . ~E MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL Tuesday, March 19, Rive DA EVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1985 - 11:30 A.M. Inn Committee Members: Chairman Jay orrell, Vice-Chairman Gary Wieber, Wayne Bidwell, John Bondhus, Tom Eidem, Bruce agnelius, Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hoglund, Shel y Johnson, Harvey Kendall, Dale Lungwitz. Bud Schrupp, Don Smith, and Allen Pelvit. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes of the Fe ruary 21, 1985, meeting. 3. Update and Finalization of An ual Banquet. . 4. Luncheon Guest. 5. Other Business. 6. Adjournment. NOTE: The next regularly schedul d meeting will be held on April 18, 1985, at City Ha 1 - 7:00 A.M. . . MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, February 1, 1985 - 7:00 A.M. Monticello City Hall Members Present: vice-Chairman G ry Wieber, Tom Eidem, Arve Grimsmo, Ron Ho lund, Shelly Johnson, Harvey Kendall, Bud Scrupp, Don Smith, and Allen Pelvit. Vice-Chairman Wieber opened the meting stating that Chairman Morrell was out of town and would not be attending the meeting. He then asked for approval of the January 17, 1985, minutes. Bud Schrupp moved to approve said minutes, was seconded by Ron Hoglund, and passed 9-0. . Gary Wieber reviewed the agenda i em concerning future meeting dates and the options pertaining 0 it. Tom Eidem stated that he was in favor of alternative #3 whereby the Committee has six meetings on regular meeting ates and six luncheon meetings with prospects, existing industr leaders, or special guests. He added that in the past, membe s of the Committee were, in effect, the Directors of Economi Development and performed a variety of staff type duties. Meeting monthly was important in that Committee members coordi ated their efforts. Now that Allen is on board, that necessit is not as critical. He further stated that it was his understan ing that when issues arose needing special attention such a promotional or prospect meetings, etc., there would be no problem alling a meeting and having from 4-8 individuals attend. To felt that it would be most productive to schedule six regul r meetings to take care of the regular business such as the annual banquet and Appreciation Day events, and six meetings on lternating months for luncheons, etc. Bud Schrupp stated that he felt "t important to have this type of luncheon meeting for our loca industries. He added that it would not only show our appre iation but give them a chance to discuss their firm's concerns and/or needs. Allen indicated that the propose meeting calendar started with March as our first luncheon mee ing and the alternating months worked out to coincide with the annual banquet and Appreciation Day, etc. He added that there ould be a short business meeting at or prior to the luncheon. Vice-Chairman Wieber stated tha a meeting just for the sake of it was not his intent to have aving a meeting. He stated . -1- . that this agenda was an example i this agenda item to establish a n really was no need to get togethe . IDC Minutes - 2/21/85 case. If it were not for meeting schedule, there Both Gary and Allen indicated tha Chairman Morrell had indicated prior to this meeting his prefere ce to holding monthly meetings. Gary also stated that in his duti s with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Allen has been given t e authority to handle routine matters and, likewise, should use the same discretion with Committee members. If, for example, the mo th before the annual banquet we need to meet two times, then t 0 meetings will be held. Flexibility will play an importan role. Gary suggested that Allen add the next tentative meet.ng date to the agendas from now on. Arve Grimsmo stated that he agree that the luncheon meetings should It was also suggested the entire luncheon meetings and perhaps onl year would be appropriate. . Bud Schrupp moved to adopt alter meeting/luncheon meeting startin to call special meetings and/or Eidem seconded the motion and wa A follow-up discussion regarding meeting took place. It was deci third week of the month, but not month, as that would interfere w meetings. The Committee concurr that Allen invite Eldon Brustuen Trade office, for our first lunc with alternative #3 and added be held in the right place. ommittee be invited to the four luncheon meetings per ative #3 and have a business in March with the flexibility onferences when needed. Tom passed 9-0. the dates for the March luncheon to have them during the on the third Thursday of the th the Chamber of Commerce d. Arve Grimsmo suggested the Director of Minnesota's eon. The next agenda item covered the annual banquet. vice-Chairman Wieber reviewed the agenda item ith the Committee. Tom Eidem moved to hold the annual banquet at the Monte Club on May 20, 1985. It was seconded by Harvey Kendall and passed 9-0. other items discussed included ticket sales, the guest speaker, the banquet times, menu, and ticket prepara ion. The next meeting would be used to confirm some of thes issues. Arve Grimsmo reported on his la est contact with Eldon Brustuen and STP. He stated that STP ha found that their marketing ability is somewhat limited. T aid them in this important aspect of manufacturing and sel ing snowplowS, they have or will be using some of Falls Man facturing expertise. STP has indicated their choice of locat ons is between Hastings and Monticello. In fact, STP has i dicated they really want to . -2- . . . IDC Minutes - 2/21/85 choose Monticello. However, Harry osefelt's office has not been Cooperative. Allen stated tha he has spoken to Mr. Rosefelt about STP, and initially his office was leaning towards a city with an existing building. Allen f rther stated that the last time he approached Mr. Rosefelt abo t STP he agreed that we were in the running and shoUld proceed with a proposal. Allen then explained the foreign manufact ing application for a $100,000.00 Grant and how Monticello Was the onl city that applied on behalf of STP. Arve Grimsmo suggested giving Harry moving. He also suggested contactin osefelt a push to get things the Trade Office. :::::-:".- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. (~~~~ A len L. Pelvit Director of Economic Development -3- IDC Agenda - 3/19/85 . 3. U date and Finalization of Annual Banquet. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the February 21, 1985, meeting the Committee agreed to hold the annual fund raiser on Monday, May 20, 1985, at the Monte Club. It was also agreed upon th t the menu would remain the same as in 1984. Today's agenda item is for the pu pose of updating the Committee on the banquet's progress and to ffirm those areas that include: Guest Speaker Ticket preparation Ticket Sales Banquet Times, etc. Montage for Guest spea~ r M.C. and Program Complimentary Tickets B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . Action on each particular item w"ll be handled by those responsible and an update given at the meeti g. . -1- IDC Agenda - 3/19/85 . 4. Luncheon Guest. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you may recall, at our Februar 21, 1985, meeting we discussed several things regarding noon luncheon meetings for local industry leaders and/or prospects. Mayor rimsmo suggested I contact Mr. Eldon Brustuen from the Minnesota Trade Office. he has arranged his schedule ut to spend most of the day I have contacted Mr. Brustuen, an to not only attend our luncheon, visiting with us and our industri s. Arve Grimsmo indicated discussed the STP project with Mr. Brustueni and thinks Monticello is aggressive and should push to get STP, he dOl s not want to be caught in the middle of a fight between the Trade Office and the Minnesota Department of Economic Developmen . . I am sure you will find Mr. Brust able to help in our quest to attr consider joining us for lunch on any suggestions for visiting with around, please let me know. en most interesting and perhaps ct foreign industry. Please arch 19, 1985. If you have Mr. Brustuen or showing him .