IDC Agenda 02-21-1985 . Members: AG NDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, February 1, 1985 - 7:00 A.M. Monticell City Hall Chairman Jay Morrell, V Bidwell, John Bondhus, Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hoglu Harvey Kendall, Bud Sch Pelvit. 1. Call to Order. ce-Chairman Gary Wieber, Wayne om Eidem, Bruce Gagnelius, d, Shelly Johnson, Dale Lungwitz, upp, Don smith, and Allen 2. Approval of Minutes of the Re lar Meeting Held January 23, 1985. 3. Consideration of New Monthly eeting Format. . 4. Preparation for the Annual Ba quet. 5. Other Business. 6. Adjournment. . . TES MONTICELLO DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, J nuary 23, 1985 Montice~~ City Ha~~ Members Present: Chairman Jay M Arve Grimsmo, Bud Schrupp, D rre~~, Co-Chairman Gary Wieber, on Hog~und, She~~y Johnson, n Smith, and A~~en Pe~vit. Chairman Morre1l opened the meet.ng asking for approval of the December 20, 1984, minutes. Ron Hog1und moved to approve said minutes and was seconded by Arve Grimsmo. . Jay Morrell asked for nomination for 1985 Chairman and Vice-Chairman. After a lengthy silence, Don Smi h stated that Jay had done such a good job during 1984 that he should continue as Chairman in 1985. Arve Grimsmo also stat d that Jay did a good job in 1984. Although activity in Mont.cello is low at the present time, we should not ~ose site of the fact that over the long term (3-5 years), Monticello has a lot to be proud of. Chairman Morrell asked if Gary Wieber wou d also consider acting as Vice- Chairman for 1985, with the fact that Jay might be unable to attend meetings because of trave commitments. Wieber indicated he would act as Vice-Chair for 1 85. Don Smith moved to re-appoint Ja and Gary Wieber as Vice-Chairman thanks for serving in 1984. He reasons, he had come prepared to Committee Chairman, as did most should support Jay and Gary in t seconded the motion above and wa Morrell as Chairman for 1985 for 1985, with the Committee's tated that because of business turn down a nomination for ther Committee members, and eir efforts. Shelly Johnson passed unanimously (8-0). The next item on the agenda was onsidering a new day for monthly meetings. chairman Morrell stat d his appreciation for the summary of attendance throughout the last 12 months. He further stated that he didn't realize at endance was so good. He then opened it up for discussion. Al en stated that only two individuals indicated a preference to either Wednesday or Thursday and that one of the individuals was prese t. Don Smith indicated that his preference for Wednesday was because of personal conflict. He stated that if attendance was good on Thursdays, he would alter his racquetball time or co tinue to come a little late to the meetings. Don reflected n past years attendance records of 3-5 and if having 8 of the Ci yes busiest people attend the meetings, then maybe Thursday sh uld remain the regular meeting date. After some discussion, it was suggested that the agenda add the next regular meeting dat. Arve moved to keep the meeting day on Thursdays and was seconde by Gary Wieber. Passed 8-0. . 1- . IDC Minutes - 1/23/85 The remainder of the meeting was used as an informa1 discussion of prospective business and the egree of incentives to be given to such a firm. Allen stated th t he had some concerns with the competitiveness that is taki g place. He asked at what point does the City stand fast a not giving away the farm. Don Smith indicated that if a fi m such as IXI or Bondhus were considering leaving the state, t e City would use all of its powers and ability to retain the. A11en stated that Don's point was well taken. FSI's dec'sion to expand and relocate in Monticello city limits rather than move to Wisconsin was a case in point. But what if an outside firm came to us and explained their needs and asked or every incentive available under the sun, or would we stand fast and require the firm to contribute to the project in ord r to form an equity type relationship? Gary Wieber suggested that it wo ld be very difficult to set guidelines or policies for this ype of activity and each project should be judged on its merits. . Chairman Morrell stated that the away. An example was Dickinson St. Cloud to Princeton. Montice not or could not give Dickinson after the fact, the building is Chapter 11 and received very bad have been a good firm to bring i that if you only require the buy down and the payments are equal nothing hOlding the individual t Don Smith stated that Monticello but as a whole we should be prou made. Although some businesses we have good s01id businesses al we should take a little more tim Arve Grimsmo stated that it was ourselves once in a while, but n 10se a business. For examp1e, L as the home for a $90,000,000.00 be c10se to their raw materials; farmers. He added that being pr that part out of the way. The r too, felt that we should show ou It was the Committee's consensus It might get them to te11 us the also suggested to have each busi and blow their horn about their City should not give the ship us Lines, which moved from 10 felt bad because we did hat Princeton did. Two years lmost idle. They have filed publicity. This would not to Monticello. He also stated r of a house to pay $500.00 o apartment rents, there is stay. has missed a few businesses, of the progress that has been ay have slipped away from us, eady in Monticello and possibly and effort to tell them that. mportant to be critical of t to get discouraged when we ttle Falls has been chosen cheese plant. That plant wi1l whereas, Montice1lo lacks dairy pared is essential and have st will fall into p1ace. Grimsmo, industry leaders more appreciation. to look further into this. r true needs, etc. It was ess owner come to our meeting usiness. Don Smith indicated that when Eu Garth decided on Maple Lake instead of Monticello, his impre sion of his business was that . 2- . Garth didn't think much of long might be a little higher class t to deal with. Gary Wieber state the CPA business, he did 1040 ta get started. After becoming est selective. He compared his star Monticello is established and ca in the firms wanted. Gary indic Committee's existence was due to our tax base would have eroded t would have gotten desperate. Ou but increased substantially, and Allen thanked the Committee for etc., and stated that it gave hi Morrell stated that Monticello s and everything that comes along. Monticello but for financial inc a serious look at it. IDC Minutes - 1/23/85 erm benefits. Don felt Monticello an Garth's operation was willing that when he first was in returns for $10.00 just to blished, he became much more to Monticello in that now be more selective or targeted ted that the reason for the NSP's decrease in value. If such a low point, maybe Monticello tax base has not decreased, as a result can be selective. heir thoughts regarding incentives, a sense of direction. Chairman ould take a look at anything When it comes down to choosing ntives, then we should take A discussion took place ittee members concerning Monticello's existing businesses and the fact that several of our businesses expanded and created jobs during 1984. Don Smith moved to have Allen return to the February 21, 1985, meeting with a plan of action describing the times, pIa es, and objectives of having industry leaders attend our meet'ngs. Don added in his motion that if possible, the first invi ation might be for the March meeting. He felt that Allen and ay should get together on this prior to the next meeting. The above motion was seconded by Bud Schrupp and passed 8-0. . Chairman Morrell began a discussi n about the Promotion, Publicity, and Prospect Sub-committee regarding advertising. He stated that his firm was willing to dona e the land for the sign, but went on to say that perhaps it wo ld be the wrong place for such a sign. He suggested the Co ittee consider placing a sign 1-2 miles before the 1-94/1- 94 exchange. The suggested message would inform motorists th t they are only 20 minutes away from Monticello and that as 'ndustrialists, maybe Monticello is the place to expand and/or reI cate their business. The Committee suggested looking into he feasibility of placing a sign near the 1-94/494 site. Chairman Morrell stated that the the annual banquet at the Februa has secured NSP's Chairman of the Bud Schrupp stated that a minimum Committee's goal for 1985. . Pelvit of Economic Development ommittee should start planning meeting. Harvey Kendall Board, Mr. MCCarthy, as guest speaker. of $10,000.00 should be the he meeting was adjourned. . IDC Agenda - 2/21/85 3. Consideration of New Monthly Meet ng Format. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: It has come to my attention that more of a ritual than a productiv harder to think of agenda items j topics for the meetings. I do no agendas if we don't need to discu not like attending another 7:00 A agree that we have better things meeting 12 times a year. At last month's meeting, Don Smit and maybe the Vice-President of 0 and/or lunches. This would give their appreciation to the firms a horns, so to speak. Don moved to help the Committee meet with indu ur monthly meetings have become measure. I have been trying st for the sake of having like to spend the time preparing s them. Likewise, you do M. meeting. I think we all o do than attend a meaningless suggested having a President r local firms attend our meetings ur Committee a chance to show d let the firm blow their put a plan together that would try leaders. During the last month, about this a lot. At the same time, I tried a way to strengthen our meetings as well. In reviewing last year's minutes, there were two major events: 1) The Annual Banquet in May, and 2) the Appreciation Day in September. That leaves 1 months of which many times a meeting is not needed. . In trying to incorporate both Do leaders to a meeting and/or lunc a meeting just for the sake of h are possible. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Smith's motion to invite business and my suggestion to not have ving a meeting, the following 1. Continue having regular meet ngs on the 3rd Thursday of the month. 2. Have 12 regular meetings, bu to make a short presentation period. The remainder of th can be used to cover agenda 3. Have 6 regular meetings and the Committee can discuss th invite 6 industry leaders to the Committee with a Q & A time allotted for the meeting tems, etc. ave 6 luncheon meetings where concerns of our industry leaders. 4. Only call a meeting when a s fficient amount of business warrants a meeting. . -1- . C. RECOMMENDATION: I agree with having a meeting wit They are a very important part of that the number of actual meeting the Committee meets the industry on the 3rd Thursday of the month lunch does not make any differenc IDC Agenda - 2/21/85 leaders of our local industries. our community. I also feel should be decreased. Whether eaders at our monthly meeting r we meet them for a noon to me. The attached sheet indicates whic months should be considered for IDC related purposes such as he banquet, or appreciation, budgets, etc., and the remainder for industry leader meetings. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Dates of next 12 meeting dates a d possible topics. . . -2- . 1985/86 MEE ING CALENDAR . March 21, 1985 *April 18, 1985 May 16, 1985 *June 20, 1985 July 18, 1 985 *August 15, 1985 September 19, 1985 *October 17, 1985 November 21, 1985 *December 19, 1985 January 16, 1985 *February 20, 1985 Industry Leaders Industry Leaders Industry Leaders Industry Leaders Industry Leaders Industry Leaders *Denotes Regularly Sche uled Meeting . IDC Agenda - 2/21/85 . 4. Preparation for the Annual Ban ue . (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you may remember, this year's was set for May 20, 1985. The gu Chairman of the Board, has accept the Monticello Nuclear Plant and and its business. nual Fund Raising Banquet st speaker, Mr. McCarthy, d and will likely speak on ow it relates to Monticello Last year's banquet, although fal successful. After analyzing the was to keep all ticket prices at of 135 tickets. This would resul Based on last year's expenses, 13 thus netting us $7,600.00. ing short of our goal, was esults, the Committee's consensus 75.00 and to sell a minimum in revenue of $10,000.00. meals would cost $2,400.00, $11.95/plate - Lobs $10.95/plate - New $ 1.50/drink - Bar $ 2.00/person- Hors tc., for the banquet. Banquet ear and perhaps the 2-part item that must be decided upon We need to set the times, place, tickets have been discussed last ticket can be utilized. Another is the menu. . The Chamber had their annual ban in the past, the IDC should const for the banquet. I have contacte the following quotes: et at the River Inn; and as er the Monte Club as a site the Monte Club and received Steak d'oeuvres They would provide the same type past. The reason for the increa a shortage of lobster. of service, etc., as in the e in the lobster is due to B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Confirm all arrangements wit the Monte Club. 2. Make arrangements at the Riv r Inn. C. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend having the banquet a the Monte Club. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of IDC members. . 3- . Harvey Kendall 2 * NSP Mel Worth * Osowski's Fun Market ',i * Judy's Kitchen .) * Joyners 1 * Veit Construction country Kitchen Country Travel Store Century 21 Realty (White Dove I) Riverwood Conference Center Perkins (9) . 2 * John Bondhus 3 * 1st American National Bank - S . Cloud Olson & Son's Electric 2 * Maus Tire Walt Murfin Landscaping Ron White Griefnow Sheetmetal Dr. Maus - Family Practice Cli ic 2 * North Central Gas (Coon Rapids) . (9) 1 (15) * Springsted, Inc. Monticello-Big Lake Health Ca e Center Peterson's Monticello Ford 2 * Don Smith . 2 * A.D.S. 1 * Warren Smith 2 * Coast to Coast Monticello Printing 1 ~ Foster Franzen Ins. 2 * KMOM Red's Mobil David's photography Gronseth Directories (10) . . Gary Wieber 1 * Mosford 1 * Construction 5 2 * Wrightco Products 2 * Gruys Johnson & Associates 2 * Fair's Garden Center 1 * Maus Foods 1 * Smith, Pringle & Hayes Mark's Realty Dr. Brion . 1 * Snyder Drug Brothers II (Ron Carlson) Chris Hall, D.C. 2 * Loch Jewelers John Sandberg (5) . . 1 * Tom Eidem 2 * Holmes & Graven 2 * Security Federal Silver Fox Inn TD\C P\ ---- Larson Manufacturing 2 * Fulfillment Systems, Inc. .2 * Bob McDonald (the Mall) 2 * First National Bank of Montie 110 Marco Business Products (Ranc Armstrong) K & H Auto ( Ken Stolp) 2 l.t Ultra Homes (Bob Bemboom) J MOil ( Jim Moores ) Blonigen Builders (Dan/Henr Blonigen) . (13) Bruce Gagnelius 2 '* Automatic Garage Door Company Bill Seefeldt - Electro Indus ries Wayne's Red Owl Gene Fyle Fingerhut 2 * National Bushing Seitz's Servi/Star Hardware Kent Kjellberg Monticello Theatre Glass Hut IDS American Express (Dan W ckman ) The What Knot Gift Shoppe (Joyce Dowling ) . Arlyn Nelson 11 ~ Ken Barthel - Barthel Homes (5) . . . 2 * Jay Morrell) 2 Bridgewater Telephone Company * Lindquist Funeral Home 2 Dahlheimer Distributing Compa9 * SMA Elevator Jim Miller Construction 1 * Marn Flicker T.V. & Appliance Reinert Construction 1 (8) * Moon Motors Allen Pelvit All Season's Resort Burger King * IxY Assemblies ? fr Kentucky Fried Chicken Mr. Sam Peraro Holiday Station Store 2 ~ Fab Con Highway Liquor The Barbers Video Corners Wendy's Hambergers Little Mountain Dental Clinic Holker's Drive Inn '* Monticello Big Lake Pet Hospital Burlington Northern Railroad HCH Construction V.F.W. Post #8731 River Terrace Park Ginny's ':r-C~lp..) &.u(L<-:' )n rr \-1--:sc:, N D -> G "{ R s\r\l~~ lD<1.-N/.i'lS, \ Rothche's Bakery Gille's Auto Sales & Service Gartner's Hallmark Ruff Auto Rolling Wheels Fun Center The Plumbery Masters Sleep Center The Pizza Factory MSI Insurance o K Hardware MOnticello Liquor Montgomery Ward Catalog Sales Dino's Deli & Pizza Torn Thumb Thorp Loan & Thrift Vance's Standard Service Lindberg Paint & Decorating The American Legion Post #260 Jones Manufacturing